How to dye your hair at home without. How to dye your hair without dye in bright colors. Herbal decoctions for clarification

The desire to change oneself regularly visits every woman. But if you change the parameters of the figure, you will not be able to get a tan quickly, then you can change the color of your hair in a few hours. And so that experiments do not harm the health of the scalp and hair structure, they use available dyeing methods without the use of chemical compositions.

How to dye your hair with henna

Henna is a natural natural coloring agent used for changing hair color, applying tattoos. When using henna, you can get both red shades and chestnut, light brown.

The end result depends on the ingredients with which henna will be mixed, for example, basma, turmeric, dry wine, cinnamon, tea. The structure and thickness of the hair, as well as its natural color, also affect the color result. Light and gray hair with prolonged exposure to henna can become bright red, dark hair will acquire a cognac tint. The dye will have a beneficial effect on the scalp, relieve dandruff, and the hair will become stronger.

For painting, prepare the necessary container, a brush, hot water for dilution, gloves, henna bags. Dilute the dry powder with hot water until the consistency of thick sour cream. The mixture is stirred and kept in a water bath for 5-10 minutes. For long, thick hair, you will need several sachets of dye.

The hot mixture is applied to the hair, starting from the roots. The hair is divided into partings every 1.5-2 cm, the mixture is distributed with a brush or a brush. If the bulk is already painted with henna, then the mixture is applied only to the roots. On thinner hairs near the forehead and behind the ears, henna is distributed more densely. It is possible to store the remnants of diluted henna in the refrigerator, but it is warmed up before use.

The holding time of the paint depends on the desired result. To heal the curls, 7-10 minutes are enough, to get a light shade, they stand for 15 minutes. It takes 45 minutes for a rich dyeing of light strands, 60 minutes for dark curls, and 90 minutes for black hair.

Wash off the coloring mixture with warm water without using soap or shampoo. To achieve smoothness, a balm is applied to the colored strands. The natural dye allows you to experiment with colors repeatedly without harm to your health.

How to dye your hair with basma

Basma is made from tropical tree leaf powder. It has a stimulating effect on hair follicles, gives shine to strands, relieves dandruff. In its pure form, the dye is not used, it gives a green-blue tint, it is used in combination with henna.

Depending on the desired color, proportions are chosen:

  • light brown - 1: 1 henna and basma, withstand less than 30 minutes;
  • chestnut - 1: 1 henna and basma, hold for 1 hour;
  • bronze - 1: 2 basma and henna;
  • black - 2: 1 basma and henna.

It is forbidden to use a dye after a perm. Basma is possible, but it is recommended to increase the paint holding interval. When using a coloring paste, the skin of the hands is protected with gloves, a cream is applied along the border of the hair on the forehead.

Basma powder must be poured with hot water and the gruel must be stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained, the density of which corresponds to low-fat sour cream. During application, the mass may thicken, it is recommended to dilute it with water. The composition is applied to clean, damp hair, to enhance the effect, the shock with basma is wrapped in cellophane and a towel.

The holding time of the dye mixture depends on the thickness of the hair. Basma is washed off the hair with running water, if the color is too dark, use shampoo or acidified water.

After dyeing, the interval is maintained until the next washing of the hair - 2-3 days. The dye stays on the hair for a long time, but at first the water may darken when bathing. To maintain the resulting color, you need to regularly tint the hair roots.

How to dye your hair with onion peel

Onion peel reduces the amount of damaged hair and has a healing effect.

To obtain a decoction, mix 2 cups of water and half a glass of onion husks. The mixture must be boiled for 20 minutes, then mixed with 2 small tablespoons of glycerin. The composition is applied to the strands and kept for at least 30 minutes to obtain a light shade; to obtain a bright color, the dye is left for longer. The process is repeated after 2 days until the desired result is obtained.

The thicker the hair and the darker its color, the less water you need to add to the broth. Chestnut is obtained by using a decoction in proportions of 1 cup of water to 2 cups of onion husks; for red-red color, equal proportions of the components are taken.

To enhance the effect, the head is wrapped in plastic and a towel. Wash off the dye without soap.

How to dye your hair with coffee

Ground natural coffee is used to add shine and rich color to hair. Unlike other methods, coloring with a coffee mixture occurs on dry unwashed curls. The coloring mixture is washed off with shampoo; to eliminate the odor, you can rinse the strands with water and essential oil.

To prepare a coffee mixture, choose natural finely ground coffee and pour it with boiling water in a proportion of 4 tablespoons of powder per 100 g of boiling water. The mixture is applied and kept for 30-40 minutes. If you mix coffee grounds with colorless henna gruel, the staining result will be more intense.

It is also possible to prepare a nutritious dye mixture from 6 tbsp. tablespoons of ground grains, filled with a glass of boiling water with the addition of henna and basma, 40 g each, honey and olive oil, 20 g each. The hot mixture is applied to the head and kept for 30-40 minutes.

How to dye your hair with tea

You can dye your hair brown, copper shades with tea leaves. Also, the infusion is used in combination with henna. The caffeine and tannins in the tea infusion stimulate hair growth.

To get a beautiful brown tint with tea infusion, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dry leaves are poured with 2 cups of boiling water. The mixture is kept in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. The cooled and strained infusion is applied to wet strands. Then the hair is wrapped with plastic wrap and a warm towel. The staining time is chosen based on the desired intensity of the staining.

To obtain a brownish-red hue, a decoction of onion peels is added to the tea infusion. The proportions are chosen independently in accordance with the natural hair color and the desired result.

It is difficult to get permanent dyeing and radically change hair color using natural dyes. However, they will allow without harm to hair health in search of a better look. .

You have been delighted with bright hair colors for a long time - red, blue strands seem so fashionable and extraordinary. Indeed, now this trend is at the peak of its popularity. And also youth and summer are the best time for tricks with appearance.;)

True, the harsh reality invades your plans: it is unlikely that your parents, teachers, and the hair itself will be delighted with such a color. What to do? Dye your hair bright colors for a while. Look for all the simple ways below.

Temporary hair dyeing with pastels (crayons)

You don't even need special materials for this method. Dry art pastels (oil will not work!) Can be found in all stationery stores.
Get ready to protect the floor and all surfaces with newspapers, put on an old T-shirt. If you are blonde, you have more choice of colors. For brunettes, blue and purple tones are more suitable - if the painting does not work out, these crayons can at least give a shade. Another detail for different hair colors: blondes should not wet their hair before dyeing (the color will last for a long time and will wash off, giving a nasty dirty shade). The chalk can be slightly wet.
Are you ready? You roll up your hair with flagella and ... gently rub each strand. This method is best for creating colored ends.
Before washing your hair, try to brush the crayons out of your hair as thoroughly as possible. And then wash it with regular shampoo.

Colored hair with mascara

The undoubted advantage of mascara is that it harms the hair less. And the surrounding space is at risk of suffering much less. Apply colored mascara to your hair after styling or styling. To avoid getting your hands dirty, use a paintbrush or gloves.
Keep in mind that after using mascara, it is better not to comb your hair, and it will not withstand the rain.
Washed off with regular shampooing.

Colored hairspray

Nail polish seems to be the perfect way - you spray it on your hair and it's done. Just keep in mind that the color will fall at the same time on objects that are nearby, so take care to close them.
This method works well for brunettes - the varnish gives color even to dark hair.

Hair Extensions

If you want a long-lasting effect, use overhead strands. They look very bright and do not harm your hair in the least. You can ask to attach a strand in the salon - this is done according to the principle of hair extension, the strand is attached with a keratin capsule. It lasts a month or two. Or use the strands yourself - then choose the ones that are attached to your hair with a small hairpin.

Do not forget that from such influences the hair becomes dry - make masks after using hair dye products.

To give a luxurious shade to curls will help not only persistent paints, often destroying the cuticle, but also compositions of natural ingredients. It's easy to lighten or dye your hair without harming your hair.

Folk recipes are available to everyone. Inexpensive, affordable products and products will refresh the color of curls, give a delicate shine and shine, and keep your hair healthy. What ingredients do you need? How to get a new tone of dark and light strands? Let's figure it out.

Before changing the shade, remember five rules:

  • keep in mind that with the help of natural ingredients from a brunette you will not turn into a blonde, color change - a maximum of 2 tones. Chestnut strands will change by no more than half a tone - a tone;
  • often several procedures are required to achieve the effect. Mild action - long processing period;
  • dyeing mixtures with cocoa, coffee, onion husks, walnuts are not suitable for blondes. After processing, the strands will get a strange shade, experiments with a coffee drink or a decoction of onion peels will surely disappoint you;
  • check the effect of the composition for light strands on a small area. Did you like the color? Apply the product to all areas of the hair;
  • a homemade insulating hood will help to enhance the penetration of active components. The design consists of a shower cap (plastic bag) and a terry towel. In some recipes, there is not a word about the insulating hood: sometimes this design is not needed.

Folk remedies for dyeing dark hair

Decoctions, infusions, coloring mixtures from natural ingredients will help to give the strands a spectacular chestnut color or a noble shade of mahogany. The curls will become brighter, pleasant overflows of color will appear.

Most of the formulations color and, at the same time, care for the hair. Blends of natural ingredients are suitable for normal, dry and oily curls.

Chestnut shade:

  • peel of green walnuts. Unripe fruits are a suitable tool for toning hair of any quality. The mixture reduces the fat content of the strands. Place 2 tablespoons in a blender bowl. l. alum, the same amount of chopped peel, pour in 150 ml of castor or olive oil, beat. Transfer the mass to a saucepan, pour in 100 ml of boiling water, boil, cool. Keep on hair for an hour, remove with water and sulfate-free cleanser;
  • coffee plus henna. Prepare a strong drink: for a glass of boiling water - 4 tbsp. l. fragrant grains, boil for 5 minutes, cool slightly. Pour in a bag of Indian henna, mix the ingredients. Process the hair with gruel, warm it in the standard way. The longer you keep the dye composition, the richer the shade. The procedure time is from 10 to 40 minutes. Remove without shampoo with non-hot water;
  • decoction of oak bark. An excellent remedy for oily hair. For a liter of water, take 3 tbsp. l. oak bark, boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour, cool, filter. Twist a tourniquet from an old towel, tie it just above the eyebrows like a wreath, moisten the strands, warm. After 50 minutes, blot the strands, do not rinse, dry naturally.

Mahogany color:

  • henna plus cocoa. Connect 2 tbsp. l. Indian or Iranian henna (not to be confused with colorless henna to strengthen hair), 4 dess. l. cocoa, pour in boiling water, mix. After 15 minutes, treat the curls with a mass of medium density, put on a hat, cover your head with a towel. Rinse your hair after a third of an hour. To remove the mixture, use warm water and sulfate-free shampoo;
  • onion peel. Prepare a strong brew: choose a dark husk. Pour a liter of hot water into a saucepan, put onion “clothes” (as much as will fit), boil. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, cool, remove the husk. Put on a "wreath" from an old towel so that the liquid does not flow into your eyes, moisten the strands abundantly, and warm them. Rinse your curls with a mild shampoo after 30-40 minutes.

How to achieve a golden hue for dark curls

Dry chamomile flowers will help. Do you want fast results? Use a tincture (suitable for oily hair). Ready to wait a week or two? Use a decoction.

Chamomile plus water is a combination for gentle hair treatment. The natural coloring composition is suitable even for dry strands. After several procedures, skin irritation will disappear, the curls will become soft, obedient.

Proven recipes:

  • decoction of chamomile. Proportions - liter of water: 4 tbsp. l. dry flowers. Boil for 5 minutes, set aside, filter after half an hour. Treat curls for a week in a row, do not rinse. If necessary, perform a few more procedures - there will be no harm, chamomile broth is useful for any type of hair;
  • tincture of chamomile flowers. Put dry raw materials in a jar - 1 glass, pour in good vodka - 3 glasses, close, put in a cool place without access to sunlight. The tincture is ready in 14 days. Add 80 ml of hydrogen peroxide before processing. Moisten the strands, wait half an hour, rinse with a quality shampoo, rinse with a decoction of nettle.

Recipes for changing the color of light brown strands

Feel free to experiment with natural dyes, take into account the condition of the lock. Fine, soft hairs are colored faster. Tough, dense hair shafts will require several gentle coloring sessions.

Rhubarb plus white wine

It is not difficult to prepare the coloring composition:

  • grind 30 g of petioles to the state of gruel, pour in 500 ml of white wine;
  • boil the mixture over low heat for half an hour, cool, remove the petioles;
  • process the strands, wrap your head;
  • after forty minutes, rinse the hair;
  • if the effect is insufficient, repeat the procedure.

Hazelnut peel for a bronze shade

Recipe for light strands. Chop 100 g of the peel of green nuts, pour in a liter of warm water, boil, simmer over low heat until the mixture is reduced by 30%.

Moisten the curls with the cooled liquid, wait half an hour, rinse the hair. Depending on the quality of the hairs, the shade will be darker or lighter. Repeat the processing if desired.

Saturated tones of red hair

Interesting recipes:

  • onion peel. Prepare a weak decoction from a handful of husks and a liter of water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, cool, drain the liquid. Moisten the curls, wait an hour, rinse the locks;
  • henna plus chamomile. A beautiful shade of red curls is given by replacing water with chamomile broth during the preparation of the coloring mixture. Pour a bag of henna with a strong decoction (a glass of liquid - 2 tablespoons of flowers). Keep the thick mixture on the strands for 40-50 minutes, rinse your hair without shampoo.

Nice shades for gray hair

Don't have the time or desire to dye your gray hairs with permanent dyes? Experience the effects of folk recipes. The finer the hairs, the more noticeable the result.

Take a note:

  • recipe number 1. Prepare a strong black tea. Rinse the strands with strained tea leaves, do not skip a single shampoo. After a couple of weeks, a delicate straw-yellow hue will appear;
  • recipe number 2. Prepare a chamomile decoction - a liter of boiling water plus a glass of flowers. Strain the present mixture after an hour, add glycerin - 3 tbsp. l. Lubricate the strands, warm them, wash your hair after an hour with a mild shampoo. The number of procedures - depending on the result;
  • recipe number 3. Prepare a strong decoction of onion husks, pour ½ cup, add 1 tbsp. l. glycerin. After processing the strands, warm your head. A home staining session lasts 40 minutes.

Methods for giving strands a dark shade

Deep color chestnut strands will be given by compositions from the available ingredients. Try both. Surely one of the methods will suit you.

Henna plus basma

Step-by-step instruction:

  • mix the ingredients in equal amounts, pour in hot water. If desired, replace half the norm of the liquid with flaxseed decoction (for dry strands), red wine (for normal and oily hair);
  • treat the forehead next to the hair growth zone with petroleum jelly, any greasy cream: the film will protect the skin from unwanted staining;
  • liberally lubricate the curls, put on cellophane and a towel. To get a dark color, keep the mixture for an hour and a half;
  • rinse the strands without shampoo, do not rinse with anything.

Advice! To dye it black, combine 2 parts of basma plus 1 part of henna. Duration of processing is 1.5 hours.

Staining with black tea

A beautiful brown tone is easy to achieve with regular application of a strong brew. For a liter of water - 4 tbsp. l. loose leaf tea. Boil the liquid for a third of an hour, let it brew.

Treat your hair, wrap it in a plastic bag, then a terry towel. Wait 25 minutes, rinse the curls without shampoo.

Lightening blond and brown hair with lemon

The available technique changes the color of light brown strands by 0.5-1 tone. Combine freshly prepared lemon juice with vodka, proportions - 1: 1. Treat clean, slightly damp strands with a lightening mixture, wait half an hour (do not cover your head). The change in tone depends on the structure of the hairs, the original color of the curls.

Important!The method is contraindicated for owners of dry, weakened hair.

Herbal decoctions for clarification

With increased dryness of the hair, lemon juice with vodka is not suitable for discoloration. Use gentle lime blossom and chamomile formulations. The result will appear in a month, not earlier, there will be no damage to the cuticle.

Take note of folk recipes:

  • linden blossom. Prepare a strong broth (3 tbsp. L. Inflorescences, a glass of hot water). Boil the liquid by a third, cool, remove the flowers. Treat curls after washing. Do not rinse, dry without using a hair dryer;
  • chamomile broth. Proportions - 2 glasses of warm water: one and a half glasses of flowers. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5-10 minutes, set aside from the stove. After 40 minutes, add ½ cup of linden blossom broth, 1 tsp to the present composition. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Moisten the strands abundantly, comb to the ends, wrap them up, wash the curls after an hour.
Darina Kataeva

Do you like experimenting with your appearance? Do you like to constantly change images and surprise others? Unfortunately, not all women satisfy such a need for beauty and change. Ordinary hair dyes spoil the curls, make them dry and split over time. What to do in such a situation? Temporary hair dye is a modern, safe method that many women choose! But how to use such paint? What are its advantages and disadvantages? And what types of temporary paints are there?

Temporary paint: what is it?

If you care about the condition of your hair and want to be attractive, then temporary dye is what you need. This remedy differs from the usual one in the first place in its action. Like all paints, this one is washed off with water, however, when applied, it does not penetrate deep into the curl, but has enveloping properties. A film with a characteristic shade remains on the hair.

Did you know that the most popular temporary paint is pink?

Some temporary coloring agents are saturated with useful substances and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, restore it and restore its former shine and beauty. After the product is washed off the hair, the curls remain as attractive as they were before!

Temporary paint also has some peculiarities. She is not able to lighten the curls of brunettes, but blondes can experiment with this tool in different colors! The temporary paint is washed off, like custom, with water, but this happens quite quickly. So, if you do not like the chosen shade, you can quickly get rid of it without harming your hair!

Temporary paint: advantages and disadvantages

This tool has recently been in great demand. The girls appreciated the temporary paint for its main advantage - it is harmless. Ordinary dye penetrates how deeply into the hair structure, which has a negative effect on them, damages the structure and even changes the natural color of the curls.

At the same time, temporary or tint paint can even have a healing effect due to its unique composition. The use of such a hair dye product contributes to additional care and restoration of damaged curls.

Temporary paint has the advantage of being discreetly washed off. As a result, the color gradually approaches natural, so that you will not see radical changes. In addition, you will not face the problem of regrown roots.

Temporary paint is available in different shades, so you can choose a custom color: blue, pink, green. The use of this tool does not require a lot of professionalism and experience. Temporary paint comes in the form of shampoo, so you can use it as usual, only as a result of washing, a beautiful shade will appear on the curls.

One of the indispensable advantages of temporary paints is the cost! They have an affordable price, unlike classic professional paints! Some remedies can even be made at home.

The disadvantages of temporary paint are much less. The main ones include:

- Not suitable for all hair. Blondes can safely use this tool, but brunettes need intense paint. When using the tonic, the shade of their curls will not change at all!

- Does not paint over gray hair. To get rid of it, you need to use a long-lasting professional paint.

Considering the advantages and minimal disadvantages of temporary paint, more and more girls are choosing it for experiments and! However, it is important to know especially her choice!

How to choose temporary paint?

There are several types of temporary paints. To make the right choice, you need to understand the difference between intense and light paint.

Light is presented in the form of an aerosol, shampoo, gel, spray or foam. As a rule, it stays on the curls for no more than a week. Just 1-3 shampoos and your natural hair color returns. This option is suitable for experiments! If you're looking to instantly change the look for a theme party or planned event, then a lightweight temporary paint is best!
Intense (, basma, tonics). This paint is considered resistant, as it is washed off at 6-8 rinses. After each time, the color becomes less saturated and vivid. If the selected shade suits you, then re-staining can be carried out in 1-2 weeks.

The choice of temporary hair dye depends on your purpose. If you want to change your appearance, then pick up bright shades and catchy colors.

It is important that the temporary paint you purchase is hypoallergenic. This is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Allergy sufferers are advised to test the product. To do this, just drip paint on your wrist and see if irritation appears. It is better not to buy cheap aerosols or gels, as they usually contain substandard ingredients.

How to use temporary paint?

Depending on the type of paint, the method of application also changes. Any tool has instructions that are important to follow in order to achieve the desired effect. Coloring rules include:

Be sure to buy rubber gloves to keep your hands and nails from getting dirty during use.
Application to damp hair only.
It is not recommended to make masks or apply nourishing and moisturizing balms after using this paint, as this negatively affects the final result after staining.
Reapplication of the coloring agent is allowed if the color did not live up to expectations.

If using a gel or aerosol, moisturize curls, then apply your chosen product and wait up to 15 minutes. If you are not satisfied with the result, repeat the procedure immediately or the next day.

If you are using spray paint, be careful to apply it evenly.

Intensive hair color is applied to damp and clean hair. Its use is no different from classic hair dye. To achieve the desired result and an even shade, use a special brush. Wash off the product after half an hour. To make the color lasting and saturated, when washing your hair after applying the paint, use the following composition: lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. and 1 l. water. Mix the ingredients and rinse the curls with the resulting composition. This will make them shiny and silky.

Lovers of non-standard ideas and creative solutions will appreciate chalk hair coloring. Technique: choose a color and chalk, and then put it in a bowl of water. With a brush, pick up the top layer of chalk mixed with water. Then remove the wet chalk from the water and additionally go through your hair. To consolidate the result, use either a curling iron. Avoid brushing for a long time after temporary staining, as this will negatively affect the shade.

Remember, crayons dry your hair, so using them every day is not recommended!

Fashionable hair coloring in 2016

Bright exotic colors are considered fashionable this season, so temporary paint is best suited to achieve this effect! It is not necessary to color the curls completely, it is enough to start with a few strands. You can choose between lilac and blue, but the type of appearance is the determining factor. The main rule is that warm shades are combined with a warm complexion, and cold shades are combined with a cold one. Eye color is also important.

The main trend of 2016 is the coloring of the tips. This option looks spectacular on long and light hair. Some fashionistas choose several shades at once for coloring the ends. Lilac, pink and orange strands look beautiful on the hair of brunettes.

Another fashionable trend is coloring with a "gradient", that is, with a smooth transition from one color to another. You can choose one color for this to vary in shades, but lovers of exotic hairstyles choose different colors for coloring.

The main reason for using temporary paint is the girls' desire to experiment with their appearance without harming the curls!

April 26, 2014 10:54 am

Hair is one of the main adornments of every woman. But what if your hair is not as beautiful as you would like it to be? Today this problem is solved quite simply. In our stores there is such an abundance of hair dyes that your eyes just run wild! So that is why it is necessary to know exactly what you want to get as a result of staining, so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

So, before you dye your hair, you must decide on a color. Which one do you want to become: a blonde or a brunette, or maybe even a redhead? If you have decided on the choice of color, then it is worth deciding where you will do it. Dyeing your hair at home or in the salon is up to you. At home, of course, it is cheaper, but in the salon it is safer. There you will definitely not become unexpectedly bright yellow or pale green.

How can you dye your hair? Today there are four types of hair dyes: bleaching, chemical, physical and natural dyes.

Discoloration paints

Bleaching compositions are used with an oxidizing agent based on hydrogen peroxide. By reacting with the pigment in the hair, the peroxide makes it lighter. These compositions are used both for bleaching hair for further coloring by other means, and as the main dye. For example, before dyeing dark hair in a lighter color, you must first discolor it, otherwise the dye simply will not take, and your hair will acquire only a barely noticeable shade.

Discoloration is a serious process and should be done in the salon by an experienced hairdresser. In case you choose the wrong oxidizer or overexpose it on your head, you can burn your hair, and instead of a beautiful new hairstyle, you will have dried straw on your head.

Chemical paints

These dyes react with keratin to change the color of your hair. They partially destroy the pigment, penetrating into the hair structure, due to which the color is permanent. These paints also contain an oxidizing agent. And you can choose whatever color you like.

You can dye the entire head in one color, or you can only dye individual strands or ends. Young girls have recently preferred coloring the ends. How to dye the ends of your hair? The ends are also first bleached if the hair is dark, and then dyed with chemical dye.

Physical paints

These are chemically inactive paints that have only a superficial effect. They are easily washed off the hair, since they have only a superficial effect and do not penetrate deeply into the hair structure. These are tinted shampoos, balms, soft paints and foams. The degree and duration of the coloring depends on the type of hair: if the hair is hard, then the shade will not last long, if it is soft and porous, then the color will be more persistent. However, these dyes are not suitable for dark and severely bleached or gray hair. On dark ones, you will not notice anything, and gray or bleached hair can be colored unevenly, and you get spots.

Natural paints

These dyes do not change the structure of the hair, but penetrate it with the help of biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the hair, improving its appearance and condition. They are very persistent. These dyes include henna, which dyes with red shades, and basma, it dyes black (but only with henna; without it, basma will dye hair greenish). But there is one drawback. Coloring should be done by an experienced master, otherwise if you make a mistake with the color, then it will be very, very difficult to fix what has been done.

So, dear girls, before experimenting, carefully think about what you want in the end to get, and if you decide to experiment, then let a knowledgeable and capable person conduct it.