How to grow diamond at home. Diamonds of home production

The secret installation of Chelyabinsk Kulibin will allow to extend the battery life of the smartphone to 7000 (!) Years. The South Ural Inventor mined Diamond at home and first decided to tell in the press about his know-how.

In the creative baggage of the founder of the international project EMIBA, the former counterintector, the mains major Vasily Kuzminy Four officially registered patents. Each individually would be a fascinating story. Suffice it to say that there is an artificial muscle among other faiths. But today it will be about the "extreme" installation, which in the patent is modestly named "Hydropress". However, it is rather a pseudonym. "Hub" - so with love nickned his brainchild Vasily Mikhailovich - made of high-alloy steel. A graphite capsule is inserted into it ... - Miracles occur. Or rather - diamond is born.

L The invention is the elimination of contradictions. In the case of the concentrator, it took 20 years of painstaking work to eliminate all the contradictions and get the result. Only on the fifth experiment Kuzmini managed to "miner" own artificial diamond. He, however, turned out black and small - 1.6 per 1.2 mm. But it was a real diamond! To confirm the inventor scratched everything to them, on which it was possible to check. The crystal left traces even on the most durable material under hand - on the sintered hard power of tungsten group VK6.

When he served in military counterintelligence, one of the solved tasks was to prevent sabotage and permit, undermining the combat readiness of troops on the territory of military units. Even then heard the information that then took advantage of, - recalls the inventor. - To control the aircraft, you have to wear a tightly adjacent mask and breathe a mixture of air with pure oxygen. Gaseous medical oxygen is stored in high pressure cylinders. The use of cylinders is regulated. When checking, they are filled with water under pressure exceeding the working twice, and check for strength in the safe behind the thick armor-piercing glass to detect the presence or absence of fogging on the surface. I suggested freeze them, knowing that the water expands during freezing. "So the ice will break a balloon!" - followed the answer. And this phrase covered me in the head. A, years later, the idea was born suddenly.

On our planet there is a unique substance - water. The uniqueness is that it is in three stable aggregate states at the same time - ice, liquid and steam. Energy that stands out when moving from liquid into steam, humanity has already put on their service. The first steam vehicles were invented, as you know, in the XVII century. But, perhaps, they appeared even when a person put a metal dishes on fire, began to cook something, and a firmly planned cover was sipped by steam. Now even at nuclear power plants, the turbine is spinning steam. And the other process when ice is obtained from the liquid, for some reason, humanity has not formed. Even fighting him. Remember how we are afraid of defrosting the radiators of heating and pipes filled with water? We do not use car water in the cooling system water, but only antifreeze or antifreeze. In short, this direction is not interested in humanity.

What is diamond? This is the altropic form of carbon. In the production and synthesis of artificial diamonds, according to those who work with them, we need huge pressure, a large temperature and a lot of time. At the heart of the Kuzyl Vasily hub, more precisely, the phenomenon of the conversion of water from the liquid into the ice (freezing) and the increase in the volume (expansion). Before the inventor, the task of how to concentrate pressure and send this power so that it makes it useful, and not

broke the installation. It took a constructive engineering thought. 11 years left for the invention, calculations, selection of materials, the manufacture of the hub and patenting. The super high pressure chamber in the hub is another know-how Vasily Mikhailovich. Theoretically, in this installation, you can create any pressure, at least two million atmospheres - as in the depths of the Earth. The question is what accessible humanity materials such ultra-high pressure can be held for a long time? There are no such materials on Earth yet. Even the hardest after a diamond of the hard motor - win (VK6, VK8) - with such pressure turns into the sand.

- When did you understand what happened, what feelings were tested?

Yes, I did not feel anything. I realized that you need to work further. When closely engaged in a hub, attracted companions. Communicated in the team with the name EMIBA and are now trying to implement an international project. The team has 12 people - engineers, programmers, financiers. It became clear: in order to continue to develop, funds are needed. But how to attract them to do not stole an idea? ..

Kuzmini is convinced that the project has world importance. He wrote in 2007 on his invention to the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. With the help of a hub, according to Vasily Mikhailovich, you can work wonders. Technology is just a breakthrough! It will significantly reduce the synthesis of diamonds and make it safe. "In our case, even if there is a destruction, the explosion will not fly anywhere else, then it will not fly further ..." The answer came from the presidential administration: "The invention is directed to the Russian Academy of Sciences."

Now the Kuzmin team is looking for investors to create an improved concentrator model. The main goal is to create a large-scale pre-production pattern, which allows to obtain a large diamond single crystal, which can

use in industry. For this you need a concentrator to increase 12-15 times. Imagine which this will be a powerful installation, if now, in the assembled form, it is impossible to raise the concentrator - weighs under a hundred kilograms.

The pre-production sample will be "packaged" with all sorts of sensors (temperature, pressure, movement ...) to track the process, control and influence it. It is necessary to create a three-dimensional virtual and mathematical model, to carry out additional studies of the processes occurring in a hub upon receipt of diamonds, as well as test new design solutions obtained when testing a laboratory sample so as not to spend extra money. It is necessary to find the optimal pressure option at which the lowest costs and the best qualitative indicators of the synthesized diamonds. And the process must first be monitored in order not to miss the main phase - the appearance of the crystal. Otherwise, it is possible to "make it possible" that it is either simply crushed, or you will get such a material that instead of using it for appointment I will have to break your head again on its application.

We plan to get a diamond more larger - with dimensions of 10 mm. You can already go to the international level. And then we will certainly ask: "Can you synthesize a diamond with a fist?" And we will reply: "No, we can not with a fist, but with a chicken egg - we will do!". What is interesting artificial diamonds that create on an industrial scale? They will be used when creating heavy duty processors in the production of computers and smartphones. Now all the devices work on a substrate from silicon. If you do a diamond substrate, it will be possible to significantly increase the computing power, otherwise build the processor architecture, make it a multi-storey. By the way, according to foreign scholar counts, it will be possible

produce "diamond" batteries, the period of discharge of which will be 7,000 years! I bought one day - and transmit almost infinitely by inheritance (laughs).

What is the most optimistic forecast? Do you think the introduction of your concentrator in industrial production will change the life of mankind?

In general, we think globally. All civilization should be used in the inventions. Constantly there is a technical work, complex, but progressive. However, I do not look too far. One thing I can say, the computing technique, which is now in the service of mankind, has reached its limit. More power on silicon substrates can no longer develop. Over the past 20 years, mankind, of course, made a big step. Each house has a computer, a smartphone, we get network information - gadgets improve the quality of life. But further - you need other power. Synthesized diamonds will greatly simplify and reduce the production of processors, as well as increase their productivity to solve more complex tasks. Development of the subsoil and development of space require large computational capabilities ...

- What other miracles are your concentrator?

Sodium (metal) After exposure to the pressure of 400,000, the atmospheres changes its properties - becomes a dielectric and transparent crystal. That is, alchemy turns out! There was a metal, the nonmetall became. Current does not conduct, but inside it is sodium atoms. Here you are miracles! Squeezing graphite by pressure in the range of values \u200b\u200bfrom 300,000 to 10,000,000 atmospheres, it is possible to obtain a new super hard carbon form, which is not a diamond and is not comparable to any substance known on Earth. That is, we are talking about qualitatively new materials of high strength, which for now on our planet or we are simply unknown about them. But this is so - short ... - the inventor smiles mysteriously.

- Opening confirmed by the experiment ... Do not want to declare on the Nobel Prize?

Nobel ... - not our goal. We have a goal - to saturate the global market for artificial diamonds, make them available for the entire population of the planet.

- Vasily Mikhailovich, and how do you solve the security question?

The fact is that now all the information on which the success of the project depends, while only in my head ...

- So I'm about the same. Brains sometimes steal. And with a person ...

But after all, I have an old school counterintelligence ... Let them try.

For reference

Synthetic diamonds can be the basis of the electronics of the future. Already today they are used in almost all areas of high technologies, and, by the general opinion of experts, their role is invariably increasing. Laser, space technology, radioptics, grinding of modern heavy-duty materials, construction ... - Listing areas of use can be infinite.

On a note

The most promising market for large high-quality artificial diamonds - industry. By the way, natural diamonds are not used in optics and electronics. For their creation, the earth goes not one million years. In order for the mineral to grow perfect, we need constant "greenhouse conditions". But it is unrealistic for such a temporary gap. The crystals are modified under the influence of aggressive external factors, and in electronics need an impeccable diamond.

Artificial stones have long won popularity in jewelry. After all, for the jeweler, the value of the stone is determined not only by its deficit in nature. An important role is played by a number of other characteristics:

  • color;
  • light effect;
  • strength;
  • weight in karats;
  • the size and shape of the faces and others.

The most expensive artificial gem Fianit (synonyms: Daimonskay, Jevalit, Cube Zirconia, Shelby). Its price is small - less than $ 10 per carat (this is 0.2 grams). But it is worth noting that the price increases exponentially with increasing carats. For example, a diamond of 10 carats is 100 times more expensive than diamond 1 carat.

Artificial jewelry crystals can be raised at home. Most of these experiments do not need special training, you will not need to equip the chemical laboratory and even acquire special reagents.

To acquire crystal cultivation experience, start with a small one. We share the technique of growing beautiful crystals from everything you can find actually in your own kitchen. You will not need an additional inventory at all, because everything you need exactly stands on the shelves. We also consider the technology of growing artificial rubies at home!

How to grow rubies crystals synthetically?

Crystal cultivation Rubine can even become a home business option. After all, beautiful synthetic stones today are in great demand among buyers, so if the project has been successful, you can bring you good profits. Synthetically grown stones are used by jewelers, and are also widely used in the technique.

Rubin crystals can be grown according to the standard technique, picking up the right salts. But it will not be so effectively as in the case of salt or sugar, and much longer than the duration is the growth process. Yes, and the quality will be dubious. After all, natural ruby \u200b\u200bon the Moos hardness scale is only inferior to a diamond occupying an honorary 9th place. Naturally, if we are talking about business, most cases use another method developed more than 100 years ago in France.

You will need a special apparatus, which is named by the name of the inventor of this method, i.e., the device of Verpel. With it, it is possible to grow the ruby \u200b\u200bcrystals, up to 20-30 carats in size in just a few hours.

Although the technology remains approximately the same. Aluminum dioxide salt with admixture of chromium oxide is placed in the coofer of the oxygen-hydrogen burner. We melt the mixture, watching the ruby \u200b\u200bgrows in fact in front of the eyes.

Depending on the composition of your chosen salt, you can adjust the color of the crystals, getting artificial emeralds, topases and absolutely transparent stones.

Working with the apparatus will require you attention and some experience, but in the future you will get the opportunity to grow crystals that fascinate with your beauty, transparency and game color. In the future, such masterpieces are well fed to cut and grinding, respectively, can be applied to intend.

It is worth noting that artificially grown crystals are not precious stones, therefore, even if you decide to engage in entrepreneurial activities on their cultivation, it will not require additional licensing.

The design of the device is easy, it can be easily made independently. But on the Internet, there are already enough craftsmen offering the drawings of the original installation, as well as its advanced options.

Set for growing crystals Rubin at home

The principle of rubies production technology itself is quite simple and schematically shown below in Figure:

Understanding the principle of operation, any device no longer seems so difficult. One of the samples of the drawings of the device Verpel:

On this technology, you can also grow other expensive artificial stones, such as Blue Topaz, etc.

Growing crystals from salt at home

The easiest and most affordable experiment, which you can spend - create beautiful salt crystals. To do this, you will need several items:

  1. Normal stone salt.
  2. Water. It is important that the water itself contains as far as possible their own salts, and better distilled.
  3. The container in which experience will be carried out (any bank, glass, pan).

We pour warm water into the container (its temperature is about 50 ° C). Add kitchen salt to water and stir. After dissolution, add again. We repeat the procedure until the salt stops dissolve, settling on the bottom of the vessel. This suggests that the salt solution has become saturated that we needed. It is important that during the preparation of the solution its temperature remained constant, did not cooled, so we can create a more saturated solution.

The saturated solution is transferred to a clean bank separating from the sediment. Select a separate salt crystal, and then put it in the container (you can hang on the thread). The experiment is made. A few days later you can see how your crystal has increased in size.

Cultivation of sugar crystals at home

Technology for producing sugar crystals is similar to the previous method. You can lower the cotton harness to the solution, then the sugar crystals will increase on it. If the growth process of crystals has become slower, then the concentration of sugar in the solution has decreased. Add sugar sand again, then the process resumes.

Note: If you add to the food dye solution, then the crystals will become multi-colored.

You can grow sugar crystals on chopsticks. To do this, you will need:

  • already finished sugar syrup prepared as a saline saturated solution;
  • wooden sticks;
  • some sugar sand;
  • food dyes (if you want multi-colored lollipops).

Everything happens very simple. Wooden wand foaming in syrup and crawl in sugar sand. The more grazing sticks, the more beautiful it will turn out. Give wands, how to dry, and then move simply to the second phase.

Saturated hot sugar syrup pour into a glass, we put the harvested wand there. If you are preparing multi-colored crystals, then add a food dye into hot ready-made syrup.

Watch that the wand does not touch the walls and the bottom, otherwise the result will be ugly. You can fix the wand using a sheet of paper, putting it from above. The paper will also serve as a capacitance cover that will not allow any foreign particles to get into your solution.

About a week later you will get wonderful sugar liners on chopsticks. They can be decorate any tea party, bringing in full delight not only children, but also adults!

Growing crystals from copper mood at home

Copper mood crystals are of an interesting form, while have a rich blue color. It is worth remembering that the copper vigor is a chemically active compound, so crystals from it should not taste, and when working with the material, caution should be taken. For the same reason, in this case only distilled water is suitable. It is important that it is chemically neutral. Be careful and careful when handling copper vigor.

At the same time, the cultivation of crystals from the vitriol occurs in fact by the same scheme as the previous cases.

By placing the main crystal for growing into the solution, you need to trace so that it does not come into contact with the walls of the dishes. And do not forget to monitor the saturation of the solution.

If you put your crystal at the bottom of the Court, then it is worth watching that he does not touch other crystals. In this case, they will be accustomed, and instead of one beautiful major sample you will have a lot of vague form.

Helpful advice! You can independently adjust the size of the edges of your crystal. If you want some of them more slowly, they can be lubricated them with vaseline or fat. And to preserve the heavenly blue handsome, you can handle the face with a transparent varnish.

There are 3 weight diamond categories:

  1. Small. Mass of 0.29 karat
  2. Middle. Mass from 0.3 to 0.99 karat
  3. Large. Diamonds weighing more than 1 carat.

Popular auctions allow stones with a mass of 6 carats. Stones with a mass of more than 25 carats are assigned their own names. For example: "Winston" diamond (62.05 carats) or "de Birs" (234.5 karat) and others.

aslan. wrote in january 30th, 2018

The phrase "Belarusian diamonds" for our ear sounds the same as "Belarusian shrimp". But do not hurry with jokes. Few people know that the nineties in Belarus built one of the world in the world in the world of diamond synthesis, which world industrial assets are ready to chase from this sphere, and the quality of crystals were assessed at the international level.

The world's first synthesized diamond was received by General Electric in the 1950s with the help of a special press. Small dirty pebbles by properties did not differ from natural diamonds. There was only one snag: money on its synthesis was needed much more than when mining in nature. It was waiting for this business and until the 1980s about the cultivation of diamonds were safely forgotten.

One of the first attempts to get diamonds with an electric arc furnace.

In the late 1980s, scientists from the Novosibirsk branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences created the contrast apparatus "The split sphere" (BARS), with which for the first time the synthesized diamond was obtained, ready to compete with Natural not only in quality, but also at cost. In the first synthesized Novosibirsk diamonds, it was significantly lower.

Returning General, seven scientists and $ 5 million
After a successful testing in the 1990s of the seven-known Soviet scientists (two of them - Belarusians) caught fire the idea to create the world's first diamond synthesis plant. The platform thanks to a good geographical location chose Belarus.

Scientists became founders of Adamas. They took the USSR Promstroibank loan for 51 million Soviet rubles and began construction in the village of Atolino, which is under Minsk.

Barca devices.

The plant was supposed to be quite large: three-story building, 220 employees. But there was not enough money, therefore, the then "Belpromstroybank" then entered the founders, which allocated a credit line at $ 5 million, as well as two more known in the Soviet times of businessmen who have made another $ 2.5 million.

Investors managed only to complete the building, put 120 apparatuses of Barça and work out a bit of technology, as the founder businessmen began problems - they left the plant without money.

Suddenly, four scientists lure a retired Carter Clark in the United States. It turns out that in 1995 he for $ 60 thousand bought the production technology of synthesized diamonds and founded Gemesis Diamond. By the way, everything was executed officially, since Russia at that time was sharply needed money and she sold their scientific developments. Scientists left "Adamas" and left for Clark.

One of the largest manufacturers of synthesized diamonds in the world.

Once in a difficult situation, the founders tried to return credit money to the bank, but in vain. In 1999, the leadership of Adamas opened a criminal case. The proceedings went five years, the amount of damage was estimated at $ 7 million. Businessmen and lawyer left abroad. However, four were still planted.

After leaving the freedom, none of the former leaders of Adamas in Atolino did not return. We left in St. Petersburg and Moscow and the remaining three scientists, and with them - and the technology of diamond synthesis.

The first synthetic diamonds.

So the world has appeared in the world three largest synthesized diamonds: Moscow, Peter and American Florida. There are some more small companies, but they say that all the string lead everything to the same seven.

What happened to the factory all this time? He was transferred to the balance of Belgosuniversity. In one of the parts of the building, the enterprise RUE "Adamas BSU" functioned: scientists conducted research, studied the production of technical diamonds, improved him. True, the operation of the installations was very expensive and the financial issue became more acute.

Belorussian diamonds

"When the Chinese, Arabs and Israelis began to persuade to sell production, it became clear: the demand is"
At the edge of the Atolino is the most three-story building of the plant, about which Soviet scientists have been dreaming - ordinary production with painted walls and fresh repairs inside. On the passage here - a policeman and strict bandwidth.

A few years ago, Adamas BSU passed the company to the structure of the Office of the President. And a little over a year ago, the Vice-Rector of the Academy of Management under the president of Maxim Board was asked to appreciate the situation in Atolino: It makes sense to establish production there or it's easier to pass the devices in the scrap?

"I confess right away: by education I am a lawyer and the topic of diamond production for me was Nova," Maxim Naumovich leads us to the workshop. - I began to stitch the literature, watch foreign experience. Honestly, he did not believe that our crystals are actually good and can be sold. But traveled on the exhibitions, showed diamonds, felling diamonds, who were raised in our workshop, - experts were admired. And when they began to call Armenians, the Chinese, the Israelis with persuasion to sell equipment, already finally understood: there are prospects.

So in November 2016, ADAMASINVEST LLC appeared (the previous enterprise is now at the stage of liquidation). It is also subject to the Office of the Presidential Affairs and works on a special project "Restoration of the production of synthesized diamonds and the development of jewelry made of products with inserts from the received diamonds." It works here 45 people.

- We received a loan for this project. Return money, there are clear terms, - emphasizes Maxim Naumovich. - We have developed a detailed business plan, in half a year they led the building in order, restored the shop and launched jewelry production. In fact, we now focus on it.

On the market of technical diamonds, according to Maxim Naumovich, no sense to go: all the players laid on the shovels of China. Nine years ago, the Kiev instrumental plant sold the PRC sample of a special press. China has found them with 40 thousand pieces, in 2014 he went to the technical diamond market and took it 20 times. Therefore, even despite the fact that the Belarusian technical diamonds in quality are superior to Chinese, they stand in a more expensive.

- China does not go to the jewelry market. I think it is not allowed by the two largest players: the US Controlled De Beers and the Russian "Alaross". Therefore, in the synthesis of jewelry diamonds, we have a good chance, "concludes Maxim Bord.

Temperature can grow to 2 thousand degrees, pressure - up to 20 thousand atmospheres
A huge hall with dozens of cylinders and a minimum of workers - it looks like a workshop with the most leopards, which are 120 pieces here. To serve all the devices per shift can locksmith and engineer. In total, 10 people work in the workshop.

- They were designed in the 1970s, but in the production of diamonds for jewelry purposes and better than Bars, not yet found, "Maxim Naumovich revealed the hemisphere. - In general, currently there are two diamond production technologies in the world: HIGHP (High Temperature, High Pressure - high temperature, high pressure) and CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition - chemical deposition from steam phase). The latter is good for the production of technical diamonds, but not very suitable for jewelry. The fact is that in the gas environment, the stone grows with smooth layers, and in nature - unevenly, as with the HHP technology, which we use.

Maxim Naumovich shows the cylinder control panel. This is a special instrument that is controlled manually. With the slightest deviations from the specified values, employees regulate indicators.

- It would seem, let the computer watched the diamonds grow. And I, honestly, were thoughts to automate this process, "the director argues. "But when I saw our technology, I understood: no meaning." First, expensive, investments will not pay off. Secondly, the growth of diamonds depends on the tent of the nuances: for example, from temperature drops in the external environment at various stages. Can the computer take into account all these nuances and react as a person? We think that there is no.

Barns themselves are pretty simple: 3.5 tons of metal, the hose for supplying an oil that creates pressure, and contacts that give the current and temperature. Inside the device - two spheres: big and smaller. Each sphere consists of six parts - punches made from a special alloy alloy. Large weigh 16 kilograms, small - a little less than a kilogram. Small punches are actually consumable. They cost $ 200 and fail an average after five synthesis.

- The temperature at the entrance to the apparatus is 1500 degrees, the pressure is 1800 atmospheres, the director explains. - Inside the temperature can grow up to 2 thousand degrees, and the pressure is up to 10-20 thousand. The temperature and pressure are changing throughout the entire growth of the diamond. This is three days, not a century, as in nature.

In the very center of the sphere there is a special porcelain cube. In him, as Maxim Naumovich says, and there is "all science". Before the cube is sent to Bar, it is "stuffing": lay a special compressed tablet consisting of individual components, usually metals, here and a small piece of diamond, which grows into a large stone and graphite rod (graphite is a medium, Which gives diamond the opportunity to grow). Then the cube is dried in the oven, soaked in certain materials, and only after all these procedures can be laid.

A diamond will grow or not, even depends on the warmth of the hands of employees
- Production technology is very "capricious," adds Maxim Naumovich. - Diamond can grow big, maybe small, good or bad, and it does not grow at all. It all depends on a dozen factors: from the hands of an engineer who collects a cube, from how he dries it, whether he impresses it correctly, - up to the temperature in the workshop and graphite quality. Somehow in the Baltic countries also tried to establish production. Purchased equipment, and diamonds did not grow. It turned out to grow a diamond - it is not easy to turn on the chopper.

Three days later, the cube is taken out of the leopard, break and get a small puzzle, where the edge of the crystal can be seen. The blank is thrown into the flask and poured "royal vodka" (three portions of hydrochloric acid and one nitric). The flasks put in a special cabinet and heated so that the reaction goes faster.

- Under normal conditions, after two hours, the metals dissolve and only diamond remains, they say in the laboratory. - Then we remove the diamond, we rinse it and omit in the chromium mixture.

So the graphite is cleaned and the pure diamond is already obtained. It is weighed, packaged and transferred to outsourcing - for cutting into the Russian company (there are no free specialists in Belarus in Belarus, but to teach new things is expensive).

- From the initial weight of the diamond can lose 30-60%. It all depends on the presence of the inclusions and purity of the stone, is added to production. - In addition, high-quality stones for cutting and installation in the product are guaranteed in half of all synthesis, it is 220 stones per month. In another 20% of cases, stones are slightly lower quality.

- It is enough for work enough, but for the development of this is not enough. We are fighting over this task, - Maxim Naumovich shows diamond samples. - We certified our stones at the International Hemological Institute in Antwerp. The expert opinion is such: our stones do not differ from natural on all their chemical and physical characteristics. Here are the same such indicators for strength, the absence of a reaction to radiation and so on.

Basically, the enterprise grows colorless diamonds weighing up to 1 carat, receiving diamonds at 0.2-0.3 carats. Such stones go mainly on earrings and rings. Crystals can be enjoyed: to give lemon, black, red and other colors. But the company say that Belarusians prefer classics.

"The Hindus began to make ritual diamonds from died died"
Having learned about the low-world chambers of Belarusian stones, the enterprises called Hindus with an unusual request: to make ritual stones.

- They want to keep the memory of their cremated relatives in this form. Compared to the British company, which is closely engaged in such production, our diamonds went five times cheaper, - explains the director.

- We did not dare to work with the dies of the dead, but the technology of obtaining a diamond from the hair was worked out. Yes, diamonds can be obtained from the hair. We get carbon from them, and then we work on the same scheme. We have tested technology, we already released 12 such stones. True, while the mass introduction of this topic is the next stage of work for us. And in this topic a great potential for science.

But still the main emphasis company makes on its own jewelry. Jewelry shop, though small (9 people), but potentially there can produce up to 5 thousand units per month. Last week, a large party of Belarusian diamonds entered the shops.

- Our products will cost 20-30% of cheaper products with natural stones, and the synthesized diamonds themselves are at all twice as cheaper. For example, the selling price for the finished product with a diamond of 0.15 carat is 300 rubles, with a stone of 0.25 carats will cost 600 rubles, the director shows samples of products.

Basically, this is the engagement rings. Maxim Naumovich says that there are both earrings and cufflinks, and silver with diamonds, and even an art series in ecostel.

- In Europe, synthesized diamonds are gaining popularity. It is believed that they are more environmentally friendly than the land mined. And it is true. Moreover, according to the properties, they are not inferior to natural, - he argues and shares plans: to strengthen in the jewelry market, open a corporate store with prices by 40% lower than market and much more.

- There is a goal to make our diamonds affordable Belarusian brand. And the global task - due to the profit gained, further to develop scientific technologies in this area, adds Maxim Bord.

Diamonds attracted humanity for a long time. The extraordinary beauty of these stones has caused their use to create different decorations. However, later people revealed other useful properties of diamonds - their unique strength and hardness. To ensure the needs of production, nature has not created a lot of this material, so people have an idea to produce diamonds artificially.

Value of diamond

Diamond is considered a unique stone with a rare combination of important characteristics: severe dispersion, high thermal conductivity, hardness, optical transparency, wear resistance. Due to its physicomechanical properties, diamonds are highly appreciated not only by jewelry experts, but also widely used in different industries. So, this gem is used in medicine, optics and microelectronics.

But to fully satisfy the production needs of clean natural diamonds is very difficult and quite expensive. For this reason, humanity began to think about how to make an artificial diamond. The synthetic stone was to not only have important properties of the real diamond, but also have a more advanced crystal structure, which is very important for high-tech areas.

How to arise synthetic diamonds

The need for the creation of synthetic stone has arisen a long time ago. But in practice it was carried out only in the 20th century. Until that time, scientists could not come up with diamond manufacturing technologies, although they managed to establish that they are relatives with ordinary carbon. And after a few decades, the first synthetic diamond was created, which was obtained from graphite under the influence of high temperature and pressure by precisely from this moment the production of artificial diamonds, which today apply in many elements of different equipment and tools.

Technology production diamond

Nowadays, several technologies are used to obtain a synthetic stone, each of which has its own characteristics. The most reliable, but the most expensive technology is to produce diamond from crystalline carbon, which is placed for processing in a special press. First, water is supplied to the material being processed with powerful pumps. Thus, it is then created, water freezes under the action of the refrigerant, as a result of which the pressure increases to 10 times. At the last stage, the camera in which carbon is located, connects to and is fed by several times a powerful current. Under the simultaneous effect of temperature and pressure, graphite is converted into a solid stone. After this phase, the press is defrosting, the liquid is drained and the finished artificial diamond takes.

Diamond cultivation methane

Even use a simpler technology for the production of synthetic stone - the explosion method, which allows you to build an artificial crystal under the action of methane. Very often, artificial diamond production occurs on two technologies. The fact is that in the first case it is possible to get the highest percentage of diamonds, but they will be very small. The second technology allows you to significantly increase the resulting synthetic stone by blowing with methane under the influence of a temperature of about 1100 ºС. The explosion method makes it possible to obtain an artificial diamond of any size.

Types of artificial diamond

Nowadays, there are many species of synthetic diamonds: fianit, mobsanite, rhinestone, ferroelectric, rutile, plot, cerussite. The most perfect fake diamond is the fianit, or cube zirconium. He is therefore, many have repeatedly had to hear, as the artificial diamond zircon is called. Although it has nothing to do with the natural expensive stone.

Fianit is characterized by a large hardness, high degree of dispersion and refraction. Thanks to its properties, this stone perfectly imitates a real diamond and is widely used in the jewelry industry. Even experts with the naked eye practically cannot distinguish the fake from the original, as they play the same.

The highest quality analogue of the diamond is considered to be Moissanite. He has the same physical properties as in natural stone, and in optical indicators it is even better. The only drawback is he inferior to hardness.

Especially popular rhinestones made from lead glass consisting of lead oxide. Due to its composition, these stones are amazingly played in light and have shine, identical to diamonds.

Where synthetic diamonds are used

Artificial diamond is widely used by jewelry plants for the manufacture of luxurious jewelry, which not only look beautiful, but also quite affordable. Products with fake stones look no worse and worn perfectly.

Also, the cultivation of artificial diamonds is an integral part of the modern industry. On their basis, heavy-duty instruments are made: diamond saws, polishing discs, bits, drills, scalpels, knives, different incisors and tweezers. Technique and equipment made from diamond material allow you to process the most durable alloys and raw materials. In addition, the diamond provides maximum accuracy in machines and instruments.

How to create an artificial diamond at home

Some experts argue that it is possible to grow synthetic diamond at home. But independent production of artificial diamond will require a lot of effort and time spending. We will tell how to grow mineral from salt, externally remotely resembling diamond.

So, to create such a stone you will need cook salt, chemical dishes, blank sheet of paper and laboratory filter. First you should prepare a small crystal. To do this, fill the chemical glass on the 1/5 part of the salt, pour half warm water and mix. If it dissolved, then you need to lip out a little more. Salt need to be added until it stops dissolve. Then the solution is then filtered into another dishes in which the stone will grow, and cover with paper. All the time you need to control the level of the solution. The stone should not be in the air. If the solution has evaporated, you need to cook new and add.

People who have done such experiments claim that during the week home diamond artificial should be recognized.

The cost of artificial diamond

In the modern world, synthetic stones occupied a separate segment of the jewelry market. Obtaining artificial diamonds is constantly improved. Scientists are inventing new stones that instantly get massive popularity, and more old things lose demand and gradually disappear from the market. For example, in the middle of the 20th century, artificial rutile was inserted to simulate diamonds. Then he was replaced by fianit. And in the 90s. All previously displaced Moissanite.

Prices for artificial diamond depend on size, cutting and production technology. Many people mistakenly believe that synthetic stones are common glass, and no value see them. But in fact, such diamonds often cost considerable money, and some of them are rather rare. Thus, other varieties of artificial diamond can cost more than natural analogs.

Among synthetic diamonds are the most popular phenomena of different colors. Their average cost for carats in a face-shaped form ranges from 1 to 5 US dollars. And the famous diamond analogue of Moissanite is much more expensive - 70-150 US dollars per carat.

Significant factors for forming prices for stones is color. Thus, the cost of a yellow diamond is 40-50 dollars per 0.2 carats, but for the stone of orange-pink color, depending on the size, you will have to pay about 3000 dollars.

World leaders

Over the past years, China, Japan, USA and Russia are considered world leaders for the production of synthetic stones. Most actively develops this direction China, constantly inventing new synthesis technologies.

Artificial stones have long won popularity in jewelry. After all, for the jeweler, the value of the stone is determined not only by its deficit in nature. An important role is played by a number of other characteristics:

The most expensive artificial gem Fianit (synonyms: Daimonskay, Jevalit, Cube Zirconia, Shelby). Its price is small - less than $ 10 per carat (this is 0.2 grams). But it is worth noting that the price increases exponentially with increasing carats. For example, a diamond of 10 carats is 100 times more expensive than diamond 1 carat.

Artificial jewelry crystals can be raised at home. Most of these experiments do not need special training, you will not need to equip the chemical laboratory and even acquire special reagents.

To acquire crystal cultivation experience, start with a small one. We share the technique of growing beautiful crystals from everything you can find actually in your own kitchen. You will not need an additional inventory at all, because everything you need exactly stands on the shelves. We also consider the technology of growing artificial rubies at home!

Crystal cultivation Rubine can even become a home business option. After all, beautiful synthetic stones today are in great demand among buyers, so if the project has been successful, you can bring you good profits. Synthetically grown stones are used by jewelers, and are also widely used in the technique.

Rubin crystals can be grown according to the standard technique, picking up the right salts. But it will not be so effectively as in the case of salt or sugar, and much longer than the duration is the growth process. Yes, and the quality will be dubious. After all, natural ruby \u200b\u200bon the Moos hardness scale is only inferior to a diamond occupying an honorary 9th place. Naturally, if we are talking about business, most cases use another method developed more than 100 years ago in France.

You will need a special apparatus, which is named by the name of the inventor of this method, i.e., the device of Verpel. With it, it is possible to grow the ruby \u200b\u200bcrystals, up to 20-30 carats in size in just a few hours.

Although the technology remains approximately the same. Aluminum dioxide salt with admixture of chromium oxide is placed in the coofer of the oxygen-hydrogen burner. We melt the mixture, watching the ruby \u200b\u200bgrows in fact in front of the eyes.

Depending on the composition of your chosen salt, you can adjust the color of the crystals, getting artificial emeralds, topases and absolutely transparent stones.

Working with the apparatus will require you attention and some experience, but in the future you will get the opportunity to grow crystals that fascinate with your beauty, transparency and game color. In the future, such masterpieces are well fed to cut and grinding, respectively, can be applied to intend.

It is worth noting that artificially grown crystals are not precious stones, therefore, even if you decide to engage in entrepreneurial activities on their cultivation, it will not require additional licensing.

The design of the device is easy, it can be easily made independently. But on the Internet, there are already enough craftsmen offering the drawings of the original installation, as well as its advanced options.

Set for growing crystals Rubin at home

The principle of rubies production technology itself is quite simple and schematically shown below in Figure:

  1. Powder with an admixture of Al 2 O 3 with an admixture of CR 2 O 3 is falling asleep.
  2. The flame of the oxygen-hydrogen burner is supplied.
  3. The molten powder particles form layers of the growing "Rubin" crystal.
  4. The stand that supports the crystal is gradually lowered down at the growth rate of the ruby.

Understanding the principle of operation, any device no longer seems so difficult. One of the samples of the drawings of the device Verpel:

On this technology, you can also grow other expensive artificial stones, such as Blue Topaz, etc.

Growing crystals from salt at home

The easiest and most affordable experiment, which you can spend - create beautiful salt crystals. To do this, you will need several items:

  1. Normal stone salt.
  2. Water. It is important that the water itself contains as far as possible their own salts, and better distilled.
  3. The container in which experience will be carried out (any bank, glass, pan).

We pour warm water into the container (its temperature is about 50 ° C). Add kitchen salt to water and stir. After dissolution, add again. We repeat the procedure until the salt stops dissolve, settling on the bottom of the vessel. This suggests that the salt solution has become saturated that we needed. It is important that during the preparation of the solution its temperature remained constant, did not cooled, so we can create a more saturated solution.

The saturated solution is transferred to a clean bank separating from the sediment. Select a separate salt crystal, and then put it in the container (you can hang on the thread). The experiment is made. A few days later you can see how your crystal has increased in size.

Cultivation of sugar crystals at home

Technology for producing sugar crystals is similar to the previous method. You can lower the cotton harness to the solution, then the sugar crystals will increase on it. If the growth process of crystals has become slower, then the concentration of sugar in the solution has decreased. Add sugar sand again, then the process resumes.

Note: If you add to the food dye solution, then the crystals will become multi-colored.

You can grow sugar crystals on chopsticks. To do this, you will need:

  • already finished sugar syrup prepared as a saline saturated solution;
  • wooden sticks;
  • some sugar sand;
  • food dyes (if you want multi-colored lollipops).

Everything happens very simple. Wooden wand foaming in syrup and crawl in sugar sand. The more grazing sticks, the more beautiful it will turn out. Give wands, how to dry, and then move simply to the second phase.

Saturated hot sugar syrup pour into a glass, we put the harvested wand there. If you are preparing multi-colored crystals, then add a food dye into hot ready-made syrup.

Watch that the wand does not touch the walls and the bottom, otherwise the result will be ugly. You can fix the wand using a sheet of paper, putting it from above. The paper will also serve as a capacitance cover that will not allow any foreign particles to get into your solution.

About a week later you will get wonderful sugar liners on chopsticks. They can be decorate any tea party, bringing in full delight not only children, but also adults!

Growing crystals from copper mood at home

Copper mood crystals are of an interesting form, while have a rich blue color. It is worth remembering that the copper vigor is a chemically active compound, so crystals from it should not taste, and when working with the material, caution should be taken. For the same reason, in this case only distilled water is suitable. It is important that it is chemically neutral. Be careful and careful when handling copper vigor.

At the same time, the cultivation of crystals from the vitriol occurs in fact by the same scheme as the previous cases.

By placing the main crystal for growing into the solution, you need to trace so that it does not come into contact with the walls of the dishes. And do not forget to monitor the saturation of the solution.

If you put your crystal at the bottom of the Court, then it is worth watching that he does not touch other crystals. In this case, they will be accustomed, and instead of one beautiful major sample you will have a lot of vague form.

Helpful advice! You can independently adjust the size of the edges of your crystal. If you want some of them more slowly, they can be lubricated them with vaseline or fat. And to preserve the heavenly blue handsome, you can handle the face with a transparent varnish.

There are 3 weight diamond categories:

  1. Small. Mass of 0.29 karat
  2. Middle. Mass from 0.3 to 0.99 karat
  3. Large. Diamonds weighing more than 1 carat.

Popular auctions allow stones with a mass of 6 carats. Stones with a mass of more than 25 carats are assigned their own names. For example: "Winston" diamond (62.05 carats) or "de Birs" (234.5 karat) and others.

How to make diamond yourself and is it possible?

Welcome to you, our dear readers. People at all times wanted to make an impossible possible. Including testing methods to learn how to make a diamond and grow it at home.

This task is really not easy and requires thoughtful and painstaking attitude to the process. In this article, we will consider both quite real ways to create crystals and completely incredible (in any case, for holding a house).

Of course, natural diamonds often appreciated much higher than those created artificially. At the same time, diamond miners receive considerable profits. However, in pursuit of their own curiosity and sometimes thirst for profit, many seek to find out if it is possible to get this precious mineral in artificially?

These doubts are also revealed by the fact that the composition of graphite and diamond is almost identical.

And to some extent, doubting right - diamond can really be obtained by some manipulations from simple graphite. This was proven back in 1955. But for such an event it was necessary to create a temperature of 1800 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 120,000 atmospheres. Is it possible to do it easier?

A couple of years ago, scientists managed under a short-term exposure to a laser pulse to force the carbon to warm up to almost 3,800 degrees Celsius. After this procedure, carbon is quickly cooled. As a result, the American scientist managed to obtain the most solid carbon shape called Q-carbon.

That is, almost such a stone can be obtained at normal atmospheric pressure and room temperature (if there is a laser of course). The most interesting thing is that, according to the results of such experiments, in North Carolina (namely, tests were carried out) came to the conclusion that this form of carbon exceeds the strength of the diamond.

But this is not all - a real diamond in our days can be made literally in a matter of minutes.

True, a huge static pressure and a temperature of about 2500 degrees will also be needed. But such diamonds are obtained (due to polycrystality) even more solid than natural analogs.

But all these methods, though they are good, however, require at least partial reproduction of natural conditions. The only thing that scientists managed to "knock" is the time spent on the creation of a mineral. It is also sometimes obtained to reduce the temperature with pressure, but there are already required specialized equipment that has consistent with considerable money and is difficult to access the average man.

Is it possible to grow a diamond independently?

In fact, the following conditions must be respected to create a diamond (ideally):

  1. Pressure more than 100,000 atmospheres.
  2. Temperature of the order of 1600 degrees (or higher).
  3. Hundreds of thousands of years (better longer).

Artificially, it is now possible to create diamonds in a few months. However, the remaining conditions still have to be observed.

But insane experimenters are not going to despair. Here is what they offer:

  • With the help of the magical combination of pipe, graphite and trotyl, it is proposed to create a tightly sealed design. The case should serve a pipe into which the remaining components must be folded. After the resulting explosion, you need to find the remnants of the experiment and then diamonds should be contained in them.

This experiment can cost you life! Do not spend it in practice!

  • The second option is much safer, but leaves doubts about the reality of the diamond, and not just a beautiful stone. To do this, take the high voltage source, as well as a wire, pencil and liquid nitrogen (can be replaced with water). Separate the stylus from the pencil and touch it tightly with the wire. The design after that should be freeze, after it is connected to the voltage source. It is alleged that immediately after passing such a discharge, the stylus will turn into a diamond. It is very doubtful, but you can try to try it as a very careful home experiment.

Thus, at the moment, create a truly home method of formation of diamonds - the task is practically unreal. However, if the process itself is interesting and you would like to try yourself as an experimenter (perhaps, together with the young generation), then try the following way. It is tested by time and many generations - as a result, excellent crystal structures are obtained, so similar to many diamonds and other precious stones.

To create such "diamor" you will need:

Add such a quantity of salt into the water so that it stops dissolving. Take a thread and place the salt crystal on it. This combination is lowered into the cooked solution and wait a few days. By the way, when adding food dyes, you can get a wide variety of colors and shades of "Kamushkov".

Similarly, you can enroll with sugar or copper vigor.

But in addition to the listed ingredients, you can also come in handy and a variety of components, stones of which are more beautiful and gentle than from salt. For this, the ingredients will need a little less accessible, but in the network you can now buy almost everything.

In the first video we will grow purple crystals from alumokalia and chromokalia kiatsans. No salt comes in comparison:

In the second video, the general principle of creating home crystals is shown (on the example of the same alum):

In general, creating beautiful pebbles is quite real. And if you do not put the target to get rich, then this is the perfect way out. In addition, with such experiments you can instill with children love for chemistry, which can play a considerable role in their lives.

We are waiting for you to visit more than once, there will be many news from the "stone" world. Until soon meetings, dear friends!

How to grow a diamond at home?

The cultivation of artificial stones is the task, over which many years are fighting groups of scientists. "Folk craftsmen" also have long wondering how to grow diamond at home. Some even found ways to receive it.

In nature, the diamond is formed under the influence of high temperatures (more than 1600 ° C) and high pressure (60-100 thousand atmospheres). In vivo, the formation of diamonds occurs hundreds of thousands, and even millions of years. Artificial diamonds, in their physical characteristics, fully corresponding to natural, can be raised over several months. To do this, it is necessary to recreate the natural conditions of their formation.

At home, create a device that supports so high temperature and the necessary pressure, until anyone managed to anyone. But some "masters" are divided by advice on how you can do it. For example, they are advised to take a thick-walled pipe, graphite and Trotil. Then fold trotil and graphite into the pipe and brew it. It is argued that if you blow up Troil, and then you can find the rest of the pipe, then you will find tiny diamons in them. In practice, the chance to indulge in hundreds of times more likely to obtain a diamond.

Other "craftsmen" offer a safer diamond creation method. It will take only a pencil, wire, water (better liquid nitrogen) and a high voltage source (for example, a welding machine). Get out of the pencil of the griffel and bring the wire to both ends. Put the stylus with the wire into the water container and freeze (or use liquid nitrogen for these purposes). Remove the bridge from the freezer, attach the wires to the welding machine. It is believed that as soon as you miss a strong current current through your design, the stylograph will almost instantly turn into a diamond. Of course, this method can be tested for the purpose of the experiment, but it is not necessary to count on obtaining an artificial diamond.

Unlike diamonds, many other precious stones can be raised at home. To do this, you need to make or buy a Verpel apparatus and stock reagent. To create an artificial ruby, for example, a salt of aluminum dioxide is useful, having a slight adherence to chromium oxide. Place it in the burner drive and melt, watching how "Rubin" will grow right on your eyes in a few hours. Using different salts as reagents, you can get other types of precious stones.

If you are considering the possibility of growing stones as an interesting experience, and not as a way to enrich, then you can go to another way and grow not stones, but multicolored crystals from salt, sugar or copper sulfate.

To grow salt crystals, make a saturated solution, adding a salt into a glass with warm distilled water until it stops dissolving. To obtain multicolored crystals, water can be tangled with a food dye. After that, hang over a small crystal of salt on a strip on a string so that it is completely immersed in the solution. After a few days, the crystal will grow. Similarly, crystals are grown copper sulfate.


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