What surprises are possible. Pleasant surprises for a beloved man on occasion and without

To your soulmate on any holiday. And such holidays are not so few, and winter especially throws in such troubles, where everything begins with the New Year, continues with Valentine's Day and ends on February 23rd.

And besides this, do not forget about the birthday, anniversary and many other dates on which you want to surprise your beloved man. In this article, we want to help you with these difficult choice of a gift, after which your men will be more than satisfied.

The main thing is the effect of surprise

Let's start with a few rules that will help make a gift for your man as pleasant as possible:

  1. First of all, your surprise should be original enough and by no means predictable, do not do what can be expected of you. For example, you can have a romantic evening dinner after a hard day at work on Monday, which will definitely not leave your hard worker indifferent.
  2. The second rule is non-standard in their actions and uniqueness. This rule is to maximize the transformation of something ordinary into a unique and grandiose event.

And, of course, you can't do without contrast and a change in opposite emotions. But here you should be very careful and take the preparatory stage seriously, so as not to turn the surprise into a storm of negative emotions and a scandal.

Romantic surprises

Boys love romance too

Massage is a rather simple and at the same time romantic surprise. But preparation is also required here. You can get away with reading a few brochures, but it would be better to attend a practical course. When preparing for this procedure, you cannot do without a beautiful erotic outfit and candles in a slightly subdued light.

Solitude in a country house or in the country can be considered a no less romantic surprise, but there should be everything that can turn the time spent into an unforgettable experience. For example, the presence of a jacuzzi, pool or sauna. But do not forget about nature with a cozy place for two and the presence of a river with a beautiful landscape.

The sky lantern has gained high popularity at the current time, and it is better to use several of them so that you can write general wishes and send them to the sky.

A romantic surprise is easy enough to prepare even in the bathroom, where you need lush foam, a large number of candles and red lights, which only increase sexual desire. It is also recommended to prepare in advance gentle music, fruit with chocolate and champagne or wine.

  • Dedication to the song on the radio live.
  • The original certificate with the history of the origin of the surname or first name.
  • Treasure search. When choosing such a surprise, you will need to hide it in a park or other suitable place in advance. For example, it can be fruit, wine, or other sweets that are great for completing your quest with a picnic in nature.
  • You cannot do without a surprise in bed, which directly depends on your wild imagination. Here, obviously, you need to do what your man could not expect.

DIY gift

The main thing is to know what a man is fond of.

Here the choice is quite large, but the main thing is to invest all your tenderness and warmth. You can tell or even write a beautiful poem yourself on a postcard that you make with your own hands. You can also use your culinary skills and cook something delicious.

For real needlewomen, a knitted sweater or originally presented, for example, in a box with a large beautiful bow, is a good option. In addition, the box can be filled with colorful balloons that will effectively fly into the air when you open it.

If your couple rarely has breakfast in bed, then even this procedure with your favorite heart-shaped sandwiches can be an unforgettable surprise.

Hobbies and hobbies

  • You cannot do without fishing, where you can go both together and invite friends.
  • If your boyfriend is a fan of fast driving and adrenaline, a karting sports lesson is perfect.
  • Travel lovers can take a tour of the cave, where darkness and silence will enhance your privacy.
  • Horse riding will also impress your animal lover.
  • For good fun and a storm of emotions, we recommend visiting the water park with steep slides, various attractions and other risky places.
  • You can go diving together.
  • For gun lovers, a trip to a shooting range or an open shooting range would be an excellent option.
  • You can please your car lover with a toy or a collectible car, it already depends on the means and desire.

Simple and soulful

DIY gifts are always appreciated

If, for some reason, none of the options listed above suits you, you can choose one of the following ideas:

  • A pillow with or a favorite image of your man will be a great gift for a pleasant dream. In addition, you can order such a surprise in almost all photo salons.
  • The so-called "living mug", which is able to change its image when it is filled with hot boiling water.
  • A disc with your favorite music artist, movie or.
  • The inscription on the pavement is all those words that you cannot express in words.
  • A new game will be a good gift for real gamers.
  • Anyone who is absolutely independent of its cost and other criteria can be a good surprise. His main condition is his surprise and invested love and warmth.

The instruction is a real find!

The price is not the main thing in the surprise!

To begin with, you need to accurately determine for yourself what your man gets maximum pleasure from, and it is advisable to have several options in stock. For example, you can suddenly show up at his work and pick him up for a romantic dinner or send an original message to work with the words of your feelings.

Pleasant surprises at home remain important, where you can please your loved one with a passionate night or even a striptease. Believe me, such actions are remembered by men for a long time and provide a huge amount of pleasant emotions.

You can surprise your man with a pleasant gift by attaching it to your body and putting on a light robe. For example, you can even use new erotic lingerie, which, again, will lead you to an unforgettable night of love.

Everyone loves rest!

Quite an interesting and mysterious surprise is the placement of various messages throughout the apartment in the form of tips that will eventually lead your lover to the gift. These hints may look like compliments, gentle words, or poems.

Your surprise should be so pleasant and unexpected that it just becomes speechless. To do this, you can use a box from the refrigerator or washing machine, glue it over with beautiful paper and your joint photos with a note attached. After that, place the box in a conspicuous place and carefully climb inside.

For a more colorful effect, you can use firecrackers or helium balloons. And imagine the moment when your loved one returns home and sees the box, begins to open it, and at this moment you throw it off yourself, release balls, shoot firecrackers, hug and kiss your boyfriend tightly. You just have to turn it all into reality.

How to make a cool gift for a guy, you will learn from the video:

In contact with

Regardless of the reason, a loving guy wants to give his soul mate a special gift. And, of course, everyone wants to be original, stand out and give a memorable present. But what kind of surprise can you give a girl? It all depends on your imagination, capabilities and desires. You should not abuse surprises either - so they will lose their meaning and will be predictable, and not bringing delight, surprise and joy.

In order to understand what kind of surprise to make a girl, observe her behavior, listen carefully to what she says - follow her desires.

Sweet surprise. Almost all girls have a sweet tooth, so it will be very pleasant to present her with your favorite sweet. You can present it by tying it with a beautiful bow, or by making a beautiful bouquet of sweets. You can also secretly put your beloved candy in your pocket (or in all your pockets) and she will find them and remember you during the day.

You can also buy a bar of chocolate and let it melt a little, and then use a needle or a toothpick to paint something or write tender words. Cool the field in the refrigerator, and then hand it over, watch the admiring reaction.

What surprise to make a girl? Of course, romantic! Every girl, deep down, dreams of romance. And if you rarely arrange romantic evenings, then such a surprise will pleasantly surprise your chosen one. Champagne, rose petals, a light dinner and pleasant music will not leave anyone indifferent. In order to somehow diversify the classics, you can make a dinner in some style. In Japanese, for example. Square plates, sushi, a low table, pillows instead of chairs and an orchid sprig will perfectly dilute an everyday evening.

If you are still undecided about what kind of surprise to make the girl, then pay attention to the airy surprise, which is simple in its implementation. Since now the male and female population already drive a car equally, such a surprise is relevant for girls as well. So, buy a lot of balloons, inflate them with helium and tie them to your beloved's car. You can also fill the salon with them and when the girl opens the door, they will fly out. For contrast, you can use white balls, and the main ball (placed in the center) is red.

Musical surprise. Music lovers may like the song presented to her on the radio (of course, on the wave that she listens to). If she is not a fan of radio broadcasts, then you can make a cut disc with her favorite songs (or just very romantic compositions).

In order not to puzzle over what surprise to make for a girl, take her to the hippodrome - great fun for two! You can also visit the dolphinarium, skating rink, water park, or just take a walk in the park, where you can ride the attractions at the same time. Well, a lover of extreme sports should be presented with a parachute jump!

And finally, a simple but enthralling "number". True, here you will need the help of a friend. Buy a rose and ask a friend to bring it to you while you kiss your girlfriend. And after the kiss, present her with a flower. The positive effect is guaranteed!

Any idea can be supplemented with something of your own, personal, which will undoubtedly please your beloved. Now you don't have to think about how to surprise a girl. Transform, surprise, love!

The main thing about surprises is that your other half will like them. What kind of surprise can you arrange for your loved one?

Thoughts about this come to mind for many women on the eve of a boyfriend's birthday or other holiday. But you can please your partner even without a particularly important reason. Such surprises, as a rule, are the most unexpected, and therefore especially memorable.

Guy personality and surprise

There are many ideas for surprises. Among them, gifts made with their own hands occupy a special place. Consider, first of all, the character of your young man.

If a guy is somewhat conservative, then he is unlikely to like an unplanned hang-glider flight or a risky parachute jump. He will consider it just childish and stupid throwing money down the drain - this must be taken into account.

But if your young man has a creative personality, then everything is exactly the opposite - you don't need to arrange romantic traditional surprises for him. It is better to present something original for the holiday, preferably with a share of humor or extreme.

Bad ideas

As a rule, a girl will readily and gratefully accept any most ridiculous surprise. Any sign of attention she will like. But with guys, it's not that simple.

The male half of humanity is very practical and rationalistic, so it is important that your surprise has some material use. A man is unlikely to be moved by pink notes that you wrote with your own hand, and he found in the pockets of his work suit in the middle of an important meeting.

It is unlikely that he will like the cute balloons that have filled most of the house. Rather, he will not fully understand why it was necessary to make so much effort to create such a useless gift.

Also, don't use ideas like this:

  • Report your pregnancy as a surprise. It's still better to communicate such things in a different way.
  • If a man hints that he loves blondes, and you are brown-haired, do not rush to run to repaint your hair and shock the guy. Stay as you were, if you think it's better for you. And in order to please and surprise a guy, try on a wig, it may turn out that in fact, light hair color does not suit you

  • There is no need to watch your loved one at the entrance of his house after work and attack him from the darkness, shouting loudly: "Surprise". With a fright, he will not fully appreciate all the charm and spontaneity of this method of congratulations.

DIY gift ideas

Humorous congratulations. Suitable if some date or holiday is planned - birthday, anniversary of a memorable event, and so on. This congratulation can be written on a cool postcard - it is made with your own hands and presented to the guy in a bouquet of flowers. This option is also suitable for congratulating a colleague, since it is quite innocent in nature. It is advisable to compose a poem yourself or order it from a professional.

Make a video presentation for an anniversary, say, a wedding or your first date. Decorate beautifully and show it all at dinner in the evening. Such a presentation will remain in the computer's memory and it can always be corrected by video filming and photographs of new events in your life. Thus, with a favorable development of relations, a whole family chronicle can turn out.

Prepare a delicious meal for your guy. Better a few tasty dishes.

If you are a needleworker, then it will not be difficult for a guy to knit some actual and useful thing - a warm scarf, or socks - ideas can be found anywhere. Putting on these things, your loved one will always involuntarily associate them with you - after all, this will make him more often remember you with gratitude. In addition, hand-made gifts are very pleasant surprises.

Surprises for the addicted

You are very lucky if the guy is seriously interested in something, in which case the question of a surprise may not arise. Indeed, in this case, you can give him what he likes one hundred percent. But here it is important that such an instance does not yet exist:

  • As a good option, you can print your photo or the two of you, or your young man's idol on a T-shirt or mug. This is an inexpensive gift option.
  • If your man is a fan of computer games, you can present him with a recently released licensed cool game so that he can play it at home

  • A ticket to a concert of your favorite musician is a great idea. It is advisable to present two tickets. After all, then he will invite you with him, this will bring you closer
  • The lover of technology will be pleased with the models on the remote control. Everyone knows that men remain children at heart and, despite their age, love to play. Maybe they give birth to children just to play enough with them under legal cover.

If there are no problems with money, you can simply organize a vacation in a beautiful country. Preferably where he wanted to visit. If this vacation will be with extreme options, even better. What surprises are right for this? Safari races, on sand dunes on ATVs, mountain skiing on new tracks or other interesting types of extreme recreation.

Such a "breakaway" very well distracts from the harsh usual everyday life, transferring for a while to another reality, even if only for one day.

Original, romantic and practical

  • A meeting

If you are apart from your loved one, can you have different ideas? For example, if he went on a long business trip to another city, then perhaps the best surprise for him will be your visit to him for a celebration.

It is only important to choose the right time of arrival so that the surprise is a success. Or you can order a gift with delivery to him in another city - your loved one, most likely, will really be delighted with such a sign of attention.

  • Massage

A massage session is a great way to relax a guy and tune him in to the right wave. But doing it is not so easy, and an inept massage can only ruin the whole thing. To really surprise your loved one, take a few lessons from a professional. To learn the basics, it is enough to practice 2-3 times - and you will succeed. This is also a very useful skill in life.

Men really appreciate women who know how to release tension and relax with one touch. Giving your guy a healthy relaxation session is a great option.

  • Collective holiday

You can secretly attract friends and family to help the guy and organize a party for the birthday boy. To take ideas from the American tradition - it is especially important that nothing foreshadowed in advance. Let him go to work in the morning, as usual, no need to fuss around him and congratulate. But when he comes home in the evening, then friends and gifts will be waiting, including a cake, cooked on his own. It can be a wonderful unexpected surprise.

  • Radio frequency

You can just congratulate the guy on the radio. It is important here that he must listen to this channel for sure.

If you own a computer, you can present your loved one with his personal blog or your general family blog, where you can upload photos and notes about your family. In the future, you can lead it together. If the site becomes popular, it will be an additional source of income.

The best

  • A romantic evening for a loved one. It's just that several of the things the guy loved came together at once: delicious food, a beautiful girl, comfort and care. He will appreciate your efforts and, perhaps, one wonderful day, he will soon give the coveted ring

  • You can organize a joint bath with candles and other romantic attributes: a bottle of wine, rose petals, fragrant oil. The end of such a bath can be unforgettable for both.
  • Breakfast in bed on the weekend will be a good romantic pleasant surprise for your beloved. A leisurely sipping of coffee with croissants or fragrant pancakes will set your loved one in the desired happy mood - and the weekend will definitely be wonderful

  • Erotic surprise. This is almost a win-win surprise. All guys love experimentation and variety. You can buy a special uniform in an intimate store and make the guy a session of role-playing games. He will definitely like it and add spice to your relationship.

How much do you love your boyfriend or husband? Are you ready to prove it with a gift that he will never forget? These will not necessarily be CDs for a car or an expensive mp3 player. We will tell you what kind of surprise you can make for your loved one on a holiday, memorable day or just because of strong love. At the same time, our ideas for a surprise for a loved one will help strengthen your relationship and make you an original, creative and loving soul mate.

Birthday surprise ideas for your loved one

The most important reason for preparing surprises for a loved one is a birthday. It is on this holiday that every loving man expects something unusual. And the mission is entrusted to you - to choose a gift that will surprise and delight.

All materials were collected on the basis of forums, opinion polls and real opinions of men.

But before choosing a surprise for a guy for his birthday, you need to understand the basic principles of a man's attitude to gifts that you may not have known about:

  • Men do not like abstract gifts, so it should be immediately clear what it is and why it is needed;
  • Non-functional gifts that are not clear how to use are more likely to irritate the stronger sex than please;
  • Do not try to disguise the necessary things in the house as surprises for the husband's birthday;
  • Do not give flowers, this is a sign of weakness for them;
  • Beautiful packaging - wasted time and money;
  • No money - he already has it;
  • Decorating with balls and anything else is not for the stronger sex.

90% of men don't like being presented with clothes, even if they are super cool. (Opinion poll)

So, let's get down to the most interesting, ideas for a surprise for a loved one for his birthday.

  1. Gather his friends and arrange an unexpected birthday surprise for your loved one when he returns from work, from the store, garage or somewhere else. Every man loves attention to himself, but here there will be especially a lot of it, which will make him smile. Immediately there will be a reason to sit down at the table and how to celebrate the celebration;
  2. Buy him tickets for football, basketball, etc. However, the most important surprise for a loved one will be that you go with him;
  3. Leave the radio congratulations - he will be pleased that you are ready for anything for the sake of your beloved. This will also serve as a reason for pride in front of friends who will listen to the congratulations with him. It is good if the congratulatory speech will sound in your voice;
  4. An unexpected surprise for a loved one for his birthday will be a subscription for a one-time visit to the SPA center together. He will be pleased not because he will rejuvenate his skin or peel. He will see what you are doing there, and he will feel it for himself. Believe me, guys are always wondering what is going on in your spa center? It's good if there is a bathhouse where you will go after these procedures that are incomprehensible to him.
  5. Buy erotic lingerie for yourself. Believe me - it will be a surprise for the guy on his birthday, not for you;
  6. A useful accessory is what you need. The main thing is that it is not cheap, because accessories are valued by their name, and not by functionality. It can be a pen, a lighter, a tie clip, a diary, a belt. Other accessories can be a bad birthday surprise for a loved one;
  7. Gift certificate for something he hasn't tried yet. This can be wakeboard training, paragliding, snowboard rental, bowling. But don't overdo it. There is no need to give him a certificate for a parachute jump, maybe he has not consciously jumped yet, because he is afraid;
  8. DIY surprise for your loved one. It can be anything, the main thing is that your efforts for his sake are noticeable;
  9. And give him a manicure and a pedicure, after all.

If you liked one of the tips or any of them helped you make a choice, tell us about it in the comments!

Of course, you are a woman, and you want to add a bit of romance to a pragmatic and soulless gift for a man. But be careful, because romantic surprises for a loved one are walking on a razor blade. Romance for the stronger sex is an unnecessary thing, but with the right approach, it can be very useful.

Remember that romance, you can express your attention and nothing else. Of course, there are romantic men. But flowers and balls are still needed by women. So what romantic surprise can you make for your husband or boyfriend?

  • Leave stickers with the words "I love you" on every thing he touches in the morning - he will like such a romantic gift;
  • Prepare dinner with his favorite dish;
  • Take care of him, offer back, neck, head massage. This can be a great prelude to a more romantic surprise for your loved one in bed;
  • Touch him more. This on the subconscious will indicate your interest and desire to be with him. Believe me, men need it;
  • Give one compliment every 30 minutes. But do not overdo it and do not dissemble. Everything must be fair;
  • Bring coffee to bed - it will be an unexpected romantic gift;
  • Make a photo album of his photos that you quietly took during the week. At the bottom there should be a signature: "I always think about you" or something like that. But make sure it turns out cool in the pictures;
  • A romantic gift with your own hands.

And remember! No flowers, bows, balls, hearts and other female romance! A romantic gift is attention, effort and love.

There are also some surprises for men that can negatively say about relationships. We will also tell you about them so that you do not get into an awkward situation.

  • Banal socks, a toothbrush and deodorant - all these gifts can only tell about the bad appearance and smell of a man;
  • Alcohol - he can buy this drink for himself, moreover, it is because of him that scandals and separations occur in families;
  • Panties, even if they are expensive, are an individual thing. He has to choose underwear himself, so you shouldn't force him to wear unloved underpants;
  • Household items for the home - veiled appliances or dishes can show that you do not take into account his personality;
  • Cosmetics are an insult to a real man;
  • Money is usually not interesting and corny. Besides, he can earn money himself;
  • Animals - maybe he doesn't want to have them?
  • You are on a silver platter in erotic lingerie - this is a good addition, but not a substitute for a gift.

Every woman will be able to make a pleasant and unusual gift for her beloved man with her own hands. It can be timed to coincide with some kind of celebration or donated just like that. A present made by the hands of a beloved woman will help surprise a young man, delight him, cheer him up, and strengthen relationships between lovers. The main thing is to make a gift to your conscience. You should not take on ideas that will be difficult to cope with. Even if it is a simple gift, you need to choose an option that can be made with high quality and accuracy. Then a surprise for a loved one will bring a lot of positive emotions.

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    Certificate of wish fulfillment

    Any young man will like a gift in the form of a certificate for the fulfillment of a wish. It can be just one dream or several at once. Such a present should be done for a beloved husband or a guy who you want to surprise and amaze, to please him.

    To make a certificate, you can use decorative scrapbooking cardboard or print a ready-made template on thick paper by entering the necessary words into it.

    How to make an erotic massage for a man

    Book of wishes

    Another unusual option that can be given to your beloved man is the book of desires. It is necessary to write down what will please the man, while leaving free pages on which he can write down what he wants most. These may be desires that begin with the first letter of the young man's name.

    The book can be made in the form of a collection of checks, each of which contains little amenities for the guy. The idea of ​​the gift is that a man chooses a check with a desire and presents it to his beloved.

    To make a book, you will need a simple notebook or 10–20 A4 sheets, on each of which wishes are written. Desires can be written:

    • all day watching TV;
    • billiards;
    • striptease performed by your girlfriend;
    • Erotic massage;
    • football with friends.

    On the first pages of the page, you need to write detailed instructions.

    How to cheer up a guy

    Gift certificate with points

    This simple idea of ​​creating an original postcard with your own hands is to write a wish list on one sheet and assign a certain number of points to each of them. Next, you need to print the list and attach it to a romantic postcard. When one of the desires is fulfilled, it is simply deleted from the list. This version of the presentation is well suited for presentation on Valentine's Day.

    For a loved one to call

    Beautiful little things

    It is not necessary to wait for a celebration to create a good mood. You can give a gift just like that, for no reason. To do this, you can make pleasant little things that will remind a man of the warm feelings of his wife every day.


    A stylish keychain can be a great gift. This necessary thing will become a small talisman for a young man. The guy will always think about his caring girlfriend. Simple but original is the tie-shaped keychain. It can be made in a few minutes. Such a present will look very creative and unusual.

    A bracelet

    In order to present a meaningful gift, a bracelet will do. There are many ways to create such a presentation, but the most stylish and unusual jewelry for your chosen one can be made of leather. Such an accessory will be pleasant for a young man to wear on his hand.

    To make a gift, you can buy ready-made leather cords or cut an old leather thing into thin strips.


    Another present that will enable a guy to think about his cute girlfriend every day is the housekeeper. This is a stylish and convenient gift that will always be at hand. Crafting requires a small piece of leather and a little patience.

    Photo souvenirs

    Photo presentations are always very valuable, as they capture pleasant memories and the best moments of life. They charge with positive energy, cheer up and carry a lot of meaning for lovers. To create a presentation, you need to choose an original idea, choose the best photos and get to work.

    Photo stand

    A photo stand can adequately decorate a guy's desktop and will always remind him of his beloved. You can make this thing using wire, cardboard, even clothespins. It depends on the girl's capabilities and imagination. After the stand is ready, you must remember to print and place there a photo showing a young man with his chosen one.


    To make a beautiful photo frame, you can use ordinary buttons, cardboard, glue and a romantic photo showing a happy couple in love. A man will keep such an unusual gift on his table, often admire it, thinking about his beloved with warmth and tenderness.


    To congratulate your loved one on a birthday or wedding anniversary, you can use a collage. This is a pretty creative way to express your wishes. To make it, you first need to think over one or more sentences that you want to say to your beloved. Then print each word on a separate sheet of paper in the form of tablets. After that, you need to ask your acquaintances, friends or relatives to take a picture with one of the plates. It will be necessary to make one large collage from all the pictures. The result will be unusual and will delight the man.

    Another type of collage is making a touching pillowcase, which is in the husband's car. There may be a joint photo in the center of the pillowcase.

    To make such a gift, you need to select the necessary photos on your computer, print them on an inkjet printer using thermal transfer paper. Then you need to cut out the image, put it on the pillowcase, picture down. It is necessary to iron the picture with a hot iron without steam. Then you should remove the paper backing, and the surprise for your loved one is ready.

    You can buy an ordinary Rubik's cube and put parts of family photos on its squares.

    Notes with confessions of feelings

    One of the best gift options that can delight a loved one every day is a box with declarations of love or just good wishes.

    You should start by buying an original gift box. Or you can make it yourself according to templates and glue it with gift paper, which is at home.

    A lot of small hearts of different colors are cut out of colored paper, each of which has a declaration of love. Let your loved one have a new surprise in the form of pleasant words every day. It will be interesting for the guy to pull out a new heart over and over again and read the confession.

    You can cut the leaves into rectangular strips and wrap each with a red satin ribbon. All scrolls can be placed in a glass container decorated with a ribbon.

    Romantic candy

    This option is more original than just love notes in a box. To make it, you need to buy the man's favorite sweets, carefully open and insert a note in the middle. A young man will enjoy not only the taste of sweets, but also beautiful declarations of love from his chosen one.

    You can glue the candy to the laptop-like box. This will add even more originality to the present.

    Cookies with warm words

    If a woman knows the culinary arts, then she can bake a romantic cookie and hand it to her beloved so that he can take it with him to work, study, or on a trip. Such sweets will remind of the girl's feelings from a distance. He will be able to drink tea and think exclusively about his beloved.

    Diary "Just for you"

    An original gift is a diary with dates stamped on each sheet. The surprise is that the woman will write something nice, corresponding to the memorable dates indicated on the respective pages.

    To improve the gift, you can not only write something nice, but also paste a photo, rewrite some of the SMS sent to each other.

    It's a good idea to just write something nice on every page. In this case, every new day of a beloved man will begin with reading warm words or confession of feelings. Such a gift will be appropriate for the anniversary of the relationship.

    Erotic gift

    The next present can be prepared for a loved one after a long separation. For preparation, you need to cut out several large hearts and many small ones. Large ones should be placed in those places where lovers had sex, and be sure to write a few words about how it was, what feelings and emotions overwhelmed at that moment. Then, starting from the front door with small hearts, you need to lay out paths to these places.