Is it possible to hold your breath during pregnancy. The technique of using breathing exercises in childbirth. During contractions

It really would be very nice for a pregnant woman to learn different ways to breathe correctly. If you exercise every day, then by the end of your pregnancy you will really be well prepared to help yourself and, of course, your baby during the passage through the birth canal. The ability to breathe correctly helps not only to relax in time and calm down during contractions, but, in the end, to control the strength of contraction of one's own muscles.

It is quite possible to perform breathing exercises even while lying down, if it is more convenient for you, then you can also sit in Turkish, but at the same time it is advisable to lean on something with your back, say, on a hard pillow.

Proper breathing during childbirth is extremely important and responsible.

You just have to provide the opportunity for the muscles of your uterus to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, and at the same time rest assured that they will be significantly less painful. The female body is designed in such a way that a lack of oxygen or hypoxia instantly causes pain.

Proper breathing helps:

  • Control, which in turn helps protect the baby from birth injuries
  • To make the same attempts more effective and thus provides the necessary pressure of the diaphragm on your uterus, which in turn helps the baby to be born. When the expectant mother simply draws air into her cheeks, this does not help the baby, he does not advance, and the attempts become ineffectual.
  • So that the head of the crumbs can come out gently, in no way injuring itself and without harming the mother's birth canal
  • Make sure that the baby also does not suffer from a lack of oxygen, all the same hypoxia.

Breathing video during childbirth and pregnancy

Filled chest breathing

Try to put one hand on your stomach and the other directly on your chest. Try to make a full deep exhalation, and then inhale through your nose, while drawing in as much air as possible into your lungs. At this time, the hand that was lying on your stomach should remain practically motionless. The second hand, on the contrary, should rise as much as possible, due to the fact that your inhalation was so deep that with it the ribs were raised as much as possible, and the diaphragm dropped at the same time. Taking a full deep breath, try to hold your breath, and then slowly, slowly, slowly, exhale the air through your nose.

When you master this exercise, you can move on to the study of other styles and varieties of chest breathing. It can be superficial, delayed, and intermittent.

Shallow breathing

You need to try to breathe easily and naturally, quickly, as well as rhythmically and almost silently. Try to breathe through your mouth, while filling only the very tops of your lungs with air. At this time, let someone close to you put both hands on your shoulder blades, and say, at the same time, if you feel the movement of his hands during your breath. Try to make your breathing feel easier and more airy with each inhalation.

When performing such exercises, do not forget that only the upper sections of the chest should move, and in no case should the stomach.

Make sure that the breaths are always equal to the exhalation. Try to gradually, without hurrying to increase

the duration and number of shallow breaths, first from ten to thirty seconds, and by late pregnancy, the duration can be increased to one minute. Shallow breathing simply has to be rhythmic, inhalation should be replaced by exhalation in two seconds. You will likely find it easier to do these exercises with your eyes closed.

Such breathing practices can also help you with severe contractions when the cervix is ​​opening. During contractions, it is extremely important that your diaphragm, as a muscle capable of separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, which should properly tighten and lower when inhaling, does not press unnecessarily on the uterus. Therefore, the lighter and more airy your shallow breathing will be, the less the diaphragm will be able to go down, which is necessary at this very moment.

Delayed breathing

Try to inhale very deeply through your nose, when you feel that this is the end of inhalation, try to hold your breath, now count to yourself in your thoughts to ten, and only then exhale sharply through your mouth. When you practice this breathing, you can try to bring your score to thirty.

It is necessary to breathe with delays at the very moment when your baby is gradually going out.

Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, try to inhale and exhale very noisily, it will remotely resemble the breathing of a dog. The rhythm of your irregular breathing must be somewhat quickened. You should take approximately one inhalation and one exhalation per second. When practicing this type of breathing, try to breathe like this for only thirty seconds to begin with, then increase the number of breaths to forty, and later sixty times.

Interrupted breathing is extremely useful at the end of the initial period of the baby's birth, exactly when the woman wants to push. However, you need to remember that you should not do this until the little head of your baby drops down into the pelvis, as well as at the end of the second stage of labor, when you are able to see the appearance of the head.

Abdominal breathing

Place one hand on top of your stomach, and lower the other on your chest. Before the very beginning of the exercises, you need to make a full exhalation. Then inhale fully through the nose, while lifting the abdominal wall, thus inflating the abdomen. The hand that was lying on the stomach at the same time will move, and the hand that was lying on the chest should remain practically motionless. Then slowly exhale very slowly through your mouth, while gradually you will lower the abdominal wall, and by the very end of exhalation, the peritoneum should return to its original position.

Absolutely complete deep breathing

At the very beginning of the exercise, exhale deeply, emptying your lungs. Then slowly inhale very slowly, while again lifting the abdominal wall. Towards the very end of the inhalation, try to hold your breath, and then, just as slowly and slowly, exhale through your mouth, first lower your chest, and then your ribs. Full deep breathing is essential in order to rest between contractions. Such exercises can even cause some dizziness. And therefore, it is better to train like this in a prone position and you need to start with no more than three or four times in a row.

Sharp exhalations

It may happen that after the very first contractions, despite the fact that the cervix is ​​not completely open yet, the woman will begin to struggle. It is quite possible to prevent this with the help of breathing, for this you need to make first two short, not deep breaths, and then one, but very long, and noisy exhalation right with a roar.

Another helpful video on proper breathing:

Firstly, the correct breathing of a pregnant woman gives the baby the necessary amount of oxygen when he moves through the birth canal, secondly, correctly concentrated breathing allows you to control the process of movement of the child and accelerates its birth, and thirdly, the correct breathing of a woman allows you to get rid of pain in childbirth. During the entire period of intrauterine development, and even more so - in such a complex process as childbirth, the baby must continuously receive the required amount of oxygen through the umbilical cord, and proper breathing and physical activity of a woman is of great importance for this.

Pregnancy is accompanied by great changes in the body of the expectant mother, and this is not only the growth of the uterus and, accordingly, the abdomen, it is also an increase in the number of heartbeats per minute, blood thinning, an increase in the elasticity and length of blood vessels. A pregnant woman, especially when the term "passes" for 25 weeks, feels that the heartbeat has become faster than usual, she may be disturbed by shortness of breath with the slightest physical exertion, or without them. The lungs of a pregnant woman are ventilated more than usual in order to have time to saturate the blood with oxygen, and their volume even increases during this period.

How do you learn to breathe correctly?

They increase the needs of a woman and a child for oxygen and nutrients by 85 percent, and attempts at childbirth - up to 250 percent, which must be corrected by the woman herself with the help of proper breathing.

1. A woman must learn - not only to breathe in the air deeply, but also to exhale it deeply, so that stagnant air does not remain in the lungs. This exercise should be done several times a day, preferably while sitting, focusing on both inhalation and exhalation, trying to push all the used air out of the lungs. You need to breathe as calmly and slowly as possible, better - to a relaxing melody.

2. After the exercise for deep breathing, the woman should relax as much as possible, rest - it is better to do this lying down. You can listen to a pleasant melody, imagine beautiful pictures of nature. Breathing during rest periods should be calm, but not very deep - much like during sleep.

3. When breathing, a woman should pay attention to her chest, because during pregnancy it is most correct to breathe not with her shoulders, lifting them up, but with her chest, expanding it to the sides. Such breathing allows you to saturate the entire area of ​​the lungs with fresh air and, accordingly, oxygen, eliminating stagnant air. "Chest" breathing also relieves the load from the abdomen of the pregnant woman, because when the lungs are filled, the pressure goes not to the diaphragm and abdomen, but to the ribs.

4. During the pushing, a woman should breathe very often, shallowly, such breathing is called "dog breath", but in no case should she hold her breath at all. Frequent breathing during pushing eliminates pain, allows you to concentrate not on painful sensations, but on breathing. Such breathing must be used when there is no need to push yet, but the pushing has already begun - this will relieve unnecessary stress on the uterus.

5. After a period of frequent breathing, when the attempt has already receded, the woman should remember about deep, calm breathing with the whole chest, and focus all her attention on it in order to provide the baby and herself with oxygen until the next attempt.

6. When a woman needs to push to push the baby out, the air needs to be trapped in the lungs, not in the cheeks. Breathing must be delayed, and the force of the pushing must be controlled so that it increases gradually. After trying to exhale the air, breathe in "deep" breathing, then draw air into the lungs and push again.

7. Between attempts, a woman should focus all her attention on calm and even, deep breathing, because it calms the heartbeat, allows you to gain new strength before the next attempt, delivers oxygen to both the mother and the baby, relaxes and gives rest to all the muscles of the body.

8. When a baby is born, a woman, as a rule, breathes deeply and calmly - this is, of course, influenced by the fact that such a difficult stage in her and her baby's life has been overcome.

9. Correct breathing during attempts, which a woman learned during preparation for childbirth, will help her in the process of breastfeeding, because the baby always hears the heartbeat and breathing of the mother, and adjusts to this rhythm. The calmer and more confident a mother is, the calmer her baby will be.

By doing exercises to develop correct breathing, the expectant mother will help both herself and her baby to overcome the difficult period of childbirth without problems and pain. These exercises can be performed while lying in bed, immediately after waking up in the morning, while sitting at the desk, or during the day's rest, leaning back in a chair. The most important thing in these exercises is to focus not on the number of inhalations and exhalations, but on their quality, depth. A woman should feel how her lungs are saturated with oxygen, how breathing soothes her, allows her to get rid of bad thoughts and fears associated with the upcoming birth. During deep breathing, a woman can listen to beautiful calm music, stroke her belly, talk to a baby, rejoicing in these moments, believing in a prosperous future.

A little more than eight months of pregnancy were ahead of me, and among other questions I thought about physical efforts - to move or not to move? There was not a lot of information. The only thing that I remembered was what I read in the book "5 rituals of rejuvenation." I have been doing these exercises every day for 7 years and I remember what was written in the book - pregnant women do not need to interrupt the exercises, and in the later stages, simply remove those elements that are difficult to perform due to their already large tummy. So I decided to continue with these exercises and listen to my body. As a result, I spent the pregnancy very actively. I walked a lot, briskly, swam, hiking, housework, gardening, business trips with my husband, etc. Subconsciously, I felt that if the mother is active, then the baby is too. And she was right. After a short search, information began to flow.

It turns out that the child, in the womb, in order to feed, is connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord. The placenta grows with the fetus (at the birth of a baby, it weighs 600-700 g). The child's blood never mixes with the mother's blood, it reaches the placenta, diverges through the capillaries, and exchange takes place there: through the films, the fetus takes oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood, and gives up its unnecessary substances. These films, or the placental barrier, do not even allow microbes to pass through. Only filtered viruses can penetrate this barrier. Due to the fact that a pregnant woman has its own blood, and the fetus has its own, he does not accept a lot of mother's illnesses and is born healthier than her. The size of the placenta was determined by nature in such a way that her child is "just barely enough" and this limits the excess supply of nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood to the child's blood. Hence, the periodically occurring depletion of the child's blood in these substances, which plays the role of a natural physiological stress stimulus for the developing fetus. Restrictions on the supply of matter and energy imposed by the size of the placental surface make the fetus move. However, this factor alone is not enough. "Bed" rest of the mother during pregnancy leads to insufficient motor activity of the child and his physiological immaturity. That. when the expectant mother is in a calm state, the child is also calm, but as soon as the mother makes some effort, she begins to breathe quickly - a lack of oxygen. And the child, having not received oxygen from the mother's blood, begins to move. Even I.A. Arshavsky wrote that it is motor activity that is the most important condition for the growth and development of the body.

9 months of pregnancy is too important a period for the child and it is unforgivable for the mother to spend it passively.

“During this period, the life of the child is closely connected with the life of the mother and the mother can already shape his future qualities. He can be trained and tempered by giving himself certain physical activity and doing tempering. This not only has a beneficial effect on the state of the mother, but also directly affects the child, disrupting, within some reasonable limits, his comfortable and "secure" existence and forcing him to activate his protective and adapted mechanisms. This leads not only to a better physical development of the child, an increase in his general immunity, resistance to the effects of environmental conditions, but also to a more developed and balanced psyche by the time of birth. Such children are born well physically developed, behave actively, very quickly adapt to new conditions, develop rapidly, from the very first days they are ready for quite heavy loads. "(M Trunov Ecology of Infancy (First year))

Physical activity is equally important for a woman, as preparation for childbirth. After all, childbirth is perhaps the most difficult physical process that requires a lot of energy from a woman. For example, for a long time, a pregnant woman was advised to wash the floors. This simple recommendation is invaluable. Washing floors daily (squatting) provides good physical activity, strengthens and elasticizes the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor, which is necessary for a good childbirth.

“It is extremely rewarding to swim and dive - ideally every day and to a state of mild and pleasant fatigue. It has been noticed that swimming develops those muscles that work during childbirth. Swimming gives good physical activity to the whole body. His need for oxygen increases, which trains the child to the conditions of his lack. This is also facilitated by repeated diving. Training a child for hypoxia is an important element in preparing for subsequent physical activity, hardening. A moderate lack of oxygen is a beneficial factor for increasing the internal reserves of the body. It must also be remembered that giving birth to a child is a process associated with an acute lack of oxygen. It is noticed that children, whose mothers swam and dived a lot throughout pregnancy, in the very first days are able to hold their breath for a much longer time under water than those not trained in this way. " (M Trunov Ecology of infancy (First year))

IA Arshavsky noted: "... hypoxemic exposures in the mother in the third third of pregnancy induce an adaptive response in the fetus to increase the oxygen capacity of the blood ...".

After reading this, I remembered an example from the Nikitins book: “

In Japan, one of the maternity hospitals drew attention to a group of women who gave birth to healthy full-fledged children. What does it depend on? It turns out that these newborns had a body weight of 3 kg: according to modern concepts, the weight is low. Body weight from 2.5 to 3.5 kg - the ideal infant weight, the most optimal for both the child and the mother. After all, such a child is easy to give birth. In this case, the baby is born non-obese, strong. And the Japanese doctors asked who the women were working for. They are divers, pearl hunters, and did not give up work until the very birth. Their children are physically more developed than those of ordinary women. Now all Japanese women have received recommendations: to swim and dive as much as possible, both before and during pregnancy. Their future children do not receive enough oxygen throughout their mother's working day (for professional divers, breath holding is up to 4 minutes). This means that the child has to move intensively in order to quickly "drive away" the blood, which is poor in oxygen. "

I didn’t have the opportunity to swim during my entire pregnancy, but after I read this information, I started to just hold my breath during the day - gradually it reached 2 minutes of delay.

And what do doctors advise pregnant women today?

In many countries, in order to prevent premature birth, bed rest is prescribed (of course, it is justified, but in sooooo rare cases), but there is not a single study that would prove that bed rest helps in this case.

M. Auden (an outstanding obstetrician-gynecologist, widely known throughout the world for his scientific discoveries and practical innovations) believes that "prolonged lack of movement can lead to a lack of sensory stimulation of the fetus as a result of limiting the flow of information to the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear, which processes information about the position of the body and, as a result, ensures its balance. In addition, the vestibular apparatus may be responsible for the position of the fetus within the uterus, and failure of its function can lead to a breech or brachial presentation. From our point of view, the traditional prescription of bed rest can be seen as another example of obstetric intervention in the process of childbirth: women are ordered to lie not only during childbirth, but also throughout pregnancy. "

In other words, a normal pregnancy should not be a barrier to high physical activity ... but on the contrary.

Move with confidence and pleasure: dance, run if you like, even a bicycle has a place !!! After all, when we move, the child in the tummy remembers our movements ... that is, we are already developing and educating him. This partially explains why active women have faster babies!

We got a lot of information, but that's not all. I will also talk about movement ... in pictures ... and even videos.

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It really would be very nice for a pregnant woman to learn different ways of breathing correctly. If you exercise every day, then by the end of your pregnancy you will really be well prepared to help yourself and, of course, your baby during the passage through the birth canal. The ability to breathe correctly helps not only to relax in time and calm down during contractions, but, in the end, to control the strength of contraction of one's own muscles.
It is quite possible to perform breathing exercises even while lying down, if it is more convenient for you, then you can also sit in Turkish, but at the same time it is advisable to lean on something with your back, say, on a hard pillow.
Proper breathing during childbirth is extremely important and responsible.
You just have to provide the opportunity for the muscles of your uterus to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, and at the same time rest assured that the contractions will be much less painful. The female body is designed in such a way that a lack of oxygen or hypoxia instantly causes pain.
Proper breathing helps:

  • Control attempts, which in turn helps protect the baby from birth injuries
  • To make the same attempts more effective and thus provides the necessary pressure of the diaphragm on your uterus, which in turn helps the baby to be born. When the expectant mother simply draws air into her cheeks, this does not help the baby, he does not advance, and the attempts become ineffectual.
  • So that the head of the crumbs can come out gently, in no way injuring itself and without harming the mother's birth canal
  • Make sure that the baby also does not suffer from a lack of oxygen, all the same hypoxia.

Breathing video during childbirth and pregnancy

Try to put one hand on your stomach and the other directly on your chest. Try to make a full deep exhalation, and then inhale through your nose, while drawing in as much air as possible into your lungs. At this time, the hand that was lying on your stomach should remain practically motionless. The second hand, on the contrary, should rise as much as possible, due to the fact that your inhalation was so deep that with it the ribs were raised as much as possible, and the diaphragm dropped at the same time. Taking a full deep breath, try to hold your breath, and then slowly, slowly, slowly, exhale the air through your nose.

When you master this exercise, you can move on to the study of other styles and varieties of chest breathing. It can be superficial, delayed, and intermittent.

You need to try to breathe easily and naturally, quickly, as well as rhythmically and almost silently. Try to breathe through your mouth, while filling only the very tops of your lungs with air. At this time, let someone close to you put both hands on your shoulder blades, and say, at the same time, if you feel the movement of his hands during your breath. Try to make your breathing feel easier and more airy with each inhalation.

When performing such exercises, do not forget that only the upper sections of the chest should move, and in no case should the stomach.

Make sure that the breaths are always equal to the exhalation. Try to gradually, without hurrying to increase

the duration and number of shallow breaths, first from ten to thirty seconds, and by late pregnancy, the duration can be increased to one minute. Shallow breathing simply has to be rhythmic, inhalation should be replaced by exhalation in two seconds. You will likely find it easier to do these exercises with your eyes closed.

Such breathing practices can also help you with severe contractions when the cervix is ​​opening. During contractions, it is extremely important that your diaphragm, as a muscle capable of separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, which should properly tighten and lower when inhaling, does not press unnecessarily on the uterus. Therefore, the lighter and more airy your shallow breathing will be, the less the diaphragm will be able to go down, which is necessary at this very moment.

Try to inhale very deeply through your nose, when you feel that this is the end of inhalation, try to hold your breath, now count to yourself in your thoughts to ten, and only then exhale sharply through your mouth. When you practice this breathing, you can try to bring your score to thirty.

It is necessary to breathe with delays at the very moment when your baby is gradually going out.

Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, try to inhale and exhale very noisily, it will remotely resemble the breathing of a dog. The rhythm of your irregular breathing must be somewhat quickened. You should take approximately one inhalation and one exhalation per second. When practicing this type of breathing, try to breathe like this for only thirty seconds to begin with, then increase the number of breaths to forty, and later sixty times.

Interrupted breathing is extremely useful at the end of the initial period of the baby's birth, exactly when the woman wants to push. However, you need to remember that you should not do this until the little head of your baby drops down into the pelvis, as well as at the end of the second stage of labor, when you are able to see the appearance of the head.

Place one hand on top of your stomach, and lower the other on your chest. Before the very beginning of the exercises, you need to make a full exhalation. Then inhale fully through the nose, while lifting the abdominal wall, thus inflating the abdomen. The hand that was lying on the stomach at the same time will move, and the hand that was lying on the chest should remain practically motionless. Then slowly exhale very slowly through your mouth, while gradually you will lower the abdominal wall, and by the very end of exhalation, the peritoneum should return to its original position.

At the very beginning of the exercise, exhale deeply, emptying your lungs. Then slowly inhale very slowly, while again lifting the abdominal wall. Towards the very end of the inhalation, try to hold your breath, and then, just as slowly and slowly, exhale through your mouth, first lower your chest, and then your ribs. Full deep breathing is essential in order to rest between contractions. Such exercises can even cause some dizziness. And therefore, it is better to train like this in a prone position and you need to start with no more than three or four times in a row.

It may happen that after the very first contractions, despite the fact that the cervix is ​​not completely open yet, the woman will begin to struggle. It is quite possible to prevent this with the help of breathing, for this you need to make first two short, not deep breaths, and then one, but very long, and noisy exhalation right with a roar.

Another helpful video on proper breathing:

Breathing exercises during pregnancy in the second trimester - learning to breathe correctly

With the onset of pregnancy, almost from the first day, every woman thinks about the successful outcome of the case, imagining how everything will happen. So that the upcoming birth does not frighten, but soothes and instills confidence, you need to prepare yourself and your body in advance for a responsible procedure.

The proposed breathing exercises during pregnancy in the second trimester are performed in parallel with a set of physical exercises. The main goal of such exercises is to supply the growing fetus with blood and, accordingly, oxygen. They are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving the flexibility of the bones of the pelvis and spine, as well as ensuring the gradual adaptation of the vessels and heart of the pregnant woman to physical stress.

In addition, breathing exercises act as a kind of relaxation, a kind of relaxation that soothes a woman. Well, the fact that correct breathing during childbirth reduces the load on all organs of a woman and reduces pain is simply undeniable. However, without systematic training and self-concentration, it is simply impossible to realize this correct breathing during labor.

When performing exercises for training correct breathing, you should adhere to a number of simple requirements that make these exercises useful, correct and enjoyable for a pregnant mother. Remember that in between exercises, you should take a break for a break. You can close your eyes and breathe the way you are used to.

You can train breathing while in the following positions:

  • lie on your side, and raise your knees to the body;
  • lie on your back, and bend your legs at the knees, put on the bed, leaning on the soles of your feet;
  • sitting on a chair;
  • in the "lotus" position or in Turkish;
  • while walking.

Find a comfortable position for yourself and breathe healthily. You can turn on light music. Do it both at home and in a group. It is good to combine the breaths used in yoga with various popular techniques. Outdoor exercise is great.

There are several types of breathing exercises, which depend on the organs and systems to which they are directed. So there is:

  • Breathing through the diaphragm. This is how they teach to breathe when teaching academic vocal and other types of singing art.

To master the technique of such breathing, you need very little skill. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest, and breathe in and out deeply. It is important to carefully monitor that the inhalation raises and uses only the abdominal muscles, but the pectoral muscle remains unchanged. This effect is difficult to achieve immediately, because, as a rule, women breathe with their breasts, and men with their belly. Breathing movements are carried out exclusively through the nose and inhale-exhale.

  • Breathing through the chest. Using chest breathing, you can breathe in two different ways.

The first way. Place your hands on your ribs and push your bent elbows to the sides. Make sure that during breathing movements only the elbows move along with the rising ribs, but the chest and abdomen are unchanged and remain at rest.

Second way. Place one hand on your stomach and place the other on your chest. Here breathing is carried out purely according to the "female type" - only the chest moves while inhaling, and the abdomen remains unchanged.

In time, such exercises for correct breathing can take from ten to thirty minutes, no more. It is important to pay attention to the fact that when performing breathing exercises, one should not make delays, both during inhalation and exhalation. Otherwise, your baby may not receive enough oxygen and feel on himself such an unpleasant condition called "hypoxia".

Apart from relaxing exercises, it is also used gymnastics for breathing, which usually precedes physical exercises and takes about five to ten minutes in duration. Such exercises subsequently greatly facilitate childbirth.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy, during gymnastic exercises, are suggested based on three basic breathing skills:

1. Breathing with abdominal muscles. Put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest and, having exhaled, inhale shallowly, using only your stomach. But the hand that remains on the chest remains motionless. This breathing is repeated three to four times. It is almost indispensable between recurring contractions.

2. Already familiar breathing with pectoral muscles. Hands also remain on the stomach and chest, and we inhale only with the chest, the stomach does not participate. Through these exercises, you can breathe throughout the contractions themselves.

3. Breathing in fits and starts, in short, separate movements. Here you should breathe quickly and loudly enough, managing to simultaneously inhale and exhale through the nose and through the mouth. This kind of breathing is often shown in movies. Usually it helps out when the first attempts appear and makes it possible to facilitate the contraction itself with such breathing, reducing the pressure in the abdomen.

No one will dispute the fact that respiration is the basis of the vital activity of every human organism. Such a stable expression "is necessary as air" is absolutely correct. A person can do without many things, for some time he can exist even without food and water. If a person is deprived of breath and, as they say, "cut off oxygen" - just a few minutes later the consequences will become irreversible, deplorable. For human life both begins with the first inhalation and ends with its last exhalation. However, let's not talk about sad things.

It will be about the importance of proper breathing during pregnancy. Having mastered the technique of special breathing exercises, a woman will thoroughly prepare herself for the birth process, both physically and psychologically. In addition, performing breathing exercises helps not only the female body to adapt to new conditions most quickly and efficiently, but also the baby growing inside it.

During exercise, a woman may experience so-called respiratory discomfort - a condition of difficulty breathing, accompanied by pain in the lungs and head, provoking slight dizziness. This should not be allowed! And if this discomfort overtakes a woman, the exercise, the implementation of which provoked him, should be stopped immediately. The only thing that you should not give up on its implementation for good. It is worth trying to repeat this exercise after a while. If the situation does not improve and the state of respiratory discomfort overtakes the pregnant woman again, the exercise that provokes it should be excluded from the complex being performed.

The only discomfort that is acceptable when performing a complex of respiratory gymnastics is a slight and mild, short-term bodily pain that appears as a result of any physical action. Naturally, painful sensations of this kind are associated with structural physiological changes in the body, so they are quite acceptable. However, if they are of a rather long, protracted nature, the correctness of the exercises performed should be reconsidered.

Experts recommend to resort to breathing exercises every day, both separately grouped and in combination with other gymnastic loads. The only thing you should adhere to is a strictly limited time - the duration of breathing exercises should not exceed 10 minutes. For the body of a pregnant woman is prone to a significant decrease in the level of carbon dioxide concentration in the blood. Consequently, frequent breathing will contribute to an even greater decrease in it, which, of course, is not quite the correct and desired result, which, among other things, can provoke dizziness. If the state of dizziness still overtakes the woman, you should take a deep breath, stay in this state for 15-30 seconds, and then release the remaining air outside. This will help get rid of discomfort and return the body to its normal state.

Basic breathing exercises are performed as follows:

  1. Chest breathing

    Place your right hand on your stomach, and your left hand on your opposite chest. Exhale fully, then draw as much air as possible into the lungs, while inhaling it through the nose. It is especially important that the hand lying on the stomach is at the moment at rest and practically does not move. The hand on the chest should naturally rise due to the movement of the ribs and the lowering of the diaphragm during inhalation. After taking a full and deep breath, you should hold your breath for a few seconds, then slowly exhale the air through your nose.

  2. Holding breath

    Being in an arbitrary comfortable position, you should deeply inhale air through your nose, hold your breath up to 10 counts (later you can bring it up to 20-30), and then sharply exhale its remnants through your mouth.

  3. Intermittent breathing

    Opening your mouth slightly and sticking out your tongue, inhale and exhale noisily (like a dog). The rhythm of breathing should be speeded up: ideally, one inhalation-exhalation should be done per second. You can start with a 30-second exercise, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 45-60 seconds.

  4. Shallow breathing

    It is better (and easier) to do this exercise with your eyes closed. When in any comfortable position, you should breathe quickly, rhythmically and silently. In this case, it is desirable that the abdomen was motionless, and only the upper part of the chest moved. The rhythm of breathing should be stably constant: one second - inhale, one second - exhale. The duration of the exercise should be gradually increased, leading to the last phase of pregnancy up to 60 seconds.

  5. Full breath

    Take a comfortable lying position. Exhale completely from the lungs. Then, while slightly lifting the abdomen (abdominal wall), inhale slowly. At the end of the inhalation, hold your breath for a few seconds, then begin a slow exhalation of air, lowering the chest first, and then the ribs. Do no more than 3-4 repetitions, otherwise unpleasant dizziness may begin.

  6. Abdominal breathing

    One hand should be on the stomach, the other on the opposite chest. Exhale completely through the mouth. Then you should slowly inhale air through the nose, while inflating the abdomen. In this case, the hand on the stomach should move, and the hand on the chest should remain practically motionless. Next, you should slowly exhale through the mouth, while lowering the abdominal wall so that by the end of exhalation, the stomach returns to its original position.

Health to you and your baby!

Women are quite peculiar, since the constantly enlarging uterus shifts the diaphragm and abdominal organs upward, which reduces the volume of the lungs and makes it difficult for the diaphragm to move. It is very important to adapt your body to these changes, since by the end of pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases by almost forty percent. Doing breathing exercises helps the body adapt to the increased demands much faster.

It is advisable to perform daily breathing exercises, while their duration should not exceed ten minutes a day. This is due to the fact that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood is markedly reduced, and intense and frequent breathing will lower it even more, which can cause dizziness.

You need to breathe with your stomach, not your chest. Even if you simply replace your usual chest breathing with a deeper one coming from the diaphragm, it will already benefit you and yours, as this breathing technique improves blood circulation in the intestines and uterus.

One of the simplest breathing exercises helps in the shortest possible time to reorganize to breathing with the abdomen. To complete it, you need to recline, it is desirable that a comfortable roller or a special pillow for pregnant women is located under your back. Put your palm on your stomach, while inhaling, fill it with air as much as possible, while the hand needs to be moved away from you with the abdominal muscles. As you exhale, get rid of the air completely by pulling in the anterior abdominal wall. The pace, rhythm and depth of breathing are up to you. Try to relax your chest and not strain it during this exercise. Do it over and over for a few minutes. This technique improves blood circulation and, as it were, strokes the uterus, as a result, the baby's activity increases. Exercise should be done regularly if there is a threat of miscarriage, and it also helps during the first stage of labor.

The following exercise also helps insomnia. Take a reclining position, try mixed breathing through the nose and mouth in an arbitrary rhythm at the same time. During the exercise, yours can actively move. Within a few seconds after the excess oxygen has an effect on the respiratory centers of the brain, you will feel sleepy and weak. This exercise should be performed regularly, several times a day, from about the twentieth week of pregnancy. In the future, breathing through the mouth can relieve the condition during severe contractions, since it has a mild analgesic effect.

Movement is life. This statement is familiar to almost everyone, and no one questions it anymore. But, unfortunately, today more and more people are choosing a sedentary lifestyle, and good physical shape is important for everyone, especially pregnant women.

In our society, pregnancy itself is perceived not as a natural state, but as a disease. Accordingly, a pregnant woman is obliged to behave like a patient: she needs peace and, in general, she should avoid any stress. But this is not quite the right approach.

A pregnant woman should not completely abandon the stress, it is enough just to limit them. However, walking, walking in the fresh air, and also gymnastics for pregnant women will only benefit her.

Gymnastics for pregnant women is a special set of exercises designed taking into account the loads permissible for pregnant women. There are a huge number of different complexes aimed at solving specific problems and designed for different situations.

You can do gymnastics for pregnant women at home on your own, or together with an experienced trainer. The main thing is to follow the simplest safety rules.

Safety precautions when doing gymnastics for pregnant women

The first thing to remember is that pregnancy itself is not a reason for giving up physical activity, however, unfortunately, during pregnancy there are various complications and pathologies in which stress may indeed be contraindicated.

Therefore, before you start doing gymnastics for pregnant women, you must consult your doctor... He must say whether the activity is permissible in a particular case, and also help determine the choice of a suitable set of exercises.

In addition, do not forget that different exercises are suitable for different periods. This is due not only to permissible physical activity, but even to elementary comfort. From trimester to trimester, a woman's belly grows, and many exercises in the later stages are simply impossible to perform. Therefore, there is a distinction between gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Pregnant women worth avoiding exercises for the press, jumping, and also do not use any strength simulators during training.

If during classes a woman feels unpleasant sensations, for example, pain or pulling sensations in the abdomen, or her pulse becomes too fast, then the classes should be stopped immediately, and it is imperative to consult a doctor again. Heart palpitations during exercise may indicate excessive exertion.

Do not immediately start doing the exercises at full strength. Especially if before that the woman was not particularly trained. It is better to increase the load gradually.

All movements of a pregnant woman should be smooth, gradual, in no case abrupt. If you need to lie down or vice versa, sit down from a prone position, then you need to do this in stages, and carefully.

Respiratory gymnastics for pregnant women

Before embarking on an introduction to exercise for pregnant women, it is worth talking about breathing. Breathing exercises for pregnant women are necessary for a variety of reasons. First of all, proper breathing helps to relax, calm down, and this skill is extremely important for a pregnant woman. Various stresses and nervous tensions are absolutely useless to her.

In addition, the ability to control your breathing is very useful for a woman during childbirth. The correct breathing rhythm is the easiest and most natural way to relieve contractions. Yes, and relax at this moment, too, does not hurt. It is not for nothing that in any school for expectant mothers the topic "Respiratory gymnastics during childbirth" is necessarily covered.

Correct breathing is also useful for a woman during gymnastics for pregnant women, which is why you need to start with breathing exercises. In addition, proper breathing and breathing exercises help to improve blood circulation in the placenta, which means that the baby will receive more oxygen.

Today, the most popular is breathing exercises for pregnant women with Svetlana Litvinova... The beauty of this gymnastics is that it is simple and straightforward, and most importantly, it is compiled according to the needs of the mother and child.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Chest breathing: put your hands on your ribs, and inhale the air as deeply as possible through your nose. You need to breathe in this exercise, of course, with your chest. After the chest is completely filled with air, exhale slowly;
  2. Diffragmatic breathing: in this exercise, one hand should be placed, as in the previous one, on the ribs, and the other on the stomach. We take a quick breath with our nose, the diaphragm should go down and stick out the stomach. Then we exhale through the nose or mouth. Between breaths, you need to make a short pause of 1 second;
  3. Four-phase breathing: First you need to inhale with your nose: 4-6 seconds, then hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, exhale: 4-5 seconds, and then hold it again. Thus, you need to breathe for 2-3 minutes;
  4. Dog breath: you need to get on all fours and stick out your tongue. Then we begin to breathe like a dog: through the mouth, and as often as possible.

It is better to do all exercises for the first few times only 2-3 cycles, then gradually increase the duration of the sessions. In general, this gymnastics is enough 10 minutes a day.

Respiratory gymnastics is no less popular. Strelnikova, although initially this set of breathing exercises had nothing to do with pregnancy: it was intended to develop the voice and vocal cords.

However, it has shown its effectiveness in many other situations, including during pregnancy.

Positional gymnastics for pregnant women

Positional gymnastics is very useful for pregnant women. It is also designed with the needs of the pregnant woman in mind. The task of positional gymnastics is to prepare a woman's body and muscles for childbirth, as well as help during pregnancy. Therefore, positional gymnastics is aimed at training the muscles of the back, abdomen and small pelvis, as well as the perineum.

  1. Cat: Starting position - on all fours. First, round your back, and lower your head as far as possible, and then, on the contrary, raise your head up and bend your back as much as possible;
  2. Butterfly: You need a net on a pier, bend your legs and connect your feet. Put your hands on your knees. Press lightly on your knees with your palms to feel a slight stretch. Please note that there should be no pain;
  3. Twists: You can sit or stand as you wish. The body must be turned first to the left, then to the right, opening the arms to the sides. The pelvis during this exercise should be motionless;
  4. : This exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the perineum. It helps you learn how to control these muscles, as well as make them tighter and more elastic. It is done simply: you need to try to tighten the muscles, as if you are trying to stop urination, and then relax them.

Fitball for pregnant women

Gymnastics for pregnant women on fitball is no less effective. Exercise on the ball for pregnant women is both easier and more effective. Please note that during the first trimester of pregnancy, the load should be minimal. If you have never played sports before pregnancy, then you should not start until the safer, second trimester.

Hand exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wider and rest them on the floor. Take small, not more than 1 kg in weight, dumbbells in your hands and lower them along the body, palms forward. Without lifting your elbows from the body, start bending your elbows alternately and unbending back. 6-8 reps per hand;
  2. The starting position is the same, but the arms should be turned towards the body and slightly bent at the elbows. Raise your arms up to shoulder level and lower back down. 6 to 8 repetitions;
  3. Sitting on the ball with your legs wide apart, slightly bend your body forward. Rest one hand, empty, on the knee, and the other, with dumbbells, bent at the elbow 90 degrees. Pull your shoulders and elbow back. Begin to straighten and bend your arm with the dumbbells. 6-8 reps per hand.

Exercises for the chest:

  1. Sit on the floor, fold your legs in Turkish style, pick up a phytoball. The arms should be bent with the elbows pointing to the sides. You need to press on the ball with your palms, trying to squeeze it. 10-15 reps
  2. Sit on the ball again, and take dumbbells in your hands. Bend your arms at right angles in front of you, in front of your chest. Without unbending your elbows, take them to the sides, and bring them back. 10-15 reps.

Exercises for legs and buttocks:

  1. Lie on your back, bending your right leg and placing it with your foot on the ball. The left one is also bent, but stands on the floor. Straightening your right leg, roll the ball forward and then bend your leg again. You can make circular movements with your foot. 6-8 reps with each leg;
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. The left leg free from the ball is active. She needs to make the same movements as if you were pedaling a bicycle. First in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. Then change your leg. 6-8 reps
  3. The original is the same. Raise the left leg free from the sword, bend at the knee so that the lower leg is parallel to the floor. Rotate your feet in one direction or the other, and then change your leg. 6 to 8 reps.

Gymnastics for pregnant women on a ball or ball is also good because it prevents varicose veins, which often develops in pregnant women who do not pay attention to physical activity. The reason for this is the increased load on the legs.

Knee-elbow gymnastics for pregnant women

From 20 weeks onwards, doctors can advise a woman on decompression or knee-elbow gymnastics for pregnant women. Of course, this cannot be called gymnastics in the literal sense of the word, however, the benefits received by the body of a pregnant woman when performing one single exercise are very great.

What's the point? It's simple, you need to get down on all fours first, and then lower on your elbows, and stand like that for 5 minutes to half an hour. Gynecologists advise taking this position several times a day. What is the benefit of the knee-elbow position?

By the second trimester, the uterus of a pregnant woman is already very impressive in size. And it puts a lot of pressure on the surrounding organs. If a woman stands in the above position, then she automatically relieves pressure on the kidneys, bladder and ureters, intestines and other internal organs.

Gymnastics for pregnant women by trimester

As already mentioned, gymnastics for pregnant women should be different at different times. It is not difficult to understand why this is so. Indeed, at different times in a woman's body, various processes take place, which means that the approach must be individual. The beauty of this set of exercises is that it is also suitable for those women who have not been particularly engaged in their physical condition before.

Exercises for the first trimester

The complex begins with a small warm-up:

  1. As you inhale, lift your shoulders up, and lower as you exhale.
  2. Also, while inhaling, take your shoulders back, and while exhaling - forward;
  3. Make circular movements with your shoulders forward and then back;
  4. Tilt your head first back and forth, then from side to side;
  5. Roll your head over your shoulders, chest and back, alternately in both directions.

After the end of the warm-up, you can proceed to the main set of exercises:

  1. First, walk in place for 1-2 minutes;
  2. Continuing to walk in place, bend your elbows and pull them back, and then bring them together in front of your chest. The exercise is also performed for 1 to 2 minutes;
  3. Stand up straight with your back straight. Place your hands on the back of your head and bring your elbows in front of you. Then, as you inhale, spread your elbows to the sides, and as you exhale, return to their original position. 6-8 reps
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your belt. While inhaling, turn the body to the side and raise your arms, while exhaling, stand back to the starting position, and do the same in the opposite direction. 3 - 5 times;
  5. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, with your hands resting on the floor behind your back. As you exhale, bend your legs, and as you inhale, spread them apart, bringing your feet together. As you exhale, bring your knees back together, and as you inhale, lower your legs to the starting position. 6 to 8 repetitions;
  6. This exercise is also done while sitting. Hands rest on the floor on opposite sides of the body. Slightly laid back. The left leg needs to be put on the right one, and start circular movements with the foot in turn in both directions, and then take the starting position and do the exercise with the second leg. 5 reps with each leg;
  7. Lie on your side with your hand under your head, legs extended. Bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your stomach as you exhale, while inhaling, straighten your legs again. 3-4 reps.

The final part:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees, and rest your feet on the floor. Without lifting your head from the field, lower your chin to your chest, while the back of your neck should strain. As you exhale, press your shoulders to the floor, and spread your arms to the sides, close your eyes;
  2. Then, one by one, lower your feet to the floor. Stretch and tighten them, slightly spread the socks to the sides;
  3. Take a deep breath, and at the end of the exhale, squeeze your back, buttocks and the back of your head to the floor as much as possible.

Exercises for the second trimester

Since in the second trimester the woman's condition stabilizes, you can afford a little heavy loads, more complex exercises. This is reflected in this complex. The warm-up and finishing part can be the same. Main part:

  1. 2 - 4 minutes of slow, calm walking in place;
  2. Stand up straight, raise one hand up. Take the second to the side. While inhaling, lift one leg back without bending it at the knee, while exhaling, return it to its original position. Repeat with the other leg. 3-4 reps
  3. Stand up straight. Sit down slightly, bring your arms back, then return to the starting position. 4-6 reps
  4. Stand up straight. Pull your hands back and clasp together. Lower your arms and bend your ribcage forward, and then return to the starting position. 4-6 reps
  5. Sit on the floor and spread your legs, put your hands on your belt. As you exhale, try to touch the toe of your left leg with your right hand, and while inhaling, return your hand to your belt. Then repeat the exercise with your left arm and right leg. 4-6 reps
  6. Again the cat, without it, as you can see, nowhere. 4-6 reps
  7. Get on your knees, then lower your pelvis to your heels, resting your hands on the floor. This movement is done as you exhale. Then take your hands behind your back, and raise your hips from the floor, resting your hands. This is done while inhaling. Return to starting position. 3-4 reps
  8. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and extend your arms along your body. As you inhale, raise and spread your legs, while inhaling, place your feet on the floor. 3-4 reps
  9. Again 2 - 4 minutes walk.

Exercises for the third trimester

In the third trimester, exercises for the development of breathing become especially relevant. But it is better to reduce the intensity of training again. It is very important to do the exercises slowly, smoothly, calmly, without sudden movements. In this complex, the exercises partly repeat the first 2 complexes.

  1. 2 - 4 minutes walk on site;
  2. Perform number 3 exercise from the complex for 1 trimeter;
  3. Perform number 6 exercise from the complex for the 1st trimester;
  4. Sit on the floor with your hands behind your back and rest on the floor. Move the left hand to the right with a turn of the body, repeat the exercise in the other direction. 3-4 reps
  5. And again, a cat, she will accompany the woman throughout her pregnancy;
  6. Get on all fours. As you exhale, sit on your heels, while inhaling, return to all fours again. 2 - 3 reps
  7. Lie on your side, bend your lower arm at the elbow and put it in front of you, pull the upper arm along the body. While inhaling, resting on the floor, lift the upper body, while exhaling, return to the starting position for 2 - 4 repetitions, then turn on the other side;
  8. Perform number 7 exercise from the complex for the 1st trimester;
  9. 2 - 4 minutes of slow, calm walking.

Gymnastics with breech presentation

All types of gymnastics listed above are aimed at preventing complications and preparing the body for childbirth. And what about those women who have already faced any complications? There are also specific types of gymnastics for pregnant women. In particular, gymnastics for pregnant women with breech presentation of the fetus.

Usually, the fetus itself takes the correct position: with its head towards the exit from the uterus. However, in some cases, the child is in a lateral or pelvic position. Usually, women are explained that up to 36 weeks, the baby can roll over on his own, and they offer special gymnastics in order to help him with this.

To achieve the result, you will need the same knee-elbow position. It is she who is the starting point for all corrective gymnastics exercises.

  1. Get up to the starting position. Breathe in as deeply as possible, and then exhale as deeply. 5-6 reps
  2. Next exercise: As you inhale, begin to lean forward, try to touch your chin to your hands, and then return to the starting position. All movements should be done slowly and smoothly. 4-5 reps
  3. Lift one leg to the side and straighten. Touch your toes to the floor, and return the leg to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. 3 - 4 reps with each leg;
  4. The only exercise that is done not from the knee-elbow position, but while standing on all fours, is a cat already familiar to you.

This gymnastics for pregnant women is performed from week 30 to 37-38 weeks. You need to do the exercises 2 times a day, after meals, after 1-1.5 hours.

There is another method of influencing the position of the fetus. Exercise is only one, and it is performed before meals 3 times a day. You need to lie down on the bed and slowly turn onto your right side. Lie like this for 10 minutes, and slowly roll over to the other side and lie down for another 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times.
