What can you cook for a date with a girl. How to organize and what to cook for a romantic dinner at home

We bring to your attention a menu for a romantic dinner, which includes several simple dishes of a restaurant level.

The main thing is that we will carry out all the preparations for the date in advance, so that on day X you just have to open a bottle of wine and enjoy communication and delicious food.

A romantic dinner is an action that is special for any couple. If you just started dating, then this date will give you the opportunity to discuss each other's taste preferences, get to know the habits that come from childhood, and just have a good time. If you are a married couple with experience or young parents, then all the more you simply need to arrange romantic dates from time to time within the framework of your own apartment. Not everyone has the opportunity to break out "into the people", but you can arrange a restaurant in your own kitchen. There would be a desire and the right attitude!

Let's take care of the environment!

First, let's take a look at the battlefield. Painfully familiar kitchen furniture, two stools, two chairs and a refrigerator only remotely resemble the restaurant of your dreams? It's okay, we'll play with the cards that we've already been dealt. Of course, one could quickly figure out a small cosmetic repair, but in this case it is unlikely that it will come to romance, you see. So, firstly, we choose a place of action.

If, for some reason, a romantic date cannot be held in the room, but it’s good on the balcony, but cold, whatever one may say, the kitchen remains. We put a new (or well-forgotten) tablecloth on the table, candles in high candlesticks or even a Christmas tree garland on the windowsill, dim the lights or light a table lamp borrowed in the bedroom, turn on the jazz quietly and close the door tightly. Have a nice evening!

Pelmeni - the shortest way to a man's heart?

Let's make a plan. We need simple, tasty and not very heavy meals. The day on which the date is scheduled is better to unload as much as possible from domestic problems and culinary exploits. Instead of standing at the stove, it is better to spend the same time in the bathroom.

What do you think about dumplings? Perhaps dumplings will look somewhat inappropriate on the menu of a romantic dinner. But they can be prepared in advance, and in our case this is already half the success! Decided! Dumplings - to be! And in order to give this dish, traditional in our latitudes, a festive gloss, let's turn our eyes to the Apennine Peninsula.

Italian ravioli with Russian porcini mushrooms and cream sauce... This is a completely different calico! For starters and desserts, we will choose dishes that can be put together like a puzzle just before serving. So, we take a piece of paper, arm ourselves with a cup of coffee and begin to draw up a plan to conquer the world. Or at least to conquer the one for whom all this is being started.

On the menu:

Preparing for a Romantic Dinner: Action Plan

During the week

Yes, yes, you can start preparing a week in advance. In principle, it is possible for a month, who is the decree for us? To begin with, we check - do we have everything to decorate the table? If necessary, we buy a tablecloth, napkins and candles.

To prepare ravioli, it is better to choose a day when you urgently need a mood lift. Working with an obedient plastic test works better than any antidepressant. Ravioli will wait for their high point in the freezer without any problems, the main thing is to freeze them carefully and in portions so as not to crumple. If you can't find porcini mushrooms, try using champignons. But we must warn you - the effect will be a little blurry.

the day before

Toasted almond flakes for dessert. We bake the Bulgarian pepper, cool, sprinkle a little with olive oil and put it in a box. He'll wait in the fridge.

We carry out an audit in the bathroom cabinet, rub ourselves with everything that smells delicious, do not forget about the scrub and good mood.

For three hours

We're setting the table. We get wine.

In two hours

Making the sauce for the ravioli. Sorry for the pathos, but such a sauce needs to be created! Because the process will bring no less pleasure than the result. This is almost a meditative action that will take about five minutes, no more.

Fry the baguette slices. We collect snacks.

Put chocolate in cups for dessert, pour cream. Before serving, you just have to put them in the microwave for a few minutes.

Shopping list

  1. Baguette
  2. Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  3. Soft goat cheese - 200 gr
  4. Olive oil
  5. Black and pink pepper
  6. White mushrooms - 400 gr
  7. Spinach - 150 gr
  8. Provence herbs - 1 tsp
  9. Butter - 6 tbsp.
  10. Garlic - 3 cloves
  11. Leek - 1 pc.
  12. Parmesan (grated) - 100 gr
  13. Cream 20% - 200 ml
  14. Sage - 0.5 tsp
  15. Flour - 400 gr
  16. Eggs - 4 pcs.
  17. Bitter chocolate 70-80% - 100 gr
  18. Cream 30-35% - 200 ml
  19. Almond flakes - a handful
  20. Wine - according to taste and desire

What should be the perfect date at home? Certainly not the first, and not the second. For a man, an invitation to your house is like saying: "Take me, I'm all yours." Subconsciously, he expects a lot. And he is not at all to blame for this - after all, he was influenced by various magazines and books, conversations of friends boasting about their victories, films and just imagination. Be sure that he will choose his underwear with great care. Not that he absolutely counted on sex .. Well, just like that, just in case .. what if, a ride?

Be sure to consider all this when you invite a man home. And first of all, decide for yourself what you expect from your romantic date at home. If you are ready to fall into his arms, then difficulties are not expected. And if you haven’t gotten to know each other enough yet and just want to get to know him better? If you just want gentle words, deep glances, communication? Then it is not superfluous to insure yourself. For example, let someone else be in the house, your parents or sister. But let's assume that there are no disagreements between you and your lover and your only desire is to spend an evening that would bring a little romance to your relationship.

First of all, you have to take care of clothes and makeup. Be sure to wear a dress or skirt, and even better - a seductive peignoir. And no slippers! However, high heels will also look ridiculous. Pick yourself up in advance pretty shoes with low heels. As for make-up, you should not apply a thick layer of foundation, a light powder will be enough. It is better to use lipstick to a minimum - anyway, it will be erased during dinner. But with arrows and eye shadows, you can experiment to your heart's content. Be sure to wear some jewelry: a chain, a bracelet, long earrings, a couple of rings. It is these "female things" that excite men the most. Do not forget about perfume: a drop on the earlobes, on the inside of the wrists and on the hollow between the breasts. Spray a couple of drops on the pillow, just don't overdo it.

The ideal date at home involves the so-called romantic dinner. The food should be very light, otherwise the man will quickly begin to fall asleep. But this is not included in your plans? Make small sandwiches with different snacks, decorate with herbs. The menu should not contain onions, fish, anything that emits a pungent odor. From drinks, of course, champagne! And be sure to juice or mineral water. Complement dinner with a box of chocolates and strong coffee - and nothing else is needed.

A mandatory attribute of a romantic dinner is candles. Just put them on the table, turn on and dim the light - and your mood, as if by magic, will become light, exciting, mysterious. Subdued lighting will help hide figure flaws and reduce embarrassment. And the reflection of the lights of candles in your eyes will literally hypnotize your beloved, awakening in him the primitive instincts. Pick up also slow music, you can your favorite, but not in Russian. Otherwise, it will divert attention from the conversation. Let only your mutual confessions sound this evening.

What to do on a date, what to do after dinner? One option is dance. Invite your own gentleman, but do not insist if he starts to refuse. If you have beautiful vacation photos, you can look at the albums together. Just make sure that nothing superfluous gets in there, especially the faces of your "former" ones. Or offer to arrange a photo shoot right now. Any game will be a great pastime - from card games to chess. Look together at the movie CDs that you have in your home. If it turns out that you both like the same movie, do not deny yourself the pleasure of reviewing it.

You can often find advice to dance your favorite striptease.. Decide on this only if you are really good at dancing and confident in yourself. Otherwise, your movements will look more comical than seductive. You should also not offer to take a bath together, even if you have rose petals and gorgeous foam at the ready. But massage can be a great transition to more intimate communication. However, it's up to you to decide.

You can read a lot about how to arrange a beautiful date at home. But nowhere for some reason does not say how to finish it. Again, you yourself must decide in advance whether you will offer a man to stay with you for the night. If you are not yet ready for this, then at the appointed hour, tell him that it is already late, you need to go to bed. Thank him for a wonderful evening. In fact, it would not be superfluous to tell him the telephone number for calling a taxi, especially if you live in a disadvantaged area, and the time is long past midnight.

If you ventured to spend the night together, then take care of hygiene items. Provide your man with a fresh towel (preferably two), it would be nice to have a new sealed toothbrush as well. While he is in the bathroom, it would be nice to quickly wash the dishes. You do not want to have breakfast at a dirty table or meet in the morning with the remnants of dinner, do you? Save up for yourself a cute house dressing gown to look no less seductive in the morning light than in the evening twilight. Remove all makeup before bed. And in the morning, be sure to get up at least 10 minutes earlier than your lover to put yourself in order and take care of breakfast.

Make something easy: scrambled eggs, toast with jam, coffee or tea. Better yet, buy several types of croissants or cookies, a couple of yogurts and a bunch of bananas. Then you don't have to cook anything. The "wrong" morning can spoil all the charm of a romantic evening. The main advice is: be relaxed and tune in to rest and have a good time. And then your romantic date will be successful, and you will be in a good mood and stunning memories.

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You are planning a dinner alone with your loved one, and it does not matter at all whether it will be your first date at home on Valentine's Day or you have been together for ages and celebrate your wedding anniversary on this day. In any case, everything should be beautiful, elegant, exciting and at the same time very tasty. What to cook for a romantic dinner for two? Let's talk about what options can be, and consider a few especially original dishes in more detail.

If you are hosting an evening for two at home, here are some simple tips and tricks to keep the atmosphere exciting and mysterious:

  • You should be just the two of you. If you have kids, arrange with grandparents that they will spend the night with them. Even if the children in the next room play computer games all evening or elderly relatives promise you that they will quietly watch TV in their bedroom until the morning, all romance will come to naught. A romantic dinner for two is not arranged behind closed doors, you have to be alone in the whole house.
  • The whole atmosphere should be romantic, not just the menu. In no case do not choose the bedroom for such a dinner, and even more so the kitchen. Of course, an evening for two should be organized in the living room or hall room. The table must be covered with a festive tablecloth and served with beautiful dishes, placed on it and lit candles. Turn on soft pleasant music, and no TV, even if there is your favorite romantic picture. No need to be distracted by the characters in the film. The heroes of tonight are you!
  • Meals for a romantic dinner should be light, both in terms of preparation and for the digestive system. As a rule, a light salad, a main hot dish (meat or fish) and a dessert are prepared. You can also make a cheese plate, vegetable or fruit canapes.
  • When it comes to drinks, you know perfectly well that neither vodka, nor whiskey, nor even the best Irish beer can be combined with the concept of romance. In this case, only wine is appropriate. Cocktails will not work, because they need to be constantly prepared and distracted. Start with champagne followed by a glass of white or red wine (depending on the course served).


You need to start a pleasant evening with light salads. In principle, they will also become an addition to hot meat and fish dishes; for a romantic dinner, you should not cook any heavy side dishes.

Remember! No "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat", "Mimosa", "Men's whims" and similar salads should not be on a romantic date. Forget about mayonnaise, everything should be easy and delicious.

We offer the following options:

  • , you can make it with chicken fillet or shrimp;
  • salad with Feta or Mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes and olives;
  • salad with Dor Blue cheese, pears and walnuts;
  • green salad with smoked meat, pickled mushrooms and scrambled eggs;
  • salad with baked tomatoes;
  • salad with canned tuna, cherry tomatoes and eggs (chicken or quail);
  • crispy salad with bacon and pine nuts;
  • avocado, grapefruit and sea cocktail salad;
  • salad with tongue, celery, walnuts and pomegranate seeds;
  • salad "Pearl" with salted red fish, tomatoes and avocado.


  • salad mix - 1 bunch;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 400 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • coriander, zira and ground star anise - a pinch each;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to your liking;
  • liquid honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Cut pumpkin pulp for salad into cubes approximately 2x2 cm in size. Melt butter in a pan, add cumin, star anise and coriander to it, mix. Due to this, the oil absorbs all the aromas from the spices, and then gives them to the product being cooked in it.
  2. Fry the pumpkin slices in a pan for 1.5-2 minutes on each side. Try to prick it a little with a wooden toothpick, it should be soft, but make sure that the pumpkin cubes retain their shape. Let the pumpkin cool down a bit.
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes slightly smaller than the pumpkin.
  4. Prepare salad dressing. In a separate bowl, mix honey, olive oil, lemon juice, add salt and pepper to your taste, beat everything with a fork until smooth.
  5. Rinse the lettuce, dry it, coarsely tear it with your hands and distribute it among two portioned plates. Spread the cubes of pumpkin and cheese evenly on top. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve immediately.

Dried tomatoes, roasted nuts and seeds can also be added to this salad.

Main dishes

After a light salad (or at the same time with it), serve a hearty, tasty, hot meat or fish dish:

  • skewers on king prawn skewers;
  • veal with rosemary and cherries in chocolate sauce;
  • meat rolls "Plum Valley";
  • glazed loin;
  • turkey fillet with oranges (chicken breasts, the recipes of which you will find in .), will be an inexpensive substitute;
  • duck zrazy with shrimps in cherry sauce;
  • pork with apples and cognac;
  • salmon steaks;
  • pork chops with fried pear;
  • duck breasts with raspberry sauce.


  • pork (brisket or ham) - 600 g;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • shallots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • liquid honey - 75 ml;
  • red wine - 25 ml;
  • mustard - ½ tablespoon;
  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • chili sauce - ½ teaspoon (optional);
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your liking.


  1. Wash the pork, dry it and rub it on all sides with salt and ground pepper.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk, wash and cut into 5-6 circles.
  3. Take a baking dish, put onion mugs on the bottom and pour in some water. Place the meat on top, tightly cover the form with cooking foil and send it to the oven, heated to a temperature of 150 degrees, for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. Peel, wash and mince shallots and garlic. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic in it. When the onion is soft and translucent, pour in the wine and let it boil. Let it boil for a minute, then add the soy sauce with honey and mustard (add chili sauce at your discretion). Mix everything and let it boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Strain the resulting honey glaze, but do not throw away the soft onions and garlic. Now remove the meat from the oven, open the foil, coat it on all sides with the remaining garlic and onions after filtering. Drizzle the pork with a third of the glaze, cover again with foil, and put back in the oven for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the meat again and open the foil, pour another third of the glaze, cover and put in the oven for another 20 minutes.
  7. Remove the pan from the oven for the last time, remove the foil completely, drizzle with the rest of the glaze and bake for another 20 minutes.
  8. Let the cooked meat rest for 5-10 minutes, cut and serve.


Finish a romantic evening with sweet and airy, beautiful and delicate dessert dishes:

  • fruit and chocolate fondue;
  • cottage cheese dessert with raspberry jelly;
  • a very light dessert will be sorbet, the recipes of which can be found.
  • exotic fruit salad of mango, papaya and pineapple;
  • jellied curd cake with fresh berries (currants, blueberries, strawberries);
  • chocolate jelly;
  • Catalan cream with caramel crust;
  • panna cotta with cherry sauce;
  • mint ice cream;
  • pineapples in syrup;
  • Creme brulee;
  • chocolate truffles.


  • air cookies (for example, "Lady's finger") - 6 pieces;
  • cream (fat content 33%) - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1/3 cup;
  • fresh raspberries - 1 cup;
  • powdered sugar and fresh mint for decoration.


  1. Start by rinsing the berries and letting them dry thoroughly. You can make such a dessert with strawberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries and other berries according to your desire and taste.
  2. Break the cookies by hand into very small pieces. Do not use a blender, because it will grind the cookies into crumbs, and it is precisely small pieces that are needed for dessert. Divide the resulting mass in half and place in two portioned bowls.
  3. Pour the cream into a deep bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer for at least 5 minutes to get a thick foam.
  4. Spread one layer of whipped cream on top of the cookies.
  5. Now put in the raspberries. It must be dry. If after washing it there is some water left, then the berries can release juice and then the whole appearance of the dessert will deteriorate. Leave a few berries for decoration.
  6. On top of the raspberries, again spread the whipped cream to the edges of the bowl.
  7. Garnish the finished dessert with berries and fresh mint leaves, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar.
  • The meat and fish that will be served as the main course must be pitted.
  • Arrange salads only on portioned plates, no common dishes. The same goes for hot and dessert.
  • Instead of salads, a romantic dinner can be started with light snacks, such as bruschetta with tomatoes, chicken liver pate or creamy cod liver mousse.
  • This evening, try to do without spicy cheeses, peas, beans, garlic and onions.
  • Do not cook a lot of dishes, as for. A table full of plates loses all romance.

We hope that our article turned out to be useful for you and the question of what to cook for a romantic dinner for two is no longer left. Let your evening with your loved one (perhaps the most important in your life) become unforgettable!

You definitely need to arrange a romantic dinner for two. If you have never arranged such surprises for your soul mate, then now is the time to think about it by preparing a romantic menu.

The most important thing in a romantic meal, oddly enough, is not the food, but the entourage. That is, you, of course, can spend half a day preparing a wonderful dish or a whole parade of goodies, but you can’t do without some kind of theatrical performance. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain. A romantic dinner can be made themed: arrange it, for example, in an oriental, Mexican or Indian style. To do this, decorate the room in the appropriate style, do not forget about candles and flowers, and prepare bright, but not heavy dishes. Oriental dishes are replete with spices and spices, which, as you know, are strong aphrodisiacs and will be quite out of place this evening. It is believed that the more attention is paid to external effects, whether it is an organza marquee over a table or candle trails throughout the house, the simpler dishes should be. And vice versa, a romantic surprise dinner in the garage among car tires must be served on the highest level: on fine china, and the dishes must be exquisite or exotic. Contrasts are always great.

However, it is quite enough to sprinkle the floors in the apartment with rose petals, put a lot of candles, dim the lights and turn on pleasant music. It is, as they say, a classic. If you decide to go down this path, then pay special attention to the dishes that you will cook. A romantic dinner is likely to continue in bed, which means that your dishes should be literally crammed with aphrodisiacs. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to seafood dishes.

"Culinary Eden" offers you several seafood dishes to choose from. From the proposed recipes, make a romantic menu for your date at the table and do not forget about light wine. First, a few salads.

300 g seafood cocktail,
2 tomatoes
1 avocado
100 g natural yogurt,
2 tbsp olive oil,
5 tbsp balsamic vinegar,
7 pitted olives
greens - to taste.

Boil a sea cocktail, cool and put in a bowl. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, carefully remove the skin and cut into cubes. Blanch the tomatoes for 1 minute in boiling water, then dip in ice water, remove the skin and also cut into cubes. Combine yogurt, balsamic vinegar and olive oil and season the resulting sauce with a mixture of seafood, avocados and tomatoes. Pour the resulting mixture into glasses, garnish with olives, tomato slices and herbs.

150 g salted salmon,
150 g crab meat,
150 g hard cheese,
4 eggs,
1 fresh cucumber
½ onion
sauce - natural yogurt, mustard, lemon juice (or mayonnaise, if you prefer).

Divide the boiled eggs into whites and yolks, grate the whites on a coarse grater. Cut the cucumber into strips, squeeze out excess moisture. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the salmon and crab meat into thin strips. Mix yogurt with mustard and lemon juice, salt to taste. Put the salad in layers in transparent glasses, putting a spoonful of sauce on each layer: squirrels, cucumber, salmon, onion, crab meat, cheese. Decorate the top with mashed yolks and herbs to taste.


1 can of krill meat
2 carcasses of squid,
100 g crab meat,
1 can of red caviar,
½ onion
8 large shrimp for garnish
yogurt sauce (from the previous recipe) or mayonnaise.

Boil the squid in boiling salted water, lowering the carcass for 2-3 minutes, then wait for the water to boil and lower the next carcass. Cool and cut into strips. Cut the onion into small cubes and soak in a weak solution of vinegar for 10-15 minutes. Cut the crab meat into strips, also cut the proteins into strips. Mash the krill meat with a fork. Combine all ingredients and season with yogurt sauce. Put in a salad bowl, put boiled shrimp on top and put a spoonful of caviar in the bend of each shrimp.

Hot dishes for a romantic dinner should be light and at the same time satisfying. Spicy fish dishes in an unusual breading or with an incredible sauce - just what you need!


400 g cod fillet,
2 eggs,
2-4 tablespoons coconut flakes,
2-4 tablespoons breadcrumbs without additives,
2 eggs.

Dry the prepared fillet, salt, pepper, dip in a beaten egg and roll in a mixture of breadcrumbs and coconut flakes. Fry in hot oil on both sides. Garnish with fresh vegetable salad.

600 g red freshly frozen fish,
3 tbsp frying oils.
1 protein
½ stack mineral water,
¾ stack. flour,
salt, pepper - to taste.
2 tbsp liquid honey
100 g butter,
½ stack chopped walnuts,
1 orange.

Combine mineral water, flour, salt and pepper, mix well and add beaten egg white. Rinse the red fish fillet, remove the bones, cut into pieces 2 cm thick and dry. Dip fish pieces in batter and fry in vegetable oil. Place on paper towel to remove excess grease. For the sauce, melt the butter, mix with honey, add orange juice and boil the whole mass to a caramel-like mass. Add minced walnuts. Pour the hot sauce over the fish and serve.

2 salmon steaks about 2 cm thick,
1 tbsp olive oil,
1 onion
1 tsp mustard powder,
½ tsp dry garlic,
60 g breadcrumbs with spices,
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the finely chopped onion and dried garlic. Add salt and pepper and place in a bowl. Add breadcrumbs, mustard powder and mayonnaise to the onion. Mix until you get a paste. Add more mayonnaise if necessary. Lay the salmon fillets on a greased baking sheet and brush each piece with the breading mixture, making sure the layer is at least 6 mm thick. Bake for 10 minutes. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

100 g cod fillet,
150 g strawberries
100 g leaf lettuce,
½ onion
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 tsp apple juice
mustard, red ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Wash the strawberries, peel and cut into slices. Sort the lettuce, wash, dry and tear into small pieces. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Pour the prepared fish with half the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Fry the fish pieces on both sides. Combine the remaining lemon juice with 1 tbsp. water, apple juice, mustard and olive oil, add salt and pepper, mix. Put the salad, strawberries and onions on a dish, pour over the sauce, put the fried fish on top.

250 large shrimp
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 fresh hot pepper without seeds
1 garlic clove
1 tsp chili powder,
1 tsp paprika,
¼ tsp cumin,
1 lime
4-5 tbsp mayonnaise,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Mix raw shrimp with oil and ground pepper and fry them in hot vegetable oil on both sides. Mix 1 tbsp. olive oil, garlic, chili, paprika, cumin, lime juice and mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Serve cooked shrimp with fresh vegetable salad, crispy bread and spicy sauce.

In addition to hot dishes and salads, cold appetizers can also be served at the table.


300 g fatty smoked salmon or salmon fillet,
60 g butter,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp lemon juice
4 tbsp fat cream,
a pinch of nutmeg,
freshly ground black pepper.

Grind the smoked fish fillets with a meat grinder or blender. Whip the butter and add it to the fish. Stir and add lemon juice, cream, nutmeg and pepper to the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly and place in a glass vase. Cool down in the refrigerator. Serve with hard bread or crackers.

Curd roll with seafood


200 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
100-150 g wholemeal flour,
3 tbsp rye bran,
spices and salt - to taste.
200 g shrimp and squid,
100 g corn
50-80 g brown rice,
2 eggs,
1 carrot
parsley and onion - to taste,
salt, spices.

Add eggs beaten with salt, flour, bran and spices to the cottage cheese, mix well and knead the uncooked dough. Boil rice until half cooked, add seafood, corn, greens and a raw egg, stir well, salt and pepper. Roll out the curd dough, lay out the filling and roll up. Brush the roll with the beaten egg and place in the hot oven for 40 minutes.

A romantic dinner is unthinkable without dessert. You can prepare delicate truffles or a low-calorie dessert. But after a fairly light seafood dinner, delicate chocolate fondants will come in handy. A cup of strong coffee and a piece of airy biscuit will complete your dinner for two.

250 g dark chocolate,
250 g butter,
40 g flour
50 g sugar
4 eggs,
4 yolks,
vanillin or cinnamon - to taste.

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath. Combine whole eggs and yolks. Pour the melted chocolate into the egg mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly (not vice versa!), mix and gradually add the flour. Add flavorings, mix and pour the resulting mixture into muffin molds. Put the molds in a hot oven for 7-8 minutes. Serve with ice cream and strong coffee.


2 kiwi,
100 g chocolate
300 ml heavy cream.
Cut the kiwi into pieces. Spread over two creamers. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Whip cream, combine with chocolate and pour over kiwi. Garnish with nuts or berries.

Dessert "Twilight of the Gods"
200 g strong coffee
100 g ice cream,
2-3 tsp cognac or liquor.

Divide the ice cream between two glasses, pour not too hot coffee and add cognac. You can also use liquor.

Haven't made a choice? Then be sure to look into our recipes with photos and you will definitely find a lot of delicious things there. Try to choose something else to compose your romantic menu. And it does not have to be dinner - an unusual breakfast or lunch can also become something unforgettable. Romance to you and new gastronomic discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina


Dug in tyrnet:

1. Shrimps and oysters

These seafood are not only delicious. They contain a lot of protein, which, as already mentioned, gives strength. There is also a lot of zinc in shrimp and oysters - it is involved in the synthesis of the male hormone - testosterone.

2. Red caviar and black caviar

Caviar is a very useful delicacy. It contains protein, a lot of useful amino acids, minerals, vitamins A, C and D, as well as zinc. All these substances contribute to the production of germ cells. In addition, caviar is well absorbed by the body and does not burden the stomach.

3. Avocado

The avocado has a reputation as a libido-boosting fruit, largely because of its name. The word "avocado" comes from the language of the ancient Aztecs and means "testicular tree" - its shape resembles the anatomy of the male genital organs. Avocado fruits contain vitamins A, D, E and PP, fatty acids and natural hormones. All these substances contribute to the increase of potency, especially in men.

5. Chocolate

Dark chocolate is the best stimulant for women. Thanks to the content of caffeine and theobromine, it awakens erotic feelings in women and promotes the production of female hormones. Also, the smell of chocolate causes the production of endorphins - the hormone of joy. In general, dark chocolate is very useful, it causes a surge of strength and vigor, and improves blood circulation, due to the substances contained in cocoa beans.

6. Onion and garlic

Surprisingly, but despite their unpleasant smell, these products have a very beneficial effect on libido. They contain vitamins. C, B, B, E, PP, essential oils, iron, iodine and copper. But most importantly - garlic and onions are rich in zinc. It is vitamins and zinc that contribute to the production of male germ cells. You can check this by armed with mints and mouth fresheners.

7. Spices

Prepare dinner by seasoning it with a pinch of cardamom, red pepper or curry. Spices contain a whole group of vitamins, for example, vitamin C and E, vitamins of group B (B2, B6). Spices invigorate and improve blood circulation, stimulating blood flow to the desired organs.

8. Strawberry

Appetizing in appearance, fragrant and wonderful in taste berry. The simple contemplation of strawberries already causes a feeling of joy. The berry is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Strawberries also contain the most pleasant substances for our body - endorphins. The so-called “hormones of joy” improve mood and sharpen feelings. And strawberries in combination with champagne, which is considered the elixir of love, is a “bomb” at all.