A few words about a warm relationship. Why we value friendship. Cherish friendship

Class hour in 1st grade

"Know how to cherish friendship!"

Purpose: contribute to the formation of a friendly team.


Reveal children's ideas about what friendship is and what a real friend should be; - to give the concept of friendship;

Teach children to value friends, friendship, take care of loved ones; - familiarize with the rules of friendship;
- to teach goodwill, the desire to understand each other, to teach to share joys and sorrows;
- to cultivate a careful and warm attitude not only to loved ones, but also to all people around them.

Lesson type: conversation

Form of work of students: group discussion, playing, singing songs, creating a collage drkjba

computer, TV set, electronic presentation, the song "In a Secret to the Whole World", "Barbariki", "On the Way of Good". Whatman paper, glue, human figures, paper doves.

Class hour progress:

I... Introductory part.

The song about friendship "When my friends are with me" is played (from the movie "In a secret to the whole world")

You guessed about the topic of our class hour today?

And today in the lesson we will reflect on the following questions:

2 slide

What is friendship?

What kind of friendship is there?

Where can friendship be found?

Express your assumptions.

And who is a friend? (Children express their versions and reasoning.)

Let's remember the rules of work in the lesson:

Lesson rules:

To be active;

Respect the opinions of the participants;

Be friendly;

Don't interrupt;

Be open to interaction;

Be interested;

Seeks to find the truth

Listen to Yuri Entin's poem about friendship.

Reading by 1 student

About friendship.

The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.

Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only quarrel with friends

Reading by 2 students

Friendship is a gift to us from above,
Friendship is the light in the window;
A friend will always hear you
He will not give up even in trouble.

But not everyone is given
Know that there is friendship in the world,
It's easy to live with friends
Have more fun with them.

Who walked without a friend
On the road of this life,
He did not live - he existed.
Friendship is the peace of the planet.

II... The main stage

Teacher: So what is friendship

1) Conversation about your best friend. Tell us about your best friend and answer the questions:

What qualities should a friend have?

Can your friend come to help? (The teacher writes the qualities the children say on the chalkboard.

Teacher: Let's turn to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary for a more precise definition. It contains: 3 slide

Friend - this is a person who is associated with someone by friendship.

friendship - close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, community of interests.

Teacher: In literary works, we also often come across this concept:

friendship - the main miracle is always,

Teacher: The words kindness, attention, responsiveness, loyalty, help characterize the concepts of "friendship" and "friend."

Teacher: Now listen to another poem and think about whether this hero can be called a real friend and why.

A friend reminded me yesterday
How much he did me good:
He gave me a pencil once
(I forgot my pencil case that day)
In the wall newspaper, almost in every one,
He mentioned me.
I fell and got wet all over -
He helped me dry.
He's for a sweet friend
He did not regret the pie:
Once he gave me a bite,
And now I presented the bill.
Doesn't attract me guys
No longer attracts to a friend.

Teacher: Maybe friendship will fall apart? What are the reasons?

Teacher: A friend is the person who worries, worries, worries and rejoices for his friend, that is, is responsible for another.

Teacher: And what are friends for?

Teacher: Let's try to draw up the laws of friendship with you. Work in groups and create them.

Teacher: What did we do?

(The rules are written on the board: do not quarrel, give in, help, be polite, attentive, etc.) 4 slide

2) Basic laws of friendship.

Students read in turn.

1. One for all and all for one.

2. Respect each other and help each other.

3. Rejoice with your friends.

4. Do not offend your friends and everyone around you.

5. Do not leave your friends in trouble, do not let them down, do not betray, do not deceive, do not break your promises.

6. Take care of your friends, because it is easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.

“If you follow these laws, you will become true friends.

Teacher: Friendship should be appreciated. It’s not in vain that they say: “There is no friend - look for, but you find - take care”.

After your discoveries, my mood became so high that I wanted to sing with you. And you?

Performance of the song "Friendship is not a job" "Barbariki

If your friend isn't laughing, turn on the sun for him
You turn on the stars for him - it's easy.
Correct the mistake by turning it into a smile
All sadness and tears are simple.

Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not a job!

There are friends, but for them
Friends have no days off!
There are friends, but for them
Friends have no days off!

If happiness falls, divide it into parts
And give it to all your friends - it's easy.
And when necessary, all friends will be there,
To turn on the sun or the stars for you.

The chorus is the same.

Teacher: Great. Do all people want to be friends? What will you imagine if I pronounce the phrase - friendship of peoples? 5 slide

Teacher: What contributes to the strengthening of peace and friendship among the peoples of the Earth?

1) The desire to act together, because "there are many of us, but the planet is one."

2) You can negotiate on acute issues, problems and solve them peacefully.

3) Conduct joint

Teacher: What do you think, is it only possible to make friends and communicate with people? 7slide

Animals are our friends.

Teacher: Who has a four-legged friend at home?

Teacher: Prove by examples that you are really friends and you can be considered real friends.

Teacher: Well done! The wise man said correctly that "Friendship is the consonance of souls in the union of destinies."

Teacher: Guys, we have found a lot of proverbs and sayings about friendship during the preparation of the class hour. I would like very much to hear some of them now. (Children remember proverbs.)


    A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

    If you don't have a friend, look for it, but you find it - take care

    Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.

    Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't fold it.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are.

    Not the friend who walks at the feast, but the one who helps in trouble.

    The friend argues, and the enemy agrees.

Teacher: Many of our songs are about friendship. Let's remember these songs and try to guess from which animated films. 9 slide

    A river begins from a blue stream,
    Well, friendship begins with a smile.

    I go and sing about everything good.
    And I give my smile to passers-by.

    Those who are friendly are not afraid of anxiety!
    Any roads are dear to us!

    If you are kind, then it's always easy

And when, on the contrary, it is difficult.

    There lived a kind beetle, a good old friend.
    He never grumbled, shouted, squeaked,
    Loudly cracked his wings, strictly forbade quarrels.

    If you go out with a friend, the road is more fun.

    A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much.
    This is what a real friend means.

III... Final part

Teacher: Now let's play. I name a character from a fairy tale, and you have to tell with whom he is friends?

Slide 10 - Slide 16

The game "Who is friends with whom?"

1. Green crocodile Gena and ... (Cheburashka)

2. Gullible Pinocchio and ... (Malvina, Pierrot)

3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and ... (Piglet)

4. A boy named Kid and ... (Carlson)

5. Funny Chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale).

6. Kind Snow White and ... (seven gnomes).

Teacher: "Guys, let's live together!" Which cartoon character can say that? (Leopold the Cat). Slide 17

Teacher: Why did you decide that?

4) Summarizing:

- What impressed you the most?

Is there anything that struck, surprised you in class?

What conclusions have you made for yourself?

Teacher: Wish - Good luck to everyone in finding a true friend!

5) Reflection:

Let's create a collage of our mutual friendship. Let's stick on a drawing paper a figurine of a person, personifying each of us around the globe, a symbol of friendship.

What birds are a symbol of peace, goodness? ( Pigeons)

And I would like to end our class hour with these words: “Guys, let's live together! 12 slide.

The song "On the Way of Good"

Ask a strict life
Which road to go?
Where in the world is white
Head out in the morning?
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown
Go my friend always go
On the road of good!
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown
Go my friend always go
On the road of good!
Forget your worries
Downs and ups
Don't whine when fate leads
Yourself not like a sister
And if it's bad with a friend -
Do not trust in a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
On the road of good!
And if it's bad with a friend -
Do not trust in a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
On the road of good!
Oh, how many different
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that this life is
Not child's play!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend always go
On the road of good!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend always go
On the road of good!
Ask a strict life
Which road to go?
Where in the world is white
Head out in the morning?
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown
Go my friend always go
On the road of good!
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown
Go my friend always go
On the road of good!

Inna Sudakova
Lesson-game "Know how to value your friendship"

State budgetary institution of the Amur region

"Tynda social shelter for children"

A game: « Know how to cherish friendship

Prepared: teacher of the younger preschool group

Inna Sudakova

may 2009 - 2010 academic year

A game about camaraderie and friendship:

« Know how to cherish friendship

purpose: introduce children to the rules friendship, to show the importance of true friends in a person's life, to teach benevolence and condescension, the desire to understand each other, to teach to share the joys and sorrows of friends.

1. Do you have a friend?

2. What character traits, qualities of your friend do you value the most?

3. Is your friend ready to sacrifice his interests, if it is required by your affairs, your well-being?

4. What wrongs could you forgive your friend?

5. What could you not forgive him?

6. Do you always tell your friend the truth?

7. Are you always principled in friendship? Can you turn against a friend if he is wrong?

8. Does it help friendship in your life, learning?

9. Can friendship to make a person better, to rid him of his shortcomings?

(It is advisable to conduct a survey of students in advance. The best answers of the children are recommended to be read along the way. lesson.)

Introduction Today guys we'll talk about friendship... In all and all nations were very much appreciated friendship, loyalty and dedication. "Who is not looking for friendship with loved ones, he is his own sworn enemy ", - wrote Shota Rustaveli in the XII century. There is no people who do not have legends, proverbs and sayings about friendship... IN friendly work, in general rest, in general in life together, in mutual assistance, the people saw strength. Let's try to remember the proverbs about friendship... I will begin, and you continue.

1. All for one, and one for ... (all).

2. With the world on a string - naked…. (shirt).

3. Seven one ... (don't wait).

4. One and porridge ... (orphan).

5. Alone in the field ... (not a warrior).

6. One swallow of spring ... (doesn't).

7. An old friend is better…. (new two).

8. Without trouble, a friend is not…. (you will not know).

9. There is no friend, so look, but found it like this ... (take care).

10. A friend becomes unfriendly - worse ...(foe).

11. For a friend, even seven miles is not ... (outskirts)

12. Where there is a way, there and ... (treasure).

See how many proverbs the people have put together about friendship, and this is only a small part. Now listen to the sayings about friendship and explain their meaning.

1. A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy (you are afraid of an enemy, but you rely on a friend, in a difficult moment a cowardly friend can be frightened and let you down).

2. A good horse will have many owners, a good person will have many friends (many will want to buy a good horse, but with a good person many will want make friends).

3. An unfaithful friend, like a leaky fur coat (it is cold in a leaky fur coat in the cold, and an unfaithful friend will let you down in a difficult situation).

4. Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps (when a person indulges you in everything, he does not care who you really are. The best friend is the one who will help you to improve and become better).

5. Those who are not looking for friends for themselves are their own enemies (without reliable friends, it is hard for a person in life, so you have to look for friends and be a reliable friend yourself).

6. For which a friend will scold, but the enemy will praise (your enemy clearly sees that it is really bad for you to do any unworthy deeds, therefore he will hypocritically praise you for them. A true friend will tell the truth, even if it is unpleasant).

7. And many friends - few, and few enemies - many (many friends are always good, and, as you know, there are never many good ones. An enemy is always evil, and even a small evil is always bad).

8. A tree is strong by roots, and a man is friends (the deeper and stronger the roots of a tree, the better it resists the weather, the stronger the human friendship, the easier the blows of fate are tolerated by a person).

9. friendship, what glass: if you split it, you can't put it back together (you can't put a broken glass into the window. If you offend a friend, you can lose him forever).

10. Friendship friendship discord - at least give it up (when friends only quarrel and do not know how be friends or badly affect one another, then such friendship is only harmful).

11. Friendship is not strong by flattery, but with affection and honor (it must be remembered that a real friend can point out to you your shortcomings or unworthy actions. friendship should be cherished).

12. Mountains and stones are destroyed by the wind, human friendship is a word(hurtful and unfair words can destroy friendship, therefore, you need to be very careful with criticism of your friend, it is delicate and inoffensive to talk about the shortcomings of friends).

13. Do you want friendship - be a friend(when you learn be friends, then friends will appear. Each person appreciates the other's good qualities).

Introduction Word « friendship» in its meaning it is closely related to such a concept as kinship. friendship presupposes mutual help and emotional closeness, that is, the similarity of feelings, experiences, the unity of the perception of the surrounding world and in relation to it. That's what he said about friendship great william Shakespeare:

A true friend is everywhere

Veren: in happiness and trouble;

Your sadness worries him.

You are not sleeping - he cannot sleep,

And in everything without further words.

He is ready to help you.

How would you like to see your friend? What would you like from a friend? (Students 'answers. It is appropriate to read the students' answers to the questionnaire).

Introduction From your answers, we can conclude that a friend is required to little: understanding. Little? But think how many different components we include in this concept. They expect loyalty from a friend, they seek support from a friend - help in difficult times. They go to a friend with joy - he will share it with you. A friend will understand your cherished dreams, keep your secrets. But can you imagine a friend to be envious? And arrogant? And what other words are not compatible with the concept « friendship» ? (Student responses.)

A friend cannot be vicious and narcissistic. Also do not connect with the concept « friendship» greed and boastfulness, vanity and conceit, pettiness and callousness. A friend is always serious. One who wants be friends, must learn to do this. And you have to start with yourself. You must find the answer in yourself - are you ready to meet a friend? Self-talk should be honest: Am I interesting to myself, am I not bored with myself? Do I know how to handle myself? After all, precisely with what is contained in a person, go out to people, only with his human qualities he can deserve friendship... The proposed test will help you determine if you have a kind character?

Test "Do you have a kind character?"

1. Do you think that many of your acquaintances have a bad character?

2. Do you find yourself annoyed with small daily chores?

3. Do you believe that your friends are devoted to you?

4. Do you like it when an unfamiliar peer speaks you: "Hey you, come here"?

5. Are you capable of hitting a dog or cat?

6. Do you often get sick?

7. Do you often want to change the desk at which you are sitting?

8. Do you continue to defend your point of view, realizing, however, that this is a mistake?

9. Are you burdened with social responsibilities?

10. Can you wait more than five minutes for a late companion without being impatient?

11. Do you often think of your bad luck?

12. Have you kept your children's toys?

13. Can you accept the banter of your friends with a smile?

14. Do you like being with your family?

15. Are you vindictive?

16. Do you find that the weather is always atypical for this season?

17. Do you happen to be in a bad mood in the morning?

18. Does classical music annoy you?

19. Do you annoy the presence of strangers in your house who are with you for more than an hour?

Processing of results

Give yourself one point for each positive answer to questions # 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 19, one point for each negative answer to questions # 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 , 15, 16, 17, 18.

Count the points. Over 15 points, then you have an agreeable character and you are filled with a benevolent attitude towards people. From 8 to 15 points, then you are not without flaws, but you can still get along with. Below 8 points, you can sympathize with your friends.

(It is advisable to carry out this test in advance, and announce the results on lesson).

Introduction Some guys like to command, demand that everyone listens only to their opinion, obey them implicitly. Listen to a poem by Agnia Barto in connection with this "A friend is required".

Everyone lives - they don't grieve

And not with me are friends!

Katya's bow is painted,

Red tights

And meek character.

I whisper: - Be friends with me ...

We are the same age

We are almost like sisters

We are like two doves

From one shell.

I whisper: - But you must bear in mind -

You have to go in everything

Make concessions to a friend.

I suggest Ilyina -

You be friends with me alone!

Ilyina has a category -

And a sweater

And the girls are retinue.

I will make friends with Ilyina,

I will become famous!

All fives one by one

At Svetlova Nadia.

I ask: - Are you with me

Make friends even for a day!

You and I will get along:

Will you save me -

Let me write off the test.

And the girls are rearing up!

They say: I would be silent!

Do not get down on your knees

Persuading friends ...

I will write an ad:

Urgently required.

Introduction It happens that you meet a person who is sociable, attentive and benevolent. He gives advice, and cheers, and persuades ... But to call him a friend - the language does not turn. And this is only because, communicating with you, taking part in you, he is really busy with himself. He, like the heroine of a poem, thinks only of himself. The present friendship begins with sensitivity to the other, with the ability to put yourself in the place of a friend. But it so happens that for friendship give out the habit of going to the cinema together, meeting to listen to music, cooking together lessons... And although such a relationship is pleasant and important, but they can rather be called comradely. Let's try to clarify concepts: friend, comrade, friend, peer, and entering them into our dictionary.

A friend is a person who is close to you in spirit, in convictions, on whom you can rely in everything.

A comrade is a person who is close to you in terms of occupation, occupation, and living conditions.

A buddy is a person with whom you have developed a good, simple, but not very close relationship.

A peer is a person of the same age as you, that is, a peer, one-year-old, one-year-old.

Each person doesn't have many real friends. Take care of your friends. There is an opinion that friends are known in trouble, in difficult times. In the literature, we will find many examples of this. In how the poet Vladimir Vysotsky checked friends:

(Sounds "Song of a Friend" V. Vysotsky.)

If a friend was suddenly

And not a friend, and not an enemy, but so ...

If you can't tell right away,

Good or bad.

Pull the guy to the mountains - take a chance!

Don't leave him alone!

Let him be in tandem in one with you -

There you will understand who he is.

If a guy is in the mountains - not ah,

If you immediately become limp - and down,

A step stepped on a glacier - and wilted,

He stumbled - and into a scream,

So, next to you is a stranger,

Don't scold him - drive him away.

Such people are not taken up, and here

They don't sing about such people.

If he didn't whine, didn't whine,

If he was gloomy and angry, but he walked,

And when you fell off the rocks

He moaned but held on.

If he walked with you, as if into battle,

I stood at the top, intoxicated -

So, as on yourself,

Trust him.

Introduction However, there is another opinion about friendship, it seems to me, no less fair. friendship experienced not only by troubles, but also by everyday trifles. And the test of little things, perhaps, is more difficult. For some reason, it is through trifles, through misunderstanding, that they most often break relations: injustice, inattention, forgetfulness, lack of obligation - how many of them are expressed and unspoken grievances and grievances. Because of them, it happens that seemingly strong relationships are torn. Take care of your friends. Choose them slowly, but even less hurry to part with them.

Give to a friend be able to

All the warmth of your soul.

I gave everything - I became richer,

I have lost what I have saved.

Only he is not for a year - forever rich,

Who will keep friendshiplike a priceless treasure.

Only he is not for a year - happy forever,

Who friendship will carry it honestly through the years.

(N. Dorizo)

Introduction And remember, friends are created in youth, it becomes more and more difficult further on. make friends.

A game "Terem - teremok"

There is intrigue in this game, which is why it belongs to the most fun and exciting forms of group activity. It is used to humanize group relationships, to form some of the behavioral habits of children. The game is based on children's memories of a famous fairy tale "Teremok"... The plot of the tale flips over: the mouse-mouse refuses to all the animals asking for shelter in the house, speaking: "No, I won't let it go, I'm fine without you!" Active participants in the game, who have received the roles of a bear, hare, fox, wolf, hedgehog, rooster, toad, fly, etc., play the role of extras - they only pronounce the words: "Who, who lives in the little house?" and "Let me live with you"... The main load in the game falls on the observers happening: they refer to the mouse ( "Dear little mouse!" or « Dear mouse or "Madam mouse!") and give various arguments in favor of a different solution, asking them to let a fairy-tale character into the terem. for instance: "Let him go, please, he will become your friend" or "... he will become the courtyard of revenge"... The mouse is persuaded until she agrees, otherwise the hero-supplicant will remain on the street.

It is interesting to observe what arguments the children will give and which of them will have a decisive impact on the main character. As a result, as a rule, all animals settle in the house; the general game ends finale: Teremok residents, holding hands, lead a round dance (then all the participants reflect on what was the main thing during the game).

Purpose: expand the understanding of the value of friendship.


- To reveal the meaning of the concepts "Loyalty of friends", "Mutual assistance of friends";

-Develop the desire to understand, forgive, appreciate friends;

- To cultivate a kind, respectful attitude towards each other, towards your friends

During the classes:

Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests!

Circle of joy

Children! You noticed that at the beginning of each lesson, I always invite you to our “circle of joy”. I do this so that you have a good mood, that you smile, be joyful and perky.

When you live together

What could be better!

And there is no need to quarrel,

And you can love everyone.

You are on a long journey

Take your friends with you:

They will help you

And it's more fun with them.

- Listen to a short poem and guess what we will talk about today in the lesson.

True friends know
That one cannot live without friendship.
Life is very tight
Without the support of a friend. "

*What is friendship?

Now let's sing the song "True friend"

"A true friend"

A strong friendship will not break
Will not come apart from rains and blizzards.
A friend in trouble will not leave
He won’t ask too much -

We will quarrel and make up
“Don't spill it with water,” everyone around jokes.
At noon or midnight
A friend will come to the rescue -
This is what a true faithful friend means.

A friend can always help me out
If something happens suddenly.
Need to be someone in a difficult moment -
This is what a true faithful friend means!


- Remember the fairy tale "Cinderella"? The little fairy page said: - I am not a magician yet, I am just learning, but friendship helps us to work miracles.

Today we have to be convinced of the justice of these words, to understand why we need to cherish friendship.

- Who do you call your friend?

- Can a person have multiple friends?

Lesson quote:

Guys in people say that "A tree is strong with roots, a man - friends"

- How do you understand this proverb?

- What other proverbs about friendship do you know?

Creative work "Tree of Friendship"
You have received leaves with a pattern of a tree without roots. You have to color your tree and draw as many roots of this tree as you have friends.
-How does a tree feel if it has few roots?
-What do you need to do to make friends?

Reading by the teacher

I will now read the story of I. Turchina "Friendship" and you think about whether the heroes of the story know how to be friends, whether you can call them true friends.

Once Vasya-Sharik brought a fire engine into the yard. Seryozha ran up to Vasya.

We are friends! Let's play firefighters together.

Come on, - agreed Vasya.

Seryozha stretched out his lips, honked and rushed across the yard, pulling the car along with him on a string.

Fire! Fire! - shouts.

Other guys ran up.

We're firefighters too!

Seryozha shielded the car from the guys.

I am Vasya's friend! And I alone will play in his car!

The guys got offended and left.

The next morning Borya brought a steam locomotive with trailers into the yard.

Seryozha ran up to him.

I am your friend! We are friends! Let's play together with the drivers.

Come on, - agreed Borya.

They began to play as machinists. Vasya came.

- And accept me.

We will not accept, - said Seryozha.

Why? - Vasya was surprised. “You're my friend. You said it yourself yesterday.

That - yesterday, - said Seryozha. - Yesterday you had a fire truck. And today at Borie's.

- Do you think Seryozha knows how to be friends and can he be called a friend?

- Why?

Guys, let's do a little task with you. "Unfinished sentences"

The teacher invites the students to think and answer the questions: do they themselves know how to be friends and whether it is necessary to learn it. Work on questions is carried out in the form of a group discussion. To do this, the teacher writes down the beginning of several sentences on the blackboard and invites the children to choose one of the proposed options, complete it, explaining their answer:

1. "I know how to be friends, because ...".

2. "I can be friends with the guys who ...".

3. "You can be friends with me, because I ...".

4. “I want to learn to be friends so that….”.

5. "I have a lot of friends because ..."

6. "I cannot be without friends, because I ..."


Let's check if we are friendly or not. And for this I will ask you questions, and you must answer them. Okay?!

So. "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." But be careful, it may not be worth answering all the questions.

Who will help a friend in need?

Who will hurt the weak?

Who loves to learn?

Who loves to work?

Who likes to smile?

Who likes to cry?

Who likes to hurt others?

Who has a lot of friends?

Who does everyone love?

Best friend in class game

The sun is on your desk. You have the right to take two rays from this sun and give them to the nicest, closest, most reliable friends in the class. But on the rays you need to write only one word with which you would describe this particular friend.

- What attracts you to him?

-What is he like?

* Indeed, your class is one big friendly family.

Creative activity:

Guys, look at the board, what word we have.

Think about what words are associated with this word, without which there can be no friendship.


(Mutual help, sensitivity, honesty, fairness, kindness, mutual understanding, loyalty, forgiving, compassion, trust.)

Game exercise. (5 minutes.).
To consolidate the topic of our lesson, we will conduct a game "Find your own kind".

I will give you animals or insects, and you must find your own kind. (one extra child).

Question: "How does the one who is left alone and without friends feel."

- Could you cope without help and support?

- A true friend is always honest, reliable, loyal, benevolent, ready to help. Strong friendship can unite people for many years, and sometimes for a lifetime. It is important to be able to cherish and value friendship.


Circle "From heart to heart"

Is our class friendly? Prove it.
1.Lots of classes in our school,
And any of them are good
And friendlier than the 2nd
You will not find it all over the world.
2. Everything is fine in this class,
It's not worth studying here,
Children do not play hide and seek
Well, their life is in full swing here.
3 there were no conflicts here
Because all are friends
All at once everything was forgiven,
Here we are a close-knit family.
4. There is a lot of affection in our class,
Friendship, joy, warmth,
We dance
And we dance until dark
5.We are ahead of us in our studies,
We overtake all classes,
And invincible by no one
We are respected everywhere.
6.About our cultural life
And we do not make speeches
Who will tell us where,
So we all go at once.
7 you have been told a story
How our friendly class lives
Here are the things
In our best class - Yes !.

Today we talked about real friends, about friendship, about how to be friends in order to keep it. And for this we need to learn to be friends. The one who knows how to be friends, always cares about his comrades, will come to their aid, will try to do something good for his friends. And if you learn to be friends, then you will have many good and loyal friends who will always understand you, never offend you, play with you and listen to you.

Educational event

(conversation with elements of a business game)

"Friendship should be cherished"

1. To form the concept of "true friendship".

2. Education of the ability to empathize with people, to show such qualities of character as tact, culture of communication.

3. To acquaint with the rules of friendship, to show the importance of true friends in a person's life;

To teach kindness and condescension, the desire to understand each other, to teach to share the joys and sorrows of friends.

Event progress:

1. Introductory remarks by the teacher.

Today we'll talk about friendship. At all times, friendship, loyalty and devotion were highly valued by all peoples.

There is no people who do not have legends, proverbs and sayings about friendship.

The people saw strength in friendly work, in common rest, in general life together, in mutual assistance.

2. Students' work with proverbs (finish the proverb)

1. All for one, and one for. ... ... (all)

2. From the world on a thread - naked. ... ... (shirt)

3. Seven one is not ... (waiting)

4. One in the box is not. ... ... (warrior)

5. One swallow of spring. ... ... (doesn't)

6. An old friend is better. ... ... (new two)

7. No friend's trouble. ... ... (find out)

8. There is no friend - so look, but found - so. ... ... (take care).

9. For a friend and seven miles is not. ... ... (outskirts)

10. Where there is a fret, there and. ... ... (layout)

3. Working with sayings about friendship (finding out their meaning)

Teacher: You see how many proverbs the people have put together about friendship, and this is only a small part. Now listen to the sayings about friendship and explain their meaning.

1. A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy.

2. A good horse will have many owners, a good person will have many friends.

3. Unfaithful friend, that full of holes in a fur coat.

4. Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps.

5. He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy.

For what a friend scolds, the enemy will praise.

6. And many friends are few, and few enemies are many.

7. A tree is firmly rooted, and a man is friends.

8. Friendship is that glass; if you split it, you cannot assemble it.

9. Friendship friendship strife - even give up another.

10. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by affection and honor.

11. Mountains and rocks are destroyed by the wind, human friendship - in a word.

12. If you want friendship - be a friend.

4. Continuation of the conversation.

Teacher: The word "friendship" in its meaning is closely related to concepts such as family closeness. Friendship involves mutual help and emotional closeness, i.e. similarity of feelings, experiences, unity in the perception of the surrounding world and attitude to it. Here is what the great William Shakespeare said about friendship:

A true friend is everywhere

Faithful: in happiness and trouble;

Your sadness worries him

You are not sleeping - he cannot sleep

And in everything without further words

He is ready to help you.

How would you like to see your friend?

What would you like for a friend?

5. Discussion of statements about friendship.

Teacher. So what is friendship? Let's try to define this concept. (Children speak out), then the statements on the board are discussed.

Friendship is a relationship based on mutual affection and shared interests.

Friendship is unanimity about what is beautiful and just.

Friendship is participation in good deeds and trials.

Friendship is an affection arising from mutual respect, faith in each other, community of interests and views.

Teacher. All human relationships contain, to one degree or another, elements of friendship. Usually people who are similar to each other are friends, the similarity of characters makes it easier for them to understand each other. No wonder it says: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are"

6. Continuation of the conversation.

Teacher. And who will answer me this question: "Why are the rails on the railway always nearby?" (students reflect).

Teacher. (bottom line) Rails are always close, but never meet. I would like to meet, but business does not allow. Each rail carries half of the train. And they do not disperse for the same reason: after all, if one is absent even for a minute, the other will have to carry a whole train on him.

This is true friendship: to be next to each other not for games, not for fun, but to take on half of the train so that you don't have to carry the whole train on yourself.

Do you guys know what's very important?

That not everyone knows how to be a friend. You have to grow up to friendship. One who is proud and wants to play the main role in friendship cannot be a friend. A friend cannot be one who does not know how to sincerely, unselfishly, without envy, rejoice in the success of a friend.

7. Reading a poem to students.

About good and bad friends.

(A. Dürer)

The one who leaves a friend in trouble

When his life is tight

Who is not ready to give his heart

To the one who is forced to suffer

Who himself suffers inconsolably,

When things are going well with a friend

The first one is worthy of only one:

Relentless contempt.

Good friend is not the same

Who is oppressed in front of us,

By resorting to fox tricks!

But who is independent in actions,

He will take your luck or your misfortune

Just like yours

Who will stand up for you.

Will not let you down or deceive.

8. Analysis of situations.

Teacher. Consider the situation from different points of view. What would you do if you were the heroes and can friends be known in joy?

Situation 1. When grief happened to me,

I didn't have enough strength to rise,

Hand came to the rescue

I always found friends.

And in happiness it was hard -

Friends stood aside

Jealous and regretful

Who helped me once.

Situation 2. Two students are preparing for exams. One of them, say Alexander, has a lecture in perfect order. Another, for example, Sergei, does not have a lecture. He asks Alexander. But Alexander refuses the request, explaining the refusal by the fact that he himself is not yet ready for the exam.

Teacher. You've listened to two situations. Let's discuss. What conclusions did you come to?

Teacher. (Outcome) We can draw the following conclusions.

True friendship is tested not only by grief, misfortune, but also by joy.

A true friend will never be jealous of a friend's success; on the contrary, he will sincerely share his joy.

This is confirmed by the words of Ivan Chrysostom: “If those who weep share other people's sorrows, if they do a lot with their tears for those who have suffered grief, greatly alleviating their grief; then the more pleasure should be given to others by the one who rejoices with the other. Rejoicing is proof that you are clean of envy, but also that love is rooted in your heart. "

It happens that you meet a person who is sociable, attentive and benevolent. He gives advice, and cheers, and persuades. But to call him a friend - the language does not turn. And this is only because, communicating with you, taking part in your affairs, he is really busy with himself.

True friendship begins with sensitivity to the other, with the ability to put yourself in the place of a friend. But it so happens that the habit of going to the cinema together, meeting to listen to music, and preparing lessons together is passed off as friendship.

9. individual work of students with the concepts: friend, comrade, friend, peer.

Teacher. And although such a relationship is pleasant and important, but they can rather be called friendly. Let's try to clarify the concepts: friend, comrade, friend, peer.

(The statements are written on sheets of paper)

A friend is a person who is close to you in terms of activity, occupation.

A buddy is a person with whom you have developed a good, simple, but not very close relationship.

A peer is a person of the same age as you, i.e. peer, one-year-old, one-year-old.

10. Acquaintance with the laws of friendship.

Teacher: For some reason, due to trifles, due to lack of understanding, relationships break down most often: injustice, forgetfulness, non-obligation - how many grievances and grievances are expressed and unspoken behind them. Because of them, it happens that seemingly strong relationships are broken. Take care of your friends. Choose them slowly, but even less hurry to part with them. Now answer, are there laws of friendship?

They exist, and we will try to define them. (Laws to each student on the sheet)

The laws

1. Don't leave your friend in trouble. To turn away from a friend in a difficult moment for him means to morally prepare oneself for betrayal.

2. Friendship is the moral enrichment of a person. Having found a reliable friend, you multiply your strength, become morally cleaner, richer, more beautiful.

3. Friendship is faith in a person and exactingness towards him. The deeper your faith, the higher your exactingness should be, the more you owe, you owe.

4. To be demanding in friendship means to have the courage to break it, if a friend betrays, then in the name of which the friendship is built. Unscrupulousness devastates friendship.

5. Be able to do so that you and your friend are united by the unity of spirit and ideals.

6. True friendship protects against selfishness, teaches to despise greed.

11. Life lessons. "How to value friendship"

Teacher. From your answers and reasoning, we can conclude that they expect loyalty from a friend, they seek support and help from a friend in difficult times.

A friend cannot be spiteful and envious, greedy and boastful. Arrogance and vanity are also not in honor of friendship.

A friend is always serious. Anyone who wants to be friends must learn this.

It is a great honor and duty to be a friend, be strict with yourself, be honest with yourself, evaluate your actions fairly - only then people close to you will see you as a friend for life.

III. Reflection.

Teacher. Guys, I hope you enjoyed your class hour. In order to find out your opinion about him, I have prepared a small questionnaire for you.

Questionnaire 1

1. Did you enjoy the class hour?

2. What was the most interesting for you about it?

3. What life lessons did you learn from the classroom hour?

4. Has your attitude towards your friends changed?

Application form

(held before the event)

1.Do you have a friend?

2. What character traits of your friend do you value the most?

3. Is your friend ready to sacrifice his interests, if it is required by your affairs, your well-being?

4. What wrongs could you forgive your friend?

5. What could you not forgive him?

6. Do you always tell the truth to a friend?

7. Are you always principled in friendship? Can you turn against a friend if he is wrong?

8. Does friendship help you in life, in your studies?

9. Can friendship make a person better, rid him of his shortcomings?

Class hour

Topic: "To value friendship!"

Objectives: To form students' value orientation, the ability to formulate moral judgments. Develop the ability to distinguish between good and bad.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate benevolence, kindness;

Ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary;

Ability to give warmth and kindness;

Promote the development of children's horizons, the ability to think and reason;

To develop students' aesthetic and spiritual - moral abilities;

To foster in children a sense of kindness, politeness, attention and friendship, the ability to value loved ones.

Epigraphs on the board:

"You will not go far in friendship, if you are not inclined to forgive each other's minor flaws."

La Bruyere

"The heat of friendship warms the heart without burning it."

La Rochefoucauld

"One of the most important properties of true friendship is the ability to anticipate the requests of friends."

Class hour

From the class teacher:

Man is a social being. He cannot live without other people. We all live in society, among people. With some we study, with others - we have a rest, with the third - we meet in a circle, section. We are connected by joint activity (occupation). And if we are united by common interests, common cause, sympathy for each other, then we can be called comrades. And the highest degree of camaraderie is friendship.

- Dear guys, today we will talk about friendship. They say that friendship is love without wings, that no matter how rare true love is, true friendship is even less common. What does this word mean to you? What importance do you attach to friendship?

Introduction to the topic using the "Take a Position" method.

With this method, students can express their point of view on the issue under discussion. For this, two posters are hung on opposite sides of the classroom. One says - "Friendship in the classroom is not needed", on the other - "Friendship in the classroom is needed." Students are encouraged to determine their position and stand near the poster that corresponds to their point of view on this issue.

Yes guys, friendship is a gift given to a person. Therefore, each of us should not only value true friends, but should also be a good friend. Listen to the parable of friendship:

Once two friends were walking in the desert for many days. Once they had an argument, and one of them, in a temper, slapped the other. His friend felt pain, but said nothing. Silently, he wrote in the sand: "Today my best friend slapped me in the face."

The friends continued walking, and after many days they found an oasis with a lake, in which they decided to swim. The one who got slapped almost drowned and his friend saved him.

When he came to, he carved in stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."

The first one asked him:

When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write in stone. Why?

And the friend replied:

Whenever someone offends us, we have to write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it. But when someone does something good, we must carve it in stone so that no wind can erase it.

Learn to write grievances in the sand and carve joys in stone. Leave some time for life! And may it be easy and light for you ...


- What is this parable about, what does it teach us?

- Yes, indeed, guys, you need to be able to forgive insults, remembering all the good things that your friend did for you. Popular wisdom says: a true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you're right, everyone will be with you.

- Do you have real friends? Can you call yourself a good friend? To answer this question, let's do a little test.

Test execution and analysis of its results.

Test "Are you a good friend"

1. You are going to the cinema, but suddenly it turns out that your girlfriend (friend) has no money for a ticket. What will you do?

A) You will go to the cinema alone (one).

B) Lend your friend (friend) money.

B) Find a buddy to take you to the movies.

2. You want to invite a friend (friend) to spend the evening together, but she (he) has already promised his mom to do the cleaning. What will you do?

A) You will spend the evening alone (alone).

B) Help her (him). The sooner you finish the job, the more time you have left for fun.

C) Call another girlfriend (friend).

3. You walk down the school corridor and suddenly you see high school students (s) harassing your girlfriend (friend). What will you do?

A) Pretend that you do not notice them, and hurry to hide somewhere.

B) You rush to the aid of a friend (friend).

C) Tell her (his) parents about it ... when you see him.

4. You and your class went on a field trip. Suddenly one of your girlfriends (one of your friends) discovers that she has not taken food with him. What will you do?

A) Tell her (him) that next time he (a) better get ready for a trip.

B) Share your lunch with her (with him).

C) Tell the teacher about this so that he comes up with something.

- So, let's summarize.

More Answers A:

Perhaps it is time to sit down and think about why no one helps you in difficult situations. True friendship involves mutual help and support. Show your friends that you are ready to help them at any second.

More B Answers:

You are a wonderful friend! You can be relied on in difficult times. People like you are waiting for interesting events and adventures with friends at every step. Most importantly, your friends know they can always rely on you!

More Answers In:

You worry about your friends, especially when they find themselves in a difficult situation, but friendship is not only a pleasant pastime. Your friends should be sure that they can always count on your help. You have great inclinations. To become a true friend, think about how to implement them.

2. Conversation on issues:

- I hope that this test will make each of you think that being a friend is a difficult and painstaking work, it is work, first of all, on yourself.

Now we are going to see a few scenes in which two friends are involved. Look carefully and listen to how the guys behave in different situations, and evaluate their actions.

Situation one... Meet Dasha and Masha.

Two students come to the board.

Dasha has been doing her homework for 2 hours, and then her friend Masha comes to her.

Masha: Are you going for a walk?

Dasha: Yes, I still haven't solved the math problem. It does not work! Also write an essay in Russian!

Masha: Don't worry! I decided everything, as always, I'll let you write it off!

Dasha: Oh! EU! You are a real friend!

Do you think Masha can be called a real friend? What would you do if you were Masha? (children's answers)

So, a real friend thinks not about his own interests, but about how to help a friend.

Another situation. Sergey and Anton are taking part in it.

2 boys come out to the board

On his self-study in mathematics, Sergei discovered that the ampoule had run out of ink.

Sergey: Oh, the ampoule is over!

Anton: I have a spare pen!

Sergey: Be a friend, give me, otherwise Tatyana Nikolaevna will hit me with a couple!

Anton: What will you give me for this?

Sergey: Well, I'll give you money, how much does a pen cost?

Anton: Yes, why do I need your pennies? You will be on duty for me for a week! Is it okay?

Sergei: Come on, come on!

Do you think Anton acted like a real friend? What would you do if you were in his place? (children's answers)

Would you like to have a friend like Anton?

From this situation, we can conclude that a friend is known in trouble !!!

Guys, what feelings are inextricably linked with friendship? (children's answers)

Guys, look at what wonderful words:

Your kindness, your smile.

Kindness…. What does this word mean? (children say)

What kind of person can be called kind? (children say)

And for our class hour, I asked to learn poems about the kindness and friendship of the guys:

1st student:

When on the slopes of eternal vanity

You will get tired of running away from failures.

Guide the steps

The path of kindness

And help someone find joy.

No matter how life flies -

Do not regret your days

Do a good deed

For the happiness of people.

To make the heart burn

And did not smolder in the darkness

Do a good deed -

So we live on earth.

2nd student

And how we need kind words!

We have seen it ourselves more than once,

Or maybe not words - deeds are important?

Deeds - deeds, and words - words.

They live with each of us

Souls are kept at the bottom for a while,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

3rd student

In the house she is busy with good deeds,

Kindness walks quietly

Good morning with us

Good afternoon and good hour

Good evening,

Good night

It was good yesterday

And where do you ask

There is so much kindness in the house.

Well done boys! Coped with the task.

Let's remember the proverbs about friendship. You need to find a couple of proverbs.

There is no friend - look for, but found, take care.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

One for all and all for one.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Friendship is like glass; if you break it, you cannot fold it.

Tell me who your friend is and I will tell who you are.

3. The game "Sincerity"

On the table are leaflets with different inscriptions (neat, kind, sweet, sympathetic, honest, loyal, cheerful, caring, disinterested, ... and others). The students come to the table, take one piece of paper and name the person about whom one can say so, and pass the piece to him. Then, the student to whom the sheet was given names the next student to whom the written character trait corresponds.

All people need to be appreciated and the dignity of those around them should be emphasized. When we say compliments, people become kinder, softer, more responsive and, most importantly, friendlier.

4. Play exercise.

To consolidate the topic, the game exercise "Find your own kind" is used.

Step 1. Students stand in a circle. The teacher asks them to close their eyes and not talk to each other. The teacher pins small drawings on their backs (a sun, a cloud, a flower, a heart and one drawing of a thundercloud).

Step 2. The teacher gives the task to the children: Find "your own kind" and take your places at the tables. At the same time, you cannot talk.

Step 3. Children determine which table they will sit at.

Step 4. The teacher draws the attention of the children that one student is left and discusses with them the question: "How does the one who is left alone and without friends feel."


What difficulties did you experience during the exercise?

Would you be able to cope without help and support?

What pattern do you have on your back?

5. - What qualities and skills are required in order to constantly maintain a warm relationship? This question was posed by English psychologists. They compiled a questionnaire and asked English, Italians, Gongongs and Japanese people between the ages of 18 and 60 on the topic: "What do you think is the most important for friendship?" There are 43 general rules in total. It turned out that despite all the intercultural differences, all respondents have a similar informal code of friendship (the authors of the study argue that these laws are universal for any culture).

- Let us and you and I try to draw up a universal code of friendship.

Collective discussion and compilation of a code of friendship.

Friendship Code

If you want to be a good and faithful friend:

Share your successes, failures and news.

Learn to listen.

Give your friend emotional help and support.

Trust your friend and be confident in him.

Keep your friend's secrets.

Don't publicly criticize your friend.

Don't be annoying and don't preach.

Do not discuss your friend in his absence.

Don't be jealous of a friend of his other friends.

Respect inner world and your friend's feelings.

Pay back your debts.

Rejoice in your friend's successes.

Outcome: "Friendship tree"

- Summarize. You have leaflets on the table. I will ask you to write on them what friendship is. And look, there is a tree in front of you, but there are no leaves on it at all. Why do you think? Because you have all the leaves. Have you written?

And now we will attach these leaves to the tree that symbolizes our class, and I hope that each of you will be able not only to find a real, faithful friend, but also to become one. We got the "Tree of Friendship". See how powerful, strong it is.

And now we will listen to the poem "Let's Be Friends"

6. Concluding remarks from the teacher:

Before we part

And go all home,

I want to say goodbye

At the same time wishing you

To be kind you

They have not forgotten the magic words,

To kind words

You spoke with your friends.

You are still children, but there are many glorious deeds ahead of you. You will make our planet beautiful. But first, you must grow up to be real people. And this means: brave, sympathetic, polite, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good, doing good is great. And in life you must follow the Path of Good.