Non-standard congratulations. Original, beautiful and fun greetings to a woman with an anniversary

Birthday is the best holiday,
What else to say here.
Only joy and happiness
You need to wish plenty.

To be in everything success,
Wallowed raised around laughter.
At work respected
Prizes awarded.

Well, even at home let care
Surrounds the whole family
From the soul we cry call
Birthday "Hurray!"

Everything you wish, dear,
Let always come true,
Let him go and glitter
Your love is your dream.

And the one who is expensive will be near -
Native, caring, yours.
Let life blooms a magic garden,
The stream flows gold.

Let go lucky
Outcomes always pulls out.
Everything is brighter, more and richer
Life offers and gives.

We wish you on your birthday,
Smiles and warmth of relatives,
Good luck, happiness, only fun,
And gold jewelry.

We wish you health
More often to be in a circle of friends.
And hug all my soul
So that it was in life all okay!

On this day you wish you:
Happiness, joy, love,
So that the sadness did not torment,
So that things went fine.

To in the house is abundance,
So that your dreams come true,
So that loved loves,
So that in the soul bloomed flowers.

To the sky blue
Over your head.
To the sun glitter
For you and over you.

Let everything come true in a fairy tale!
Let the light burn in the window!
Let the life of the paint play!
Any favor! Hey!

Birthday Beautiful
We are not tired we wish
Be funny, tender, passionate,
Each year flourished.

Let the resentment and bad weather
Side bypass you
And shines the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness
In the depths of bottomless eyes.

So next knight is true
Supported and subjected
Yes, with a carriage, certainly,
In a hundred horsepower.

All dreams let them become a better,
Communicating exactly on time.
Let love give wings
And a passing breeze.

I wish you smile
And with good luck in life go,
To sorrow and bad weather
Ways did not meet on yours.

Be beautiful always and welcome.
Be fresh like a bouton in dew,
So that the dawns are always and sunsets
You and you met everywhere ...

The sky is clean over the head!
Joy in every instant catch.
Be happy, you are proud of themselves.
All that you can, from the life of Take!

Let today, as in a dream,
It will become good and nice.
Let even those
About whom forgot forgot.

Let gifts be a lot
And smiles, and fun.
Let it be remembered for a long time
Your wonderful birthday!

Decorate life sobody
As a mysterious flower.
Even tuchka will not dare
Disturb your corner.

In this wonderful birthday
Wish I want you:
Happiness, peace, inspiration,
Be on top
Be perky, be playful
Never lose heart
Well, just be a goddess
Peace to all command!
And I wish love
Money fabulous stream.
And let all your desires
Proprote exactly on time!

In this bright birthday,
We want to wish you
Do not hurt and be lucky,
Rejoice, flourish!

Fulfillment of all desires,
Lightly life roads.
So none and never
I could not harm.

The house was so comfortable.
Let the children's laugh sounds there.
In your home, let the adversity,
Side bypass everyone!

Be welcome to all in the world
Blinding beauty.
Surround relatives and loved ones
Wisdom and kindness.

Let a smile lights up
Your face like the sun light.
Let the joy fills the heart
Good luck protects from troubles.

Let every day be beautiful
As stars behind the polar circle.
Let the fire in the soul does not go out,
And there will be time for leisure.

All days lie like diamonds,
Near your sparkling feet.
You have three thousand talents,
Keep you and loved ones!

Today I congratulate on the birthday of birthday
You, a loved one, close man!
I wish you joy, lucky.
Friends of the most famous, with a friend of forever.

Let life present you gifts,
Which will give a lot of happiness.
Love you huge and emotions bright.
And let the adversity and bad weather will come!

Happy Birthday
I am you, my love.
Allow you to fall in love
Constantly, again and again.

I wish inspiration
Fabulous dawns
Romantic only sunsets
Happiness of joyful greetings.

You are my love forever,
You are my soul, fate,
And today I congratulate
Happy Birthday to You!

Let dreams all come to life
You will give happiness
And I will say, I do not hesitate,
What I love you, love!

Honestly i can confess
What is no more expensive
I love you so much,
You are my ray, the sun is light,
Happy Birthday Congratulations
From the soul you now
And I wish the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness,
Forces and wisdom stock!

My half congratulate the spell,
And happiness you wish, I want,
So that the sun shines always over you,
So that we were near forever with you!

So that the smile did not go from face
So that any cases were able to
Success will wish you love

Let all you succeed,
Let your head be spinning from happiness
And bad let it forget
Happy Birthday Congratulations!

Let not be cloudy days,
And do not meet you trouble and evil,
And life will let fun,
I love you very much!

I'm with you, for you, and forever,
Give you your heart,
All you need in one person,
Let everything be always good!

I congratulate you today
Happy birthday my love!
On this day I wish you
So that a happy life was yours!

Let all that wanted so much
All came true. And new dreams
Would add rapidness, courage,
To achieve what you want!

Let you love with you and friendship,
Many joyful, unique days!
And I will be near, if necessary.
And I will become a support in the fate of your!

Take my peace
Muty you imagination.
Congratulations, my angel,
You are in a nice birthday.

Golden fate wish
Let him warm happiness
Let my love bent
From you bad weather.

I wish you more
Joyful events
New wanderings, impressions,
News, discoveries.

For me you are light in the window,
My joy, inspiration.
Congratulations, my sun,
In your wonderful birthday.

I wish you this day
Beautiful, sunny weather,
Noise let it afford
Only in happiness flies years.

Let flowers be fragrant
And nightingales sing so sweet
I wish you kindness
Be forever my riddle.

Today I will congratulate you
My love, my happiness,
And I thank you, I thank heaven,
You are my tenderness and wealth!

I wish you so that your dreams come true,
So that the path was light
So that we were inseparable
So that the common route was with us!

My love, I hurry to congratulate,
With your wonderful holiday,
I want to want you for happiness,
And so that the dreams are fulfilled!

Live in wealth and sadness,
I wish you not to know
I wish you great health,
And all the vertices to conquer!

I always believe in you,
I will help you
And surrounded by your concern
I will surprise you!

In the life of a resident of Planet Earth, there is a significant event that is superior to international, religious, traditional holidays. Birthday - childhood holiday, growing up. A unique event that does not have the generally accepted rules of the mention ... But having a major feature - sincere congratulations, aimed at the birthday officer in "Day X". Regardless of the desire of the culprit of the celebration, celebrate the year for a year in a noisy company or alone, friends, family, colleagues, just familiar to think about the original, interesting congratulation. Especially the preparation of festive congratulations (DiffiraBov) concerns those who are preparing for Mom's Day / Grandmother / Wife / Friends / Sisters / Other beautiful individuals. Happy birthday to woman - Beautiful, warm words that must be hooked, awaken the vivid impressions of a life event. Let the weaker sex representative losing delight from the next birthday, presents and gorgeous words with the mouth of relatives, friends who are able to make happy adjustments to the spiritual atmosphere.

Happy Birthday Congratulations: Beautiful Word Women

No one will surprise the fact that women love ears ... do not just love, but feel, live. It is impossible to imagine a magnificent person who ignores flattering, beautiful words. Especially on the birthday, such a special, exceptional holiday. Thanks to gorgeous, sincere congratulations, women forget that the year was added to their passport age, they dip in the atmosphere of the holiday, get the maximum pleasure from unexpected solemn trills to their address. Take yourself a shower congratulations on type:

"Today, on this day
Let the sadness and shadow disappear
I wish to be always beautiful
Happy, young and cute.

Let the sky be pure azure
Drive all your adversity.
Nadezhda, faith and love
Let you get your years! "

Congratulations are universal, suitable for any fair sex representative with which you have a close relationship.

For colleagues, the bosses should choose more official greetings, leaving in them a note of idleness, heat. The birthday girl will delight from the following words:

"I wish in general, not partly,
So that were rainbow days.
Health, money, happiness mountains,
Successes, creativity of love!

Live all my life without regret
So that tears did not flow out of the eyes.
I congratulate on birthday,
I wish the best for you.

In the family of cloudless weather
And the joy that endlessly.
Let them not touch the years
Souls and your face "

Congratulations to SMS Happy Birthday Woman: Beautiful and mental

In the eternal life of life, it is not always possible to congratulate the culprit of the celebration personally with a significant event, but to leave the girl without attention - the top of disrespect, especially in the age of mobile communications and the worldwide web. Playing the last role in creating a festive atmosphere for a birthday girl can be possible thanks to SMS congratulations. Any woman will be pleased to read warm, spiritual words. Take a note:

"I wish spring I in the shower,
I wish the female happiness.
Tears, the alarms can not know in all.
Let them bypass the bad weather.

And filled with joy days
And health, and a lot of luck,
Incarnation of all ideas
And from life to you enjoy

"Happy birthday you congratulate you
And I wish that the holiday sounded,
As a melody that inspires
Like the beating of waves about the pier!

Let puzzle and not good luck,
On the hands of you wearing success.
To live before a hundred years, not otherwise
And I would glitter everyone! "

Truly good congratulations will not leave indifferent birthdaynice, they will leave a pleasant impression of you.

Happy Birthday Congratulations Woman: Beautiful, Short, Unusual

It is not necessary to write entire congratulatory ballads for a birthday room. It will even appreciate even short congratulations filled with sincerity.

Anyone will be pleasant to read / hear wonderful congratulatory text:

"Let the holiday in the heart be eternal,
Let life remind the sweet dream.
Let love hurry to meet
Surprises are waiting on all sides. "

You can also move away from the official, congratulate with the follower:

"Let them say - not in money happiness,
Let them say that money is evil
I wish I on your birthday
Find a hundred thousand things all called "

The spiritual congratulation will conquer a woman by making her happy, inspired.

Happy Birthday Woman: Beautiful, Cool, with humor

"So how many knocks you?
It does not matter! Become on a stool
And read poems.
And get your candy. "

Or this:

"What is today on the birthday
I wanted to wish?
So that only between the best
I had to choose!

Is there Langustov Ile Omarov?
Ride in Bentley Il in Ferrari?
And where to hate today?
Maybe the Mediterranean?!

Handbag "Chanel" or "Gucci"?
Or "Prada" will be cooler?
In general, the choice is yours,
Stay only yourself! "

Extraordinary congratulations are remembered for many years, please the eyes or ears.

Pictures Happy Birthday Woman: Beautiful congratulations in the original design

In addition to text messages, homemade electronic pictures have been very popular lately. Especially valued women, because Congratulations in such a form to receive more pleasant than the dialed text, even from a clean, huge soul. Pictures look bright, stylish, extraordinary. Plus, you can pick up for the design of your favorite Birthday girl background, favorite flowers, depict the innermost desires on the congratulatory canvase.

Happy Birthday greetings Woman - Beautiful options

Postcards were considered an integral part of a gift for any celebration, especially for a birthday. For the past years, two of them began to forget too rashly. Postcards - holiday symbol, preserving warm, mental words. They can be created independently, pleased with the original greeting card at a personal meeting or on any electronic resource.

Happy Birthday Playcaster Woman: beautiful congratulations and unusual surprises

Wanting to surprise and hit the birthday party a unique congratulation, create and send her a playcast. This is a new way, an unmatched thing in which you are screenwriter, director, designer. In this congratulation, it all depends on you and your imagination. There are many electronic resources where you can create a playcast with various music pictures, characters and words. Similar congratulations originally and clinging the shroud of the soul.

I shared my ideas about congratulations to a woman. And now it is very interesting to know what words do you like to get and send to you on your birthday? Waiting for everyone with impatience in the comments.

Gathering on the anniversary, each of us thinks about the question: what to give, how to congratulate so to give the pleasure of the jubilee? And, especially thoroughly, it is worth thinking about it, if a woman's anniversary is to be. It should be remembered that the greetings and gifts of the ladies should be targeted, taking into account the age, profession and the tastes of the jumper. After all, most often (contrary to the general opinion) the ladies appreciate not as much expensive gifts as those who convince them in attentive and sincerely towards them.

When choosing original entertainment, surprises and congratulations for the jubilee, you need to focus on the individual features of each: for one - more touching and mental, for another - fun and perky, for the third - solemn and significant. In the anniversary congratulatory rooms, close people can afford sentimental confessions or, on the contrary, spicy jokes, which in ordinary life rarely allow themselves to be served, whichmost often, in musical form or on behalf of some.

We offer the 11th and other people's ideas, as original to congratulate a woman with an anniversaryChoose those who will delight your birthday.

1. Original congratulations "Starfall of the wishes"

(Need cut from paper stars on all guests and handles or markers, or on-site cut the then colored paper and scissors)

Leading: (at the table) Now each of the guests will sign Galina (or other name) his star with his wishes (Everyone gets on a paper cut-cut in advance and a felt-tip pen and writes its wishes on it).

Then everyone led to the birthday girl is invited to the Hall: a birthday room in the center - everything around it.

This is your starskala wishes,

About love and friendship recognition

What kind of stars will you catch?

Perhaps you will find our fate!

(Under the music, for example, "Star Country" "Happy Birthday" or "We wish you happiness" - Everyone takes turns throwing their stars with wishes, the birthday girl is trying to catch them. Caught stars with wishes are read by the younger aloud. Fallen stars - leading with Guests gather and uses them in the next game moment - "Star Necklace").

The playing point "Star Necklace". Guests are conventionally divided into 2 teams, everyone is heard in the hands of the star and the relay is satisfied: which of the teams from his stars, beautiful braid and the clips will gather faster and will give the jubilee of his starry necklace.

2. Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman "Portrait of a Birthday".

(For this original congratulationswhich is held at the table, you need to stockplan with a clean sheet of paper and multicolored markers or markers)

Lead: I propose not just to pronounce congratulations, but to draw it, because each of us in the soul artist.

(The frame with a place for the future portrait and markers are transferred from the guest to the guest. The leading is important to unobtrusively lead the process in order not to lose the speakers and at the same time not lose the expressiveness of the submission of the poetic number)

Leading: Please draw in turn, then what I will read. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be in full height, so everyone complements the work of the neighbor, remembering that each of the guests should contribute to this masterpiece. Started!

(Under the number 1 - a portrait detail for the first guest, under the number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws its own and transmits the following. If guests are more - you can offer to draw one part of pairs)

1. Place your eyes Irina beautiful:

Brown, sly and funny (Pass to the neighbor)

2. Cilia shot down, Already before the eyebrows,

The view of these eyes was cheerful (Pass to the neighbor)

3. We draw a shock curve ....
Funny, looks like a cheerful question (Pass to the neighbor)

4. And the smile there is a place in the portrait,
The most pleasant smile in the world (Pass to the neighbor)

5. cheeks ruddy a little painting (Pass to the neighbor)

6. Earls with a diamond, of course, decorate (Pass to the neighbor)

7. Head covering the hairstyle fashionable,
So that Irina Queen is similar ... (Pass to the neighbor)

8. Then draw a beautiful body (Pass to the neighbor)

9. And the handles skillful to any case (Pass to the neighbor)

10. Foots are drawing Irina soon,

Yes not any, but constraint (Pass to the neighbor)

11. In trendy shoes legs (Pass to the neighbor)

12. Good heart we draw her (Pass to the neighbor)

13. More depicting in her a mystery

Women's highlight - the smallest! (Pass to the neighbor)

15. Dress do, well, very glamorous,

On top in ruffs, and below - openwork (Pass to the neighbor)

16. Hands in the hands of a crocodile handbag (Pass to the neighbor)

17. In it, cosmetics and fashionable mobile (Pass to the neighbor)

18. another card with a bank account,

In which zeros, well, just, without (Pass to the neighbor)

19. Draw next to Ira Cool car (Pass to the neighbor)

20. And the cottage by the sea, well, very big (Pass to the neighbor)

21. Right next to the house. Comfortable garage (Pass to the neighbor)

22. And for traveling Ready baggage! (Pass to the neighbor)

23. Top Write: "Happy Birthday!" (Pass to the neighbor)

24. And the wishes of good - we will not regret! (Pass to the neighbor)

25. Flowers and salute in the corner draw! (Pass to the neighbor)

26. Handbook a portrait and Irina kiss!

(Available portrait as a gift, offered to photograph with portrait)

3. Unusual congratulations to a woman "soap opera".

(Author Gerasimova M. A.)

6. Comic "Cardiac" greetings from guests - Men

(For congratulations to two or three men, distribute words, dividing the text and saying who for whom and to give everyone to give birthday to the souvenir heart, which they are in the end and will be presented a guilty)

1. Amazing business,

How the owner managed everything:

The table is beautiful collected,

Mustache brought!

2. Haircut, as on the parade.

And mysteriousness in sight!

And take a look at the outfit:

This prikid is just an outpad!

3. We have everything beautiful

And it becomes clear to us

What are all problems with us!

Distracting the topic

I will reveal you a secret:

We fell in love, no dispute!

4. But reciprocity is impossible,

Our fate is hopeless!

5. So we congratulate just

And almost without toast:

Happy Birthday, dear,

You always us like a native!

Suck: We are your hearts to you

Darim, sadness, having shook off my face!

(each of the participants in the scene gives birthday heart-souvenirs)


7. Merry congratulations on the anniversary "Cooling Song for Birthdays".

Before performing a cozy song, think what kind of musical composition is best suited. We can offer such options: "We wish you happiness", "I have everything in life", the song I. Allegrova "Happy Birthday!", As well as works in which personal female names are mentioned, for example, "Anastasia" Yu. Antonova, "Julia" Group "A-Studio" and so on. The wonderful version of the song of the White Day group is "Galina" or "Birthday", which is easy to beat in Russian folk style.

To perform the selected composition, you will need artists-volunteers from among guests. Of course, they will perform a song under the phonogram. The main thing is to correctly dress volunteers, because the song intended for congratulations, everyone heard more than once, but colleagues, for example, accountants, lifted in the style of singers of the 70s, see not often. Therefore, prepare wigs in advance, different ties of the most unimaginable colors, skirts, shirts and - necessarily! - Different noisy and twin musical instruments (similar sets are sold in children's toys). So let the guests hurt and play fame and fun of the birthday girl.

8. Merry greeting jumper from girlfriends.

(Executed on the motive of the chastushki, chorus or in turn in suits or shals on the shoulders)

We are on the lysine of the anniversary

Dawn-like us salad

Yes, bodiagi do not regret!

Happy anniversary Congratulations

And we wish from the soul,

So that there is always health

And there were pennies!

Anniversary wonderful holiday

You can sing, noise, dance,

And also a coupled call

Jubilee Congratulations!

At work Lisa in the first

And men like:

Businessite, energetic

And, to that, beautiful!

And wish Liza

Here is the same good.

Fashionable, generous and cheerful,

To make all of us!

And now the Council is the last

Lising Beauty:

You love yourself more,

To make men like!

Lisa, cute girlfriend,

And beautiful and slim,

Hooker, Veselushka

And the kindest soul!

Birthday wish -

Be a healthy year

And love streaming husband!

Oh! This forces gives !!!

The bear has come to the ear -

All the same we will sing.

If the throat is not wetting -

We will patch and we leave / 2 times

9. Touching and beautiful congratulatory point "Garden of Love".

For the organization of such a congratulations, it is necessary to prepare one large flower of thick paper and many small - by the number of guests. Wishes and congratulations are attached as a stamen for each flower. It is better to make ready-made "stamens" with the most different wishes and every guest chooses a wish that I would like to say the birthday girl - it will look more stylish. But you can leave it at the discretion of the guests, then you need to cook a few handles and markers. At the base of each flower, a piece of double-sided adhesion is fastened - with it, you can glue your flower to a large flower.

One of the breaks can be offered to guests to arrange for the Jubishi "Garden of Love" (after explaining what to do) to include beautiful instrumental music and let guests, slowly make their choice and will make their own in the decoration of the "Garden" for a birthday room. Then, when the whole flower arrangement will be assembled, handing him a culprit of a celebration with wishes to tear on the flower and read in minutes of sadness. An additional surprise can be done that on a large flower there will be an inscription: "We love you!", Which will open when all the flowers have a birthday boy.

(about comic greetings with gifts for the jubilex watch)

10. Merry congratulation of the birthday girl "Stars" rest! "

In order for this entertainment for the jubilees to become more spectacular and comical, you can cook nameplates with names (or photos) of stars, which are speaking in congratulations and a sign with the inscription: "Rest". Call 12 guests - to disobey the corresponding poster with a photo or surname, on the back of which the text of congratulations. And every time the guest pronounces the name "his" star, leading, standing nearby raises the sign with the inscription: "Rest". Depending on the talents and data of a particular birthday room, you can remove or add your own essay in the same style.

1. charm, beauty
It is necessary to admire.
And model Naomi Campbell
Nothing is not suitable.

2. Before the image of yours
Stop the knee.
And from the envy River Spit
Julia Tymoshenko.

3. Bust you have such power
I like it before.
Anna Semenovich herself
Your size will be sent. (Option: very admire)

4. You're dancing just a class.
You dance ready.
Wants to do you
Nastya Volochkova.

5. You are just like that
Range clouds.
Very requested a personal meeting
Monica Belcuchi.

6. Charming you have
Everyone notices.
Even Jennifer,
That Lopez Slyuki dissolves.

8. You are always dressed with chic.
I want to admire.
And Seryozha Zverev to you
In the apprentice asks.

9. Kohl Jubilee Soothe
Mostly take the guitar.
Let sing on the singing
Pieha and Rotaru.

10. You have such a lady,
Everyone notices.
Queen Lizaveta
Just resting.

11. You are vertices charm,
Similarly took.
You are Natasha Rostova
It would easily become.

12. We would have awards for you
Important asked.
To Putin and Medvedev
On the hands wearing.

11. Congratulations on a photo session "Minute of Glory"

All words belong to the e d y uh.

And what if you take and submit:
We found yourself instantly in a fairy tale?
And the pleasure of guests will deliver
Having tried on ... (name of the jubilee) Different masks.
And if our ... (name of the jubilee) was
By a hillside? So she!

Outfit rider hat. Music sounds, the jubilee makes a small circle around the hall.

And what if you take and imagine incurred,
What is our jubilee - Queen?

The crown is put on. Defile under the appropriate music. Next similarly.

And if you live in Hawaii I had to
Then all would be talents

The jubilee is trying on the Hawaiian wreath.

And if B in the village of Russian happened
be born?
Soul… (name of the jubilee) Sings, snakes, having fun!

I put on kick - a Russian headdress.

On the street for a long time XXI century, friends!
And the heroine is modern and fashionable.

Wear a baseball cap or bandanu.

All seats, hats are good!
Everything to face, everything is a holiday for the soul!
But so I wanted to offer a seat
For the birthday girl he is the most expensive!

Guests are distributed by live flowers with a flexible stem, and those in turns in the wreath in a wreath of their flower, saying warm wishes. When all guests congratulate, the wreath is put on the jubilee.

We are all the beauties all amazed!
As a woman goes out a day, which
Woven from love!
Just that truly beautiful and sweet
Which is dressed in happiness, which
Glow eyes!
Here is a woman such -
Favorite, blooming and heart dear.

Guests applaud.

12. A gift - the wish "Life is a complete bowl!"

"The life of an abundant is called a full bowl
And in this phrase the wisdom of our ancestors.
Bowl gifts for you filling
The fate of your best way to strengthen her! "

The birthday room is awarded a bowl (vase, fruit, saladders, etc.) and is filled with various fruits with the words wishes. To speak and fill the bowl, the same person from his own behalf, for example, congratulations. Or all the words belong to the lead, and guests fill the bowl of gifts. Fruits, sweets and fruits - the gifts of nature and civilization lie on a beautiful tray, guests are suitable, choose what they like, and put in a presented bowl. The master voiced what the guest wishes - what fills the bowl of life being beloved. Of course, guests can creatively approach congratulations and come up with their associations, and then words belong to them, and the presenter can complement, and can leave without addition to the wishes of guests.


"We wish your life to be abundant (and places pineapple in the bowl) Pineapple - a symbol of abundance.

We wish you peacekeeping. Pear is a symbol of peacemaking.

We wish you always remain so young into your any anniversary on any ten. And keep youth help you can help . (Also, apples in Russia were a symbol of a good marriage - a charity, desiccity for the groom, a symbol of life potential - they were given to children)

We wish you all grace, a fertile life path so that you have always been grace. Grapes - a symbol of grace.

We wish you love and enjoy its fruits and therefore give you tomatoes that translated from the Italian "Pome de Amor" (Pome de Amor) means the fruit of love.

We wish you pleasure and give a strawberry - a symbol of pleasure (solvents).

We wish you to have a life force, and therefore give a grenade - a symbol of vitality

We wish you the sweets of life and brightness of life events and therefore give you today these sweet delicious candies in a bright packaging.

We wish you wisdom and therefore give you nuts - a symbol of wisdom. And also desire to achieve to essence.

Almonds in France. Symbol of happy marriage.

Olive symbol of peace, wealth, fertility, and victory. The wreath of Oliva branches was the highest award. We sincerely wish you to achieve this, and give olives.

We wish you health and therefore give: lemon - he brings health; or orange - as a small sun carries health; Or peach - in the east, he is considered a symbol of health.

We wish that your thoughts are clean, like spring water and therefore give you spring water (a container with spring water is a jug, a bottle, a souvenir bucket).

We wish your life fertile and fruit so that there are many and different and so that they are good. Symbol of fertility - wheat grains, oats, rye, rice, etc.

"We wish the head of your Khmeley from happiness, fun and joy and therefore give you hops."

We wish you a rich life: give chocolate or real coins. You can add words to them: "We give you a silver so that your house is good; We give copper, so that there is always completely in your house. "

We give you the fruit of an excellent evergreen tree - orange. This tree can simultaneously blossom and fruit. We wish you always to stay with a charming flower, at the same time having two virtues of the orange tree, that is, to become a beautiful loving mother, a caring grandmother, a wise great-grandmother and so on in the life path. (Orange tree flowers are a symbol of purity and innocence. They are also the colors of the tree, which gives a big harvest - so serve as a key to the appearance of big offspring in a woman. The brides were decorated with a wreath from the flowers of the orange tree - Fleur D Orange, sincerely hoping that, becoming a mother they will stay beautiful flower)

Of course, we give flowers - a symbol of heyday, beauty, fragrance.

We wish you joy and therefore give bananas. Science has been proven that they contribute to the work in the human body of joy hormones. And also the banana looks like a smile and we wish you to smile more often! (And we want to enjoy your smile more often!) "

You can also add candies with names-symbols: "Inspiration", "Dream", etc. And, accordingly, wish inspiration, sale or incarnation of a dream.

It is also possible to invent the symbolic meaning of those or other fruits and vegetables, for example, Kiwi can be the joy of full life, peach - charm, tenderness, berries - a symbol of femininity, Mandarin - a symbol of a friendly family, a banana looks like a smile. (You can use the encyclopedia of characters). An option is possible when you find out directly at the birthdaynance, with which she is associated: love, tenderness, wealth, wisdom, abundance, youth, femininity, beauty, etc. Associations can be with fruits, vegetables, candy, gifts of nature, etc. And then there are named gifts-associations that strengthen one or another side of life. How nice to eat these gifts - nourishing not only the body, but also the soul.

Another variant.Candy box, a bottle of good wine, a vase with fruit, what is on hand - all this is passing out of hand to hand, drinking your wishes for all standing in a circle or sitting at the table, and then treat. And all the wishes are materialized!

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Congratulations to a friend's birthday unusual

Happy birthday my friend,
You are my dear.
Very gently congratulations
And I kiss you!

I wish you happiness
Life of cool and love,
So that the joy glowed
Your smart eyes!

So that was so beautiful
Many many more years.
So that shine, not fading,
Our friendship is bright light!

Congratulations unusual happy birthday in verse

Congratulations on your birthday!
And we want to wish in this joyful day
So that from the fairy tale brought you happiness deer.

To the joy given two faithful wings.
So that love was constantly with you.
So that there was a bigger in fate.
We wish you from the pure heart!

Best unusual birthday greeting man

And brutality and hardening,
And posture, and mowed,
Power, courage and honor -
All in you, of course, is.

Wish you left
Minor little.

In a personal life - Untimy
And support - in beginnings,
In good friendship - respects,
And in the career - more advance.

Be happy and pleased
Dear, but still free.
With money and in mind.

Congratulations to the birthday birthday unusual

In ledge, the old says:
When a person is born -
Star in the sky will light up
To shine to him forever.

So let her shine you
At least about a hundred years,
And happiness your home is guarded,
And the joy will always be in it.

Let everything be fine in life,
Without grief and adversity
Let it be light and clear
For many, many years ahead!

Short unusual birthday greetings

I wish you to go!
And never oho-ho!
A little ah! Well, you can
To capture the spirit.
Of course, to be wow!

Unusual happy birthday greetings

I sincerely wish laughter
Fun, joy, success
Have it, do not lose heart
There is normal to sleep hard,

Never worry
Be angry, not swear
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow the river

Among rocky shores
And let them always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

Beautiful unusual birthday greeting woman

Love, good luck, joy,
What else to wish?
Such a beautiful woman
It is not a pity to give the world.

Blooms and be beautiful
For many years,
A smile clear
You always light!

Original Unusual Birthday Congratulations

Love life, love inspiration,
Let them not be afraid of you next year
Let your mood be better
And the sadness will leave once and forever.

Lilac bush and blue sky.
Smile of the Sun, Joy, Love
And happiness in the life of the biggest
We wish you in life!

Congratulations to the poem unusual for birthday

We wish you:
In work - speed,
In health - cheerfulness,
In happiness - eternity,

In life - infinity.
From the sun - heat,
From people - good
From her husband - tenderness,
From friends - love and loyalty.

Unusual happy birthday greetings in verse

I sincerely congratulate you
With one of the best dates
For a hundred years, I wish to live
Not knowing grief and loss.

We wish you only smile
Do not disappear on trifles
Not nervous and not sick
Over the years only younger!

Verse-congratulations happy birthday unusual

And the holiday has come - your birthday!
We want to wish you luck in life,
We wish you health, good luck, success,

And if wrinkles - then only from laughter,
And in order not to meet in the life of unhappiness,
And if tears are only happiness!

Unusual greetings happy birthday to a friend

Want to believe
Want - do not believe
Somewhere next to the beast.
It does not live in the forest with a dense
In Russian mighty.
This beast is called "Elk"
- It has long been so heard.
Let you be "elk",
To eat and slept,
For three to shove
So that I would like and might
To happiness did not end,
About good so that
To make it possible,
So that everything always came true.