Letter to a married man from his mistress. Farewell words Farewell letters to your beloved man sms note. The text of the letter is now yours

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I thought for a long time whether to write this letter to you… I know that I don’t need to, but I cannot help but write… you mean too much to me, so that you can leave your life just like that, without words.
I don’t know how I’ll live without you. I have not yet realized that you will no longer be in my life. That I will never speak to you again. That I will not congratulate you on your birthday, happy new year ... I will not say how much I love and how infinitely dear ... I do not want to realize this ... I do not believe! You will still be with me ... in my heart, in my thoughts, dreams, fantasies ... I will quietly love that image ... that ideal man who was mine just recently ...
Still, it's not in vain that you always disappeared from my dreams and I woke up with some kind of anxious feeling. And so it happened ... you disappeared as suddenly as you appeared ... a month ago you burst into my heart with some unimaginable whirlwind, raised in it such a storm of feelings that never seems to subside ... and suddenly disappeared, leaving only aching pain and emptiness, which cannot be filled with anything ... every phrase with a sharp blade to the heart ... it hurts ... and you know, I'm still happy ... happy with what we had ... because I have so many wonderful memories, your photos, letters ... everything that you told me ... I remember everything, everything, from the very beginning ... and I will never forget! I will live with what I have left. I will live in spite of everyone! Not now ... a little later. It’s too hard now… at such moments I realize that I’ve let my nerves go too far, and it’s so important for me to be strong… you need to hold on, you need to smile… it’s difficult. I still have so much to do in this life.
The state is now hysterical ... I want to ask you for forgiveness ... I'm sorry for everything I did wrong ... I'm sorry for the mistakes, if you can ... I don't want you to have unpleasant memories associated with me. I want you to still remember me with a smile, with that charming smile that I fell in love with ... well, what am I talking about ... what smiles ... there will be nothing else ... you, too, feel bad now ... I can imagine how you felt when read those letters ... Lord, why ???? Yes, since I fell in love with you, for me other men simply ceased to exist as a class! There are so many of you in me that I can't think of anyone else ... only you ... you are with me always and everywhere ... But I forgot ... sometimes I even forgot that we have too different destinies ... that everything is clear with me, and you still have so much ahead of you ... sometimes it seemed that we would still have a whole life ... together ... I was very carried away ... but dreaming is not harmful, is it? Dreams exist for this ... to brighten up life ... And life is much more prosaic.
Everything will pass ... it only takes time. I’m like that incorrigible optimist who sees pluses even in the crosses in the cemetery ... And in everything that happened, I will definitely find something good someday ... someday ... when the pain subsides, when the tears dry up ... I no longer understand what is good and what is bad ... everything is mixed up ... This is a step into a new life ... life without you, but with thoughts of you ... and without you I don't need anything here ... game over.
I wanted to thank you. For everything that we had ... for giving as many unforgettable and vivid emotions as I have not experienced in my entire life ... just for being there ...
These are the three words I wanted to say to you with this letter: thank you ... forgive ... and goodbye ...

Sometimes relationships end up sadly. Each couple has their own reasons for breaking up. It can be insults, betrayal, misunderstandings, betrayal, cooled feelings, and so on.

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If a break in relations is inevitable, then you need to be able to put a beautiful point. More often than not, it is women with a romantic nature who take on this responsibility. If, during a conversation, tears may flow treacherously or a voice tremble, then this will not happen in a letter. A goodbye letter is the best way to communicate a breakup.

Main criterion

If a woman decides to leave and write a farewell letter to a man, then it is worth writing honestly about the reason for the parting. When reading it, the chosen one must understand and feel the feelings that the woman put into the letter.

If another man became the reason for the separation, then you should not hide, but honestly admit this to your ex. But there is no need to name names.

When writing a farewell note, you should avoid common phrases such as: "you and I are different people," "I am not worthy of you," and so on. You should not mention all the grievances that have accumulated during the relationship, and blame the ex-partner for what happened.

Examples of letters

Before writing a farewell letter, you can use the templates that are available on the Internet. But it will be better if the girl writes the letter herself.

If there are no feelings

If the feelings have passed, then it is worth saying directly about it. There is no need to come up with other reasons.

Writing option:

"Hello, (name)! I know you will be surprised by this letter. We have always solved all problems with the help of conversations, but lately, each of our conversations ends in a scandal. I thought about our relationship for a very long time, analyzed, and analyzed my feelings. and made the conclusion: something needs to be changed, this cannot continue any longer.

To the person you love

It is very difficult to write a letter to someone you still love. There are still feelings for him, but the understanding that the relationship is not the same as before makes you tell the chosen one about it.

Option for a farewell letter for a loved one:

"My beloved! I finally decided to write you a letter and say everything that I cannot say when we meet. Our relationship has turned into a game with only one goal. All my attempts and efforts to establish relationships between us bring nothing!"

You have changed your attitude towards me. All our meetings do not bring you joy. You don't want to talk to me, you call me very rarely. Do you think that I do not understand anything? I see everything, it hurts me even more. I understand that you are unhappy with me.

I decided to leave, to end this sick relationship. I let you go! I couldn’t make you happy, let someone else do it.

I will not deceive, it will be very bad for me without you!

To the man who offended

If a man has offended, then you do not need to express your anger and resentment in a letter. It's better to just say that his act hurt him a lot and became the reason for the breakup.

Example of a letter to the abuser:

"Hello, dear! I decided to write you a farewell letter in prose. There is not enough mental strength to write a letter in verse. I spent all my strength to stop the tears that I shed through your fault. I decided to put a fat point in our difficult relationship.

Everything that happened between us is gone! There are no more feelings that burned before, no respect for each other, no care and understanding. We have become absolutely strangers!

It is worth confessing that we ourselves have destroyed and trampled our feelings. I don't want to live like this anymore. I made a decision that will only make us better! We need to part, our paths went our separate ways.

To the one who changed

Cheating on the part of a man is the lowest and stupidest act. Often girls, in a fit of anger, do rash acts and are in no hurry to talk to a man. To avoid the consequences, it is better to sit down, calm down and write a farewell letter in which you can state all your claims.

An example of a farewell letter to a man who changed:

“I don’t even know where to start the letter. My feelings have not cooled down and I still love and adore you. But you betrayed me! You stabbed me in the back! By your act you proved that I mean nothing to you! trampled me!

Perhaps you cannot decide to have a frank conversation with me. To put an end to our history. I found the strength for this! My feelings for you are strong, but I can never forgive the way you treated me. From now on we are not on the way! Everyone needs to go their own way! You have already taken the first step towards your new life!

I wish you happiness and good luck! I have no grudge against you! Goodbye!"

Former boyfriend

Sometimes girls go back to the past and start texting their ex. This usually happens when a girl has unsaid words.

Writing a letter for an ex-boyfriend:

"Hello! I am writing a letter and I do not even know how to address you. I want to say dear, beloved, the only one, but I understand that I have no right to do so. My feelings for you have not cooled down, my love is still strong. But now you are on the other side. You were a wonderful moment in my life! A happy moment! But all this has passed ...

After our parting, I thought only of you all day and night. I couldn't breathe without you! I had a feeling that life ended there. But over time, it became a little easier for me. Life has ceased to seem so meaningless. I learned to breathe deeply again, to enjoy every day. I started smiling again!

Yes, I learned to live without you, but this does not mean that all feelings are forgotten. No, I still love and adore you! And even time is not able to tear you out of my heart! No one will force me to get rid of my memories. I will always wait and hope that you will come back to me!

Thank you for all the wonderful moments in our relationship! Goodbye."

To beloved husband

Sometimes it happens that a beloved man leaves to work in another city or country. Due to the distance, feelings may disappear in one of the spouses, which will lead to divorce.

Example of a farewell letter to her husband:

"My darling! Beloved! I still can't understand how it happened that our paths parted? I can't believe that this separation is forever! How could this happen? We are on the verge of divorce!"

I cannot imagine my life without you, I do not believe that I cannot hug you, kiss you. Do you remember our first meeting? Do you remember what you told me then? I do not believe that you have forgotten our wonderful moments, days and nights spent together. I also don’t believe that you have lost your love, because I still love you. You are the meaning of my life.

I would like to hope that this is all temporary. I think that many problems have fallen on you, because of which you do not hear the voice of your heart. I live in the hope that your love for me will be resurrected!

Thank you for everything! And goodbye! "

To a married man

If a girl has a relationship with a married man and realizes that they will not lead to anything good, then the mistress should break off such a connection.

An example of a message to a lover to cry:

"Beloved, dear, the only one, but not mine! If you knew how difficult it is to write a letter to the person you still love. I made a serious mistake when I fell in love with you! I had no right to give in to my feelings and rush into the pool with my head. And you, too, had no right to do that.

Our relationship was a crime, but it was still wonderful. Now is the moment when we should wake up and end our relationship. I want to hug you for the last time, look into your beautiful eyes and let go forever!

You have a wife, you must return to her. You must be a real man and solve all your problems in the family. The reality is that you belong to someone else. We met you too late.

Come back to the family, become a good husband, do not hurt the woman who is next to you. She doesn't deserve it! It is not her fault that your feelings for her have cooled. I wish you to reunite with her, your feelings again sparkled with bright colors. I do not want to be the cause of your unhappiness!

Good luck, love and happiness! Do not see you again!"

To the guy who quit

Sometimes it happens that guys leave girls for no reason or explanation. The girls do not say anything to them, and after that they write all their thoughts in a farewell letter.

Example of a letter to a guy, who offended, threw:

"Beloved! Forgive me that I am addressing you like that, but I cannot do otherwise. The reason is that I have always loved you and will continue to love you! I was hurt by your attitude towards me. Your act cannot be justified. It hurts me a lot. Tears are pouring down from my eyes.

I was the happiest person in the world. At times, it seemed to me that this was not happening to me. More recently, your hands, eyes and lips warmed me at night. Now I spend the nights alone, suffering and crying endlessly!

Why did you leave and didn't explain anything to me? Didn't say anything goodbye! Why did you disappear from my life, did not tell about the reasons for such an act? You did not consider it necessary to say goodbye to me. Did I really deserve it? I don’t want to believe that you will never come back to me. Every day I fall asleep and wake up with the thought that someday I will be able to hug and kiss you again. You should know that I will wait for you as long as necessary. I will love you and be faithful only to you.

I wish you happiness!"


When girls understand that they have no feelings for a guy, they try to say about it personally. If a girl is afraid to say about her decision, then she can write it in a letter.

An example of a message to a guy who has no feelings:

"Dear, (name)! You are a wonderful and wonderful person! I am incredibly lucky that I met you on my life path. You know how to respect, love and understand! Forgive me that I cannot answer you in kind. I can not force mine. heart to love you I believe you deserve to know the truth.

I do not want to deceive you and continue the relationship with you. I believe that you are not worthy of such an attitude towards yourself! I would like to thank you for the wonderful moments and wish you to be loved! You deserve it!

I would like to part as friends and not spoil our relationship. I believe that you will understand everything correctly and appreciate my honesty.

Forgive me and let me go! Goodbye! Be happy!"

SMS message

Modern girls can send a farewell message using SMS.

Some examples:

  • "Dear! We need to leave. Goodbye!"
  • "Love has passed, we are not on the way!"
  • "Forgive me, but we can't be together anymore! Goodbye!"
  • "Our relationship is at an impasse. It doesn't make sense to continue."

It is not recommended to part with a loved one through a message. This is disrespectful to your ex. A letter written on paper testifies to the presence of real feelings, sincerity and respect for the guy.

The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the point is in yourself, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passes you by. It's hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some trinket, at first glance, could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered a personal ...

A farewell letter to her husband is a rather difficult thing. First of all, it is difficult for a woman to decide to write it. But if such a decision was made, then it is also necessary to come up with what exactly should be contained in this letter. In fact, in such a message you can write everything that has accumulated in your soul, except, of course, accusations and insults. The letter, if sent, should contain memories of the happiness of days gone by and a note of sadness that they will never be repeated.

Why write a letter to your spouse and then not send it? In fact, the answer to this question is simple and commonplace. The fact is that many psychologists argue that by expressing their thoughts on a piece of paper, the whole situation that has developed at the moment can be cleared up.

Imagine a situation: you are madly in love with your spouse, who, in addition to loving you, also unconditionally loves his mother. The latter, for some unknown reason, did not accept you as the lady of the heart of her beloved son, but lives with you on the same living space. The situation has escalated to such an extent that there is no longer any strength to endure. The time has come for clear action. Frankly, this is the most decisive action in this situation your spouse should have taken. But after all, he is subject to his mother so much that he was simply not able to decide on a sharp turn in his life. Your nerves also broke down, and, despite your love for your husband, you decided to leave him. Based on this situation, we offer you a version of a farewell letter.

Be that as it may, but it is much easier to write farewell words to her husband on a piece of paper than to say them to his face.

Sample Farewell Letter to Husband

We present to your attention a sample of a farewell letter that could be written to my husband if the situation developed as described above.

“Next to you, I always felt like the happiest woman in the whole wide world. I remember every moment in my life associated with you. I will never forget all that we have experienced together. But the moment has come when we will have to say goodbye to you.

Do not think that you are to blame for anything. In you, as before, everything is fine. It's so wonderful that you become too good for me. Your laughter, eyes, smile and tender touch will forever remain in my heart. In order to remember them, I don't even need to look at the photograph of you.

As I write this letter, tears are rolling down from my eyes, although I try not to cry. Therefore, if some letters in my message are smeared, do not pay attention, because it is really very difficult for me to write it. Just try to understand what I am trying to tell you, what is hidden behind my words and tears.

And I don't want to shed a tear, honestly! But I simply cannot do otherwise, because tears heal me and help me understand what is going on in my soul. Finally, I realized that I no longer love you. And I would really like it to be true. But this is not the case. I love you with all my heart, every cell of my body, which is saturated with you from your fingertips to the roots of your hair.

Nevertheless, we can no longer be a family for a second. And all because our roads parted with you, like ships at sea. I constantly reassure myself that soon all the pain will pass, and both of us will be much better than we are now. But whether it will be so, I do not yet know. I don’t know, because thanks to fate it was you who once appeared in my life. You were the one who made me happy. It was you who felt what I needed. I was happy with you. With you I felt like a real woman. With you I bloomed like the most beautiful flower in the world.

Forgive me, love, for hurting you. Sorry for leaving you. I don't know how I had the strength to make such a decision. But I know for sure that one person will be happy from him. And this person is your mother. After all, it was she who always saw next to you a completely opposite woman to me. She believed that with her you would be truly happy, but with me - never.

Don't think anything good of me. Think only of the bad. This will help you to forget me as soon as possible and meet the woman with whom you will feel good, and your mother will be happy. My dear, believe me, I still love you madly. I remember and appreciate every moment spent with you. And you? If so, just try to understand me and let me go. Only in this way all experiences will soon pass, and you will be able to establish your personal life.

If you broke up with your husband, learn how to write him a farewell letter. There can be many reasons for breaking up a relationship:

    You could divorce after learning about his betrayal.

    You're tired of putting up with the fact that he spends most of his time with his friends, running home to spend the night.

    Your love was covered by everyday life, it was blocked by his mother.

    You got caught with your lover, ended up at a broken trough, now your husband does not forgive, and the temporary hobby has passed.

    You still love him, but he left for another.

Why write a farewell letter

Write a sincere farewell letter, find good words.
Remember how your head was spinning with happiness on the first dates, and then he chose you as his companion, gave you children. Let him take bad care of them, make mistakes, do not judge harshly and do not hold grudges.

Tell him: "Thank you, boy, that you were in my life!"
Describe your best moments. Delightful passion, travel, coffee in bed, candlelight nights. Put your memories on paper, free yourself from them. Let the wounds in the soul heal, the grievances dissolve, and the good memories fly to freedom like beautiful birds.

Trying to forget something and erase it from your life, you block emotions, feelings, events that took place during that period. But the fact is that our memory records everything down to the smallest detail.

Fill the threads that bind you that cannot be broken by separation, light, good wishes, do not send claims and curses on them. This will only hurt yourself. Mark the reasons that led you to break up. Sometimes separation occurs before the ability to forgive and be indulgent comes.

If a loved one left for another

If your husband left you, and you are still overwhelmed by feelings, then do not fight them. Write letters if you don't even know where to send them. There can be many of them, they will help you get rid of attachment and longing, sometimes nothing can be changed, but you can have a different attitude to what is happening.

Be sure to note the shortcomings of your ex-husband, how he annoyed you, what he did badly. Read these letters when the flow of sad thoughts begins. Under the influence of passion, you idealized his image, supplemented him with invented virtues, the moment of truth has come!

My farewell letter to my husband

How long have I dreamed of marriage! I have already turned 25, and there was not a single worthy candidate on the horizon. And my friend was dating a real prince, and it was you. You sat down with me in any company, we talked about something funny, about all sorts of trifles. But I didn't want to notice that you like me, because you were busy.

A year passed, I asked a friend to help me find a part-time job, he advised me to contact you and gave me your phone number. You immediately came to me, I opened the door, as if a flash of light flashed and blinded me for a moment. We drank tea, then champagne, told each other our lives, laughed, kissed. You said that you broke up with that friend a long time ago, nothing interferes with our relationship.

In an instant, I got rid of loneliness. I had a beloved man who took me to work, met me, we went shopping together. We walked along the streets and embankments of the best city in the world, not noticing the drizzling rain. And on weekends, we enjoyed small trips to the beautiful parks and palaces of Tsarskoye Selo, Lomonosov, Peterhof.

In the fog of passion, intoxicated with happiness, I did not pay attention to the alarm bells. And they were.

Something changed right after the wedding. Feeling that I was not going anywhere, you began to do your own business more, you spent the sums from our family business yourself.

The arrival of new employees has made your life double and deceitful. I learned about how you deceived me after the divorce, but your betrayal was not the reason for it.

I just felt the forgotten cold of loneliness burst into my life again, embracing my breath with melancholy hands. The sensations were so clear that I fell ill, lost strength every day. And the less I had, the more I needed your help, the less you were there.

I lay at home, watching the endless streams of rain flow down the windows, like my unshed tears. I thought about how I admitted that in my life there was such an indifferent person next to me. There was not an ounce of sympathy or friendly support in you. I silently disappeared from your life. We met at the divorce. You came with flowers and begged to return.

I am writing you a farewell letter. I couldn't talk to you before, there was too much pain. I think if I had not taken offense and left you, responded to your call to make an attempt to restore relations, it would have been better. Your dizziness with success and my observant attitude helped bury love under the rubble of a broken marriage.

Probably, and you have complaints against me. If you still have grievances in your heart, forgive me. And I will never remember the bad again. None of this matters anymore. Let's forget, let's leave in the past dramatic events, showdowns, misunderstandings, problems, pain. Let them not overshadow the beauty that we have experienced together.
I know that somewhere, lost in time, our phantoms are walking along the avenues of Pavlovsky Park, holding hands among the crimson autumn leaves, the wind picks off bright leaves, they rustle underfoot and whisper: "I love, I love, I love!"

Why you can't leave in English

I left my husband without letters, without saying goodbye, without leaving an address. All I had the strength to do was pack up my things and leave. I didn’t say goodbye to him, I didn’t explain to his parents. I just disappeared.

It is not right! Do not do that. And that's why. When you freak out and part with a once loved and close person, you think about how resentful, misunderstood and devoted you are.
If you leave him, write what a wonderful person he is, a great lover. Thank you for the wonderful days you spent together. Explain why your paths diverge further, that he is worthy of happiness, and it will come to him.

What happens when you write a letter

When we write to someone, a miracle happens. The soul of this person hears and perceives every word.

You go into memories, relive certain moments again, comprehending them anew. Well, if tears flow, it means that there is cleansing and liberation. Write everything that comes to mind at this moment, relax, and let your feelings and thoughts pour out on paper.

Over time, passions subside, perhaps you and your ex-man will establish friendly relations. You need to write such letters that carry good, reconciliation, warm wishes, without crossing out all the good that was with goodbye. And if you are not going to send them, have fun!

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the super ability to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: she looked at a man - and immediately you know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article right now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any relationship problems at all.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you will not read other people's thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her method has helped many girls feel loved and receive gifts, attention and care.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 places specifically for visitors to our site.

Have you decided to cut off the connection with your married boyfriend, but do not know how to do it? Then you've come to the right place. We will tell you whether it is possible to part painlessly, how to reduce the suffering of a loved one, if he is still aflame with feelings and is not ready to cut from the shoulder? And also - how to correctly say that everything is over between you. Or is it better not to say, but to write a farewell letter?

First, let's talk about the reasons why it would be worth breaking up with a married boyfriend. So:

  • You are wasting valuable time. When a girl is under 25, an affair with an unfree man is still to be explained, but if already over 30, then not quite. At this age, you need to work on creating a family. Well, or at least think about it. It is much more difficult for women in their 30s to find the right companion. All men of the same age are usually already employed or divorced and have children from their first marriage. It is worth hurrying up. And first, free yourself from unnecessary bonds.
  • Karma can overtake you. Jokes aside, but have you noticed that all your actions come back like a boomerang? And if you didn't notice, then you probably know - breaking up someone else's family is not very good. In addition, taking someone else's betrothed away is humiliating and can be expensive. After all, there are no guarantees that they will not do the same to you.
  • Lack of support and support. This is very important for the weaker half of the couple. But a married lover is not up to it. After all, he has a family and a lot of his own troubles, and he comes to his girlfriend for physical intimacy.
  • Reputation. If relatives or someone you know finds out about the affair, they may look at you differently. Some will sympathize - the poor woman is completely desperate and threw herself into the arms of someone else's husband, and some will find you frivolous - she is making a connection with just anyone. Both are unpleasant.
  • Psyche. Long-term relationship with someone else's husband did not benefit anyone. First, it's easy to slip into addiction. The girl will have neither the strength nor the desire to break the vicious circle. Perhaps one day she will meet a worthy man, but she will pass by, because she, except for her beloved, has long been not interested in anyone. Secondly, on the basis of experiences, the beautiful lady will have a decrease in self-esteem. In addition to the feeling of guilt, there will be a feeling of uselessness and inability to decide something by yourself. And stress will affect your health. Especially in female.
  • Statistics. You probably know that 75% of husbands stay in the family, and another 15% leave, but after a while they return to their wives. It is a mistake to think that your case is unique. Prepare for the worst, otherwise it will hurt a lot. They expect joy from a mistress and nothing more. Therefore, do not delay, remember what the illegal relationship will turn out to be for you.

Why aren't you still writing your farewell letter?

Now let's figure out what prevents a girl from interrupting a love affair?

The main reason is the fear of being left alone. But this is a deep delusion. When one door closes, another opens. The only problem is that sometimes you don't want to close the old one. Do not be afraid of the feeling of uselessness. There are men in the world who will appreciate you. Perhaps he is near, but you do not see.

Will slow down the decision and fear of change. There is an opinion that better is bad, but stable. Doesn't it scare you that there is nothing more permanent than temporary? If the decision is postponed, the relationship can drag on for a dozen or more years. And you will wake up when you turn 40. And wake up from tears for a departed lover - after all, he will certainly find a younger one. Think that the relationship is doomed in advance. And after the breakup it will be better. After all, staying with a married person, you suffer constantly, and when parting, you suffer only for a few weeks.

It happens that pride forbids talking about separation. The girl is afraid of the deed, it seems to her that she will lose the war that she is waging with the wife of her boyfriend. But the trouble is that there was no war - the faithful did not even think to leave, and the spouse did not know at all.

The problem of the mistress is that she compares herself to her rival, it seems to her that she is more worthy and better. There is no need to engage in self-criticism. Remember that you are unique and will definitely find yourself a guy who is worth it.

And, of course, the hope for a common future will become a hindrance. Motto: wait and hope is a bad helper here. In addition, even statistics announced that if the companion did not leave the family in the first year of meetings, it was useless to wait. Get rid of illusions, finally tell your lover that it's over. If he really wanted to, he would have found a way to move in with you long ago.

Why write?

If the lady did decide to send a letter from her mistress to a married man, then there are few ways to leave:

  • Talk.
  • Write a letter with explanations.
  • Leave in English.

The best way, of course, is the first. When making an appointment, be sure to let them know that the conversation will be serious. Prepare your loved one - the information will be more easily perceived this way.

But sometimes it is very difficult to talk about parting, looking in the eye If you still have feelings (and usually you do), you may be hindered by anxiety. Thoughts will be confused, and speech will become confused. Because of this, a person is not able to correctly state what he thinks and can make mistakes.

There is also another obstacle - seeing the chosen one, feelings will rush with renewed vigor, you can change your mind. Or to give a weak point - to spend time with him supposedly for the last time. The key word here is ostensibly.

What if the partner falls to his knees, pleads, promises to marry, and so on? Of course, this will be an incentive to continue communication.

And the last possible obstacle - having told your lover about a meeting, you will stumble upon soulless silence. He will guess and will not come, avoiding humiliating speeches.

So, the best way to say about parting would be a message.

This method is also good in that it will be emotionally easier for the girl. You don't have to watch how the news catches your partner by surprise, feel guilty, try to somehow brighten up the corners. Despite the fact that the man is guilty in this situation (after all, he has two passions, and he cannot make a choice), the beautiful lady feels guilty. Perhaps because in love triangles there are ladies with low self-esteem.

Then - if for some reason you are angry with your companion, it is better not to join the conversation. You will always re-read the letter with explanations, tear it up and throw it away. But the word is not a sparrow ... In a fit of passion, you can say anything you want. It will feel better for you, and your partner will have a scar on your heart. Well, maybe not so tragic, but you still have to regret what was said.

How to write a letter to your beloved?

Writing a letter by hand, from our point of view, is the last century. But some people think that handwritten text is more touching. If this option suits you, please. But just keep in mind that:

  • A man is unlikely to appreciate the effort. Often they don't care which way it is written, the main thing is the content.
  • You will have to hand over the letter in person, and we have already written what the last meeting with the ex threatens. And yes, third-hand transmission is a very risky business.
  • If the partner doesn't destroy the evidence right away, the message in the envelope is easier to spot than the message in the email. Think about it.

The text should not be too long. Put yourself in the shoes of the reader. Would you like to flip through four pages of the farewell message? Half a page is enough.

To begin with, be sure to note that the period with your beloved was wonderful. Express your gratitude for all the good things he has done for you. Then add a text apologizing for not being able to say about the breakup in person, as well as for being wrong somewhere. Do not forget to express regret and say that parting is inevitable. Communicate your decision and gently ask the companion not to bother you anymore - do not seek meetings, do not try to contact via phone, Internet, etc. Explain that this relationship has become difficult for you because it is not only you who are suffering, but also the other woman, your spouse. Write that you no longer want to lie and force anyone to do it.

You can state directly that you want a serious relationship, a guy who will not have to share with anyone and a full-fledged family with a child. Hint that this decision defies discussion, because it is quite deliberate.

But when you open up, do not overdo it with feelings. Otherwise, your partner will take your goodbye for a game, or worse - he will not take it seriously. You should also not set a task - to write about feelings in your own words so that he would cry. Leave it to the heroines of the TV series.

Beware that the lover, after reading the message, does not inflame new feelings for you.

Also remember that “crying over a broken vase” is meaningless, so do not state the details of your experiences, do not try to analyze and “suck” the situation.

In conclusion, wish him happiness in his family life. But do it so that the text does not look like a mockery or "joke". If it doesn't work, say goodbye without such wishes. The main thing in such a matter is openness and honesty. And also - an iron mind to stop suffering. Be patient. Suffering will pass, and a new stage in your life will begin. Good luck!