Quality mark washing powder. Ariel Mountain Spring Machine is doing better. Choosing the right washing powder

Have you thought about the fact that your body is constantly in contact with your washing powder! Do you know him well enough to trust him so? Let's take a closer look at our powders!

Which washing powder is better | Harmful substances

I’ll explain right away, I’m not a chemist, I’m just trying to minimize the harm from household chemicals using information in the “chemistry for dummies” style). If someone more competent in chemistry issues a desire to add or report inaccuracies, I will be glad.

The most popular harmful substance in powders at the moment are phosphates. There is information on the Runet that in Europe the maximum proportion of phosphates is established at the legislative level and it should not exceed 0.5%. The most active powder manufacturers have already responded to the new customer request and removed phosphates from their powder formulations, others have cheated and replaced phosphates with their younger brothers phosphonates. Therefore, we will start the list with them dear ones):


Powder manufacturers use phosphates to soften water. After all, it is in soft water that laundry is washed much better.

The harm of phosphates is as follows:

  • The presence of phosphate additives leads to a significant increase in the toxic properties of the component of the A-surfactant powders;
  • Phosphates are highly allergens;
  • Phosphates dissolve for a very long time. In order to completely rinse the phosphates from the laundry (with a half load of the washing machine), it is necessary to carry out 10 ÷ 12 rinsing cycles. Due to the difficulties with rinsing, phosphates contribute to the accumulation of aggressive substances in the fibers of the fabrics from which the clothes are made, enhance the penetration of surfactants through the skin and lead to increased defatting of the skin and even a violation of blood properties. This leads to a change in the physicochemical properties of the blood itself and a violation of immunity.
  • Phosphates are also a major threat to the environment. They enter water bodies and contribute to the increased formation of blue-green algae, which, in turn, dangerously disrupt the fragile ecological balance of water bodies. Their waste products can affect the health of people living nearby. Contamination of drinking water leads to miscarriage, low birth weight, congenital injuries, gastrointestinal tumors, increased morbidity and reduced life expectancy.

While some mothers learn about the dangers of phosphates and the existence of phosphate-free powders, others are already rejecting powders containing phosphonates, zeolites, aggressive surfactants and optical brighteners.


Used as an alternative to phosphates to soften water. According to the degree of harmfulness, they are less harmful than phosphates.
They are salts of organic phosphorus compounds. Poorly biodegradable, but partially retained in the sludge during wastewater treatment.

C eolites


Surfactants (surfactants) are extremely active chemical compounds. When ingested, they accumulate on cell membranes and, at a certain concentration, can cause disturbances in the most important biochemical processes occurring in them, affect the function and the very integrity of the cell.

Surfactants significantly change the intensity of redox reactions, affect the activity of a number of important enzymes, and disrupt protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Surfactants exist in several varieties, anionic surfactants are especially aggressive in their actions. They are capable of causing gross violations of immunity, the development of allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs. This is one of the reasons why strict restrictions are imposed on the use of anionic surfactants (A-surfactants) in Western European countries. In the best case, their content should not exceed 2-7%.

Attention! Recently, manufacturers are replacing the term " Surfactants"To" Tenses ". Absolutely safe baby powder should contain no more than 7% A-tensides.

Optical brighteners

Optical brighteners only create the illusion of whiteness. Particles of optical brightener, which are luminescent dyes, settle on the fabric and, remaining on it after washing, release ultraviolet rays from the spectrum of sunlight, turning them into blue, cyan or violet, which creates the effect of whiteness. Optical brighteners do not rinse off fabrics and have a permanent chemical effect on the skin.


It is the cause of diseases of the cardiovascular system, contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, allergic reactions. Chlorine breaks down proteins, negatively affects the skin and hair, and increases the risk of cancer.

Requirements for the correct powder

The most important requirement is the absence or at least a reduced content of harmful substances: phosphates, phosphonates, zeolites, A-surfactants and optical brighteners. The table below shows the different segments of powders, the price of one wash and the content of harmful substances in them in descending order. It should also be noted that along with a decrease in the amount of harmful substances in powders, their detergency decreases. A comparison of the results of washing with conventional and phosphate-free powders is shown in the photo in the following post:

Which washing powder is better | Comparative table of the content of harmful substances and prices

(the most harmful substances are highlighted in red, the less harmful ones are highlighted in orange)

Representatives Composition Price for 1 wash of 5 kg of linen


Ariel Professional System Composition: 15-30% phosphates; 5-15% anionic surfactants; oxygenated bleaches;<5% неионогенные поверхностно-активные вещества, поликарбоксилаты, optical brightener; enzymes; perfume. RUB 15 (based on 175 gr. (100 gr. pre-wash, 75 main) powder for 1 wash, the approximate cost of a 15 kg pack is 1300 rubles.)



Child tide 15-30% phosphates, 5-15% anionic surfactants, oxygenated bleach,<5% ЭДТА, неионогенные ПАВ, поликарбоксилаты. Optical brighteners, enzymes, perfume, chamomile extract. Reviews. Test results . RUB 16 50 kopecks (based on 150 grams of powder for 1 wash, the approximate cost of a 6 kg pack is 660 rubles)
"Eared nanny" for all types of washing

Sulfates (15-30%), phosphates (15-30%!), Oxygen-containing bleaching agents (5-15%), anionic surfactants (5-15%), carbonates (5-15%), silicates (5-15% ), nonionic surfactants (<5%), пеногаситель (<5%), энзимы, optical brighteners, perfume.One of the most popular children's powders in its composition practically does not differ from a professional powder intended for washing in laundries. This is not surprising, because for many, the main indicator of the quality of the powder is its effectiveness, not harmlessness.According to Roskontrol tests, it was recognized as dangerous due to increased toxicity ... Test results .

Interesting information about the Eared nanny:

RUB 16 (based on 160 grams of powder for 1 wash, the approximate cost of a pack of 4.5 kg is 450 rubles)

Phosphate-free and environmentally friendly (especially harmful substances are highlighted in red, harmful in orange)

I draw your attention to the fact that most of the powders presented in the table are in different compositions (old compositions of phosphates and A-surfactants) and when buying, you need to read the composition on a specific pack.

In addition to the above, when choosing a powder, it is necessary to take into account the type of fabrics intended for washing. The total mass of powders is designed for washing cotton, linen, synthetics and can damage natural wool and silk. For wool and silk, we select powders that do not contain enzymes.

Many, probably, have already concluded that there are no funds that are both harmless, highly effective and economical. You always have to sacrifice something.

Despite the fact that eco-friendly powders are less effective at handling contamination, I have been using powders in which the presence of the following components is minimized (or absent altogether) for almost a year now: phosphates, phosphonates, zeolites, A-surfactants and optical brighteners.

In many sources, you can read that with regular washing with phosphate-free powders, the laundry turns gray. I was convinced in practice that this is not a true statement - my underwear is white. Of course, phosphate-free powders cannot cope with complex stains, or they cope with difficulty, but there are other means for this - bleaches and stain removers, but that's another story altogether). Also, as an option, as an everyday powder, you can use it with an environmentally friendly composition, and for difficult dirt, you can have a pack of powder with high detergency.

In general, we can say that a segment of less harmful powders has already emerged on the market, and if you wish to minimize the damage to chemical effects, you can find them. You can use the proposed table as a basis for your search.

Technological features of washing with phosphate-free powders

Some powders with a non-standard composition should be poured directly into the drum during operation. This usually applies to soap-based powders.

The washing result can be very dependent on the method of adding the powder. So, I once did not bother to read about the method of using the powder and as a result of its improper use, the laundry turned gray. After I started using the phosphate-free powder correctly, the whiteness returned.

Another factor in the grayness of the laundry is the incorrect dosage of the powder. Too much powder does not rinse out completely, leaving the laundry gray

What powder do I use

A regular at my Garden washing machine. At the moment, this is the best option that I have found: it washes well for an environmentally friendly powder, there are no hazardous substances (the manufacturer even claims that you can water the garden with water after rinsing the clothes), economical. The too simple composition of Garden is a little alarming, it often seems that the manufacturer "forgot" to indicate something, but so far he is my favorite.

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After receiving a salary, everyone has a shopping list and when a test purchase is planned, washing powder will certainly be included in the leading list along with other purchases for the home.

As you know, there are a lot of detergents and let's see which washing powder is good, and the rating of the top 12 will help you make a choice in favor of quality.

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about which washing powder is better, especially without knowing your preferences in washing. Therefore, before buying the first powder for a typewriter that comes into your hands, familiar from advertising, you need to determine its purpose.

So, before choosing a washing powder, choose a certain group for yourself, for example:

  • Group "universal"... This group necessarily includes a very different powder, one that is suitable for white linen, and for synthetics, and for colored fabrics. Also, such products remove a large amount of dirt.
  • Group "special"... This group of powders for an automatic machine includes those that contain special additives that fight a certain type of pollution, for example, yellowness or grayness of the laundry.
  • Group "standard"... As a rule, the best powder in this group is suitable for frequent washing and for not very dirty items.

Of course, when choosing which powder will be better for washing, your things must be checked for the quality of its constituent substances and try not to pay attention to the name.

It is known that a safe powder, in which there are few active substances, weakly removes stubborn dirt. The same thing happens and vice versa, the best powder that removes stubborn dirt does not please with quality and price.

Among other things, the best laundry detergent should not cause allergies. It is quite possible to find this on the shelves. If you are looking for a really high-quality product, then you need to rely on your needs, or rather on what types of pollution you most often take, as well as what types of fabrics prevail in your wardrobe.

The best inexpensive laundry detergents

If with many products there is a rule according to which the price directly affects the quality, then with powder this is not always the case. Of course, no one will deny that the rating of the best washing powders certainly includes well-known brands of manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble, Nevskaya Cosmetics, Persil, etc.

But the winner is not the most recognizable product, but the one that has passed the test, which is necessarily harmless and of high quality. But it is almost impossible to find cheap products that meet environmental standards and can remove dirt with 100% probability.

But despite this, the cheap rating of washing powders did not include the promoted Ariel or Tide. Even if the name of the product does not evoke any associations in memory, this does not prevent it from getting into the TOP of 2016 and 2017, which passed the test of washing powders among consumers and do an excellent job with the task set before them.

So, which powder will answer you best, our small TOP, which contains the most affordable detergents.

Sarma-Automatic Mountain Freshness

If you have a lot of white laundry and you wash it often, then you will probably need a lot of powder in order to satisfy the need for frequent washing. Naturally, every housewife wants to save money, especially when it comes to expensive detergents.

One of the laundry detergents is Sarma powder, which is also used for colored laundry. This powder perfectly manifests its qualities in the form of bleaching, thanks to the enzymes included in the composition.

Eared nanny

For those parents who are constantly struggling with stains from juices, paints and herbs, the "Eared Nanny" is perfect. Of course, the advertisement in the photo, which demonstrates its hypoallergenicity with inscriptions, has nothing to do with this, since children are still as sensitive to the constituent substances, namely phosphates.

But if these substances were not contained there, then he would not cope so well with all sorts of contaminants that ordinary powders are rarely or not completely washed.

Bimax 100 spots

No less effective in terms of fighting for cleanliness from all kinds of stains is Bimax powder, which is used for almost any type of linen (with the exception of delicate fabrics).

Many people note its high efficiency in the fight against difficult stains. But this powder has not very high-quality solubility at low temperatures, as well as poor washing off when washing "Mini".

Losk 9 Total system automatic machine Mountain lake

A hostess accustomed to the practicality and versatility of detergents, a powder from Losk is perfect. This tool is used as a powder for cleaning various surfaces, as well as use it for its intended purpose for any type of fabric.

The only drawback for which he is reproached is a strong aroma that can cause allergic reactions.

Persil Expert Color vending machine

It is quite difficult to choose a product for washing colored clothes, especially when it is prone to frequent contamination. Many powders, containing bleaches, affect the colors and give them whiteness, but Percil helps to preserve the color.

After the washing powder refreshes the clothes with new colors. Also, the components included in the composition perfectly fulfill their purpose of removing stains.

The best washing powders: price - quality

Of course, the name that every best washing powder machine has is not sold for a penny. Consequently, the detergent powder is of the same quality as its price and vice versa, but this is not always the case.

Sometimes manufacturers completely forget about the quality of raw materials, as well as about its safety for the body. As a result, not only the manufacturer's reputation suffers, but also human health. Also, cases of fakes, especially popular brands, are not excluded.

In any case, if you are sure that the washing powder that you buy in the store is original, then by all means pay attention to its composition. After all, as mentioned above, the price and quality are different.

Ariel Mountain Spring Automaton

As always, Ariel is considered one of the best detergents, this powder is not only able to remove dirt at temperatures below 20-30 degrees, but also has a subtle unobtrusive aroma.

Many people note that the consumption of this product is quite economical, but the cost and attitude to some delicate fabrics leaves much to be desired.

Persil submachine gun "Frosty Arctic"

But it should be understood that the composition includes optical brighteners, which means, when washing white linen, you will see the illusion of whiteness, and not actually bleached fabric. Also, the available perfume often becomes a problem for people prone to allergies.

Ecover ZERO NON BIO Universal

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly product to wash your clothes, then the Belgian Ecover ZERO will not disappoint you. This powder is intended for those people who care about their health and their loved ones.

There is nothing in the composition that could cause a reaction of the body to its substances, since only BIO surfactants are found here. Also, this product is odorless, which certainly puts it in the rating of the best and most harmless.

Tide White Clouds

If you do not suffer from allergies, and frequent feasts force you to remove all kinds of stains from the tablecloth, then Tide is one of the few able to clean everything that was left behind by satisfied and well-fed guests.

This product not only removes traces of coffee or wine, it can also remove lipstick stains. It also has the advantage of being economical.

Top house super effect

For those housewives who are used to spending a lot of powder in one wash, it's time to change the product. Top House Powder Concentrate is a great economical helper.

For washing, this product will last for a long time, since its strong concentration implies the use of a small amount of it at a time. Colored and whites are washed with equal efficiency. But the disadvantage is the high price.

Which powder is best for white laundry

Of course, if you want to find a good washing powder specifically for white laundry, then you need to choose a composition that includes safe bleaches. As a rule, safe laundry detergents contain either optical or oxygen brighteners.

This version of the composition is most preferable, since chlorine-containing substances are poorly washed out and can significantly affect human health, especially children, and always not for the better.

Therefore, if you are looking for a safe laundry detergent that whitens, rather than just creates the illusion of whiteness, then opt for an oxygenated formulation. But do not forget, when choosing a washing powder, you should rely on what things you will use it for.

If you are not allergic, any laundry detergent will work for you, and bleach (in powder or liquid form) is used alone.

But if the whitening powder is bought with the aim of giving whiteness to baby diapers and undershirts, then it is better to abandon aggressive formulations in order to avoid skin rashes.

Which powder is the most harmless

Naturally, a good powder will be gentle and free of surfactants or have a safe amount. Young mothers and housewives will be especially concerned about finding the best laundry detergent.

After all, the safest option for a powder does not mean that it will generally be useful for washing. All safety lies in the fact that the composition usually includes soap shavings, but surfactants are practically not mentioned, it also applies to phosphates.

Of course, such gentle substances are not only harmless to the skin, since they are easily washed off from the fibers of the fabric, but they are also harmless to the washing machine, since they do not settle on the hoses and are easily washed off the surface.

But the selected safe product does not always cope with its task, especially with regard to children's pollution left from playing on the grass, juices and other pollution. Therefore, choose a product that washes and does not harm your health.

Ecover Concentrate

As you know, in order for the powder to manifest itself as it should, it needs surfactants, which do an excellent job of cleaning fabrics. Naturally, the more surfactants, the better the effect will be after washing.

But the concentration above 5% suggests that anionic surfactants can adversely affect human health. The Ecover concentrate contains from 5-30% of these same anionic surfactants, so it should be used with caution when washing children's clothes.

Baby speci

We have already said above that children's laundry detergents must be the most gentle, but looking at the packaging, you should not trust the written advertising headlines. Before choosing, take a look at the composition.

The Baby Speci powder, which is designed for baby clothes, is full of all sorts of surfactants (from 5% and above), as well as optical brighteners that are difficult to wash out of the fabric.

The best washing gels

Just like the best laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent isn't cheap. The thing is that the cost is directly related to the consistency of the substance, and at the same time, gel for washing clothes is much more effective and easier to use in comparison with powder granules.

These substances are easily washed out from the fibers of the fabric and at the same time they cope better with dirt and are intended for delicate items made from natural threads (silk or wool).

But the best detergents, called gels, also have some disadvantages, such as price, low efficiency and leaving behind residues on the pipes of the machine (if they are abused).

The most popular liquid formulations are the following brands of gels:

  • Persil Expert Gel;
  • Synergetic;
  • Wellery gel DELICATE Color.

The duties of modern powders include effective removal of dirt, preservation of the quality and color of fabrics, pleasant smell, conditioning the laundry, and protecting parts in the washing machine by softening water.

Laundry detergents must also meet safety standards. They should not contain phosphates, ammonia, boron, silicates, chlorine-containing substances. The presence of toxic acids is allowed not more than 1%, flavorings not more than 0.01%.

    Show all

    Types and forms

    There are two main types of powder - hand wash and machine wash. When choosing this, you should pay special attention, the result obtained can directly depend on this:

    • Means for hand washing. They contain substances that enhance the formation of foam. Foam helps to ease rubbing off of stains when washing by hand and enhances the action of the active ingredients.
    • Washing machine products. Powders for automatic machines do not form a lot of foam. A large amount of foam in the unit does not allow the laundry to completely submerge in the water, and this negatively affects the quality of the wash.

    The form of issuing funds is as follows:

    • Powder.
    • Concentrate or liquid gel.
    • Soluble tablets.
    • Granules.

    Baby powder

    Now parents are actively using washing powders for children. They are confident that they are hypoallergenic and harmless. They are available both for washing machines and for hand washing. But when choosing, you need to pay attention to the following:

    • the presence of baby soap in the composition;
    • lack of flavorings;
    • the most natural composition;
    • lack of strong chemical additives, phosphates, chlorine, bleaches.

    When washing with baby powder, it should dissolve well and rinse out. But the package must be marked with permission to use newborn babies to handle things.


    Products intended for washing can be divided into types:

    • Regular . Suitable for washing moderately soiled items.
    • Subsidiary . They are used for processing and softening fabrics.
    • Products with active ingredients . Used for pre-soaking. Cope with stubborn stains.
    • Special . Such products can be for woolen things, for black, colored or white. They may have a color fixer.
    • Universal. They are used to remove any degree of contamination.


    • Surface active elements. The removal of dirt and the amount of foam depend on their quantity. The normal amount of these substances is from 2 to 5%. These elements can cause an allergic reaction or skin irritation. Thorough rinsing is imperative.
    • Bleaches. They can be chemical or optical. Contains chlorine and peroxide elements. Effective when pre-soaked. Bleach chemicals are rarely found in modern laundry detergents. Optical is found in almost all powder products. They struggle with dirt poorly and give the linen a blue tint.
    • Antisorbents. They help to repel dirt from fabrics after washing.
    • Fragrances and fragrances. They remove the odors of chemical components and give things a pleasant scent. May cause allergic reactions.
    • Fluorides and chlorides. Disinfects and prevents the formation of limescale in the washing machine. They can irritate the skin.
    • Sulfates and phosphates. Improves the action of active ingredients and softens water. The normal phosphate content is considered to be 5 to 10%. These components are prohibited in European countries. Thorough rinsing is recommended.
    • Foam granules. They are harmless, increase the effectiveness of active ingredients.
    • Supplements or enzymes . Used for pre-soaking at low temperatures from 30 to 50 degrees. They lose their effectiveness at high temperatures.


    Suitable for colored and white fabrics. It contains bleaching agents and enzymes that effectively remove impurities.

    Eliminates yellowness from white items. Has an antibacterial effect and does not contain chlorine components.

    The disadvantages include the presence of a strong odor.


    It does a good job at removing dirt, but not very effective at removing tough stains. With regular use, it does not allow things to freeze (retains their original whiteness). Rinses well.

    Has a large number of active ingredients. The composition includes zeolites. It is not recommended to use this brand of powder for washing dark fabrics.

    Eared nanny

    In the rating of washing powders, Ushasty Nanny occupies a leading position. Despite the fact that the composition does not meet the requirements of baby powder, it is very popular. Allergic reactions may occur when using this detergent.

    The advantages include the effectiveness of stain removal. Washes away dirt from fruit purees, baby juices, etc. Virtually odorless. Small expense.


    Bimax is suitable for washing all types of fabric, except for silk and wool. Copes well with stains. Not recommended for daily use. It is better to wash with this powder if it is heavily soiled. Refers to economical powders.

    The downside is poor washout from the fabric, solubility in cold water.


    Ideal for tough stains. Economical to use. Suitable for both colored and white linen. Not suitable for washing silk and wool.

    The composition includes phosphates. Has a strong odor. White streaks are possible at high powder consumption.


    The composition contains active ingredients that promote good cleaning of stains. Has a pleasant smell.

Laundry detergent has become an indispensable assistant that is required every day. Its active components do an excellent job with washing, however, being sprayed in the air, remaining on fabrics and penetrating into the skin, they are harmful to health. In the West, they have long studied this problem and have become environmentally friendly powders with a safe composition. Some of these powders can be bought from us.

The most common type of allergy to household chemicals is a reaction to washing powder.

The harm of conventional powders

In our country, washing powders have been established under the brand name of world brands (Henkel, P&G), containing anionic surfactants (a-surfactants) and phosphates in high concentrations. A-surfactant is the main active component of the powder, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, is absorbed into the blood through it, is distributed through the tissues, accumulates in them, changes the composition of the blood and reduces immunity. For safety, the powder of anionic surfactants should be no more than 3-5%. But most of the sold a-surfactant powders contain 5-15%. Phosphates increase the dangerous effect of a-surfactants on the human body and pollute the environment. Optical brighteners are harmful. They remain on the linen after rinsing and create the illusion that the linen is clean. May cause irritation on contact with skin.
Rinsing should be carried out in hot water, because surfactants and phosphates are practically not removed at temperatures below 50 ° C.

Powders can be environmentally friendly

Today in Europe and the USA, in the production of washing powders, a-surfactants are replaced with biodegradable surfactants or eco-surfactants, which are made from glucose and alcohols, chemical fragrances - with natural essential oils, and phosphates - with a natural substance sodium disilicate, which increases the efficiency of washing.

In the Russian market, it has established itself as a safe washing powder Frosch. This environmentally friendly German powder does not contain harmful surfactants, bleaches and phosphates. Ideal for families with children and. According to the manufacturer's request and the reviews of Russian housewives, all Frosch household chemicals are very effective products that are safe for humans and the environment.

Another eco-powder is Frau Helga. It is also completely soluble in water, does not contain phosphates, and is excellent for rinsing out. Content of a-surfactant - no more than 5%.

Russian development - environmentally friendly concentrated washing powder for Faberlic. All components of this powder are of plant origin. It is also phosphate-free, and the a-surfactants are derived from palm oil.

At first glance, safe powders are expensive, but this is a misconception, because they are very concentrated, and very little is required to add to the wash. Thus, one pack of eco-powder always lasts longer than usual.

Automatic washing machines have long been an integral part of everyday life. Their appearance in everyday life allowed the woman to save her time and energy. Entrusting the washing to an automatic machine, you can spend the evening with your family. Correct use and careful maintenance is required for the device to serve for a long time and properly.


Please read the instructions supplied with your automatic washing machine carefully before using it. Locate the detergent compartment on the top of the machine. With a little effort, open the box by pulling it towards you.

The compartment for detergents most often in machines has three compartments. Determine the purpose of each individual compartment. They are marked with numbers or special icons. The gradation in washing machines is usually as follows: the left compartment is for the main wash, the right compartment is for the prewash, and the compartment is in the middle. By the size of the compartments, you can also determine their purpose: the large one for the main wash, the smaller one for the prewash, the smallest one for the rinse aid.

To determine where to put the washing powder, you can use the following method. Start the washing machine. Wait for the moment when the water begins to fill. Pull out the detergent drawer and see which drawer is filled with water. This will be the main wash compartment. Pour the required amount of washing powder into the compartment intended for it before washing. Also fill the appropriate compartment with air conditioner.

To identify the main wash compartment, pour water into the drawer. From the compartment for the detergent, water immediately flows into the tank. If necessary, the compartment for detergents can be pulled out during washing, for example, if you need to add fabric softener. In a situation where the detergent is not completely washed out with water from the compartments, clean the box.

There are special detergents that must be put directly into the tank of an automatic washing machine. These are powders that do not contain multi-colored granules. Their use when washing in the machine's tub requires a special container.

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Advice 3: How to choose a washing powder and what they are

A good washing powder should not only wash things perfectly, but also not harm either the fabric or the health of your loved ones. Modern manufacturers offer such a huge selection of washing powders that, at times, it is very difficult to understand all this variety and make the right choice.

Types of laundry detergents

The quality of washing directly depends on how suitable the powder you have purchased for your purposes. Each package indicates which wash it is suitable for - hand wash, automatic machine or activator type machine, this inscription should not be neglected
Powders for hand washing foam well, unlike those for a washing machine. Therefore, you cannot use such a detergent for "automatic washing", because the machine will not be able to wash and rinse out the laundry well. It is equally important to consider what type of fabric the powder is intended for. There are usually three types of powders: for linen and cotton, for wool and synthetics, and universal.

Common laundry detergents can harm your baby's sensitive skin. They often cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, for washing children's clothes, it is necessary to choose special powders with a less harmful composition, i.e. soda and bleach free. The same applies to allergy sufferers.

There are two types of bleaches in washing powders: chemical and optical. The first includes chlorine, all kinds of peroxides and oxygen. All of these substances destroy color in the fabric. But it should be borne in mind that oxygen is more careful with the fibers of the fabric, so it can be used even for washing colored laundry. Optical brighteners do not destroy the color, but hide it. Its action is based on the fact that the powder contains special particles that settle on the fabric and mask spots. After washing, they remain on things, and when light falls on them, it refracts and dyes them blue, purple and blue, making the fabric appear snow-white.

How to Pick a Good Powder

First of all, you need to carefully study the packaging. It is good if it says that the powder is non-toxic or environmentally friendly. But, despite this, it is imperative to study its composition. The surfactant content of a good laundry detergent should be less than 5% and the amount of phosphate products should not exceed the 12% threshold.

It is best not to skimp on your belongings, but to purchase a separate powder for each type of fabric. For wool and delicate fabrics, cotton, white, black and colored clothes, there must be a separate detergent for washing children's clothes. In addition, it is advisable to purchase a stain remover powder. You should also pay attention to what type of washing the powder is intended for - hand or machine. Moreover, if the "manual" foam does not foam well, this indicates its poor quality.

It should be remembered that the quality of washing depends not only on the detergent powder, but also on the correct use of it. An insufficient amount of detergent will make the wash ineffective, and the excess will remain on the fabric. The norm is that for 5 kg of things you need 5 tablespoons of powder, and for 4-4.5 kg - 4.