How to give birth to a baby naturally. Types, risks and possible dangers of natural childbirth

In one of our previous publications, we told. Today, with the help of the book "Yoga for Pregnant Women", we will find out how a child behaves during childbirth. Everyone has heard that he is moving along the birth canal - but how exactly does this happen?

To understand what happens during labor, it is important to realize that it is hard work for your baby, commensurate with the pain you are experiencing. The intensity and frequency of contractions are simply necessary for a child, since in order to be born, he must perform six basic movements. As he makes his movements, the nature of the contractions changes and they become more intense so that the baby can fit into the narrower places of your pelvis.

So, in the first (contractions and dilatation of the cervix) and the second (and expulsion of the fetus) periods of labor, your baby makes six basic movements:

  • descent;
  • flexion;
  • inward rotation;
  • extension;
  • outward rotation;
  • ejection.

In order to provide space for these movements, three important changes occur to the cervix:

  • smoothing;
  • disclosure;
  • tilt forward.

When the baby and cervix are working together, labor is natural. Let's take a closer look at this process.

How the cervix prepares for childbirth

Already a few weeks before the onset of labor, you may feel mild contractions. These are called Braxton Hicks contractions and are considered a false onset of labor. However, these contractions are necessary for the walls of the cervix to begin to soften and mature in preparation for dilation. With the onset of true labor, regular contractions will help smooth and dilate the cervix. Each subsequent contraction will help the cervix to open, flatten and reach its full diameter of 10 cm; the walls of the cervix become thinner. The dense walls should become paper thin; this process is measured in percentages from 0 to 100. In addition, the cervix should bend forward.

As the cervix undergoes these changes, your baby also works with it in unity, making its basic movements.

Baby movements during contractions

First, the baby's head must be inserted into the pelvic opening. This happens when its head descends into the pelvic cavity and aligns with the sciatic spines.

Thus, the child becomes zero in the pelvic cavity. The first movement a baby makes during childbirth is descent. The child must move lower in the birth canal and overcome the zero mark. This occurs in the interval between the latent and active phases of the first stage of labor.

After that, the child makes a second movement - flexion. To squeeze into a narrower area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis, he must press his chest against his chin. Bending down, you can go to the third movement - this is an inward rotation. The baby will have to turn half-turn from a position facing the side of the mother's body to a position facing the mother's spine. Sometimes it takes time, and sometimes it just doesn't happen.

When the baby turns their back to your spine (facing your belly), it can lead to very intense and painful spinal cramps. A sign of spinal cramps is pressure in the lumbar region to the right or left. This pain is felt even between contractions. Some midwives and doctors give the woman the opportunity to wait and advise her to move and change position so that the baby still rolls over to face the spine. The baby's inward rotation occurs somewhere between the active and transitional phases of the first stage of labor.

Baby movements during pushing

When the child is ready to be born, he makes the last three movements. These movements coincide with the second stage of labor - pushing. The child unbends the head in the birth canal. When this happens, we are talking about the appearance of the head in the pelvis at the +3 mark. The head can actually be seen when you start pushing.

As soon as you manage to push the head out, the child makes another movement - an outward rotation. When the head appears, the baby turns its face to the side. Usually the doctor helps him to make this movement. At this stage, the child is ready for his last movement - pushing out. The birth is complete!

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Comment on the article "Childbirth: what happens to the baby during labor and labor"

Currently, the optimal management of childbirth in infected women has not been fully determined. To make a decision, the doctor needs to know the results of a comprehensive virological study. Natural childbirth includes a whole range of measures aimed at adequate pain relief, prevention of fetal hypoxia and early rupture of amniotic fluid, reducing trauma to the birth canal in the mother and the skin of the baby. Only if all preventive measures are observed does ...


I totally agree. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no consensus on the safest management of childbirth with hepatitis C. According to statistics, the likelihood of a child becoming infected with hepatitis is slightly lower with a planned caesarean section than with natural childbirth. However, none of these methods can guarantee the safety of a child in terms of hepatitis infection. Therefore, the choice of the method of obstetric care is based more on the obstetric history than on the knowledge of the presence of this infection.

A new life will be born soon. The expectant mother ponders everything - from the question "what and how much should you eat during childbirth?" and before "when to go to the hospital?" In this article we will try to answer some questions of those who are about to take their little miracle in hand. Childbirth is a process that takes a significant amount of energy from the body. Food is the main source of energy in our body. In the course of research, it was found that eating during childbirth does not harm either the fetus or the mother in any way ...

Pregnancy at 37-40 weeks is full-term and labor can begin at any time. And there are three main signs that indicate their imminent approach. Discharge of the mucous plug. It can occur 2 weeks before delivery, but most often within a day. The cork looks like a small lump of pinkish, brown or yellowish mucus. Often, the cork does not come off entirely, but in parts. During pregnancy, she closes the entrance to the cervical canal, protecting the fetal bladder from ...

It is better to make a list of things in the maternity hospital long before the birth. And not just make up, but cook, plus collect everything you need. In addition, one more list of things in the maternity hospital needs to be made for the husband (mother, grandmother, girlfriend). If you have several close people, so much the better. Let everyone know in advance what you would like to be brought to you. Childbirth is a responsible process for a woman in labor. But she understands what happens to her during contractions, childbirth and after. It is not at all easier morally for lovers ...


Each RD has its own list of what you can and should take with you. There are also lists of things that categorically cannot be taken (for example, a woolen blanket for a baby cannot be taken to one RD for discharge).
So it's easier to look at the RD website in order not to get into a mess.

Like one of many mothers, she wanted to give birth on a certain date 03/13/13 ... bags were collected, shower procedures were carried out, documents were on the shelf, my husband was at the start ... but the miracle did not happen ... the next day was all in anticipation ... what a Day. pulled the lower back, every 5 minutes I ran on. small, if earlier I was afraid to give birth, then at the end of pregnancy I already screamed, well, when !!! it's hard to walk, it's uncomfortable to sleep, if the belly does not sleep, he dances boogie woogie in his stomach ... on the evening of the 14th, she threw away thoughts of childbirth ...


Congratulations!!! :))

from personal experience and the experience of the friends themselves who gave birth on my advice .... girls walk, and go to the contractions themselves, do not lie down. the standing of the contractions is easier to tolerate and the disclosure is faster ... just consult the doctor first ... all successful pregnant women and at the time of delivery)))

I gave birth to my third child in Germany. I really enjoyed it. I am very sorry that I did not think of this earlier. When giving birth here in the 4th maternity hospital, they pierced my bladder, and squeezed out the child (I don't know why, usually I give birth in 3-4 attempts), and injected with paramedol. My children were born blue, dried, with a score of 6-7. When I gave birth in Germany, my daughter was born full of strength, immediately sucked to her chest, got a score of 9/10. I cannot convey in words how pleased I am! Thank...

39 weeks. The day of birth is a happy ending! And so I began to feel pressure in the lower back, but I was afraid to call a doctor, because I thought that I was confusing something. But when the pressure began to increase and press in the ass, the husband quickly ran to get the doctor. She came, felt, said that she already felt the head (with a haircut), but my disclosure was only 8 cm and the neck was torn. And I already began to grieve specifically. Damn, what a relief it is when it starts to grieve. I didn't care if the neck was breaking ...

39 weeks. The day of birth is a continuation. 16:45. I am being drawn up. Kapets damn it, I'm crazy. I have contractions, and here damn it, sit and answer the questions, now the system ... they don't think with their heads at all. They also asked “how is it now, are the contractions going?”, I say, well, yes, already such, decent fights !!! And to me: "OK, today you will give birth before 23:00." I say "I hope, I want it today, well, maximum on 22nd until 3:00 am." We were surprised and started asking why. Well, I quickly explained that the stars are well located. They were probably surprised ...

the state of pregnancy for a woman is associated with a mass of various emotions and experiences, sometimes difficult and difficult, when love, attention and care of loved ones are very important for her. But during pregnancy, it is important for a woman not only to receive support from her relatives, but also to learn to find her own resources in herself and rely on them, to gain inner strength and confidence. Learn to listen to your inner voice and trust yourself, take care of yourself and take care of yourself and your unborn child ...


I have 5-ro. All genera are different. But 3- and were the lightest, although the child is 4 kg. The daughter was born asleep, dad was even scared why the child did not cry. No medication was used (all births at home). The duration of labor (jokingly and seriously) is 2 weeks and 2 hours. Training sessions long before childbirth, and then everything very quickly, but every time I was put on the ICI. When the waters left for 4 births, I woke up my husband, and he replied: I lost my mind, on Friday the 13th to give birth, so I walked about 3 or 4 hours, I think, why torment the child and went to give birth, and perhaps I could still pull. Conclusion: a lot depends on our mood. Mom is joyful and calm, childbirth is easy and the child is calm. In childbirth, you should not feel sorry for yourself, it is better to think about an early meeting with a miracle child. All joy, love, easy childbirth and healthy children.

06/18/2018 09:47:28, NiKa

Girls, I'm also expecting a third baby. And I envy you with white envy! I live in Israel and just dream of being seen by obstetricians in the Russian Federation !!! The gestational age was not really set. Did 3 ultrasounds in 1 day. The gestation period was announced: 26,28 and 33 weeks)))) Specialists !!! She gave birth to her two sons in the Russian Federation. First birth 8 hours at 34 weeks. Weight 2700, height 47cm. Second birth at 42.5 weeks less than 2 hours. Weight 3430 height 51 cm. Now I am in "standby mode")))) when to give birth, I do not know. According to my calculations, in 3-4 weeks. According to ultrasound calculations ...
December 2, although 1 day of the last menstrual. was January 15))))) and laughter and sin. So do not believe in artificially promoted Israeli medicine.

03.10.2017 15:13:54, Shirel1234512123

Section: Childbirth (can the baby move during contractions). Can the baby move during contractions? Actually, this is what I wanted to ask, if these are not sweatpants, but real fights, does the baby move at this moment, or rather in the intervals between them?


Yes, I was stirring. I remember that I was still talking to him then - I reassured him.

during a fight, according to logic, the child goes through the birth canal, passes so to the exit, therefore, again, following the logic, he has no way to move. but during the breaks it can kick ...

Second birth. The waters left at 13.30, at 14.30 they were transferred to the delivery room, there were no contractions, I began to wind circles around the ward, contractions began to appear, during strong contractions I hung on the windowsill, I could not stand at 6-7 hours. She gave birth at 22.55 from the third attempt ...


I didn't have any impetuosity that I often read about. I felt the beginning at 1 am, gave birth at 10 am. The contractions were the most painful. Truth and the baby was the largest of all 4130.

My example, although negative, is not a fact that it was precisely because of the third birth that it happened, perhaps the burn of erosion 8 years before birth or sutures from previous births ... The second birth was the easiest 12 hours in total, 5 hours after puncture the bladder. And in the third birth, 15 hours in total with contractions, every three minutes and more than 9 hours after the bladder is punctured. But in the third birth, for the first time I gave birth vertically, I am very pleased with the result - not a single gap when opening 4-6 fingers.

During childbirth, physiological (that is, normal) processes occur, which are in close unity: contractions prepare the uterus for childbirth, open the cervix, that is, prepare the birth canal. The child is usually (normal) ...


This means that Arisha and I were very lucky ... They both pierced us, and she had hypoxia, and her head was huge ...

perhaps that is why most RDs are now waiting until the victorious and do not stimulate. I was generally surprised when I started reading this confa that so many people are being stimulated. I remember the last time, the doctor told me very clearly that now they are trying not to interfere, the current is when there are no more options ...

I vomited during labor. Moreover, unexpectedly, at the peak of the fight, I did not even have time to run to the washbasin. My friend had two births with vomiting, and all the contractions and attempts were vomiting.


I vaguely remember what was in childbirth, during strong contractions, after 5-6 hours from the first.

I had it twice in the hospital. At the beginning, at the opening, see at 2, when more or less strong contractions began! and the second time when the bubble was punctured izakolobasilo thoroughly!
The midwife said that this is a sign that the contractions are active and the uterus is opening.

If there are no such indications or the cesarean is associated with the mother's indications (narrow pelvis, retinal detachment, etc.), reasonable doctors still suggest doing a cesarean in childbirth (that is, already during labor, but before pushing).


Depends on the doctors. Some are waiting for the onset of labor, others are reinsured (my case, however, made it to 39 weeks)

planned at 40 weeks. But no one even stuttered in advance, although from the beginning of pregnancy they only talked about caesarean. the contractions began at night, even before the date of the operation was set. caesarean 3 hours after the start of the fights by the duty brigade in the TsPSIR. WELL!

Conference "Pregnancy and Childbirth". Section: Childbirth (pooping during childbirth). I really want my husband to be with me during childbirth. Namely, during contractions and after the very birth of the child, let him go out for a smoke break while struggling :-) When he puts his hand on my sore spot ...


I remembered one more thing, because of which the presence of my husband at childbirth is important to me :)))

After giving birth, the child is taken away "for processing" for several hours. And mom at this time is transferred to the postpartum ward. So all this time, from the first minute to the last, dad can be with the child. Look - what and how they do it - what they drip, what they smear, they feed, they don't feed, and so on. Plus, convey all our wishes for the further process - to feed it or not, to keep it in the nursery, or to give me all the other moments right away. I don’t know how my childbirth will go and how I’ll feel myself, maybe I won’t be able to speak :))) So this is also important to me.

my husband and I went to the hospital together (that is, he drove me) we said that we would give birth together, and gave birth, during contractions he massaged my back (I thought that if he gave birth with me, then I would be nervous and break on him ) but no, everything was fine, and it is much easier to experience pain together than alone, he is very good for me. helped ... if I had to run after the doctor, was with me when they watched the disclosure ... did not go out at all for a minute (only smoke), went to pay for the family ward, and when I had to push, he made me do it, and the strength was gone. He helped climb onto the delivery table, wiped his forehead from sweat, every 5-10 minutes. and kept my head during labor ... and in general I am very glad that we gave birth together, now you can say with a clear conscience that we gave birth to our baby together! but the psyche of everyone is different, my husband was all this time not at the head of the bed, but stand by the side from which the children are born (while I wrote one more time), for some reason they put him that way, or rather he sat there, and then the birth began and they forgot about him well he stayed there ... and from the very beginning he was afraid he said I can't give birth with you, why should I see that ... well, I didn't force and was determined to give birth alone and we didn't touch on this topic anymore, but when we arrived at the hospital, he was told to go home ... here then his panic began, as I would not go home anywhere, I would stay with her, well then the nurse offered the only way to give birth together, he immediately agreed)))) I remember this with emotion, my my husband endured everything just like me ... and then for another 3 days we lay with the child in the ward in three, and were discharged in three, no one came to meet us, because we knew that we were a family and our dad would take us home, and at home we will decide when you can visit us ... so look at your husband and don’t put pressure on him, just ask and then he will think it over and tell you the answer .. good luck

my first childbirth stimulated, the water departed, there were contractions, the second childbirth according to the plan. If this does not happen, in 2-3 - an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, raising children, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty ...


And for me the first birth the bubble was pierced (they hurried my son, otherwise the placenta had already died out in some places), then the classic scenario, 10 hours of contractions, 2 hours of pushing (the pelvis is slightly narrowed, and the baby is 3.5 kg, the doctor did not allow to push quickly), did not break in general, the postpartum period was easy. But the second time the water left at night, at 9 in the morning I went to the hospital, until two in the afternoon - nothing, put on a drip with oxytocin - dripped for two hours, then gave birth in 10 minutes. Weakness of labor, anhydrous period of 16 hours. The son was tiny in comparison with the first one, only 2750, but loud and gluttonous. Now I don't know how the third birth will go. Just 8 weeks so far.

The first labor was stimulated for me, since the cervix, despite the 2-week drug preparation, did not open. But the first childbirth was generally caused to me, since the edema was terrible. The first time she gave birth with a dropper in 9 hours: at 10.00 a bladder was pierced, at 11.00 they put a dropper, at 19.00 she gave birth. The neck, by the way, was manually opened. The result is 2 ruptures at 3 and 9 o'clock (one per centimeter does not reach the uterus, the other half a centimeter). So the second pregnancy left in a completely open neck, since when the doctors discovered this at 18 weeks, it was too late to sew up.

Despite the prohibitions of doctors: not to lift more than 1 kg, the entire second pregnancy was carried in her arms by a 1.6-year-old daughter. She was very tame.
The second passed very quickly and earlier by 3 weeks. A cesarean was planned because of the high likelihood of uterine bleeding, again because of the open neck.
at 6.00 in the morning I realized that I couldn't sleep anymore, my stomach was sipping. I woke up my husband - let's go have tea. So I went toil until 10.00, a little grabbed the stomach. Then I called the midwife, she said quickly to the hospital. I collected a huge bag, because I thought that they would put it in pathology, because I had to go to the examination before the cesarean only after 4 days. The husband offered to take the car from the garage. I refuse, that I will not reach 2 bus stops.
In general, at 11.40 we were in the hospital. The doctor looked at me and said that if it had not been for the bubble, she could have given birth yesterday (by the way, my stomach had been gripping for 4 days already)
They didn't even do any procedures for me. At 12.00 I was in the maternity ward, and again on my own two feet. Immediately pierced the bubble. At 12.10 I gave birth. Intense contractions were only these same 10 minutes and immediately after the bladder puncture began to grieve.
There was no bleeding, but the mask showed a TRIPLE cord entanglement. So it's even good that I gave birth earlier.

At the beginning of labor (with both children), my contractions were irregular and "fuzzy". Those. at the beginning of labor, contractions may not have a clear onset, peak, end, pause. But if this is childbirth, then after a while the contractions become clear ...


Well, DarLenka didn't give birth? Or is everyone waiting for real fights?

At the beginning of labor, it is not always immediately clear whether these contractions are true or false (when the uterus is preparing at the end of pregnancy for childbirth). Especially in my second pregnancy, 2 weeks before giving birth, something like contractions began several times ... The main signs that this is childbirth:
- contractions become more frequent, longer and stronger (more painful)
- It is believed that labor contractions should be regular (strictly at regular intervals). At the beginning of labor (with both children), my contractions were irregular and "fuzzy". Those. at the beginning of labor, contractions may not have a clear onset, peak, end, pause. But if this is childbirth, then after a while the contractions become clear. (so that you can determine up to a second when it started-ended) and pauses between them. After an enema, contractions usually become clearer and labor is somewhat faster.
- "real" contractions do not go away when changing position, relaxation (for testing, you can lie down in a warm bath and relax). If everything has passed, then this is not childbirth.
- If the water has moved away (pay attention to their color! - if they are green - urgently go to the hospital (fetal hypoxia or infection))
- If the mucous plug has come off (a little mucus, sometimes streaked with blood). If the blood has flowed "in a stream" - urgently to the hospital (counting in seconds - this is detachment of the placenta) !!!
- And the main symptom is that the dilatation of the cervix increases. In principle, this can be determined by herself or with the help of her husband (we were taught this in the courses - although in childbirth the husband "puffed" for a long time and could not determine anything intelligible :-)) It is better to go to the maternity hospital with an opening of about 5-6 cm, with this moment, the birth is accelerated (you can assume that half of what has passed in time is left)
A child during childbirth can "freeze" or move, it happens in different ways.

Most expectant mothers dream of natural childbirth without unnecessary intervention and manipulation. When is it possible, how is natural childbirth going and how should you prepare for it?

Do not confuse natural childbirth with the gaining popularity. Natural childbirth is the physiological birth of a baby in a natural way, and not by caesarean section. Also, the ideal scenario for childbirth involves the absence of stimulation and. Naturally, natural childbirth can also take place within the walls of the hospital.

A lot has been told and written about natural childbirth, and while waiting for the crumbs, pregnant women manage to shovel tons of thematic literature. But how to get the most important out of this huge amount of information? For your convenience, we have collected the most significant facts, the knowledge of which will definitely come in handy before and during childbirth.

Natural childbirth: when it is impossible

In most cases, natural childbirth is possible and desirable. There are only a few situations in which it is shown:

  • premature birth, premature baby;
  • pathological course of pregnancy, gestosis;
  • placenta previa;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • severe myopia, diseases of the cardiovascular system or musculoskeletal system in the mother;
  • multiple pregnancy, if not all fetuses are in cephalic presentation, or if intrauterine growth retardation is observed in one or more fetuses;
  • breech presentation, if the fetus is large, and the mother's pelvis is narrow;
  • a very large fetus with a very narrow pelvis in the expectant mother;
  • the risk of uterine rupture (childbirth with a scar on the uterus, etc.);
  • multiple entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • prolonged anhydrous period in the absence of labor;
  • the impossibility of full disclosure of the cervix for one reason or another;
  • fetal hypoxia during labor, placental abruption;
  • loss of umbilical cord loops;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the uterus and birth canal.

Age, pregnancy as a result of IVF, a single cord entanglement, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and most chronic diseases in themselves are not indications for a cesarean section.

Pros of natural childbirth

Some expectant mothers are so afraid of the pain and unpleasant consequences of childbirth that they voluntarily agree to surgical interventions. By the way, in vain, because only with natural childbirth:

  • physiological mechanisms are triggered that are responsible for the contraction of the uterus after childbirth, the establishment of lactation, as well as the establishment of a strong emotional connection between the mother and the child;
  • the passage of the baby through the birth canal stimulates the activation of his immune system, the seeding of the body with beneficial bacteria, the normalization of breathing and blood circulation;
  • the baby is laid out on the mother's stomach immediately after birth and applied to the breast, from the very first minutes the baby is next to the mother and feeds on colostrum;
  • the mother's body recovers faster - there is no difficult postoperative period, you can immediately take the newborn in your arms, carry a stroller and live a normal life;
  • after a natural childbirth, a woman gets in shape faster - you can perform physical exercises in a month.

Preparing for childbirth

It is good if natural childbirth is preceded by psychological and physical preparation - this makes the process as easy as possible for mom and baby.

Psychological preparation involves a positive attitude, increasing self-confidence and self-confidence, preparing loved ones (if one of them is present at childbirth), as well as studying theory. During pregnancy, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the stages and features of the course of childbirth, the basics of correct behavior in childbirth, the basics of anatomy and physiology, as well as possible unfavorable scenarios, for which you also need to be prepared.

Physical preparation for childbirth is exercises that strengthen the necessary muscle groups, breathing practices to facilitate contractions and stimulate the passage of crumbs through the birth canal, studying ways to relieve pain without medication (lower back massage, special poses, etc.), as well as massage the skin of the intimate zone with a special oil that will increase its elasticity and help avoid tearing.

You can prepare for childbirth yourself with the help of videos and articles or in special courses.

Stages of labor

Stage 1: contractions

Contractions indicate that the opening of the cervix has begun (usually they are preceded by precursors - discharge of the mucous plug, training contractions, pulling pain in the lower back). They can begin as infrequent, painless contractions of the uterus, or be palpable and painful right away. Most often, in the first hours of labor, the expectant mother can be at home and do her usual things. The main thing is to detect their frequency. As soon as the interval between contractions becomes 10-15 minutes, it's time to go to the hospital.

This is the very moment when massage skills, learned postures and proper breathing come in handy, which will help reduce pain and provide oxygen to the baby.

Stage 2: pushing

After the discharge of amniotic fluid and the full disclosure of the cervix, a period of pressure begins. At this time, it is necessary to take a comfortable posture, establish correct breathing, listen to the doctor and follow all his instructions exactly.

The baby goes through the birth canal, then the head is "cut through", and after it - the whole body. The baby is placed on the mother's stomach, applied to the chest and covered with a warm blanket.

Stage 3: discharge of the placenta

In the period up to 20 minutes after the birth of the baby, the placenta leaves, while the mother may feel weak contractions or not feel anything at all. The doctor checks that the placenta has come out intact, then the mother is stitched in case of ruptures, and the umbilical cord is bandaged and cut to the baby.

The baby is measured, weighed, in some maternity hospitals, swaddled and placed with his mother.


  1. Childbirth in the period from 38 to 42 complete weeks in the absence of any abnormalities in ultrasound and CTG is the absolute norm.
  2. The duration of childbirth in general and of each separate period is an individual indicator. You should not be guided by average numbers, stories of acquaintances and the experience of a mother and grandmother.
  3. Each childbirth takes place according to a special scenario, which is rarely repeated even for the same woman.
  4. Silence, twilight, calmness and loved ones nearby - an ideal atmosphere for physiological childbirth.
  5. The supine position, common in our medicine, is perhaps the most uncomfortable for childbirth. Fortunately, some maternity hospitals practice vertical and free-standing deliveries.
  6. Epidural anesthesia makes the labor process longer and most often requires additional medical stimulation after itself.
  7. If there is no threat to the life and health of the mother and baby, the mother always has the right to refuse any medical manipulations.

Even if you have thoroughly studied the process of childbirth, doctors have more experience in this matter, and therefore it is better to listen to them. If you are afraid of doctors or do not trust them, choose in advance the doctor whom you are ready to trust, and conclude a contract with him for childbirth.

Health 2

And of course, I have a goal to persuade you to survive the birth naturally without medical pain relief, caesarean, stimulation and other unnecessary manipulations.

Birth is a great sacrament. Through childbirth, a woman becomes a mother, and a child gets the opportunity to enter this world. This moment is extremely important, so everything should happen as naturally as possible.

Is giving birth painful or wonderful?

For some reason, in the civilized world, women are used to thinking that childbirth is a painful process. However, observations of indigenous peoples show a completely different picture, giving birth can be painless and positive.

If a child goes through the natural path of birth, without medical intervention, then this has a positive effect on the process itself, the state of the woman in labor and the child. There are situations when there is a danger to the life of the mother and child, then the doctors do everything possible to save them.

This happened with my first child, he decided and swiftly. Of course, then there was not even a talk about childbirth in a natural way, premature birth by itself is no longer natural. In this case, it is important not to interfere with the work of doctors and completely trust them, otherwise the stress will interfere with the course of labor or cesarean.

In fact, the most painless childbirth is natural. Any attempt to speed up labor or interfere with the process will inevitably lead to pain. The Creator did not want the woman to suffer during childbirth. In order for the childbirth to be painless, the woman should relax and not interfere with the child's birth.

Sometimes a woman in labor begins to rush about during labor, because she does not know how best, does not know what position to take, shout or be silent and endure, breathe or not breathe. I want to assure you that at the time of contractions it is very difficult to remember what was passed there in the courses to prepare for childbirth.

From all this, a woman in labor can get confused. Along with confusion, excitement will immediately begin to grow. It is important to understand that at the beginning of labor, everything may not go according to plan, and you need to be ready for this.

A painless delivery is a natural behavior of a woman in labor. There is no hard and fast rule in which position to carry contractions. Someone walks, someone lies, someone wants to shout or, on the contrary, laugh. It is important not to hide your emotions and listen to your body.

I know that the position on my back during childbirth was definitely difficult for me. I felt that the uncomfortable posture took away strength, and the unrestrained cry, by the way, quickly corrected the situation and the child was safely born. But on my back, I would not give birth anymore, this posture also makes it difficult for a child to pass through the birth canal.

Vertical childbirth

Vertical childbirth is completely natural. You can give birth while sitting on a special chair, squatting, just standing or on your knees. The baby's weight, amniotic fluid, and the uterus press downward and help the cervix to open. The woman in labor in this position has more strength to push. The child slides down, he does not need to go around the obstacles and bends that arise in the supine position.

The pressure of the uterine muscle acts more strongly in the correct position, more effective contractions make the process faster and smoother. Therefore, the chances of getting hurt for the child or mother are reduced to zero.

Preparing for childbirth

Women who are afraid because of the thought of childbirth are prone to painful childbirth, as they may experience seizures, decreased blood circulation, and increased release of stress hormones.

The more a woman learns about childbirth even before it begins, the more interesting it will be for her to do it. To begin with, you should know that the woman in labor should be given the right to choose the type of childbirth. With a successful pregnancy and good material wealth, a woman can choose a clinic where she can come in advance, look around, try various options and positions of childbirth: in the water, on a chair, on a ball, lying on her side or with the help of special furniture.

Even before giving birth, the expectant mother needs to learn special breathing for painless childbirth. Through proper breathing, the oxygenation of the body of the mother and baby is increased. It promotes physical relaxation.

In advance, you should think about who is a relative or girlfriend. The help and support of a loved one can be very useful and contributes to easier passage through all stages of childbirth. But sometimes even close people can start to be distracting and annoying, ask them to leave you and come when it's over.

If you still don't know about the importance of cutting the umbilical cord correctly, read the information.

And also, you may be interested to know why it is necessary to do exercises for intimate muscles during pregnancy, all the details.

And of course, every natural pregnancy must include and.

Pain relief during labor

Those who decide to anesthetize the process of childbirth, to put it mildly, do not act honestly in relation to the unborn baby. It turns out that the mother does not feel pain during contractions, accordingly, she does not know when she needs to push and can do it in the wrong way, thereby disrupting the natural course.

And another moment, my mother does not feel pain, she lies calmly to herself, and the crumb is puffed out for two. Sometimes the medication does not fully affect him, he sometimes feels everything and even understands that his mother has left him, she does not help him.

That's right, if a woman does not interfere with the child's birth, she does not squeeze, does not hysteria, does not blame the whole world for the fact that it is hard for her. A loving mother makes an effort to relax as much as possible, take a comfortable position, breathe, and finally talk with the baby in between contractions. A woman should be fully involved in the process, she should remember that she continues to be responsible.

And if you still think that giving birth can be painful, remember that contractions are contractions of the uterus, during an orgasm test, the uterus also contracts, but not with such force. Consequently, the conclusion, childbirth is the most powerful orgasm, it remains only to learn how to enjoy it, preparation just contributes to this.

Tender birth

A gentle birth is a caring relationship with a child who has just come into the world.

The room is warm, subdued light. The newborn is placed on the mother's belly, the umbilical cord is not cut immediately, both are covered with a warm blanket and left to get to know each other.

In this moment of solitude, the baby's dad joins in. The baby quickly calms down in his mother's arms, he knows the voice of his parents, he tries to consider their faces. This is a very amazing moment, I will never forget it in my life. We looked at each other without looking up, although both the camera and the camera were prepared, the parents were looking forward to the news of the birth of a new family member, but for us the world ceased to exist ...

Skin-to-skin contact is maintained, the baby hears the mother's heartbeat, it calms him down, as it is familiar even during his life in the womb.

The umbilical cord is cut later so that the baby gently switches to a new way of breathing independently.

You can try to give a baby a breast, and only then you can take measurements, weigh and wrap in a diaper.

Having a baby is an experience that many women would like to have without unnecessary medical intervention, such as epidural anesthesia or other pain relievers. If you want to have a baby as naturally as possible, then you will need to plan ahead. Careful planning, support from loved ones and mental preparation will allow you to have a natural birth.


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    Find out if natural childbirth is right for you. Natural childbirth is not always possible. For some diseases and complications, such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, vaginal delivery can be difficult or too risky.

    • If the pregnancy is at increased risk, then the possibility of natural childbirth should be discussed with your doctor. Some women can give birth naturally, but only if they are monitored by a doctor and closely monitored for any complications.
  1. Enjoy all the benefits of natural childbirth. Finding out the positives of natural childbirth will keep you motivated throughout the process. Here are some reasons you might be attracted to vaginal birth:

    • Vaginal childbirth can save you and your baby from stress and unpleasant side effects from medication, surgery, or any physical stimulus. Many women who give birth by vaginal delivery find that they experienced less pain, anxiety and stress during the process than during a medically assisted birth.
    • Vaginal childbirth provides a more personal experience of the entire process, with a focus on the condition of the mother and baby.
    • Since you will be fully conscious during labor, you will remember all the moments and you will be able to enjoy the process.
    • A vaginal birth reduces the risk of having a cesarean section.
    • Women who give birth naturally recover faster after childbirth.
  2. Be aware of the risks of natural childbirth. Despite the fact that for centuries women have given birth naturally and quite safely, there is always a risk of complications during natural childbirth.

    • Vaginal childbirth can be dangerous for certain diseases, especially without proper medical supervision and the availability of appropriate medical equipment in the event that, for example, the child is in an incorrect position.
    • Remember that if you have any difficulties, it is perfectly normal to deviate from the viable birth plan. There is no shame in this. The main thing is to do what is best for you and the baby, and in some cases, this may mean medical intervention in the birth process.
  3. Remember that in some situations, medical attention is needed. Even with careful planning and the best antenatal care, there is no guarantee that there will be no medical situations during labor. For example, such situations may be:

    • placenta previa;
    • herpes infection or HIV;
    • previous birth by cesarean section;
    • condition of the child incompatible with natural childbirth;
    • stimulation of labor in order to preserve the health of the mother or child.

    Preparing for natural childbirth

    1. Choose an obstetrician. Before planning a natural birth, there are a few things you should consider, namely where and with whom you want to give birth. You will probably need to find an obstetrician / gynecologist and arrange for the birth. Also, childbirth can be performed by midwives, perinatologists and general practitioners - the only difference is in the qualifications of these specialists:

      • The obstetrician-gynecologist can deliver or perform surgery if needed.
      • Nurse midwives can deliver the baby, but if any complications arise, they should call the obstetrician-gynecologist.
      • Perinatal doctors usually specialize in difficult labor, including birth to women over 35, women with STIs or diabetes.
      • General practitioners and family doctors are also capable of delivering childbirth, but they are not specialists in this field, and therefore, in case of any complications, they should call an obstetrician-gynecologist.
    2. Talk to your midwife to see if you want this person to help you with your birth. When choosing a specialist to help you have a baby, be sure to talk to potential candidates. This will help you understand who will provide sufficient support and who you can trust. Find out the obstetrician's attitude to natural childbirth, for this you can ask:

      • "What do you think about natural childbirth?"
      • "How many natural births have you had?"
      • "Will you support me if I decide to give birth naturally?"
    3. Prepare a birthing plan. During pregnancy, it can be helpful to have a birthing plan. It should express your needs and desires regarding how you want to give birth to your baby. It is helpful to discuss this plan with those who will be present and assist during the birth. Discuss your birthing plan with your doctor, obstetrician, or doula. The birthing plan should include the following information:

      • where do you want to give birth;
      • who will help you during childbirth;
      • who will be your main support during childbirth;
      • who will be able to attend childbirth at all (at their various stages);
      • what kind of support and help you will need during childbirth;
      • what pain medications you want to use;
      • what to do with umbilical cord and cord blood;
      • whether the baby will stay with you after birth or will it be brought later;
      • special traditions that you would like to observe;
      • who should tell you if something goes wrong;
      • any other wishes for doctors and people who will be with you.
    4. Choose a birthing partner. Many women find it much easier to stick to a given path when, in difficult moments, when they are ready to give up, birth partners remind them of the reasons why they chose natural childbirth.

      • If you are planning to give birth in a maternity hospital, a professional midwife or partner will help you to have a natural birth and not give up at the last moment.
      • Having a birth partner will also help you get much-needed mental and even physical support so you can have a baby without medical intervention.
    5. Tell your obstetrician or doctor what you want. Tell your obstetrician or doctor ahead of time that you are planning to give birth vaginally so that he has time to plan and prepare everything. The doctor will also be able to ask you questions and arrange everything according to your wishes.

      Attend a natural birth preparation class. Surely classes on preparing for childbirth and talking with women who gave birth naturally or help others do it will be very useful and informative for you.

      • Discuss your fears, concerns, and expectations with other women in class. Oftentimes, simply talking to someone who has experienced it before can help calm you down. This will help you feel safe and relaxed about pain and health, and will help you to tune in decisively.

    Childbirth without pain medication

    1. Breathing techniques. Breathing exercises are most often used to relax and relieve pain during natural childbirth. You can learn these breathing techniques in special classes for preparing for childbirth. When choosing classes, try to give preference to courses that focus specifically on breathing techniques.

      Visualization techniques. Find an object or picture and focus on it so you can relax and not think about pain during labor. You can bring your favorite photo with you and look at it during your contractions. Choose an image that calms you down. For example, it might be a photograph of a sunset. You can also just close your eyes and imagine something pleasant. For example, you can imagine yourself sitting on a beach or standing on top of a mountain.

      Positions and travels. Listen to your body and adjust your position during labor in a way that makes you comfortable. If you feel that it is better to walk, sit, lie down or lean on someone, then do not hesitate and do as you want. Generally speaking, lying is not the best position for childbirth, so try not to lie down if possible.

Caesarean section or natural childbirth - before this question, most women are lost in demolitions. Doctors advocate for the pregnancy to be resolved by a method invented and thought out by Mother Nature herself. But sometimes women themselves go to the operation, worried about the well-being of the crumbs. Caesarean or natural childbirth which is better? In the article you will find out the answer.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the due date approaches, a woman is increasingly faced with new sensations that indicate the imminent birth of a child. Harbingers usually appear in the form of pulling pain, false contractions, discharge of the mucous plug. A few days before giving birth, you may want to be alone, away from the hustle and bustle.

About a day before childbirth, the precursors abruptly disappear, then contractions occur.

It is worth taking a closer look at how natural childbirth occurs.

First stage of labor

This short lull is interrupted by contractions, the strength and duration of which is constantly increasing. They become regular, and the time between their episodes is constantly decreasing. At this time, there is a gradual opening of the pharynx of the uterus, which should be sufficient for the passage of the fetus. At this stage, it is important for the woman in labor to start breathing in time with the contractions. This period is quite long, it can take from several hours to a day. During contractions, gynecologists should assess the degree of cervical dilatation in order to assess the position of the fetus.

This stage of labor is usually divided into the following periods:

Second stage of labor

With full disclosure of the cervix, the fetus begins to move along the birth canal. The woman in labor must push to help him be born. Attempts lead to a contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, their duration does not exceed 1 minute, the frequency is 3-5 minutes.

The baby's head is cut first, then the shoulders appear. Doctors gently unfold the baby so that he can exit completely and reduce the risk of injury. Then the child is placed on the mother's stomach. Only then does the doctor begin cutting the umbilical cord.

Third stage of labor

The placenta is born (placenta, membrane). If gaps have formed, the doctor will apply stitches.

The duration of labor is highly individual. The total time directly depends on the duration of the first stage, the psychological state of the woman in labor. That is why it is important to create a comfortable environment for a woman's stay.

The environment in the room should not cause discomfort or stress. The support of the partner during the fights will be important.

It is important to remember about natural childbirth that they contribute to the development of the maternal instinct. And the birth of a child according to natural canons allows laying a reliable foundation for the development of relations between mother and child.