How to return color to a black dress. How to restore the original color to clothes

At the present time, everyone has black or blue jeans in their wardrobe, it is convenient to wear them to work, to the store, to a meeting or even just to walk.

If the product is of high quality, then it will be worn for a very long time. But with active wearing of jeans and regular washing, they can lose their original appearance.

What measures to take in such cases, and is it possible to restore the color of black jeans at home?

Reasons for the loss of a saturated shade

Regular washing is the main cause of color loss. Gradually, water with the addition of powder or gel washes out the paint, making the fabric lighter each time.

Shedding is another common cause of discoloration. Probably, every housewife noticed that during washing, the water acquires a dark color. In addition, paint marks can remain on the body or other items of clothing that jeans come into contact with.

When buying jeans, do a quality test. To do this, wipe the leg with a damp white cloth or cotton pad. If the thing is of poor quality, then traces will remain on the white.

The color loss of jeans can appear with prolonged wear or fading in the sun.

To prevent your favorite jeans from losing their original appearance, you need to adhere to several recommendations:

  1. Wash jeans inside out.
  2. Read the manufacturer's label carefully. It indicates the temperature at which it is worth washing and ironing the product.
  3. Always add only to the machine. Use conditioner for black clothes to preserve color.
  4. Do not soak your trousers in water for a long time.
  5. Wash the product at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.
  6. Add some vinegar to the water as a preventative measure against discoloration during hand wash.

If the jeans still lighten, and these tips did not help, then you can try to dye the product.

Methods to restore a dark shade

What to do if things have lost their rich black color? There are several ways to restore the shade at home.

Processing with shedding clothes

How to color your jeans back? There is one simple, but unusual way - washing fading things. If you still have jeans that have not been washed much and have not lost their color, then wash them with your favorite trousers.

To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take two pairs of jeans, turn them inside out and drop them into the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Set the wash cycle to 40 degrees.
  3. After 30-40 minutes, pause the wash and leave it on for two to three hours. This will enhance the paint transfer effect.
  4. After the time has elapsed, switch it on again and finish the wash cycle.
  5. When the rinse program starts, add the vinegar conditioner to the tray.

Then hang the items on the dryer. You should not hang them on the balcony, otherwise, under the influence of sunlight, the product will again lose its dark shade.

Dyeing jeans with hair dye

Not sure how to bring back the color to black jeans? There is another easy way - use hair dye. To obtain a positive result, you must clearly follow all the listed rules.

When performing the procedure, you will need:

  • large basin;
  • one or two packs of black paint;
  • 3% table vinegar;
  • salt;
  • a pair of gloves.

The process itself is as follows:

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Remove the component vials from the box and mix them as directed in the instructions.
  3. Dissolve the resulting composition in warm water, and then soak the jeans. Leave it on for about one hour. Flip the trousers over to keep them evenly dyed.
  4. After an hour, rinse your jeans in clean water.
  5. Then soak again, but this time in cool water with the addition of vinegar and salt.
  6. Squeeze and well.

The pants will take on a rich color again. But gradually, after a while, the paint will wash off.

Painting the product with a special paint

How do I restore the color of my black trousers? There is a specialized paint on sale that is great for both cotton and heavy fabrics.

To complete the procedure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take a large bowl with a volume of up to 10-15 liters.
  2. Purchase fabric dye from the store. It is sold in powder form. When choosing, focus on proven brands. They cost a little more, but the dark shade will last for a long time.
  3. Put on rubber gloves, and then pour warm water into a basin.
  4. Add the powder and mix the liquid thoroughly.
  5. Place jeans in the resulting composition and leave them for 30-40 minutes. Turn the garment over from time to time so that the color is uniform.
  6. After the time has passed, rinse the product until the water is completely clear. Dry it.

Using blue

This method works best with navy blue pants. The advantage of blue is that it is affordable and has a low cost. But there is also a drawback: it is washed off very quickly.

If you decide to use this tool, then follow the instructions:

  1. Pour cool water into a bowl. Its temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  2. Add blue to the water and mix thoroughly. Put jeans in the resulting solution and leave them for two to three hours.
  3. You can add some vinegar to set the result.
  4. At the end of the procedure, rinse the item and dry it.

Experienced housewives give advice: in order for the color to be persistent, you can add a few tablespoons of table salt to the resulting liquid.

Remember to wear gloves before handling.

The use of potassium permanganate

The jeans start to fade in light gradually with each wash. But to give them new life, you can use potassium permanganate. This technique allows you to get boiled jeans, which are still considered fashionable.

  1. Take a large enamel pot.
  2. Fill it with water and add potassium permanganate. If you want to get a darker and more saturated color, then put more potassium permanganate. Lower your jeans.
  3. Hold the product until it is completely colored.
  4. To enhance the effect, add a few tablespoons of salt to the liquid.
  5. Once you get the desired shade, take out the pants and rinse them in cool water.
  6. Dry on a flat surface and enjoy the result.

When things lose their usual shade, it becomes sad that the original look can no longer be returned. But there are ways that help update the thing and make it a little brighter than it was before.

Often things made of colored or black fabric lose their original brightness over time. This phenomenon can occur, both due to the use of low-quality dyes by manufacturers, and due to improper care.

Washing is the main factor why clothes lose color. It is often possible to observe how during it the water acquires a characteristic shade.

Why does the color fade

Various chemicals are always used during washing. They help to wash out the dye from the fabric structure. Also, if you wash colored clothes in too hot water, this can lead not only to a loss of the original tone, but also to deformation of the product.

In addition, colored clothing tends to fade, from which, for example, summer shorts and shorts become dull.

Another enemy of the brightness of wardrobe items is the iron. During ironing, too hot the soleplate of the appliance can burn out the saturation of the shades. Therefore, you need to iron the products only from the wrong side.

It would seem that if a thing just lies in the closet, then nothing can happen to it. But long-term storage of things with bright colors on the shelves also leaves its negative imprint.

Therefore, in order for things to look like new longer, they must be properly looked after. Competent washing is one of the basic laws of the brightness of clothes.

Washing rules

It is known that there are rules for washing colored, black ones. For some reason, many neglect them, and then wonder how to return black color to clothes or any other?

So that the fabric does not lose its visual characteristics during washing, it is imperative to follow its basic rules:

  1. Washing and ironing should be done at the recommended temperature. Usually the manufacturer sews it from the inside to the product.
  2. It is necessary to wash colored things only with a special detergent or powder intended for them.
  3. Before you throw your wardrobe items, they must be turned out to the wrong side.
  4. Dark, denim and black fabrics should always be washed with a dark wash detergent so that they do not lose their tone.
  5. White items should not be washed together with colored or dark clothing. It can shed. Powder, you should also use a special one with a whitening property, intended for the care of white things.
  6. Do not dry colored or black items in direct sunlight.
  7. The machine wash should be suitable for the type of fabric.

Household ways to return color

What if the item has already lost its color and needs to be restored? Almost any fabric can be refreshed and color depth restored.

You can try to refresh a colored or black product with the help of available chemicals. There are several ways. Which one to use depends on the type of fabric.

Effective home remedies:

  1. How to restore black color of clothes? This is a question that worries many. Vinegar not only helps restore blacks, but also other vibrant tones, and softens fabrics. All you need to do is just put the item in a bowl of cold water and add 100 ml of vinegar. After 30 minutes, the product is taken out and simply washed according to the directions on the label.
  2. Salt. You can soak a faded item to restore color in salt water. For one liter, add 1 level tablespoon of kitchen salt. After the product has lain in a bowl of saline for 30-60 minutes, it is washed as usual.
  3. Brightness solution. In order to prepare such a solution, you will need to take: starch, salt, citric acid and soap shavings. Each component is poured into a bowl of room temperature water, in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Next, things are dipped in a bowl and kept for 8-12 hours, and then they are simply washed.

Sometimes such methods do not help, for example, if the clothes have almost completely lost their original brightness.

Store dyes

The easiest way to bring color back to your clothes is to buy synthetic fabric dyes. In a household chemicals store, you can purchase these substances for different colors, from different manufacturers. Most often, black and other dark shades are on sale.

The dye can be designed for different types of fabric, there is also a universal dye. All the necessary information when purchasing can be read on the packaging.

Homemade recipes

If the store did not have the right color, or simply did not want to use unfamiliar chemicals, then you can try folk recipes to restore the color of clothes.

How to return the color of clothes at home? Depending on the color of the fabric, its own individual recipe for returning the saturation and depth of tone is applied. It is important to fully adhere to all recommendations in order to achieve the desired result.

Red shades

To return the previous red tint, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar.

These substances have been tested to return brightness well.

Each component in the specified amount is taken per 1 liter of water.

In the resulting solution, the product is soaked for 20 minutes, and then simply rinsed in cold water.

Blue and blue tones

To freshen up jeans or other blue items at home, blueing will help. It is sold at a household chemicals store. The quantity is calculated individually, depending on the shade of the product.

The product is simply diluted in cool water. Further, the already washed item is left in the solution for 20-30 minutes, and rinsed well.

Beige, cream and brown

You can use brewing black tea or coffee. Strong brew or coffee must be diluted with water in the right amount, which is determined by the shade of the wardrobe item.

After the solution is diluted in the required concentration, the product is dipped into it for about 1 hour. After the specified time, it is well rinsed in cool water.

Yellow and orange shades

To restore sunny shades, a decoction of orange peels will come to the rescue. The peel can be taken fresh or dried.

A concentrated broth is being prepared, which must be drained. Then things are thoroughly caressed in yellow water.

Green color

Alum can be used. This is a saline substance sold in pharmacies. Dissolve the alum in a basin of warm water, and rinse the laundry well, first in the solution, and then in cold running water.

Another good tip is to use brilliant green. You should be careful with her. It is only suitable for cool green shades of fabrics, closer to blue. You can smear your hands with it, so they work with brilliant green only with gloves.

Zelenka must be diluted in water in a small amount, and put things for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse them in clean water.

Favorite things will delight the eye with brightness for a long time and will retain an attractive appearance if you adhere to the rules of caring for them.

Proper washing and occasional rinsing of items with color-refreshing substances will prevent items from fading quickly.

How do I restore the color of my clothes? It often happens that after washing things become dull and changed beyond recognition. Of course, such an unpleasant event does not make anyone happy, but only spoils the mood completely, especially if there was a favorite outfit in the washing machine. Many people have a desire to immediately throw away the spoiled clothes. However, this is not the only way out of this situation. In most cases, a faded thing can be saved, and with the help of improvised means. So, if you also had to face a similar problem, do not rush to take extreme measures. In this article, we will tell you how to return the previous look to textiles of any color, but first we propose to figure out why they can lose their color.

Most often, things fade due to non-observance of the temperature regime of washing. Therefore, before sending clothes to the washing machine, you need to pay attention to the tag. In it, the manufacturer leaves recommendations for the care of textiles. However, sometimes, even if they are observed, the thing loses its former color after each wash.

This usually happens due to:

  • frequent washings;
  • using low-quality powder;
  • unsuccessful use of whiteness;
  • long-term storage in a wardrobe;
  • poor quality fabric;
  • burnout in the sun.

One way or another, almost always it is possible to return the previous color of clothes. However, it must be borne in mind that for each shade there is an individual way to solve the problem. We will talk about this further.

We restore the color of clothes at home

It is not necessary to go to dry cleaners to restore the color of clothes, as it is very easy to do at home. Let's take a look at the basic methods of handling things of different colors. For convenience, we will summarize all the information in a table.

How to return?

cream, beige and brown things

The easiest way to restore clothes in these shades is. One of the following methods works well for this.

  • With the help of regular custard black tea. From it you need to brew the strongest tea leaves. The brightness of the color directly depends on its strength. You can check the natural dye on an inconspicuous area of ​​the textile, for example, on the wrong side. If the resulting shade suits you completely, soak the whole thing in the tea solution. Soaking time is from thirty to sixty minutes. Then rinse and dry the dyed textiles well.
  • With the help of walnut peels. To prepare the paint, you need to soak it in boiling water for twenty minutes. During this time, the water will be properly colored, after which it can be passed through cheesecloth for straining and, if necessary, diluted with warm water. In this case, it is also recommended to test the solution on an inconspicuous piece of cloth. If everything is in order, then the thing should be completely immersed in nut dye and wait from twenty to thirty minutes.

How saturated the coloring solutions are, so bright the coloring of things will turn out. This is also influenced by the soaking time. The longer the fabric is in the dye, the more it will dye.

green stuff

In this case, it will be possible to restore the color only by means of burnt alum. They can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price. To make a folk remedy, pour alum with warm water (look for the proportion in the drug's instructions), and then mix everything until dissolved. In the resulting solution, rinse thoroughly faded green clothing. Then rinse it again in clean cold water and dry it.

white things

You can use hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to whiten gray white clothes. The result is the same, and it always pleases.

  • Peroxide. To create a bleaching solution, dilute it with water (1 tsp and 2 l, respectively). Immerse clothes in the resulting composition for a quarter of an hour. Be sure to flip the textiles to the other side every five minutes for a uniform bleach. Use cold water for a subsequent rinse.
  • Ammonia. This preparation is well suited for cotton and linen items. Dissolve 7 tbsp in 10 liters of warm water. l. ammonia. Immerse the laundry in the prepared solution and leave it there for two hours. If after this time the item is not what you would like to see it, extend the soaking time by another sixty minutes.

By using any of the above methods, you will permanently remove the gray tint from the whites.

black things

Black, sunburned clothing and shedding products can be refreshed with black calligraphy ink and even regular tobacco, which can be purchased from any tobacco department. We'll look at both options.

  • Mascara. It is mixed with mascara and water to obtain a saturated liquid, in which after rinsing black items previously washed in the usual way. After that, the textiles are lightly wrung out and dried.
  • Tobacco. For the preparation of tobacco infusion, it is taken in the amount of twenty grams per liter of boiling water. The agent is infused for one hour, after which it is necessarily filtered. Clothes are dipped into the resulting solution and kept there for half an hour. The treated textile is then rinsed in cold water.

Attention! Such shade restoration methods are only suitable for black clothes.

red things

You can save red clothes with baking soda and nine percent table vinegar. These components are taken one tablespoon per liter of water. In the finished solution, the textiles are soaked for a quarter of an hour, and then rinsed in cool water.

yellow, orange things

It is easy to restore such shades with the help of orange peel. For this, a strong broth is prepared from it. It can be made from fresh orange peel or dry. In any case, the finished product is first filtered and then used to rinse yellow or orange textiles.

blue, blue things

Blue is the most popular shade, but clothes dyed in it (even new ones) quickly lose their former saturation. Therefore, we offer three effective ways to update blue textiles.

  • Add two small spoons of ammonia to the basin filled with water. Leave things in the resulting liquid for forty minutes, and then rinse and dry. This method will help not only to return the blue color to things, but also to remove greasy stains, if they are on the fabric.
  • In this case, you need to buy a special dye for this type of fabric. Dissolve it completely in water, in which then immerse blue textiles. It is recommended to turn the item over every five minutes. Otherwise, it may be colored unevenly. When the desired result is achieved, the fabric must be wrung out and dried. This method is good if the blue clothes are burnt out in the sun.
  • The last method is using baking soda. It should be mixed with water (1 tsp and 1 l, respectively) and used to rinse textiles.

To restore the blue color, some housewives also use blue. It helps well if things were previously painted in a different color.

In addition, it is very fashionable today to wear clothes with colored embroidery, and if you want to freshen them up, use a homemade saline solution. To do this, take 2 tsp. ordinary coarse salt and 1 liter of slightly warmed up water. Combine the components, mix, and soak things in the resulting liquid for a quarter of an hour. Then lather the textiles with laundry soap and wash in the same solution. After that, rinse the textiles several times in clean water and dry completely. You do not need to wring out the clothes.

How to update unsuccessfully washed items?

Unsuccessfully washed things can also be updated with the help of improvised means. Surely, many have happened that they accidentally started the washing machine on the wrong program on which it was needed, as a result of which an unrecognizable thing was removed from the unit. Of course, you can turn to the dry cleaning service for help, but the methods below are no less effective, so we recommend using them for every “victim”.

Method one. In a large container, mix one liter of water and twenty milliliters of ammonia. Immerse clothing in the resulting liquid. Then put the container with things on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. If you are not happy with the result after the first procedure, boil the laundry one more time. This method works well with cotton and linen.

Faded things can be washed again, but this should be done immediately after the end of the first washing procedure. Clothes should be re-washed at a temperature of fifty to sixty degrees. The powder will need to be taken in two servings.

Method two. It will come in handy if white things are accidentally washed with colored linen. Take any bleach for white fabrics and mix with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. Leave the clothes in the resulting solution for one hour. It may take longer for bleaching. In any case, renewed textiles should be thoroughly rinsed in clean water and dried in the fresh air.

Method three. It effectively helps if you need to return the previous look to colored things. Prepare deep dishes. In it, mix coarse salt, any crushed soap, starch and citric acid. The components are taken in equal amounts. Apply the resulting mixture to damaged textiles and leave overnight. In the morning, wash clothes by hand in warm water, rinse and dry.

As you can see, spoiled things can almost always be saved, so you should not immediately take measures to dispose of them. However, it is better to try to do everything possible so as not to face the described problem at all. To do this, it is recommended to choose the correct washing programs, use good detergents or gels, and in no case wash colored laundry together with white.

Just like colored clothing, black clothing requires careful maintenance. This is due to the loss of rich black color due to wear and washing with items of a different color. In addition, even the slightest dirt is clearly visible on black clothes. All lint, dust and dandruff are visible.

Due to such nuances, black things are washed more often, thereby losing their rich color faster. But there are ways to avoid this phenomenon, and if the color is still faded, restore it.

Several ways to bring your clothes back to black

  1. You will need a bowl of cool water. Add vinegar (two tablespoons) to the water. Leave the thing in this solution for 15-20 minutes, then remove it and wring it out. After this procedure, the thing must be washed in the usual way. Rinse clothes in water with vinegar (do not change the proportions).
  2. Pour boiling water into a basin and add natural coffee there. You should have a very strong solution. Place the faded item in this solution and let it sit for 30 minutes. After the procedure, wash your clothes as usual.
  3. Before the procedure, clean the item from dirt, wash and dry it. Add boiled water and tobacco to the basin. There should be 15 grams of dry tobacco per liter of water. The resulting solution must be filtered. Apply the solution in small doses to clothing using a brush. Then rinse the item in cool water.
  4. During the last rinse, add vinegar (1-2 tablespoons) and some black mascara.
  5. For the final rinse, pour warm water into the basin and add one tablespoon of baking soda. This will restore color saturation and remove sweat odor from clothing.
  6. You can use special garment dyes. They should be used according to the instructions on the package before the last rinse, after washing.
  7. Use a dry cleaning service. For a small fee, specialists will return a rich black color to your clothes.
  • Specialty cleaners, such as liquid detergents for black clothes, will help keep your black items full of black.
  • Do not wash black clothes with colored ones.
  • Clothes should be soaked for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise the fabric will collapse and shrink.

To understand how to restore the color of clothing in a particular case, it is necessary to determine the optimal type of effect on the fabric. At home, this can be the use of natural remedies that help renew a slightly faded shade. If the color needs not only to be slightly enhanced, but to be returned after numerous washes and burnout in the sun, then it is better to use chemical compositions designed to re-paint the product.

Do not worry that black dye will negatively affect the condition of the material. Modern products are designed only to strengthen the fibers of the fabric, both tight trousers and the lightest blouses.

How to prevent the color of black things from fading?

Practice shows that it is not so easy to return the original color to black garments, therefore it is better to take proper care of capricious products from the beginning and to prevent paint from leaching out of them. This is possible if you keep the following points in mind:

  • Washing should be carried out taking into account the parameters indicated on the item's tag. Even a single improper treatment of tight trousers or tight-fitting sweaters can tarnish their color and turn legs and arms black.
  • Few people know that for dark fabrics there is a special powder that contributes to the maximum long-term preservation of the original shade.

Tip: To remove stains that can also occur on black items, you need to use enzyme detergents or gels. They do an excellent job with dirt at low temperatures, are washed out of the fibers without any problems, and allow them to return to their original tension, and hence their shape.

  • Even if you just rinse the garments in cold water after each wash with the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar, a pinch of fine table salt or baking soda, the color quality will remain much longer than with regular care.

It is worth considering that the above manipulations are not able to return the color to faded things. For this, more radical measures will have to be taken.

How can you restore the black color of clothes with the help of improvised means?

Usually, housewives prefer to use folk remedies to restore the color of clothes quickly and without risking the material. These procedures do not require serious money and time investments. You just need to choose the best option from the existing ones and correctly perform all stages of the manipulation:

  1. Tobacco. We take a teaspoon of the most ordinary cigarette tobacco, fill it with a liter of boiling water and insist until it cools completely. We filter the resulting composition several times through a two-layer gauze. We take a product made of black fabric, pre-washed in accordance with all the rules, and gently wipe it with a sponge dipped in tobacco solution. We act methodically, without staying for a long time in one area, we work out the item of clothing completely. Often this method is used to restore the color of trousers on the knees, but in general, it can be used on any product. You do not need to wash off anything, just dry thoroughly in the fresh air.
  2. Vinegar. Rinsing the material in water with the addition of vinegar not only preserves the black color, but also allows you to significantly refresh, and sometimes restore its shade. True, in this case, the concentration of the solution should be increased. We take a tablespoon of vinegar for every liter of cold water. The holding time should be at least half an hour. After exposure, we rinse the items in clean cold water and hang them out in fresh air.
  3. Other black products. You can literally re-dye faded fabric with heavy, dark garments, such as shedding trousers. To do this, we soak the products together in warm water without adding detergents. After a quarter of an hour, we put them in the washing machine and wash as usual. After that, rinse the processed black wardrobe in a weak vinegar solution. This will allow you to fix the achieved result.

After carrying out all the manipulations, it is worth thinking about the correct attitude to black things, otherwise they will soon fade again and lose their presentable appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of chemical staining

Despite the fact that the easiest way to return the desired look to black products is by staining, many today refuse this method. Chemical paint is indeed capable of slightly thinning the fibers of the material and accelerating the wear of products, but this will only happen if you resort to this manipulation too often or neglect the technical recommendations for the process. Otherwise, the approach has only advantages:

  • Chemicals do not accumulate in the texture of the fabric and do not provoke allergic reactions.
  • The product is radically transformed after the very first procedure.
  • With the help of a dye, you can restore the color of both thick wool trousers and silk linen, you just need to choose the composition according to the type of fabric.
  • The procedure is very simple. Often, in order to restore color to the product, it only needs to be washed in the usual way in hot water with the addition of the product.

If the use of chemicals continues to cause concern, you should consider visiting a dry cleaner. Specialists will help restore the appearance of the tissue without any risks.