Modern methods of correcting wrinkles above the upper lip and around the mouth. How to effectively remove wrinkles around the mouth

Age-related changes do not bypass anyone. They are especially evident on the face. Elasticity is lost, wrinkles are formed, which do not add beauty. One of the problems is the so-called puppet wrinkles. They age, and the appearance of the face becomes sad.

This type of wrinkle runs from the base of the corners of the lips down to the chin. They come in different depths and the deeper the fold, the more the impression of sadness is created on the face. They are also called wrinkles of sorrow, sorrow.

The appearance of this type of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth indicates age-related changes (lack of firmness and elasticity of the skin) and the effect of gravity.

Aggravating factors

  • hormonal changes. Decreased estrogen levels affect the overall health of the epidermis
  • smoking. A habit leading to premature aging of the skin
  • strict diets. Dramatic weight loss as a result of flabby, saggy skin
  • change in the shape of the jaw. This is usually associated with the extraction of 4 or 5 teeth.
  • photoaging. Neglecting creams containing SPF filters
  • muscle hypertonicity

How to remove puppet wrinkles

First you need to immediately warn: at home, with exercises, creams, or with the help of folk remedies like masks, it will not work to get rid of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth. There is such a thing as gravitational ptosis of the face, you just can't lift the folds. Only aesthetic cosmetology will give a clear effect.

Cosmetologists offer three ways

  1. contour plastic
  2. botox injections
  3. mesotherapy

Let's analyze each method more specifically.

Contour plastic

The most common method is to correct marionette wrinkles with fillers. It is a subcutaneous injection of fillers (filler based on hyaluronic acid and collagen). It replenishes the lost volume. The gel should be dense, since there is no bone in the area of ​​the folds and its action is directed in both directions. The gel is used in a fairly large amount of about 1 ml, and sometimes even more, depending on the condition of the skin. Plus, collagen production is stimulated. Over time, the filler is absorbed and excreted from the body.

In order to completely remove the wrinkles of the puppet, in addition to introducing the filler into the required area, it is also advisable to add additional volume to the lips.

Stages of the

First of all, this is a consultation with a specialist about the possibility or impossibility of the procedure. The beautician disinfects the face and carries out the markup. Next, he applies an anesthetic. A local anesthetic cream is usually used. When sensitivity is lost, they go directly to injections. The gel is injected subcutaneously with a special needle.

After graduation, there may be slight redness and swelling, which quickly pass. It is not recommended to actively move for the first few days, apply cosmetics, strain muscles, massage the treated area. For two weeks, refrain from going to the solarium, sauna and steam bath.


  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hemophilia
  • fungal or viral skin diseases
  • immune system problems
  • severe diseases of internal organs

Preparations for contour plastics

The undoubted leader is the Swedish drug Restylane. To correct specifically puppet wrinkles, Perline filler from the Restylane line is used. It is the tightest of all and fills in deep folds well. It is a natural filler, the risk of allergic reactions is reduced to zero.

Filler Juvederm from the American manufacturer is also quite popular. There are several fillers of different density in the line. Well suited for the correction of mournful wrinkles.

The new generation filler Surzhiderm from the French company offers a choice of several products of different viscosity for contour plastics. There are two types of gel available. One for very deep folds, the other for less pronounced folds.

Botox injections

Botulinum toxin, when injected subcutaneously, blocks the impulse and thereby relaxes the muscles, the contraction of which leads to the formation of wrinkles. Under its influence, wrinkles are smoothed. The effect does not come immediately. A visible result can be seen after a week. The duration of the action of the funds is about five to seven months. Then it is excreted from the body naturally.

When correcting wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, cosmetologists often combine two methods: contouring and botulinum toxin injections.

It is very important to contact a specialist with a medical education. the practice of eliminating this type of problem requires experience with knowledge of the physiology and structure of muscles.

How is

The first step is to consult a competent specialist. Inspection of the injection zone. Botox is injected at specific points to avoid facial paresis. The injection site is treated with an antiseptic and then anesthetic. The injection is carried out with a short needle. The process itself takes about five minutes. After the introduction of the drug, swelling and swelling are possible.

The day before visiting the salon, it is forbidden to take antibiotics, drink alcohol, abuse coffee and cigarettes.

After the procedure, it is not advisable to visit the sauna, rub and knead the injection sites, take alcohol and be in a horizontal position for 4 hours after the introduction of the botex.


  • blood diseases
  • period of pregnancy and lactation
  • alcoholism
  • age up to 18 years
  • individual intolerance to the drug
  • infectious diseases
  • severe pathologies of internal organs


Botox is the name of a drug that is produced by an American company. The name has become a household name and all types of medicines containing botulinum toxin are called botox.
There are analogues of this product. The most famous is Disport. It is produced in France. Contains botulinum type A toxin, as well as Botox.
Another analogue from the Chinese company Lantoks. Many cosmetologists prefer it. And the four leaders are closed by the drug Xeomin from the German company. All of them are of fairly high quality and each does its job well.


Mesotherapy is a subcutaneous injection of a nutritional cocktail that contains vitamins, hyaluronic acid, trace elements, substances that accelerate the production of collagen. Such injections are able to smooth out wrinkles, improve the condition of the dermis as a whole, and slow down the aging process.

Unlike contour plastics and Botox injections, mesotherapy is done as a course. The number of sessions will be determined by the cosmetologist. This will depend on how deep the creases are. Usually the number of procedures ranges from 5 to 15. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to repeat the course every six months.

How is the meso carried out?

Actually, it all starts with a conversation with a beautician who will diagnose the condition of the skin.

Remember that not a single competent specialist should start carrying out an event without asking in detail about the presence of chronic diseases.

If no contraindications are found, they proceed directly to mesotherapy. The injection site is disinfected and treated with an anesthetic. For the introduction of a meso-cocktail, very thin needles are used and they are not inserted deeply.

For several days after the session, it is advisable not to use cosmetics, limit the use of tobacco and alcohol, exclude intense physical activity, avoid visiting the sauna, solarium and bathhouse.

Bruising and swelling may occur after the injections. It's not scary, they pass within a few days.


  • hemophilia and other circulatory problems
  • oncology
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema)
  • infectious diseases
  • renal failure


A huge number of cocktails are produced for mesotherapy. All of them differ by the country of manufacture and the content of certain active ingredients. Since we are talking about getting rid of puppet wrinkles, we will consider those products that are effective in this area.

Preparations containing hyaluronic acid: Surzhilift (USA), Bio-R (China), Belotero Soft (Switzerland), etc.

Complex: For example the Italian brand Aurevitelli. The composition contains amino acids and hyaluronic acid. Actively affects deep creases.


If you have made a decision by all means to get rid of mournful wrinkles. To erase the imprint of sadness and sorrow from your face. There is an exit. Modern cosmetology does not stand still, and what previously seemed fantastic is now an ordinary procedure.

With the help of beauty injections, it is possible and possible to improve the situation, to become younger and fresher.

Before you go to the beautician for the procedure, remember a few rules

All injections and manipulations on your face must be performed by a qualified professional
first, the beautician must collect anamnesis and make sure that there are no contraindications
when visiting a salon or clinic, you must notify about the presence of any pathologies or diseases
the cosmetologist should be warned about the propensity to allergies, if it is to anything
be sure to check if there are certificates and documents for drugs, as well as for prof. activity
make sure that all manipulations are carried out only with sterile and disposable instruments
strictly follow all instructions and recommendations to avoid complications
remember that after all types of injections, it is forbidden to take alcohol, visit the solarium and sauna, active physical activity, self-rubbing and kneading the injection sites

All the methods that were presented in the article are widely used in cosmetology and give positive results. The specialist will decide which one is right for you.

Time is known to heal, but sometimes it gives women unpleasant surprises. Wrinkles around the mouth are one of those "gifts" that are difficult to remove. Is it possible to achieve what you want and fix this problem?

Age defects around the mouth: causes and characteristics

These are skin imperfections in the form of folds that add extra years to you. For some, they may appear at 35, and for others at 60. Wrinkles appear around the mouth for the following reasons:

  • too dry skin;
  • active facial expressions;
  • drastic weight loss;
  • insufficient collagen production.
Wrinkles around the mouth can appear even at a very young age

There are several types of such defects:

  • Mimic. Can occur even at a young age. The mouth is the movable part of the face. Smilingness, numerous conversations, tension leave their imprints in this very place.
  • Age.
  • Gravitational.
  • Superficial.
  • Deep.

Table: classification of wrinkles around the mouth according to the place of manifestation

Photo gallery: types of age defects near the lips

Pussy-string wrinkles often occur due to smoking It is impossible to protect your face from nasolabial wrinkles, but you can make them less deep Puppet wrinkles upset women doubly, since they not only eloquently indicate age, but also give a sad expression to the face

How to remove wrinkles around the lips quickly and permanently

All visual age-related changes are associated with a decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid by the body, on which the firmness and elasticity of the skin depends. There are various ways to partially replenish the content of this substance in the tissues and reduce the severity of wrinkles around the lips. To remove such defects, you need to provide the skin with adequate nutrition, hydration and protection. This will improve its tone, increase elasticity and give freshness, and as a result, wrinkles will begin to decrease. Nourishing, moisturizing and protective creams or masks, in combination with the ingestion of dietary supplements containing hyaluronic acid, can help at the initial stage of the formation of defects. Cosmetics are able to fight wrinkles as long as they are lightly cobwebbed around the lips. If you have deep well-established grooves, then you need more radical methods such as:

  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy;
  • contour plastic;
  • Botox injections;
  • hardware peeling.

Folk remedies

Masks and infusions are effective folk remedies for combating expression and age folds around the lips. They are easy to make yourself at home. Check out the most effective ones.

To prepare a honey-based mask, you must mix the following ingredients:

  • honey (1 tbsp. l.);
  • egg yolk;
  • yogurt (1 tbsp. l.).

Mode of application:

  1. Apply the composition to the lips.
  2. Wash off with water after 5-10 minutes.

Honey has a tonic effect, nourishes the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity

To prepare a mask based on beeswax, it is necessary to combine the following components:

  • beeswax dissolved in a water bath (1 tbsp. l.);
  • apricot oil (5 drops);
  • camphor oil (5 drops).

How to use:

  1. Apply to the skin around the lips while warm.
  2. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash off the composition and lubricate the treated area with a nourishing cream.

Beeswax is slowly absorbed into the skin, forming a protective waxy film on it, which slows down the process of dehydration and aging of the epidermis

The ingredients for the herbal infusion are as follows:

  • comfrey grass;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • patchouli oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Take a tablespoon of dry plants and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 20 minutes and add five drops of patchouli oil.
  3. Strain the resulting infusion.
  4. Moisten a small terry towel with the composition and place on the area around the lips (can be used for the entire face).
  5. Apply a moisturizer to your skin.

Patchouli essential oil gives skin firmness and freshness, eliminating excessive dryness, and promotes tissue regeneration

Preventing the appearance of wrinkles

Beauty is, first of all, health, and therefore it is easier to prevent the appearance of wrinkles than to treat them later. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • quit smoking;
  • massage your face daily and rub it with an ice cube;
  • take off makeup on time and apply a nourishing cream;
  • take care of protection before going outside (for example, use products with a UV filter);
  • follow facial expressions (it is harmful to be angry for beauty).

When the first wrinkles appear around the mouth, it is important to establish the reason for which they have arisen. But while they are not yet there, it's time to pay attention to the factors that provoke the appearance of the problem, and try to avoid them. The main reason is the excess of ultraviolet radiation. It is the rays of the sun that provoke wrinkles around the lips (it is not for nothing that such defects are also called solar folds). Therefore, try to use protective creams.

For preventive purposes and with the appearance of minimal manifestations of wrinkles around the lips, it will be effective to sing vowel sounds: "A", "O", "U", "I", "E", "Y". It is good to do this in front of a mirror, exaggerating articulation and lingering on each sound for 1-2 minutes. Lubricate your lips with almond oil first: this will help to make them more hydrated.

Almond oil has a rejuvenating, cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, softening effect on the skin

In order for wrinkles around the mouth to appear as late as possible, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • drink the optimal amount of water (2 liters);
  • do a lip massage with a toothbrush in a circular motion (you can combine this with such a hygienic procedure as brushing your teeth);
  • avoid stress and sleep a lot (sleep will strengthen the immune system);
  • regularly apply cinnamon essential oil on the lips in the absence of allergies (this technique will make them plump and more sensual, and the skin around them will become more elastic).


Nutrition plays an important role in the condition of the skin around the lips. Products such as tomatoes, lemons, broccoli, sesame seeds help maintain the elasticity and youth of the epidermis. Fruit and vegetable salads, buckwheat, rice, olive oil, tea, coffee, dairy products and meat will keep your skin healthy. You need to eat in small portions five to six times a day.

Video: gymnastics to get rid of wrinkles around the lips

Smiling makes a woman more attractive, but as we age, the appearance of nasty folds around the lips can ruin everything. Therefore, knowing how to remove wrinkles around the mouth and prevent their early occurrence is important for every woman, regardless of age.

Reasons for the appearance

Wrinkles around the mouth are a common phenomenon, only up to 30 years they are usually less noticeable, and after 30 they rapidly deepen and significantly spoil the appearance. The main reasons for their early appearance include:

  • natural age-related changes, due to wilting, dryness of the skin;
  • poor environmental situation, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, wind and temperature extremes;
  • the presence of bad habits (especially smoking);
  • unhealthy diet, unbalanced diet;
  • the use of low quality cosmetics, misapplication;
  • increased emotionality, stressful situations.

The first to appear are wrinkles in the corners of the lips, they are superficial in the form of transverse and longitudinal folds. Stress, excessive emotionality and disturbances in the body caused by poor-quality food and disease exacerbate the problem. The question of how to remove wrinkles around the lips quickly and painlessly requires an immediate decision.

How to remove expression lines from the mouth

The solution to this problem can be approached from several sides:

  1. folk and home methods of struggle;
  2. radical (salon) getting rid of problem defects around the lips;
  3. preventive (comprehensive) approach.

The folk method of dealing with unpleasant folds is the most common, due to the complete safety and effectiveness of the action. It provides for a small set of activities:

  • exercises and gymnastics for the face - saturates the cells of the epithelium with oxygen, warms up tissues and increases blood circulation. Continuous exercise strengthens the muscles of the face, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Gymnastics to tighten the face contour, to rejuvenate the face and neck, this is actively promoted;
  • massage is another complex of active actions that stimulates blood circulation, metabolic processes at the cellular level, activating the production of collagen. In combination with natural oils and masks, it is an irreplaceable assistant in the fight against age-related and mimic wrinkles. There are many methods of performing massage (deep, rejuvenating facial massage, acupressure, cryomassage); A truly unique rejuvenation method is the Shiatsu facial massage.
  • home cosmetics - made exclusively from healthy, vitamin products. For example, a rejuvenating compress based on three oils (olive, jojoba and avocado) mixed in equal proportions and preheated in a bath. The cloth soaked in an oil mixture is placed on the problem area around the mouth for 10-15 minutes. After the remnants of the mask must be removed from the face with a wet cotton pad.

Radical or salon treatment of problematic imperfections around the lips is a modern, innovative procedure under the guidance of a doctor. Quite expensive procedures that are not available to every woman. Distinguish between contour plastics, botox injection, radioparticle lifting, etc. Sometimes they are unsafe for the patient's further health, they can cause allergic reactions, festering or prolonged wound healing. Therefore, resort to such methods in the most extreme cases.

A prophylactic (comprehensive) approach prevents the formation of new problem folds, in combination with folk remedies and regular massage, it allows you to forget about the problem for a long time, how to remove wrinkles above the lip or around the mouth. This method includes a few simple rules:

  1. every time before going outside (in hot or frosty weather), take care of protecting the upper layer of the epidermis from aggressive environmental factors;
  2. cleanse and apply nourishing, anti-aging, moisturizing cosmetics every day;
  3. revise your diet, add more products for rejuvenation, fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  4. completely eliminate exposure to tobacco smoke on the skin of the face (this applies to smoking and being near a smoker);
  5. full, uninterrupted sleep 7 - 8 hours a day;
  6. abundant use of mineral or purified water in sufficient quantities.
  7. regular performance of gymnastic exercises that rejuvenate and tighten the face contour;
  8. deep wrinkles require maximum attention and obligatory regular care.

Moving facial expressions, age-related skin changes are the main reasons for the appearance of a mesh of wrinkles on a woman's face. The nasolabial folds age the fair sex. Striving for eternal youth, women carefully take care of the delicate skin of the face, lie under the surgeon's knife, and use numerous cosmetics. How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip? Salon procedures - mesotherapy, biorevitalization, peeling help to radically resolve the issue. Gymnastics for the face, homemade recipes for masks and scrubs should also not be written off.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth at home

The collagen fibers that support the skin frame gradually thin out. Thin, delicate facial skin is susceptible to lack of fluid, tobacco smoke, ecology, and age-related changes. Cosmetologists pay special attention to clients who have stepped over the thirty-five-year milestone to facial care in the area around the mouth. Dry, weakened skin over the upper lip requires gentle handling. Masks and scrubs, cosmetic fillers, lifting creams - the minimum arsenal of tools that help remove wrinkles.

Cosmetical tools

Moving facial expressions, reflecting emotions, experiences, often cause the appearance of deep and not very folds above the upper lip. A cosmetic cream at home against wrinkles will help to avoid their appearance:

  1. Moisturizing. Thinking about how to remove mimic wrinkles above the upper lip, women forget about the need to restore the water balance of the skin, not only from the inside, drinking up to two liters of liquid, but also from the outside. Choose an age-appropriate moisturizer containing vitamins B, E, and antioxidants.
  2. Tightening. These products contain hyaluronic acid, which, after 40, the body spends at an accelerated rate. Daily use will help to reduce the depth of the nasolabial folds, but you should not expect an instant and lasting effect that can remove wrinkles above the upper lip from using lifting creams.
  3. Filler. Produced by pharmaceutical companies specializing in skin beauty, these special "volume restorers" are applied with a thin instrument (no pointed needle) directly to the wrinkle area. Filling the fold, elastin and collagen, which are part of the fillers, penetrate into the upper layers of the epidermis. By "pushing" the skin from the inside, they help to remove expression lines from the mouth.

Before applying creams, it will not be superfluous to cleanse the skin of the face from dead particles of the epidermis using scrubs. For the delicate area above the upper lip, a coffee scrub with honey, brewer's yeast and vitamin B is suitable. A correction method such as a mask will also help to get rid of wrinkles on the face. Ready-made fabrics with lifting-impregnation, homemade, based on natural ingredients, they help restore water balance, improve skin elasticity, even out complexion.


Special gymnastics for the face is a great option to strengthen the muscles of the nasolabial zone, smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. In addition, face-building will help to tighten the chin, reduce the "protruding" cheeks. How to remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip by performing a set of exercises? Strengthening the muscles around the labial part of the face will take at least 3-5 months. To achieve a stable result, repeat lifting gymnastics twice a day with an interval of 3-4 days:

  1. Pull your lips out as if you are about to make the "y" sound. Press your fingers firmly to your lips. Try to overcome the pressure in your hand by continuing to engage your nasolabial muscles. Remove your hand, exhale the air through your mouth, without changing the position of your lips. Repeat the movements at least 15 times.
  2. Stretch the corners of your mouth without opening your teeth. Lower your lower lip to reveal the row of teeth and gums. When done correctly, the muscles of the chin are well tense, which allows you to remove wrinkles above the upper lip, and tighten the oval of the face, getting rid of the double chin.
  3. Pull out the upper lip, leaving the lower jaw motionless, forward. Try to tighten your upper jaw muscles. Do the exercise up to 10 times with a short break.

Effective folk remedies

Homemade masks and scrubs will come to the rescue of women who prefer natural ingredients for facial care. White and blue clay, aloe, honey, cucumber, strawberry have lifting properties, perfectly moisturize the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles above the upper lip. Masks using:

  1. Peas, oatmeal, honey and milk. Combine two parts oatmeal, one part finely chopped peas, half a serving of milk powder and honey. Spread the mixture evenly over the upper lip and diagonally from the mouth to the wings of the nose. Leave to dry completely. Remove gently with a damp sponge.
  2. Honey and aloe. Combine the ground leaves of the plant (2 pcs.) With a tablespoon of honey, heated to room temperature. Apply a moisturizing mask with light finger movements from the corners of the upper lip to the nose. Rinse off after 10 minutes with cool water.
  3. Cosmetic clay, eggs, essential oil. Mix the beaten egg with 2 tbsp. spoons of blue or white clay, add 5-6 drops of grapefruit oil to the mixture. Lubricate the nasolabial part of the face with a thin layer. This mask has an excellent lifting effect and helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip.

What procedures does cosmetology offer?

Salon / medical procedures - beauty injections, face resurfacing / peeling, biorevitalization, plastic surgery - are more effective than home remedies. The advantages include the duration of the effect (from several months to a couple of years), rejuvenation of the skin, a stable result.

However, one should not forget about unpredictable individual reactions, contraindications. When deciding to go to a beauty clinic or salon, undergo a preliminary examination by qualified specialists - a dermatologist, a surgeon. What methods does modern cosmetology offer to remove wrinkles above the upper lip:

  1. Botox (injections). The introduction of this substance with the help of injections into the subcutaneous layers causes partial atrophy of the muscles around the nose and mouth. Facial expressions become less mobile, the skin is smoothed. The "unpleasant" consequences include the effect of the "mask", therefore, it is worth resorting to this method in the case of deep purse-string wrinkles after 45 years.
  2. Mesotherapy. A rich vitamin-stabilizing cocktail is injected into the surface layers of the epidermis. Contains collagen, vitamins of "youth" group B, microelements. A lasting result of reducing wrinkles above the upper lip is achieved after three to five treatments.
  3. Paraffin therapy. Restores the water and electrolyte balance of the facial skin. Warming up the epidermis, paraffin improves metabolic functions, removes toxins, saturates with useful microelements. Effectively helps to remove shallow wrinkles around the lips and nose: by stimulating the turgor of the skin, paraffin therapy makes the face smooth and taut.
  4. Biorevitalization. Microscopic doses of hyaluronic acid, injected under the skin with thin needles, stimulate the body's own "production" of this substance. The introduction of the hydrocolloid triggers the synthesis of collagen fibers, elastin, which are responsible for elastic skin and the absence of folds over the upper lip, helps to remove nasolabial wrinkles after a single application, but the supporting effect does not last long (from 3 to 10 months).
  5. Laser and chemical peeling. Deep resurfacing of the skin using drugs or laser radiation is aimed at "removing" the upper layer of the epidermis around the lips and wings of the nose. By smoothing out irregularities, roughness, peeling reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
  6. Plastic surgery. This radical way to get rid of folds over the upper lip is based on the introduction of special gels into the deep layers of the skin. In this case, contour plastic is used to fill in wrinkles: as a result, the skin on the face "straightens out", helping the woman visually look 10-15 years younger.

Prevention of the appearance of purse-string wrinkles

The inevitability of the appearance of purse-string wrinkles over the upper lip can be postponed in time. The first signs of the formation of nasolabial folds manifest themselves after 25 years, and clear wrinkles are formed after 40. Preventive methods can prevent their premature appearance:

  1. Avoid alcohol, animal fats, fast carbohydrates.
  2. Reconsider your diet by increasing your daily intake of plant fiber.
  3. Wipe the area of ​​the face above the upper lip with ice cubes made from herbal decoctions, tea rose.
  4. Use vitamin E night masks by adding a few drops to your moisturizer or nourishing cream.
  5. Cucumber lotion, daily moisturizing masks with cucumber, aloe, yeast help to effectively remove the first manifestations of nasolabial folds.

Video: how to remove wrinkles around the mouth

Thin lines near the mouth can appear at any time in life, their appearance is equally unpleasant at 25 and 60 years old. One of the reasons why wrinkles around the lips occur at a young age is smoking. But more often the inevitable aging process leads to the formation of perioral (perioral) skin folds. Find out what you can do to prevent early wrinkles around the mouth.

Why do we need to get rid of the ugly "time prints" on our lips?

Postpone aging, prevent changes in appearance with age - these are some of the most discussed problems in the circle of close and unfamiliar people. Scientists have found an explanation for the phenomenal interest in anti-aging issues. The duration and quality of life have increased, people have more opportunities to lead an active lifestyle until old age.

But deep perioral skin folds shamelessly betray the true age of women and men. How to remove wrinkles around the lips, do it quickly and painlessly? The choice of methods for the prevention and correction of this cosmetic deficiency is very wide - from exercise to plastic surgery. It is necessary to try in all possible ways to postpone age-related changes.

Why do wrinkles appear around the mouth?

Beauty and freshness disappear gradually, slowly, but inevitably, the main external signs of skin aging come - wrinkles. Crow's feet become noticeable in the corners of the eyes (they say that they appear only in kind people). Around the lips there is a dense network of small skin lines - purse-string wrinkles. Oblique folds appear, going from the corners of the mouth down to the chin, as if a person is about to cry.

The many movements of the muscles of the face associated with chewing food, articulation, laughter, exacerbate the situation. When thinking about how to remove wrinkles above the lip, some are considering contouring. But after intradermal injections with hyaluronic acid, the reasons for the appearance of folds near the mouth remain, because they are not one, but a whole complex.

Factors predisposing to the appearance of wrinkles around the lips:

  • the influence of external irritants (cold, UV, low-quality cosmetics);
  • internal age-related changes in the integumentary tissue;
  • low content of fat and moisture in the skin near the lips;
  • high activity of the circular muscle of the mouth;
  • smoking.

Video on how to remove wrinkles around the lips

What are some homemade ways to make the skin around your mouth look younger?

The proposed brief characteristics of the main methods of preventing and eliminating folds above the lip do not claim to be complete coverage of the whole variety of methods. The descriptions suggested in the table will receive a number of explanations below. But first, let's turn to general information.

How to remove wrinkles on the lips yourself at home

MethodShort descriptionEfficiency
Preventive massage, lip exercises.Wash your hands first and clean your face. On your own, sitting in front of the mirror:
- lightly and gently stroke the skin from lips to ears;
- massage the skin around the mouth with light circular movements, moving to the cheeks;
- pull your lips inward, while simultaneously imitating a smile;
- to spread the lips in a smile, gently grab the cheeks near the cheekbones and hold it there for a few seconds.
Massaging movements are useful in all cases, but more effective against newly appeared wrinkles; maintain skin tone.
Cosmetic masks.Apply the selected product to the peri-labial area with a thicker layer than the cream.Cosmetic procedures, homemade and purchased ointments and creams prevent the early appearance of wrinkles on the lips, help smooth the "fresh" folds of the skin around the mouth.
Medical and cosmetic ointments, creams.Apply ointment or cream, lightly rub into the perioral area in a circular motion.

Before using masks and creams, it is recommended to check with a beautician about the peculiarities of caring for your skin type.

What do cosmetologists offer to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth?

Age-related changes lead not only to the appearance of folds near the lips. Their shape and volume change, which becomes an aesthetic problem, especially for women. Answering the question of how to remove wrinkles near the lips, cosmetologists assure: lip contouring and other manipulations in the clinic and beauty salon completely eliminate the imperfections of the lower part of the face acquired with age. Often one visit is enough, but sometimes a second session is required.

Procedures in the clinic and beauty salon:

MethodShort descriptionEfficiencyAverage price in Moscow (rub.)
Mask (healing, moisturizing, nourishing).General cosmetic procedure.Improving skin tone, smoothing out recently appeared wrinkles.From 700
+ mask.2500
Contour plastic (non-surgical wrinkle removal).The procedure is performed by a cosmetologist in the office of a beauty salon or clinic. - During the session, the specialist injects hyaluronic acid or restylane into the wrinkles in the corners of the lips and around the mouth with a thinnest needle under the skin.The folds around the lips are smoothed out, their contour is leveled, the skin becomes smoother.
A beautician performs Botox injections by injecting small doses of toxin into the skin around the mouth.
Plastic surgery.Lipofilling. The doctor transplants the patient's own adipose tissue, taken from another part of his body, into the area of ​​skin folds near the lips.The integumentary tissue saturated with subcutaneous fat is smoothed.From 15 750

What anti-wrinkle creams to use at home?

Cosmetic products with retinol and fruit acids are suitable for effective care of the area around the lips. AHA acids are substances that smooth the wrinkled layer of the skin. Retinol acts as a regenerating agent in the cells of the epidermis.

With sensitive skin, you should be careful in choosing cosmetics with AHA, avoid scrubs with fruit extracts.

The use of innovative creams from world brands reduces the number of wrinkles in the perioral area:

Perfectionist CP + R wrinkle corrector. The manufacturer is Estee Lauder. The tube is equipped with a convenient applicator for applying the product. The composition contains an innovative anti-aging serum and peptides, completing the work on the correction of wrinkles. The price is about 3000 rubles.

Liqiuskin cream. Smoothes the epidermis, at the same time has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the face. Brand - From Vanessa. The price is 2000–3800 rubles.

Caviar Moisturizing cream (with black caviar extract). Moisturizing and anti-aging cosmetic product from Triumph Technologies Group. The price is about 2500 rubles.

Ointments and creams are best bought in salons, pharmacies or specialized stores. Instructions for the drug should be attached to familiarize yourself with the list of active ingredients, indications and contraindications.

Worried about wrinkles around your lips? How to get rid of age-related skin changes?

  1. Apply moisturizers and masks with aloe vera.
  2. Use a lip balm to keep it from drying out.
  3. Perform regular home procedures to exfoliate dead skin cells. Lightly rub your lips and perioral area with a clean, soft toothbrush in a circular motion, then rinse and moisturize with a balm.
  4. Apply sunscreen around your mouth.
  5. Lubricate the surrounding area with egg white. After the thin film has dried, rinse off with warm water.

Looking young is not only a fashion trend, but also a natural aspiration of a person of the XXI century.

When the prophylaxis is already late, there is only one thing to do - to eliminate the wrinkles that have arisen. Cosmetic clinics offer reliable options, but they are not affordable for everyone. There are simple home remedies for making your skin smoother and more radiant, delaying aging and prolonging youthfulness.

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