What to give grandmother for Easter. Unsuccessful options for gifts for Easter. What a gift to make for Easter with your own hands crochet

What do you give for Easter?

Everyone's favorite holiday is approaching - Easter! Many people are worried about the question, what kind of Easter gift to make to relatives and friends, as well as friends?
Undoubtedly, according to tradition, an egg should be present in a gift for Easter. As Easter is impossible without a red painted egg, so a gift without an egg, consider it not an Easter gift. There is a very long tradition on Easter to give Easter eggs to each other with the greeting: "Christ is risen!" Christ gave us life, and the egg is a symbol of life, therefore, exchanging greetings, Christians give an egg as a sign of eternal life. If people close to you cannot be with you on this bright spring holiday, then you can send an Easter greeting card.

On Easter - Bright Resurrection, everything blooms around, life is resurrected and revived.

Traditionally, Christians present at Easter gifts symbolizing fertility and renewal. Still, the main gift from Christians is painted or painted eggs.

Catholics and Protestants on Easter are happy to welcome their rabbit. This tradition originated in Germany, starting in the 15th century, where the magic rabbit was very popular: she delivered painted eggs to obedient and good children. Then the German tradition, along with immigrants, came to America and, soon, many countries became friends with the magic rabbit.

In recent years, our children have also liked hares and rabbits. Therefore, often, as a gift for Easter, children come to their favorite toys - bunnies and rabbits, both soft and chocolate. You can give children a set of chocolate eggs (kinder surprise) for Easter, children are very fond of surprises, and each chocolate egg contains a small gift.

Also, little children love inflatable rubber toys - please your child with a large fold-eared rabbit, he will certainly bring a lot of joy to the baby on this solemn day.

For a beloved man, an egg-shaped malachite watch is quite an excellent Easter gift. The selection of gifts for Easter is very wide and varied. It is worth paying attention to the set of pens if the caps on the handles are in the form of cute faces of everyone's favorite rabbit. For men who smoke, choose a set: an ashtray and a lighter for Easter. But you never know what gift you can give for Easter? The main thing is to choose such a gift with love and attention.

You can give your beloved grandmother or grandfather slippers on which the muzzles of a hare or a rabbit. A good gift for the elderly will be a warm blanket, with which they will "save themselves", wrapping themselves in cold winter evenings, sitting in front of the TV.

Women and girls will love the Easter gift in the form of bunny legs - a symbol of happiness and constant luck, it can be a gold jewelry in the form of legs on a chain. You can also choose a watch as a gift, the case of which will be in the shape of an egg. By Easter, the choice of goods of this kind in stores is much wider. You should get a little fancy to make a wonderful Easter gift. Since eggs still remain an invariable attribute of an Easter gift, prepare a "Easter egg" - a painted egg decorated with beads. Children often give such gifts to their parents. Parents sometimes have no time to do this painstaking work, but you can always buy a finished product. Before Easter, there is a large selection of inexpensive souvenirs: from painted egg boxes to salt and pepper shakers in the form of a hare or an egg, a large selection of small wicker baskets, in which you can beautifully fold your gift and decorate with a bow or a flower. Do not be afraid to show your imagination in the design of a holiday gift, let your gift please relatives and friends or acquaintances. After all, giving gifts to loved ones is always more pleasant than receiving them. Happy Holidays!

Easter is one of the biggest church holidays and is eagerly awaited by both adults and young children. Recently, people like to give each other gifts for various holidays and celebrations, so for Easter, many also want to pick up a good present for relatives and friends. Giving colored eggs or Easter cakes is not in vogue today, so you should think about a more modern gift that can cheer you up, remind you about the theme of the holiday.

Can I give icons for Easter?

Many superstitious people believe that icons cannot act as a gift, since they must be acquired by each person independently or passed on from older family members. However, silver icons can be an excellent gift, because they bear in themselves a reminder of the great holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Before buying an icon, you must first find out about the religion of the person for whom the present is being selected. If it turns out that he professes a different faith, a very awkward situation may arise at the time of the presentation of the icon.

Unsuccessful Easter gift options

Easter is a big holiday, so it is better to refuse comic gifts that do not carry a certain semantic load. If such a gift is given to a religious person, it can provoke resentment or even offend. It is also undesirable to give cutting, sharp objects and body care products for Easter. An Easter gift must necessarily evoke a feeling of joy in a person, remind of a great event that took place many centuries ago, when Jesus Christ conquered death.

Gift for a child

For a child, any holiday is associated with fun, an abundance of gifts and various goodies. You can choose a standard gift by presenting a chocolate or soft toy, or you can choose something original.

A small child can be presented with sweets or a toy in the shape of a cute Easter bunny. An excellent gift option can be a chocolate egg, for example, a favorite children's treat with a “kinder surprise” toy inside. Since almost all children of preschool and school age love to engage in different types of needlework, you can donate some kind of set that meets the interests of the child. Girls can be congratulated on Easter with a kit for embroidery or weaving with beads, with which they can create an unusual and very original Easter egg or other themed drawing. Boys can be presented with a set that allows them to color brightly plastic eggs. There are similar kits for working with plasticine testicles. The child will be able to decorate the plasticine egg with various ribbons, buttons, beads, beads and other decorative elements.

It is always difficult to choose a gift for a teenager, because it is almost impossible to please a child at this time. In this case, it is better to present money, allowing the teenager to choose a present on his own. You can also give a gift certificate. Easter-themed jewelry, clothing, and souvenirs are good options.

Gift for mom

If a small child wants to give a gift to his mother, you can draw a beautiful drawing on the theme of the holiday. Mom will definitely be delighted with a homemade postcard decorated with beautiful sequins, appliques, beads, ribbons and other decor. To make the postcard more accurate and beautiful, you can ask for help from adults who can suggest many interesting ideas.

Adult children can congratulate their mother with a beautiful adornment, for example, a chain made of silver or gold with a beautiful church pendant depicting a saint or the Mother of God. If mom loves practical gifts more, you can please her with a spacious Easter basket, in which you can bless food for Easter. As an attachment, you can add a towel decorated with different symbols of Easter: painted eggs, Easter cakes, candles or angels to the gift.

Gift for grandma

Grandmother may also be delighted with an Easter basket and an embroidered towel, but it is better to take into account the interest of a loved one, to make a more personal gift. If the grandmother loves to knit, you can present a new knitting kit as a gift, and if she has a lot of embroidered things at home, it is better to give an embroidery kit. Grandmother will certainly appreciate the attention and care shown. Since almost all elderly people honor church holidays and traditions, you can give your grandmother a talisman or a painting depicting some biblical story.

Easter is a wonderful spring holiday. Since ancient times, people have celebrated the resurrection of Christ and congratulate each other on this day. The choice of a gift depends on your preferences, it can be religious or secular, but there is one gift that is considered a must-have attribute of Easter. It is a custom to exchange red or painted eggs, accompanied by the words "Christ is Risen!" Show your imagination and present hand-painted eggs with the names of loved ones and relatives. Nice to receive such a beautiful personalized gift. And the technology of painting is not a secret behind seven seals. You will find the necessary information in the literature or on the Internet.

Easter embroidery

Prepare for Easter in advance. Embroider the towel with an Easter theme. You can put it in a basket with Easter cake, salt, eggs, which you will consecrate in the church. Such a cute gift will add aesthetics to the ceremony, your basket will attract the attention of others and someone will certainly follow your example. Tested in practice!

Likewise, you can embroider sofa cushions, tablecloths, napkins. The topic does not have to be religious. Flowers, herbs, animals, ornamental drawings - these are quite appropriate themes for the holiday.

Church-related gift

If someone is fond of church music, then donate discs with recordings of chants performed by the church choir, with recordings of divine services or Easter services. Get an icon that will protect the house from adversity, an icon of a saint who protects a friend, girlfriend, etc. Various literature, postcards, brochures on the theme of Easter ... You can make an interesting selection and present for the holiday.

Many come to visit with Easter cake. Imagine in the kitchen, bake an unusual Easter cake: decorate it with doves or dough flowers, bake it according to an old recipe, according to your grandmother's recipe, and be sure to tell about it. The feast will turn out to be cheerful, sincere.

Nice Easter gifts

For Easter, give children toys and books, treats, cartoons and fairy tales. For adults, present to a gift for easter a disc with a film, a series, about which there was a lot of talk before, and over tea or a glass of Cahors, arrange a collective viewing.

Present the Easter egg charms to women. Pick up beautiful dishes with a festive theme, egg coasters, porcelain figurines. Men can buy ashtrays, expensive lighters.

Scarves and gloves, shawls, stoles will be a good and warm gift. A set of bed linen, towels, blankets will fill the house with coziness. After all, Easter is always celebrated at home, with family, with friends. It means that such "home" gifts are very useful.

Present a large bouquet of dried flowers. It will delight you with its beauty for a long time and will fill your home with aroma.

Easter gifts can be different. Give them with soul, with sincere feeling, on this bright holiday love and happiness are the most important things.

Traditional Easter gifts are, of course, painted or red eggs. As the legend says during the reign of the Roman emperor, ordinary people who came to the court of the emperor with any request had to present him with some kind of gift.

Mary Magdalene informed the emperor about the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And since apart from the white egg she had nothing as a gift, she handed the egg to the emperor with the words "Christ is risen"! Tiberius, who was present at this, said that he did not believe a single word and would only believe if this egg turns red. And then a miracle happened, right in the hands of the emperor, the egg acquired a bright red color. In shock, Tiberius exclaimed "Truly is risen!" This is where this traditional Easter greeting came from.

Alternatively, you can donate small symbolic sets of handmade soap for Easter, Easter bath bombs in the form of carved eggs, Easter soap bunnies and much more. Children can be presented with a painted testicle in the form of a testicle or a simple kinder surprise. In addition to the traditional "krashenok", you can give kids plush or chocolate bunnies. For Catholics, these are symbols of fertility.

If people close to you cannot be with you on this bright spring holiday, then you must definitely send a greeting Easter card.

Prepare a beautiful Easter basket, which will contain everything that traditionally happens on the festive table: from Easter cake and dyes to a bottle of wine and pies with various fillings. You have the opportunity to choose on your own what you put in the basket, and there is an opportunity to buy a ready-made basket in the supermarket.

A wonderful gift for mom can be a trip or an excursion to sacred places, a trip to a monastery, to a church, where Easter services will be held at this time. A watch-pendant on a thin chain in the form of a golden egg with stones is also suitable.

Wives and girls will be happy with small but pleasant souvenirs: from painted egg boxes to salt and pepper shakers in the form of a hare or an egg. Also, you can give your soul mate a small wicker basket decorated with a bow or a flower.

Gifts for Easter in other countries


The holiday character is an Easter bunny that brings eggs. Usually parents hide them in the garden, and in the morning the children go to look. Children are given sweets, toys and, of course, a chocolate bunny. Gifts are presented in baskets.


The main character is a chicken. It is he who is given to friends. These can be candle chickens, plush chickens, chocolate chickens, postcards with chickens, etc.


In addition to the chocolate bunny, Easter chicken and lamb made from white chocolate, sugar or caramel are popular. Traditionally, on Easter in Denmark, a rich meat table is served and a special kind of beer is brewed.


All large and small chocolate factories prepare a wide range of chocolate eggs of all kinds, sizes and with different fillings for Easter.


The main Easter gift is a small card that contains an old wisdom or a quote from the Bible. For each person, you need to choose a phrase that will give him hope, instill confidence or make him think.


Here is a real celebration of chocolate. On Easter, men and children are given a lot of chocolate, as well as toy hares and chickens. Women are presented with tulips and hyacinths.


In this country, eggs are decorated with shell crumbs. They come with a coconut cake, which looks like our cake. Children are given what they dream of. And usually relatives hide gifts under the bed. The holiday in the house begins with the search for gifts.


During the celebration of Easter, bells are ringing everywhere - a symbol of joy. In villages, nests are made for children in trees and filled with chocolate eggs. It is popular to give away chocolate coins so that you can live comfortably until next Easter.

Bright Resurrection of Christ - the main Christian holiday, which is gradually beginning to be celebrated again on a large scale. What to give your family and friends on this day, and what gifts should you refrain from? Here are 13 of the best Easter gift ideas, as well as recommendations on what not to give for Easter.

What not to give for Easter?

Let's start with the fact that Easter is not a secular holiday, but a church holiday, it carries a special meaning and not every gift will be appropriate on this day.

For example, it is not customary to give alcohol on Easter. Frankly comic presentations are also not welcome, because they demonstrate too frivolous attitude to the history of the holiday. If you want to present an inexpensive and simple gift, it is better to limit yourself to traditional or neutral options, for example, select .

Another category of gifts that, from the point of view of the church, contradicts the spirit of this holiday - any piercing and cutting objects. Collectible edged weapons, table knives, forks and even scissors are better prepared for another date. It is undesirable to give intimate things, for example, underwear, as well as personal hygiene products.

What can you give for Easter?

The main purpose of the Easter gift - to maintain the atmosphere of a bright holiday, once again to remind about the great miracle of the Resurrection. Perhaps it will not be superfluous to remember the pagan roots of Easter, when people greeted spring, glorified the fertility of the earth and the eternal rebirth of life. Therefore, a gift can be either connected with a purely religious theme, or simply evoke joyful associations with spring, the renewal of nature and family well-being. And most importantly, it should be presented from the heart, it is better to leave formal signs of attention for another time.

Traditionally, on this day, people visited neighbors, relatives and friends and always brought with them several colored eggs and Easter cakes. But recently it has become fashionable to give special gifts for Easter. What should you choose?

1. Souvenir eggs

Let's start with a gift that has traditionally been presented at Easter for many centuries. We are talking about the main attribute of this holiday - the egg, which symbolizes the birth and the beginning of a new life. The custom of giving souvenir eggs has a rather long history: for example, Russian emperors presented them to their loyal subjects.

Products made in the form of the main Easter symbol can have different purposes. It can be a paperweight made of semi-precious stones and metals, eggs made of porcelain, or just beautiful ceramic products. Another popular gift option is a small jewelry box or an egg-shaped clock.

2. Souvenirs in the form of chickens, females and rabbits

Chickens, hens and rabbits are the most popular Easter décor. By the way, do not forget that rabbits are a Catholic symbol of fertility and wealth, which appeared in Russia relatively recently. The Easter Bunny is a character from Germany. On Easter morning, Catholics and Protestants arranged a surprise for their children: they hid painted eggs in the house and told the kids that this gift was brought by the "magic rabbit" as a reward for good deeds.

There are many options for such gifts - they can be felt, ceramic or soft figurines, candlesticks, pots, salt and pepper shakers, and so on. You can also pick up a ready-made decorative composition, for example, a cozy nest with chickens or a basket with a cheerful family of rabbits. Such cute souvenirs will appeal to both adults and children, and they will also perfectly decorate a festive table.

3. Easter composition

Recently, gift Easter compositions of amazing beauty have been popular. Easter floristry involves the creation of baskets and wreaths with natural or artificial flowers, decorative eggs, sweets. Such compositions are literally imbued with joy, warmth and the feeling of spring, because they contain flowers, tender green grass, and charming animal figures.

4. Handmade gifts

For many Russians, Easter is not only a religious, but also a family holiday, which they prefer to celebrate with their loved ones. Therefore, it is believed that the best gifts on this day are things made with your own hands, which is called "with a soul." It can be absolutely any souvenirs and cozy accessories for the home: figurines made of felt, scrapbooking postcards, knitted napkins, beaded eggs. And if it is not possible to make gifts on your own, take a look at the online store of handmade products and choose the most beautiful and bright spring-style souvenirs.

5. Sweets

Do not forget that Easter is the end of the seven-week Great Fast, which many Russians have also observed recently. In past centuries, a rich festive table was laid on this Sunday. So why not pamper your dear people with delicious treats, especially if they have children? A gift can be not only traditional Easter cakes, but also cottage cheese Easter with nuts and candied fruits, marzipan figurines, chocolate eggs, painted cookies and other unusual sweets.

6. Dishes for eggs - cocotte makers and beautiful


Let's move on to more practical gifts. A gift in the form of beautiful and high-quality dishes is almost always a good option. In this case, you can choose cocotte makers or egg holders, as well as large dishes, tea sets and any other dishes with Easter symbols.

7. Textiles

If you are invited to your friends for a festive dinner, it will not be superfluous to give something for home comfort. This could be a set of tapestry table napkins, a set of towels, or even a pretty tablecloth. Today on sale you can find sets of kitchen textiles with Easter symbols - such a gift will surely decorate the table every year on the day of Christ's Resurrection.

8. Gastronomic basket

Such a gift will be appropriate at a family dinner with relatives. Pick up a beautiful wicker basket and fill it with any delicacies of your choice: there can be not only sweets, but also meat products, freshly baked bread, honey, fruits. Decorate the composition with bright ribbons and painted eggs - and it will become a worthy addition to the festive table. The hostess of the house will surely use such a basket for every Easter as a container for colored eggs.

On Easter, it is customary to decorate the table in a special way. The compositions usually include icons, Easter cakes, eggs and candles. Therefore, beautiful candles will be more than appropriate, especially since you can use them at any time. Although it is always more interesting to get thematic options - various wax figurines, for example, candles in the shape of an egg or products with skillful painting.

10. Easter icons

This is a gift from the category of special, and it can be presented only to a close and only sincerely believing person. Perhaps it will be appreciated by people of the older generation, who still have kept a “red corner” with icons in their house. Easter icons are extraordinarily beautiful - they are distinguished by a richer and more colorful design, which cannot be found in ordinary images.

11. Pectoral cross or ring with a Christian


And also incense, rosary, bracelets with icons and the like. Of course, such gifts should also be presented only to the closest people who will appreciate such a gesture. A cross or a ring with the words "Save and Preserve" can be gifted to those you care about - children, godchildren, younger brother or sister.

12. Sets for needlework and creativity

For children and women who are fond of creativity, such a cute and pleasant gift is perfect. It is just great if it is associated with any traditional type of needlework: weaving from beads, knitting or embroidery. Still, Easter is a great occasion to think not only about faith, but also about primordial Russian traditions.

13. Accessories in the form of a rabbit foot

This gift is more distantly related to the theme of the holiday, although it is also associated with the warmest wishes. The rabbit's foot is one of the famous symbols of happiness and good luck. When in doubt whether it is worth giving jewelry with religious symbols, choose this cute and non-binding talisman. For example, in the form of a keychain or a pendant on a chain.

Should you make expensive Easter gifts?

It is important to understand that an Easter gift should not primarily demonstrate material wealth. For emphatically expensive presents, there are enough other reasons - this is a birthday, anniversary, wedding anniversary and other dates.

A gift for Easter should speak of a special attitude towards this holiday, an understanding of its meaning. Ideally, if it is somehow connected with spiritual and cultural values. This applies not only to icons and religious books in a good edition, but also to collections of classic Russian literature, art and antiquity. Anything that is directly related to the holiday itself, the Christian faith, or carries a piece of spiritual heritage, will be appropriate for Easter. The cost of the gift is not important, the main thing is that it reflects the good taste and sense of proportion of the donor.