Sports type of a girl's figure. How to determine body type in women and men visually and using measurements? Photos of body types in celebrities

Each woman is unique in her own way, the features of her figure are unique. However, scientists have managed to identify several types of female figures, which allow us to classify our women according to certain characteristics.

In total, a large number of types of figures are known, but in reality only five basic ones are used, which are called geometric figures or letters. Few people know that by knowing your body type for sure, you can easily learn to dress beautifully and stylishly. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that there are no ugly women - there is an incorrectly selected wardrobe. Knowing all the features of your bones, body fat and muscle tissue, you can easily choose an individual training schedule for yourself and choose the best style of clothing.

In this article we will consider the features of the classification of types of figures in women, we will describe the five main types of figures. We will also tell you in more detail how to determine the type of figure and how to choose the right clothes, based on the features of the body structure.

Features of the classification of female figures by type

It has long been proven that the structural features of the female figure are inherited. All other changes may be minor and depend on a certain lifestyle, food culture, physical activity. You are unlikely to be able to reduce the size of your hips if your body type is a pear, and conversely, if your figure resembles an inverted triangle, you are unlikely to be able to reduce the width of your shoulders.

In any case, there is no ideal female figure. In different centuries, completely different types of female figures were recognized as ideal. In the Stone Age, women of large sizes were considered the standard; in the Middle Ages, preference was given to a figure with a voluminous waist. And only in recent years, ideals and stereotypes have changed and ideal proportions have appeared, which are equal to 90-60-90. Many girls do not eat for months and exhaust themselves with physical activity in order to achieve these parameters. However, it is important to pay attention not to the parameters, but to the proportions, from which the types of figures in women are formed.

Body types have been classified based on the proportions of the female body. To determine your body type, it is important to take into account the ratio of the parameters of the shoulders, waist and hips. Currently, there are a large number of very different classifications of female figures. A classical classification is distinguished according to the similarity of the figure with geometric shapes or fruits. You can also distinguish the classification by the wrist and the metabolic system of body types. You can also distinguish several new different types of figures that have appeared in connection with changes in the characteristics of the female body: broccoli, eggplant, butternut squash.

Types of figures in women - description

Consider the most popular and frequently used classification of female figure types, where each type corresponds to a certain geometric figure in one case, a fruit in another case, and an alphabet letter in the third case.

Pear shape type

Sometimes in the literature you can find slightly different names: the type of female figure is A-shaped, the type of figure is a triangle. This type of female body figure can rightfully be called the most feminine and attractive. It is these girls and women who have a complexion that is the best fit for the fair sex - narrow shoulders, medium-sized breasts, wider hips. Most often, pear-shaped owners have a longer upper body. They are characterized by a flat chest or a small chest, but a well-defined waist, on which there is practically no accumulation of adipose tissue.

With weight gain, fat in women pears accumulates primarily on the thighs, buttocks, calves, in the lower abdomen, less often in the waist area. But such a woman is always the owner of thin arms and the entire upper body. At first glance, this type of figure gives the impression that the top is much lighter than the bottom.

The big drawback of such a figure is the tendency to the appearance of cellulite, which has long become the main enemy of a beautiful female body. Also, the disadvantages include the fact that with weight gain, the pear-shaped figure becomes more and more distinguishable, and the hip area becomes noticeably heavier. It is especially important for the owners of the triangle figure type to always maintain the correct posture, otherwise all the shortcomings will become even more noticeable.

Diet and Exercise Tips:

  • First of all, if you decide to change something in your figure, you need to intensively perform complex exercises.
  • For owners of the pear shape type, it is important to pay special attention to losing weight in the legs and buttocks. Therefore, experts recommend using exercises aimed specifically at these muscle groups.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the upper part of the body so that in general the figure looks harmonious and there is no emphasis on heavy hips.
  • Women with this type of figure gain weight very quickly, they tend to be overweight. Therefore, it is important to eat right.
  • Nutritionists say that women-pears have a faster metabolism in the afternoon, so it is recommended to eat a large meal in the evening. At the same time, in the morning and in the afternoon, reduce the amount of food.
  • It is recommended to eat more fruits, vegetables and grains in your food.
  • It is important to constantly monitor the amount of water you drink. The norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.
  • Exercises suitable for women with a pear shape: glute bridge, jump squats, advance lunges.

Body type - hourglass

This type of figure is also called "figure eight", "guitar" or "X-shaped type of figure". All these names describe, perhaps, the most ideal proportions of the female body. These are the same notorious 90-60-90, only the values \u200b\u200bmay change slightly. In our time, it is this type of figure that is considered the standard of female beauty, although this is erroneous, and at times biased. For the owner of this type of figure, the same proportions of the parameters of the shoulders and hips are characteristic, while the waist is very narrow, and sometimes even unnecessary.

Hourglass women always look good. As you gain weight, fat builds up evenly in your hips and chest, while keeping your waist tight. The main disadvantage of the hourglass figure is the appearance of "ears" in the hips during weight gain. They can be easily removed with physical activity and nutritional adjustments.

A slender waist, medium-sized breasts, slightly convex buttocks and sloping hips, the difference between the parameters of 30 cm is the ultimate dream of many women, even with a completely different type of figure, the parameters of which are not so perfect. You should not strive for this, it will probably never work out. It is enough just to emphasize the dignity of your body type, and your body will become perfect.

  • Hourglass women are advised to balance their diet. It is important to maintain weight at all times so that the fatty tissue is evenly distributed throughout the body, and more specifically on the thighs and chest.
  • You should not allow starvation, so you will definitely gain excess weight through constant overeating.
  • Make breakfast and dinner as your main meals, with two light snacks in between.
  • Base your diet on dairy, fish, fruits and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to use exercises for all muscle groups so as not to highlight any one part of the body. This is the only way you will be able to maintain the ideal proportions of the hourglass.
  • Instructors advise to do aerobics, where a variety of exercises are used: running, walking, cycling, stepper and other restorative exercises.

Shape type - rectangle

This type of figure also has its own characteristics and is far from ideal. In a woman of this type, the shoulders, waist and hips have almost the same parameters, for which such a physique is called a rectangle. Sometimes you can find other names that characterize the structure of the body, for example, a ruler or a banana, or an H-shaped figure. This type is characterized by a rather wide chest, sometimes a bulging abdomen and unremarkable hips with protruding pelvic bones.

Women with this figure often resemble adolescents or even somewhat resemble men. The main problem is the tendency to be overweight, which leads to a complete lack of proportions between the shoulders, waist and hips. However, with constant loads and proper power supply, ideal parameters can be achieved. Very often, women with a rectangle body type can be found on the podium.

The shape of type H is the most amenable to adjustments. Even with a small amount of exercise, you will be able to see the result. By their nature, these women have very flexible muscles that are easy to shape in the right direction.

Nutrition and Exercise Tips:

  • The main problem of women with a rectangular figure is a protruding belly and a lack of a waist. Experts recommend strenuously engaging in proper nutrition, using a low-calorie diet.
  • To obtain optimal proportions, it is important to give up the use of salt, alcohol, in particular beer and sausages.
  • The metabolic rate in women of this type is average, so it is recommended to eat small meals throughout the day.
  • In order to maintain this type of figure in perfect condition, it is important to exercise regularly. Experts advise doing a variety of abdominal exercises. It is necessary to constantly work on the abdominal area in order to achieve curves and the appearance of a waist.
  • It is also necessary to engage in strength training, which is aimed at increasing the volume in the hips and buttocks to give a feminine figure.
  • Perfect for women with a rectangular-type figure, cardio exercises. This is a long jogging, walking.

Body type - apple

This type of female figure is often called by other definitions: O-shaped type, oval, circle or rhombus, sometimes you can find the name diamond. Usually, owners of this type of figure tend to be overweight. Their characteristic feature is the same parameters of the chest and waist, which makes the figure look like an apple or an oval. First of all, women with an O-shaped figure have a smooth line that goes from the chest to the hips, this is inherent in slightly plump women.

Often these women have problems with excess weight in the abdomen and back. But they are the owners of high and large breasts, slender and long legs. In ancient times, world-famous artists painted such women in their paintings, considering their figure to be a reference. By nature, such women are characterized by grace and aristocratic posture.

You can easily make all the features of your body your own weapon. Accentuate your face with fresh makeup and wear a sheath dress, beautifully accentuating your hips and slender legs.

Nutrition and Exercise Tips:

  • The Achilles' heel of O-shaped women is the problem of being overweight. Most often, it appears in the abdomen and waist.
  • To maintain normal proportions and burn excess adipose tissue, it is recommended to strictly monitor your diet. Eating a low-carb diet is important.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean types of fish and meat, various whole grains, cottage cheese and kefir with a low percentage of fat are best used as staples for women with an apple-type figure. The main thing is that all these products are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Regular exercise is also important.
  • It is recommended to do abdominal, oblique and lateral abdominal exercises. Experts advise doing the following exercises: push-ups, burpees with jumping out and a bicycle.

Shape Type - Inverted Triangle

This type of figure in women is often called V-shaped, T-shaped, strawberry or carrot. All these names describe a figure with a thin waist, medium-sized breasts, narrow hips, but with rather massive shoulders that make a woman's figure look like a man's.

Women with this type of figure are most common among athletes, for example, in swimming or tennis. This is because all excess fat only accumulates in the upper body: in the arms, shoulders, chest and neck. In addition, the owner of this type of figure has long and slender legs. All these features lead to the fact that women can be very successful and hardy in sports.

Women with such figures are easy to spot. Very often, their upper body is much more massive and at the same time shorter than the lower one. The legs of the owners of inverted triangle figures are almost always long and slender, which is the most important advantage of such a woman's body structure.

Nutrition and Exercise Tips:

  • Women with this type of figure are also shown proper nutrition and strict regulation of fat and carbohydrate intake. It is best to opt for foods high in fiber. It is also important to include as much protein in your daily diet as possible while reducing your intake of dairy products.
  • All training should aim at balancing the proportions of the upper body and lower body. To do this, you need to perform strength exercises to build muscle mass in the hips and buttocks.
  • It is recommended for the owners of the inverted triangle figure to do "supersets": lifting weights with a small number of repetitions.

Photos of body types in celebrities

World celebrities also do not have an ideal figure, but they try to emphasize all the beneficial features of their body types. Consider a photo of body types of different famous people.

Hourglass body type - Sophia Loren, Scarlett Johansson, Monica Bellucci, Merelin Monroe, Halle Berry.

Pear Body Type - Christina Aguilera, Kate Winslet, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez.

Rectangle shape type - Milla Jovovich, Keira Knightley, Cameron Diaz, Lindsay Lohan.

Apple body type - Alla Pugacheva, Kelly Osbourne.

Inverted triangle body type - Demi Moore, Renee Zellweger.

How to determine your body type

Every woman can make her figure perfect. You just need to find out exactly what type of figure you are. In order to determine the type of figure in a woman, you need to find a measuring tape, take a sheet of paper and a pencil and start measuring.

  • First of all, you need to measure the volume of your breasts. To do this, take a measuring tape in your hands, apply it horizontally to the floor on top of the most ordinary bra without any foam rubber. The measuring tape should run over the most protruding point. At the same time, make sure that it is strictly parallel. Write down the parameters on a piece of paper.
  • The next step is to measure your waist. To do this, measure the narrowest part of the abdomen with a measuring tape without pulling it in.
  • Measure your thighs at the widest and most prominent part.
  • The volume of your chest and hips is almost equal, and your waist is about 20-30 cm less - your hourglass body type.
  • The volume of the chest, hips and waist is almost the same, then you are the owner of a rectangular type.
  • The volume of your chest is much less than the volume of your hips, then your type of figure is a pear.
  • Your bust is much larger than your hips - an inverted triangle body type.
  • The volume of your waist and chest is quite impressive - your body type is an apple.

You can determine the type of figure online using special Internet programs. To do this, enter the parameters of your body in special columns and click Calculate. The program itself will determine in a few seconds what type of figure you have.

How to choose clothes on body type

As noted above, there is no ugly figure - there is an incorrectly chosen wardrobe. Here are some tips for choosing the right clothes according to the type of figure in women. Having learned what to wear according to the type of figure, you can competently and deftly combine outfits in order to emphasize all the advantages and hide the flaws.

How to choose the right wardrobe - pear shape type

  • Clothes should show off your upper body.
  • Be sure to pick up a few tops, open-arm T-shirts, sleeveless. with bare shoulders, with a cutout.
  • Shirts and blouses with wide sleeves will do.
  • Blouses with a wide neckline that favorably emphasizes the chest.
  • Pear-shaped dresses are suitable with a high waist or with a frill under the bust line. Dresses with a V-neckline can also be worn.
  • The bottom is preferably black, made of dense fabric.
  • From the range of skirts, give preference to pencil skirts.
  • It is better to wear trousers with a slightly straight cut, with an extension from the hip.
  • Outerwear is best purchased from a tight-fitting fabric; you can also try on a coat with overlays on the shoulders.

How to choose the right wardrobe - hourglass

  • This is the only body type that will fit almost any outfit.
  • Choose a wardrobe that will emphasize the correct proportions of the chest and hips, as well as accentuate a thin waist.
  • Choose a fitted cut for dresses. The same can be said for outerwear such as a coat or raincoat.
  • It is also important to emphasize the waist with a belt, so choose shirts, blouses and outerwear with a belt.
  • Blouses and dresses with a rather large V-neckline.
  • Of the skirts, you can stop at a-line skirts or high-waisted skirts.
  • It is better to choose straight trousers and jeans.
  • Sheath dress and wrap dress will favorably emphasize all the advantages of your figure.
  • You can choose absolutely any swimsuit by the type of hourglass figure, here you need to be guided by the peculiarities of the structure of the body.
  • Avoid baggy clothing that will hide your figure.
  • It is also better to remove trousers and low-waisted jeans from the wardrobe.

How to choose the right wardrobe - rectangle shape type

  • Choosing clothes for this type of figure is necessary in such a way as to balance the upper body and lower body.
  • Outerwear is best purchased with a fitted, possibly with a belt.
  • Tube dresses, off-the-shoulder or wrap-around bodycon dresses.
  • A-line fitted skirt or sun skirt.
  • Tops and T-shirts are best worn with short sleeves or sleeveless at all.
  • To correct this type of figure, you can wear dresses, skirts, coats with a slanting edge.
  • Blouses and shirts with an oval or square neckline.
  • It is better to prefer clothes made of dense and massive fabrics that outline the waist.

Choosing the Right Wardrobe - Inverted Triangle Body Type

  • Replenish your wardrobe with clothing that visually enhances and accentuates the legs and covers the overly chunky top.
  • It is better to choose blouses and blouses with a V-shaped or oval neckline.
  • Sweaters, sweaters, shirts should be without excess volume in the sleeves.
  • It is preferable to wear a dark top and a light bottom.
  • Outerwear should be slightly loose, such as a trapeze coat.
  • Trousers or jeans are best worn with a low rise.
  • For a business style, you can choose tops or dresses with a peplum at the hip level. This will visually increase their volume.
  • Choose skirts with a lot of pleats, tulle or with large pockets.

How to choose the right wardrobe - apple shape type

  • In clothes for this type of figure, you need to emphasize the slender legs and upper body, while hiding the abdominal area.
  • Outerwear is best worn in a trapezoidal shape with an A-shaped silhouette.
  • It is also better to choose dresses with an A-line, with a wrap and a high waist under the chest.
  • Wide skirts to the knee or slightly longer.
  • The trousers are straight or slightly flared with a high waist.
  • Give preference to plain clothes.

Do not chase ideals that are completely inappropriate for your body type. It is better to do your best to highlight all the advantages of your body and hide the flaws.

Body types in women are variants of the norm of the human constitution. This means that the constitution determines the features of the appearance and state of health of its owner. Basically, the structural features of the female body are hereditary, but initially knowing your body type, you can make timely adjustments from an early age.

Female figure variations

There are several systems for grading the appearance of the female body. The most common is a very simple and straightforward way to determine the shape of the body:

  • asthenic (or hyposthenic);
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

If it seems to you that knowing your body type is not very important, we bet. Certain types of figure differ in different problem areas, over which you can "sweat" in the gym, change your diet, the rhythm of life and choose the best clothes.

Wrist size - an indicator of the type of figure

Sometimes you don't want to bother or it is difficult to decide on your own silhouette, but there is a simple way to determine the type of physique in women, just by measuring the wrist. The Solovyov index is a parameter that will help determine the species. It is equal to the circumference of the wrist in centimeters.

Calculation of the indicator:

  • Less than 15 - asthenic;
  • In the zone 15-17 - normosthenic;
  • More than 17 - hypersthenic.

Asthenic body type in women - ectomorphs

  • According to the generally accepted opinion, these are the very happy owners of slender and slender figures. According to other ladies, these women are witches who eat a lot and practically do not get fat. Note that there are two sides of the same coin. In youth, asthenic ladies are slender, but with age, fat is still deposited in the most unsympathetic places: on the back and waist, which forms a sloppy and disproportionate image.
  • In terms of maintaining good physical shape, it is easier for such women, because their lipids accumulate slowly. Of the minuses, we note that although these girls are wiry, thin and energetic, the untrained young ladies have the lowest level of endurance and strength indicators.

  • The development of muscles turns into sheer torture for ectomorphs. Since the growth processes are slowed down not only in fat, but also in muscles. That is why it is very difficult to give a sporty pumped look to the silhouette.
  • The appearance of such ladies is not particularly popular among men, because they are angular, devoid of pleasant roundness and look like adolescents. Any model on display is a vivid example of this body type.
  • The shortened "upper" part of the body and long limbs create the illusion of "legs from the ears". Poorly developed lipid tissue often affects the size of the bust, and sometimes causes its absence.
  • Narrow shoulders and chest, narrow feet and hands, and narrow waist! The Solovyov index, which helps to determine the type of figure by the wrist, is less than 15.
  • As for training, it is easier for such ladies, since they almost never have to fight overweight. A female ectomorph can immediately start strength training in the form of a split, avoiding aerobic counterparts.
  • After achieving the desired results, you should definitely go through an unpleasant, but effective "drying" procedure.
  • With a possible weight loss, these young ladies first start to "leave" the muscles, so calorie restriction will not help with body shaping. The panacea is a special diet and strength training.

Normosthenic body type - mesomorphs

  • No matter how the changeable youth fashion dictates the demand for skinny young ladies, the figure of a mesomorphic woman (normostenic) is considered the classic ideal of beauty. They don't seem gaunt or female compasses. Their body is proportional, with well-developed muscle tissue and a minimum of body fat. Such girls are naturally athletic and bold.
  • Mesomorph instantly, if desired, part with fat reserves and gains muscle mass at lightning speed. By nature, the level of their metabolism is high, but with age, in the absence of adequate physical activity, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and the weight rapidly creeps up.

  • The part of the body at the top is slightly smaller than the one below, i.e. legs are not "from the ears", but not short ones either. In this case, the average size of the chest, hands and feet.
  • Solovyov's index for wrist size 15-17.
  • Often, the figure resembles the notorious hourglass, and with extra pounds, a pear or an apple.
  • Young ladies with similar parameters can achieve records in sports in the shortest possible time.
  • The problem of the "wasp waist" is quite acute in this case, because for the coveted forms, curvy ladies will have to sweat in the hall. From sports disciplines it is worth paying attention to the game types: basketball, volleyball, aerobics and tennis.

Hypersthenic trunk constitution - endomorphs

  • Endomorphs (people with a hypersthenic type) are precisely those persons whom sculptors and painters have glorified with love in their works. "Venus de Milo" by Botticelli, "Danae" by Titian, modern icons of beauty Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyonce and other ladies "in the body" are a vivid personification of this type of "body arrangement". Curvy young ladies are famous for their femininity and sensuality.

  • Such girls justify their excess weight by heredity, by the fact that there should be a lot of a good person and by the fact that men do not throw themselves on the dice, but there is a fundamental difference. From birth, endomorphs have more adipose tissue than muscle, but this does not mean that such ladies are doomed to eternal obesity. Such variations of the fair sex should only be given more time and effort to bring the figure back to normal. Only laziness does not allow such girls to be pumped up and elastic.
  • Transverse dimensions prevail over longitudinal ones (legs and arms are short). The chest is wide, the same waist, massive hips, large joints, feet and hands.
  • Soloviev's index is more than 17th position.

  • Fat mass prevails over muscle.
  • The combination of feminine roundness and good muscle tone will give trained endomorph ladies a seductive and exciting image.
  • But if such a young lady suddenly decides to lose weight and turn into a withered vobla, she will have to make titanic efforts that are unlikely to be crowned with success.
  • Even if weight loss succeeds, the girl's appearance will be painful and disproportionate. In such individuals, muscles grow well, but they are difficult to see under a dense layer of fat, which must be burned first. The latter is problematic, since metabolic processes in this form are significantly inferior in speed to the previous two.
  • Stored fat is hard to leave, and for training, we advise you to choose intense cardio workouts with an average load and change your diet to a low-carb one. Remember that breakdowns and relaxation will lead to an instant return of lost pounds.

You have learned the main female body types, we have described their features, advantages and disadvantages. As you can see, there is no "bad" or "good" physique, each has its own flavor. But we note that there is a common feature for all - beauty and women's health directly depends on the regularity of her visits to the gym.

Remember, whatever the type of your silhouette, only proper nutrition and increased physical activity will allow you to maintain female attractiveness for a long time.

Video: Typology of the female physique

The ideal female figure is a dream. Do female body types determine ideal body proportions? There are no imperfect figures. Every female body is completely original, in nature. Health, natural flexibility and soft female energy form a unique image.

The types of figures are distinguished for the convenience of classifying natural varieties. It is impossible to classify natural perfection according to any one characteristic, therefore there are various classifications of female figures according to different characteristics. Let's consider the most common ones.

This classification is based on the proportional relationship of body parts - shoulders, waist, hips, arms and legs. Using it, it is easy to determine your type. Depending on the type, you can purposefully form a wardrobe that will help emphasize the dignity of the figure, level out the flaws. Body training programs for a particular body type will maintain the natural balance and correct its proportionality.

The five main types of female figures identified by stylists and fitness trainers are:

Hourglass (type X)

The standard of female beauty, a classic female figure with rounded, mutually proportional shapes of the chest and hips, with a pronounced waist. The lines of the shoulders, hips are balanced, the bust and hips are the same volume. The upper body is in proportion to the length of the legs. When you gain weight, fat deposits are evenly distributed throughout the body. Femininity and roundness of forms are preserved during weight loss. (Female actresses with this type of figure are Monica Bellucci, Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe)

How to choose a wardrobe for this type of figure?

Any clothing will suit such a figure. Elements that accentuate the waist - wide belts, belts over dresses and blouses - will help to emphasize its merits. Beautiful legs can be shown using skirts of different lengths. You should refuse:

  • shapeless, baggy clothing;
  • overly tight jeans and trousers;
  • tight-fitting clothing;
  • crisp, bright prints;
  • boat neckline (if the chest is not small);
  • dense, heavy fabrics (they add additional volume to lush rounded shapes).

How to train?

To maintain your figure, it is useful to combine cardio training with strength training. Any type of physical activity is suitable - running, dumbbells, jumping rope. The main thing is to preserve and strengthen the balance laid down by nature.

Pear (type A, triangle)

Graceful shoulder line, thin waist, small chest. Disproportionately bulky hips stand out. Fat is concentrated on the thighs and buttocks, almost without affecting the chest and shoulders. It acquires a more proportional shape with weight loss. It is important to monitor the posture, the stooped posture emphasizes the inharmony of the figure. (Examples: Christina Aguilera, Kate Winslet, Jennifer Lopez)

How to choose a wardrobe?

For women with a "pear" figure, you need to find a middle ground so as not to hide the appetizing curves of the body, but not to highlight them too much. The dark bottom will hide the wide hips, and the dense light top will draw attention to itself. Open summer tops will accentuate the winning body parts - the back and arms. Avoid:

  • bulky, baggy clothes that hide the bend of the waist, such clothes will make the figure heavier, make it overweight;
  • such items of clothing as a peplum, wide belts, decorative trim, passing along the most voluminous part of the hips. This additionally increases their visibility;
  • tight-fitting things that emphasize the sharpness of the transition from the waist to the hips;
  • hard, poorly draped fabrics that add extra volume;
  • tulip skirts.

How to train?

Efforts should be directed to expanding the shoulders and back. Walking, running, squatting will help you get rid of excess fat in your lower body. Dumbbell exercises will strengthen, develop the arms and shoulders. A physically developed upper body will balance a voluminous lower body.

Inverted triangle (type T)

Powerful chest, broad shoulders, poorly defined waist, slender legs, flat thin hips. The upper part of the body is shorter than the lower one. When overweight, excess weight "settles" in the upper part, on the chest and thighs; legs remain thin and slender. (Examples of such figures: Demi Moore, Cher, Sigourney Weaver)

How to choose a wardrobe?

For representatives of such a figure, clothes that do not focus on the shoulders are suitable. Beautiful legs are well accentuated by skirts of various lengths, but not very short. It is worth giving up:

  • folds;
  • large, wide collars, boat neckline;
  • bright decorative elements, pockets along the chest line;
  • the silhouette of trousers, skirts, dresses, narrowed downwards;
  • too soft, thin tissues;
  • double-breasted jackets;
  • catchy, curved accessories and embellishments.

How to train?

To correct the T-figure, you need to direct efforts to "pump" the lower body in order to balance the upper one. Working out the legs is the main goal, running on an incline, a stepper will help in this. To work out the hips - squats, leg presses, lunges with dumbbells.

Rectangle (type H)

Proportional shoulders and hips, almost no waist, small chest, flat buttocks. With increasing weight, fat is distributed to the sides and abdomen. Losing weight improves your figure, makes it almost perfect. (Examples of such figures: Mila Jovovich, Cameron Diaz, Keira Knightley,)

How to choose a wardrobe?

The harmonious combination of the upper and lower parts, giving them additional volume will help to highlight the waist line. To create the perfect look, it is best to avoid clothes that emphasize the rectangular lines of the figure:

  • baggy things;
  • tight trousers, tight skirts;
  • strongly fitted silhouettes;
  • wide, voluminous things with an elastic band at the waist;
  • strongly tightening belts, tight belts.

How to train?

For representatives of the H-figure, it will be correct to strengthen the formation of the waist with the help of a hoop, exercises on the press.

Apple (type O)

Shoulders, hips and chest proportional in width. The waist is implicit, the belly is highlighted. Fat is deposited on the back, abdomen, shoulders, chin, making it double. At the same time, the legs and arms remain thin. (Example: Alla Pugacheva)

How to choose a wardrobe?

It is worth choosing clothes that emphasize slender legs and a graceful neckline that lengthens the silhouette. Better to avoid:

  • tight-fitting clothing;
  • large, bright prints on fabric;
  • tight skirts, tight-fitting trousers.

How to train?

Weight loss requires regular cardiovascular exercise such as jogging. To shape the waist, it will be useful to use a hoop and pump the press with the help of a set of special exercises. Strength training for the legs will balance the upper and lower body.

With age, the body types of women change. Regular physical activity and daily complex care will help keep your body in perfect condition.

Metabolic classification

This classification is based on the work of the endocrine glands, which affect the metabolism of the female body. There are four main types:

  • Pituitary or lymphatic
  • Adrenal or android
  • Thyroid or thyroid
  • Ovarian or ovarian

With the lymphatic type, the activity of the pituitary gland, located in the skull, predominates. A sluggish, slow metabolism is noted, the body retains fluid well and accumulates fat, which is distributed evenly throughout the body.

The character of women with such a metabolism is cheerful, sociable, cheerful. They are artistic, but do not like sports, active physical activity, which aggravates their disposition to be overweight.

In the thyroid type, the thyroid gland is most active. These are skinny women without overweight problems. A good metabolism helps them not to gain weight, but with regular overeating and low physical activity, they are also not immune from excess fat.
By their nature, these women are quick-tempered, get tired quickly, often suffer from bouts of apathy, and can hardly bear stress.
With the ovarian type, female hormones and ovaries prevail. This is the most feminine type, the fatty tissue is distributed mainly on the hips and buttocks. They have no problem conceiving and bearing children.

Women with such a metabolism are stubborn and hardy. To stop a galloping horse is about them.
With the adrenal type, the female figure is similar to the male. In other words, it is called android. The dominant gland is the adrenal gland, which produces androgens in women. They have strong, athletic muscles and require less sleep for good rest.
Women of the android type are very hard-working, cheerful, sociable, friendly, and go in for sports. Often these are clear leaders.

Interesting! It has been noticed that women with android-type figures, according to statistics, are completely self-sufficient.

Constitutional classification of female standard body types based on bone size

There are three main types:

  • Asthenic - thin-boned (dolichomorphic);
  • Normosthenic - normostensive (mesomorphic);
  • Hypersthenic - broad-boned (brachymorphic);

In medicine, in particular, in gynecology, a woman's constitutional type is determined by the volume of her wrist. The wrist circumference is called the Solovyov index, in women asthenics it is less than 15 cm, in normostenics - 15-17 cm, in hypersthenics more than 17 cm.

These are slender women with thin bones, weak muscles and lack of body fat. They are mobile and energetic, their fast metabolism does not allow them to gain weight even with increased nutrition.

The most balanced type in terms of proportionality. Well-developed muscles, active metabolism, subcutaneous fat easily go away with physical activity. With this physique, very beautiful female figures.

The most "weighty" women, both in terms of muscles, bones, and in terms of body fat. Due to a slow metabolism, they quickly gain weight.
When talking about the types of female figures, it will be useful to talk about height. Height depends on the length of the legs. Tall women have longer legs in proportion to the body than short women. As a rule, tall women are of the asthenic type.

Interesting! Women of the Negroid race have legs about three centimeters longer than those of European women of the same height.

The type of a particular female figure is determined by genes. With age, it undergoes changes depending on the lifestyle, eating habits, accumulated chronic diseases.

Defining your type is a way of learning about yourself, a way of knowing your body. The better a woman knows and understands her body, the more chances she has to learn how to control it, to maintain her physical shape in perfect condition.
Maintaining your attractiveness, health and energy until a ripe old age is not just a dream, it is a real opportunity.

Hello everyone! Any woman will sooner or later begin to see flaws in herself. Someone notices that they have added a few kilograms and the reflection in the mirror is not at all happy, someone has changed in figure due to childbirth. With age, the body also changes, it is more and more difficult to maintain a thin waist, legs and arms begin to plump and gain volume. This is inevitable, no matter how you go in for sports and it will not be possible to keep the figure of an 18 year old girl.

Others, despite their shortcomings, do not even want to go to the gym and diet. This is everyone's business. Perhaps such women quite feel attractive and sexy in this weight. But the problem for many is that they cannot choose such clothes for themselves that will emphasize their merits and disrupt flaws as much as possible.

After all, the right clothes for you can solve a huge number of problems. If you have full arms, then a certain style of blouse will hide this, and if you need to focus on slender legs or highlight a thin waist, then this is also quite easy to do thanks to your clothes, which are matched exactly to your individual body type.

For me personally, this task turned out to be difficult, I re-read many articles and was never able to determine my body type until I came across books with a detailed and step-by-step method. Now I will tell you about this method, perhaps it will help you too.

Determining your body type is the first step in organizing your wardrobe. How competently you do this will determine whether your clothes will suit you and how you will look in general. The main task of your wardrobe is to remove visual flaws and highlight, emphasize all your advantages. So let's start right now!

How to determine your body type

Today stylists and designers distinguish 5 types of figures:

  • circle, also called "apple"
  • triangle, that is, "pear"
  • inverted triangle - male type
  • hourglass is the most feminine
  • rectangle

To look beautiful and attractive, you need to know your body type and design your wardrobe so that things fit you, creating the perfect silhouette. In addition, the color of the things you choose is far from unimportant, but we will talk about this in the following articles.

  1. So, first, take off all heavy clothes and put on either underwear or a tight thing.
  2. Stand in front of the mirror. The lighting should be bright enough. Twilight can hide some nuances.
  3. Take a close look at yourself and your figure. Do not embellish the truth, think objectively and soberly.
  4. Highlight those zones in yourself that you would like to hide, and which to emphasize, that is, to highlight.
  5. Take a measuring tape and measure 3 parameters: chest, waist and hips. Write everything down on paper.

Remember that you must complete the last step correctly. So, the volume of the chest is measured along the most protruding line in front and behind. The waist can not be measured along the line where the belt of trousers and skirts is, apply a measuring tape along the thinnest part of the waist. The volume of the hips is also measured along the widest part of the bottom and along the protruding points. I did this: I measured it several times, changing the height, and chose the largest volume, and it became a suitable measure for me.

By the standards of a woman's figure, the difference in centimeters between the chest and hips is about 8 centimeters and 27 centimeters between the waist and hips.

Now you know exactly the parameters and thanks to them and your observations in the reflection, you can determine your type of figure.

Circle or apple shape type

In women "apples" the volume of the waist and chest, one might say, is equal. There may be differences, but not significant. And in shape, the figure resembles a circle. This type is especially noticeable in overweight people. In a thin state, one might think that the body is rectangular.

The large volume created by the shoulders, chest and belly actually makes the silhouette look like an apple. Women gain weight with sufficient ease, while their legs remain slim and beautiful. The neck becomes short, a second chin appears.

Most of the fair sex cannot find normal clothes for themselves because of the large protruding belly, jackets and suits just look ridiculous. We can only hope for hoodies and knitted dresses that can stretch to the desired size.

The advantage of the figure is the chest and legs, and they need to be emphasized and accentuated on them.

Choose clothes:

  • one that will lengthen the figure visually, that is, visually
  • dresses, sweaters, blouses with V-neck,
  • sheath dresses without ruffles, dresses with a high waist,
  • tapered skirts, knee-length or higher,
  • straight trousers that fit the hips,
  • long jewelry and beads,
  • shoes with high or medium heels.

It is forbidden to wear:

  • clothes made of thin jersey that fit the figure,
  • sweaters with a neckline,
  • belts and straps.

Read more about women "apples".

Shape type "triangle" or pear

It is quite difficult for such women to choose a dress and some types of trousers / jeans. Since their hips are wide, voluminous, and the waist is narrow. Narrow shoulders and a wide bottom with a pronounced waist visually resembles a pear. The hips may be 2 or even 3 sizes larger than up.

It is believed that this is a purely female figure, which has long been said that a woman is fertile and capable of giving birth to many children. She is characterized by beautiful hands and neat breasts. The waist is also quite narrow, but the bottom is bulky. Plump hips and legs make a noticeable emphasis on themselves. Such people are especially prone to obesity and often suffer from.

Extra pounds, as luck would have it, tend to be deposited precisely at the waist, butt and hips. But the upper body remains almost the same.

A lot of women of this type of physique have complexes and are completely unhappy with their appearance. The large difference in volume makes it very difficult for them to choose suits, for example, trousers and a jacket, since the sizes of the top and bottom are different. Thus, you have to turn to seamstresses in order to correct clothes for a figure or sew things to order.

The main task of a woman with this type of figure is to emphasize beautiful arms, neat shoulders with breasts and hide rather plump legs and hips. For this, it is best to choose clothes, taking into account the following criteria:

  • V-neck sweaters,
  • top in bright shades or with stripes across. Thus, visually the upper part of the body will increase in volume,
  • to hide problem areas, it is better to choose dark shades of them, skirts will look good - pencil and tight or straight-cut trousers, as well as dresses with a high waist (things will be suitable if they are no frills, bright provocative jewelry and high-quality dense fabric),
  • scarves, voluminous neck decorations such as scarves and ruffles perfectly adjust the proportions, it is preferable to buy shoes with heels.

Should not wear:

  • light clothing hip-length,
  • trousers and skirts, that is, bottom with pockets,
  • wide belts and belts,
  • baggy T-shirts and sweaters,
  • tight-fitting slim dresses.

Read more about women "pears".

Shape type "rectangle"

If your chest and hips are practically the same volume, and the waist is not pronounced and almost merges with the top and bottom, then most likely you fit this look. The difference in centimeters between the hips and the waist will be no more than 22, or even less.

This type of figure is not bad. And a properly fitted wardrobe can emphasize any part of the figure, at the request of a woman.

Usually, the shoulders, arms and chest are small, not prominent, the hips are without any roundness, the waist is not pronounced, the legs are slender.

When gaining weight, the waist, back and shoulders suffer the most, and the figure becomes like an “apple”. In most cases, a woman has no problem choosing clothes by size.


  • fitted jackets,
  • blouses, T-shirts and sweaters with an oval and V-neck, collars,
  • straight-cut or tight trousers,
  • tight-fitting skirts made of dense quality fabric,
  • dresses are strict and classic cut,
  • long accessories such as scarves or beads,
  • bright decorations,
  • you can buy any shoes that are convenient for you, but only with thick heels.
  • clothes with ruffles and voluminous decorative elements,
  • wide skirts with elastic at the waist,
  • too tight things that emphasize the lack of a waist.

Inverted rectangle shape type

Narrow hips and not at all pronounced waist with a fairly voluminous chest resembles a man's figure. If the volume of the thighs is narrower than the chest, then you one hundred percent fall into this category.

Today it is a symbol of sportiness and an active lifestyle. This body type is characterized by a wide top and a narrow bottom. The arms, chest and shoulders are plump, the waist and hips are not pronounced, but the legs are a beautiful accent.

Such ladies grow fat from above, therefore, the more excess weight they have, the more the figure takes on the shape of an inverted triangle.

Here, with the choice of clothing, the same problems arise as with the “triangle” type. The difference in the volume of the bottom and top does not allow you to purchase a full and well-fitting suit or dress.

The choice of clothes should be aimed at emphasizing beautiful long legs and hips and emphasizing them, and hiding the shoulders and arms a little, making them thinner.

Choose clothes:

  • with a V-neck, it visually stretches the figure,
  • top of calm, not flashy tones with a one-piece sleeve and a simple cut,
  • bottom with bright accents, pockets, print,
  • shoes with high or medium heels with a pointed or slightly blunt toe,
  • ornaments with sharp corners and elements.

Do not wear:

  • sweaters with a wrap, ruffles and bright decorative elements and shoulder pads,
  • voluminous accessories: shawls, scarves, jewelry.

Hourglass shape type

If the difference between your waist and hips is more than 23 centimeters, your chest and butt are almost the same size, you are the lucky owner of the most feminine figure.

Women of this type of figure are sexy and attractive, feminine and can afford more than others, one might say, almost any outfit.

The silhouette of the figure is rounded and has pronounced curves, beautiful shoulders, chest and hips. Even after gaining extra pounds, a woman remains beautiful. But so-called problem areas appear, for example, “ears on the sides”.

The main task when choosing clothes is to emphasize the waistline and avoid an increase in disproportionate volume between the hips and chest.

Can be worn:

  • clothes with different cutouts: boat, round and V-shaped,
  • wraparound dresses,
  • high-waisted straight and tight-fitting trousers,
  • clothes with decorative elements that emphasize or accentuate the waistline,
  • fitted jackets and jackets,
  • skirts - pencil, trapeze and year,
  • wearing straps and belts is encouraged.

It is not advisable to wear:

  • clothes that are too baggy or tight
  • bulky accessories, such as scarves and stoles,
  • too wide belts and waistbands.

Read more about women - "hourglass" read.

So our little research has come to an end. It may seem difficult at first. Ask family and friends to help you, and you will definitely draw the right conclusions.

Articles worth reading:

Good luck and see you soon! Subscribe to the blog update and receive the latest articles by mail! Until!

Today, many special tests have appeared on the global network that allow you to calculate your body type. This can be done. But the most reliable way is to stand in your underwear in front of a full-length mirror, carefully examine yourself, and then measure with a centimeter tape:
- shoulder width;
- breast volume;
- waist width;
- Waist;
- the width of the hips;
- the volume of the hips.

The volume of the chest, waist and hips should be measured by wrapping the tape around the body. After that, you need to judge your type of figure based on the measurements taken. So, the question of how you can determine the type of figure is half resolved.

How do you know your body type?

The standard classification includes the following types of female figure:
- an apple, or a rectangle;
- pear;
- triangle;
- hourglass.

The most common type of figure is an "apple", in 2nd place - a pear, in 3rd - a triangle, and only in 4th place - the same "hourglass".

Apple. In this type of figure, the width of the hips and shoulders is the same, but the waist never stands out clearly, even if the woman is thin. As a rule, the legs of these girls are slender, the buttocks are not very round, and the hips are straight. Owners of the "apple" body type gain weight in the chest, back, abdomen, while they gain weight mainly in the front. Sometimes the replenished "apples" look like this: the legs are thin, the width of the shoulders is approximately equal to the hips, the buttocks are normal, and the stomach is bulging.

Pear. For women of this type of figure, the width of the hips is wider than the shoulders, the volume of the hips is greater than the volume of the chest, the waist is clearly expressed, the outlines of the hips are rounded and smooth. Usually fat in this figure accumulates on the hips and buttocks, while the abdomen is quite flat, and the face does not recover much.

Triangle. In this type of physique, the width of the hips is less than the width of the shoulders, the line of the hips and waist is narrower, the legs in the area below the knees are thin, and the pelvis is quite narrow. Such women usually gain weight in the arms, face, abdomen, chest, inner thighs, etc.

Hourglass. In this type of figure, the width of the hips is equal to the width of the shoulders, and also about the same volume of the hips and chest, the waist is clearly marked, and the hips are always round. Such women gain weight evenly, they never have any problems with the disappearance of the waist. They also have a luxurious bust and mouth-watering buttocks.

Many people wonder how you can change your body type. However, this, as a rule, is a hereditary characteristic, and technologies are powerless against it. However, if you try to keep fit, you will look attractive regardless of this parameter. And the right clothes will help you with this.