Consultation for parents. Puzzle games with Gyenesh blocks. Consultation for parents "games and exercises with dienesh blocks"

In many countries of the world, the didactic material "Logic Blocks", developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Gyenesh, is being successfully used for the development of logical thinking in children.

Over the past decade, this material has been gaining increasing recognition among teachers and parents of our country. You can buy Dienesh logic blocks in the store of educational games.

Gienesh logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric shapes:

a) four shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle);

b) four colors (red, blue, yellow);

c) two sizes (large, small);

d) two types of thickness (thick, thin).

Each geometric figure is characterized by four features: shape, color, size, thickness. There are no identical shapes in the set.

Many logic puzzle games use cards with property symbols. Acquaintance of the child with the symbols of properties is an important step in the development of the entire culture of symbols, literacy of mathematical symbols, programming, etc. The cards conditionally indicate the properties of the blocks (color, shape, size, thickness).

Logic block games allow you to:

* To acquaint with the shape, color, size, thickness of objects.

* Develop spatial representations.

* Develop logical thinking, understanding of the set, operations on sets (comparison, partitioning, classification, abstraction, encoding and decoding of information).

* To master the elementary skills of the algorithmic culture of thinking.

* Develop the ability to identify properties in objects, name them, generalize objects by their properties, explain the similarities and differences of objects, justify their reasoning.

* Develop cognitive processes, mental operations.

* To cultivate independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving the goal.

* Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design skills.

* Develop speech.

* Successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science.

How to play with Gyenesh logic blocks?

There is a small manual in the box with the blocks, which is very schematic. You can get acquainted with the logical blocks in detail with the help of the books: "Let's play" (edited by A. Stolyar. - M., 1991, 1996), as well as "Logic and mathematics for preschoolers" (edited by Z. A. Mikhailova - SPb, 1996, 2000).

I will share my own experience of working with children.

All games and play exercises can be divided into 4 groups with gradual complication:

- to develop skills to identify and abstract properties;

- to develop skills to compare objects by their properties;

- to develop actions of classification and generalization;

- to develop the ability to logical actions and operations.

All games and exercises, with the exception of the fourth group (logical), are not addressed to a specific age. After all, children of the same calendar age can have different psychological ages. Some of them a little bit, and some even much earlier than other peers reach the next step in intellectual development, but everyone must go through all these steps. If the child does not cope with the task on his own, then it is necessary to simplify the task, and so on until the child solves the problem. An independent and successful decision will be the step from which to start moving forward.

If you overexpose the child at a certain stage or prematurely give more complex games and exercises, then the interest in the game will disappear. Children are drawn to mental tasks when they are difficult for them, but doable.

Before starting the games and exercises, have the child independently use them at his own discretion in the games. As a rule, children are happy to build something out of them. In the course of such games with blocks, the kid will establish that they have a different shape, color, size and thickness.

It is good for an adult to become an equal partner during games. I didn’t edify, but played! When communicating with a child, it is better to use the word "figure" than the word "block".

Gyenesh Blocks is a universal educational game.

Rest assured your child will love playing with blocks!

Consultation for preschool educational institutions "Acquaintance with the games" Blocks of Dienes ":" Say the name ... "," Translators "," Games with hoops ".

Zoltan Dienesh has developed logic blocks to teach kids the basics of mathematics in an easy, playful way. Logic blocks introduce children to different colors, the concept of shape and size. Playing with Dienes blocks, the kid actively develops logic, attention, imagination, memory.

Gienesh logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric shapes:

a) four shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle);

b) four colors (red, blue, yellow);

c) two sizes (large, small);

d) two types of thickness (thick, thin).

Each geometric figure is characterized by four features: shape, color, size, thickness. There are no identical shapes in the set.

I bring to your attention the games "Say the name ...", "Translators", "Games with hoops".

Games and exercises with blocks, where their properties are shown on the cards. So the color is indicated by a spot: red, yellow, blue. Size - the silhouette of a house (large, small). Shape - according to the contours of the figures (round, square, rectangular, triangular). Thickness - a conventional image of a human figure (thick and thin). The cards are examined with children, it is specified what properties are indicated on them. The use of cards allows children to develop the ability to substitute and model properties, the ability to encode and decode information about them. These abilities and skills develop in the process of performing a variety of subject-game actions

Game "Say a name ...": Show the child some cards and ask them to name them. Thus, the child will learn to read the encoded information, i.e. will learn to decode it, and the following definitions will appear in the child's dictionary: "... it is a red, large, round, thick block. After mastering these skills, you can complicate the task. Now your child will independently identify the properties of blocks, both by word and The following games are offered: "Who will collect the blocks faster!", "Assignments", "To their place." playing, which provides support on the direct perception of the properties of the block when solving the problem. In subsequent tasks it is recommended to complicate the task and develop the ability to identify the properties of blocks by word without relying on clarity. Blocks are put in a box or under a napkin. ") help to interest the child in the selection of blocks -" stocks for the winter "in the mink (box), choosing either red or round according to the presenter's word ...

Subsequently, children master words and signs that indicate the absence of a property. You will need cards where the indicated property will be crossed out with two lines. For example: a red dot with a line through it means the figurine is not red. This means that it may be blue or yellow. A crossed-out triangle means a non-triangular figure (square, round, or rectangular). To master such concepts, games are needed: "Translators", "Help Dunno"... In these games, you need to not only talk about the blocks, translate into words what the card means, but also find the corresponding block. These games will teach children to tell differently about color, size, and so on. For example, a yellow rectangular block can be said to be non-red and non-blue, non-circular in shape, non-triangular, thick (thin), large (small).

Zoltan Dienes has developed logic games with hoops, which perfectly develop in children the ability to think logically and navigate in space.

Before playing, explain to your child the basic terminology - "inside" and "outside" the hoop. For this purpose, you will need two standard hoops, which differ in color, for example, red and green, and place them on any hard surface. Next, explain to the baby the following aspects: what part of the surface is located inside the two hoops; inside the red hoop, but outside the green one; inside the green, but outside the red hoop; outside of both hoops.

To play with one hoop, you need to prepare logic blocks and a hoop. Next, invite the child to place only yellow blocks inside the hoop, and place the rest of the blocks outside the hoop. To reinforce the information, you can ask the following questions: What blocks are inside the hoop? (Yellow). What blocks are located outside the hoop? (Not yellow: blue, red). During the game, give the kid the opportunity to independently choose the main color (size, shape, thickness) of logical blocks.

For a game with two hoops, prepare logic blocks and hoops that differ in color yellow and blue. Place the hoops on a hard surface so that they have a common part after crossing. Next, invite the child to stand in different zones of the hoop, while pronouncing the words: inside and outside the hoop. For example, stand inside the yellow hoop but outside the blue hoop, or stand inside both hoops. Then the kid places logical blocks inside two hoops. For example, inside the yellow hoop, you need to place all the blue blocks, and inside the blue one - the round blocks. After completing the practical task of positioning the blocks, the child is asked to answer the standard four questions:

What blocks are inside both hoops?

Inside the blue, but outside the yellow hoop?

Inside yellow but outside of blue?

Outside of both hoops?

It should be emphasized that the blocks must be named here using two properties - shape and color.

A more difficult level is the game with three hoops. In this game, kids sort blocks according to three criteria. To play, you need to arrange the hoops so that you get eight areas. Further, parents with a baby name these areas in relation to the hoops, which differ in color. For example, inside a blue and red hoop, but outside a yellow hoop, or inside three hoops. After familiarizing themselves with the areas, adults offer the child to place objects in the hoops: place square-shaped blocks inside the red hoop, large blocks inside the yellow hoop, and yellow blocks inside the blue hoop. After completing the practical task, to consolidate and repeat the material, ask the child eight (standard for any version of the stirrup hoops game) questions. What blocks lie:

Inside all three hoops;
- inside red and blue, but outside the yellow hoop
- inside blue and yellow, but outside the red hoop
- inside red and yellow, but outside the blue hoop
- inside the red, but outside the blue and outside the yellow hoop
- inside the blue, but outside the yellow and red hoop
- inside the yellow, but outside the red and outside the blue hoop
- outside of all three hoops?
In a game with three hoops, a set is modeled into eight classes (pairwise disjoint subsets) using three properties (be red, be square, be large).

Undoubtedly, Gyenesh blocks are a universal educational game!

Be sure your child will love to play with magic blocks!

Consultation for teachers
TOPIC: "Intellectual development of preschoolers when using

logical blocks of Gienesh "

The effective development of the mathematical abilities of preschool children is one of the urgent problems of our time. Preschoolers with a developed intellect memorize material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school. In preschool pedagogy, there are many different teaching materials: techniques, technologies that ensure the mathematical development of children. The most effective tools are Gienesh logic blocks.

The tasks of using logical blocks in working with children are defined:

1. Develop logical thinking. To develop an idea of ​​a set, operations on a set (comparison, partitioning, classification, abstraction). Form ideas about mathematical concepts (algorithm, coding and decoding of information, coding with a negative sign).

2. To develop the ability to identify properties in objects, to name them, to adequately denote their absence, to generalize objects by their properties (one, two, three each), to explain the similarities and differences of objects, to justify their reasoning.

3. To acquaint with the shape, color, size, thickness of objects.

4. Develop spatial representations.

5. To develop knowledge, abilities, skills necessary for independent solution of educational and practical problems.

6. To cultivate independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, overcoming difficulties.

7. To develop cognitive processes, mental operations.

8. Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design skills.

9. To develop mental functions associated with speech activity.

The solution of these problems allows children to successfully master the basics of mathematics in the future.

Game material was developed on the basis of logical blocks. Game exercises and games are entertaining and correspond to the level of difficulty of the tasks.

The games are based on a set of geometric shapes. This kit can consist of geometric shapes:

a) four forms

(circle, triangle, rectangle, square). As the children master the basic forms, it is possible to introduce them to an oval, a rhombus at the discretion of the teacher;

b) four colors (red, blue, yellow, green). It is advisable to give an idea of ​​the sequence of colors in the spectrum;

c) two sizes (large, small);

d) two types of thickness (thick, thin).

Each geometric figure is characterized by four features: one of four shapes, one of four colors, one of two sizes, one of two types of thickness.

The use of Gienesh blocks helps in the study of the basic properties of geometric figures by features and by existing geometric relationships (ratios) in a set, to include subsets in the set; split the set into disjoint subsets.

It is advisable to start the work on the formation of cognitive abilities with an acquaintance with the form, then with the color. And, accordingly, offer children games and exercises to develop the ability to operate with one property (generalize and classify, compare objects by one property). When a child easily and accurately copes with the task of a certain stage, games and exercises should be offered to develop the ability to operate with two properties at once, and then with three and four properties.

To check how well the children have mastered the properties of geometric shapes, a special code is introduced that graphically depicts these properties. This allows you to develop the ability to model and replace properties, the ability to encode and decode information. When children are free to learn how to use code cards, a code is entered to indicate the negative sign “not”. Not a square means a circle or a triangle or a rectangle, not red means blue or yellow or green; not big, it means small, etc.

Strictly following one step after another is optional. Depending on the age at which work with blocks begins, as well as on the level of development of children.

^ Logic blocks can be used:
a) in outdoor games (subject landmarks, designation of houses, paths, labyrinths);

b) as desktop-printed (to make cards for the games "Russells of Tenants", "What piece is missing", "Find a place for a figure", "Puzzles");

c) in role-playing games: "Shop" (money is indicated by blocks, prices for goods are indicated by code cards). "Mail" (the address on the parcel, letter, postcard is indicated by blocks, the address on the house is indicated by code cards). Similarly: "Train" (tickets, seats).
The use of logical blocks in applique, drawing, design and modeling of objects from geometric shapes will diversify the activities of children, make them more interesting, help children to more easily navigate in space and patterns ("House", "Herringbone", "Butterfly", "Animals", etc.). etc.)

In order to maintain children's interest in classes, in learning, it is necessary to diversify them with game tasks, plots, and fairy-tale characters.

Logic blocks can be made from colored paper and cardboard. It is also necessary to make code cards on which the properties of the blocks are conventionally indicated. It is advisable to depict the conventional designations of the shape, size, thickness in black, and the designation in color with a colored blurry spot. This is to ensure that the properties of the blocks are not intermixed. Negative cards should also be made.

You can use another manual with logical blocks of Dienes, replacing code cards. You can make it yourself. To do this, you need to take an album or notebook, in which the sheets are connected by a spring. From the side of the binding of the sheets, retreat about 10 cm

and cut along. The remaining strip of bonded sheets (leave 4 sheets) is divided into 4 parts and cut to a spring so that it is possible to leaf through individual parts. On the first part, on each sheet, the form code is depicted, on the second part - the color code, on the third - the size code, on the fourth - the thickness code. When describing a block or coding, leaflets are turned over, a property suitable for the figure is selected.

It is possible to work with children, engage with them, develop and teach, perhaps only in a system and on the basis of only a personality-oriented communication model.
The teacher is faced with a task of extreme importance, to develop:

The mental abilities of children;

Logical thinking;

Ability to reason;

Defend your opinion;

Ability to logically and thoroughly put forward their ideas.
Good luck!


1 MBDOU "Kindergarten 20" Consultation for parents "Logic blocks of Dienesh" prepared by the teacher Toporkova Galina Vladimirovna 2015

2 Logic blocks were invented by the Hungarian mathematician and psychologist Zoltan Dienes. Games with Dienes blocks are available, on a visual basis, they acquaint children with the shape, color and size of objects, with mathematical representations and basic knowledge of computer science. Buy Dienes blocks is for those parents who want to develop in their children logical and analytical thinking (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), creativity, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination. Playing with Dienesh blocks, the child performs a variety of object-related actions (groups by attribute, lays out rows according to a given algorithm). Gyenesh logic blocks are designed for children from three years old. Dienes blocks, which can be bought in almost any store specializing in educational materials for children, are a set of 48 geometric shapes: a) four shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles); b) three colors (red, blue and yellow figures); c) two sizes (large and small figures); d) two types of thickness (thick and thin shapes). According to Gienesch's idea, there are no identical shapes in the set of blocks. Each geometric figure is characterized by four features: shape, color, size, thickness. Games with logical blocks allow you to: * Introduce the shape, color, size, thickness of objects. * Develop spatial representations. * Develop logical thinking, understanding of the set, operations on sets (comparison, partitioning, classification, abstraction, encoding and decoding of information). * Master the basic skills of the algorithmic culture of thinking.

3 * Develop the ability to identify properties in objects, name them, generalize objects by their properties, explain the similarities and differences of objects, justify their reasoning. * Develop cognitive processes, mental operations. * To cultivate independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving the goal. * Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design skills. * Develop speech. * Successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science. Acquaintance with the logical blocks of Dienes It is not enough just to buy a set of Dienes blocks for a child and give the figures to the child's full use. First you need to introduce the child to the blocks. - Lay out the set in front of the child and give him the opportunity to study the figures, touch, sort out, hold in the pens and play with them. A little later, you can offer the following tasks: - Find all the shapes of the same color as the laid out (show, for example, a yellow shape). - Then you can ask the child to show all the triangular shaped blocks (or all large shapes, etc.). - Ask the kid to give the bear all the blue figures, the bunny - the yellow ones, and the red ones to the mouse; then, in a similar way, we group the shapes by size, shape, thickness. - Ask to identify any shape by color, shape, size, thickness. How to play with LBD? All games and game exercises can be divided into 4 groups with gradual complication: - to develop the ability to identify and abstract properties;

4 - to develop skills to compare objects by their properties; - to develop actions of classification and generalization; - to develop the ability to logical actions and operations. All games and exercises, with the exception of the fourth group (logical), are not addressed to a specific age. After all, children of the same calendar age can have different psychological ages. Some of them a little bit, and some even much earlier than other peers reach the next step in intellectual development, but everyone must go through all these steps. If the child does not cope with the task on his own, then it is necessary to simplify the task, and so on until the child solves the problem. An independent and successful decision will be the step from which to start moving forward. If you overexpose children at a certain stage or prematurely give more complex games and exercises, then the interest in classes will disappear. Children are drawn to mental tasks when they are difficult for them, but doable. It is good for an adult to become an equal partner during games. I didn’t edify, but played! Before starting the games and exercises, have the child independently use them at his own discretion in the games. As a rule, children are happy to build something out of them. In the course of such games with blocks, the kid will establish that they have a different shape, color, size and thickness. When communicating with a child, it is better to use the word "figure" than the word "block". Logic games and exercises with Dienes blocks 1. Several figures are laid out in front of the child, which need to be remembered, and then one of the figures disappears or is replaced with a new one, or two figures change places. The child should notice the change. 2. All figures are folded into a bag. Have your child touch all the round blocks (all large or all thick).

5 3. All the figures are again folded into the bag. The child takes a figurine out of the bag and characterizes it according to one or several characteristics. Either names the shape, size or thickness without taking it out of the bag. 4. Lay out three shapes. The child needs to guess which one is superfluous and by what principle (by color, shape, size or thickness). 5. Place any shape in front of the child and ask him to find all the shapes that are not the same as this one by color (size, shape, thickness). 6. Place any figure in front of the child and ask him to find the same figures in color, but not the same in shape, or the same in shape, but not the same color. 7. Lay out a series of figures in front of the baby, alternating them in color: red, yellow, red ... (you can alternate in shape, size and thickness). Invite him to continue the row. 8. We lay out the figures one after another so that each subsequent one differs from the previous one by only one sign: color, shape, size, thickness. 9. We lay out a chain of Dienes blocks so that there are no figures of the same shape and color nearby (in color and size; in size and shape, in thickness and color, etc.). 10. We spread the chain so that there are figures next to it that are the same in size, but different in shape, etc. 11. Lay out the chain so that there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes (the same size, but different colors). 12.Each shape needs to find a pair, for example, by size: a large yellow circle matches a small yellow circle, etc. 13. We lay out in front of the child 8 logical blocks of Dienes, and while he does not see, under one of them we hide a "treasure" (a coin, a pebble, a cut out picture, etc.). The child should ask you leading questions, and you can only answer "yes" or "no": "Treasure under the blue block?" - "No", "Under the red?" - "No". The child concludes that the treasure under the yellow

6 block, and asks further about the size, shape and thickness. Then the child hides the "treasure", and the adult asks leading questions. 14. By analogy with the previous game, you can hide one of the figures in the box, and the child will ask leading questions to find out what kind of block is in the box. 15. In one row 3 blocks of Dienes are laid out, and in the other - 4. Ask the child where there are more blocks and how to equalize them. 16. We spread any 5-6 figures in a row. It is necessary to build the bottom row of figures so that under each figure of the top row there is a figure of a different shape (color, size). 17. We offer a table of nine cells with figures displayed in it. The child needs to pick up the missing blocks. 18. In the game of dominoes, the pieces are divided equally among the participants. Each player takes turns making his move. If there is no piece, the move is skipped. The winner is the one who is the first to lay out all the pieces. You can walk in different ways: with figures of a different color (shape, size). 19. The child is asked to lay out the Dienes blocks according to the drawn schematic picture, for example, a red large circle is drawn, followed by a blue small triangle, etc. 20. From the logical blocks of Gienesh, it is possible to compose planar images of objects: a machine, a steam locomotive, a house, a tower. 21. Mom puts only rectangular blocks in the box, and the child is all red, then the mother removes only thin shapes, and the child is large, and so on. 22. It is necessary to distribute the figures between the mother and the child in such a way that the mother gets all the round ones, and the baby gets all the yellow blocks. The blocks are folded into two hoops or circles marked with a rope. But how do you divide the yellow circle? It should be at the intersection of two circles. 23. The child needs to select Dienesh blocks according to the cards, which depict their properties.

7 color is indicated by a spot size - a silhouette of a house (large, small). shape - contour of figures (round, square, rectangular, triangular). thickness - a conventional image of a human figure (thick and thin). The child is shown a card with one or several properties depicted on it. For example, if a blue spot is shown to a child, then all blue figures need to be set aside; the blue spot and the two-story house we put aside all the blue and large figures; a blue spot, a two-story house and a circle silhouette are blue circles thick and thin, etc. Then the tasks with the cards gradually become more difficult. Games "The third extra" 3 figures are laid out on a cardboard. Two can be combined by some property, one is superfluous. There can be anything behind the lock: a surprise, an entrance to a room, a road for a walk. The child must open the lock: guess which button to press and explain why. For example: There is an extra red piece. Because these are both yellow. Click on the red figurine! Find the treasure. There are 8 blocks in front of the child, a coin or picture is hidden. Option 1 The treasure hunter turns away, the leader hides the treasure under one of the blocks. The treasure hunter searches for it, naming various properties of the blocks. If the kid finds a treasure, he takes it for himself, and hides a new treasure under one of the blocks. The presenter first plays the role of a treasure hunter himself and shows how to lead

8 treasure hunt. Names various properties of the blocks. For example, the host asks: - Treasure under the blue block? - No, the child answers. - Under the yellow? - No. - Under the red? - Yes. - Under the big one? - Yes. - Under the round one? - Yes. The one who finds more treasures wins. When the game is repeated, the blocks change, their number increases. "Divide the blocks" The game will teach you how to split a set by two or three compatible properties, to perform logical operations "not", "and", "or". There is a commotion in the forest! The fox, wolf and bear cannot share the gifts of Santa Claus in any way! Santa Claus told the fox to take all the small gifts, all the fat ones to the bear, and round ones to the wolf. But the trouble is, there are gifts, both round and small at the same time. Both the fox and the wolf must take them! And there are gifts and round, and small, and thick! They can be played by all animals together. Three intersecting hoops (ribbons, strings) helped us figure out where whose gifts are, who can use what as joint property!

9 "Riddles without words" The game will help the child learn to decipher (decode) information about the presence or absence of certain properties of objects by their symbolic designations. On this lesson of the journey, the children came to the magician's house. You must first disenchant him, and then knock. For example: the first figurine should be triangular, yellow, small and thick. But the second is round, red, not thick and not small. So we will be looking for a red, large, thin circle. It's great when savvy helps! Now you can watch the magic! In the senior group we organized a competitive game program "Tic-Tac-Toe". One of the tasks for the teams was - "Building a castle". "Build a track" Before the child is a sign of the rule of building a track. He builds a path according to the rule: he alternates blocks taking into account color or shape: first red, then square, then yellow, and triangular. The kid learns to highlight the property, to abstract from other signs. To keep the children interested, it is good to offer various play and practical tasks: we built a path to the box with a surprise,

10 climbed over the bridge over the river, laid out a path of ice in the palace of the Snow Queen to help Kai and Gerda escape. And at this lesson, the guys got into a swamp. They are building a strong bridge. The blocks should be similar to each other in two ways. For example: the shapes are both blue and thick.

11 Literature: 1. Nosova EA, Nepomnyashchaya RL "Logic and mathematics for preschoolers". SPB .: "Accident", city 2. Stolyara A.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers. M .: "Education" 2. M. Fidler. Mathematics is already in kindergarten. M .: "Enlightenment", There is a small manual in the box with the blocks, which is very schematic. You can get acquainted with logical blocks in detail with the help of the books: "Let's play" (edited by A.A. Stolyar. - M., 1991, 1996), as well as "Logic and mathematics for preschoolers" (edited by Z.A. Mikhailova - SPb, 1996, 2000).

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Games and exercises with sticks by J. Kuisener. Game tasks of colored sticks Colored sticks are a multifunctional mathematical tool that allows "through the hands" of a child to form a concept

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UDC 373 E.V. Khodyasheva, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten 12" Golden Key "of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic E-mail: [email protected] The use of logical Gienesh blocks in the development of intellectual

Games and exercises with logic blocks Dienes "Wonderful bag" figures, the ability to guess objects by touch. Material: Pouch, set of Dienesh blocks. All figures are put into a bag. Ask a child

LOGICAL DYENES BLOCKS The possibilities of Dienes Blocks are very great. And their great plus is also that they are great for HOME learning - a lot of game tasks have been developed from 3 to 7 years

Development of mathematical abilities in preschool children The concept of "development of mathematical abilities" is rather complex, complex and multifaceted. It consists of interconnected

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type 244 with priority implementation of activities in the physical direction of the development of children" Games for children

Prospective planning of educational games with Kuisener's sticks for preschool children Educator: Abramova JI.H. Objectives for the year: Using Kuisener sticks to develop in children the idea of

Municipal preschool educational institution 96 Lipetsk Materials from the experience of the teacher of the first qualification category NIKOLAEVA ELENA VASILIEVNA 2016 Topic of pedagogical experience:

"Development of logical thinking in children, using logical blocks of Dienesh"

DEVELOPMENT OF LOGICAL THINKING IN CHILDREN OF PRESCHOOL AGE IN THE PROCESS OF GAMES WITH NON-STANDARD DIDACTIC MATERIAL Progress in science and technology, as well as the processes of dissemination of information in the world took place

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CARD ROOM OF DIDICTIC GAMES FOR SENIOR GROUP ON DYENESH BLOCKS September Didactic game "Let's get to know" Purpose: correctly names the entire range of properties of the subject. Material: a set of logic blocks

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Table of contents Explanatory note ... 3 Purpose and objectives of the program ... 4 Content of the program ... 13 Curriculum ... 16 Younger preschool age (3-4 years) ... 17 Curriculum thematic plan ... 25 Younger preschool

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Methodological manual "Collection of didactic games for preschoolers: logic and mathematics" Author Varava Galina Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education Teaching mathematics for preschool children

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 46 "Toy" of the city district of Togliatti (MBU kindergarten 46 "Toy")

In preschool pedagogy, there are many different teaching materials: techniques, technologies that ensure the intellectual development of children. The most effective tools are Gienesh blocks.

With their help:

  • Develops logical thinking
  • Children get acquainted with the shape, color, size, thickness of objects
  • Spatial representations evolve
  • Independence, initiative, persistence in achieving the goal is brought up
  • Cognitive processes, mental operations develop
  • Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design skills

The use of Dienes blocks allows children to successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science in the future.

Gienesh's logical blocks make up a set of figures that differ from each other in color, shape, size, thickness. The kit also includes guidelines.

You can buy manuals separately:

The first acquaintance with the figures can begin with children of three years old. Games and exercises are given in three versions. First, kids develop the ability to operate with one property (identify and abstract one property from others, compare, classify and generalize objects based on it).

Depending on the age of the children, you need to use not the whole set, but some part of it: you can start with blocks of different color and shape, but the same size and thickness (12 pieces), then different in shape, color and size, but the same in thickness (24 pieces) and at the end - a complete set of figures (48 pieces). This is important, since the more diverse the material, the more difficult it is to abstract some properties from others, and therefore, to perform such important logical operations for the child as comparison, classification and generalization.

Game "Chain". From a randomly chosen shape, try to build as long a chain as possible. Construction options:

  • So that there are no figures of the same shape (color, size, thickness) nearby
  • So that there are no figures of the same shape and color nearby
  • So that there are figures nearby that are the same size, but different in shape
  • So that there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes, etc.

Strike the Blocks Game will teach you how to split sets by two or three compatible properties, to perform logical operations "not", "and", "or". There is a commotion in the forest! The fox, the wolf and the bear cannot share the gifts of Santa Claus! Santa Claus told the fox to take all the small gifts, to the bear - all the fat ones, and the wolf - all the round ones. But the trouble is, there are gifts, both round and small at the same time, both the fox and the wolf must take them. And there are gifts and round, and small, and thick. All animals can play with them. Three intersecting hoops (ribbons, ropes) helped us figure out where whose gifts are.

Game "Find the treasure" or "Where did the puppy hide?" There are 8 blocks or a picture of a puppy in front of the child. The treasure hunter turns away, the leader hides the treasure under one of the blocks. The treasure hunter searches for it, naming various properties of the blocks. If the kid finds a treasure, he takes it for himself, and hides a new treasure under one of the blocks. The host first acts as a treasure hunter himself and shows how to search for the treasure, naming the various properties of the blocks. You can write a letter with cards-symbols.