How to create a collage in various techniques and materials. Collage of Dreams - a wishmaker

A treasure map, an album of desires - but I personally like DREAM COLLAGE better.

Because a Dream is something high and grandiose, and desires - they can be mundane and small. And what do you call a yacht - so it will float ...

But that's not the point. The main thing is that this way of fulfilling desires and making dreams come true is incredibly effective. Its realizing power has long been tested by millions. And to achieve the materialization of your goals without using this miracle remedy is an unforgivable mistake.

Dream collage - a super-powerful accelerator for the fulfillment of desires of all times and peoples! No more and no less.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

- Eleanor Roosevelt

The very principle of a dream collage is very simple - you just need to place on any surface an image of what represents the fulfillment of your dream. And very soon you will see how your desires, one by one, will begin to come true, as if by magic!

What if the dream has already come true?

When one of your desires is fulfilled, from the bottom of your heart, mentally thank the almighty Universe for its embodiment and replace the picture in the collage with a new one. Now it's his turn!

Friends, make a DREAM COLLAGE and don't even hesitate, it's worth it! Do it even if you are in doubt, because it works regardless of your faith. It just WORKS.

With faith in your Dreams,

Alena Golovina

Do you already know the Main Secret of Desires?

This technique is based on an original technique developed by By Friedhelm Raffel, a florist from Germany. It allows you to create a unique collagehaving practically no skills in this art.

With the help of the print, you can create amazingly effective work with the original "blurred" background.

In addition to the already known tools and materials, you will need glass, approximately the size of the sheet of paper on which you are going to make a collage.

Briefly, this technique can be described as follows. Any abstract strokes of paint are applied to the glass, then a moistened sheet of paper is applied to it and removed with an arbitrary movement, as a result of which spectacular multi-colored stains remain on it. Then any suitable natural material is laid out on the resulting drawing, for example, dried flowers. After the paint has dried, the elements are securely fixed with glue.

The main "highlight" of this technique is some unpredictability of the result. The smears applied to the glass, when in contact with a sheet of paper, turn into spectacular "blobs", which are then transformed by displacing the glass, acquiring even more abstract outlines. Even setting a certain mood when choosing the color of paints, applying them to the sheet in this way, you will get many unexpected surprises.
1. For work you need glass, a brush, a glass of water and paint.

2. Paints are alternately applied to the glass, the brush is thoroughly wiped off each time.

3. The smears of paint are spaced apart and do not mix with each other.

4. The finished palette is lightly sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

5. In the same way, a sheet of paper intended for the background is thoroughly moistened.

6. Using a brush, paint from the palette is applied to another glass.

7. The applied paint smears are again moistened with water from a spray bottle.

8. As a result, paint smears on the glass should appear slightly washed out.

9. Glass with paints is applied with its upper side to a sheet of paper.

10. Move the glass with free movements so that the ink smears on the paper.

11. Then the glass is removed and the resulting pattern is evaluated.

12. The sheet with the drawing is again moistened with water, while the paint spots are slightly blurred.

13. The finished background for collage work is dried with a sponge.

14. The plants selected for the composition are tinted with gouache to match the background.

15. Plant elements are fixed in the collage with hot glue.

16. A cardboard mat of the appropriate size is applied to the finished work.

17. The collage is inserted into a pre-selected wooden frame with glass.

18. Plant elements look very organic against an abstract background.

The article uses materials from the publication: Maryina Yu. "Collages and panels". Publishing house "Niola 21st century", 2005 ..

If you smile
all dreams will start to come true!

Collage of Desires

he is "Wish Poster", she "Newspaper of Happiness", she "Treasure map" or Visualization Is a collage on which your desires and dreams are depicted.

Imagination is the main tool of any person, because we can only do what we can imagine! Since our brain receives most of the information through the eyes, then real pictures and photographs become the most effective elements of self-programming. If YOU CAN imagine IT, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT! Dreams Come True! Otherwise, nature would not have endowed us with the ability to dream.

Collages are Annualaffecting all areas of our life and Thematiccalled upon to improve some specific area, for example, getting a desired job; go on a trip, improve family relationships, etc. In this article, we will talk about compiling the Annual Collage of Desires, because Thematic collage is just one of its components, and it is made according to the same principles.

Annual and Thematic collage can be Individual, i.e. intended only for you and reflect the aspirations of your soul, or Family... The latter takes into account the interests and desires of all family members and is made by joint efforts. You can attract even the oldest and smallest family members, because there are no age restrictions for creativity and dreams!

When is the best time to start making a Collage?

My answer is correct when you feel the desire and are ready to start! It is very good if the desire and ability to create falls on:

  • the period of the growing moon, the most favorable are from 1 to 5 lunar days;
  • your birthday (a favorable period a month before and after your birthday);
  • the lunar day on which you were born, even if it is a waning moon;
  • new Years Holidays: Calendar New Year, Old New Year, Chinese New Year, etc .;
  • depending on your religion, for various religious holidays, for example, for Buddhists, these are 9 and 21 lunar days - the days of Daka and Dakini, respectively; full moon, the most powerful - the full moon in May - Buddha's birthday;
  • Your option;
  • but the most important day is the one when you just want to create!

So, the stars converged, now is the time to decide on collage structure... Best suited for Annual Collage. Why exactly she? Because it includes all areas of our life: Health, Family, Love and relationships, Children, Creativity, Career, Success, Wealth, Wisdom / Knowledge, Assistants / Protectors, as well as Travel. To build a harmonious and happy life, it is important to set the vector of the desired development in all of the above areas.

Collage making methods:

  1. Draw by hand / with paints / pencils / felt-tip pens on a blank sheet of paper in A1, A2, A3, A4 format and you don't have to be an artist for this, but the main condition must be observed - you must really like your collage!
  2. Paste previously collected pictures and phrases from newspapers and magazines on a sheet of paper A1, A2, A3, A4 format. You can also download and print from the Internet the pictures you like in the form of photographs, pictures on a color or even black and white printer.
  3. Print in A1, A2, A3, A4 format drawn in any of the graphic editors Collage made up of pictures and photos uploaded to the Internet or drawn with your own hand.
  4. A combination of the three previous methods.
  5. Your option.

Step-by-step instructions for making an Annual Collage:

In our example, we use the Ba-gua grid structure of the Feng Shui system, you can use any other system you like, but the one you create yourself will work best!

SHAG 1. Desires should be crisp, clear and written down on paper.

We take a blank sheet in paper or electronic form, in the desired format. Whatman size A1 is best suited. We draw it into 9 equal parts, give a name to all sectors:

1.wealth, prosperity

2. Glory, success

3 love, marriage

4. Relationship with loved ones, parents, friends

5.I, Health

6.Kids, Creativity

7 wisdom, knowledge, travel

8. Career, life path, new projects.

9.Helps, Significant People, Protectors, Patrons

To get what you want from life, you must first of all determine what you want. Therefore, in each sector we write down our goals and desires for the next year or more:

  • The desire should be clearly and clearly expressed in a few words in the affirmative and present tense, as if you ALREADY have what you want;
  • No part of "NOT";
  • Desire should bring pleasure to you and your loved ones;
  • Desire should be safe for you and those around you;
  • Consciousness does not need to be expanded, just stop limiting it. Dream, write, achieve and do not deny yourself anything for the joy of you and your loved ones!

IMPORTANT!!! In the process of filling, we leave one sector empty. What - you will see for yourself. This sector is still closed from you and the Higher powers themselves determine what kind of surprise to arrange in it. In terms of their fullness, the Sectors for men and women will differ, because a man is realized in achievements, and a woman in relationships.

For example:

1. SECTOR "Wealth, welfare":

  • i / our family owns a house in the Crimean highlands, with a fireplace and a swimming pool;
  • i have a ring with a large dark blue sapphire and diamonds;
  • i easily attract money into my life;
  • money comes to me easily and often;
  • i have a large wardrobe of beautiful dresses, shoes and several fur coats in which I look amazing;
  • i am the owner of a new Range Rover SUV in red;
  • my monthly income is $ 10,000;
  • etc.

2.SECTOR "Glory, success":

  • i am the youngest member of the Forbes rating;
  • my husband and I are the perfect couple;
  • i am a magnet for love, luck and money;
  • i won $ 1,000,000 in the lottery;
  • etc.

3. SECTOR "Love, Marriage":

  • the man of my dreams made me a marriage proposal;
  • my wedding is the most beautiful;
  • my honeymoon in the islands;
  • i am a beloved and loving wife;
  • i am happily married;
  • etc.

4. SECTOR "Relations with loved ones, parents, friends":

  • my parents are healthy and happy;
  • my husband likes to give me gifts;
  • my husband and I often spend time talking by the fireplace with a glass of wine and sweets;
  • we often spoil each other by bringing coffee to bed;
  • my husband likes to spend time with our children, they play together, fool around, read books and make something;
  • etc.

5. SECTOR "I, Health":

  • my family and I - we - are healthy and happy;
  • i have a beautiful, slender figure;
  • stable weight of my body - 47 kg;
  • i am healthy;
  • i have beautiful thick hair;
  • i have a flat tummy;
  • etc.

6. SECTOR "Children, Creativity":

  • i gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby;
  • i am a happy mother, beloved and loving woman;
  • my son is growing obedient and intelligent to the delight of his parents;
  • i easily and with joy express myself in my work, embroidering beautiful pictures with a cross;
  • etc.

7. SECTOR "Wisdom, knowledge, travel":

  • i successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis;
  • the whole family went on a trip around the world;
  • etc.

8. SECTOR "Career, life path, new projects":

  • i am a successful leader of my business;
  • i am the best seller;
  • i am constantly growing and developing professionally;
  • etc.

9.SECTOR "Helpers, Significant people, Defenders, Patrons"

  • my Guardian Angel is always by my side and taking care of me;
  • The universe takes care of me;
  • Vladimir Putin assists me in the implementation of my project;
  • etc.

STEP 2. We draw our own world!

Let's start gluing / drawing pictures, photographs and slogans. Cutting out the images we like from magazines, we materialize our desires, which are sometimes difficult to imagine in reality, and even more so to keep these mental images for a long time ... And here there are several simple secrets of how to quickly get what we want into our life:

STEP 3. Charge the collage with Magic Power

When the Collage is completely ready, and you feel satisfaction, fulfillment and joy, it's time to start what you want in life. Unleash your creativity, you can:

  • first of all, to voice out loud to yourself, to others, to the world everything that you understand by each image in your Collage;
  • to inscribe in the corner in the director's handwriting: FOR EXECUTION, I APPROVE YES IT BE THIS !;
  • put the date, your name and signature;
  • certify with an electronic, physical seal or your fingerprint;
  • covering the hand with paint, leave an imprint of the whole hand and say: “This is my will! Let it be so!";
  • sprinkle with magic gold dust (sparkles) to make your wishes come true;
  • make a collective meditation and charge with magical power;
  • place for charging with magic power in electronic form on the forum "Dancing Wizards" under the heading "Magic collage - an amazing technique!";
  • Your option.

If you followed all the recommendations when making a collage and looking at it your heart rejoices and sings, you will attract everything you want into your life within 1 year from the day when they charged the collage to fulfill the magic power of their intention; or within 3 yearsif any of the conditions was not met; or never- if the desired is the desire of your Mind, not the Soul, or can harm you or those around you.

After the "Approval" of the collage, do not add new images and pictures, because this will change the starting point in the realization of your desires.

You can place the finished collage, with full confidence that the Universe has already begun its execution, on the eastern wall of your house, apartment, room according to the recommendations of the Feng Shui masters or in any other that suits your opinion.

The main thing is that you can look at it as often as possible, admire and become infected with the magical energy of accomplishment in order to attract what you want into your life as soon as possible. It is good to arrange such sessions in the morning in order to be charged with positive energy for the whole day and before going to bed, so that our subconscious mind during sleep contributes to the realization of our desires. Carry a small A4 copy with you, watch and be inspired; make a screensaver on your computer monitor, etc.

You can safely show your collage to absolutely everyone: friends, relatives, family members, so that they know what you want and know what to give you. Be aware that those who will like your collage sincerely love you, and for those who are not very much, it means not very much. The main thing is not to brag about your desires, but sincerely share them with your loved ones!

You can put dates on pictures as they come true in your life.

Old collages - they are our children, loved ones and relatives, they are part of us and our path; it is not necessary to part with them, you can, for example, gradually glue the wall in the room instead of wallpaper, etc.

Dream, Desire, Create and Fulfill!


In this lesson we will learn how to make a white wood collage.
The lesson is not difficult, but there are some interesting tricks that I will tell you about next.
Here's what we should get.

For work we need:

Step 1. So let's start with the background. First, open the tree image.

Step 2. Let's add a soft light effect. Make a copy of the layer. Run the command Filter\u003eBlur\u003eGaussianBlur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) and blur so that the silhouette of the tree is visible.

Step 3... Reduce the opacity of the layer to 50%. We now have a soft light effect.

Step 4. Open the image with the planet and using the tool MoveTool (Move) drag the image onto the tree layer. With help Free Transformmake the planet smaller, place it between the branches of the tree and rotate it as shown in the picture.

Step 5. Change Blending Mode (Layer Blend Mode) on Screen (Lightening) as shown in the figure.

Step 6. Let's add some clouds to our collage. To do this, open the image with the clouds, cut them out and paste them into the collage.

Step 8. Tool Dodge Toolwith highlights (brightness) 75% pass over the moon as in the picture below.

Step 9. Create a new layer and tool BrushTool (Brush) with 50% opacity paint a white glow directly in the center of the lighter part of the moon.

Step 10. Tool Smudge tool (Finger) Smudge the glow.

Step 11. Draw stars in the sky with the tool Brush.

Step 12. Run the command Layer\u003e Layer Style\u003e Blending Options(Layer - Layer Style - Blending Options) and in the parameter Outer Glow (Outer Glow) Set the values \u200b\u200bas in the picture below.

Step 14. For further actions, you need to save the work in jpg format and then open it in Photoshop. Go Image\u003e Adjustments\u003e Brightness / Contrasts (Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Brightness / Contrast) and set the parameters shown below.

Step 15. Make a copy of the layer. Run the command Image\u003eAdjustments\u003eShadow /Highlights (Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Highlights / Shadows) and set the following parameters.

"If you smile,all dreams will start to come true! "

Collage of desires, he is "Wish poster", she "Newspaper of Happiness", she "Treasure map" or visualization Is a collage on which your desires and dreams are depicted.

Imagination is the main tool of any person, because we can only do what we can imagine! Since our brain receives most of the information through the eyes, then real pictures and photographs become the most effective elements of self-programming. If a you can it imagine, you can of this to achieve! Dreams Come True! Otherwise, nature would not have endowed us with the ability to dream.

Collages are annualaffecting all areas of our life and thematicdesigned to improve a certain area, for example, getting a desired job, going on a trip, improving family relationships, etc. In this article, we will talk about compiling the Annual Collage of Desires, since the Thematic Collage is just one of its components, and it is made according to the same principles.

Thematic collage

Annual and thematic collage can be individual, i.e. target only you and reflect the aspirations of your soul, or family... The latter takes into account the interests and desires of all family members and is made by joint efforts. You can attract even the oldest and smallest family members, because there are no age restrictions for creativity and dreams!

When is the best time to start making a collage?

My answer is correct when you feel the desire and are ready to start!

It is very good if the desire and ability to create falls on:

  • The period of the growing moon, the most favorable are considered from the 1st to the 5th lunar days;
  • Your birthday (a favorable period a month before and after your birthday);
  • The lunar day you were born on, even if it is a waning moon;
  • New Year Holidays: Calendar New Year, Old New Year, Chinese New Year, etc .;
  • Depending on your religion, for various religious holidays, for example, for Buddhists, these are the 9th and 21st lunar days - the days of Daka and Dakini, respectively; full moon, the most powerful - the full moon in May - Buddha's birthday;
  • Your option;
  • But the most important day is the one when you just want to create!

So, the stars converged, now is the time to decide on collage structure... Best suited for annual collage feng Shui system Ba-gua mesh... Why exactly she? Because it includes all areas of our life: health, family, love and relationships, children, creativity, career, success, wealth, wisdom, knowledge, helpers, protectors, and travel. To build a harmonious and happy life, it is important to set the vector of the desired development in all of the above areas.

Collage making methods:

  • Draw by hand, with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, on a blank sheet of paper in A1, A2, A3, A4 format and for this you do not have to be an artist, but the main condition must be observed - your collage must be highly Like!
  • Paste previously collected pictures and phrases from newspapers and magazines on a sheet of paper A1, A2, A3, A4 format. You can also download and print from the Internet the pictures you like in the form of photographs, pictures on a color and even black-and-white printer.
  • Print in A1, A2, A3, A4 format a collage drawn in any of the graphic editors, composed of pictures and photos uploaded to the Internet or drawn with your own hand.
  • A combination of the three previous methods.
  • Your option.

Step-by-step instructions for making an annual collage:

In our example, we use the Ba-gua grid structure of the Feng Shui system, you can use any other system you like, but the one you create yourself will work best!

Step 1. Desires should be crisp, clear and written down on paper.

We take a blank sheet in paper or electronic form, in the desired format. Whatman size A1 is best suited. We draw it into 9 equal parts, give a name to all sectors:

  • Wealth, prosperity.
  • Glory, success.
  • Love, marriage.
  • Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends.
  • I, health.
  • Children, creativity.
  • Wisdom, knowledge, travel.
  • Career, life path, new projects.
  • Helpers, significant people, protectors, patrons.

To get what you want from life, you must first of all determine what you want.

Therefore, in each sector we write down our goals and desires for the next year or more:

  • The desire should be clearly and clearly expressed in a few words in the affirmative and present tense, as if you alreadyhave what you want;
  • Without a particle "Not";
  • Desire should bring pleasure to you and your loved ones;
  • Desire should be safe for you and those around you;
  • Consciousness does not need to be expanded, just stop limiting it. Dream, write, achieve and do not deny yourself anything for the joy of you and your loved ones!

Important!!! In the process of filling, we leave one sector empty. What - you will see for yourself. This sector is still closed from you and the Higher Forces themselves determine what kind of surprise to arrange in it. In terms of their fullness, the sectors for men and women will differ, because a man is realized in achievements, and a woman in a relationship.

For example:

  • Sector "Wealth, Welfare":
    • I / our family owns a house in the Crimean highlands, with a fireplace and a swimming pool;
    • I have a ring with a large navy blue sapphire and diamonds;
    • I easily attract money into my life;
    • Money comes to me easily and often;
    • I have a large wardrobe of beautiful dresses, shoes and several fur coats in which I look amazing;
    • I am the owner of a new red Range Rover SUV;
    • My monthly income is $ 10,000;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Glory, Success":
    • I am the youngest member of the Forbes rankings;
    • My husband and I are the perfect couple;
    • I am a magnet for love, luck and money;
    • I won $ 1,000,000 in the lottery;
    • Etc.
  • Section "Love, marriage":
    • The man of my dreams made me a marriage proposal;
    • My wedding is the most beautiful;
    • My honeymoon to the islands;
    • I am a beloved and loving wife;
    • I am happily married;
    • Etc.
  • Section "Relations with loved ones, parents, friends":
    • My parents are healthy and happy;
    • My husband likes to give me gifts;
    • My husband and I often spend time talking by the fireplace with a glass of wine and sweets;
    • We often spoil each other by bringing coffee to bed;
    • My husband likes to spend time with our children, they play together, fool around, read books and make something;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "I, health":
    • My family and I - we - are healthy and happy;
    • I have a beautiful, slender figure;
    • Stable weight of my body - 47 kg;
    • I am healthy;
    • I have beautiful thick hair;
    • I have a flat tummy;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Children, creativity":
    • I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby;
    • I am a happy mother, beloved and loving woman;
    • My son grows up obedient and intelligent to the delight of his parents;
    • I easily and with joy express myself in my work, embroidering beautiful pictures with a cross;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Wisdom, knowledge, travel":
    • I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis;
    • Our whole family went on a round-the-world trip;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Career, life path, new projects":
    • I am a successful business leader;
    • I am the best seller;
    • I am constantly growing and developing professionally;
    • Etc.
  • Sector "Helpers, significant people, defenders, patrons":
    • My Guardian Angel is always by my side and takes care of me;
    • The universe takes care of me;
    • Vladimir Putin assists me in the implementation of my project;
    • etc.

Step 2. We draw our own world!

We start gluing, drawing pictures, photographs and slogans. Cutting out the images we like from magazines, we materialize our desires, which are sometimes difficult to imagine in reality and, moreover, to keep these mental images for a long time. And here there are a few simple secrets on how to quickly get what you want into your life:

  • All you need is to know where you want to go, the right decisions and the means to realize what you want will arise by themselves! You only reflect the end result, not the means to achieve it.
  • Before pasting a picture that reflects your desire, look at it and answer your question: "How do I feel when I have it or when I am this / such?" / The sensation of owning these things should evoke emotional comfort and pleasure. So this is really your desire, not someone else's. This means that this is the desire of your soul, and not of your mind, and only in this case your subconscious mind will help you in making your dream come true.
  • If you find a whole slogan suitable for you in magazines, newspapers or the Internet, this means that in your life the phrase you need already started working and very soon become a reality.
  • Use an image for each sector as a substrate or background that reflects the basis for the realization of your desires. So, for example, images of gold bars, diamonds, banknotes, etc. are suitable for the Wealth sector. For the sectors "Love, marriage" and "Relationships", love and harmony can serve as the basis - these are hearts, the Yin-Yang sign, etc. If you do not have the opportunity to use a background image, then glue, paint or decorate the remaining empty spaces according to the same principle.
  • On top of the background image, we place lovely pictures depicting material goods, events, emotions that we want to preserve and / or attract into our life.
  • In the "I, health" sector, place your photo or a photo of your family, no matter how old it is and how you look there, the main condition is that you should like it and evoke positive emotions. If you do not plan to be alone for the next year, then in the photo you should be with your partner or the whole family. If there is no such photo, place next to you any image that symbolizes the opposite sex for you. So for a woman, the symbol of masculinity can be the icon of Mars, the Eiffel Tower as eros, etc. Try to avoid photographs where the person is alone, because life is always an interaction.
  • You can use your photos, photos of celebrities or real people from whom you would like to take an example, and who, in your opinion, have the qualities that you want to strengthen or attract into your life. For example, a photo of Brad Pete and A. Jolie is a symbol of a beautiful and ideal couple.
  • In the "Wealth" sector, try to use those images where people enjoying their use are located next to the desired goods. It is better to replace images of people with your own and / or your family members. If you want to emphasize that you have money, it can be a bundle of money, a full wallet in " your "hand, etc. The central image of your Dream house should contain smiling photos of all its residents, etc."
  • All means of transportation: airplanes, yachts, cars, etc., should be directed from left to right for those who use the right-hand lettering, because the car looking to the right will "look to the future" , conversely, the future will be on the left for those using left-hand writing.

Step 3. Charge the collage with Magic Power

When the collage is completely ready, and you feel satisfaction, fullness and joy, it's time to start what you want in life.

Unleash your creativity, you can:

  • First of all, voice out loud to yourself, to others, to the world everything that you understand by each image in your collage.
  • Write in the corner in the director's handwriting: for execution, I affirm, so be it!.
  • Date, your name and signature.
  • Certify with an electronic, physical seal or your fingerprint.
  • Covering your hand with paint, leave an imprint of the whole hand and say: "This is my will! Let it be so!"
  • Sprinkle with magic gold pollen (sequins) to make your wishes come true.
  • Make a collective meditation and charge with magic power.
  • Place for charging with magic power in electronic form on the forum Simoron "Dancing Wizards" in the Rubric "Magic collage - an amazing technique!".
  • Your option.

If you followed all the recommendations when making a collage and, looking at it, your heart rejoices and sings, you will attract everything you want into your life within 1 year from the day when they charged the collage to fulfill the magic power of their intention; or within 3 yearsif any of the conditions was not met; or never- if the desired is the desire of your Mind, not the Soul, or can harm you or those around you.

After "Approval" of the collage, do not add new images and pictures, because by this you will change the starting point in the realization of your desires.

Step 4. What's next?

You can place the finished collage with full confidence that the Universe has already started its execution on the eastern wall of your house, apartment, room according to the recommendations of the Feng Shui masters or in any other that suits your opinion.

The main thing is that you can look at it as often as possible, admire and be infected with the magical energy of accomplishment in order to attract what you want into your life as soon as possible. It is good to arrange such sessions in the morning in order to be charged with positive energy for the whole day and before going to bed, so that our subconscious mind during sleep contributes to the realization of our desires. Carry a small A4 copy with you, watch and get inspired, make a screensaver on your computer monitor, etc.

You can safely show your collage to absolutely everyone: friends, relatives, family members, so that they know what you want and know what to give you. Know that those who like your collage sincerely love you, and those who "Not really", then "Not really"... The main thing? do not brag about your desires, but sincerely share them with your loved ones!

You can put dates in pictures as they come true in your life.

Old collages - they are our children - beloved and dear ones, they are part of us and our path; it is not necessary to part with them, you can, for example, gradually glue the wall in the room instead of wallpaper, etc.

Dream, desire, create and fulfill!

"Good luck and fulfillment of all your desires", -Maria Alekseeva.