Dealing With Dry Hair: Bringing Sore Locks Back to Life. Vitamins for dry hair. For damaged and dry hair, a rinse prepared by yourself according to this recipe is ideal.

The owner of dry hair has to deal with many problems associated precisely with a lack of moisture in the scalp and the hair itself. This is their fragility, loss, dandruff, itching and irritation. Do not despair if thoughtful approach to dry hair care, then you can successfully return their beauty and health.

Causes of dry hair

Dry hair quickly loses its shine, elasticity, splits at the ends and does not look very beautiful. The reasons for this are improper care, vitamin deficiency, lack of fat in the body, the use of aggressive coloring compounds, the frequent use of a hot hair dryer, gross mechanical effects, solar radiation.

For dry hair, it is necessary to organize a gentle care regimen, thorough additional care, proper nutrition, and a competent selection of cosmetics.

How to properly wash dry hair

Washing dry hair is often not recommended... Wash them as soon as they get dirty. Experts advise to carry out water procedures once a week. For some, it is enough to wash your hair once every 10 days. Choose the right grooming regimen for your hair, but washing dry hair every day will damage it by further dehydrating it. Wear a hat over your head when you shower.

Apply a warm wrap before washing dry hair.... Rub any vegetable oil, greasy cream into the scalp, wrap your head with a film and a towel. After an hour, wash your hair with diluted water and shampoo, whipped into a lather.

Don't wash your hair with too hot water... The optimum temperature is from 36 ° to 40 °. Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly with plenty of warm water. Apply hair balm or rinse. Do not keep the formulations longer than the time specified in the instructions.

One of the main enemies of dry hair is hard water.... Soften water by boiling or add a teaspoon of baking soda or borax to 2 liters of water.

After washing on damp hair, you can apply a beaten egg or yolk, beaten with water. Soak for about five minutes and wash off with plenty of water. Rub the infusion of linden flowers into the scalp every day.

After washing your hair, it is useful to rinse it with infusions of herbs or flowers. For these purposes, use flax seeds, tansy flowers, birch leaves, mint, sage, chamomile, plantain, oregano and yarrow. Flowers can be picked in the summer cottage. For dry hair, use white lily, rose, calendula flowers, nasturtium, yarrow, St. John's wort, rose hips, clover flowers.

Comb dry hair you need to be careful, avoiding sudden movements and rough mechanical influences. Do not rub dry hair with a towel. Purchase wood combs with rounded teeth or natural bristle brushes.

Essential oils for dry hair

Use a variety of essential oils for your weekly treatment. Add them to hair masks and shampoos for shampoos. The enriched formulations will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

Dry hair oils: geranium, cedar, sandalwood, jojoba, lavender, ylang-ylang, neroli, rose, rosemary, tangerine, myrrh, incense.

Cosmetics for dry hair

For dry hair, use a shampoo containing lanolin or lecithin, silk proteins. These components give the hair shine, softness, well-groomed appearance, and protect it from the harmful effects of the environment. Shampoos should contain biologically active substances, vitamin B5, herbal extracts - chamomile, mint, wheat germ, linden blossom, proteins, ceramides and keratin, useful fruit acids.

It is desirable that moisturizing ingredients are included in the hair rinses. Balms for damaged dry hair should contain valuable oils of shea, avocado, jojoba, as well as phospholipids to protect against negative factors.

Dry hair masks

With the help of masks, you can achieve excellent results in improving the structure of the hair. Masks produced by cosmetic companies contain a variety of additives such as egg lecithin, vitamins, lanolin, silk proteins, jojoba oil.

Masks can also be prepared at home.

  • Yolk mask... Add 3 tsp to the yolk. almond, olive or peach oil. Massage the mixture into your scalp and hair. Wash off the mask after 2 hours.

Olive oil is high in vitamins P and E. Massage warm oil regularly into the scalp 20 minutes before washing. For those with too dry hair, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of olive oil by mouth several times a week.

  • Castor oil and rum... Mix equal proportions of rum and castor oil. The amount depends on the length of the hair. Apply to hair and scalp. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 2 hours.
  • Honey mask... One yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (burdock, olive, cottonseed, linseed), 1 tsp. honey and a small amount of cognac. Mix all components of the mask thoroughly and apply to hair and scalp. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash off the mask after 2-3 hours.

Balanced diet

If you have dry hair, then you need to include in your diet cream, dairy products, butter, eggs, vegetable oils, fatty cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, sea buckthorn.

Dry hair needs protection. Wear hats in summer, use protective hair sprays. Protect your hair in windy conditions. Attention and proper care will help restore the beauty of your hair. Love yourself, because this feeling can work miracles.

Special care for dry and damaged hair

A woman's appearance is an indicator of her inner and emotional state. Dry scalp and brittle lifeless curls will not please any of the fair sex. Such hair does not lend itself well to styling, the curls become brittle, fluffy and bring a lot of trouble. But proper care for dry scalp and hair in winter and summer will save the situation and return the former vitality and shine.

During the summer heat, very often even normal hair becomes dry and dull, they need increased nutrition. Some dry hair care tips can help keep it looking healthy and beautiful.

Proper shampooing

It is very important to choose the right shampoo that does not weigh down the curls and is suitable for daily use. A nourishing and moisturizing shampoo should contain the following ingredients:

  • herbal extracts;
  • vitamin supplements;
  • panthenol;
  • essential and silicone oils;
  • jojoba oil.

Another rule, without which it is impossible to achieve healthier hair: the head is washed only in warm water, better purified with filters. You can also use herbal decoctions instead of water, which, in addition to moisturizing, prevent dandruff and normalize the hydrolipid balance of the scalp.

Advice! You can only decide how often you should wash your hair individually in each case. In case of rapid contamination, wash your hair once every two to three days.

The benefits of masks and conditioners

Caring for dry damaged hair involves the mandatory use of masks, balms and conditioners. Such funds have various beneficial substances that not only nourish dry and weakened curls, but also contribute to the renewal of their structure, improve the function of follicles and promote rapid growth.

For nutrition, the conditioner - rinse is applied every time after washing, the mask is used once every 7-10 days. It is recommended to give preference to products with UV protection, which form a film around the rod, preventing negative effects.

Drying and styling curls

In the summer, it is better to completely exclude the use of a hair dryer and other styling devices. But if this is not possible, it is recommended to pre-apply special thermal protective agents. The most convenient ones are produced in the form of sprays that do not require rinsing.

Effective moisturizing by folk methods

In summer, the following masks made from natural ingredients are suitable:

  • fat sour cream (cream), olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice: the procedure takes up to 15 minutes;
  • chopped avocado is mixed with a chicken egg: the mask is washed off 20 minutes after application;
  • decoctions of herbs: dried chamomile flowers, nettle, plantain and sage leaves are brewed in a water bath for 20 minutes; the medical solution is rubbed into the skin; the duration of the procedure is up to 1 hour.

SPF funds

These funds provide different levels of protection against ultraviolet radiation, the most famous are:

  • Vichy DERCOS: contains ceramides, omega fatty acids, oils of medicinal plants; the drug affects the structure of the roots, retains moisture, seals the stem, preventing the penetration of sunlight;
  • L'Oreal Professionnel Expert Intense Repair: components are derivatives of silicone, glycerol and cationic polymer; the formula promotes protection and increased nutrition.

What you need to know the rules of winter care

With the onset of cold weather, the hair is exposed to wind, temperature changes. How to care for dry hair in winter to maintain its beauty and health?

  • the use of vitamin complexes internally and externally: the lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body reduces immunity, worsen the condition of the skin and hair, therefore, it is recommended to choose a suitable complex before the cold season; to saturate the strands with vitamins, castor oil, retinol and tocopherol are externally used;
  • you cannot do without styling devices, therefore, as in the summer, you should use thermal protective sprays;
  • regular application of nourishing masks: carried out no more than once every 10-14 days;
  • several times during the month it is better to replace the shampoo with kefir (preferably homemade sour milk): it provides gentle cleansing and increased nutrition.

Homemade Moisturizers & Repair Products

Honey is known for its beneficial properties due to its high content of vitamins and minerals. To prepare a nourishing mask that retains moisture, liquid honey is mixed with high-fat sour cream or cream. Max is evenly distributed and aged for one hour.

Banana-based products gently act on curls, accelerate their growth and restore roots and core. The mask is prepared from chopped banana with the addition of vegetable oil and sour cream (natural yogurt). The procedure time is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Store moisturizers

To care for very dry hair in winter, it will not be superfluous to use professional cosmetics, which contain useful components for restoring hair and scalp:

  • Dove - conditioner: express restoration and strengthening of damaged curls;
  • Kora Bark shampoo: the effect of increased nutrition due to the increased level of keratins in the preparation;
  • mask Inoar Professional Argan Oil: saturates with vitamins and antioxidants, resists chemical attack, restores root structure.

Any type of hair needs regular and proper care, the use of vitamin complexes that saturate dry and damaged strands. If you pay attention to solving the problem, you can achieve positive results after 2-3 weeks.

Dry hair looks no better than greasy and greasy hair. It is good, of course, that such hair practically does not get dirty, but it also looks ugly both before and after washing. Another problem with dry hair is dandruff. It may or may not appear, although it is believed that dandruff is the lot of oily hair, and with dry hair, it only appears. Dry hair should be treated in the same way as dry scalp.

Causes of dry hair:

1.Incorrect hair care: frequent washing of hair, wrong shampoos;

2. Chemical perms;

3. Frequent use of thermal devices: hair dryer, curling iron, iron, heat rollers;

4. Frequent coloring, but rather lightening of hair. If you look closely, the dyed blondes have hair dry as straw.

5.Natural factors: exposure to sun, wind, rain, snow, etc.

6. Unbalanced diet;

7. Lack of vitamins and many other factors.

Dry hair can be cured and restored to its former strength, beauty and softness, but for this you need to try hard and constantly take care of your hair.

Dry hair care:

1.Don't wash your hair often... Frequent use of shampoo flushes the oils from the scalp that hold moisture in the scalp. If you use a mild shampoo, your hair will turn from dry to oily, which is not your task. The best way to wash your hair is once every three days. The main thing is to choose the right shampoo. The shampoo should be designed for dry hair. These shampoos contain fatty acids, which, in fact, retain moisture in the hair.

2.The head should be washed gently, and in general, you need to treat dry hair carefully and carefully since they are easily destroyed. If you wash your hair, use your fingertips to lather the shampoo. If you are combing your hair, do not tug or pull on it, lightly hold it while combing with a soft comb. Do not scratch your head with your nails. this irritates the skin and injures the hair.

3.For dry hair, it is recommended use air conditioner so that the hair is additionally enriched with moisture. Only the conditioner should not contain alcohol in its composition, because it dries the skin, further washing the oils out of the skin. If your hair is very dry, apply conditioner to your hair, put on a hat, and rinse the conditioner off only in the morning.

4.Do not comb your hair immediately after washing(by the way, this applies not only to dry, but also to all types of hair). Wait until your hair dries a little, after which you can comb it, but only very carefully.

5. Strive do not use hair dryers and curling irons as well as other hot styling products. The high temperature severely injures the already lifeless hair, stretching it. If, nevertheless, you are in a hurry somewhere and you urgently need to dry your hair, set the hairdryer to cold or warm air.

6.It will not be superfluous use heated oils before washing... Oils can be any - sunflower, olive, burdock, corn, etc. Simply heat up the required amount of oil and lubricate the scalp with it, wearing a shower cap for 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. An effective remedy for hair growth is warmed rosemary oil... So, if you want to change your lifeless hair to beautiful and shiny, it is recommended to use this particular oil.

7. Eat nuts, because they contain fatty acids that are so necessary for dry hair.

Recipes for masks and rinses for dry hair:

1. Vinegar is an excellent conditioner that perfectly removes shampoo residues from the hair and prevents dandruff from appearing. Using vinegar is easy enough - rub a small amount of vinegar into your scalp immediately after washing, then rinse your hair after a few minutes. If you dilute vinegar with water (0.5 cups of vinegar to 2 cups of water), you can rinse your hair with this solution after washing.

2. Beat one egg in a glass of warm water and apply to hair after shampooing. Let sit for 10 minutes, then rinse. If you have completely dead hair, then mix 3 eggs with a teaspoon of vinegar and two tablespoons of olive oil. The mixture is applied to the hair for about 30 minutes, wearing a cap on the head, then washed off with shampoo.

3. Mash the overripe banana and stir in the avocado pulp. The mask is applied to a clean head for an hour, after that, the hair is washed with warm water.

4. Mix a teaspoon of burdock or olive oil with egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of brandy. Apply the mask to your head, put on a plastic cap, and after three hours wash off the mask with shampoo.

5. Two hours before washing your hair, rub sea buckthorn oil into the scalp.

6. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of apricot oil with a tablespoon of castor oil, with a tablespoon of cologne and add 20 drops of lemon juice. Apply to hair for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

7.Herbal infusions for dry hair:

  • 4 tablespoons of chopped burdock root are boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 15 years. Strain. The tincture is rubbed into the hair roots 3 times a week for two months;
  • 4 tablespoons of birch leaves are poured into 300 ml of boiling water, leaving to infuse for 2 hours. Strain. Rub into the hair roots after each wash for a month;
  • 4 tablespoons of ivy are boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes. Insist 40 minutes, strain. Rub into scalp every day for a month.

8. Rubbing mayonnaise into the head helps a lot. Once a week, rub mayonnaise into the scalp for 15 minutes, leave for an hour, then wash your hair.

9. Take the juice of two lemons and mix with a tablespoon of water. Add a tablespoon of flour or oatmeal to the resulting solution, mix everything. Apply the mixture to your head 30 minutes before washing your hair, then wrap your head with a cotton scarf. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Do not forget to take care of your hair and then you may not need advice on hair restoration.

Usually, brittleness problems occur with dry hair or damaged hair after dyeing or perming. Due to its low elasticity, dry hair often gets tangled and difficult to style.

With dry hair, the fat content of the scalp is very low. The kerotine scales do not adhere tightly to each other, as a result of which the hair becomes rough, dull, does not slip, clings to each other, easily tangles, tied into knots and often breaks when combing. Such hair requires special care.

Diet for dry and brittle hair

For dry, brittle and damaged hair, the same diet is recommended as for dry skin.

First of all, this is food rich in vitamin A:

  • carrot,
  • sea ​​buckthorn,
  • cream,
  • butter,
  • egg yolk,
  • vegetable oils,
  • cottage cheese,
  • dairy products.

Washing dry and brittle hair

Colored hair needs special care and additional nutrition. At the same time, the head must be washed with nourishing shampoos "for damaged / colored hair" containing a complex of multivitamins B.

After washing, use medicated balms and conditioners marked “for damaged hair”.

For hair, mask with zinc and biotin once a week.

Protect your hair from drying out. If you dry your hair with a hairdryer, be sure to first apply an anti-thermal mousse, mask or lotion.

Nutmeg oil

Nutmeg oil strengthens and moisturizes dry or colored hair. Apply a small amount to a natural comb or brush and comb through your hair once a day.

Nutmeg Oil Rinse: Stir 3 ml of oil well in a bucket of water and rinse your hair with this formula. After rinsing, do not dry your hair, but wrap it with a towel for a while.

Treatments for colored and damaged hair

For damaged hair, procedures are recommended that moisturize the scalp, restore its natural balance, strengthen the hair and give it a healthy shine. In the beauty salon, professionals will help you find the necessary cosmetics for the care of damaged hair. It is desirable that it be with a high percentage of sunscreen, especially necessary for hair in the spring. In the salon or at home, the use of nutritious masks to restore fat and water balance 1-2 per week is a must.

If your hair has become brittle and has lost its shine, regularly use leave-in fluids and creams, they can be applied to damp hair and then styled as usual, while your hair will be protected, shine and elasticity. For example: Liquid Silk leave-in fluid from Gliss Kur; protective care cream, from Pantene PRO-V.

Essential ingredients in cosmetics for dry and damaged hair

Vitamin B

To maintain color brightness, colored hair needs vitamin B, it prevents color washout, protects hair from negative environmental influences. When buying cosmetics and wanting to preserve the color of dyed hair, pay attention to what ingredients are included in it, it must necessarily contain vitamin B - the main care for dry and damaged hair.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a versatile antioxidant that retains moisture well and gives elasticity and youthfulness to hair. In addition, vitamin E protects against premature gray hair.

Vitamin A- fills dry and damaged hair with strength and shine.

Vitamin F(linoleic acid) - maintains the integrity of the lipid film of the hair, preventing dryness.

Vitamin H(biotin) - stimulates the formation of collagen fibers, promotes hair growth.

Keratin- "prosthetics", filling in the damage in the hair. Hair consists of 70% keratin.

Panthenol- retains moisture and makes combing easier.

- fills the void in damaged hair, nourishes and moisturizes it.

Vegetable oils (coconut, palm, apricot) - moisturize and form a protective film on the skin. So for damaged, split ends, it is very good to use shampoo and care balm from La Biosthetique with natural oils.

Mango oil is the richest source of fatty acids. Nourishes and repairs hair, smoothes scales and restores the integrity of the lipid film that protects hair from dehydration.

Today on sale you can find special liquids for the care of the ends of dry and damaged hair with a high content of silicones, "sticking" split ends.

When caring for your hair, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • While rinsing your hair, add a little lemon juice to the water.
  • A mask made from a mixture of lime infusion and low-fat yogurt (in equal proportions) is very useful for dry hair. Apply it to washed, damp hair and leave it on for 20 - 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  • An excellent remedy for brittle hair is a nourishing moisturizing mask with castor, burdock or linseed oil. To prepare it, take an egg yolk, 0.5 tsp. Burdock oil and 1 tsp. brandy, mix everything thoroughly and rub into the scalp and hair roots. Then wrap your head with a warm terry towel and hold the mask for 30 minutes. Wash off with a mild moisturizing shampoo.
  • Elixirs are the latest in dry and damaged hair care. Elixirs are also effective for hair loss. They contain all the restorative power and energy necessary for hair in the form of vitamins, nourishing oils and plant extracts.
  • Nourishing hair oils from many brands are good for restorative care. They restore the destroyed protective grease of the hair, however, as a rule, they partially remain on the hair and cause some effect of weighting the hair.
  • Cosmetic serums and hair ampoules contain nutrients in a concentrated form and give faster and more visible results.
  • Try to use hair care products that contain dimethicone, cyclomethicone, amodimethicone and other silicones. Using them, you get ease of combing, color protection, soft, healthy and shiny hair.
  • For dry, brittle and damaged hair, shampoos and conditioners containing volatile oils and silicone oils are perfect. In addition, there are silicone oils that are formulated in medicated masks, waxes and creams.
  • Silicones are evenly distributed over the cuticle surface and smooth the hair scales, enveloping the hair shaft. This gives it shine and smoothness. After applying silicones, the hair and scalp feel soft and silky. After 2-3 applications of products with silicones, the hair will shine. After that, you need to take a break for a couple of weeks.
  • Owners of colored hair need to use conditioner balms with a "diamond dust" effect. The most brilliant effect of caring for damaged hair is provided by acidofer conditioners with a pH of 2.5 - 3.5. They acidify the hair by preventing the cuticle from leaching out. Or balms-reconstructors, which include hydralized keratin. After using these products, rinse your hair thoroughly and rinse with cool water. This will close the scales and give your hair a shine.

How to brush dry, brittle hair correctly?

If your hair is long and thick enough, use a massage brush with sparse needles.

For those with a haircut, it is helpful to use a brush with frequent, thick bristles.

Brushes with mixed bristles made from natural and artificial materials are very useful, but for damaged hair it is better to use brushes made from natural ingredients only.

Wood combs and combs are good for all hair types. They not only take care of the hair, but also prevent greasy strands from getting dirty, and dry ones from getting cut.

Be sure to comb your hair 2 times a day, brushing slowly over your head 50-60 times.

Start combing your hair from the ends and gradually work your way down to the roots. Tilt your head forward and brush your hair forward. This treatment will improve blood circulation and strengthen the hair at the roots.

Summer is the most enjoyable time of the year! But not for the health of the hair - it weakens and fades. Ultraviolet light draws moisture out of them, sea water washes out the proteins that make up the hair's base. As a result, the hair becomes brittle, loses its brightness, splits, begins to fall out, dandruff may even appear, because increased solar activity dries out the scalp - itching and flaking appears. Of course, no one forbids you to swim in the sea and bask on the beach, for this there is summer. You just need to bring your hair back to normal after a hot vacation, which means take measures to restore it.

The rescue plan includes taking vitamins, choosing the right hair care products, scalp massage and masks that restore hair structure and strengthen roots.

Healing masks for damaged hair can be prepared at home using natural fruits and vegetables, oils, and herbal extracts. Remember to use conditioners after washing your hair.

For damaged and dry hair, a rinse prepared by yourself according to this recipe is ideal:

take 1 teaspoon each of linden blossom, calendula, hop cones, chamomile and mint. Pour 2 cups boiling water over. After 40 minutes, strain the infusion. Rinse your hair with herbs in the summer after each wash. Wash your hair correctly: with boiled or filtered water, and choose shampoo for dry hair, it contains more moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. After washing, blot wet hair, do not rub it too much: wet hair is very fragile. Dry and damaged hair with a hairdryer as rarely as possible, and if you cannot do without it, use first leave-in conditioners and serums, they will create protection. Take your time with coloring! This treatment is not for sun-weakened hair.
Take vitamin and mineral complexes that contain vitamin A (retinol) for hair growth, B vitamins, which make hair shiny and elastic, protect from damage, vitamins C and E, trace elements, iodine, calcium, chromium, iron, copper , manganese - they improve the nutrition of the hair follicles.
Include egg yolk, butter, carrots, dried apricots, gooseberries, sea buckthorn, pumpkin seeds, nuts, and legumes in your diet.

Dry hair is usually brittle and dull. The hairstyle does not adhere well to dry hair. Frequent use of paint and curling, a large amount of varnish, swimming in sea water without a rubber cap, active sun rays - all this dries out the hair. Hair gradually becomes thinner, loses shine, becomes brittle, breaks off and splits at the ends, begins to fall out intensively. Often, those with dry hair on the head develop dandruff in the form of easily crumbling dry whitish scales.

What if you have dry hair?

Attempts to eliminate such phenomena by more frequent washing of the head do not give the desired effect, moreover, they aggravate the condition. This is understandable since dryness is the main symptom. Therefore, all products that degrease the skin and hair (hard water, alcohol solutions, frequent dyeing, perm) harm your hair.

Dry hair care includes the following:

Dry hair should be washed less often than oily and normal hair: in summer - once every 7-10 days, in winter - after 2 weeks. Washing water should be soft and warm. It is better to use the soap for washing hair overfat, for example, "baby". It is also permissible to use special shampoos that do not contain alcohol and have additional moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. Washed hair should be dried thoroughly with a towel. Do not dry them with a hairdryer or in the sun. For very dry hair, an hour before washing, it is useful to rub oil heated in a water bath into the scalp (corn, olive, almond, sunflower, castor oil). After rubbing in, the head is covered with wax paper and tied with a handkerchief. Such procedures are repeated 4-5 times in a row. Keep in mind that oils and oily extracts from plants should be stored in well-sealed vials in a dark and cool place. Be sure to use a protective hair conditioner after washing. Apply it to the main length only. Replace conditioner with a revitalizing mask a couple of times a week.
It is very useful to wash dry hair with kefir. Kefir helps moisturize the scalp, gives dry hair shine and nourishes it with vitamins and amino acids.
During the heating season, the air in the room is dry, so all home hair care procedures should maximize hair moisture. Salons also offer a huge variety of SPA programs to restore hair, improve the appearance of hair and increase resistance to negative external influences.
To keep dry hair healthy and supple, try to follow these guidelines:
- each fingertip massage the scalp, stimulating blood circulation and sebum secretion;
- daily comb your hair for a long time and in all directions;
- Rub the ends of your hair with olive oil from time to time.

Masks for dry and damaged hair should be done 2 times a week. When choosing a product in a store, look for keratin in the composition, which strengthens damaged hair, sunflower extract to restore hair structure and strengthen the roots. Bamboo extract is good for moisturizing the scalp and protecting against moisture loss, and almonds prevent hair breakage.

Dry hair mask recipes:
These products are excellent for resuscitating hair after prolonged sun exposure and exposure to sea salt.

Recipe 1 - Onion peel mask for dry hair.

Against itching, increased hair loss and poor hair growth.
With an infusion of husks (1:20), wash your hair or rub it with a cotton swab into the scalp 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 10 procedures. the infusion has a slight coloring effect: the hair acquires a straw-golden hue, which is especially important for natural blondes.

Recipe 2 - Dry hair treatment.

Infusion of leaves of mother-and-stepmothers (1:15) wash their hair 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 12-15 times. Repeat after 2-3 weeks.

Recipe 3 - Mask for dry hair from henna.

Henna powder is mixed with warm water and any nourishing cream (1: 2: 7). It is good to use a vitamin moisturizing bold cream for this purpose. The prepared mixture is rubbed into the hair roots 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures. With this method of treatment of increased dry hair is minimal. Henna of a yellowish-green color should be used, the reddish tint of the powder indicates its deterioration.

We also offer several recipes for homemade masks for damaged hair.

Recipe 1 - Homemade mask for very dry hair - ginger + egg yolk + coffee.

Combine 5 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon fresh ginger juice, and 1 tablespoon brewed grounds. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, rubbing the mask thoroughly into your scalp. After about 20 minutes, wash off the mask with water.

Recipe 2 - Mask for damaged and dry hair at home with almond oil.

Almond oil perfectly moisturizes the scalp and hair, making it stronger.
Heat 2 tablespoons of almond oil, apply it evenly on the head, make a compress from the film, and after 1 hour, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with herbal decoction.

Recipe 3 - Mask for dry hair at home - kefir + vegetable oil + honey.

Kefir perfectly moisturizes the skin, creating a greasy film that protects the scalp from negative external factors, adds shine to the hair and nourishes with vitamins and amino acids.
Mix 0.5 liters of kefir, 1 teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to your hair half an hour before washing, wrap your head with plastic wrap and a warm towel. Rinse off the mask with warm water and shampoo and splash your hair with an herbal decoction such as chamomile.

Recipe 4 - Mask for damaged and dry hair - nettle + bread.

Pour 1 tablespoon of ground nettle, plantain and oregano leaves with 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain. Add the pulp of rye bread to the herbal infusion until you get a gruel. Massage the mixture into the scalp and distribute through the hair. Put on a shower cap, wrap your head in a towel and leave the mask on for 2 hours. Wash off with warm boiled water.

Recipe 5 - Homemade mask for dry hair - oatmeal + aloe.

Stimulates hair growth.
Grind 80 grams of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour over them with curdled milk until you get a gruel and add 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe juice. Apply to hair, put on a shower cap, and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the mask on for 25-30 minutes and rinse your hair with shampoo.
Recipe 6 - Classic moisturizing mask for dry and damaged hair - egg (yolk) + olive oil.

Mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this cream all over your hair for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 7 - Mask for damaged and dry hair with coconut oil.

A well-known remedy for hair restoration!
Spread the coconut oil evenly over the entire length of your hair, wrap your head with plastic wrap and a warm handkerchief and keep it on for 2-3 hours. Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo and rinse with chamomile infusion, which softens hair and stimulates hair growth.

Remember - frequent washing and increased sun activity dry out the scalp!

Dry Hair Treatment - Helpful Tips:

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand! You may also be interested in this:

Dry hair care - masks for dry hair reviews: 61

  • Pauline

    I also have very dry hair. It is necessary to use the balm after washing. Now I chose Garnier frutis for myself, it fits well.

  • Mouse

    It is definitely very good to wash with kefir, or rather, not wash, and hold the kefir mask for about twenty minutes before washing your hair. And this mask helps very well against hair loss.

  • Anonymous

    I support the previous review - for dry hair, masks with kefir are the best remedy. You can also add a spoonful of any vegetable oil to kefir, preferably castor or olive oil.

  • Mirabel

    Dry hair mask - glycerin + lemon juice + castor oil. Mix all the ingredients in equal parts and apply on hair for half an hour to an hour. The oil can be replaced with any other vegetable oil that suits you best.

  • Victoria

    I have not tried kefir. It was advised to treat hair an hour before washing with burdock or sunflower oil. As a result, the roots are oily, the tips are slightly better. every other day the hair is dirty, although usually I can not wash it for two weeks, the hair is so dry that it is imperceptible whether it is dirty or not.

  • Sveta

    I have terrible hair, I can't do it in any way, I always have to tie it up with a tail.

  • Olga

    I am in shock - wash my hair once every 7-10 days. Guys, ay, where are you from? What kind of soap are we talking about? Have you just come down from the tree? Dry hair and dry scalp are 2 different things. Typically, most have oily scalp and dry hair in length. And you should have a combined care, shampoo for oily hair, balm for dry hair. And hair is worse not in summer, but in winter - because hats, radiators, heaters dry hair very much. Many do not put their hair under a hat and the frost simply kills them. In the summer, of course, the hair suffers from ultraviolet radiation, but smart people have long come up with shampoos with SPF protection + natural moisture, such as rain…. Girls, forgive me for such harsh words, but you just go to a good master (there are not many of them, unfortunately, but suddenly you get lucky), and you yourself will understand everything ... For all my life, the skin seems to be smeared with lard, and the length is like dry straw ( because they are wavy, and this is a different care), and only a competent master helped me solve this problem. She was stunned when she heard how to take care of, but the result is excellent. Good luck.

  • joanna

    Mench has very dry hair, all sorts of masks, balms, creams do not help, what should I do?

  • Kate

    And what's wrong with washing once a week ??? I, it happens, once every 2 weeks, wash, terribly dry skin and hair itself, I don't know what to do already. There is an emulsion in the pharmacy, Emolium is called, they say, a cool effect, I want to try it, though it's a little expensive. I have a cream for dry skin of the body of this series - a super thing!

  • Helena

    Marina, as I agree with you. And I have the same problem, oily scalp and hair - wavy straw, I did not find a master in our city, everyone advises his own. Help please, tell me the right care, otherwise every visit to the hairdresser cut off more and more hair. Thanks in advance!

  • Olga

    I don’t understand how you can wash your hair once a week (I’m not talking about 2 at all). If I don’t wash my head on the third day, it’s a feeling that I’ve become a terrible mess. Of course, it is necessary to make various hair masks (over time, everyone will choose what he needs). Apply protective equipment before using the hair dryer. There are special oil products that can be applied to the ends of the hair before drying. The best way out is grooming, not washing once a week or two.

  • inna

    I have very dry hair. I have tried all known shampoos, balms, masks, now I take an expensive Estelle line, it also does not help, I make various masks with vitamins a, e, almond and coconut oil, nothing helps !!! I don't dry them with a hairdryer at all! It seems that I have only one way out - to get a haircut!

  • Helena

    I add an indelible ampoule of selcoseryl to the spray, try it, it heals well.

  • Irina

    Girls, if the problem with hair is not solved with the help of care and masks, then the body simply does not have enough necessary substances for normal metabolism and lacks vitamins. Pay attention to your nutrition and health. The condition of the hair reflects the state of health, except when we burn our hair with dye, summer sun and sea water. There are special vitamin complexes that improve the condition of the hair.

  • Olga

    People…. I don’t understand about washing once a week, let alone two! My head is already dirty in the morning, even if I washed it in the evening! I have been striving for a blonde color for a long time, achieved, the result is oily skin, and my wavy hair turned into tough straw. Now, like a brownie, Kuzi stick out in different directions. You can't put it down with a hairdryer, and the thermushki fly off in a couple of hours, I tried all the store masks, I'll go for kefir, I will smear it. By the way, burdock oil didn't go ...