Pumpkin face juice. Pumpkin masks for face: testimony. What is useful for a pumpkin mask for face

Pharmacy lotions, tonic and other leaving funds do not cope with the problem to be observed effectively as natural masks.

There are many home cosmetology recipes that do not require special costs, for example, using pumpkin.

This large, juicy, bright berry is perfectly affected by the epidermis, due to the content of the complex of essential vitamins in its composition.

Pumpkin masks for the face at home are not difficult to prepare, the recipes of traditional medicine are suitable for skin of any type.

Pumpkin Use for Skin

The pumpkin contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, which favorably affect the work of all organism systems. This fruit can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

The use of pumpkin masks for the face at home

1. Vitamins E and A contribute to the slowdown in the process of aging of the epidermis, they stimulate the production of their own collagen, which retains the elasticity of the face, regardless of age.

2. Vitamin B2 soothes inflamed areas.

3. Vitamin B1 gives the epidermis protection against the aggressive effect of the rays of the sun.

4. Nicotinic acid returns a pleasant healthy shine to the face, aligns his tone.

5. Starch softens skin, whiten pigmented areas.

6. Carbohydrates are characterized by toning properties, the cells are saturated with energy, accelerate the process of their regeneration.

7. Vitamin RR envelops the face with freshness, maintains the balance of moisture, does not allow the epidermis to dispel.

Pumpkin masks for the face at home are also characterized by excellent exfoliating properties. The pulp of the fetus deals deals not only contamination and excess of skin fat, but also dead cells. At any age, cosmetic procedures with this product will save the softness of the skin, its elasticity and a healthy shine.

Pumpkin masks for face at home for problem skin

1. Means against acne


Boiled pumpkin flesh (50 grams);

Green tea with strong welding (1 spoon big);

Honey (1 spoon small).

All components are mixed in the presented proportion so that a homogeneous consistency is. The mass is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes, then washed off with warm water. This procedure is recommended to repeat 2-3 times a week. The mask cleans the skin from contaminants, pulls out of the pores of the rigor, warns the appearance of acne.

2. Remedy for pigment spots

To align skin tone, you can cook at home natural tonic. To do this, the cucumber juice and pumpkin juice are mixed in the same proportion, a little milk fatty milk is added there. The resulting fluid is applied to problem areas using a cotton disk. It is not necessary to wash it right away, it is important to leave the tonic on the face for 15-20 minutes, only then the skin is rinsed with cool water.

3. Means for removing swelling

Pumpkin pulp must be drilled half an hour and cool, after adding honey to it and turn into Cashitz. By 50 grams of meakty 1 tablespoon of honey. The resulting consistency is superimposed in gauze, as for the compress, applied to the face for 20 minutes. Such a pumpkin mask for a person at home pulls out an extra liquid from the skin, as a result, swelling is removed.

Pumpkin masks for facial at home for oily skin

1. From oily shine

Rash pumpkin must be gratened on the small grater. 1 tablespoon of starch is added with the resulting mass, 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of tomato juice. The mixture is applied to face in the morning after washing for 15 minutes, after which the skin is washed with cold water.

2. Cleansing

The rubbing pumpkin flesh (2 tablespoons) is connected by 1 chicken egg. The mixture must be carefully taken up to the formation of a homogeneous consistency. Such a pumpkin mask for the face at home is applied 2 times a week. It allows you to cope with oily skin, without overpowing it.

Cosmetic Masks for Dry Derma Care

Dry skin requires special care. Pumpkin masks for the face at home perfectly tone, moisturize the dermis.

1. Mixed raw pulp of apple and pumpkins (usually takes on 1 procedure for 2 spoons of products). A good olive oil is added to this mass (10 ml), everything is thoroughly whipped. The resulting consistency is applied to the face for 15 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 3 times a week to achieve the most efficient result.

2. The raw pulp of pumpkin (50 grams) is mixed with vegetable oil (1 teaspoon). You need to apply this consistency to the skin at least 20 minutes. The procedure allows you to melt the epidermis, align the tone and prevent peeling.

3. The raw pulp of pumpkin (3 tablespoons) connects with liquid honey (1 teaspoon), high fat curd (1 teaspoon) and cream (10 ml). Components need to mix well, the mask must be applied evenly on the face at least than 20 minutes.

Using the product to combat skin and wrinkles

1. Recipe against Mimic Wrinkles

Pumpkin fresh juice (3 large spoons) is mixed with honey (desirable liquid) and 10 ml of olive oil. Oatmeal is added to the resulting story in such a quantity so that the consistency is formed, similar to sour cream. The mask is applied on the skin of the face 3 times a week for 20 minutes. After several procedures, the first results will be noticeable.

2. Recipe for fading damage skin

The crude flutter pumpkin flesh (50 grams) is mixed with chicken egg protein. The resulting consistency is applied to the face, neck and area of \u200b\u200bneckline. After 150 minutes, the skin is rummaged slightly cool water. Such a procedure is perfectly tone, retains the elasticity of the epidermis.

3. Smoothing wrinkles mask

Pumpkin pulp (about 100 grams) boils until complete readiness and stops in porridge. A chicken crude yolk and a small amount of honey (1 teaspoon) is added there. The mixture is applied to a dry clean face for 15 minutes. The procedure is desirable to be carried out before bedtime.

Pump-based scrub

To preserve the youth and beauty of your skin, you can make not pumpkin masks, but also a scrub based on this product.

1. Nourishing scrub

Pumpkin pulp must be booked, spread it in a puree. There is then a small amount of sugar (1 tablespoon per 100 grams) and ground coffee (1 teaspoon) are added. The resulting tool by massaging movements is applied to the skin (no longer than 2-3 minutes). If the face is very dry, you can add 3-4 drops of olive oil to the scrub before use.

2. Scrub for combined skin

5-6 almond nuts are grinding in flour with a coffee grinder. The resulting powder adds 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 50 grams of pulmonary pumpkin pulp. Next, it is necessary to dilute a mixture with natural yogurt without additives so that the consistency is close to thick sour cream. The scrub rubs 3-4 minutes into the skin of the face with light massage movements. The epidermis after the procedure is wiping the ice cube.

Important points of use of the fetus in home cosmetology

Before applying any pumpkin mask, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances on the use of this product.

1. If you need to add boiled fleet to the mask, cook it is necessary correctly. Pumpkin can not be cooked in a lot of water, it is best to bake her to maintain maximum beneficial properties.

3. Pumpkin is suitable for skin of any type. Despite this, before applying a cosmetic agent, it is important to verify the absence of allergies to the product. To do this, a small amount of pumpkin cleaner must be applied on the wrist. If 15 minutes did not appear redness, it means that you can use face masks.

Pumpkin masks for the face at home is an affordable and effective way to preserve the youth, beauty and elasticity of their skin. Regular cosmetic procedures will clean the dermis from pollution and slightening plugs. In addition, pumpkin masks increase the protective functions of the skin, this allows it to not be damaged after interaction with such negative external factors, like the scorching sun and the strong impulses of the wind.

Pumpkin extract is widely used in cosmetics, due to the soft effect and pulling effect. However, to maintain beauty it is not necessary to buy professional cosmetics. Pumpkin's homemade mask makes noticeably improves the structure of the skin, and also does not require special cooking skills.

It turns out that you can get high-quality medical cosmetics without going down all your salary on small tubes of wonderful means.

The benefits and efficiency of pumpkin masks

Pumpkin boasts a large content of useful components (vitamins A, E, B, starch, nicotine acid), which is why dishes with this fruit are so popular among proper nutrition supporters. But you can benefit not only by using a crude pulp inside, but also making pumpkin face masks. The positive effect of vegetable is obvious:

  • alignment of the facial tone, due to which the skin looks like a message;
  • whitening pigment spots;
  • protection against UV rays;
  • exfoliation of dust and dead cells, as well as the removal of oily shine;
  • stimulation of collagen generation, which preserves the skin elastic;
  • cell tone, due to which the regeneration process is activated;
  • rejuvenation, with frequent use of face masks;
  • maintaining the water balance, due to which the skin remains moistened.

If you combine puree from the fetus with other ingredients, the beneficial properties of the face mask will significantly expand. You can also use oil from the bone of the fetus. Due to the peculiarities of treatment, the initial composition is complemented by vitamins K and F.

Contraindications for use

Pumpkin gently acts even on sensitive skin, so practically does not have contraindications. However, judging by the reviews prepared at home, pumpkin masks for the face can cause an allergic reaction. Fortunately, such an effect is possible only if there is allergies to the product.

Also, doctors advise to avoid product with diabetes. Due to the high percentage of sugar in the fetus, there is a possibility that the mask will cause complications. Therefore, use products containing pumpkin, with extreme caution. In other cases, pumpkin is absolutely safe.

Which components can be added to the mask

To make a mask more universal, it is customary to make a composition of several ingredients. You can mix pumpkin with vegetable ingredients or products of animal origin. Among the favorites can be allocated:

  1. Egg. To create rejuvenating facial mixtures, crude protein is usually used, as well as puree from the fetus.
  2. Apple. The sealing mixture of apples and pumpkins carefully removes the shine on the forehead, as well as dirt from the pores.
  3. Oatmeal. The fiber in the composition of oat flakes has a nutritious and pulling effect. Together with a pumpkin, oatmeal struggles with launched wrinkles and improves tissue elasticity.
  4. Lemon juice. If you regularly make a pumpkin mask with lemon, then the tone of the face will become lighter. In addition, pigment spots will go. With dry skin, it is not necessary to abuse such a mask, as Lemon strongly dry fabrics.
  5. Cream. Cosmetic faces of a pumpkin and cream acts gently, because of which it can be applied around the eyes. The mixture nifes the cells well, so it is often used to treat fading skin.
  6. Yogurt and sour cream. The composition acts as an amplifier properties of the pumpkin. Care with fermented fermented products helps to change the skin structure. It becomes noticeable.
  7. Honey. The ingredient not only feeds the skin, but also enhances blood circulation. Due to this, the cells are restored faster, which allows you to preserve the youth of the skin.

When selecting additional components, the beneficial properties of each should be taken into account. In addition, it is best to make sure that there are no allergic reactions before applying a pumpkin mask on the face.

Specialists in the field of beauty do not deny the effectiveness of pumpkin masks, but insist on compliance with the rules for holding cosmetic procedures. Therefore, when applying a mask at home, it is recommended:

  1. Select the correct pumpkin. Mature fruit must weigh 3-6 kg. A greater weight indicates that pumpkin will be too dry or water. Usually the pulp has a yellowish-orange shade, which indicates the high content of vitamin A.
  2. Carefully grind the product. If you need to add raw pumpkins by the recipe, it is better to rub it on the small grater. Puree from the meakty is desirable to do with the help of a blender.
  3. Dispat face. To make the mixture better in the pores, you should clean the face with the help of gel or foam, after which to break the face. To do this, you can use a towel or steam in boiling water.
  4. Allergy test. Since in rare cases, the vegetable can cause irritation or rash, it is recommended to pre-verify the absence of an allergic reaction. A small amount of casis is applied to the fold of the elbow. If after 15 minutes the reaction will not - can be used.
  5. Apply immediately after cooking. Since the mixture does not contain preservatives, a few hours later, after cooking, the composition begins to lose beneficial properties.
  6. Right wash off the tool. First, the water should be warm. After the remnants of the mask are cleaned, it is necessary to wash with cold water to close the pores.

Since pumpkin can be mixed with various natural ingredients, there are a large number of effective recipes aimed at solving skin problems. Fortunately, even the best macaw recipes are easy to prepare at home.

Against deep wrinkles

It will take 50 gr. Pumpkin juice (can with flesh), oatmeal, 2 teaspoons of liquid honey and 10 ml. vegetable oil, such as olive. Cooking:

  1. All liquid ingredients are well mixed.
  2. Oatmeal is added. The right amount is determined on the basis of how many flour will behave in itself. By consistency, the mixture should resemble sour cream.

To get rid of wrinkles mask for the face of oatmeal and pumpkins need to be applied for 16-20 minutes.

Apple and Pumpkin for Cleansing

For the recipe you will need the pulp of apple and pumpkins, as well as olive oil. Both ingredients should be grate, and then mix them with oil. After applying, the mixture must be kept within 12-18 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure up to 3 times a week.

Universal mask

The mask not only returns elasticity of the skin, but also softens inflammation, and also makes the tone of the face smaller. Any woman can prepare such a face mask from pumpkin at home. Recipe:

  1. Mix 1 protein and grated pumpkin flesh.
  2. Get a dense consistency.

Apply the resulting Cashitz on the face and zone. After 20-25 minutes you can wash.

Rejuvenating composition

This mask of pumpkin for face from wrinkles has only positive feedback. A simple recipe and high efficiency makes it an indispensable means in the fight against the first signs of age-related changes. For cooking:

  1. Take a ripe pumpkin and clean it from the peel and seeds, then boil.
  2. Mashed.
  3. Mix it with a yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey.

Abundantly cover the mixture face and neck. After 24 minutes, wash off with water.

Mask made of almonds

Pumpkin mask with face almonds at home effectively affects problem areas, eliminating skin from wrinkles or inflammation. According to the recipe:

  1. It is necessary to grind almonds and pumpkins to the condition of mashed potatoes.
  2. Add 3-5 yogurt and honey spoons.
  3. To stir thoroughly.

Apply no more than 1-2 times a week.

Moisturizing and nutrition

To revive the skin, you need to mix puree from pumpkin, liquid honey, as well as aloe juice in a 2: 1 proportion. The resulting mixture can be kept up to 30 minutes.

Important! Before making a mask for a Pumpkin face with the addition of other ingredients, it is recommended to make a test on the presence of allergies to one of the components.

Tips on the use of pumpkin masks from the forums!

Women who have already tried their face masks from pumpkin, can leave beneficial reviews. Often they may contain recommendations on the best recipes or features of cooking. Among the most useful, you can allocate:

  1. It is possible to replace washout with simple water on a decoction of chamomile. So the skin will receive additional moisturizing.
  2. Making a face mask from pumpkin pulp should be remembered by the basic rules for making the fetus. So, the pulp is better not to cook, but bake. In this case, it will save as much beneficial properties as possible.
  3. From the pumpkin you can make not only masks, but also scrubs. You just need to mix the puree with sugar and treat the face.

We offer to watch a pumping mask review:


Regular use of pumpkin masks from wrinkles help clean the face and extend the youth. In addition, you can use different compositions for the treatment of dry skin, rash or irritation. And also, masks with a pumpkin for a face strengthen the protective barrier of the skin. Due to this, you can not be afraid of a long stay in the sun or strong frosts.

Tasty and useful pumpkin is just ideal for nutrition and skin moisturizing. Pumpkin is rich in vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the health and beauty of our skin. Pumpkin mask For a person, one of the simplest recipes for preserving youth.

Few, probably know what benefit for our skin is trampled by the beautiful pumpkin. But it is also useful as a cosmetics, as in dietary nutrition. All its secret in richness with vitamins, micro and macroelements, organic acids and oils. About benefit pumpkin Seed Oils which, since ancient times, consider universal medicine from many ailments, we told us more grandmothers.

About how the pumpkin is so useful and why it is worth adding to his diet, read in the article Pumpkin - benefit and harm .

What is useful for a pumpkin mask for face

The benefits of this wonderful vegetable for the skin is indisputable and is due to its composition primarily:

  • Copper - increases the elasticity of the skin, stimulates the production of collagen;
  • Organic acids - update the skin, leveled the complexion;
  • Oil - soften and nourish the skin;
  • Vitamin E. - speeds up the regeneration of the skin, rejuvenates it;
  • Vitamin C - the strongest antioxidant, struggles with signs of aging, protects the skin from free radicals;
  • Starch - whitens and tones;
  • Zinc - Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Pumpkin mask Absolutely universal and suitable for all skin types, it nourishes it, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins and makes more elastic, retains youth for a long time. However, to get the maximum effect, it is recommended to prepare them using additional caring ingredients.

Pumpkin mask - how to use

Pumpkin itself is equally useful for all skin types. However, any mask can be converted by adding the desired ingredients and adapt it to a specific type.

The easiest way to use a pumpkin for beauty is to make a crawl out of her pulp and apply to the peeled face. If the skin is dry, you can add sour cream, olive oil or jojoba oilif it is fat, then lemon juice, aloe or protein. Milk is suitable for additional nutrition, etc.

There are 2 basic variations of pumpkin masks:

  • Raw Pump Mask
  • Pumpkin Mask

Naturally, the question arises - what is the first or second option better? It all depends on your preferences. Pumpkin retains most of their useful properties and after short cooking. The difference is only in what mask you will prefer - from raw pumpkins it is better to tone and increases elasticity, more suitable for oily skin. From the boiled pumpkin mask acts more gentle, it softens the skin, gently feeds, it is pleasant to apply it.

Pumpkin Home Mask Recipes

  • Universal toning mask

This is the easiest, but one of the most effective recipes. Just need to press a little fresh pumpkin juice. If there is a juicer - well, if not, you can wipe the pumpkin and squeeze the juice with the help of gauze. So, we have juice, now you can make cotton discs in it and wipe the face, another option: fold the gauze in 3 layers, moisten to pumpkin juice and impose on the face. Mask keep at least 20 minutes, after which it is removed and washed off the face with cool water. After such a procedure, the face will noticeably hang, the skin will become more elastic and the tone of the face is leveled.

  • Home scrub

Gentle and nutritious scrub will turn out if adding a little sugar in a puree from the boiled pumpkin. Optionally, you can add ground coffee. For dry skin, or just in winter when it needs to be moisturized even more, add a bit of olive oil.

Use such a scrub for the whole body, not only for the face. It will remove dead cages, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. An excellent way to take advantage of all the benefits of pumpkin.

  • With honey and milk

Mix 2 spoons of raw pumpkin purees with 1 spoon of honey and 1 spoon of milk. This composition of the ingredients is suitable for normal skin. If you have dry skin, add a bit of olive or pumpkin oil. Also suitable avocado oil, it is very nutritious. For oily skin, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or aloe juice will be appropriate.

Before applying the mask, the skin should be perfectly clean. You can use scrub, peeling or unpack your face. Mask hold on the face of 10-15 minutes, then wash off cool water.

  • Dry skin

Excellent mask for moisturizing and feeding dry skin. Some fresh pumpkins cut into pieces and cook in milk. Pumpkin is cooked pretty quickly, in 15 minutes we will pull the pumpkin and grind a fork or a mixer. Must work puree. Mass are cooling and appreciating on the face still warm. Hold the mask on the face for a 20 minute, then sheeps warm water.

  • With yogurt for all skin types

We take 100 grams of fresh pumpkins, add 2 spoons of low-fat yogurt and 2 spoons of liquid honey. All ingredients are mixed in a blender. Mask apply to the purified face and keep 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to wash it with cool water, and after apply the cream corresponding to the type of leather.

  • For oily skin

Very nutritious mask which narrows pores, removes fat shine. 4 tablespoons puree from the boiled pumpkin are mixed with 1 teaspoon and add a protein of one fresh chicken eggs or 2 quail. The mask is held on the face of 10 minutes later wash off cool water. Such a mask does not have contraindications and restrictions, so you can apply it as much as you can apply it.

  • Curd Mask with Pumpkin

Suitable mainly for dry skin. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons puree from raw pumpkin and cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of honey and as much fat cream. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to pre-cleaned skin. To keep the mask on the face of 15 minutes to wash off warm water.

  • Express mask from dark circles under the eyes

In equal amounts mixed puree boiled pumpkin, milk and cucumber juice. The mask is applied as follows:

  • close your eyes;
  • put on them a small piece of thin tissue or folded in 2 layers of gauze;
  • spoon put a little eye mask.

After 10 minutes, the mask will make his own business and it can be removed.

If you have the opportunity, then definitely try to do pumpkin face mask At home. To start, take the simplest recipes - the results will pleasantly surprise you.

One of the most generous autumn gifts is pumpkin. Later in the fall, this luxury beauty can be found everywhere where the harvest is already assembled, in the fields of paint sweat. Only she is having an eye with her joyful sunny color in the ensemble with a multicolored foliage of trees.

Everyone has children's memories of Pumpkin Cashe. About mother's requests to "eat a spoon". Only becoming older, we begin to understand that the pumpkin has absorbed for the spring, summer and autumn from the sun, water, air, and the lands of whole pantry useful "treasures". As a sign of gratitude, pumpkin opens the doors of his storage house.

Pumpkin became a source of inspiration for culinary, creative ideas, and she is also a faithful friend in the struggle for beauty, youth, health. Pumpkin's face mask, in its influence, is comparable with ready-made drugs in expensive cosmetic salons. It is available at a price in any seasons.

A face mask from pumpkin and the secret of her is that each component works, each element, thereby creating an impeccable order in the processes that are responsible for health, beauty. Without influence on the body, no element of orange pantry will remain:

  • zinc - dries, helps to get rid of acne, promotes healing;
  • omega 3 and Omega 6 fats - gives freshness, affects the processes of rejuvenation;
  • vitamins B3 and B6 - regenerate cell epitheliums;
  • vitamin A - beta-carotene protects against harmful sunlight, helps get rid of wrinkles, updates at the cellular level;
  • vitamin RR - gives freshness, purity, cheerfulness;
  • vitamin E - it is called vitamin women's beauty.

  • Dry - will receive abundant moisture;
  • Fat - eliminates the glossy shine;
  • Problem - cure foci of inflammatory processes;
  • Sensitive - get care and care.

The most pleasant thing is that the face mask from pumpkin at home, with their own hands in the cozy atmosphere, at a convenient time will become more efficient, useful than in salons. When there is no time to make making masks, you just need to grasp the face with a piece of fresh pumpkins, to look like half an hour.

Pumpkin's face mask at home is prepared from raw, boiled or baked in foil pulp and crushed seeds. Ticking will make your good deed if it belongs to it respectfully and do not forget that once a week for two months to make a pumpkin mask and then it will thank with all the generosity and love. It is recommended to apply in warm form, then useful juices, substances are better absorbed. Ring off - warm water or infusion of calendula or chamomile, then useful effect is enhanced.

Who is an ally of autumn beauties and its interaction with what products is most useful:

With yolk

  • A vegetable boil when cool down to dissolve in it with a spoonful of honey and yolk. This connection of all necessary trace elements.

With sunflower oil

  • Move the baked pumpkin baked in the oven, connect with 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil.
  • Cover fingers in warm form for 20 minutes. This recipe moisturizes, and the dry skin gives elasticity and velvety structure.

With honey

  • Two pieces of boiled pulp joint with part of the honey. By time, a mask for a pumpkin face with honey should be absorbed about 25-30 minutes. Excellent result Especially in cases of wretchedness.

With vitamin A.

  • Boiled vegetable to smoke, mix with creams for dry skin and with kefir for oily skin, another 5 drops of vitamin A. This connection with female vitamin beauty restores the epithelium at the cellular level.

With protein

  • A spoon of vegetable is mixed with one protein foam. Such a composition is perfectly drying, smoothes wrinkles.

With tomato juice

  • The connection of raw vegetable with a spoonful of flour, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a tomato juice is flawless for oily skin.

With an apple

  • A egg white is introduced into the combustion of the coat apple and pumpkin, which gives a good result with eels and rash.

With cottage cheese

  • Connect bold cottage cheese and pumpkin puree. The composition is used for dry skin.
  • The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.
  • A unique feature of pumpkin masks - the result will not make himself wait.
  • Guardian of mood and youth.

The main causes of aging of the skin, the formation of wrinkles are the negative impact of the sun's rays. Or in other words - photo-store. The main perpetrators in the process of aging are free radicals, they attack the molecules of fats, proteins, cause aging. Antioxidants are confronted by free radicals and reduce their effect. One of the powerful antioxidants is pumpkin, and not only flesh, juice, but also seeds.

This sunny miracle loves the skin, cares for her with caressing, care and love. The large content of vitamin E makes it possible to prevent the body aging, the whole organism, prevent the formation of anti-aging stains and wrinkles.

Pumpkin mask from wrinkles, which needs to be done 1 time per week, will give an instant result.

Boil vegetable in milk until it becomes a soft, thick layer to cover the skin. Wait for a quarter of an hour, wash off, wipe the towel.

In the coffee grinder, grind a glass of purified seeds, pour water liter, bring to a boil. So 3-4 hours. Then rudely put on the skin of the face and neckline. The decoction can be used throughout the day, periodically affecting the skin.

The crude pumpkin three on the grater, rub with sour cream and two slices of garlic shred in the press. Feelings should be pleasant without burning path.

The presence of a large number of youth - vitamin E, makes it possible to make masks for the pumpkin rejuvenating.

They are perfectly moisturized, nourished, leveled, give cleanliness to face face:

Egg and honey

  • To the crude pumpkin mixture, we rub a spoonful of thick honey and egg yolk.

Milk with honey

  • Fill on slow heat vegetable. Then we enter the honey and milk on a spoon. Wonderful food for the epithelium will be visible certainly.

Scarlet with Mid.

  • In the stew pumpkin add juice juice, a spoonful of honey. We leave for half an hour.


  • Appetizing dessert - on a spoonful of bold cottage cheese and sour cream, and a pumpkin miracle mix and give the skin to eat for 20 minutes.

How to make the skin smooth? Unfortunately, acne, acne appear on any skin - oily and dry. The main meaning of acne masks - removal of contamination, deep cleaning. Pumpkin rich zinc is an assistant with a soft cleaning.

Olive oil and protein

  • In baked pumpkin add olive oil and whipped in foam egg protein. The composition is on the skin until complete drying and a small effect of skin tightening.

Lemon juice

  • Add a few drops of lemon juice to the pumpkin puree. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes.


  • In bented oatmeal add a pumpkin puree. The face mask remains for 30 minutes.

For whitening

Pumpkin's face mask has a whitening effect due to the presence of zinc in this universal assistant.

With sour cream

  • To 100 grams of pulp, add a spoonful of thick sour cream, mix to homogeneous consistency.

With pigment spots

The handful of purified seeds need to be confused, pour three spoons of mineral water, bring to a boil, distribute on the surface of the face. After half an hour, wash off. Such a composition narrows pores, removes inflammation.

In a couple of tablespoons of apple and pumpkins and add a protein of one egg. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the flow of water. This mask should be applied 2 times a week.

Body and face scrub

Make a scrub at home easy. Puree from boiled pumpkin pieces add cane granulated sugar and a quarter spoon spoons of pumpkin seed oil. With dry skin, you need to increase the amount of oil. With the help of cotton fabric you need to apply on the body, after half an hour, washed off with warm water.

Skin care is quite simple and effective. The wonderful autumn gift of the Nature of Pumpkin has a multifunctional impact:

  • restoration;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • rejuvenation;
  • whitening;
  • food;
  • moisturizing;
  • regeneration.

The queen of autumn is an excellent dietary product. It improves eyesight, contributes to digestion, useful for hypertensive, is used for overweight. Nutritionists have developed special pumpkin diet, on which a person loses overweight.

When using pumpkin in food, as well as applying it superficially on the skin, the result will double. It pleases that the pumpkin has almost no contraindications, it does not cause allergies, it expands its use in healthy diet, in cosmetology.

The late autumn gift patiently protects the treasures of his pantry all year. If it relates respectfully, carefully and gently, she generously gives her gifts and the beauty queen will definitely bring a sunny harvest of mood and beauty.

The pumpkin season begins. Cute women, do not miss the chance simply and almost free to feel like a queen of beauty. Facial masks from pumpkins are creating miracles with skin in your eyes. But! I will tell you how to avoid my mistakes, get a quick and stunning effect from them.

Everyone knows that pumpkin is rich in vitamins and trace elements of a vegetable. It is often used in the preparation of various dishes, it is recommended for use during diets. It is almost a wasteless product - pulp and peel are used to prepare various dishes, pumpkin juice, and delicious seeds and pumpkin oil are obtained from seeds.

School teacher from America Ray Villafen found another original use of this vegetable.

Look! How do you throw a pumpkin carving?

But expensive women forget that the "orange beauty" can be used to make a face masks at home. They nourish the skin perfectly, helping to keep it healthy, gentle to the touch, give a rejuvenating effect.

Purpose Pumpkin

Pumpkin for the skin of the face gives a nutritious and moisturizing effect. Thanks to the ability to keep the initial set of substances and trace elements for a long time, the vegetable can be used in winter - in the cold season of the year, when to find the most natural and fresh fruits and vegetables are difficult, and the body is not enough vitamins. In the cold and frost, the skin is dreamed, peeling from unfavorable environmental conditions.

Pumpkin mask moisturizes and support the elasticity and velvetiness of the skin, increase the protective properties of the skin from the cold.

Note! Pumpkin mask is suitable for different skin types: even sensitive!

It is worth noting that the face pumpkin mask is beautifully fighting with age-related changes: whitens pigment stains, smoothes small wrinkles, eliminates the dryness of the skin, struggles with irritation.

What is this as part of this "Orange Beauty", what is it so unique and useful for the skin? Here is a list of vitamin composition and useful properties of pumpkin:

  • vitamins A and E are needed to combat age-related changes;
  • vitamin C and vitamins of group in help acne;
  • vitamin T, so rarely found in the composition of vegetables and fruits, helps narrow the pores;
  • vitamins K, RR, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron well feed the skin outside.

My mistake number 1. Before you decide on the use of masks from the pulp and pumpkin juice, I did not make sure that I do not have individual intolerance to this product, in order to prevent possible harm to the skin of the face.

And you just needed to try the mask on the skin site, which is not visible. If during the day on the skin it will not appear rash or redness - it means everything is fine, there are no contraindications. Showing the carelessness, one of the components of the "pumpkin" mask caused an allergic reaction, and the sick leave week was guaranteed me!

Pumpkin Masks Recipes for Skin Face

Pumpkin face mask is a great way to feed the skin. It is through pores that vitamins and trace elements fall into the layers of the skin of the face in full, which does not occur with the usual use of the product in food.

Homemade natural masks for the recipes on their own hands, as they say "with love", differ from the finished options used in cosmetology, naturalness, simplicity in preparation. In addition, homemade masks for the face are very effective and do not require special skills in the manufacture.

My mistake number 2. I did not clean the skin before the mask. This significantly worsens the result of the procedure.

The frequency of pumpkin masks - twice a week. Each day to make a face mask for a face.

The mask is applied with fingertips or brush over massage lines.

Error number 3. No need to overeat the mask for more than 20 minutes. Longer - does not mean better. The effect of the procedure may turn out to be reverse.

Do not forget to wash the mask with an infusion of daisies or a series of herbs, for example. And about the moisturizer at the end of the procedure, I think you also know.

Do you think wrinkles tell us about age? Not! They remind you to urgently do their appearance.

The easiest rejuvenating pumpkin mask against wrinkles is a small amount of boiled pulp to chop in a blender and cover her face for 10 minutes, and after to slip the face with water. After the procedure, it is recommended to use the moisturizing cream.
The second option is to connect egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of boiled pumpkin. With regular use, not only rejuvenation occurs, but also an excellent skin tone is refreshing to the face.

Pumpkin Mask from acne

Transitional age has many not only positive, but also negative sides. One of them is teenage acne.

Pumpkin acne mask well removes skin irritation and narrows pores, eliminates increased fatty skin, skin purification occurs.

The easiest recipe is an apple puree, mixed with pumpkin flesh in a 2: 1 ratio, an egg white is added and mixed well. When used twice a week, irritation, rash and acne passes, disappears the fat shine, becomes a velvet to the touch.
Another option is freshly squeezed pumpkin juice on the skin for 10 minutes. After the procedure, rinse with water, wipe dry and lubricate a slightly nutritional cream. Pumpkin juice for the face well tones and refreshes the skin.
And another option is a mixture of boiled pulp of fetal, honey and fresh welding of green tea in a 2: 1 ratio. Pumpkin juice relieves inflammation, honey nourishes the skin, and green tea tones and moisturizes it.

Pumpkin Mask from Pigment Stains

One of my favorites. At one time I sunbathed, now he paid stains on the skin.

Rastered raw pumpkin seeds (handy) with a small amount of mineral water should be mixed in Kashitz. Apply this mass on the skin for 20 minutes.

Pumpkin Mask for Fat Leather Face

It is preparing like this: the raw pumpkin rubs, is mixed in equal proportion with flour, a small amount of lemon and tomato juice. The mask should not be liquid, it is applied to the face of minutes by 20, after washed off with water.

Such a tool normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, gives the skin a feeling of freshness.

Mask from pumpkin and kefir pulp

Mix in ratio 2: 1 boiled pumpkin flesh and kefir. Add a little flour. The resulting cream is on the face for 15 minutes, flush with clean water room temperature. The mixture eliminates excessive fatty facial.

Pumpkin Mask for Dry Skin Face

For the preparation take the pulp of a grated raw pumpkin, mixed with high percentage of fatty. Ingredients are taken in the same quantity.

Oatmeal and pumpkin - also a good option. Products must be boiled and delivered from excess fluid.

Girlfriend mixes pumpkin puree with vegetable oil and causes a mixture to face. After 20 minutes, sheeps. I saw the result: dry skin stops peeling and becomes more elastic.

The pumpkin mixture moisturizes dry skin, and with constant use, it activates the function of self-humidification of the skin.
To moisturize the skin, you can also use special pumpkin oil for the face selling in any pharmacy. Pumpkin oil perfectly absorbed through the pores in the deep layers of the skin.

My mistake number 4. Pumpkin mask constantly "drove around" to face. The fact is that pumpkin is a very juicy product, therefore, to remove excess juice, I always add a little flour or starch to a mixture.

Pumpkin Mask with Honey for Normal Skin (Antiflower)

For the preparation you will need a raw pulp of grated pumpkin and honey, taken in the proportion of 2: 1. You can use and slightly cooled boiled pumpkin. This means of traditional medicine well helps to struggle with the female swelling. The mixture is put in a cut of gauze and applied to the face.

My mistake number 5. I consider myself a very busy woman. Having made a mask, I was worn with her around the apartment, sometimes something making something at the same time. So what?

Instead of lifting, I noticed the opposite effect, because being quite severe in the vertical position mask pulled the skin of the face down. Now, with a mask on my face, I am only lying and listen to relaxing music. I manage to relax.

Rejuvenating pumpkin mask

It is necessary to prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of boiled pumpkin, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and content of one capsule vitamin A. The mask is superimposed for 20 minutes.

Remember! Only with regular care for the face can be achieved quite quickly.