What to do for the boss to love and respect. Conspiracies for good relationships in a team and with bosses

- Take a spoonful of sugar and exactly at 24 o'clock in the morning, you need to speak, and when you come to work, sprinkle it near the manager's office: « Bake, dry on my sugar to like a fly sticks to sweet syrup - heart, skeleton, brain, all organs, t so are you, servant of God(name), turn, loving, to me, the servant of God(name). Keep the advice, in the absence of pain, c they value the most valuable and dearest. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

- Speak three times on gray and add to the chief's office: « On the sea, on the ocean, onbuyan Island has a table, God's throne. On the table is a white, hardened case, at the table are the judge and the prosecutor. Lord, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, petrify their lips and teeth and tongue. As a dead man lies, he does not speak, so would I, a slave (name), were not credited, nagged, and eaten. Poppy grows, poppy blooms, poppy blooms, leaf falls, so their business is from me, slaves (name), fell away. "Read 3 times Amen.


« On high mountain, under the green pine there is a golden table and a carved throne. Like a couple of fierce ones are sitting on that throne: whatever you say, whatever you do - everything is not to your liking. Holy Mother Intercessor, you pacify them, lock their tongue, change their temper. The fish is silent - it will not utter a word, it will not cause thunder, it will not show anger, even if the bosses will be like a fish. The poppy flower dropped a petal, but not one, but another after another. As the poppy flies around, so everything is in order for me: bad deeds - down with me, joy, peace - for me. "

- Before each going to work, you need to read: “Lord, bless, Father, clothed with light, like a garment, covered with a cloud, gird myself with the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos, merciful intercessor. Bind the mouth, and the tongue, and the throat of the princes, and the boyars, and the rulers, and all the authorities and orderly servants. Amen".

- So that the boss does not find fault at work, you need to wash before going to work with a spoken word: “ The language is given to man for the good, so that all the discontented, teachers, mockers, gossips, tormentors, pests from the servant of God(name) leave me alone stop pouring dirt. Be her at ease, forget about the bad. To meet good luck, to return the change to the debtors, but not with a bad word, but with a kind word. Amen".

- IN Easterin the morning you need to wipe yourself with a towel and say: « Christ is risen! And I am the red sun for the whole world. Sweet honey, salty salt, the most vaunted! Then spread a towel on the table, eat Easter and a dyed egg over it. And the next day after Easter, take this towel to work and wipe your workplace with it.

- Thisthe conspiracy must be read before leaving for work so that the boss treats you better: “ I will go, the servant of God (name), into the light of God, on the wide street I haven’t met. There is no counter, there is no transverse, there are no dashing, evil, bad and those who would tell me, the servant of God(name), "not". They would not speak and would not persuade, and would not persuade against my will. I will be illuminated by the word of God, I will be blessed with an icon, I will turn around in a cloud, I will crumble with frequent stars. And just as a month cannot be thrown out of the sky, the sun cannot be overturned, so it cannot be interrupted or broken in my business. For a century I stand on my own, not let go of my business. As I want, so it will be. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

- When you are in church, every time you need to light a candle for the health of your boss at the icon Christ the Savior. In this case, you need to vividly imagine the face of the boss and once quietly say: “ Lord is merciful to you ( manager's name) and to me, the servant of God(name). From now on and forever, so be it. Amen".

- If you are very afraid of your boss, then before entering his office you need to say: “ The lamb is afraid of the wolfthe wolf is afraid of the lynx. And you, servant of God(name), Fear me». Read 3 times Amen.

- In the back of the chief you need to say: “ I have lips, I have teeth.I eat it with my lips, I gnaw it with my teeth - all evil, all sorts of quibbles. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

- Before you go to the boss and suppress possible rudeness and disrespect on his part, you need to conduct a ritual. Ignite three church candles and put them on the table. Then take a small new one and heat it over a candle flame until white. Then lower the nail on any metal support, and lay dry thin birch twigs on top of it crosswise. While they smolder or burn, you will need to quietly say: "I am a slave (name), I ask God Almighty, who created Heaven and Earth, to slave(name and surname of the chief) could not eat, drink, or sleep until he did what he was supposed to, that The Lord's will pleases! " Read 3 times Amen.

A third of the time of the day, and some or more, are spent at work. For many, work in an enterprise, organization, firm is a source of income, a means of their livelihood. The well-being of a person, and attitude in society, and mood depend on work.

Therefore, everyone wants people to appreciate, love and respect him at work, and the boss does not particularly find fault. There are special conspiracies so that the attitude in the team towards you is good, and the bosses love and appreciate.

And the boss will not find fault

Many suffer from poor boss attitudes. There is a ritual that will help establish normal relations with the authorities.

At home, take a spoonful of sugar and at exactly midnight read the conspiracy over it:

“Bake, dry on my sugar Like a fly sticks to sweet syrup: With your heart, skeleton, brain, all organs, So you, the servant of God (...), turn around & Take my advice, in the absence of pressure. Appreciate the way the most valuable and dear things are appreciated. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. "

Then you have to come to work earlier than others and sprinkle the charmed sugar in front of your manager's office. It is clear that this must be done so that people do not see you.

Otherwise, mistrust, ridicule, nagging will be even worse, and not only on the part of the authorities, but also on the part of your work colleagues, they may begin to shun you, scoff and find fault even more. Any magical actions do not like fuss and are performed quietly and secretly.

Conspiracy so as not to be reduced

Very often at work there is such a situation that you have to cut staff. It seems that the boss also appreciates, and for many years they have worked in their place, and you treat the work well, but when the reduction is underway, you can lose your place.

When the company is downsizing, the following words can be pronounced:

“My right hand, my right leg, My just cause. Was, is and will be. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

These words should be read by going to the door directly of the person who resolves issues with hiring and firing to work. If in your organization such a decision depends on several persons, then you should do this in front of the doors of all these people.

There is another powerful ritual to be left at work. But before doing it, think about whether you can fulfill all the conditions that this rite imposes on you. To do this, you will need to go to the forest, collect or collect 36 oak leaves on the ground.

Reduction ritual

They must be folded in a pile, as a deck of cards is folded. Then look for a clearing where there is a tree stump. Around this hemp, draw a circle with a stick and sit near the hemp, pretending that there is an ordinary table in front of you. Then you should call the devil so that he plays cards with you. You can invite him in the following words:

"Devil, brother, go play cards."

Then you start handing out these leaves for two and say:

"Damn, damn, I'll lose to you in the oaks, and you do it for me (ask what you want to get from him ...)".

After that, you need to very finely tear those pieces of paper that you handed over not to yourself, but to your partner in the game. You take your own leaflets with you and carry them to the building where you work and scatter them in front of the front door.

But the most important thing is that after that, for the rest of your life, you should never even touch the cards, let alone play them. Think if you can fulfill this condition! This prohibition must be taken very seriously.

Conspiracy for people to love and respect

For the love and respect of the people around them, there is often not enough good attitude towards them, honesty and decency, because people can envy, gossip, and slander. In such situations, old people advise to read such a conspiracy:

Respect for colleagues

“In the morning I will wake up at dawn, I will cross myself three times at the icon, I will bow to Mother Earth. I leave the house - there is lightness around, From me comes true beauty. People are not higher than me, I am not lower in front of people. I will rise above everyone else. Let the old old men, Young men, Young girls, Gloomy widows and widows appreciate me. To be loved and respected, Accepted with honor and joy, They got up with honor, They gave the Word everywhere in everything. How people wait for spring red, How they cherish all their good, To be expected and protected, They would cherish me, They would be friends with me, Look at me, look, They did not take their eyes off the slave (...), Everyone would love and respect. I come to you, people, with Christ's Easter, And you people to me, to the last with affection. My head, ore in my veins. Not oak, but iron, Flint and fire. Amen".

As you can see, these words are aimed at all people who surround you in life. You do not wish harm to anyone with these words, but only try to attract respect and veneration to yourself. You don't want to do anything bad to anyone, and therefore such a conspiracy does not entail, as they say in such cases, a "rollback", because the message to the Universe is good.

Before reading these words, it is advisable to do what is said in them at the very beginning, that is, to pray sincerely in front of the icons, to ask God in your own words for what you want: a kind disposition to yourself, so that you are loved and respected in the team. And then immediately after the prayer, read these words.

It is clear that after reading such conspiracy words, you yourself should not slander, make scandals, get angry, but try to fulfill all orders in good faith. With such good behavior, you will only strengthen the words of the conspiracy, because everything in this world is interconnected.

If you give your best, try, but feel that your boss and colleagues underestimate you, and sometimes just don't take you seriously, then you can carry out such a simple ritual, which is very effective and will help to establish relationships with those who work with you in the same team. To carry out this ritual, you need to prepare in advance:

  • spring water;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • glass.

On Sunday, at night, you should go to the window and open it. Put a glass on the windowsill, pour water into it and dip a spoonful of honey there, stir well until the honey dissolves completely. A glass of water must be taken in hand and the following words must be read over it:

“As the water became sweet from honey, as the water became tasty, and all people love, so they will love me and respect me at work, but they will not be able to step without me in business. As said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The glass must be left on the window until morning. In the morning, before leaving home for work, take some of this sweet water and rinse your face. This magic "washing" should be done every day before work and do it until then.

Until all the water runs out. Over time, you will notice that the attitude towards you will change. Co-workers will treat you kindly and respectfully, and the boss will appreciate your contribution to the common cause and professionalism.

Quite often the situation is that the boss not only does not respect you as a specialist, but finds fault with every reason, tries to humiliate, insults. What can I say, but there are enough tyrants among the higher ranks! And if you are unable to establish relationships with the usual methods and ways, then you can resort to such a ritual.

Conspiracy to respect the boss

Only for this you will have to memorize the conspiracy. Seize the moment when you are behind your boss. A very suitable situation is when the boss walks in front of you along the corridor. You quietly whisper a conspiracy in his back:

“As the toothless wolf will no longer bite, and the hornless bull will not butt, so you, servant of God (the name of the boss) will never find fault with me and my deeds again. Let it be so. Amen".

Do it discreetly so that people don't think or notice anything bad about you. This inherently simple action can change the situation for the better.

There is another rather simple ritual that will help you keep your job in your place, as well as find a new one if you are looking for and do not yet have a permanent job. It should be carried out on Friday evening after the sun has hidden behind the horizon. You should take a spoonful of honey and read over it:

“Like a bee, a beehive will always find its own, and bring honey to it. So the servant of God (name) will find work to his liking, he will find a sweet place, like this very honey. Let it be so. Amen".

After that, you need to eat this honey without washing it down. In the morning, when you go to an interview or to your job, do not talk to anyone until you find yourself in the walls of the office where the preliminary conversation is taking place or at your workplace.

No matter what people you know along the way, you will have to be silent, not say hello. In the event of a job search, this ceremony should be carried out until a place is found.

As you can see, these conspiracies are aimed only at improving the situation at the company or in the institution where you work, at softening the temper of the bosses, at creating a prosperous environment. Performing such rituals, you do not bring trouble to someone, do not wish anyone harm, therefore, you will not receive anything "as a gift" from the Cosmos.

After all, thoughts are material and desires for evil, curses especially return not even to those who perform this or that magical action, but to their children and grandchildren. And then we throw up our hands and say: "Well, why is it so unlucky, why misfortune befall me?" It is better not to wish harm to anyone in particular, then it will not return to you either. It is not for nothing that they say that it will come back to haunt, and will respond.

Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 31 Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

To be respected by the authorities

To be respected by the authorities

As you enter work, touch the door bracket and say:

How do you love your eyes,

So love everyone and me very much.

I will go with a gogol, I will go with a lion,

All bosses should be under the table.

Lips, teeth, key,

Castle, tongue.

Amen. Amen.

From the book I love myself! the author Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

From the book A Course in Miracles author Wapnik Kenneth

B. To Have Peace, Teach Peace, To Learn It 1. All believers in separation have a primordial fear of retribution and loneliness. They all believe in rejection and attack; that's all they perceive, what they teach and what they learn. These crazy ideas are clearly the result of separation and

From the book The Miracle of Healing in a Whisper the author Mother Stephanie

So that the authorities appreciate you Whisper before entering the chief's office: I am going to court, in front of me they are carrying a coffin. As that dead man is silent, he will not say a word against me, the servant of God (name), so that (the name of the chief) is silent, he does not say a word against me. Angels ahead of me, behind me

From the book Women's conspiracies for love, health and happiness. 147 most powerful female conspiracies the author Bazhenova Maria

Conspiracy for those to whom the bosses are unfair When the boss was unfair to you, say, unfairly gave you a "thrashing", then you need to do this: Whisper in his back: I have lips, I have teeth, I have a tongue, I have I have a fang. I will show my teeth, I will bare my fang:

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Issue 02 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

So that the authorities love your son, husband, etc. In this case, such a conspiracy will help you: Everyone stands like chickens, smart, but fools, Their dresses are torn, their boots are not Saphyan. Only my servant of God (name), the Falcon is clear, like a beautiful dawn, Smart, reasonable, stately and neat And for all

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Issue 30 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

If you are summoned by the authorities From a letter: “I am thirty-four years old, I graduated from the institute with honors. My job is very good and responsible. It seems like live and be happy, but my boss is disrespectful and rude towards me. Whenever I go to her,

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 04 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

That the husband does not drink This conspiracy is read only over food. Never read it over a drink. His words are as follows: You should eat, but you wouldn’t drink. The snake is flammable, the effervescent reptile, hispes, burn, And not the effervescent mash, the vodka is flammable. I tied it with a word, ordered it in deed Key, lock,

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

To lend money (to give a loan) For three days, wear a handkerchief under your arm, and when you go to ask for money, wipe your face with this handkerchief, standing on the threshold, and say to yourself: Lord my God Christ, My Angel has brought a petition. My Lord, You said:

From the book Water teaches you to manage people and get what you want from them. Conspiracies on water the author Stephanie Sister

So that the son does not drink They wash the windows on Maundy Thursday, the last water is poured into a jar when washing and seven times are poured into the back of the son when he goes out of the house, with the words: As I gave birth to you, I fed you with my milk, so would you, the servant of God ( name), did not drink alcohol, mash, did not pour wine into his mouth. Window

From the book The Golden Benefit of the People's Healer. Book 2 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

So that the husband does not drink They talk about food, but not drinking: if you eat, you would eat, but you wouldn’t drink. The snake is flammable, fizzy, fizzy, burn, not fizzy mash, flammable vodka. I tied it with a word, ordered it in deed Key, lock, tongue, Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the author's book

From the author's book

So that the actor is popular (so that people do not cherish, do not look enough, do not hear enough) They say, going into a pool, river, lake, etc.: I am a singer-queen, I am a golden marten, I am a dear sable, a nightingale-singer. Whoever looks at me will not be surprised, a star to all the stars, to all nightingales

From the author's book

A conspiracy so that the family reaches out to you, respects you, so that there are many friends You will need: well water, a container with wide edges like a ladle, a church candle Ritual time: evening Place: premises Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week:

From the author's book

Conspiracy to be respected by colleagues and bosses You will need: spring water, a transparent container with wide edges Place of the ritual: any room Time: evening until midnight Moon phase: first, second Suitable days of the week: Tuesday, Thursday Special condition: not allowed

From the author's book

Conspiracy so that your idea is appreciated by colleagues and superiors You will need: spring water, a silver spoon, a transparent container with wide edges, a new cotton napkin Place of the ritual: the room where the person works Time: morning until noon Moon phase: first,

From the author's book

So that the authorities do not get angry Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos, incline Your bright face to me And quench my sorrow. And as from the candles it is light in God's temple, So would (such and such) look at me Lightly and warmly, Opposite me bad To speak did not dare. Key. Castle. Tongue. Amen.

Work isn't always fun. But the constant nagging of the bosses, biased assessment of work, aggression and disrespect are much worse. Work becomes a burden, turns into hard labor. No one is immune from an evil boss at work. You can try to solve the problem on your own, but often this only leads to dismissal or a change of place of work. A conspiracy against the boss is designed to help get rid of nagging if the management constantly nags so that your work is appreciated and respected.

Magic rituals can help cope with difficult relationships at work

If the ritual is chosen correctly, the work will start to be enjoyable.

Management is not always polite and courteous, does not always encourage subordinates with bonuses, bonuses or kind words. If the conspiracy from the boss or the conspiracy from nagging is chosen correctly, the work will bring not only a stable income, but also real pleasure. A conspiracy against an evil boss has certain specifics - from the authorities, the conspiracy must be carried out directly at the workplace or immediately before leaving home for work. Specialists in the field of esotericism distinguish the following classification of rituals that help fight nit-picking:

  • a conspiracy for the favor and respect of the leadership;
  • rituals that protect against accusations and reproaches;
  • conspiracies and prayers, with the help of which the leadership will fairly evaluate work;
  • so that the boss does not fire;
  • rituals that will protect against energy vampirism in the workplace;
  • so that you no longer survive from your place of work.

A conspiracy from the boss's nagging will help get rid of the rudeness of higher-ranking colleagues, from excessive arrogance towards you. Psychologists identify such ways of dealing with evil and hot-tempered leaders: endure, quit, try to talk peacefully and express your claims. But most often it is a conspiracy for the boss's love or a conspiracy from the boss's anger that can help. When using magic, it is very important not to overdo it. Many sorcerers offer ways to make the boss treat well. Most of them are aimed at removing bad bosses from work in order to send illness or failure.

But when deciding on this method of dealing with the problem, you need to remember that this can harm even more, because your negativity can turn against you, and it is almost impossible to undo the rituals. It is convenient that all the rituals so that the boss does not find fault can be carried out without arousing suspicion and negative consequences.

Effective rituals

With the help of simple, but very effective options for rituals, justice can be restored if you are not fully deservedly offended, if the management does nasty things, makes you quit, if the manager is angry and aggressive.

Conspiracy before visiting the boss

The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced right in front of the door of the chief's office

With the help of a simple ceremony, which is carried out right on the doorstep of the leader, you can make your life easier at work. Entering the boss's office, you need to whisper these words three times:

“Lord Almighty. I appeal to you. Remembering the meekness and modesty of King David, may my boss (name) be just as meek and meek, merciful. "

From the nagging of the bosses

How to get rid of the boss, pacify his aggression? Rites for a harsh boss can be read at home using various attributes. In order not to find fault with you, you can carry out the ceremony with the help of poppy seeds. Take a handful of seeds and read the words over them three times:

“Poppy seeds, I say to you, may my boss (name) no longer be able to find fault with me, begin to appreciate and respect me. Remove the nagging leader from my life, there will be no anger from him. He will not reproach him either by deed, or by conversation, or by what he is not guilty of. Let there be justice with the boss. I want to make peace with him and protect myself. As a poppy seed dries up, so let me breathe calmly and easily at the workplace. And work brings only pleasure and stable profit. "

From an evil leader

A special magic ritual is applied from the leader's anger

To protect yourself from rudeness, there is a simple conspiracy from an evil boss. With its help, there will be no more impolite treatment to you. So that they no longer find fault with you and do not swear, you need to knock on a massive tree (for example, on a table), while saying:

“Let them not offend me anymore if I do not deserve it. Let the tree save the greedy boss from attacks and anger. May he not swear anymore, even if he is offended by me. And even if they raise my salary, they make me a bigger salary, they don't wait for me to quit, they don't try to remove me from my post. If I could read this text, I will continue to know what to do. As this tree stands firmly, so let the castle that I put on the mouth of the evil boss be strong. He is not rude, does not scold, does not find fault. Thanks for that. "

When the boss is an energy vampire

In many cases, leaders manifest themselves in relation to subordinates as real energy vampires, literally drawing vitality and energy from them. It is not easy to work in such situations. To protect yourself from negative influences, you need to perform a simple ritual. Wake up early in the morning, with the first rays of the sun. Take any gold or silver object in your hands, open a window, stand near it. Then say the following words:

“Clear sunshine, I will get up in the early morning, I will ask you for help. With your immense rays you illuminate the heavens and the earth, you help all living things. Become a protection for me from whining, from damage, aches, evil eyes, which take my strength. I trust in your strength, I conjure you by the Almighty! Amen!"

The charmed object will become a personal amulet against energy vampirism.

The amulet against energy vampires should have been made of gold or silver

For the love and favor of the boss

A conspiracy for the favor and mercy of the boss to the subordinate will help a simple ritual. To carry it out, you need to take a small saucer and a handful of salt. Pour salt on a saucer and read the words for the love of the authorities:

“Higher powers, guardian angels. Become helpers for me, let all bad thoughts disappear forever. Savior angels, open the eyes of God's servant (name), let him look at me as a friend of his, and not as an enemy. Let the grievances all go away forever, only peace and harmony will be between us. Protect me from him. Amen".

Bring the charmed salt to work, sprinkle it discreetly in front of the front door. It is best to carry out such manipulations in front of the director's office or in front of the main office, where all employees, including the manager, are located. After the ceremony, he will treat his subordinates with respect.

So that the bosses love a strong conspiracy using sugar or honey. Such a talisman will help strengthen relationships, win over the director. Take a handful of sugar or a small amount of honey, sprinkle or lightly smear on the doorstep of the director's office, while saying the conspiracy from the boss or from the boss:

“Honey-honey, sugar-sugar. As you are sweet on the tongue to all people, so may I become sweet and pleasant for my leader. As you bring delight to everyone, so let me be only pleasant to the boss. Let it be so".

These actions must be performed during the full or waxing moon. And even better, if the ceremony, so that the management does not touch, so that the boss or boss raises the salary, is carried out during the big Orthodox holidays - Christmas, Easter, Epiphany.

On the dismissal of the head

There are effective rituals for dismissing a boss, if it has not been possible to achieve his location, if reconciliation is impossible, if he interferes with work, nagging and aggression are unbearable. To carry out a conspiracy to fire a manager, you need to take a blank sheet of paper, a red pen or felt-tip pen. On a piece of paper, reproduce the image of the leader, then hatch it with a pen and say:

“You are a negligent boss, go far. Forget about your position and work. Let it become hateful and unnecessary for you. Find your favorite business elsewhere, far from me. And I will stay here, I will continue to work and enjoy my work. Let all the signs show you the way in the other direction. "

Then set fire to the leaf on the flame of a lighted candle, mentally imagining how the boss leaves work. Such a conspiracy must be read before leaving for work. He will help to quickly dismiss the boss from his position.

You can also read the conspiracy to the leader to get promoted. Strong conspiracies will help in the event that you work, work hard, and the long-awaited promotion does not occur. In many cases, the culprit is the boss. Sometimes colleagues in the shop are plotting, intrigues against you. In this case, conspiracy will help to help the reading person get the long-awaited promotion. If a particular person is hindered, you can make sure they get fired.

You need to take a photo of the person who interferes at work, paint over the photo with a red felt-tip pen, saying:

“Go to other places, find a job there, but forget about this. Let it be so".

Remember that such a ritual is very powerful and cannot be canceled.

It is important to understand the seriousness of the rituals performed. Most of them take effect the next day after completion. If you doubt your abilities, that you can do everything right, it is better to choose another way to solve the problem, or contact professionals who can do the ritual without consequences.


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Unemployment is not always the main problem. Many are faced with situations where the trouble is misunderstanding, pressure and anger of an evil boss. When there is no rapport with the manager, or when the boss is constantly nagging, this adversely affects the work. However, the situation can be changed and replaced, as they say, anger "for mercy" and love. To do this, you can use magical conspiracies for the boss. You will learn about them from this article.

By reading a conspiracy on the boss, you can significantly improve not only your relationship with him, but also his attitude in general. Such rituals using light magic are designed to protect subordinates from moral oppression by their superiors.

In any team there is a picky boss who does not let many get off. It happens that a superior will make a fair comment. But situations often arise when you have to put up with baseless reproaches. To get rid of them, apply conspiracies from the boss's nagging. One of these involves a special ritual.

To carry out the ceremony, you must prepare:

  • saucer;
  • salt.

Take a shallow plate and pour 7 pinches of salt into it, bend over it and begin to pronounce a conspiracy from the boss's nagging:

“White salt, pure salt! Take away bad thoughts and unclean ones. Calm down bad speech and evil words. Amen"

Taking this salt with you to work, scatter an equal amount of it:

  • at the threshold of the front door of the office;
  • under the chief's door;
  • in every corner of his office.

A conspiracy from the boss and his unfair nagging will begin immediately. The main thing is that no one sees your actions during the ritual, and do not tell anyone about the ritual.

How to protect yourself from a "vampire" official?

H an even less serious problem is the vampire bureaucrat. Energy vampires are difficult to communicate with, and when you have to deal with such people on duty, it can be very difficult. In order for the conspiracy from the boss (energy vampire) to work, and it becomes easier for you to work in his society, carry out this conspiracy.

After determining when the new moon stage will come, get a regular pin from the store. In this case, you need to overpay for it. Passing bills for a pin to the seller and more coins at half of its value, pronounce the conspiracy:

“I pay coins for the cause, I want everything to turn out the way I wanted.”

Returning home with the purchase, open the window. Place a pin on the windowsill so that the light of the moon falls on it. Then you can go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, immediately grab the hairpin. Holding it in your right hand, repeat the conspiracy seven times in a row:

“There is a palace behind seven fields, seven seas. There is a door in the palace, and a stump outside the door. A man is sitting on it. In his left hand he holds a wide shield, and in his right - a sharp spear, he protects my peace from the wrath of others. Whoever offends me, grieves with witchcraft and anger, he himself will suffer from them. My word is strong. Amen".

A charmed amulet can be attached to the inside of any item that you plan to wear to work. So that your boss does not offend you, wear this hairpin regularly, remembering to attach it to your clothes before leaving the house.

There are many magical texts that can be used to bring back the addiction and good disposition of the boss. To change the attitude of an evil official towards you and other employees, apply the following ritual. The conspiracy described below helps to get rid of the anger of a superior person, a boss.

For this conspiracy to work on your boss quickly enough, say it on Thursday. Entering the office (another workspace), start reading the words of the magic conspiracy:

“Corners by corners, locks by locks, keys by keys, kings by kings. I go to you (chief's name) with caution, contact me with affection. I come to you - with pepper, you to me - with a kind heart. My word is firm, so be it! Amen".

You can immediately notice an improvement in the attitude of your superiors towards you. If the effect is not entirely satisfactory to you, repeat this ritual after a week. Next Thursday, read the conspiracy again to achieve what you want.

How to soften the anger of officials if you are guilty?

There are situations when you need to tell your boss about bad news. Knowing that the official will be very angry, you can first carry out a special magic ceremony. Going to the "carpet" to the authorities, read the conspiracy before the threshold of his office:

“I, the servant of God (state your name), have repented. To blame for the perfect. As the Lord forgives us, so you (pronounce the name of the person in charge) send your grace to me and forgive. Amen".

The text of this prayer can significantly calm the manifestation of an official's anger. Going to your boss with a confession, you can read this conspiracy every time.

Protection from attacks

FROM there are not only conspiracies against the boss, which are designed to protect against attacks, nagging, anger and simply the negative energy impact of employees. There are also magical texts that arouse the love of superiors.

The ritual with the pronunciation of the words of the conspiracy to call the favor of the official should be carried out, standing at his door. Before entering his office, squeeze your left hand into a fist. After that, whisper the conspiracy:

“Bless, Lord, Thy servant (state your name). I pray for you, I call for help. Intercede for me the powers of Heaven. Bind the lips of the rulers, the evil tongues of the princes and various servants of the authorities. Amen".

After this ritual, you will be able to see that there will be no anger from the authorities. The attitude of a higher-ranking official will become more loyal and gentle. To prolong the effect of the conspiracy on the boss, put a candle "For health" to him a few days later. In the coming days, you will notice that the disfavor of the person in higher position will be replaced by love.

Rite of passage to invoke favor

There is another method that can help you win the love of your superiors without much effort. Magical conspiracies from the nagging of the authorities and to win his love must be carried out on the growing moon.

Standing in front of the door to the boss's office, say the words of the prayer:

“Lord, I appeal to you, I appeal for your help, I trust in you! Remember King David. As he was merciful to his servants, as he was gentle with his servants, so let the initial people be just. I ask for mercy, meekness and humility for them. Amen".

Such rituals can be performed by those who suffer from the wrath of the evil authorities. In order not to lose your job, to complete all tasks without interference from the "ruling" person, read the corresponding conspiracy. Every conspiracy from the boss helps to smooth the relationship.