What is the color of the varnish for. What is nail polish made of? The best polishes for long and short nails

Often, when choosing a color for a decorative coating, women are guided by a feeling of sympathy for certain tones, a desire to repeat their favorite manicure from a friend or a casual acquaintance. Few people think that there are also trend directions in the color solutions of varnishes, which are periodically supplemented with new products.

Do not give up positions and classic shades used mainly for.
Even through fashionable manicure, women strive to declare their individuality and modernity. By the chosen color of nails, you can determine the character and mood, or just secret desires.

What varnish colors are currently relevant

The current season largely repeats the trend directions of the last year. A variety of colors, techniques and creative designs are offered. New products include multicomponent varnish, custom decoration and fashion accessories.

Trendy colors

Dance Legend:

  • collection Chameleon, no. 95 Wazowski - green with a pearlescent tint;
  • collection Legend, Red Show № 07 - dark red;
  • collection Legend, mini No. 1 - beige velvet.

Masura: collection “Precious stones”, color No. 904-121 - violet.

Color Club:

  • collection Beyond the Mistletoe, No. 5257 - blue;
  • fRENCH TIP collection, no. 024 - white without mother-of-pearl and glitter;
  • collection WHAT A DRAG, no. 811 - silver, mother-of-pearl metallic.

  • Basic Collection, no. 0066 - brown;
  • Nail Polish, # 251 - red;
  • gel polish, No. 638 - turquoise;
  • Matte Allure, No. 351 - blue;
  • Ceramic Collection, no. 0048 - cherry.

The best color combinations

Inspirational nail art options include multiple tones that differ in hue or contrast. Even simple ideas with the right combination of colors can impress others.

This can be attributed to the trendy direction of the ombre technique. It takes only 2 tones to create an interesting manicure, but its success depends only on the successful selection of the color combination. Manicure with a hole, classic, painting and other types will look different in a two-tone design.

In order to introduce novelty and refresh the usual design of nails, you need to familiarize yourself with the win-win combinations of tones of decorative coatings:

One of the new directions of the last season, which has retained its relevance today, is the coloring of each marigold in different colors, but repeating the sequence on the fingers of the other hand

The choice of the color of the varnish for the color type of appearance

The appearance of every woman belongs to a certain color type. Modern people, when choosing a decorative coating for nails, began to be guided by other criteria than the selection of color for clothes. Manicure is a single whole, first of all, with the appearance, so it is logical to paint the nails in colors that match the skin type.

For a spring woman, varnish tones are more suitable:

A summer woman will be comfortable with nails of color:

  • lilac;
  • turquoise;
  • red tomato;
  • purple shades;
  • purple.

For representatives of the autumn color type, shades will be appropriate:

  • copper;
  • bordeaux;
  • gold;
  • green;
  • cherry.

The winter woman has the largest selection of tones from the spectrum on offer. These are both pastel and translucent and saturated structures. Recommended colors include light and dark shades. Glitter will come in handy even for everyday manicure. With this type, you can not be afraid of any experiments.

Varnish color and character

Rarely girls and women can afford to wear a manicure that is unacceptable for themselves, because in everything they do, they are used to investing a part of themselves, their mood and character. It is not for nothing that experienced psychologists argue that it is possible to describe human nature by its appearance and the accessories used.

Each person notes their loyalty to certain colors. Scientists have even put forward whole theories on this matter. You can treat them in different ways, but there is still a meaning in color perceptions. Especially if the tones are selected not from the trend directions, but at the behest of the heart and their own will.

Interpretations of color preferences can only be made by specialists who, in addition to nails, assess physiognomic factors, behavioral signs and a semantic reaction. An assessment purely by the color of the varnish used will be erroneous.

For example, it has long been believed that lovers of red are passionate and domineering. But many timid women use scarlet to give inner confidence, to realize their virtual desires and to give confidence.

One thing can be confirmed that by painting marigolds in bright colors, women attract attention to themselves to fill in the missing communication and even love. Or they want to express themselves by this, to flaunt natural beauty and prosperity.

No matter how the colors and shades are assessed, there are no obstacles for those who, at least through a manicure, want to change, become more confident and courageous.

If your bathroom is cluttered with bottles of nail polish that you haven't touched in months, then this article is for you. Why haven't you used many varnishes more than once or twice? Have you chosen a shade that does not suit you in style and color of your hands? Preferred shades that are too bright or too dark?

So, today on the Thing website we will talk about how to choose the right color of nail polishso that it will be useful on the farm and the hostess will like it.

Manicure experts advise you to choose the color of the nail polish depending on from the color of your skin... Indeed, too bright, incorrectly selected varnish can look extremely ridiculous and certainly not original. And harmony and good mood in this case can be forgotten.

Light shades of varnishes (pink, peach, silver, pearl color) will look great on you if you are the owner pale or slightly pinkish skin.

And here is the skin with peach shade requires color lacquer golden, beige shades or colors coffee with milk.

The varnish should be combined with color. lipstick... If you prefer lipstick with glitter for lips, then choose the right one matt varnish... Matte varnish is also quite suitable for pearlescent lipstick without shine. If you wear red, your lipstick should also be red.

Should you go for red nail polish?

As the site notes, you should be especially careful with red manicure, because the shade of red - cold or warm - directly depends on the skin tone on your hands. Reverse attention to veins.

  • If they shine through giving bluish tint, - choose cool shades of red... For example, red with purple or crimson hues.
  • Greenish veins and white skin demand warm shades... In this case, the red varnish should have a shade of orange.
  • But if you have dark skinthen they will look great on your nails dark cherry and burgundy tones.

Red nail polish

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Choosing the color of nail polish: with natural shades less hassle

Natural varnish color for nails has many advantages. For example, he appropriate in any situation: whether it's a business meeting, interview, party or a week or two of a long-awaited vacation. This varnish color is suitable for both manicure and. The varnish will successfully help hide irregularities and imperfections of nails, any defects and roughness. Such varnish is applied and removed without any problems, and itself the nail plate does not turn yellow, as after, for example, varnishes of more saturated colors.

And for a snack: video how to apply nail polish

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Not only decorates a woman.

He can also tell a lot about her inner self.

Color preferences cantell a lot about a person. And, choosing a varnish of one color or another, a woman involuntarily characterizes herself as a person.

So, what will the color of your favorite nail polish tell about the woman herself?

Varnish color and character

Take a look at the picture and quickly choose the color that is closest to you and which, perhaps, you choose more often, as a nail polish.

So which color did you notice first?

This color will tell everything about your personality!

The next eight shade options are completely different. Here's what they mean in terms of your personality.

1. Black

Black nail polish is not the only choice of rebellious teenagers - it is actually the color preferred by most creative people.

If you are a fan of darker shades of varnish such as black or charcoal, that means you have a creative side.

Most likely, you are a person of a fine mental organization. And you are either an artist, or a poet, or a sculptor. Perhaps even a chef.

Even if you don't consider yourself particularly artistic, but you choose black polish over and over again, it could mean that you have a very creative mind and need to develop your creativity.

What does varnish color mean

2. Bright green

As you might have guessed, energetic and active individuals choose neon green nail polish.

Like other neon colors, green is very vibrant and bold. And since green itself is also known to be soothing, it is less painful to the eye, such as neon pink or neon orange.

Although you have a lot of energy, you are a rather down-to-earth person and do not hang in the clouds. You make people smile and you are always ready for different adventures.

3. Purple

Women opting for a soft purple nail polish tend to have a calm, level-headed and relaxed personality.

In the eyes of others, such people look like a reliable support and a stone wall, everyone knows that they can be trusted and seek advice with any problems.

Lovers of lilac shades never judge, they are open and sincere personalities.

People who prefer this color are not leaders by nature, they are never in the spotlight, and they do not need it. But they are reliable, loving and emitting goodness and light of personality.

Choose varnish by color

4. Orange

Girls who choose orange nail polish are cocky and impulsive. Orange, tangerine and orange shades are chosen by the same bright and extraordinary personalities.

As a rule, fans of orange nail polish are always leaders, they tell interesting stories loud and funny, making others laugh out loud.

They are also people who are ready for crazy adventures, taking those around them with them.

If you are opting for orange nail polish, you probably enjoy being in the spotlight and wowing everyone with your style.

You don't care what other people think of you, you are a free-spirited person and love to have fun.

5. Overpowered burgundy

Deep burgundy or burgundy is a sophisticated and sexy color.

If you choose this shade of varnish, it means that you are a very mature person.

Relatives and friends turn to you for advice (especially when it comes to their love affairs), they know they can count on you when they need to have a serious conversation.

Women who choose burgundy nail polish are confident and confident that they are extremely attractive in the eyes of others.

6. White

White nail polish for girls young at heart and light.

If you choose a white nail polish, it means that you are very young at heart, and you have a rather light attitude towards life.

You do not allow others to drag you into conflicts and try not to think about negativity and serious life problems.

Your friends know they can always count on you. You lift their spirits and make the lives of others happier and brighter.

If you choose white nail polish, you are probably a trendsetter among girlfriends and crazy about beautiful things.

7. Candy pink

Pink is Barbie's favorite color.

Pink nail polish is a classic color chosen by delicate and airy persons.

If you are attracted to this candy shade or another neutral color, it means that you are a bright person who radiates warmth, kindness and positive energy.

Light pink nail polishes are chosen by ambitious and career-oriented personalities.

This color also indicates that you are an elegant, stylish and regal woman who knows her worth and knows how to present herself correctly.

8. Fiery red

And finally, the color red.

Not sure which color to choose? Paint your nails red.

Fiery red is always a safe bet. This nail polish color is chosen by women with a dominant, assertive and strong character. These are, as a rule, strong-minded personalities.

Those who prefer fiery red are natural born leaders and love to be surrounded by large numbers of people.

Women who love red polish tend to have many friends. People are often drawn to them, they are loved by friends, relatives and colleges.

Lovers of bright varnish easily get along with those around them and are fantastic storytellers.

Fashion is relentlessly moving forward, regularly offering new items, followed by new items, so it can be difficult to keep track of changing trends. But especially for you, we have selected all the most trendy nail polish colorsthat will be relevant in 2017.

Dark blue

Trendy color varnish 2017, which has already managed to fall in love with fashionistas in 2016. Dark, cosmic shades of blue will brighten long and short nails. You can add a spring or summer mood to the shade with the help of floral decor, gold inserts, bright elements. Combined with white stripes blue color will serve as the basis for a nautical-style manicure, which is relevant every summer, and shimmery and metallic coatings are suitable for an evening out. The most daring and brightest ladies can try varnishes and gel varnishes with glitters, for example, options with glitter in different shades of blue.

Warm beige

Nude shades - trendy varnish colors this year, but the biggest hit of 2017 is the warm beige. Dense with a warm undertone, opaque polish or gel polish with a shiny, glossy texture, creamy tone combined with oval nails at the peak of popularity. This manicure is both versatile, casual and very seductive. By the way, any length, even the most daring, is perfectly combined with a beige shade. Interesting solutions: a combination of glossy and metallized coatings, delicate floral patterns, stamping, achromatic stripes.

Charcoal gray

Calm, noble, but at the same time a bright charcoal gray - replenishes the list "Trendy colors of gel varnishes and nail polishes"... This year, it is this tone that replaced the traditional black color, and it is a must-have of every fashionista. Fashionable lacquer color 2017 It is ideally combined with the current oval shape of the nail, suitable for short and medium lengths, but owners of long nails should be careful with this shade and use it in tandem with lighter tones. In addition to the classic gloss, charcoal gray metallic, holographic coatings, gel varnishes and varnishes with a shimmer or “liquid sand” texture are relevant.

Apple red

This year, the trendy nail polish colors have replenished the apple red shade, which is a classic manicure. The most seductive, bright and languid color has adorned the nails of fashionistas for more than a decade and is relevant timelessly, but the year 2017 made red one of its trends. You can combine the tone with plates of any length and shape, but the most "hot" are short round or square and long almond-shaped nails. Among the current design ideas - a combination with black lines or geometric shapes, as well as a matte texture.

Silver metallic

Talking about what color of varnish is fashionable, one cannot fail to mention the silvery metallic tone. Metallic coatings have been relevant in the nail industry for the past few years, although many firms have bypassed them, offering a restrained matte finish instead of a mirror shine, but this year everything is different and iridescent nails are in trend 2017. Varnishes and gel varnishes silver metallic shade are combined with nails of any length and shape, they look more than modern and bright. Some firms offer an unusual solution: a translucent silver-colored varnish that shimmers in the light in different colors. Among the usual options: glossy silver, varnish or shellac with shimmer. You can decorate your nails with stamping in the same shade.


The trendy colors of gel polishes also include a delicate shade of aqua. It became especially relevant with the arrival of warm days and an increase in the amount of sunlight. Delicate, blue-green nails will suit many summer and spring looks. The shade goes well with any length from natural cut nails to long ones with a square free edge. As a design, you can choose floral patterns, stamping, thin and wide stripes, geometry. The shade looks great in a glossy and matte finish. For fans of unusual solutions, "chameleon", varnish and gel polish with shimmer or metallic sheen will do.

Finishing coatings

All experts recommend fixing the trendy colors of nail polishes this year with unusual topcoats. Simple transparent tops in 2017 are not relevant, and coatings with sparkles of different sizes, multi-colored particles, mica, a light shade are more relevant than ever! It is with the help of the "correct" top coating that you can quickly correct a manicure, extend its life and completely transform the design (which is especially important at the end of the working week, when boring everyday tones can become the basis for a festive or weekend bright manicure).

Many people still believe that the color of the varnish should be chosen based on the style of clothing or your favorite shade. But this is not entirely true. The wrong color can ruin the image, and the right one can make it even more beautiful. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out if the chosen varnish is in harmony with the color of the skin.

Trends in varnish colors change with the seasons. As a rule, it is worth choosing something in the summer, and closer to the cold season, the shades become darker and richer.

The variety of nations on the planet suggests that any woman will prefer the color of the nail polish that best emphasizes her style and skin tone. In this article, you can find out which color palette will best harmonize with the skin of different shades.

Light skin, what to choose?

In order: plum, cherry, red

The color of plum and cherry looks expensive, perfectly sets off the color of the skin, ideally complements the feminine look.


This is a classic. All shades of this color, from scarlet blood to burgundy, will help a fair-skinned fashionista feel very seductive and confident.

Metallic shades

In order: rose gold, fuchsia, coral

Against the background of pale skin, shades of platinum and silver look very elegant and sophisticated. And if you apply rose gold polish to your nails and dress in a stylish set with warm colors, then natural beauty will come to the fore, becoming even more noticeable.

Neon and shining bright hues

Fuchsia (2) enlivens the look in spring and summer. In winter, it can be preferred, but only if it is part of the overall style.


Light shades of coral are ideal for light and pale skin, add extra radiance, emphasize youth.


In order: blue, green, shades of beige

Royal blue - the tone of this color looks great on light skin, especially if the shape of the nails is oval and has a short length.

The color of fresh greens and needles

For fair skin, choose green carefully. Shades of marsh should be avoided, and the color of spruce, malachite or lettuce is perfect and can refresh the image.


Perfect color for dark skin


Overripe colors, dark and deep look stylish with olive skin.


There are many ways to get attention, but the most tried and tested is the uncompromising red. The only thing is, it is better to choose a red-orange shade. It will help to highlight the beauty of the face and hands.


Ripe melon, linden, black

If you have dark skin and dark hair, choose warmer, almost orange shades. And vice versa - owners of fair skin should pay attention to light shades of coral.


Bright linden color. It has a dark skin tone that can enhance the beauty of tanned skin.


The shade of black tourmaline at first seems too dark and gothic, but it looks perfect, shimmers with different reflections of a metallic color, it can become a bright detail of your image.


For olive skin, it is best to choose shades of sky blue and cool shades of purple. Pure blue is best avoided.


The color of emerald, turquoise with fine pollen, sparkles will add playfulness to the image.


Example, lilac shade of varnish

We conclude: the correctly chosen color of varnish can raise the whole image to a new level, emphasize the beauty of the hands.