How to properly attach a baby to the breast, the meaning of proper attachment. Feeding

Breastfeeding is the best that nature could come up with for man. After intrauterine life, the baby is uncomfortable in this world, and only around his mother does he feel safe. The child hears the beat of his mother's heart, the sound of her blood flowing through the veins, and her warmth.

And mother's milk is healthiest food for babies . It contains all the substances necessary for a newborn - hormones, enzymes, antibodies that protect it from diseases.

Consequences of improper attachment of the baby to the breast

Breastfeeding (HF) with the wrong actions can cause certain difficulties, which will soon bring with it very unpleasant consequences for the child and mother.

  • If the baby does not take the breast correctly, then hurts his mother . That is why many mothers refuse to feed. A woman tenses up in pain with her whole body, and the gland cannot work at full strength.
  • If the baby is not properly applied, then he does not suck out enough milk, as a result - little weight gain .
  • Due to inept application appears baby anxiety because he is always hungry. And too frequent feedings exhaust the mother and make her nervous.
  • The mammary glands are engorged . Milk is not evacuated in a timely manner, which is fraught with the appearance of lactostasis and mastitis. Therefore, in this situation, you need to additionally express milk.
  • If the breast latch is not correct, the baby's gums squeeze the harder tip of the nipple, and delicate skin on it is injured . Hematomas, swelling and even cracks may appear, from which blood is released. All this further increases the pain of feeding.
  • When applied incorrectly iron does not increase milk production due to growing needs. Because the child cannot completely empty the breast in this situation.

Technique of breastfeeding the baby in the photo and video

By itself, this process is not so complicated. But today, most mothers, especially young ones, experience difficulties with it. This is explained by the fact that earlier there were many children in families, and little girls have always seen how to properly feed babies. Today, unfortunately, there is no such practice.

Of great importance baby's first feeding in the delivery room . It leaves in the memory of the newborn the attachment technique and gives rise to a new, extra-uterine connection between mother and child.

Video. Rules for breastfeeding a newborn

Application rules can be described point by point.

  1. When feeding in the "sitting" position, you need to take the baby in your arms and put the head in the crook of the arm. In a word, do it so that the baby's tummy touches the mother's belly . That is, the baby should not turn his head to grab the nipple.
  2. Mom needs relax completely while feeding . This is easier to achieve in the prone position.
  3. The child must breastfeed with wide open mouth , as if he were singing the letter "O" loudly or yawning.
  4. The baby's nose and nipple should be at the same level. The baby should not throw back his head or reach forward.
  5. The baby should not suck on the nipple itself, but on the areola. The tip of the nipple is deep in the mouth, and the lips lie on the areola.
  6. To properly breastfeed, the woman should pinch it a little with her fingers (as if with scissors) and direct the nipple into the baby's mouth. And first you need to attach the lower edge of the areola to the baby's lower lip, and then push the rest of the areola into the mouth with a rolling motion.

Basic postures and rules for breastfeeding a newborn

There are at least 20 nursing positions. The main ones are "sitting" and "lying".

Positions for feeding the baby "sitting"

Mom holds the child in her arms. If she feeds from the left breast, then the baby lies with her head on the fold of the left hand, if on the right, then on the fold of the right.

reverse cradle
Feeding the child from the left breast, the mother holds him with her right hand. Thus, the baby's head lies on the mother's palm, and the butt is placed almost on the crook of the arm.

hand feeding

The child is sitting
A grown-up baby can feed both sitting on his mother's lap and standing next to her.

Lying postures for proper attachment of the baby during breastfeeding

"Lying" - feeding on the side
In this case, the baby should lie on its side, like mom, and touch her stomach. The mother can have a pillow under her head for convenience, but the child does not need it.

"Lying down" - upper breastfeeding

Baby in mom's hand

"Lying" - a child on a pillow
Usually mothers feed babies in this position from the lower breast. However, it is possible to change the chest without changing the position of the body. To do this, just put a high dense pillow under the child.

This pose is good at the first signs of lactostasis. In this case, mother and child lie on their sides facing each other, and their legs look in opposite directions.

Pose "lying on the back"
With intense rushes of milk, it is convenient to feed the baby while lying on his back. At the same time, the baby is lying tummy down on the mother. In this position, the child does not choke on the flow of milk, which is convenient for both mother and baby.

To express the desired proportion of the mammary gland with lactostasis, you need to try so that the stagnation falls on the direct “nose-chin” of the child. To do this, mothers feed the child standing on all fours, twisting it in different directions. This pose may seem ridiculous and silly, but it is great for getting rid of congestion.

How do you know if a baby is breastfeeding properly?

  • Pain is a sure sign of a breastfeeding problem. The chest does not hurt when properly applied.
  • With the correct attachment of the child to the breast, it is completely released. By the end of feeding, it remains empty and soft.
  • The baby takes the breast with a wide open mouth. Therefore, there is no corner between the lips. Cheek tension is not visible. The lower lip is inverted, and the upper lip covers the areola.
  • The baby's chin touches or sinks into the mother's chest.
  • When sucking, the movement of the muscles of the face, lips, cheeks is not visible. But you can notice the work of the submandibular muscles, which act together with the tongue.
  • The child swallows milk, and the nipple is far in the upper palate, closer to the pharynx.
  • The lower part of the alveoli is practically open, but the upper part is almost completely covered with lips.
  • The child does not smack and lacks air.

If the baby does not take the breast correctly, then you need to pull out the nipple and put it into the mouth correctly.

Incorrect latch on the nipple while feeding

Correct grip is the most important condition for a successful GV , without which the normal development of the baby is impossible.

With the wrong position for feeding and the wrong grip on the nipple, the uneven weight gain of the child, the concern of the mother and the constant pain during feeding turn the normal natural process of feeding into a real torment.

From the first days of breastfeeding, mothers should follow the rules of breastfeeding , and then the entire period of GW will be accompanied by only positive emotions.

Undoubtedly, every mother wants her baby to be healthy. Therefore, most women want to feed their babies with their own milk. True, not everyone gets it the first time. It is very important to properly attach the baby to the breast. After all, not only the health of the crumbs, but also the well-being of the mother depends on this. Therefore, today we will learn everything about such an important action as proper attachment during breastfeeding, postures (photos are given in the article) used in this process. And we will also define the basic rules that a woman should not neglect if she wants her boy or girl to grow up healthy and strong.

Signs of good attachment

Signs of incorrect attachment

The uncomfortable position of the baby can interfere with his saturation, and also cause. In this case, the long-term acceptance of food by the child may be impossible. It is possible to understand whether the correct attachment during breastfeeding or not is possible by certain signs. So, the signs of an incorrect application may be the following:

  1. The baby tilts its head down or turns it to the side.
  2. The baby does not open its mouth wide, while its lips do not turn out, and the cheeks are retracted, although they should be inflated.
  3. The baby performs not sucking, but chewing movements.
  4. Only the nipple is in the baby's mouth, while the areola is completely visible.
  5. When feeding, clattering of the tongue is heard, as well as smacking.
  6. The baby spits up a lot after applying due to the large amount of air swallowed.
  7. The baby is restless, he cries, stops breastfeeding and again demands food.
  8. Mom feels pain during feeding or feels discomfort while breastfeeding.

If any one or even several of the situations described above is observed, then this means that the woman is incorrectly applying the baby to her breast. Then it is necessary to complete feeding and correctly position the baby. To do this, you can insert the pads of your fingers into the corner of the crumbs' mouth and gently press on the lower jaw. In general, proper attachment during breastfeeding is a procedure that needs to be learned gradually. Therefore, the main thing that a mother should think about at this time is about her state of mind. Even if nothing works out the first time, do not despair, because the second or even the tenth time everything will certainly be different. In extreme cases, you can contact a pediatrician who will help mom in this seemingly difficult task.

How to breastfeed?

Since the baby does not understand anything in the first days after his birth, the mother should help him eat. To do this, a woman must do the following: before each feeding, hold the nipple in the mouth of the baby strictly from top to bottom. Never move it from side to side! In this way, the mother will teach the child only to turn her head, but will not achieve a wide-open mouth.

Movements from top to bottom should be repeated as many times as needed. And how is it - in full breadth? Mom should catch the moment when the baby yawns or, for example, cries. At this time, a woman should pay attention to how wide the baby can open her mouth, and strive for this. Also, the mother can catch the moment when the baby yawns, and quickly put the breast into his mouth. You need to do this at lightning speed, otherwise you can be late.

Possible poses

Proper attachment when feeding a child clearly intersects with the choice of the position of the mother. At the same time, both the woman and the baby should not feel inconvenience. Therefore, the choice of posture is a crucial moment. It is influenced by many factors: the weight of the crumbs, his manner of sucking, the well-being of the mother. Depending on these circumstances, the following poses may be acceptable:

  1. "Cradle". The starting position of the woman is sitting, she holds the baby in her arms, pressing his stomach to hers. In this case, the baby should capture the nipple without turning the head.
  2. "Cross Cradle". The mother determines the child on her hand, holds the back of his head with her palm. With the other hand, the woman should support her breasts.
  3. "Out of hand". The baby lies on the pillow, while his torso is behind his mother. In this position, the child receives milk from the lower and upper lobes of the breast, where lactostasis most often appears.
  4. "On the chest." Mom in a reclining position determines the baby on herself. This position is convenient with an excess of milk, when it flows strongly, preventing the baby from sucking.
  5. "Standing". This position can be used if the mother wants to rock the child. In this case, the woman should hold the baby in her arms in the “cradle” position.
  6. "overhang". The starting position of the mother is lying on her side. The woman turns the baby to face her and feeds, leaning on her elbow.

If during feeding both the mother and her baby do not feel discomfort, they are relaxed, and the breast is perfectly emptied, then the position was chosen correctly. The application of the poses of which have been described above is carried out correctly. Women can experiment with positions to see which position is best for them to breastfeed their baby.

Position for feeding if mom does not get enough sleep

Often mothers complain that the baby does not give them a normal rest. After all, even at night you have to feed babies. However, you can learn to put the baby to the breast and at this time continue to rest. To do this, it is enough to feed him lying down. Below we will consider how to attach the baby correctly so that both he and his mother feel good.

  1. The woman should lie down comfortably. You should not lean on the elbow. Only the mother's head can be on the pillow. The starting position is strictly on the side, neither forward nor backward can be deviated.
  2. The child should also lie on the side of the mother under the arm. Shoulder, hip and ear should be in line. The tummy should be pressed against the mother, the head thrown back a little, then the mouth will open easily.
  3. It is necessary to conveniently give the baby a breast. If this is the left mammary gland, then the baby should be supported by the shoulder blades with the left hand, and the chest should be served with the right.
  4. Throughout the feeding, support the baby so that he does not roll onto his back. You can define a roller under his back.

These are four points that ensure proper attachment if these conditions are strictly observed, then the mother will be able to rest and the baby will be full.

Basic rules for breastfeeding a baby

Early breastfeeding

Obstetrician-gynecologists advise women in labor to feed the baby, or at least try to do it no later than an hour after childbirth. This is very important, because in this case the first contact between the mother and the baby will be made. The duration of the first feeding should be at least half an hour.

Early proper attachment during breastfeeding will push for the formation of milk, as well as contribute to the rapid discharge of the placenta and will be an excellent prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. In addition, the baby will quickly form the intestinal microflora, as well as immunity.

Faithful Attachment

This point has already been discussed in detail, but it is worth mentioning what a good application is good for. If the baby correctly captures the mother's breast, does not cause pain or discomfort to the woman, drinks plenty of milk, then this saves the woman in labor from mastitis, cracks and other troubles.

Feeding on demand

This is another important rule that you should pay attention to. Feeding not by the clock, but by the demand of the baby is one of the principles of such a foundation as proper attachment during breastfeeding. Komarovsky E.O. - An experienced pediatrician who has his own television program about babies claims that babies should be breastfed for any reason from the first months of life. It is necessary to provide him with access to milk whenever he wants. This is very important, because this way the baby will not only get enough, but it will also contribute to his psycho-emotional comfort. After 4-5 months, the child will develop his own regimen. Komarovsky E.O. notes that it is desirable to feed the baby at least up to six months, and preferably up to a year.

Application duration

All mothers should remember that it is not worth interrupting feeding, taking the breast from the satiated one, then he himself will stop sucking. Different babies stay at the breast for different lengths of time. And that's okay. Therefore, you should not worry if the neighbor’s baby is at the chest for 40 minutes, and 15 is enough for yours. Why you shouldn't breastfeed yet? It turns out that at the beginning of feeding, the baby receives earlier milk, rich in water, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. But after 5-7 minutes of sucking, he reaches late milk, which contains proteins and fats. That is why it is so important not to interrupt this process.

Alternate feeding

Proper attachment during breastfeeding cannot do without this item. Experts strongly recommend that all mothers give one breast to the baby for one feeding. If a woman is in a hurry and wants to give a second as soon as possible, then the baby will not receive late milk, rich in fats. As a result, he may have problems with the stool. To prevent this, the mother must know that she can offer the same mammary gland to the child for 1-2 hours. And only then change it to another. Feeding from both breasts is allowed only if the baby is already 5 months old, that is, when he no longer has enough milk from one mammary gland and needs more.

Now you know everything about such an important action as proper attachment during breastfeeding (photos of this process and suitable poses are presented in the review). We found out what is the indispensable product that babies should eat. After all, it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are so important for the health of children.

Every mother should know that the sooner the child tries breast milk, the better. The first attachment to the baby to the breast is recommended to be carried out immediately after birth directly in the delivery room in the first 20-30 minutes after birth, taking into account, of course, the condition of the baby and mother. In many foreign countries, this has long been the rule.

Immediately after birth, if the condition of the newborn and mother is good, the midwife places the baby on the mother's chest close to the nipple. If the child does not suck, but even touches the nipple, then at least a few drops of colostrum will fall into his mouth.

Colostrum is extremely nutritious and very beneficial. It contains a huge amount of proteins, vitamins A, C, B 12, E, immunoglobulins, antibodies, hormones necessary for the newborn. Colostrum is designed to ensure that the baby has a smooth transition from the nutrition he received in utero to real mature milk, which is why early first breastfeeding is so important.

Early attachment of the child to the breast provides earlier and more stable subsequent lactation, and early wetting of the mouth and digestive tract with even a small amount of colostrum with a very high concentration of immunoglobulin A protects the child from intense bacterial contamination, contributes to the formation of normal intestinal microflora.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are a number of contraindications to the early attachment of a child to the breast on the part of both the mother (caesarean section, Rh conflict, etc.) and the baby (prematurity, malformations, etc.). These situations should be discussed in detail with specialists.

Laying out on the stomach is the logical conclusion of childbirth. It signals to the mother and child that the stressful situation ended successfully, that both of them did not work in vain and emerged victorious. The harmony that existed between them before has been restored. Now you can relax and enjoy each other.

Of great importance for establishing a deep emotional connection between parents and a child is the first eye contact. A woman clutching a child to her chest forgets about her suffering, her face brightens and at this moment mutual understanding is established between her and the child, allowing you to feel each other without words.

Ways to attach a baby to the breast

Let's say right away - there is no single correct way to hold the baby while feeding. Mom and her child will independently find the most convenient position for both of them.

Sometimes women can breastfeed their children from the very beginning without any difficulty. However, most mothers, especially primiparas, need help first. And then it is useful to observe the following principles.

For attachment and successful breastfeeding, the correct position of the baby's body is important. If proper breastfeeding and positioning is achieved from the first and early feedings, most problems will be avoided.

The basic principle is that the baby should be able to take the breast easily with a full mouth. To do this, his body must be close to the mother's, and the head must have full ability to move without any restrictions.

Principles of correct attachment of the child to the breast

With irregularly shaped nipples (flat, inverted), as a rule, children gradually adapt to the unusual shape of the mother's nipples. If the baby is not properly attached to the breast, it is necessary to interrupt the sucking and make a new attempt.

Signs of improper sucking:

  • Baby sucks or "chews" only the nipple

  • The tongue only works on the tip of the nipple

  • Lips and gums squeeze the nipple in its middle

  • Lips suck only the nipple

No need to interrupt feeding - if the baby is full, then he releases the breast. If you need to take it off the breast urgently, you should carefully insert your finger into the baby's mouth to interrupt the sucking, otherwise a disgruntled baby may pinch the nipple, which will lead to the formation of cracks.

The duration of breastfeeding does not matter. Most children are satiated in 5-10 minutes. Some require 20-30 minutes or even more.

If the mother has twins, then there is enough milk for both. Some women feed both twins at the same time, others take turns.

A premature baby can be applied to the breast with a body weight of more than 1800 g in the absence of serious abnormalities in health. At first, he sucks with respite. No need to take the breast from him during these breaks. If the condition of a premature baby cannot be applied to the breast, then it is necessary to feed him with expressed breast milk.

Thus, we have analyzed the main aspects and features of the correct attachment of the child to the breast and sincerely hope that this information will help you.

Hello! Today, the promised topic is about the correct attachment to the breast. Let's try to understand the main points.

The baby spends a lot of time at his mother's breast, because for him this is the most beloved and reliable place in the world, where he finds not only food, but also comfort, protection, comfort and warmth. It is vital for a baby to be sure that his mother is nearby and will help him immediately, because he receives confirmation of this through close contact with his mother. Breastfeeding helps him cope with any discomfort: hunger, fear, digestive difficulties. How to apply the child correctly?

For some mother-baby couples, proper breastfeeding comes naturally, while others need more time for such training. Don't worry if things don't work out right away. After a while, it will become easier to apply, it will be possible to adapt to each other, the baby's nervous system will mature, the mouth will grow up. You can ask for help from familiar mothers with successful experience in establishing breastfeeding.

Everyone already knows for sure that it is important to apply deeper to the chest. But how to do it practically? And what to do if it is easy and simply does not work?

  1. Initially, the baby is pressed to the breast, the nipple is directed to the nose, and not directly into the mouth. If directed directly into the mouth, the baby's jaws can quickly close on the nipple, causing significant pain to the mother.
  2. If you imagine that you want to bite an apple hanging at eye level, then you need to slightly raise your head. In this case, it is possible to open the mouth very wide. It is also important for the baby to ensure a similar position so that it is possible to straighten the neck and open the mouth wide. It is also necessary to give support for the back and neck, without pressing on the back of the head.
  3. The direction of movement of the baby should be according to the rule - not breast to child, but child to breast. It turns out that by simply holding the baby tightly to herself, the mother helps to take the breast, and does not push it into her mouth.
  4. When a baby has a breast deep in the mouth, inside the nipple is located on the border of the hard and soft palate.
  5. If the baby has taken the breast shallowly, and the mother feels pain, then it is better to gently release the breast, opening the baby's gums with the little finger, and try to attach it again.

2. Signs of proper attachment

By these signs, you can determine whether you are applying the baby correctly:

  • Mom does not hurt during application.
  • Both sponges crumbs turned outward, like a duck.
  • The mouth is wide open, and most of the areola is deep inside.
  • The chin is pressed to the chest, the baby breathes calmly through small slits between the wings of the nose and the chest.
  • You can often see the tongue located on the lower lip.
  • The baby's cheeks are not retracted, but inflated.
  • The ears move due to rather strong sucking movements.
  • There are no smacking sounds, only swallowing sounds.
  • After application, the nipple is elongated and of the correct cylindrical shape, not beveled like lipstick, and not flattened.

3. Possible Consequences of Improper Breast Latching

If applied incorrectly, the following unpleasant consequences are possible:

  • Injuries or cracks in the nipples if the baby slides onto the nipple.
  • Incomplete release of the breast can lead to lactostasis, milk stasis or mastitis.
  • Insufficient weight gain due to inefficient suction of milk.
  • Decrease in the amount of milk due to insufficient stimulation of lactation.

4. Basic provisions for feeding

A comfortable position helps the mother to relax, relieves back numbness and arm fatigue, and also contributes to the effective sucking of milk by the baby. If the mother is relaxed, the milk flow is easier.

If the baby is comfortable, then he captures better and holds the breast more correctly during the entire feeding, respectively, effectively sucks milk and stimulates lactation in a qualitative way.

In the photo there are three main provisions that it would be good for every mother to learn:

4.1. Cradle position

This classic pose is one of the most used. To do this, you should comfortably sit in a chair with armrests or on a sofa, surrounded by pillows. Mom puts the baby's head in the crook of her arm. And with the other hand, he supports the chest from below, while the thumb and palm are located in the letter C. Then he brings the hand with the baby to the chest. At the same time, the child’s head is slightly thrown back, and the chin is pressed against the chest, and not the nose. That gives the baby the opportunity to deeply and efficiently capture the breast.

It is important that you have the opportunity to lie down on pillows or armrests, otherwise your hands get tired very quickly. In addition, you can put your feet on an ottoman or chair. During feeding, you should not lean forward, otherwise the neck will quickly become numb and the back will get tired. For convenience, you can put the crumbs on your knees or put a pillow under it.

4.2. Side lying position

When using the “lying on your side” position, you get a good rest. At night, you will be able to sleep better if the baby sleeps with mom together.

In this position, the baby's body is located on the mother's hand, and the mouth is just at the level of the nipple.

It is important that the ear, shoulder and thigh are in line, and the tummy is pressed against the mother's stomach, the mouth is opposite the chest. With her free hand, mom can give her breast to the baby. The pillow is best placed on the shoulder, so the head will be more comfortable.

It is more convenient for the baby to lie on his side, otherwise, lying on his back with his head turned to his chest, it will be inconvenient for him to suck out milk and swallow. A flat pillow can be placed under the baby to raise him to chest level if necessary. It is better for mom not to lean on her elbow and not to hang over the child, because this is very uncomfortable and quickly tires.

4.3. Underhand position

Another position in which the correct application of the baby is best obtained is the position “from under the arm”.

In it, the baby is located on the side of the mother: the head is next to the armpit, and the whole body is located behind the back.

It is quite convenient for the mother to guide the baby's head, achieving a very deep and high-quality breast capture.

At the same time, the baby in this position effectively empties those lobes of the chest located closer to the armpit.

Therefore, this position is useful for the prevention of milk stagnation in this sector of the breast. The arm position is often used by mothers after a caesarean section, because the baby does not put pressure on the mother's postoperative abdomen.

Of course, it is better to feed a calm baby. After all, it is important for even the smallest person to concentrate well and work efficiently if he is in a good and calm mood.

If the baby is not able to open his mouth wide and tuck the bottom lip out, you can use the “lip flick” technique. At the very moment of grabbing the chest, you need to slightly press your finger on the chin. This helps to turn the bottom lip forward for effective suckling.

The baby sucks out breast milk with wave-like movements of the tongue. It is very important that more areolas get into the child's mouth from below than from above. Because just the tongue and the lower jaw are actively working from below.

The body of the child is not curved - the nose, tummy and knees of the baby are located on the same line.

Every mother and baby develops their favorite feeding positions over time. Some are comfortable in any position, others choose for themselves only one or two. It is important that the baby most actively sucks out those breast lobules where the tongue and chin are directed.

If you apply the child in different positions, this will be the prevention of lactostasis or milk stasis, because all the lobules of the mammary gland are evenly emptied.

First, you will have to pay more attention to the correct application and learn the basic positions when feeding. After a while, everything will happen by itself, mom will not even think about attachment or the correct position. Usually, the awkward movements of mother and baby from the very beginning gradually turn into a well-coordinated mechanism of experienced and well-feeling people.

You can watch a video on how to properly breastfeed your baby here:

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The composition of human milk contains all the substances necessary for the baby. It is important to establish proper breastfeeding from the first days so that there are no problems with lactation in the future. In the maternity hospital, they will show you how to apply the baby for feeding, and how to do it correctly. At home, the mother will have to learn how to properly attach the baby herself.

The importance of proper attachment of the baby to the mother's breast

Proper application requires endurance, attention, certain knowledge. If applied correctly, the baby will suck out valuable rear milk. When breastfeeding, if proper attachment does not occur, the baby swallows air, which provokes bloating. Correct application helps to get rid of colic. If the baby is uncomfortable, he hurries to finish sucking faster. Back milk will not enter the body, and the baby will quickly get hungry. A young mother will conclude that the baby does not have enough breast milk, and will supplement the formula.

Application rules

A pregnant woman should learn how to properly attach:

  1. The baby's face is turned to the breast, the body is pressed against the mother's belly.
  2. For the establishment of lactation, the correct grip during breastfeeding is important. If the child took only the tip of the nipple, you should gently press on the chin - the grip will be corrected.
  3. In the process of attaching a newborn, it is correct to support the ass.
  4. Doctors recommend feeding the newborn on demand. Previously, women accustomed children to the regime. Times have changed, and now the baby is applied when he wants to eat.

On a note! The technique of applying during breastfeeding is shown in courses for pregnant women.

First application immediately after childbirth

In the maternity hospital, a born baby is often applied to the mother's breast after childbirth. The first application is important for the newborn: the baby receives colostrum, which is irreplaceable in composition. A couple of drops are enough for the most valuable proteins, hormones, antibodies, immunoglobulins to enter the newborn body. The correct first application helps to establish further lactation.

Attachment after childbirth occurs if the woman in labor and the baby feel well. The child should not be applied immediately in the following cases:

  • C-section;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • Poor health of the woman in labor and the newborn;
  • premature birth.

Conditions for comfortable feeding

Proper attachment should take place in a comfortable environment. The process can be delayed, so the posture should be comfortable. It is better to lean on the back of the chair if feeding will take place while sitting. The room where the application takes place should be at a comfortable temperature. A breastfeeding woman may feel thirsty. Keep a bottle of drinking water nearby.

What is the correct nipple latch

From the first application, the newborn learns to properly grasp the nipple. The nipple should rest against the baby in the sky. With the correct grip on the breast, the baby's tongue is located on the gum, the lips are slightly turned out, the halo is almost completely in the mouth.

Important! A short frenulum is the reason why the baby cannot suck out all the milk.

Many inexperienced mothers make mistakes when breastfeeding when they do not try to change the grip from the wrong position. It is possible to correct the grip during the application process so that it becomes correct.

How to understand if a baby is breastfeeding correctly or not

Signs of proper application:

  • The chest is completely empty. Milk residues can provoke the onset of the stagnation process;
  • The baby is gaining weight well;
  • A nursing woman does not experience pain, the nipples remain without cracks;
  • The baby correctly captures the halo around the nipple;
  • The child makes swallowing sounds;
  • A well-fed baby blissfully closes his eyes, smiles. Proper attachment is a strong emotional relationship between the baby and the mother.

Criteria for misapplication

A nursing mother must know how to properly attach a baby during feeding, and what will happen if you attach it incorrectly:

  1. The woman feels pain, the nipple is covered with cracks;
  2. The mouth is not fully opened;
  3. The chin of the baby does not touch the mother's breast;
  4. The halo remains outside;
  5. The baby's cheeks are retracted;
  6. The baby makes extraneous sounds: smacking, moaning. A woman should hear only the sound of swallowing milk.

Poses for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a responsible process, such moments as proper attachment and comfortable posture are important here. Successful continuous lactation depends on comfort during application.

Soviet women fed their children according to the regime. The correct position was when the woman was sitting using the footstool. It was believed that this posture is the prevention of congestion. A weak female body after pregnancy and childbirth had to experience another discomfort. But the duration of feeding in Soviet times was a maximum of half an hour, so women endured inconvenience.

Proper attachment during breastfeeding is largely dependent on the posture.

Sitting postures

The position is convenient because the baby can be attached to the chest outside the home: on a walk, in public places. Usually, older children are fed sitting down, but babies can also be fed sitting down. It is better to use a pillow: the child is placed on it with his face towards him. The pillow should lie on the mother's lap. Correct posture: the back of a nursing woman rests on the back of the chair.

Lying postures

How to apply to the breast of a newborn baby for feeding lying down:

  • Positions, lying on the side, are convenient for night attachments. The baby lies on its side, the head is turned to the mother's chest and lies on the elbow of the mother's hand, the mouth is located next to the nipple.
  • The belly-to-belly position is good for restless, too active babies. A woman in a relaxed position reclining on a pillow, the baby lies with her tummy on her mother's stomach.

standing pose

When you need to attach a baby without being distracted from household chores, a standing pose is suitable. It is also used to soothe a crying baby. An upset baby is being fed and rocked at the same time. The baby is picked up, the head is placed on the bend of the elbow, the buttocks of the baby are supported by the hand. The belly of the baby is turned towards the belly of the mother. With your free hand, you should correctly attach the baby to the nipple.

How to feed twins

There is no correct position for attaching twins, the woman herself is looking for the correct position. Preferably twins.

  • Toddlers have a "jack": their heads lie on their mother's hands, their legs are crossed. It will be correct to put a large pillow under my mother's back.
  • It is convenient for mothers to feed twins lying down, placing pillows under their backs. Babies are located on the sides, receiving nipples at the same time.

Other important points about breastfeeding

  1. Women who have given birth prematurely worry that they will not be able to feed premature babies with milk. Lactation does not depend on the date of birth of the child.
  2. The mode of a nursing woman, breast shape, heredity do not affect the lactation process. Proper lactation begins with putting the baby to the breast. At first, crumbs should be applied as often as possible.
  3. Night attachments are of particular importance. At night, prolactin is actively produced, which is responsible for the production of milk. Applying the baby at night, you guarantee good lactation all the next day.

Duration of one feeding

The duration of feeding depends on the age of the baby. The newborn has a small stomach, he needs to eat often, in small portions. In older children, attachment occurs less often, but the sucking process lasts longer. Do not be afraid if the baby is at the breast for a long time, perhaps he needs emotional intimacy. Prolonged feeding does not pose a danger to the health of the crumbs. Enjoy the moments when the little man lies nearby and greedily sucks milk.

Should I give my baby both breasts at one feeding?

Many women apply crumbs immediately to both mammary glands in one feeding. Experts remind: natural feeding is based on the correct alternation of the mammary glands. It is best to alternate breasts, otherwise the milk may not be enough for the next feeding. It's simple: apply once to the left breast, the next time to the right.

How often to feed

It is necessary to put the baby to the chest when he behaves restlessly, cries, asks for pens. Some women adhere to the rule of feeding by the hour, and a certain interval is maintained between applications. But we must not forget: milk is produced in the process of application. The more the baby suckles, the more milk is produced.

How to understand if the baby has enough milk and if he is full

It is difficult for a young mother to determine whether a baby has enough milk or not. Many make the mistake of immediately transferring the baby to artificial feeding. What are the signs that you are getting enough milk?

  1. The baby is gaining weight;
  2. A well-fed child immediately falls asleep;
  3. Urination occurs regularly;
  4. Between feedings, the baby is cheerful, active.

What to do if the baby is crying

If the baby cries during attachment, there may be several reasons:

  • Individual characteristics of the baby;
  • Mistakes in breastfeeding.

If the baby is uncomfortable during the application process, you need to change the position. The baby may cry due to too much pressure of the jet. It is correct to express a small amount of milk before applying. When it is inconvenient for a baby to grab a flat nipple, special silicone pads will help.

How to properly breastfeed a baby

A satiated baby releases the nipple. But sometimes he falls asleep without releasing the nipple from his mouth. In this case, the following correct tricks will help:

  1. Gently press on the side of the nipple so that it slides out of the mouth.
  2. Gently insert the tip of your little finger into the corner of your mouth. The baby reflexively opens his mouth.

Important! It is wrong to pinch a baby's nose! This will make him uncomfortable and he may lean back with the nipple in his mouth.

How to take care of your breasts

The health of a nursing mother depends on the daily hygiene of the mammary glands. How to take care of your breasts:

  • Wash your chest with warm water;
  • Use baby liquid soap;
  • It is enough to get the bust wet with a soft towel;
  • Wear the right natural fabric bra;
  • Use a breast pump for proper pumping;
  • Arrange daily air baths for the mammary glands.

Mistakes Moms Make When Breastfeeding

The most common mistakes young mothers make:

  1. Incorrect breastfeeding technique without proper attachment.
  2. Feeding according to the regimen. Frequent application will help to establish proper lactation.
  3. Exclusion of night feedings. The baby's stomach digests milk regardless of the time of day.
  4. The introduction of milk mixtures. If the baby is constantly at the breast, a woman may decide that there is not enough milk. In fact, a newborn can suckle up to 17 times a day.
  5. Drinking large amounts of liquid. There is an erroneous opinion that water, tea with milk, birch sap increases lactation. The drinking regimen of a nursing woman does not affect the correct production of milk.

Hold your chest with your hands

Many women try to hold their breasts with their hands during the application process for greater convenience. You need to hold the baby, not the breast!

A large bust can be supported with the palm of your hand from below, creating a bowl under the breast. But additionally keeping the gland does not make sense.

Frequent breast washing

Before each application, nursing mothers thoroughly wash the bust with soap. The skin subsequently becomes thinner, the nipples become covered with cracks. Baby soap is used several times a week, the rest of the time it is enough to rinse the bust with warm water.

Supplementing the baby with water, tea

Soviet women always gave their babies boiled water between feedings. Now pediatricians advise not to give water to babies up to 6 months. Mother's milk satisfies the need for food, quenches thirst. The pharmacy sells special granules for better digestion, allowed for newborns. Before using them, you should consult with your pediatrician.

Refusal to feed when cracks and injuries appear on the chest

Nipple problems can arise from improper attachment/weaning or poor hygiene. If a young mother has not been shown how to properly attach a baby during breastfeeding, this can cause damage to the mammary glands. are treated with folk or pharmacy remedies that are compatible with breastfeeding. You can't stop breastfeeding!

Expressing milk after feeding

The older generation believes that you need to express milk after each feeding. In fact, pumping increases the flow of milk and can cause lactostasis. You can express milk a little only if a seal has formed in the mammary gland. It should be expressed until the condition of the nursing woman is relieved.

Breastfeeding is a time when there is close emotional and physical contact between mother and child. In order for this period to pass easily and joyfully, you should know about the correct attachment of the baby to the breast. The health and mental state of mother and baby will depend on this.