Masks from wrinkles. Mask for oily skin. Wrinkle Curd Mask: Universal Recipe

All women want to look attractive at any age. Unfortunately over the years, someone from 30, someone from 40 years old have mimic wrinkles begin to appear. To put up with them for representatives of weak gender is not an option, so the search for wrinkles against wrinkles begins.

Before you decide on a suspender or botox, we propose to consider the option of not buying a mass of the means to rejuvenate the skin of the face, but their own preparation. Only in this case you will be 100% confident in the naturalness and utility products for your skin.

The main thing in the article

Components of Wrinkle Masks at home

The main barrier for the appearance of wrinkles is the proper nutrition of the skin of the face. To power (moisturizing) use:

  • eggs (yolk);
  • puree (fruit);
  • vegetables (mainly cucumber, potatoes);
  • oils (mainly vegetable).

Rejuvenation and tightening effect provide:

  • clay;
  • gelatin;

Face masks from wrinkles after 30 years: the best recipes

The use of homemade facial masks is the key to success in achieving elasticity, healthy color and well-kept skin. Moreover, natural components will long postpone the appearance of the first wrinkles, edema and dedication on the face.

To apply any home masks, you need to follow the basic rules:

  1. Do no less than twice a week.
  2. It is advisable to apply in the evening, after swimming, about an hour before sleep.
  3. To use fresh mixtures - make small portions so that it does not remain.
  4. Apply slowly by observing massage lines.
  5. Hold down the recipe, but not less than 10 minutes. About 10 - 30 minutes.
  6. You can wash off the mask only warm water.

Fruit masks from wrinkles at home

The easiest way to make a fruit mask: for this you will need fruits and a blender or a small grater. In the fruit puree, you can add yolk eggs and up to 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil. We recommend purchasing oil flax for these purposes, which is famous for its useful properties. It is an important component of many masks, both for face and hair and nails. You can also add it to me, in one word - it will not be disappeared.

What fruits to choose?

  • Kiwi - gives the skin elasticity and elasticity, and also contributes to the healing of microcracks and removes red painful acne.
  • Malina - renews a healthy complexion, removes pigment stains, opens the access of oxygen to the skin.
  • Strawberry - soothes irritated skin, promotes rejuvenation.
  • Blueberry - opens second breathing, brakes aging processes.
  • Gooseberry - rejuvenates, launches the process of regeneration and recovery of cells.
  • Apple - nourishes the skin, promotes rejuvenation.

To create a fruit mask fit both fresh fruits and frozen. Therefore, stock up the fruit in the season and look excellent all year round!

Wrinkle mask with honey and oatmeal

  1. It is necessary to grind oatmeal, 30 g of the obtained powder to locate in Sudinka.
  2. Cover the oatmeal with warm water so that there remains a couple of millimeters between the levels of water and oatmeal, and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add to 20 g of honey, mix thoroughly.
  4. To get a maximum of benefit from a mask, it is better to add to it in the number of two drops of vitamins, you can both and e (buy in ampoules in the pharmacy).
  5. Hold a quarter of an hour and wash off.

This recipe is ideal for both women and adolescents who suffer from pimping rash. Components of the composition do not just pull up the skin, align the color and free the pores, but also fight with acne - remove redness, preventing the appearance of scars and traces of acne.

Face mask with starch from wrinkles

Lifting effect

Protein (egg) + starch (15 g) + kefir (20 g) \u003d taut well-groomed leather. All move and apply a thick layer. Wait 10-20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

For oily skin

Mix 1: 2 - water: starch. Add a chicken egg protein and 10 g of lemon fresh juice. Mix and apply to face. Following a quarter of an hour - wash warm water.

For dry skin

Starch + cow's milk + ras. Oil (1: 1: 1), all components to connect. Lying with a mask of about 10-16 minutes. After, slightly massaging, remove the composition of the mask under water.

As vegetable oil, you can take the oil of flax or rosehip.

Face masks from wrinkles after 40 years: composition and application

For this age, almost all women appear superficial facial wrinkles and even small, medium wrinkle depths on the forehead and under the eyes. At this age it is recommended to use feeding masks with the effect of pulling and leveling color.

Mask of yeast for face of wrinkles

Yeasts have properties to restore, pull up and remove any inflammation from the skin of the face.

  1. Yeast + Any oil (1: 2) to connect and can be immediately applied to the skin. Wait to dry, wash and flush face with a towel. After this procedure, the skin is better to apply a fat cream.
  2. For seven skin: yeast + kefir + sour cream (2: 1: 2). Connect the components, mix, apply a brush by a quarter of an hour. Remove the mixture and spend on all massage lines with cosmetic ice, which is easily made from any decoction of soothing herbs.
  3. For peeling skin: yeast + olive oil + water (1: 1: 1). Mix and apply to the skin of the face in several stages (first one layer, then after a couple of minutes the next, etc.). Keep up to a quarter of an hour and clean your face.

Wrinkle Curd Mask: Universal Recipe

Cottage cheese is a unique product that combines in itself and vitamins (more than 7), and fat, and lactose, and even amino acids. Simultaneous impact will be able to repeat the few compositions. Cottage cheese promotes rejuvenation, cell regeneration, cleansing, moisturizing and bleaching the skin of the face.

  1. For peeling skin: fatty cottage cheese (slightly) + carrots (finely grated, 1 pcs) + olive oil (a couple of drops) - all mix and apply a thick layer on face. Hold at least one third of an hour, then carefully remove the cassea and wash off the remains of warm water.
  2. For saline leather: sour cottage cheese (skimmed) + yolk + 2 peroxide drops (3%) - mix, apply no more than 12 minutes, and wash off with water.
  3. You can whiten the skin like this: cottage cheese + sour cream + salt (marine - literally pinch), cottage cheese and sour cream take 1: 1. Stir and apply to 5 (no more) minutes. Wash away and wash the decoction of any grass.

Egg Masks for Wrinkle Face

Egg - natural lifting for the skin, its impact is already felt from the first minute of application. Masks, which contain an egg, can be used daily. They are completely harmless to the skin. Who has no such opportunity, cosmetologists recommend to apply the eggs at least twice in seven days.

We offer the simplest, but effective face masks.

  • Egg (yolk) + 1/2 Cucumber (fresh, grated) + linseed oil (small spoon). The mask is created by mixing all the components, it is necessary to apply it in stages (layers) on the cleaned skin about a quarter of an hour.
  • Egg yolk + banana (a couple of large spoons). This mass is applied for half an hour. It is able to align even the deepest irregularities of the skin.
  • Eggs protein + honey + lemon (2: 2: 1). You can keep your face no more than nine minutes. The mask does not just clean and smoothes the problem areas, but also removes excessive fat.

Facial masks from wrinkles after 50 years: Features of execution

With the onset of this age, the skin begins to grow old, lose a lot of trace elements, it needs support and external nutrition. Do not hide from these words, if you do not want people to see your age on your face.

The main feature of making masks at this age is pre-sparking of the skin. Since the pores on the skin of the age of 50 years are narrow and practically do not breathe. If you do not fulfill this recommendation, there will be no benefit from the composition of the mask.

Masha with facial gelatin

  • cucumber (35 g of juice) + gelatin (10 g). Fill with juice crumbly product and leave half an hour. Then we apply on the skin and sit for half a quarter a quarter. This mask is not removed, but is washed off with warm water.
  • gelatin (10 g) + milk (2 tablespoons) + banana (1/2 in scenes) + vitamin (A or E - a couple of drops). We insist the gelatin in milk, add Cashitz from the banana and the selected vitamin. Keep a quarter of an hour, then wash warm water.
  • gelatin + water + cottage cheese. Gelatin and fluid take 1: 4, insist and add rubbed cottage cheese in the size of the tablespoon. Keep 20-25 minutes, then wash off.

Mask with glycerin for face of wrinkles

This recipe allows you to cook a mask at no one time. It must be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 12 days.

Herbal infusion, better chamomile (200 ml) + glycerol (large spoon) + egg (yolk) + vitamin E (4 drops). In warm form everything is mixed, distribute evenly, hold 15 minutes.

Masks for dry skin skin from wrinkles

  1. Tightening effect. Potatoes (boiled in uniform) + olive (oil). Vegetable to smoke for a fork and add oil, it should be fatty Cashier. Keep to half an hour, then remove and wash well.
  2. Food. Honey + milk + cottage cheese. Mix everything in warm form to get a viscous bash. Apply the middle layer for 15-30 minutes, then remove and wash off.
  3. Rejuvenation. Apple (baked) + olive (oil) + honey. The pulp of the apple is mixed with the rest of the components, apply for 20 minutes and washed off.

Face masks from wrinkles instead of Botox: effective recipes

  1. Starch mass + whipped yolk + oatmeal flakes (large spoon). The resulting mass is covered with a face and keep to complete drying. Then wash off.
  2. Gelatin (large spoon) + 1/3 of Art. Boiling water + sour cream (large spoon) + e (drop). Sour cream and vitamin add already to a cooled mixture of water and gelatin. You can apply in several goals. The mask is filmed with the film, then you need to rinse the face with warm water and cover the skin with cream (nutritious).
  3. Kefir + starch (1: 1), add a whipped protein into the mixture. To withstand 15 minutes and wash off.

To see the result from the use of natural components, you need to repeat the selected procedure every 2-3 days. The effect will be noticeable in any case, this is confirmed by many ladies who refused Botox, making their choice in favor of nature.

Alginate wrinkle mask: recipes and rules

Masks using sodium alginate does not just nourish the skin, but makes it smooth, soft and completely clean.

Prepare a mixture is simply: 1/2 small spoon of alginate powder pour warm water in the amount of 120 ml and leave it to be 3 - 4 hours.

You can pour in the morning before work, and in the evening to prepare on this adhesive basis (gel) mask.

  • Alginate gel (Cooking yourself) + Laminarian Laminarial Leaves (Large Spoon) + Any Clay Suitable Your Skin (Large Spoon). In a laminarium, mixed with clay, pour a tablespoon of boiling water, mix and let it stand for 5 minutes. Then add gel and very intensively and quickly stirred. We apply on the skin, starting with the chin, moving up. Then from the nose to the temples and from the temples to the central line of the face. Resting half an hour.

Special masks are special conditions for washing - you need to use calcium chloride, which can be bought in any pharmacy. It must be applied on top of the mask and remove it without problems!

Application of wrinkle masks at home

Homemade masks allow you to save on the campaigns in the beauty salons, which is not cheap pleasure.

Basic rules for applying home recipes of beauty and youth

  1. Skin care should bring pleasure.
  2. Before cooking, wash the cosmetics and clean the skin with tonic.
  3. To enhance the effect of the mask - raise the skin to open the maximum of the pores.
  4. Prepare masks without deviating from the formulation.
  5. During the impact of the mask on the skin, sit comfortably, calm down and enjoy in a completely relaxed state.
  6. Wash out the mask with warm water, after which the skin does not need to rub the towel, but gently flush.

Video recipes of efficient wrinkle masks

Dry skin first among other species may disappoint their mistress by the appearance of wrinkles. It often lacks moisturizing, skin fat is produced in insufficient quantities, and the skin remains almost without protection against the impact of negative environmental factors. Due to this, there is a loss of elasticity and elasticity, the skin is stretched, sores, and the first wrinkles appear. To avoid this, homemade masks from wrinkles for dry skin will help, the main task of which is to increase the production of collagen and moisturize the skin.

1) rules for using wrinkle masks

Masks from wrinkles have their own features of application:

  • Do not hold the mask from wrinkles on the face for more than 20 minutes.
  • Apply with light patters on massage lines on clean skin, not too pressing.
  • Make such masks during the day when the skin is in good tone.
  • Try when applied to relax the muscles of the face.
  • After we wash the mask with cold water, at least 2 hours do not apply to the skin powder and blush.
  • It is advisable to apply your usual moisturizing or nutrient cream.
  • To obtain the result, apply masks systematically 2 times a week.

2) Potato mask from wrinkles

Well nourishes the skin, moisturizes it and makes a soft mask soft after the first use. The high content of vitamin C, potassium and iron gives the amazing effect of Botox.

We need:

  • 1 potato;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of milk;
  • 1 yolk.


  1. Cook the potato in the uniform, clean and disarm the fork in the puree.
  2. Add fresh milk and yolk.
  3. Heat the mask and apply a mask on the skin of the face and neck, cover the handkerchief.
  4. Rush first warm and then cool water.

3) Banana wrinkle mask

Banana contains many of the necessary dry skin of vitamins and minerals. Such a mask significantly improves the complexion and smells perfectly perfectly.

We need:

  • 1/2 ripe banana;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of fat cream (better home);
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of ground oatmeal.


  1. Mind a banana.
  2. Add cream and flakes, mix thoroughly. The mixture will be sufficiently thick
  3. Apply a mask on clean skin and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash the water comfortable temperature and wipe the skin with tonic.

4) Cucumber wrinkle mask

Cucumber is known to all its unique properties to smooth and moisturize the skin. The main thing, take a young homemade cucumber for a mask without large seeds.

We need:

  • 1 middle cucumber;
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of fatty sour cream.


  1. Stodit cucumber on a shallow grater along with the skin.
  2. Add sour cream, stir. Let's stand a little in the refrigerator
  3. Apply a cool mask for 20 minutes.

5) Gelatin wrinkle mask

The most valuable component of the gelatin mask is collagen. It is he who is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and does not give to appear wriggles. Many expensive creams contain collagen, but why overpay, if you can prepare a mask from ordinary gelatin themselves.

We need:

  • 1 h spoon gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of fat kefir;
  • 2 -3 drops of oily water of vitamins A and E.


  1. We fill gelatin 5 h. Spoons, give mixtures to swell and heated in a water bath.
  2. We give a mask to cool and add kefir and vitamins, mix.
  3. Apply a mask with a cotton disk, hold 20 tool and rinse with warm water.

From age-related skin changes anywhere but even dry can be helped. With age for beauty of the skin, it becomes not enough one right care, it's time to take various nutrient masks from natural components and use them on an ongoing basis. This will allow you to stay a young longer, and you continue to feel like a beautiful and well-groomed woman.

Facial masks from wrinkles are not only an ambulance that will help at the first signs of wrinkles, but also an effective means in the fight against the age-related skin changes.

Today we will tell you what masks from wrinkles are better than others work at home - Practice shows that homemade masks from wrinkles on the skin of the face in its effectiveness often exceed the factory means from wrinkles, so why pay extra money ...

What should be in the composition of wrinkle masks

So, what masks from wrinkles at home will be most effective. First, these are those masks that in their composition have feed and moisturizing components, since the main causes of the appearance of wrinkles are the loss of skin of elasticity and tone due to its desiccation. As such ingredients, chicken yolks, vegetable and cosmetic oils, puree of fruits and berries are often performed, etc. Secondly, the face masks from wrinkles should include components that have a pull-up effect - precisely because of the loss of elastic fibers and the appearance of wrinkles and the vagueness of the face. In this case, honey, clay and gelatin (natural source of active collagen) will be good assistants.

How at home to make a mask from wrinkles on the skin face

  • masks from wrinkles are not made, because their active components quickly lose their qualities
  • the skin before the mask from wrinkles must be cleaned with a soft gel, for better access of beneficial substances
  • on the face of the mask from wrinkles holds a little longer than the usual, 30 minutes, after which it is washed off by cool water
  • to make a mask from wrinkles at home efficiently, you need to give time to useful substances to the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to make face masks from wrinkles in the evening, before bedtime
  • masks from wrinkles can not be done often, otherwise the work of metabolic processes in the skin itself to slow down. Proper frequency - 2 masks per week.
  • it makes no sense to constantly do the same mask from wrinkles, they need to be changed about once every two weeks.
  • at the bottom of the page there is a video where we tell in detail and show how to cook and apply mask from wrinkles on face

Recipes for face masks from wrinkles at home.

Cucumber wrinkle mask on face
This recipe sent us to reviews our permanent reader and a collector of folk wisdom Galina. She writes that ... My wand-cutter from wrinkles is a cucumber mask. I have been using it for a long time and is very pleased - now for 35 years, and the skin, as in his youth. To prepare the mask you need to grasp half of the middle cucumber on a shallow grater, add 1 tbsp. l. Almond oil (it is possible, but it is more effective from wrinkles), plus yolk. All beat and apply on face and neck, about 40 minutes. After that, washed off with warm water, and then cold and apply a moisturizing cream.

Wrinkle mask with bee wax
For the preparation of this miraculous mask, you need to take: Beeswax (it is sold in stores selling honey), one teaspoon of honey, one midday bulbs. Beeswax must be melted and cool slightly, it must be plasticine consistency. For the mask there is enough one tablespoon wax. While he melts, three bulbs and squeeze out of the pulp two tablespoons of juice. All ingredients are wax, onion juice and honey - mix and impose on the face for 10 minutes. This mask is removed from wrinkle with a wet cloth.

Wrinkle mask with red caviar
Caviar - the product is quite expensive, but the content in it useful omega-acid is so great that sometimes you can afford to make a similar face mask from wrinkles and at home. One mask is needed one tablespoon of caviar and a tablespoon of base oil, for example, olive or almond. Caviar carefully smear, connect with oil and put on your face and neck for 20-25 minutes. This time is desirable to lie down, as the product is very fluid, but to strengthen them meaningless. If the caviar is very expensive for you, there is an option easier - take fish oil, it can be used in pure form, without adding oils, just lubricate your face at the same time. Course - 4 masks of 2 per week.

Gelatinian face mask at home.
Gelatin contains active collagen in its composition, which results in the performance puts home gelatin masks in one row with expensive cosmetics. It is the gelatine worth named component number 1 in masks from deep noticeable wrinkles. Since the use of this technology at home requires the specifics that you need to study, we have preparedspecial material - Read in detail how to make a simple, but an extremely efficient gelatin mask for the face from wrinkles.

Face masks from wrinkles for dry skin.
Oils are traditionally included in the homemade masks against wrinkles on the face - smooth out wrinkles, moisturizing, give the tone of the dry skin of the face will help the grape seed oil, it is sold in a pharmacy. Take 1 tbsp. l. Oils, slightly warm up to the body temperature, then add 3-4 drops of roses and sandal oils of essential oils. Stir the mixture with light massage movements on the skin of the face, pay special attention to the wrinkle area. Such a mask can be applied for a whole night.

Mask from wrinkles with cottage cheese and kiwi
This mask, the recipe of which was proposed by our reader Valeria, received such good reviews that we could not not transfer it to the central block. You will need fat homemade cottage cheese (it is better to buy on the market, not in the store) and Kiwi - two tablespoons with top of cottage cheese and one kiwi fruit, sophisticated or finely grated. These two products thoroughly mix, clean the face with a soft scrub and after that we apply this mask from wrinkles, and not only on the face, but also on the neck. The mask should stand at about half an hour, after which we carefully wash it with cool water. The cream after applying is not needed, do at night, 2-3 times a week, the course is 10 sessions.

Facial masks from wrinkles with olive oil.
Olive oil from ancient times is known for its healing properties, it actually acts on the fading skin of the face with wrinkles. We talked about this in detail in the article. olive oil for face . Here is one of the recipes. Heat to body temperature 1 tbsp. l. Olive oil and add to your choice, 1 tbsp. l. Fruit puree Kiwi or apple. Mask distribute well on the surface of the face and hold 30-40 minutes, after which we wash the cool water.

Facial masks from wrinkles with bodic and hydrogen peroxide.
Very good reviews are the composition of the powder of Bodhai and peroxide, all this is very cheap you can buy in a pharmacy. Bodhage is silicon and spongine, which are traditionally used to rejuvenate the skin, and peroxide will help these substances quickly penetrate its deep layers. A tablespoon of powder mix with a teaspoon of peroxide and apply on the face, creating a concerning zone around the eyes, otherwise there will be strong irritation. First week hold 5-7 minutes, the second - 10, third - 15. It is better to apply overnight, because 2-3 hours on the skin often have redness due to the active tide of the blood.

Wrinkle mask with aloe.
Aloe perfectly tones, pulls up and moisturizes the skin of the face, so Aloe masks are shown to everyone who noticed the appearance of wrinkles on the skin of the face or fights with already existing deep wrinkles. To prepare a mask from wrinkles you will need 2 tbsp. l. Aloe juice (you can buy ready-made in the pharmacy, but you can squeeze the juice from the leaf of the meal, simply, the leaves on the shallow grater, and then squeeze through a gauze folded in several layers). For the mask, you will need 1 tbsp. l. Fat cream and 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix mix thoroughly and apply to face.
Mask with aloe on face Hold 30 minutes, and then flush face with a paper napkin. Especially good results shows a mask if you leave it for the night.

Masks from wrinkles with fruit.
Masks from wrinkles with fruits are rich in vitamins, amino acids, they are perfectly strengthened with skin, exerting a pull-up and rejuvenating effect. For a mask, you will need 2 tbsp. l. Mashed green apple and 1 tbsp. l. Olive oil - mix products, slightly warm in water bath up to 36-37 degrees, and then apply to the skin of the face and neck. After 30 minutes, rinse first warm, then cool water. In addition to puree apples, you can take an avocado puree, banana, peach or berries (raspberries, black currant, blackberry or strawberries).

Face masks from wrinkles after 25 years.
At this age, small wrinkles begin to manifest itself, but the skin is still enough elastic and elastic, so it is only necessary to help support the natural functions of the skin. This will help you egg. To prepare a face mask from wrinkles after 25 years, mix 1 egg yolk, 2 tbsp. l. Softened wheat bran and 1 tsp. olive oil. Keep on the face of half an hour.

Facial mask for wrinkles for any age.
Beautiful wrinkle mask at home, because it has a very significant pull-up, moisturizing and feeding effect. Here, the components of the mask from wrinkles are the quartet of very useful products. For her preparation mix 1 tbsp. l. White clay, 1 tbsp. l. Fat sour cream and 1 tsp. Lemon juice and softened honey. Keep up to dry the clay and thoroughly rinse with cool water.

Wrinkle masks around the eyes at home.
Wrinkles often appear precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, forming the so-called "goose paws". Linen or almond oil will help to cope with this problem. Use any oil to choose from in the amount of 1 tbsp. And add to it 2-3 drops of the essential oil of nerhi and roses. Apply the prepared mixture on the massage lines in the eye area (along the upper eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge, along the bottom - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.) And the nasolabial triangle will face movements. Hold up to 1 hour, then remove the non-absorbed oil with a napkin.

Be sure to see the video, where we tell about all the intricacies of cooking and applying masks from wrinkles.

Cosmetic Wrinkle Procedures

In case your wrinkles are too deep or you want to strengthen the effects of wrinkles from wrinkles, we recommend that you pay attention to the cosmetic procedures of beauty salons and cosmetology clinics. All details on the purpose of these methods, their description and recommendations see the material effective cosmetic processes against wrinkles in which we will tell about such techniques as:

  • botox injections
  • using Filler
  • biorevital
  • microcurrent therapy
  • laser therapy

Olga Spasskaya All rights reserved

What else look at the site on the topic of masks and wrinkles

All about face rejuvenation and neckline. What if your skin is olde, is it reduced by her tone, wrinkles appear? Answers to these and other issues of effective skin rejuvenation can be found in this section. Tips of specialists-cosmetologists, home masks from wrinkles, reviews of our readers for home procedures.

. It is no secret that wrinkles are especially noticeable when the skin tone falls. Just in order to give her strength and elasticity, and there are tightening masks. Combine them with recipes from wrinkles, you diverge care for your face and will achieve visible results faster.

Rejuvenating face massage . A much greater effect in the difficult struggle with wrinkles can be achieved if you combine masks from wrinkles with home massage facial massage procedures. It is very simple to do it, every woman easily lifting this technology literally in a few minutes. Let's see and make sure.

. On the recipes of masks for the zone around the eyes, we advise you to stop especially. The fact is that the skin around the eyes is the most thin on the entire surface of the face, and many rejuvenating technologies are not suitable for it. And here again will come to the aid of natural home masks - see what to get from the refrigerator ...

How to remove mimic wrinkles . Very often, women are addressed to the editorial board for the advice of the cosmetologist, whose problem is mimic wrinkles. Taking as the basis of advice advice and reviews of women who tested anti-aging technologies, we have compiled a list of action against mimic wrinkles.

Reviews and comments (23)


Margarita, reviews on wrinkle masks. You write about wrinkle masks with Alaz, and I want to spare a lotion on the basis of this plant. It is not difficult to prepare it at home. It will take several leaf of the metering and liter of water. Leaves rub on the grater and pour water, bring to a boil, then reduce fire and tomorrow for 5 minutes. Cool and strain through gauze. Such a lotion must be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. I use it when washing in the morning and in the evening. I don't like the wrinkles such a lot, just running from the face. Try.

I went to the south, apparently, strongly overwhelmed the skin, and my wrinkles were cut on the face very clearly. Of course, I do not have a groove on the skin, I just 32 years old, but still. From the masks that I tried on the recipes on this page, I allocated two - a mask with gelatin and aloe. Perfectly work against wrinkles. I advise them to combine them, I did it one, then another, two days later.

I read in one journal that the masks need to be applied from 17 to 20 hours, at that time the skin takes from them the maximum benefit, this is due to the biorhythms of the body and skin. I used to do before bedtime, now I moved to early and, I am convinced, there is a certain effect in this. If anyone wants, try.

It will be better if you combine masks with a face massage. At first, a rather hard massage, then apply a mask, and wrinkles will sooner.

The universal mask from wrinkles does not exist - there are also nutritious, and moisturizing, with tightening. The more and more diverse, the better. And the wrinkles themselves in those days when you do not make a mask, I advise you to wipe at least a couple of times with micellar water.

I am very advised to go to the beekeeping shop and buy a so-called perma there. It is pouring it into powder and literally at the knife tip add to your masks from wrinkles, it does not matter from which it consists. Perga will strengthen their an order of magnitude, tested on themselves.

The use of wrinkles from wrinkles at home is an indispensable stage in the fight against aging, which gives its results in perspective. Natural products combined with high-quality creams and other rejuvenation procedures offer all women careful, optimal and very effective care.

Masks from wrinkles are divided into many types and species: they are universal, and also are intended to solve problems of one or another skin type, one of them act almost instantly, others require long use. But the requirement for their application is always one - systematically.

Rules for using masks

Clinical picture

What do the doctors about wrinkles say

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Plastic Surgeon Morozov EA:

I have been engaged in plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger through me through me. Currently, plastic surgery loses its relevance. Science does not stand still, there are still new and new techniques for the rejuvenation of the body, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or have no opportunity to resort to the help of plastic surgery, I will recommend no less efficient, but the most budget alternative.

For more than 1 year, the European market has a miracle preparation to rejuvenate the skin of Novaskin, which can be obtained IS FREE. In efficiency, it is several times greater than the injection by Botoks, not to mention all sorts of cream. It is easy to use and the most important thing you will see instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that small and deep wrinkles take place almost immediately, bags under the eyes. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, changes are simply colossal.

Learn more \u003e\u003e

What face masks from wrinkles would be used at home, they will not be effective if not comply with certain rules:

  1. The active ingredients of the natural means are spoiled during the day in most cases, a pre-prepared mask can be hazardous to health;
  2. Before using home cosmetics, it is necessary to clean the skin well with a gel for washing or foam, which will eliminate all the contaminants;
  3. The mask from wrinkles usually needs to be kept on the face no longer, but also at least 30 minutes, but wash off the composition of cool water;
  4. To achieve maximum efficiency after use, the means should not do anything with the skin, protect it from pollution - do the procedure before bedtime;
  5. The tightening components in the compositions of the face masks from wrinkles work quickly, but to protect the epidermis from addiction should not be repeated more often 2 times a week;
  6. Natural masks change 1 time in 1.5-2 months so that there is no addiction.

Another important point in the preparation of home masks is the choice of the right components. If apples are specified, it means that they should be fresh and natural. Ideally - homely.

Best recipes for normal and oily skin

The most effective recipes for wrinkle masks that can be done at home must necessarily contain one of the components presented below. Most of them are universally universal in use.

Combine them with fatty cottage cheese or sour cream, cream, bananas and yolk for dry skin, or with kefir, low-fat sour cream and protein - for oily dermis:

  1. Honey. The product contains a lot of useful substances and perfectly combined with a yolk. Just take 1 spoon of the useful component, mix with fresh egg and dilute with a small amount of milk or low-fat cream.
  2. Oil. For homemade masks from wrinkles take olive, grape, almond or peach oil. Extract of jojoba is also very popular. Take 1 spoon of apple puree, as much olive or other oil, apply on the skin. For a bold type, choose sour apples.
  3. Aloe. Universal substance, perfectly struggling with wrinkles and other consequences of aging. You can use not fresh leaflets, but by juice from bottles that are sold in a pharmacy. Add to 1 spoon some olive and cream oil.

  4. Secret Tibetan mask. Prepare decoction of 3 leaves of laurels per 100 ml of water. Meanwhile, whipping proteins with any vegetable oil. Put in the decoction of 2-3 g of burnt quasans. Make compress from the mixture.
  5. Starch instead of Botox. Do not do in the top of the best masks from wrinkles on the face used at home, without starch. The recipe is prepared from 1 spoons of a potato product, 50 ml of milk or carrot juice, 1 spoons of fatty sour cream and 2 drops of vitamin E. First dilute starch using a water bath. Then mix all the components.
  6. Alginate recipe. The home mask from wrinkles includes 2 hours l. clay, 3 spoons of sodium alginate and 2 h. Laminarium powder. All components can be bought at the pharmacy. Prepare strictly according to the recipe: 60 ml of water on alginate, insist for 6 hours, then 5 ml of water to laminarium for 5 minutes. In clay - exactly 30 ml of water. Then everything is mixed and tamped. If the mask is too thick, 2-3 drops of calcium chloride are added.

  7. Cucumbers in the fight against wrinkles. One of the most versatile vegetables is a cucumber. For normal skin, try the recipe from 1 spoons of cucumber puree and the same amount of almond oil. We take the yolk and apply not only the faces on the zone, but also for 40 minutes.
  8. Red caviar. Another useful marine component to maintain beauty at home. Prepare from 1 spoons of oil and caviar, on the skin hold 25 minutes.
  9. Beeswax. The composition of the unique home cooking product includes a set of at least 30 useful trace elements. They are flawlessly struggling with wrinkles. Take 1 spoonful of dry wax, add 1 spoon of onions and as much honey.
  10. Gelatin. It has a rapid effect and visible efficiency after the first use at home. Recipes with gelatin are ideal to combat deep wrinkles.
  11. Beadaga and hydrogen peroxide. Prepare from 1 tbsp. l. Powder and spoons of peroxide. Do not apply on your eyes!

But for dry skin, there are several other home-made compositions. All these products may be present in them in a certain amount.

However, there is a weighty addition: dry epidermis masks must contain fatty components necessary for high-quality moisturizing.

Best Recipes for Dry Skin

For dry skin at home, we propose to use face masks from wrinkles based on the following components:

For combined skin, prone to dryness, other recipes are suitable, which are performed at home.

Masks for combined epidermis

They include substances that can eliminate a small excess of skin fat, but never cut the skin, giving it maximum moisture.

Here, from which components you need to prepare the most effective compositions of face masks at home:

Separately, it should be mentioned about masks from wrinkles around the eyes.

Best recipe for fighting wrinkles in the field of age

Most masks created to combat wrinkles on the face at home are not suitable for very sensitive and thin skin around the eyelids. Usually, even with the fatty type of epidermis, this area remains dry.

She needs maximum nutrition and moisturizing, so such compositions are suitable:

  • Clean aloe juice or sea buckthorn oil - just apply them to a brush before bedtime, after 20 minutes, remove the remnants with a napkin;
  • Banana mask - 2 spoons of fruit pulp mixed with a spoon of green parsley, mint and a small amount of almond oil;
  • For age from 50 years, 50 g of banana and a spoon of cream oil are taken;
  • A piece of white bread, moistened with warm milk, will help with mimic wrinkles;
  • No less effective is the composition with potatoes (boiled or raw), mixed with 3 drops of grape oil and 10% cream.

But for the decollet area, almost all the home masks intended for dry or combined skin are very good.

Make the most efficient wrinkle mask on the neck and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline every week: 1 spoon of solid cheese, whipped protein, honey spoon and a spoon of cream 10% fat.

Separate consideration requires the compositions created to combat deep wrinkles.

The best recipe from wrinkles after 50

A means suitable for mature skin must perform several important functions: protect against environmental action, smooth out the effects of hormonal changes, support elasticity and moisturize.

Here are the best home masks recipes for the implementation of these goals:

We draw conclusions

If you read these lines, it can be concluded that you are still looking for a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, at the form of which in the mirror it becomes unable.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly checked most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from popular methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only a small temporary result. As soon as the procedures stopped, after a few days everything was returned back.

The only drug that gave a significant result is novaskin.

This serum is the best alternative to Botex. The main feature is that novaskin acts instantly, i.e. Literally a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy networks, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and applies IS FREE. Reviews about novaskin can be read here.

  1. Pea mask is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. Bobs, grilled in a coffee grinder, mix them with yogurt and warm water 2 spoons.
  2. Vaseline - a homemade mask recipe is prepared from a cable cable tube with a calendula, preferably children's, 1 vaseline spoons and 50 g of olive oil. You also need to take 6 drops of it, 0.5 spoons of orange juice and 12 drops of wheat germs in combination with 10 drops of calendula oil.

Here, how many efficient face masks against wrinkles can be independently done at home, remaining confident in their flawless quality! All these recipes will give a guaranteed effect. But do not forget to follow and for other aspects of your health: okay well, put it right, eat less alcohol and throw smoking.

We offer homemade recipes to reduce wrinkles, prevent their appearance and improve the condition of the skin.

Important:Before applying a face mask, rinse the face with soap so that the skin is clean. Wipe your face with lotion or any alcohol-containing liquid to remove the harmful microflora from the skin. Take a horizontal position and apply a cooked mask on the face. After 20 minutes, wash off a mask with water without soap.

Wrinkle egg-honey masks

For obstacle the formation of wrinkles: 1 yolk, 1/2 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon glycerin, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 whipped egg squirrel, 1 tablespoon of the tolnaya. The mask is superimposed on a pre-washed person for 20 minutes. Washed off warm water, 100 grams of honey melt on fire, add 2 tablespoons of alcohol and water and thoroughly rub. The duration of the mask is 10 minutes.

Homemade mask for narrowing with fading oily skin: mix egg squirrels, a few drops of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of olive (almond) oil. Clean the skin of the face, apply the mixture and lie for about 20 minutes (you can apply from above several times when the bottom layer will dry). Ruff warm water. The skin pulls up, toned and acquires a nice color.

Homepage of wrinkle mask: the flesh of Aloe, 1 yolk, 3 tbsp. dry Milk, 1 tsp. Honey. Mask as a thick sour cream, impose for 20 minutes, wash off and wipe the ice cubes. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator.

Rejuvenating egg-yolk mask from small wrinkles: take 1 yolk and having a teaspoon of honey. Mix yolk with honey and apply this mixture on face, wash off in 5 minutes, cool water. Honey is not recommended for the capillary grid.

Egg-tea mask. Muffle egg yolk with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, add a few drops of lemon juice and a little freshly sauced tea (better than green). Mask apply to face for 15 minutes, after which it was washed off with water or herbal infusion. It will improve blood circulation, moisturize the skin and smoothes wrinkles.

  • Egg masks: recipes for nutrition, suspenders, face rejuvenation

Herbal Sticks against Wrinkles

Herbal decoction: Flower baskets chamomile (2 tbsp. spoons) add lavender (2 tbsp. spoons) and 1 tbsp. Spoon of sage. All plants are finely tolten in a porcelain mortar. Pullen steep boiling water so that it turned out pretty thick casher. It is closed for 2-3 minutes with a lid, so that the herbs are well sprinkled, and the warm mass is imposed on the face and neck, trying not to get back. Cover the mask with a napkin and keep 15-20 minutes. Alternatively impose cotton swammed in the chalf's chalf, arnica or tea, which also contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles and eye gloss.

Meld from hop: Against the fading of the skin helps the rumor of the bumps of shishes of hops, branch of oats, infusion of birch leaves and plantain. Decoction: pour 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials, warm on a small heat for 5 min, insist 15 min and strain. Infusion: Pour 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. raw materials and insist 30 minutes.

Infusion of calendula flowers For rubbing and compresses with fatty, porous, coarse skin, in the formation of acne, to prevent the appearance of wrinkles:

Two tablespoons of dry crushed scenery Calendules put in enameled dishes, add a glass of water, close the dishes with a lid and heat the water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool to room temperature and stroke after 45 minutes, squeezing the remaining mass. Add boiled water, bringing the volume of liquid to 200 ml. Infusion is stored in the refrigerator no more than 2 days. It is used for rubbing and compresses with a fatty, porous, coil skin, in the formation of acne, to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Sticks and wipes reduce pores on the face, reduce the salo-waste, destroy acne. For a gauze row, folded in 2-3 layers, moisten to the indestnant calendula, slightly squeeze and impose on the face for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times.

  • Calendula for face: Useful properties, how to use

Floral mix: With a dry skin, one of the simplest recipes mask such: in equal in volume parts to take lime color, chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves, rose petals or rosehip. Pre-crushed plants are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. After boiling, 1-2 min, the decoction is stored, and in the form of a compression in warm form they are imposed on a clean person, laying between the layers of gauze or bandage segments. It is necessary to keep a mask on the face 15-20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water.

Mask for oily skin Can be prepared by the same technology. Here is its composition: Hungarian grass, sorrel leaves, calendula floral baskets, coltsfoot leaves.

Masks can be replaced with compresses from dense beams of these fees. And besides this, you can use against the fading of the skin by the approaches, rubbing, brazers from the bumps of hop, aloe juice, oats, altea root, birch leaves and plantain.

Compresses from infusion of mint with slugging skin and neck:

Infusions or mint brazers can be used for compresses on dry or normal skin. Hot compress impose on a peeled face and neck for 3-5 minutes before a massage or mask. To make a napkin to fold in 2-3 layers, moistened in the brave of mint and quickly attach to the face so that the middle of the compression comes from the chin, and the edges covered the cheeks. The compress causes the expansion of blood vessels and pores, the influx of blood to the skin, relaxes the muscles, contributes to the removal of dust and dead cells. With extended leather vessels, hot compress (38-42 °) can not be done. Cold compress (15-18 °) is superimposed for 5-10 minutes. It tones the skin, improves the complexion, narrows blood vessels, reduces the pores, reduces the salo and sweating.

Good alternate hot and cold compresses. They are particularly effective in the sluggish skin of the face and neck.

Lipovy infusion in acne, wrinkles, oily skin: The liquid infusion of the lime color wipe the face with eels, wrinkles, oily skin. The procedure softens and cleans the skin, relieves irritation. Especially useful after severe sweating and staying in the dusty environment.

Infusion of linden flowers and green leaves of raspberries to combat wrinkles: the face is useful to wash (especially in summer) water mixed with the infusion of linden flowers, green leaves of raspberries (on a tablespoon on a glass of boiling water). If this infusion is frozen, then wiping the ice obtained is very helpful to fight wrinkles.

Oak bark and linden infusion For wiping sluggish, wrinkled skin: mix a teaspoon of crushed oak bark with a tablespoon of linden flowers, pour 1.5-2 glasses of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. It is recommended that it is recommended to wipe in the morning and in the evening instead of washing sluggling, flaying, prone to the formation of wrinkles.

Hypericum Toning Lotion for evening cleaning of fading skin:

For evening cleaning of fading leather, a tonic lotion is used: 10 ml of 70% alcohol is added to 100 ml of ragger. Such a lotion can be done: to a glass of infusion add a teaspoon of cologne.

Lotion from nine. With an aging, fading skin pour 0.5 l of white dry wine. Handful of fresh crushed nine root and peel on slow heat for 15 min. The resulting lotion should wipe the face 2 times a day.

Fruit masks from wrinkles

Strawberry or strawberry mask for elasticity: Multiple berries. Mind, apply juice or cleaner on clean skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse the face with cold water. The mask is well vitaminized the skin, tones, gives freshness, velvety.

For wrinkle removal: mix 1 tbsp. l. Leaves of raspberries and linden colors, brew 2 glasses of boiling water and insist, shook, 30 minutes. Infusion pour into special molds and put in the freezer. Ice cubes infusion wipe the skin for the night.

Mask from banana, yolk, sour cream, honey for aging skin:

One tablespoon (with top) Banana cashem mix with chicken egg yolk, sour cream and honey. Blend apply to face for 15-20 minutes. Course - 20 procedures (2-3 times a week).

Strawberry juice lotion for wrinkled skin: With a wrinkled face face, it can be wiped with a liquid prepared from 1/4 cup of strawberry juice, 0.5 g of salicylic acid (fine powder) and a glass of 45% alcohol (can be added to 1/4 grade Lotion Cucumber juice). Wipe your face every night for 20-30 days. With dry leather, alcohol replace wine.

Fruit cream for dry, fading skin is prepared from 2 tablespoons of loss of strawberries, mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of a melted bone marrow, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rubbling the mixture, add a canteen spoonful of camphor alcohol.

Mask with oily skin and wrinkle: with oily skin, a mask of a mixture of rascal berries of raspberries and a chicken egg protein is helped. To whipped in a thick foam protein add 2 teaspoons of pulp. Apply a face for 15-20 minutes on a lubricated juice. Wash off with cold water. This mask is recommended and in the presence of wrinkles on the face.

Curd masks

For youth and freshness of the skin: mix 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 1 tsp. Sea salt and apply a mixture on the face for 15-20 minutes, after which it was washed off with warm water and rinse the face with cold water. Make 1-2 times a day.

Curd-sour cream mask. Mix 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons sour cream and pinch of salt. Apply a mass for 15-20 minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton swab moistened in cold milk. This mask helps well against wrinkles.

Ice cubes against wrinkles

Frozen juice of watermelus to care for an aging face: Wipe the face with such a cube, leave for 10 minutes as a mask, then wash.

Cubes of mint ice for wiping face, neck, chest - tonic, smoothing wrinkles:

You can cook ice cubes from the infusion of mint and wipe the dry skin, neck, chest in the morning. This procedure tones the skin of the face, smoothes wrinkles, relieves irritation and fatigue.

Your skin will also like frozen cubes from raccara chamomile, calendula.

  • Face Cubes: Recipes for Fast Moisturizing and Skin Tightening

Masks with clay against wrinkles

Home mask from wrinkles on herbs with blue clay: take 2 teaspoons of lavender, chamomile, lime color, sage and dilute boiling water to get a thick cascum-shaped mass, let it brew 10 minutes, mix with blue clay to the consistency of liquid sour cream. The resulting composition is divided into 2 parts, one of which is cooled in the refrigerator, to heat the other in the water bath. Both parts to smear on the principle of sandwicher for gauze. Alternately impose on the face for 5 minutes. Eyes protect with cotton swab swallowed in the infusion of lime color. The procedure is enough to do once a week.

Rejuvenating Mask "Cleopatra" from clay, sour cream, lemon and honey: clay, sour cream, lemon juice and honey mix in equal shares. Keep on the face of 15-20 minutes, wash off warm, and then cold water. Refreshing, whitens, smoothes wrinkles. Make 2 times a week.

Honey masks

1 tbsp. l. Honey mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Tolkna and 2 tbsp. l. milk.

Honey (2 tbsp.) Mix with 2 tbsp. l. Flour and 1 egg squirrel, apply on the face with a flat brush and keep to complete drying, then wash off - first hot, and then cold water. This mask nourishes and tones, but often should not be done.

2 tbsp. l. Honey mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Very strong tea and 2 tbsp. l. Crumpled oatmeal, add water to getting more or less thick consistency, and everything is slightly warm. The resulting warm mass is applied to the face with a thick layer, cover with a paper napkin, and on top of a towel. Hold 20 minutes.

  • Facial Honey: Miraculous Properties For Skin Rejuvenation

Salt Salt Mask with Honey for pale skin (except skin with vascular asterisks): 1 tsp. Money + 1 h. Mix salt to the formation of white foam and apply on face. Keep on your face for at least 20 minutes. After such a 20 minute mask, leather is leveled, cleared, pores are tightened. Do no more than 3 times a week. The course is designed for 3 weeks, i.e. You need to make 9-10 masks.

Prevention of wrinkles. Wax 39 grams, honey 70 grams, onion juice 30 grams, white lily juice juice 30 grams, the mixture is heated, mix well, for 10-15 minutes to prevent wrinkles.

Wrinkle mask. 20 grams of flower pollen, 50 grams of olive oil, 50 grams of crushed Mineral Huma, 200 grams of bee honey to knead up to a keshitce state, give a stand alone. Apply a mask on the face for 20 minutes one or twice a week.

Honey Lotion. for greasy aging skin. For greasy aging leather, a lotion should be prepared: 1 tablespoon of honey mixed with 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 50 grams of cologne. Dilute 1 cup of water. Before consumption shake. Apply 2 times a week.

Indian fatty mask with advanced pores and wrinkles:

Take on a teaspoon of honey, warm milk, potato starch, salt and mix before the formation of Cashitz. A mixture on the face of a cotton swab, a layer behind the plast, while Cashitz is spent. After 20-25 minutes, wash the face first warm, then cool water. Recommended for oily skin with advanced pores and wrinkles. Smoothes and brightens the skin.

Mask from onion, honey and milk for aging skin:

Equal parts of the grazed onion and honey mix with fresh milk, tag to face. After half an hour, wash off the chamomile infusion. Recommended for aging skin face.

Mask from nettle with dry, aging skin:

The fresh leaves of nettle to mix in the crap in the grinding of the fresh ratio with liquid honey and apply on the face. Such a mask is recommended for dry, aging skin.

Fruit juice against wrinkles

Grape juice and raw milk mask for wrinkled skin: mix a quarter cup of grape juice with the same amount of raw milk. In this fluid, moisten the wool layer and impose it on the face, covering the terry towel from above. Remove in 15-20 minutes, skin slightly dry and smear with cream. Mask is recommended for wrinkled skin.

Grape juice and egg mask for fatty wrinkled skin: With a fat wrinkled skin, it is useful after lubricating the face with grape juice to make the following mask: to whipped into a dense egg squirrel to add 2 teaspoons of grapes pulp. After 15-20 minutes, wash the mask with cold water.

Grapefruit It is an excellent vehicle against wrinkles: mix the juice or pulp of grapefruit with a teaspoon of sour cream (or thick acidic milk, thrown back on the siech), a teaspoon of carrot juice and a tablespoon of rice flour. Blend on face, neck, chest for 30 minutes. Then make the mask, wash the skin with water and lubricate the grapefruit juice, giving it to dry. This mask is recommended to do 2 times a week for a month.

Mask against wrinkles from grapefruit and rice flour: a tablespoon of rice flour, cooked from finely extinguished (in a coffee grinder) and sifted rice, mix with a tablespoon of prostruck and 2 tablespoons of grapefruit juice. The mask smoothes wrinkles and warns their appearance. Recommended for any type of skin.

Toning mask For dry and aging leather from apricot juice and manna porridge: Two tablespoons of warm manna cereal welded on milk to consistency thick sour cream, mix with yolk, honey (1 teaspoon), salt (half of a teaspoon), add 2-3 canteens Spoons of fresh apricot juice and impose on a face for 20 minutes. Mask tones normal and dry, as well as aging slugging skin.

Aloe Covering Wrinkle Juice

Aloe juice mask for dry, wrinkled and flabby skin: the following mask is useful with dry, wrinkled and flabby skin: 1 - 2 teaspoons of a fat cream join with a teaspoon of biostimulated aloe juice and 1 - 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Stir thoroughly. Apply with lightweight, massaging movements on the wet after a pre-hot compress face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Remove with cotton swab. Then impose a protein mask (one squirrel to be gripped with a 1/4 teaspoon of shallow salt) and after 10 minutes to remove the car moistened with the Victoric or Sage, and at the end to rinse the same infusion.

Aloe and Vaseline Ointment for the prevention of wrinkle formation: for the prevention of wrinkle formation, especially on dry skin, useful in Vaseline or Lanolin add a little biostimulated aloe juice. The juice is added to a small jar with lanolin or vaseline, it is frozen, and its residues merge.

Vegetable anti-aging face masks

Masks for smoothing the skin of the neck: cucumber cut into very thin slices, put the neck and secure the bandage or golk. After 20-25 minutes, remove, and smear the skin with cream.

Curl peel to impose on the neck, cover with a piece of fabric and take off after 10 minutes. As a result, the skin will become fresh and smooth.

If the neck skin has a darker color than the skin of the face, it is useful to wipe with a cotton swab into the cucumber juice before lubricating it with nutritious or vegetable oil.

Cucumber Mask with Egg for oily, porous and wrinkled skin:

Purified cucumber shake on a shallow grater. Add a tablespoon of whipped squirrel to a tablespoon of Cashitsa. Apply on the face for 15-20 minutes, wash off with cold water. It is recommended for fatty, porous and wrinkled skin, softens and refreshes it.

Mask from carrots and honey for dry, fading skin, smoothes small wrinkles, improves the complexion, makes skin elastic:

Obtain one carrot on a shallow grater, mix with a teaspoon of honey. Cashitz apply on face and neck, and after 20 minutes, washed off with warm water. Face wipe with cotton swab, moistened with cold water.

Mask from a grated carrot and starch with a diryabe skin:

Mask from a grated carrot mixed with a small amount of starch is recommended for flourishing skin. It is applied for 30 minutes, wash off with cold water.

Refreshing and smoothing mask for any skin:

Grate 2 fresh carrots on fine grater, mix with 1-2 spoons of starch or freshly prepared potato lurra and one egg yolk. The mixture is imposed on a carefully cleaned skin of the face for 20 minutes with a smooth layer. Fit first warm, then cold water. Suitable for any skin: refreshes and smoothes it. You can make this mask relatively often.

Cabbage juice mask with sluggish, flabby, wrinkled skin, as well as in freckles and pigment stains:

With sluggish, flabby, wrinkled skin, as well as in freckles and pigment stains, the following mask is recommended: Wool layer Mocked the cabbage juice, impose on the face for 10-15 minutes. After that, wipe it with a wet tampon or washed with cold water. Make 2-3 times a week.

Mask of potatoes for sensitive skin , prone to irritation, with a female swelling, wrinkles:

Purified crude potatoes grate in a small grater, put the cleaner between the two layers of gauze, impose on a face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water. The mask is recommended for sensitive skin, prone to irritation, as well as in the swelling of the face, wrinkles. Smoothes, softens, moisturizes and tones the skin. With eels such a mask hold 1-2 hours.

Mask of potatoes and cucumber from wrinkles: Gate potatoes and cucumber on fine grater, mix and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off with water by adding a little lemon juice into it, dry, lubricate with olive oil and make a massage. Helps with wrinkles on the face.

Mask for faded skin face:

For faded skin of the face, masks made of boiled in the uniform and creeping large potatoes, which are added along one teaspoon sour cream, milk, olive oil or glycerin. Apply the mixture on the face for 15-20 minutes, close the napkin. After removing the mask, rinse it with warm water, wipe with infusion of the lime color and apply a nutrient cream for 30-40 minutes.

Mask with oily and aging skin:

Potatoes boil and rub. Warm mashed potatoes apply to face. The mask is useful for oily and aging.

Maski Masks

1. Grind carrots on a small grater, mixed with 1 yolk thoroughly, add 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice and vegetable oil. Bring the mixture to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off warm water.

2. Grate 2 fresh carrots on grater 2 and mix with 2 tbsp. Potato flour and 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting mass on the carefully cleaned skin of the face. The mask increases the skin resistance to unfavorable conditions of the external environment, and also improves the complexion and smoothes wrinkles.

Mask Mask from Turmeric from wrinkles on the face: take 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of ground turmeric, 1 h. Such cream and 1 h. Spoon of honey. All mix until homogeneous mass. Apply to face for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with water.

Avocado Mask for Dry Skin

To prepare the mask you will need the following components:

2 egg yolks, 1/3 liters of a monthly infantry mushroom, 2 tablespoons of a ray oil, 2 teaspoons of pulp avocado, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Bulk yolk serve mixer in a foam, in the process of whipping, gradually add infusion of tea mushroom and burial oil.

Drink the fork to the flesh of Avocado, add it and lemon juice into a yellowish mixture and quickly take a mixer. Mass should be used immediately.

This mask has a beneficial effect on dry and aging skin. It should be applied in the evening after careful cleaning face and keep all night. In the morning the mask washed off with warm water. If you have a little cooked mixture, put it in the refrigerator and use the next evening.

Fitomas for face-aging

Smoothing phytomasque from birch leaves for fading skin: to grind and lose fresh birch sheets, mix them with the same amount of oatmeal and vegetable oil, apply on the face for 10-15 minutes. And wash off water room temperature.

Sesame oil from Mimic Wrinkle: Lubricate wrinkles and leave for an hour, then flush with a napkin.

Home Lifting mask from beer yeast: take 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of beer yeast, pour milk to the state of thick sour cream, apply on the face for 15-20 minutes, wash off water temperature. If the skin is fat - you need to take hydrogen peroxide instead of milk. Such a mask is useful to do with fading skin 2-3 times a week.

Cereals for elasticity of the skin. Take in equal proportions crushed in the meat grinder or kitchen combine oatmeal, calendula and yarrow. Add some boiling water to make a thick consistency of thick sour cream. Mass apply on the face and hold 20 minutes, wash off cool water.

Chamomile mask, nettle, cedar oil. Very effective mask! It will help to eliminate dry skin, save it from wrinkles and acne, acne:

Take 1st. l. Chamomile and a tablespoon of nettle leaves, fall asleep into the container in a ratio of 1: 1 and pour a firepage of boiling water. We make decoction in a water bath (20 min.) Fix the decoction using gauze. We leave the resulting liquid, it is still useful. The remaining Cashitz is slightly pressing, we pour 1/3 teaspoon of cedar oil into it and mix. The resulting cleaner, apply in the form of a mask.

After 20 minutes, the surplus of cedar oil can be blown into a clean napkin to remove the shine from the skin of the face. Mask to apply in the morning or during the day. The same mask can also be used for the neck to smoke wrinkles and eliminate the dramatic skin on it.

Chamomile Contains vitamins C, B, P and trace elements. It removes irritation, regenerates skin cells. Chamomile, due to the anti-inflammatory and disinfecting action, heals the wounds and relieves the eels.

Cedar oil Ornate vitamins of the group B, as well as a, f, d, e, with ... tones and smoothes the skin. The anti-inflammatory effect of cedar oil, eliminates acne. Oil is rich in amino acids, contains trace elements, silicon, calcium, iron and silver, copper, potassium and magnesium ... Perfectly restores cells, smoothes wrinkles and nourishes skin cells.
