How to choose a men's watch. Men's watch brands. We offer you a list of questions that will help you decide on the choice of watches

For many of us, a wristwatch is not only a device that shows the time, but also a status accessory. Firstly, the watch itself, namely the brand, case material, and most importantly the price, demonstrate your taste, status and material condition. Secondly, beautiful men's watches give men solidity, while women's watches give women elegance. Agree, if you have a Maurice Lacroix watch on your wrist, then the person's first impression of you will be quite good. In this article we will try to give you useful tips on how to choose a wristwatch.
Next, we will look at the following questions:

How to choose the right wristwatch

In order to choose the right wristwatch, it is necessary to be guided not only by the watch company, but also by their price. Yes, undoubtedly, expensive watches cannot be the wrong choice, but, nevertheless, there are a lot of technical features in watches that you need to pay attention to when choosing a model, so that they not only emphasize status, but also suit you in their main characteristics. ...
So, let's go directly to the parameters of the watch that you need to consider when buying.
The first thing to start with when choosing is the type of watch movement. Watches are mechanical and quartz. Let's take a closer look at their features.
Mechanical watches
A mechanical watch is a watch with a very complex movement mechanism, which was invented many centuries ago, but is still in great demand. The design of a mechanical watch consists of springs and wheel gears, which interact with each other to make the watch move. The service life of a quality mechanical watch is about 20 years. A mechanical watch works without a power source, which is very convenient - you only need to wind it up once every 3-4 days. But, nevertheless, they have their disadvantages.
Probably the most important drawback of mechanical watches is their movement error, which ranges from 10 seconds per day. The accuracy of the movement is influenced not only by the serviceability of the mechanism, but also by the position of the watch and the ambient temperature. Mechanical watches require more complex repairs, which can affect the price.
Quartz watch
A quartz watch is based on a quartz generator, which creates electrical vibrations that keep the watch running. Such a mechanism provides a more accurate watch movement, the error of which is no more than 20 seconds per month. It is unnecessary to wind up a quartz watch periodically, which will be very convenient for many. Thanks to this design, quartz watches can include other additional functions, which we will discuss below.
Time display
Today there are 3 ways of displaying time: arrow, electronic and combined.
Arrow way of displaying time - when the time is displayed using arrows. Depending on the model, the hand can be either two - hour and minute, or three - hour, minute and second. The second hand can be placed either on the main dial or on a separate one. The pointer way of displaying time is the only way to display time on a mechanical watch, and as one of the options for displaying on a quartz watch.
Electronic way of displaying time - when the time is displayed using numbers. For some, this way of displaying the time is more convenient. This time display method is used only in quartz watches. Thanks to this, in addition to displaying the time, informers of other functions of the watch can be displayed on the dial.
As you may have guessed from the name, the combined time display uses both an arrow and a digital time display. This time display is used exclusively in quartz watches.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the existence of a new time display system "Twelv", which displays each hour in a separate color, and minutes - a kind of filling of space, something similar to the Moon. But there are very few models of such watches and they have not gained such wide popularity, maybe because they were recently created, or maybe because of their unusualness or inconvenience.

Digit type
If you prefer the arrow display of the time on the watch, then determine for yourself what type of numbers on the dial you would like. The numbers on the dial can be both Roman and Arabic. Each of the options has its own advantages, which we will discuss when giving advice on choosing a wristwatch.
Also, you need to determine the number of digits on the dial. The dial can be 12-hour, 4-hour and 24-hour. Most often you can find models of watches with a 12-hour time format, this type is called classic. That is, the display contains numbers from 1 to 12, which is actually very convenient and familiar. In order to relieve the watch display, the creators sometimes place 4 digits on the dial: 12, 3, 6 and 9. Such watches are convenient for their minimalism, but as they say, not for everybody. In addition, it is very rare, but you can also find watch models with 24 digits on the dial, but not everyone will be comfortable with such an arrangement of numbers. It is also worth mentioning those watches, the dial of which does not have numbers at all, but consists of 12 divisions - for lovers of minimalism.
Time format
The time format is how the time is shown on the digital display. There are three time display formats: 12-hour, 24-hour and combined.
With a 12-hour time format, the day is divided into 2 intervals of 12 hours: before noon and after noon, denoted by "AM" and "PM" respectively. This is very convenient, since we are used to perceiving time precisely according to such a system, for example: "three in the morning" or "two in the afternoon".
The 24-hour format displays the time of day as usual, starting at 00:00 hours and ending at 23:59 hours. This format is most common in European countries.
The most convenient are watches with a combined time format, when the user can independently choose in which format to display the time.
Second hand
As a rule, the vast majority of wrist watches have a second hand on the main dial. But there are also watch models in which this hand can be transferred to a separate dial, or even absent altogether. Determine the presence of a second hand in a watch based on its need.
Energy source
The power supply for your watch may vary.
As mentioned above, in mechanical watches, the source of energy is a spring mechanism, which, thanks to its pressure, drives the entire mechanism of the watch. When the winding of the spring weakens, the watch stops and must be wound up again, or else, to prevent this from happening, re-winding it. One plant usually lasts 48 hours. In addition, there are models of self-winding mechanical watches. Thanks to the self-winding mechanism, the watch will automatically wind up, and you will not need to worry about it. Self-winding occurs through vibrations, when a person moves, so if your activity exceeds 8 hours a day, then the automatic winding will be effective for you.
The power source in a quartz watch is a battery, its charge lasts for several years. This option is convenient for those who forget to wind up a mechanical watch or who need additional functions in the watch.
Another source of power for the watch is a solar battery. That is, the rays of the sun, falling on the watch, pass through the transparent dial and fall on the photocell, which converts them into energy and accumulates, which actually feeds the watch mechanism. But such an energy source is very inefficient, since it is necessary that the sun's rays periodically fall on the watch, and this is difficult if you work in a room where there is no sunlight and in winter, when solar activity is very low.
Clock shape
Clocks come in the following forms:
  • Barrel-shaped;

  • Square;

  • Round;

  • Oval;

  • Rectangular;

  • Rhombic;

  • Non-standard shape.

The choice of the shape of the watch depends solely on personal preference.
Watch type
There are four types of watches:
  • Children;

  • Womens;

  • Men's;

  • Unisex.

Here, in principle, everything is clear, the only thing that can be explained is about unisex watches. Unisex is a type of watch that is suitable for both women and men.

Body material
There are a lot of materials from which the cases are made. It makes no sense to list them all, so we will list only those that, in our opinion, are the best and are very popular.
Of course, the very first is worth noting the watch cases made of gold. The gold case is one of the most prestigious and beautiful. Despite the softness of this metal and a very high price, it is still one of the best.
The most expensive metal for a watch case is platinum. Compared to gold, platinum is a harder metal, but also heavier. As a rule, watch cases are made of platinum according to an individual order.
Palladium is also often used as a material for watch cases. You probably know about this metal, it is often called "white gold". In appearance, palladium is similar to platinum and at the same time lighter than it. The metal itself is very good, since it does not oxidize and traces of corrosion do not appear on it, and most importantly, its surface lends itself well to polishing.
Titanium is a good material for a watch case: it is quite lightweight, very durable, and also quite beautiful outwardly. These watches tend to have a fairly reasonable price tag compared to previous materials.
Stainless steel
Stainless steel watch cases are quite common. The body made of this metal is very strong and durable. The disadvantage is that scratches form on the surface of the case, which can later be removed by polishing. Ideal value for money.
The most budgetary watch case material is plastic. Its only advantages are practicality and low cost.
Bracelet or strap
The wrist watch is fixed on the hand with a strap or bracelet.
Straps are: leather, textile, plastic and silicone. As for the leather straps, they are more comfortable because of their softness and look very nice on the hand. Textile straps are an alternative to leather straps, they are cheaper than them, but naturally not as durable and strong. Plastic and silicone straps are used in cheap and children's watches.
As for bracelets, they are made from various metals: gold, stainless steel, titanium and other materials. The bracelet of a watch is also an indicator of its price and your status. Sometimes a bracelet plays an important role in the beauty of a watch, no less than its case. If you choose a watch for status, then this is a watch with a gold bracelet, if you want something simpler, then this is a stainless steel bracelet.
A skeleton is a watch with a transparent case through which the movement is visible. Such watches are very beautiful, just imagine that you can constantly see this wonderful mechanism, consisting of constantly moving gears, springs and wheel gears.
The last parameter to be guided by when buying a watch is the type of glass that covers the dial. There are 4 types of glass to protect the dial:
  • Plastic glass;

  • Mineral glass;

  • Sapphire crystal;

  • Combined glass.

Plastic glass is used in cheap types of watches, so this glass does not have a special quality, and besides, it is prone to scratches. Mineral glass also scratches and can be broken easily. The sapphire crystal is reasonably scratch resistant, but also easily shattered. The best option is a combination of mineral and sapphire glass, which combines strength and scratch resistance.

How to choose a men's watch

First of all, men's watches must be chosen based on what their purpose is. If their purpose is to show the time, then this is a watch made of steel or titanium. If you want your watch to underline your status, then this is a watch with a case made of: palladium, gold, and at best, platinum. If you prefer a watch with a strap, then, of course, give preference to a leather strap. Regarding the bracelet, the best option for status is a watch with a gold bracelet, and more practical ones with a stainless steel bracelet. For the status, it is better to choose a watch with a pointer time display and a 12-hour dial with Roman numerals.
Also, in addition to time, a watch can include: a calendar, an alarm clock, a chronometer, a chronograph, a compass, a stopwatch, a backlight, the time of several time zones, etc.
It is worth mentioning such useful features of the watch as shock resistance and water resistance. If the watch is shockproof, then the mechanism will be protected, but please note that this does not protect the case and protective glass from damage. A waterproof watch prevents moisture from getting inside, therefore, depending on the watch's water resistance class, you can shower or dive into the water at a set depth.

How to choose a women's watch

For the fair sex, an analog clock is best suited. Watch case material: stainless steel or gold. As for the numbers on the dial, it is best to give preference to minimalism. For status, it is better to give preference to a watch with a bracelet, a more practical watch with a leather strap.
Women's watches, as a rule, do not include such wide additional features as men's watches, and they are actually useless. The only thing we can mention is the shockproof and the calendar.

Which watch brand to choose

The most popular in sales are watch brands:
  • Appella;

  • Casio;

  • Citizen;

  • Essence;

  • Fossil;

  • Haas;

  • Jacques Lemans;

  • Jowissa;


  • Romanson;

  • Skagen;

  • Timex.

Which Swiss watch to choose
We recommend choosing the following brands from Swiss watches: Appella, Patek Philippe, Jaguar, Nina Ricci, Philip Laurence.
How to choose a gold watch
If you want to buy a watch made of gold, we recommend brands: Romanson, Dolce & Gabbana, Appella, Breguet, Jaguar and OMAX.

How to choose a women's wristwatch

Time is an integral part of our life, and the clock is ticking, counting our successes, deeds, joys and sorrows. Once the watch was associated only with its direct purpose of showing the time, but now we know this accessory not only as a way to demonstrate our seriousness and punctuality, but also as a symbol of status, prosperity and, most importantly, our own unique style! This accessory takes pride of place in the jewelry box of almost every modern fashionista.

A bit of history

History tells us that the very first wristwatches appeared in the 19th century, and they were highly appreciated by women. Before that, ladies wore this beautiful accessory in the form of a large ring or pendant around their necks, kept it in special pockets on their clothes, or fitted it to the waist on a chain. Watches were made strictly to an individual order, and they were affordable only for very rich and noble people. And already in the twentieth century, watches became a real work of art, and as a decoration they began to complement fashionable clothing collections. Since then, the watch has become a favorite fashion accessory for women and men all over the world.

Clock and modernity

In the modern world, watches have become one of the most essential accessories for women of various professions and income levels. After all, watches not only help us navigate in time space, but watches are also a demonstration of women's taste, status and social position in society. It is known that the more expensive the watch, the higher the status of the happy owner. There are many outfits in the wardrobe, of all colors and styles, and many women today have several very different watches in a box to combine them with their different outfits.

Choosing a watch

How to choose the right watch? Of course, the most important thing is always the accuracy of the movement and the appearance of the watch. It is also important that the watch is comfortable, like a glove one sitting on the handle, and harmoniously combined with the style of the outfit and the event to which you are going to wear it.

Modern designers present to our court a huge selection of watches: with precious stones, on straps and bracelets, with calendars and compasses. It can be brand names, high-quality copies, and ordinary inexpensive watches of various shapes and colors. When choosing this necessary accessory, first of all, you need to pay attention to your age and the scope of your activity.

If you are a successful business woman, then you need to buy expensive watches from well-known manufacturers. For everyday wear in the office, classic models in gold or silver are suitable, or something original, but certainly suitable for a business style of clothing. This watch does not have to be flashy and provocative. The higher the status, the more expensive your watch should be.

A business woman's watch should make her stand out, and be a pass to some social circles, where a business partner, oddly enough, is greeted, first of all, by dress.

A stylish and fashionable girl needs a watch that can be worn with any of her outfits. An avid fashionista is better off paying attention to the latest design innovations. For lovers of precious and glamorous gizmos, jewelry watches with semi-precious and precious stones will suit. For women and girls who prefer to lead an active lifestyle, a massive watch or a sports watch with heart rate meters and other additional, interesting functions is suitable.

When choosing a watch, be sure to consider the size and shape of the hand. For an elegant thin handle, a watch on a narrow leather strap, or a strap in the form of a ribbon or chain is most suitable. A massive and not too protruding watch with a wide strap will look on a wide wrist. If you have beautiful long fingers, then a designer watch in the form of a bracelet will look more harmonious.

Perhaps the only case where you need to do without our favorite watch is a solemn event. According to etiquette, a watch and an evening dress are a sign of bad taste and bad manners. For this case, it is better to limit yourself to simple decorations.

Watches and fashion

Fashionable women's watches are an important component of the image of a modern woman. Watch fashion trends do not change dramatically, but, nevertheless, every season new models of stylish women's watches appear. This year, a miniature, very feminine watch returns. They are appropriate in any situation, and will complement any image.

This is ideal for both a young girl and a lady of mature age. Neat branded watches (up to 20 mm) are offered by many well-known companies such as Gucci, Casio, Valentino, La Mer, Galliano, Bulova. But large chronometers with brutal straps and huge bracelets also remain in vogue this season. The main place in the line of fashionable watches is occupied by watches with an open movement.

Minimalism and simplicity are also relevant this year. The dial is decorated only with the hands and brand names of the manufacturers, and complex electronic models become simpler and more functional, without unnecessary buttons.

Stylish women's watches with long straps, which are twisted twice or three times around the wrist and imitate a multi-level bracelet, confidently stepped into the new season. These are straps decorated with miniature buttons or rhinestones, and colored straps of intricate weaving. The leaders in the color range are chocolate, caramel, cream, mint and gold. Among the unusual shapes, a snake-shaped watch that wraps around the wrist several times deserves attention.

As for the color solutions, dials with deep shades of emerald and burgundy, red and blue with matching straps or neutral bracelets to match the metal of the case are now relevant. Today, all the colors that are present in fashionable clothes are relevant.

For fans of an active lifestyle, designers present sports watches with orange, yellow or bright green dials, with black and colored rubber straps, which are very durable. Such watches allow fashionistas-athletes to dive under water, and additional functions will accurately determine the pulse, temperature and count the number of steps taken with a pedometer. Plus, sporty watches go well with sportswear and style.

Vintage watches combine modern materials and ideas of the past, which allows fans of this style to successfully complement the images of different eras.

In the summer season, women's wrists will be adorned with colorful plastic watches. A rainbow of colors will allow fashionistas to choose a watch for any of their summer outfits.

Not all watches can be worn on the wrist. You can pleasantly impress others with such a thing as a pendant watch or a pendant watch. This piece has a luxurious design and fits perfectly into any style. Exquisite pendants will emphasize a delicate sense of taste and will suit both young girls and older ladies.

In a word, the most sophisticated fashionistas have the opportunity to choose the perfect watch and emphasize their style. Wearing a fashionable watch on your wrist is always stylish and beautiful. Although this thing is small, it can make an incredible impression. Often this particular accessory is an integral attribute of a fashionable image and brings its own flavor to it.

You will need:


For this type of accessory, the main power source is the spring. It spins gently and sets in motion the pendulum, which acts on the wheels of the movement, on which the further movement of the hands on the dial depends.

The system is simple. When the spring unwinds, the device stops. This drawback can be avoided by regular twisting; you can also equip the watch with an automatic winding.

Self-winding watches have more impressive dimensions and require quite active movement dynamics from the wearer. They should be worn for at least eight hours.

There is no escape from the periodic time correction. As a rule, mechanical devices tend to be a little late (-20 seconds) or in a hurry (+40 seconds per day). Another disadvantage is sensitivity to dust, temperature and humidity. It is worth noting the differences in work with different hand positions. This is where the price is an indicator of quality: expensive hand-assembled watches are equipped with extremely precise adjustment, which allows them to successfully withstand the force of gravity.

Pay attention to the backlight - in such devices it can only be fluorescent.

Despite a number of obvious errors, mechanical watches continue to be relevant to this day. Their main advantages are: prestige and long service life. Subject to proper care and prevention by specialists.


These are autonomously operating devices that take energy from a solar or conventional battery. The pendulum system is replaced by quartz crystals - the generator sends pulses to the electric motor, which drives the wheel mechanism.

Superprecision is one of the key advantages of this kind of watch. The time they can rush or be late is 20 seconds a month. Those who prefer perfect accuracy can purchase a product with a regulating capacitor. But keep in mind that their cost starts at $ 700.

Since there is practically no need for adjustment, there is often no adjustment possibility in such devices.

As for the disadvantages, it is the dependence on the ambient temperature and the aging of quartz crystals, which subsequently leads to a rush. But it is very simple to eliminate this minus - it is enough to replace the quartz resonator with a new one.


This is practically the same quartz watch, but with a digital display, although some models may have an additional dial with arrows.

The generator generates signals that show the time on the display. Its adjustment is not always possible, however, zeroing of the indicators is available.
Weather conditions have practically no effect on the operation of the electronics. The backlight can be different - semiconductor, fluorescent or LED.


We figured out the mechanism, now let's talk about the external characteristics and start with the case. Its main task is protection. The further service life and durability of the watch depends on this parameter.

Modern manufacturers use different materials:

  • lightweight, durable and cheap plastic, but it wears out quickly and is easily scratched;
  • the rubber case has the same characteristics and is found in sports watches;
  • brass is afraid of acids and salt water, but with proper handling it looks great after 5 years of wearing;
  • aluminum is lightweight and durable, but it can cause contact dermatitis, is prone to deformation and can leave marks on the skin;
  • stainless steel - a stylish, strong, wear-resistant material that fully meets the classic formula "price-quality";
  • titanium alloy is a leader in watchmaking. One of the strongest and most durable options, which is not afraid of corrosion, it is much lighter than steel and does not cause allergic reactions;
  • ceramics will resist mechanical damage, but will break if struck or dropped. The ceramic body is expensive;
  • precious metals - gold, silver, platinum - are, first of all, a status. Gold is often used in Swiss watches, it is quite soft and prone to damage, but existing technology can eliminate this disadvantage. Moreover, the owner is unlikely to jeopardize such value. Silver is much cheaper and more durable, but requires maintenance as it can oxidize. Platinum is used in premium products and is a symbol of luxury and success.

Also pay attention to the color resource. The varnish and gold plating will wear off quickly, and the black chrome will not change its appearance even after several years. The longevity is guaranteed by the applied coating technology: vacuum multilayer, marked with PVD marking, and plasma - IPG.

Clock face

This is the face of the clock. It can be provided with both arrows and variable numbers. In addition to displaying the current time, it also has an aesthetic function. Embossed numbers, variegated coloring, non-standard arrow shapes - the choice depends only on your imagination.

Different types of glass are used to protect the dial: crystal, artificial sapphire, mineral glass or plastic. Quality and cost depend on hardness, here sapphire clearly wins - it is simply impossible to scratch or break it.

It is better to choose an inexpensive men's watch with mineral glass - although its hardness is 3-4 times lower, you will have to try hard to damage it. Transparent plastic is less resistant, but amenable to polishing.


The last element of the look is the strap. He is able to turn your watch into a true work of art. But, whatever one may say, his main task is to hold the object on his hand.

The materials used are ceramics, plastic, silicone, rubber, genuine leather or leatherette, fabric, metals.
Often, the bracelet is made from the same raw materials as the case, although a leather strap will always be a good option. This stylish and rather expensive element has one significant drawback: it wears out quickly and needs to be replaced. Alternative - titanium or stainless steel, if desired, with gold plating.

Here, too, it was not without its drawbacks - the mount most often suffers.


In this case, you can rely solely on your taste.

It is better for a man to buy a round or square wristwatch. Black color, weighty size and many useful options - these are the main attributes of male models.

Women's watches can be round, oval, diamond-shaped or other, the most intricate, shape. They are lighter, more refined, decorated with precious or artificial stones. There are stylized specimens in the form of a branch braided around the arm, a snake, or being part of a complex bracelet.

In terms of colors, stainless steel, white gold, platinum are ideal - they suit almost everything. Black also goes well with most things. The brown bracelet looks elegant but casual. Light dials are more elegant, while black ones are more solid and sporty.

Select the size based on the thickness of your wrist. So, thin watches are not recommended for owners of wide bones, as they visually make the hand even larger. And vice versa - a massive chronometer on a small handle will resemble a compass. Men should consider how much the size fits under the shirt cuffs.

Additional features

A good watch not only shows the time accurately, but also has other functions - convenient or useful:

  • Backlight. We have already mentioned it.
  • Alarm clock. As a rule, it is characteristic of quartz and electronic watches.
  • Chronograph with two systems of time measurement: current and intervals.
  • Power reserve indicator. It looks like a scale with a special arrow indicating how much is left before a complete stop or shutdown.
  • Time zone indication.
  • Day of the week indicator.
  • Moon calendar.
  • Tachometer.
  • Moon calendar.
  • Waterproof. Here you can expect surprises, since often this parameter means only resistance to rain and splashes. In order not to take off your watch while swimming and diving, you need to choose a model with the 200M Water resistant mark.

Do not forget that a watch is a kind of visiting card that characterizes your personality and can tell a lot to an attentive observer. Here, it is important not to sell too cheap, and not to overdo it.

  1. Compliance with the status: the cost should not exceed 1-2 of your salary. In addition, a $ 2000 watch will not turn you into a successful businessman, but will only emphasize the discrepancy between the accessory and your usual lifestyle and your vanity.
  2. If you like to wear a watch, then it is advisable to buy several pairs for everyday life, holidays, workouts, etc. But remember that it is better to have three unique models than a dozen ordinary ones.
  3. Take a closer look at your wardrobe and find a watch that matches your style.
  4. Do not chase functionality, you hardly need a complete set. But it happens that additional options are simply necessary. For example, with frequent flights, a world time indicator will come in handy, and for sports, a chronograph will come in handy.
  5. Buy watches for yourself, not for those around you. You should definitely like them, and there will always be critics, even if you spend money on an expensive Rolex.

By the way, about the manufacturers. The quality of products largely depends on the brand, but one big name is not enough if you are not satisfied with the design or mechanism.

Remember that unscrupulous sellers can even pass off an ordinary fake for a Swiss watch. Of course, you are not an expert. And you don't know all the nuances of how to distinguish an original from a fake. But there is an easy way to make sure it is.



It's hard to say which watch is the best in its price range. By and large, one perfect model simply does not exist. Rely on your own opinion, and also use our recommendations to make the choice really successful.

The watch is that necessary accessory that adequately complements the personal style of a man, and is an indicator of his success. Therefore, choosing a men's watch is not an easy task. In this article, we will tell you about five important details that you need to pay attention to when buying a watch for the stronger sex.

Detail one: mechanism

Today you can find a wide range of electronic, quartz and mechanical watches on store shelves. An important point - mechanical watches can be automatic or manual winding. The difference between a mechanical or quartz watch lies only in the power supply required for proper operation.

A spiral-shaped spring functions in a mechanical wristwatch for men. Its main disadvantage is that a timing failure can occur if the unwinding is uneven. But the battery is responsible for the operation of the quartz watch, therefore, the deviation in time in these models will be insignificant (about fifteen seconds per month). Of course, men's watches with a quartz movement do not need to be recharged, the battery has a fairly long service life.

But there is a significant difference between a watch with a quartz and a mechanical movement - it is their cost. The fact is that mechanical watches are assembled by hand, so their price is quite high, and quartz watches are created using automation.

Detail two: strap and bracelet

Today, manufacturers of men's wristwatches offer a wide range of their products. Leather straps are quite popular. They have a fairly high price, look very stylish, but at the same time, they are fragile (over time, cracks appear on the leather straps). But metal bracelets are more profitable in terms of operation. Their wear resistance is much higher. But they also have a weak point - links. Or rather, their attachments. Therefore, when buying a watch on a bracelet, make a choice towards a more expensive model.

Detail three: material

If you decide to choose a men's wristwatch, be sure to pay attention to the material from which it is made. The most commonly used materials are aluminum, stainless steel, brass, plastic and titanium alloy. Aluminum is mainly used for the manufacture of inexpensive models, while men's watches in the higher price segment are created using stainless steel and titanium alloy. For the manufacture of cheap models, such a popular material as polycarbonate is used.

The mechanism in the watch is, of course, a very important detail, but the glass of the men's wristwatch is no less significant. Today crystal, sapphire, mineral glass and plastic are used.

Part four: brands

The modern market offers a fairly wide selection of branded men's wristwatches. Among them, Fashion (fashion) watches are gaining great popularity. They are distinguished by a bright and bold design, and can act not as an additional accessory, but as an independent part of the image. In addition, the main advantage of fashion watches is the fact that such watches can be changed depending on how fashion trends and even mood change, which cannot be said about more expensive brand watches (in any case, not everyone can afford to change watches several times a year). Among the modern representatives of the stronger sex, such brands as CLAUDE BERNARD, FCUK, GUESS, MASERATI, SKAGEN, NESTEROV, RFS and 33 Element are quite popular.

We present the top models from the leading Fashion brands represented in the Timebar.

Detail 5: style

Before choosing a men's watch, be sure to think over what style they should be made in. If you prefer classics, work in an office, often wear a suit, then elegant models with a leather or metal bracelet will suit you. The classic style watches are characterized by clear lines, neat design, calm colors. The best option for the classics is considered if the watch strap and shoes match in color, but if this is not the case, you can always choose a watch with a universal metal bracelet.

Fans of sporty style can choose watches with unusual designs, complemented by various functions. Such models most often have a masculine appearance and are quite massive. If you want to attract attention - your watch should have original shapes, designs and colors, in a word, not look like a standard watch.

We hope that our article helped you, and now you know how to choose a men's wristwatch.

In the modern world, a watch is hardly bought to know what time it is. In the age of digital technologies, mobile phones and precision computing, it will not be difficult to find out what time it is now. And most of the watches that are sold in the store will be in a hurry or lag behind over time, so you have to periodically synchronize them and bring up the hands. Obviously, watches are becoming less and less an item for keeping track of time and more and more an item of style and / or luxury. For a man, a watch has remained, perhaps, one of the few adornments that are usually appreciated in society. That is why it is important to know how to choose a watch for a man, and not to lose face.

Do you know which watch is right for you? Which watch should be worn under a suit, and which are only suitable for jeans? Is there a fundamental difference between $ 100 and $ 1000 watches? Is it really necessary to combine watches with other details of your wardrobe, such as shoes, belt, briefcase? I will try to answer all these and many other questions in this article.

What are the men's watches

Watches made for a business dress code tend to have a simple and elegant look. Their case is made of metal and the strap is made of leather. Round watches are considered to be classic, but this is not a panacea. As in the whole world of men's fashion, black is more formal than brown. The white dial is more classic and therefore more suitable for a business dress code. Everything that is added to the clock except for the three hands that show the seconds, minutes and hours are unnecessary elements. For example, functions such as stopwatch, calendar, backlight and so on can be added to the watch. The maximum that you need to have in a classic watch is the day of the month, no more.

Less formal watches, like clothing, have a sporty roots. As a rule, such a watch, in addition to displaying time, has a bunch of additional functions, from a stopwatch to an echo sounder. In addition to functions, such watches can be made of various materials, for example, rubber or plastic, and the dial can be not only of different colors, but also crammed with all sorts of additional information that is not related to watches. Sports watches are more durable than classic watches. They are larger and more massive, as they are protected not only from water, but also from mechanical damage.

Which watch is right for you depends on what kind of life you lead, what social status you occupy, and, of course, what you like best. If you are a business person and a classic men's suit is your workwear, then you should choose a leather strap. Try to match the leather color of the strap to the rest of your clothing and accessories. There is no strict rule here, as in the combination of leather shoes and a belt on the belt, however, if you have the opportunity to wear a watch with a brown strap under brown shoes and a belt, it will not be superfluous.

What to look for in the store

So, you've decided that you need a watch. You go to the store and are surprised to see the picture that a very similar watch can cost differently. The difference can reach several orders of magnitude (remember, the order is 10 times). There is an explanation for this. When buying a watch, you pay for the following points:

  • watchmaker's skill;
  • aesthetics,
  • the history of the watch or brand,
  • prestige.

Note, you pay not for the watch, as such, but for the image. According to some reports, only 20-25% of the cost of a watch is the direct cost of manufacturing (material, work of the master), everything else is marketing, the name of the brand and its history. Therefore, the difference between a $ 100 watch and a $ 1000 watch is more of a brand value, not a watch quality.

What else you should know when buying

  • Mechanical watches will always be more "classic" than quartz watches. Of course, quartz watches are more accurate, but accuracy in watches is not the main thing (we found this out earlier). The very fact that you have a complex mechanism on your hand that moves thanks to physics, and not a battery, makes the watch a more stylish accessory than, for example, a mobile phone (even if it is an expensive phone).
  • Distinguish watches on the set of their functions. The more functions in the watch, in addition to the main one - showing the time on the dial, the more informal the watch is. Sports watch - only for and under a suit can only be worn if you want to show a rebellious character ... well, or lack of taste.
  • If you will be wearing a watch on a regular basis, then take a closer look at an auto-winding watch. When the hand moves, the pendulum moves in the clock, which automatically winds the clock. The only drawback in such a watch is accuracy. The more often you wave your hand, the faster they go. We'll have to set the clock regularly.
  • Sapphire crystal is stronger and less prone to scratches than mineral or plastic. As a rule, the cost of a watch with a sapphire crystal starts from $ 400 - $ 500.
  • Over the past 50 years, watches have become smaller, but recently, it has become fashionable to wear watches the size of a table alarm clock. Be practical and choose the size of the watch that fits your wrist. Too large dial on a thin hand looks ridiculous; too small a watch on a large hand looks frivolous. Try on a watch, adjust the strap so that it rotates with difficulty on your wrist and look at the harmony of your hand and watch.

If we consider watches as an accessory that defines your classic business style, then it is better to look at brands that initially deal only with the production of watches, and not in addition to clothes, perfume or cars.

Budget hours

In the lower price range (conditionally, we will make it from 3,000 rubles to 20,000 rubles), there is a fairly good range of brands that make both classic and casual watches at quite affordable prices.

For your convenience, we will select several budget models that you should pay attention to.

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Expensive and prestigious watches

In the average price range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles, there are both brands from the “budget” list, as well as new brands that have proven themselves well on the market.

For your convenience, we will select several prestigious models that you should pay attention to.

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Very expensive watch

In the upper price range from 110,000 to 500,000, there are TOP models of already well-known brands from the first two lists, as well as watches close to exclusive products of the watch industry.

For your convenience, we will select several expensive models that you should pay attention to.

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