How to set the date of conception. How to calculate the best and most favorable days for conceiving a child

The conception calendar is a convenient thing that allows a woman to keep track of her menstrual cycle, namely, to determine dangerous and safe days in terms of a possible pregnancy. The calendar of the conception of a child is a form in which it is necessary to enter the first day of the last menstruation, the program, with the help of different colors, shows which days are the most "fruitful". Try it, the conception calendar is really very simple to calculate!

For a better understanding of how the program works, we will give the main factors that were taken into account when creating it.

1. In the vast majority of women, ovulation (the only day in the month when the egg is ready for fertilization) occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Look at the conception calendar - the day of ovulation (exactly the middle of the menstrual cycle), as well as a few days before and after it are highlighted in orange and green.

2. Fertilization of the egg cannot occur on the days of menstruation, as well as at the very end of the cycle. These "safe" days are shown in pink (see the conception calendar).

You can also check the accuracy of the data obtained by monitoring your condition during ovulation.

1. The amount of vaginal discharge will noticeably increase.

2. Increased libido (sex drive).

3. You can notice a jump in basal temperature (measured in the rectum), but only if you built a graph in advance.

4. An ovulation test (can be purchased at almost any pharmacy) shows a positive result.

5. There may be short-term, aching pains in the uterus and ovaries.

6. The doctor, using an ultrasound scan, detects signs of the release of the egg from the ovary.

You can calculate your conception calendar right now! Enter the exact data on the beginning of critical days (exact date) and in a couple of seconds you will receive the necessary information. Note that the data obtained cannot be trusted 100%, nevertheless, our body is a big mystery, and any "little things", such as stress or change of place of residence, can affect the processes in it.

Also note that you do not ovulate every cycle. Every woman of reproductive age has at least 2 cycles per year “sterile”.

Pregnancy is the most important stage in the life of any mother. The health of the unborn baby depends on the preparation for it and its course. To determine the exact term of pregnancy and childbirth, the date of the fertilization that took place is important. There are several ways to determine the date of conception, it remains only to choose the most optimal one.

It is well known that a woman can become pregnant only during the ovulatory period. Directly at these hours, a female cell ready for conception leaves the ovary in the direction of the uterus. The life span of an egg is short and rarely exceeds 36 hours, so the chances of conceiving a child within one cycle are negligible for spouses. When sperm enter the vagina, under the most favorable conditions, a tiny fraction of them can live there for about a week. That is why the process of conception can take place several days before and on the day of ovulation. How to determine the day of the fertilization that occurred?

With one intercourse, about 500 million sperm enter the vagina, which modestly accumulate at the posterior vaginal wall next to the uterine cervix. For conception to occur, the sperm must reach the mature egg in order to properly fertilize it. For this, the sperm has a rather difficult path:

  • First, it passes 2 cm of the cervical canal;
  • Then it overcomes 5 cm of the uterine cavity;
  • Then his task involves overcoming 12 cm of the fallopian tube.

Only after passing the cherished 19 cm does the sperm get to the meeting place - the ampullary section, where the "meeting" with the egg takes place. It takes about three hours for sperm to overcome this path, and the female body resists this process in every possible way. In fact, the vagina is an aggressive environment for sperm cells, in which most of them die. During the period of being in the vaginal environment, the sperm dies after 2 hours. Therefore, a sufficient number of viable and active sperm is essential for fertilization.

Process features

Many of the sperm cells cannot reach the egg, entangling themselves in the epithelial layer of the fallopian tubes. But they can wait for the release of the egg here, since they can live here for about 5 more days. At the same time, conditions favorable for fertilization at 37 ° C are created at the meeting point of sperm and egg cells. But getting to the egg is not enough, you still need to break through its defense. This nature is also taken into account, therefore, a specific enzyme is present in the head of each sperm, which dissolves the membrane membrane of the egg. When one sperm manages to fertilize a female cell, the composition of its membrane changes so that no sperm can get inside, which die within 48 hours.

The egg enters the uterus about the fourth day after fertilization. It takes another three days to attach, after which the conception can be considered accomplished. It is at this time that chorionic gonadotropin begins to actively enter the bloodstream, which is determined by express pregnancy tests.

When conception took place

To determine the day of conception, it is necessary to accurately calculate the ovulatory period, then compare it with the date on which unprotected intercourse took place. Usually, conception occurs in the middle of the female cycle. Therefore, with a monthly cycle of 28 days, you need to count 14 days from their beginning. During a similar period, the ovulatory process and conception occur. When calculating, it is imperative to take into account that sperm will be able to fertilize a female cell only within a day and a half, but sperm survivability can persist up to 5 days (for some, up to a week). Therefore, even knowing the number of sexual contact that has occurred, you should not expect that it will coincide in date with conception.

There are two types of gestation periods - true or obstetric. The true or specific period is counted from the ovulatory period and the moment of fertilization. From obstetric, he usually lags behind about half a month. The obstetric period can be calculated by relying on and comparing certain factors such as the onset of maturation of the female reproductive cell, the formation of the ovum and the formation of the fetus. This calculation starts from the date the last menstrual bleeding started.

Proven ways to calculate dates

There are other proven methods for determining conception. After confirming the fact of pregnancy, the obstetrician asks each woman at a gynecological appointment in detail when the last menstruation began, the duration of the cycle and other information of this kind. Some doctors, in order to determine the exact date of conception, are guided by the period of menstrual delay, although the main starting point is still the day of the beginning of menstruation. Therefore, women are advised to keep a female calendar, in which you need to enter all the information regarding the beginning and end of menstruation. There are several proven options for how to find out the date of conception.

  1. With the help of a gynecologist. This period and date of fertilization will be very relative, in order to more accurately determine the date of conception of the child, additional examinations and medical calculations need to be carried out.
  2. Calculate the term for the last months. This is a fairly common technique, but it is applicable only when the cycle is constantly the same, does not float and does not get lost, menstruation constantly comes on a certain day. In cases where the cycle is constantly shifting in decreasing or increasing days, it will be quite difficult to calculate when exactly delivery will occur.
  3. When registering, each woman is sent for ultrasound diagnostics, where the date of conception, as well as the gestation period, is determined. The ultrasound method is the most reliable, only such a study can only show the presence of pregnancy for a 5-7 week period, not earlier. But you can find out when the baby should be born with the help of ultrasound diagnostics in the period of 9-16 weeks. If the fetus develops with deviations (too large or small), then the ultrasound may give erroneous calculations.

These methods are used by gynecologists to identify the exact day of conception and to establish the timing of fetal development. In the process of calculations, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the mother's body, the presence of probable deviations in fetal development, etc. Also, one should not discount the fact that the newborn will be active to be born a little earlier than the calculated time, or, conversely, will stay in the mother's womb even for a week.


So, in order to determine when conception took place, you need to have information about two dates: the first day of the last menstruation and the days when there were intercourse without contraception. It is recommended to write down these dates, because, as practice shows, they are forgotten quite quickly, and it is difficult for a woman to remember when the last bleeding was already at the gynecological appointment. How to find out the required date, knowing the above numbers?

Normally, the duration of gestation is 280 days from the day of conception. This is 10 months or 40 weeks. So, you know the start date of the last menstruation. You need to add exactly 40 weeks to this number. The resulting result will be the number of when the baby is supposed to appear.

If you need to determine the date of conception of a child, then everything is also simple here. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. With its duration of 30 days, fertilization will occur on 15-16 days. It is a mistake to say that an egg is fertilized on the day of sexual intercourse. Sometimes several days pass between sex and conception, depending on the degree of maturation of the egg, the viability and motility of the sperm.

What gives the knowledge of the date

Knowing when conception occurred is important in order to calculate the time of delivery. In addition, such information will help monitor fetal development. Every week, specific changes occur with the fetus, in order to find out whether this is the norm or a deviation, it is necessary to reliably determine the gestation period. This will help control the growth and development of the fetus, determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding favorably, etc.

In addition, knowing the exact day of conception, you can find out the exact date of birth, determine the time of mom's maternity leave, etc.

Period of conception

It has already been noted that even with the exact date of sexual intercourse that led to the onset of pregnancy, this day cannot be considered the date of conception with absolute certainty. Since sperm cells can reach the female cell for several days, conception can also be determined by several days, covering the ovulatory period. When patients are interested in how to determine the dates of conception, doctors usually say that conception can take place after sexual intercourse that occurred a few days before the ovulatory period and a couple of days after its end.

In obstetric practice, it is quite rare that childbirth occurs at the appointed time, because a newborn may not be born at 40, but at 42 or 38 weeks, which is not a deviation. Therefore, the preliminary date of birth should be treated as a rough guideline.

Don't put your child off until later

Mentally, young parents begin to prepare for the appearance of the baby, probably already at the wedding table. Why is a family created, if not for procreation? Some even before marriage stipulate who they want: a boy or a girl. But what a surprise it is when no signs of pregnancy appear.

This article is for those who are waiting for the onset of pregnancy as a miracle, but for some reason it does not come.In such cases, the young woman usually goes to the doctor. She wants to know how to get pregnant? How to calculate the best days to conceive?

To the doctor - together!

The spouse is most often invited to the antenatal clinic. You have to go there together, as you once went to the registry office. The gynecologist, of course, will tell you how to calculate the most favorable days for conceiving a baby. But before that, they will take an anamnesis ( anamnesisa set of information obtained during a medical examination by questioning the subject himself and / or those who know him. The study of anamnesis, like the questioning in general, is not just a list of questions and answers to them. The style of the conversation between the doctor and the patient determines the psychological compatibility, which largely determines the final goal - to alleviate the patient's condition ) - find out when and how both spouses were ill. After conducting the necessary research, they will give recommendations.

Doctors believe that it takes six months to prepare for conception. For half a year, the female body must get stronger in order to bear a healthy child. The body of a man, strange as it may seem, also needs preparation.

Vitaminization - first of all!

Even if the couple is healthy, the man and woman will be prescribed vitamins. And both are the same. Folic acid, vitamins A, E, C; will prescribe zinc and selenium.

You ask: why?

The same fortifying drugs act on the male and female body in different ways.

  • Folic acid, which is called the "pregnancy vitamin". In women, before conception, it promotes the maturation of the eggs. In men, high-quality sperm. However, a woman will drink this vitamin until the end of her pregnancy. A man can stop with a successful onset of conception.
  • Vitamin A in men induces sexual desire and improves sperm quality. The unborn child needs vitamin A for the peephole. But usually doctors do not allow you to exceed its dosage.
  • "Women's vitamin" E, which is called the vitamin of youth and beauty, takes care of the skin, bones, nails. In men, it promotes sperm maturation.
  • Vitamin C is a good stimulant. It will protect sperm from free radicals. It is also important for women.
  • Selenium promotes sperm production and prolongs their life, preventing them from dying prematurely.
  • Zinc also increases sperm vitality. This means that it is useful for men for full conception.
  • B vitamins are often prescribed to women on the eve of conception: B6 - contributes to the correct formation of the cerebral cortex in the unborn baby. The organism of the expectant mother should be saturated with it. In addition, in combination with B12 and B1, it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system of the developing fetus. These vitamins should be enough in the body of the expectant mother even before conception.
  • Vitamin D is useful for both mother and child. It is essential for the formation of healthy teeth in a baby. And for the preservation of the teeth of a mother who carries a child under her heart.

When the future parents have grown stronger, physically and mentally prepared for the appearance of a small family member, you can start calculating the correct day of conception of the first child.

Methods for determining the best days to conceive

  • calendar
  • vaginal
  • ultrasonic
  • test
  • calculator
  • folk

Calendar way

The first method will probably be offered to you in the antenatal clinic. It consists in keeping a female calendar. But this must be done punctually, in the morning measuring the basal temperature at the same time in the rectum or vagina.

The data is neatly entered into the calendar. On normal days, the rectal temperature will be 36.6 °. Immediately before ovulation, it rises to 37 °. During ovulation - up to 37.2 °. At the end of the month, you can draw a curve by connecting the points of the values.

The next month, immediately after mensis, we again enter the measurement data into our calendar. It is advisable to continue measuring basal temperature for three months in a row.

This will determine the length of your menstrual cycle. (Ideally, it is equal to 28 days). And calculate the days of ovulation, when the egg, after maturing, enters the fallopian tube. There comes a favorable moment for conception. As soon as your thermometer - preferably using an electronic one - it is more convenient and more accurate - showed 37 °, it means that the beneficial time for conception has come. Begin active sexual activity.

A cycle shortened to 21 days or lengthened to 35 days should not be considered a deviation from the norm. In the first case, ovulation, which lasts only two days, will occur on days 6-7-8. (The second half for any cycle is 14 days). Not even all gynecologists know this! And you will know. In the second - on days 20-22. And not on the 10th and 17-18th, as many mistakenly believe, assuming that for any duration of the cycle, ovulation falls exactly in the middle.

We should not forget that several times a year there are cycles without ovulation, when the egg is not formed.

Vaginal way

This method is very simple. An experienced woman always feels ovulation. Vaginal discharge on such days resembles the contents of chicken protein. The mucus is just as viscous.

There are other signs as well. The chest swells. The ovary pulls and aches - on the side where the egg prepares to exit into the fallopian tube to meet with the sperm. Sex drive increases. So nature itself takes care of the procreation.

How to determine the day of ovulation?


One of the most accurate methods for determining the days of ovulation is ultrasound. A woman can always use ultrasound monitoring. It is also called folliculometry.

A highly qualified doctor on the device monitors the entire process of ovarian maturation, starting from the 8-10th day of the menstrual cycle, or immediately after menstruation, every two days. Until the follicle reaches 1.8-2.4 cm during ovulation. But the maturation of the follicle is not a guarantee of pregnancy, since it may not rupture, but continue to increase until it forms a cyst. Normally, the rupture of the follicle is indicated by the presence of fluid from the ruptured follicle in the back of the uterus and an increase in progesterone, the formation of a corpus luteum.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Observing a woman for two to three months, the doctor can name the exact days of ovulation, guided by the characteristic signs on the ultrasound machine. He can also determine the reasons for its absence in the anovulatory cycle.

Using a test

A test method can be recommended. You can buy test strips, which are similar to those used to determine pregnancy, at the pharmacy. Just like pregnancy strips, they are dipped in urine. Their color will depend on the amount of estrogen in the body.

You need to monitor this for exactly a week. On anovulatory days, one bar will change color. The day before ovulation, both stripes will take on the same bright color. This means that the next day you can start creating the miracle of another little life. He's the best!

This is the method that women love to use the most. It is simpler than the basal temperature measurement method and more accurate.


Not everyone knows that there is a modern method for determining ovulation with a special calculator. This can be done on the website\u003dcalczachatiya

You can try. For an accurate determination, you only need to enter the date of the last menstruation, the duration of the monthly cycle and the calculation period. The calculator will do the rest for you.

Suppose young parents are planning to conceive a child in the near future. The woman has a 24-day cycle. The last period was on October 1st. We take 3 calculation periods: October, November and December.

The calculator produces the following results:

Best days to conceive: from 9 to 17 October, from 2 to 10 November, from 26 November to 4 December.

As you can see, as many as 14 favorable days fall in November, use them for conception.

Folk method

This old way of determining the most favorable days for conceiving your own child is very simple. The duration of the female cycle is taken and divided exactly in half. For example, a woman has a classic cycle of 28 days. We divide it in half. And add and subtract one day at a time. This means that the best days for love joys will be days: from the 13th to the 15th.

Sometimes the lunar cycle is taken into account, which is important in a woman's life. It is believed that it is not worth conceiving a child neither on a new moon, nor on a full moon, nor in the last third of the lunar cycle, on a waning moon. The waxing moon is best suited for this.

Girl or boy?

While expecting a child, families think about who will be born, a girl or a boy. Grandmothers are trying to determine this by certain criteria. If the belly is tapering forward: it means there will be a boy. If the belly is round, and the hips are plump, then we must wait for the girl.

Now the sex of the child is determined by ultrasound. Ultrasound “sees” better than any grandmother: who is hiding there in the mother’s tummy.

But in young families where the first-born is expected, they want to know the gender of the child even before it gets into this belly. The baby is also planned in families where there are already children. There is a boy, I want a girl. Or vice versa.

Doctors believe that if intercourse occurred on the eve of ovulation, a girl will be born. If after - a boy.

Eastern sages advise: for a son to be born, sleep with the headboard to the north. To those who are expecting a daughter - to the south.


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Ovulation and conception calendar is a versatile and fairly easy-to-use service designed to calculate the menstrual cycle and the most favorable period conceiving a child... Its main purpose is to help a woman identify the days of increased fertility ( ovulation), during which conceiving a child most likely. At the same time, thanks to the calculation of the so-called "safe days", ovulation calendar allows her to avoid unwanted pregnancy without the use of any medication and mechanical contraception. To take advantage of ovulation calendar and calculate your own menstrual cycle (favorable period conceiving a child), sequentially fill in all the fields of the form below. Registered and authorized users of our Internet portal can save their personal ovulation and conception calendar in the "favorites" section of your personal account and return to it later.

Indicate the first day of your last period:

Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month: January February March April May June July August September October November December Year: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Average duration of the menstrual cycle:

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Duration of menstrual bleeding:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The duration of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle:

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - by default the average duration of this phase is set

Your aim:

Number of calculated cycles:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ovulation calendar and the most favorable days for conceiving a child

Ovulation - This is a process during which a matured and completely ready for the upcoming fertilization egg leaves the ovary, enters the abdominal cavity and then goes into the lumen of the fallopian tube. It was during this period that the probability conceiving a child is the maximum and is estimated at about 33%, which, of course, should be taken into account when calculating ovulation calendar and a woman's planning for an upcoming pregnancy. After ovulation the egg is capable of fertilization ( conception) within 12-24 hours, while sperm after ejaculation retain their activity for 2-3 (and much less often 5-7) days. Given this fact, a woman's ability to get pregnant the day before ovulation equal to approximately 31%, two days before it - 27%, and three and four days before ovulation - 16 and 14%, respectively. In the same time conceiving a child six days before ovulation or the next day after it is unlikely and even practically impossible. Usually ovulation occurs between the 14th and 16th days of the menstrual cycle under the influence of estrogens and pituitary hormones.

Ovulation calendar and a sign of conception

One of the most reliable and important signs of an offensive ovulation and favorable period for conceiving a child are changes in the cervical mucus of a woman. First of all, under the influence of estrogens, there is an increase in the amount of secretions and a decrease in their viscosity. The next, no less important, sign of egg maturation should be considered a decrease in rectal (basal) temperature during ovulation and raising it the next day. Moreover, in order to more accurately calculate ovulation and conception calendar, it is recommended to measure the temperature every morning at the same time for several months. Sometimes in a moment ovulation a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, the nature of which can vary widely enough from mild and short-term to strong and very long-term. It should also be noted that on days ovulation some women experience a peak in sexual arousal.

Ovulation and conception calendar is a diagram of the menstrual cycle, in which the time of its beginning, end, and also itself ovulation... Full management calendar involves the obligatory fixation of periods of active sexual life in it. Drafting ovulation and conception calendar it is necessary to start long before planning pregnancy in order to learn how to determine the moment as accurately as possible ovulation and get acquainted with all the features of your own body.

Ovulation calendar and conceiving a baby

Depending on the likelihood conceiving a child and time ovulation menstrual cycle ( conception calendar) can be conditionally divided into three phases: relative sterility, fertility and absolute sterility. The period of relative sterility begins from the moment the bloody discharge appears and ends ovulation... During this phase, there may be some difficulties with contraception, since its duration sometimes varies within a few days, even with a stable cycle duration as a whole. This happens due to the fact that periodically, depending on certain factors (external and internal), ovulation comes a little earlier or vice versa later.

The fertility phase starts from the moment ovulation and ends after 48 hours. At this time, the probability conceiving a child as high as possible. As noted above, after leaving the ovary, the egg is capable of fertilization within 12-24 hours, while the remaining half of the time is devoted to the inaccuracy of determining the time ovulation... Following a period of increased fertility, a woman enters a phase of absolute sterility, during which conceive a child almost impossible. This period lasts until the end of the menstrual cycle and is about 10-16 days.

Ovulation calendar and calculation of the period of conception of a child

Most modern women are counting ovulation and conception calendar in order to bring the long-awaited motherhood closer. Others build the calendarto protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy. However, whatever goals they pursue, when calculating the menstrual cycle (and ovulation calendar in particular) there is always the possibility of error in any way.

According to the calendar method of calculation ovulation a woman should record the days of the beginning and end of menstrual cycles for at least six months. In order to determine, on the basis of these data, your individual fertile period ( ovulation and conception calendar), it is necessary to subtract 11 from the number of days of the longest of the cycles (the last fertile day of the cycle), and from the number of days of the shortest - 18 (the first fertile day). So, for example, the longest cycle in a woman is 32 days: 32-11 \u003d 21 (the 21st day of the cycle is the last in the fertile phase). Its shortest cycle is 26 days: 26-18 \u003d 8 (8th day is the first in the fertile phase). In this case, the most favorable period for conceiving a child is the interval from the 8th to the 21st day of the cycle (13 days in total).

One of the best and more accurate calculation methods ovulation and conception calendar a child is a combination of the above techniques, which is called the symptothermal method. It includes basal body temperature measurement, daily monitoring of the state of cervical mucus and accurate calculation ovulation calendar and favorable period for conceiving a child by the calendar method.

Action of tests for calculation ovulation calendar is based on the same principle as for the diagnosis of pregnancy. When interacting with a woman's urine, two transverse lines appear on it, one of which indicates the normal performance of the test, and the second indicates an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the woman's full readiness for conceiving a child... However, if the second line for several cycles in a row remains paler than the control, then this may indicate the absence of ovulation due to any disease (thyroid disease and hyperprolactinemia, obesity and wasting, polycystic ovary syndrome and ifantilism, high FSH and low estradiol levels, chronic stress, etc.) and is the basis for seeking medical attention.

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and at the same time crucial periods in the life of every woman, and therefore it is not at all surprising that each of us wants to know the date of birth as soon as possible. However, this issue often causes many controversies and controversies. Future mothers "torture" doctors with their questions, because they want to prepare for an important event, but they only shrug their shoulders, because they are not able to accurately determine the date of birth of a long-awaited baby.
In order to Calculate the due date, press the button "find out the due date".

Date of first day of last monthly: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Today: 02.03.2019
Date of the first day of the last period:
Conception most likely happened (+ -2 days):

Estimated due date:
Left before delivery:

Estimated due date (PDD) is calculated in several ways, each of which is indicative. That is, if, according to calculations, the baby should be born on January 1, then it is not a fact that this will happen with 100% accuracy on this very day. Very often there are deviations from the expected date in one direction or another. And labor can start either 2 weeks earlier or later. I bring to your attention a fairly simple, but very effective way to find out the probable date of birth of a child, which has been successfully used by many doctors in clinics for quite some time.

Calculation based on the last day of your period

So to yourself calculate the gestational age and on it to determine the expected day of birth, you need to remember the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. It is on its basis that all calculations are made. From this date, you must subtract 3 months and add another 7 days to the result. The resulting number will be the estimated date of birth of your long-awaited baby.
For example, the date of the last period is April 22nd. This means that 3 months must be subtracted from this date. We subtract and get - January 22. We add another 7 days to this figure and we get January 29 - this day will be the estimated date of birth.
It is worth noting that this method of calculation is best for women with a regular menstrual cycle that lasts 28 days.

4 alternative ways to calculate due date

  • 1. You can find out the due date of birth, with a fairly high accuracy, by visiting the gynecologist's office. The doctor will not prescribe any tests for this, he will simply measure the size of the uterus, which will be enlarged in accordance with the age of the fetus. However, this method of calculating the date of birth of a baby is effective only in the first trimester of pregnancy. On the later lines (in the 2nd and 3rd trimester) in each woman, the increase in the size of the uterus occurs with varying intensity, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • 2. You can calculate the date of birth by ovulation, which is the most favorable period in which conception is most likely to occur. On such days, a woman usually experiences an increased sex drive. In addition, her secretions (cervical fluid) become stickier and thicker, the basal body temperature rises by several tenths of a degree, the cervix rises, and the mammary glands become thickened and painful.
So, in order to find out when your baby will be born, according to ovulation, you need to add 280 days to this day (duration of pregnancy). The resulting term will be the date of birth. If the period in which ovulation occurred is unknown, then calculate the middle of the last menstrual cycle, and then add the rest to it.
In the same way, you can perform calculations based on the date of conception. However, you should be aware that this period does not always coincide with the day on which the sexual intercourse took place. Fertilization of the egg, as a rule, occurs only on the third day.
  • 3. Hardware calculation using ultrasonic waves can also be attributed to the most effective methods that allow you to determine the due date with an accuracy of 1-3 days. The most correct calculations will be if an ultrasound scan is done during the period of 11-14 weeks of pregnancy.
  • 4. To declassify the secret of your baby's date of birth will help his first movement, which usually occurs at the 20th week (in primiparous) and at the 18th - during the second and subsequent pregnancies. In ancient times, when there was no ultrasound, this method of calculating the due date was almost the only one.
As soon as the expectant mother feels the first tangible tremors of her baby in her stomach, then 20 weeks should be counted from that moment. The resulting date will be the probable day of the birth of the child. If childbirth is not the first, movements are usually felt earlier - at 18 weeks, so you will have to add not 20, but 22 weeks to this period.

The effectiveness of hardware methods in calculating the term of labor

Examination of the fetus in the third trimester on an ultrasound machine allows you to determine the date of pregnancy with high accuracy, and therefore the expected due date. The fact is that only with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor can observe the state of the placenta, the position of the baby's head in relation to the entrance to the small pelvis, the level of cervical opening, signs of fetal maturity, as well as many other important factors. All these parameters are decisive in determining the readiness of the future baby and his mother for childbirth.

Is deviation from the established date the norm?

As mentioned above, all estimates of the estimated due date are nothing more than an approximate guideline, which should not be relied heavily on. According to statistics, only 17% of women give birth on the appointed day, while the remaining 83% - either earlier or later. Thus, we can conclude that no specialist, no matter how smart and qualified he is, is able to predict with high accuracy the date of onset of labor.
Normally, childbirth can occur between 38 and 42 weeks. pregnancy. The birth of a child will not be premature or late, but normal and physiological. Sometimes, for certain reasons, labor can begin prematurely. This happens due to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, stressful situations, various pathological processes occurring in the mother's body, hereditary factors, etc.
Often there is a prolongation of pregnancy due to the fact that there were any complications in the first trimester. In addition, maternal heredity should be considered. If your mother and grandmother gave birth much later than the due date, then most likely the same will happen to you. Therefore, it is very important to realize that calculating the due date is a very difficult, conditional and individual issue for each expectant mother.

How do the features of the menstrual cycle affect the date of birth?

The duration of the woman's menstrual cycle also affects the term of labor. For example, if it exceeds the standard twenty-eight days, then, most likely, the pregnancy will last more than forty weeks, and vice versa. However, in this case, the deviation in one direction or another usually does not amount to more than 5 days. It is worth noting that in such calculations, mistakes are often made, since very often ordinary bleeding, which opened after the fertilization of the egg, is often taken for menstruation.