The names of the colors and shades. What are the shades of blue? What palette, shades name

Red, green and blue - serve as the basis for many other colors. The palette is so diverse that the names of colors and shades are collected in directories. But even such a systematization does not allow to completely convey all the beauty. Very often, people are the same familiar shade determined and called differently. What to talk about rare shades. Today we will try to figure out these names and general rules for the formation of the palette and shades of colors.

Colors with unusual names

The names of many colors and shades are often arbitrary, subjective. They can be very different in neighboring cultures. At the same time, different spectral composition is capable of equally perceived by visual receptors. Scientifically, this is called the effect of color metamery.

Man's desire to give the name to every process, phenomenon, action or subject led to the fact that many shades have their names. They may be unusual and very rare in use.

Adelaide is not only a beautiful female name with French roots. This color was used by Dostoevsky and Turgenev (the work of the "office") in his writings. Today, Adelaide is called a red shade of purple or blue, close to purple.

A lilac with a red tint is a shade of hellfire. Also referred to as hellish or color of hellish fire. Sometimes it is depicted as pearl-red or red with black.

"The Color of Hip Nymph" sounds jokingly. This name was pale pink. The direct association leads to the ancient form of the nymph and the invented goddess of the morning Dawn Aurora. There is a version that the name arose at the beginning of the 19th century when a new rose variety appears.

"Basin Fire" does not have a clearly defined shade. Describes by people with a good fantasy as a fire-red with a grayish (yellow-blue) impurity. His name arose at the end of the 19th century as a memory of a tragic event - a fire in Paris at a charity market. Then, during the tragedy, many people died.

Living long time in Russian indicated the color of the sheet lilators - green. Today it is considered a shade of red. Ripe berry lingonberry - dense-pink or light red. Interestingly, this color was taken in the description of the banner of I.Grozny.

Optimism and tragedy merged in the popular shade of the 18th century - "Black Widow". For an incomprehensible reason, one of the halftone pink was so called.

Blonde is associated with blonde and their hair color. The name came from French, translates as blond, golden, reddish, blond. It is all these shades and absorbed a blond. Light, with a yellowish golden chip - here is a more accurate verbal description of this color. Until the 19th century, the word had a different designation: Blonds called special lace. These laces were made from gold-raw silk. Later it was allowed to add white or black color in the thread.

"The color of the giraffe" is really reminded by the color of the animal wool in this area. Determined as a combination of two shades: reddish yellow with light brown. Additional names - "In Love Giraffe" and "Giraffes in Exile". The story of his appearance begins in 1827. A new hotel appeared in the local botanical garden - Giraffe-female. Her as a gift sent the vice-king of Egypt.

From a French word denoting "straw", there was a pale yellow shade called Folly. Sometimes it is described as a dull yellow or pink-beige, with a large admixture of yellow. Dal defined it as straw. The horse with the wool of this color will be called a straw or Isabellava, a dog - sex, pigeon - clay.

"Wayd" acts as a synonym for an indigo color. Vitely is described as dark blue or blue. Today it is used very rarely due to the popularization of "Indigo", which is extracted from vegetable raw materials. The basis is the juice of the tropical plant of the legume family. Determined as dark blue.

Modern harlequin designated scattered color spots over the surface. It was originally used to determine the multicolor and multicolored. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was described very fashionable at that time a fabric consisting of multi-colored triangles. Sometimes the color of Opal was called Harlequin because of the game of light on the sun's rays with all the colors of the rainbow. Today it is most often used when describing the color of the animal, the stains on the skin of which are scattered throughout the body.

Havana cigars differed not only by their composition, but also in color. Therefore, this product of the color decoration began to call Havana. Or Gavana-Brown. Havana is denoted as dark brown, with admixture of chocolate. Another shade option, indicated by the same name - a little lighter, similar to a mixture of brown with a lilac.

Professional use of flowers

Online published reference books containing the names of more than a thousand colors and shades. Uncomplicated online programs allow the user of the service for certain parameters to independently set the color. The name is determined automatically. Such directories are in demand by people of different professions and are actively used.

In the modern world, the sale of things has become art with subtle faces, serious research and psychological techniques. Work on the visual perception of the product is defined as the most important criterion for the successful sale of products. 93% of the percent of customers are focused on the appearance of packaging, if the product is purchased for the first time. 85% of people take those packs from the shelves, the color of which correspond to the goods and like them personally.

Studies have shown that color solutions are not universal. That is, the same shade causes a different associative series of different peoples. In particular, the following color characteristics are faithful for residents of North America:

  • yellow - youth, optimism. Optimal use: color showcases, to attract attention;
  • red - energy. It is used for total sales;
  • blue - Trust, Security. In this region they are painted banks and large offices;
  • green - relaxing color. Associations with consistency make it in demand in business;
  • black - glossy, powerful. Optimal use: Promotion of luxury goods;
  • orange - aggression. It is convenient as a call to action;
  • pink - romance, femininity. Used as a method for attracting clients;
  • purple - peace, pacification. The use of purple is justified in the anti-aging beauty industry.

The unique ability of the color to change the behavior of buyers is used in the design of electronic resources. Very convenient for web designers automatic tables "Titles of colors and shades" that allow you to form an HTML code.

The color definition in this profession is important as anywhere. The fact is that on the monitor, the same shade can be displayed in different ways. The lack of gamma correction leads to the fact that, for example, all dark shades are perceived as black.

Children's learning to know colors

Based on the Association and Research Research on the effects of color on cerebral and motor activity, psychologists give their recommendations for children's rooms. The room where the child plays or sleeps should not be painted in bright tones. Red and juicy orange stimulate activity. A child from nature is active, so the additional incentive in this case is not needed. Dark colors (blue, green, purple) can suppress. Therefore, their use is also not desirable.

The color of the children's room should be associated with perfect childhood. For example, it can be peach, soft salad, muffled yellow. Bright accents will be added automatically. Children often draw - their creativity will certainly decorate the room.

Designers, learning the basics of profession, get acquainted with the theory of color. At the same time, it is always mentioned in the learning process that the shade refers to the subjective category. Color theory as a whole science allows you to explain some links in the "perception-emotion" chain.

Successful designer is important to learn how to combine colors from various (non-adjacent) groups to create their own projects. Cold and warm shades are where it is difficult, but the most successful creative solution. However, the correct combination of shades is the case and taste, and experience.

Psychologists say

The study of various groups of professions led scientists to unusual results. It turned out that representatives of the exact sciences prefer green. The combination of green and blue colors is characteristic of inventors. The sphere of interests of such people lies in engineering and design activities. Green color choose accountant, military, economists.

Blue is not a characteristic color of some profession. Found a connection between love for blue and such personality properties, such as concentration, thoughtfulness, accuracy. "Blue" people do not like to make decisions on their own, are afraid of responsibility. At the same time, they are good performers. The best job option is a study, where the number of external contacts is minimized. In combination with high intelligence, love for this color is characteristic of art historians, writers, scientists.

Sympathy for red color is also uncharacteristic for some particular professional group. The preference of this color means the desire for leadership and dedication. Many high-ranking managers, public activists, administrators, although they do not wear red costumes, but like this color. Creative independence is defined as love for a combination of red and purple flowers.

Love for communication and involvement in social networks is characteristic of people who prefer yellow. The color describes the freedom to which policies, scientists, businessmen are drawn in their daily activities. The predominance of the artistic warehouse of the mind and imagery in perception is the characteristics of people who prefer yellow.

Blue color in clothing for people is very familiar. For many, this is a favorite color, moreover, the color is basic, that is, they collect their wardrobe, relying on this shade in clothes.

Blue color is considered fairly official. Uniform clothes, business suit, overalls - all this is absolutely easy to imagine in blue color, but not in red, not in violet. At the same time, this shade, in a limestly, airborne, is easily transformed in our imagination in the bride dress or in a beautiful graduate girl. It is this color that most often small girls paint the dresses of the princesses.

It is difficult to even imagine how many shades of this color. However, some people have the designation of this part of the solar spectrum in the lexicon completely. So, in Japan, blue and green colors began to distinguish between educational benefits only in the middle of the twentieth century. There is no such color and some nations of the African continent. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the surrounding these tribes nature of blue is not at all, with the exception of the blue sky.

Basic shades of blue

Few colors in the palette of the paints, whose shades would have so much like in blue. Depending on the penetration of violet, green, yellow, designers are amused by the fact that they make up the table shades of blue, coming up with amazing names for many of them: blue steel, Niagara, Heavenly, royal blue and even "Water Beach Bondi". And if you enter into the number of those who have previously known only blue and blue, we bring to your attention 7 main shades of this multifaceted color:

  • dark blue;
  • midnight blue (Navi);
  • sapphire;
  • ultramarine;
  • cobalt;
  • electrician;
  • blue.

From cold to warm

Blue color has a unique ability to give a cold to any neighboring shade with it. Nevertheless, it is possible to select tones that emit a weak, almost intangible, warm, and others who stick to have only a real snow queen in the wardrobe.

The heat of the spectrum as yellow and May green will be added to blue. Intervention of purple and cold greenery will make it cool. Although, precisely in relation to Xena, this division on degrees is extremely conditionally.

Who will go blue?

Due to its low temperature, it is believed that the choice of blue - the prerogatives of only those women who can be attributed to cold color views: winter and summer. However, "warm" beauties should not avoid this tone in women's clothing - just paints will be slightly different, emphasizing the natural beauty of spring and autumn.

Color tree Zima

This contrast type of women's beauty is inherent in two main qualities: radiance and cold. No pastel, muted blue tones should not let in the lockers for clothes - accurate, devoid of contrast, they will make a bad job for. In blue color it is better to pay attention to shades of bright blue, electrician, blue-purple, turquoise, ultramarin.

Summer color

A woman who is an embodiment, on the contrary, does not need excessive saturation and a game of contrasts. The best version of Blue will be the one that you want to describe the word "calm". The elevated shades of the summer sky, a grayish blue or gray-blue, the color of the low thunderstorm clouds, the blue, which is called the Royal is the main trumps in the wardrobe of summer ladies.

The contrast is not so characteristic for autumn, as for winter, and yet, girls and women should beware of vague, pale tones in clothing and accessories. The selected shade of blue should be quite complicated, in which you can see two at once, or even three subteps: greenish blue, blue-black, thick blue with a purple chip. Clean colors will argue with a complex gamut of autumn women. Ultramarine should be avoided, in the hue of the electrician, as well as pale blue, azure, faded tones.

Spring color

Blue shades for are those that necessarily include Yellow Subatoes. They must necessarily be bright, joyful, no mutedness and halftone - brightly turquoise, aquamarine - especially advantageous for shade of skin inherent in spring, as well as cornflower, sky-blue. The last color is permissible to wear a scattering, but not so much so that the honey gamut of the spring went out under his coldness. Gray notes in blue color Spring should be avoided in mandatory.

What is the blue?

Many sets of clothing become winning and finished, as soon as blue appears in them. The main thing is not to disrupt the balance and correctly combine this color with others. Despite its versatility, with negligence and ill-impact appearance of blue color is able to make "blue stockings" from you. And the case is not at all in the brightness of the shade.

Blue and white

The combination of black and white is considered classic. However, besides this quality, a pair of these colors causes the official, rigor and some removal of the entire image, while using in blue clothes instead of black will make your appearance at the same time discreet, but unknown, business, but close and clear, without a strict distance. Therefore, the trouser office suits of dark blue are so loved by business women. In combination with a simple white blouse and small elegant accessories, they even remain feminine in the most formal service atmosphere.

As a rule, the combination of blue and white suggests a darker bottom and bright top: blue jeans - white shirt, blue skirt - white blouse. But, trying only once to wear colors in the reverse order, you will understand how non-standard connection will allocate you from the crowd.

Blue and red

Extreme ambiguous combination. In this case, it is preferable to make an emphasis: a handbag, a strap on the dress, gloves and a scarf with the top clothes of blue. The red tone is always expressive, he challenges that blue should take with its inherent restraint and calmness. Red on bright ultramarine, on an intense turquoise will cut the eyes around the surrounding, and your kit will split into separate components of the incompatible elements of clothing.

Also be careful to the proportions of two colors in one dress: blue should be more. And do not add too much white here. It will look very patriotic - remind you all around about Russian tricolor. But apparently, probably, only on the podium of fans.

Blue and orange

But this combination, in counterweight, the previous one is quite welcome in any color ratios in the dress. Orange - the main antagonist of blue, it is at the opposite end of the iridescent spectrum, therefore always emphasizes and separates the contrast of the combination. Dark orange, peach, orange, combined with alternative blue, make an image of a lightweight, fresh, memorable.

Blue and brown or beige

If you choose two dark shades of these colors, together they will look too heavy and will surely add you age. Therefore, the best option will give one tone - brightness, and the other is restraint. An exception to the rules will become a dark blue color - it is equally harmonious looks with any of the shades of brown, however, it will still look like a dark chocolate. But, perhaps, exactly this effect you achieve?

Beige well support both bright and dark shades of blue. It has long been noticed that beige perceived as a symbol of refinement, elegance. In combination with the royal blue, he will make you a lady from the highest society. Try this combination by visiting the expensive boutique, where they were not already decided to go, or squeezed for a table in a cafe, where they are usually not too rushing to serve. Beaten truth - meet by clothes - it is in this case that it will work in your favor as it should.

Blue and yellow

In combination, the main thing is not to overdo the saturation of colors in the kit. In fashion there is such a concept as a color-based blocking, where the colors of the same intensity are combined. It always looks rude, so reduce the brightness of some details of clothes. Dark blue as if created for the union with mustard, light yellow, amber. But all the same color with blue or turquoise will look pompous.

Blue and purple (lilac)

Despite the near-good relationship between these two colors, combine them, without being an experienced stylist, is not as easy as it seems. Here you need to take into account such nuances as the brightness of both shades, their temperature, a large-scale ratio in the outfit. In order not to miss, start with a simple one - combine the dark blue with a gentle-lilac or bright violet. The best way out will wear a dress of one shade and to it - an accessory, or a jacket, or a coat of another color.

The combination of blue and purple in dark colors will create too gloomy, depressive image, and a bright cobalt or electrician with a similar lilac or purple brightness, the incredible contrast, which wears the speaking name "Eye", is unlikely to decorate you.

Blue and pink

In this tandem, it is also important to observe the same color saturation. Moreover, the crushed tones of both shades are suitable more successful than the darker or too bright.

The only blue that is combined with absolutely with any other color is a dark blue. The bright pink color is suitable for it, and gentle, almost transparent.

To certainly not spoil the outfit, add neutral colors in it - white or gray, but not black, which is although it is achromatic, but will look too heavy on the background of blue and pink paints.

Blue and silver / gold

In particularly solemn moments, when it is necessary to shine, a combination of blue and one of two sparkling colors - silver or gold - can turn you into a bright star celebration. It should be noted that silver strengthens coldness, and gold smoothes this effect of a blue shade. Depending on whether you wish you to admire you emit or sought to see closer, choose the desired shine.

It should be borne in mind that the big scales of gold and silver fabrics in clothing are in the form of dresses, skirts, blouses - it is advisable to look only on the podiums. There is a huge difference between the concepts of "shine" and "glistening", so pick up a blue dress in Pandan with a blue and elegant suite of the same color, golden shoes or just jewelry from preferred metal. Your appearance will certainly be discussed, but it will not be the subject of ridicule.

Blue and green

These two colors have an innumerable set of shades, so the combinations options will be exactly the same. At the same time, this combination will go far from every woman. If your skin is pale or has a pronounced pink shade, in the hands of the veins are well noticeable, the eyes of the eye have a natural yellowish shade, as well as dental enamel, give up the outfit, in which there will be too much blue and. Use accessories or shoes of these two colors to stay in trend and, at the same time, do not harm your beloved.

Blue and black

In such a fusion of colors, let it be bright and noticeable to blue. Pale-blue, pastel, whitish shade of this beautiful color in tandem with black will look unprofitable for any type of appearance. Bright-sapphire, electrician, ultramarin, thick turquoise color will create an active contrast with black, and, of course, it is suitable only to the contrast of the color of women. In order to soften the sharpness of the borders, break this combination suitable for you with white - with a shade of blue for a cold group, with a slight creamy tint - for warm spring and autumn.

It looks particularly effectively on the background of the black and white-blue kit any accessory equal to the brightness of the shade: bag, shoes, necklace. It is important to observe the expressiveness of colors: with blue in the hue, choose an equally expressive decor element. With a calm dark blue - albeit the handbag or scarf will be soft-red, burgundy, noble-malachite.

Blue and gray

In contrast to the previous combination, this combination looks more standard, even ordinary. This may be a casual outfit for work: a dark gray skirt and a blue blouse, blue classic pants and a calm shirt or a jumper of the same color. In such a consonance, colors can be held for a walk with friends if it involves a regular meeting, and not a solemn output: jeans in any shade of classic denim - gray shirt or T-shirt, sports pants - and sweet. But it is worth adding a little glitter to this combination, as an image immediately ceases to be everyday and becomes elegant, even causing. We leave the blue office pants, change the jumper on the gray blouse from the fine organza, gently overflowing the color of the asphalt or smoky silk - and the evening outfit is ready!

Fashion shades of blue 2018

It is known that each year the designers choose a dozen of the main colors, which for some time will be considered sharply - to then change their authoritative opinion on the diametrically opposite and force the fashionistas of all over the world to store on shopping in search of new collections.

In the coming season, the hit parade is headed by two shades of blue, according to the expert in the field of color and colors of Pantone Color Institute. The first color is called the "River Coast" - this is a smoky blue color, on the basis of cobalt, with a thin ash flare, a truly beautiful and deep, suitable for both women and men to create a stylish fashionable image.

Second color, ice-blue, frosty, air, and is called - "air blue". It is especially recommended for fashion designers for use in outerwear, but will be appropriate in everyday clothes, and in the evening outfits.

Accessories - final barcode

Until now, there are women who believe that the blue earrings should be determined to be a blue earrings, the same colors of beads or necklace. And even better, if all this is one tone and brightness.

In fact, for no longer one ten years old, fashion insists that the details of the outfit in most cases should be contrasting or coinciding on the color with the detail of the ornament, if the pattern is present.

Blue color, thanks to his rich palette, a little comes out of this rule. It will not be a fashionable mistake to grab a blue handbag to a dark blue dress, or tie a turquoise scarf on the nautian coat.

At the same time, do not try to sail on the waves of the blue hysteria and grab the stuff from the shelves, which are considered rigorous. On the whims of the designers, the shoes of the blue color become popular, which is difficult to attach somewhere after the season, then the robes of the color of some "blue dust", which disappear from the pages of glamor magazines through a couple of months, and in the wardrobe continue to live for years, Sad reminding the hostess about what fashion is funny ...

Choose classic shades of blue, and your clothes will never cease to be fashionable. Well, except - vintage.

    I love blue, especially, bright shades and transitional between blue and green. Probably because they resemble the sea.

    As with any color, blue has a lot of shades. Some names of the shades of blue for hearing, for example, blue, Indigo, Sea Wave or ultramarine (Thanks to the group Timequate car; which is a song about ultramarine color bird; glorified this tint).

    Other shades of blue are less well known. For instance, cobalt or niagara.

    That looks like palette shades of blue:

    And here palette shades blue in nature:

    But do not forget that the same color is different people can call differently.

    The blue palette includes such basic three colors as:

    • blue - green,
    • blue,
    • azure.

    These three main shades are divided like this:

    • cyanogen,
    • typographical cyan
    • blue,
    • dark blue,
    • blue,
    • prussian blue,
    • indigo,
    • royal Blue
    • sapphire,
    • azure,
    • dark azure
    • azureno - gray,
    • lavender,
    • steel,
    • night,
    • cobalt,
    • ultramarine,
    • light blue,
    • tenarova Xin,
    • pervosh, Heavenly,
    • children
    • persian,
    • denim
    • black Sea,
    • sea \u200b\u200bwave,
    • cornflower,
    • sIZY
    • niagara.

    Skein includes all colors that are in the wavelength range from 440 to 485 nm. Shades can be distinguished by an infinite amount, but not all of them will be called in this case. Here is a list of shades that are used most often and have their name:

    Blue - in itself the color is saturated, bright and concise. He fits perfectly in many styles of clothing and interiors, thanks to a huge number of shades.

    We all know vasilka, heavenly, blue, sea wave color or sIZY.

    But there are more amazing names, emphasizing differences in the blue palette:

    It would seem how to distinguish and not to confuse? But you can). As a rule, the details are noticed by designers, choosing one or another shade for the interior:

    Blue color has many shades. The names of these shades are very exotic and unexpected. I will try to list only some of them - heavenly, cornflower, ultramarine, cobalt, blue, TMNO-blue, light blue and the like.

    If we turn with this question to Panton, the answer will pleasantly surprise us. At the moment there are over one hundred eighty shades of blue! They allocate dull, bright, medium, dark shades. There is also shades of blue with subtones.

    Beauty is incredible, honestly).

    Let's look at the most unusual shades of blue from the Pantone collection.

    So, I think that many never heard about the shade of blue called evening color. In my opinion, in this shade there is an admixture of lilac and gray. He is beautiful.

    Color blue aronian, olive blue. By the way, he is very similar to the shade of Della Robba, but you will not argue with Panton).

    From very unusual call color blue caps, blue country Country;, color Chernushki flowers;, color purple impression etc). Agree that a very unusual palette, like the names. But this is not all shades. We look below:

    Please note that many shades are very similar. But there is a difference, just through the monitor we cannot note these nuances, but everything is perfectly visible on the fabric.

my vision of blue

1). Sinny color and derivatives from the word blue

Just blue, as well as - incredibly blue, piercing blue, juicy blue, moderate blue, black and blue, cold blue, bright blue, poisonous blue (sharp shade of Sineg);

blue blue, Blue-blue;

sinit - blue-blue color (relationships to bird-pan does not have)

shiny, blue,

sinyak, Xin

Xinka (Ultramarine) - paint, is the most common blue pigment, which happens with a green and blue tint

2) the color of the sky

Heavenly - gentle blue, color cloudless sky. Elevated blue, color of the thunderstorm sky (thunderstorm), the color of the summer sky, the sky is clear, spring, today's, deserted color, pre-soul and prejudicous sky color. Sky sky, outflowed, winter and italian, sunset and blue sky color, earth sky. The sky is a thunderstorm color - dark gray, with blue tint, spring and southern sky, spring sky, washed with rains, color, spring sky over pyrinees color

light air color

estechno Blue

Clouds color

Color blue (night, sea, boiled, azure) pale blue

3) Water and Ice Color

ice color, blue ice color, ice-blue,

watery - blurry, inexpressive color (water-blue), water color (ordinary, sea or mountain stream)

sea \u200b\u200bcolor (sea color), morning sea; seas of southern blue; autumn, winter sea color; blue color of the sea (saturated dark blue),

Marin (Marina) - from Franz. Marine Sea: Light Sea Wave Color

Ultramarine is bright blue. Ultramarine (blue) - paint, is the most common blue pigment, which happens with a green and blue tint. Natural ultramarine, cooked from Lapary Lazulli, has long been the only blue paint and sold literally on the weight of gold.

aquamarine (sea blue-green),

the color of the sea wave is an amazing shade of blue, the color of seawater managed to imagine all the beauty and all variety of the ocean. It is cold, like arctic fjords, then velvety and soft, as if tropical trends, or a serene, almost like a full calm. (The color of the sea wave, breaking about the reef, the waves of a muddy or wave of a luxurious

Ocean and ocean, undisguised under the sun.

rain color, winter rain color

Ladoga, Blue Lagoon, Adriatic,

four). From the name of flowers, herbs and berries

Waid - blue. Waid was used instead of Indigo.

vasilkova - bright blue, color of cornflower (color of pale blue cornflower, juicy-vasil),

gulch, hydrangea color, iris, dolphinium, Karelian blueberry color,

Kiparis - Blue-Green - Color of Paint

Cube from the name of the plant Cube (it is indigo). - Blue thick bright shade


mirut (Dark Blue-Green

the color of forget-me-not, immerspess, immenerous blue, forest form

sirenevo blue

chicory color.

ceffer (blue-black color of ordinary blueberries and color of boiled blueberries) ,. The ink - rather cold shade, although his velvetyness and heterogeneity give rise to the illusion of softness and warmth.
5) from the name of stones and metal, chemical compounds, electricity

azur, azure (FR. Azur) - the name of some shades of blue from the sky blue to saturated blue.

It is cooked from a rather rare mineral of Azurit, distinguished very little from Malachite. It is believed that this paint. It was known for the artists of the former times and retains its tone unchanged.

Heavenly and sky blue, blue, mountain; azure (bright blue, to the dark south sky),

Lazor - as an option azure

Azurevy - outdated variant of the azure, there was paint - Azurevka

Lazurik - Specific Tab Title - Blue Sitz

Copper Color Eyesome - Blue Eventless Tint - Copper Summary Solution Color: Pierce Blue

gasoline-blue, fuel oil, kerosene (warm blue with yellow tint)

Aquamarine - (from Aquamarine - Gemstone - Blue Variety Berill),

color turquoise (ordinary, blue, light turquoise, fading or cirin, turquoise color - greenish blue color),

cobalt (deep cobalt and cobalt-blue) is a dark blue color.
The name of the chemical element "Cobalt" comes from the German word "Kobold", which means "house", "Gnome".
Cobalt is a metal that is added to the glass to paint it into blue. (saturated dark blue),


Shmalta is him. Schmalte 'glass, fused with cobalt and scattered in dust? - The color of the paint used to be expressed. for coloring mosaic glasses: bright blue, topaz color (topaz) smalta - also as Schmalta - Blue paint

Cobalt blue (cobalt) - paint, first obtained by French physicist Tenar, consisting chemically from alumina with alumina cobalt, having different tones, from blue to blue

Metallic-blue, bluish-steel, metal color, silver metallic color, gray-steel, silver blue, lead blue


berylla (by the name of Beryl - a transparent greenish blue stone, a pale greenish blue, closer to the blue).

Labradorovy - the color of Labrador, field spat with a beautiful blue sweat

Electrician (and electric) - (FR. ELECTRIQUE - electric) - bright blue color with a characteristic gray tone is mentioned from the second half of the XIX century. The electrician's color was especially popular at the end of the XIX - early twentieth centuries. both in female and in men's clothing. Electrician (bright blue),

Turkis (Tyrkisova) - originated from the French "Turkish stone" - turquoise color

Sodalit - blue, from Sodelita - a diverse pebble with a noble blue tint

Blue mineral (or Antwerp) - Blue paint, complicated by the composition of the Berlin Azure.

Sapphire Color (Sapphire - Blue Blue, Sapphire Blue - Cold Blue Color).

6) from bird names

first of all it is, of course, Blue - the name went from the color of pigeon neck - pigeon's throat color

pigeon-blue (bright), bluish, faded blue, infinite blue, soft blue, sky blue, piercing blue, light blue, dark blue, foggy blue, clear and bright blue, unusually Blue, saturated blue, swallow blue,

eggs Sparrow Color and Eggs Drozda Color

SIZY - from a sisar - dove. - gray with a shade of blue or purple. Dark Size.

Peacock or peacock - bluish-lilac. Feather peacock color

Wings of the turmannoy, wing pigeon color.

Colombine - from Franz. Colombin "Pigeon": SIZY

Cockada - pale turquoise tint, referred to as the overall legislators of the color fashion in honor of the familiar to all birds - Kakada entered the top 10 trendy colors of spring 2012

7) shades of gray

ash blue, smoky (gray-blue), morning haze, blue-gray, gray-blue, gray-blue, grayish blue, grayish blue, muddy blue, exhausted blue,

Blue ash - Blue paint is an artificial imitation of mountain blue

8) shades of green

Blue-green, green-bluish, blue-green, islena-blue,

9) shades of purple

Blue-violet - blue color with purple tint, bug-blue,

10) from geographic names

English Mountain Blue - Saturated Blue

Antwerp blue - also that blue mineral

Berlin Lazuri Color - Berlin (or Prussian) Azure - Blue paint, is fabricated from 1794. Consisting of poisonous elements (sinerodystone iron with a blue gland) is not poisonous. Blue color, with a slight greenish tint. From the action of light a little pale, but in the dark blue color is restored.

Bristol Blue - Bright Blue,

Bremenskaya Xin (Bremerblau) - Blue paint is an artificial imitation of mountain blue,

Dark blue color of jeans - Denim - the color of the blue sarge, which was done in the town of Him. Denimes means "from Nima." At the moment, Denim is a classic jeans.

Leiden blue - paint, the same as cobalt blue

Mexican - blue-steel.

Peking Chinese Blue Azure

Prussian blue - also that and Berlin blue - dark blue color

Paris blue - bright blue color, modified Berlin Azure. Paris blue - convex blue.

Tuscan blue.

11) Specific Machine Colors: Aquamarine, Breeze - Machine color, green-blue nonmetallic with turquoise tint, Color - as a wet wind on the seafront, turquoise lagoon, diplomat - Machine color - Dark SIZO-Blue Color, Pitsunda - Color Machine, Green - Siny, sea wave, sapphire, blue midnight, fairy - machine color, very deep blue color, frigate, electron - machine color, dark gray metallic, bright blue with a nape. Jupiter - Color Machine, Blue Blue

Capri - the color of the car, the blue-green "metallic" relating to the category of "chameleon".

Rhapsody - Machine Color, Silver Bright Blue

Ocean - Color Machine, Dark Blue Color

Opal - Color Machine, Silver Blue Color ..

"Monte Carlo" - machine color, bright blue

Milky Way - Color Machine, Sine-Black Metallic

Forest Fairy - Machine Color, Silver Blue

La Mans - Machine color, blue shade

Neptune is the color of the car, the dark gray-blue color, (from Neptune - the Roman God of the Seas).

The lagoon is the color of the car, the silver-blue metallic because the object of the color of the "lagoon" will be to sell better than the object with the color of "blue-green", although in fact the color is absolutely the same

Ladoga. Grayish blue enamel - rare colorful color, called "Ladoga",

Lazurject - color of the car, purple-blue metallic

Medeo - machine color, peculiar blue color, non-metallic

Muren - Machine Color, Dark Blue-Green

12) Color of man and his emotions

Klein color - bright, intense blue, patented by the artist I. Klayin

Joyful blue, unpleasant-shinny, unhealthy-shinny, brazen cornflower color, Deadly blue,

Infant blue - very gentle and pale shade of blue

Gendarm. - The color of the uniforms of the tsarist gendarmerie: bright blue with a greenish tint. The word appeared at the end of the Xih century.

royal Blue, Royal Blue (Cold Clean Bright Blue), Alcoholic,

13) night color

Twilight blue. Midnight blue. dawn blue

14) according to the degree of transparency

pale blue, fad-blue, thick-blue, dark blue, light blue, deep blue color, jerny

baby blue

15) Other blue colors

Jeans highly burnt out color, spring blue,

Blocked (blocked) - blue-blue. In Ukrainian "Blakitny" - it is blue.

Ink (high-quality blue ink) color

Fayans and blue

- Sinet church word meaning "completely blue."


Meat chucking color.

Moire - from the word "Moir" - the names of silk fabric with divorces, which flipped into the light - the surface with a wavy pull

Maria Louise - Blue, Colors of Calamine (Bright Blue Mineral).

Silk - blue, cornflower.

Milari - Dark Blue, Blue

Reflex in printing dark blue color called reflex

Acid blue

Zeker - light blue, gray. (most often for the color of the eyes and stones);

Crazy - Bright blue paint

Blue Royal - from the English. ROYAL BLUE: Bright blue

Ble-Raymond - shade of blue (from Fra. Bleu "Blue" + name Raymond).

pervash (dark blue with a grayish tint), an indigo color (dark blue), blue with a purple tint,

ceruleum blue - blue COERULEUM paint) - paint of greenish-blue color according to the chemical composition of tin acid with tin cobalt;

Tiodeva. Tiodeva - blue-green, turquoise color. Ursula Le Guin, always returning home, artificial language - cache


Bead - Dark gray-blue or bluish gray

Yichontte - color of gems: red, blue, purple

Blue shades - tone

Bright hues

Pleasants and peace-loving. They seem to be cool, freshness and purity. In gentle blue shades, calm and sophisticated elegance are combined.

Bright tones

Active, energetic, luxurious, bold and cheerful. Their intensity attracts attention, burte and relaxes at the same time.

Dark tones

Restrained, balanced and conservative. They demonstrate authority, dignity, power. The darker the shades, the more authoritativeness in them.

Shades of blue - characteristic

  • Soft muted blue shades - gentle and sophisticated, like spring twilight. Blue powder, french blue, children's blue, lime, lunar create a romantic mood. They behave like neutral colors, but retain the softness and delicacy of pastel tones.
  • Light tones in combination with gray echo with the shades of the dawn sky. They are easy, exquisite, translucent. Serious blue shades are full of bliss and peace. This is very gentle, feminine colors.
  • Light saturated shades, such as heavenly blue, forehead, peaceful, fresh and charming. These are the most popular shades in the world of business shirts and blouses, as well as frivolous summer dresses.
  • Light shades with the addition of green, such as non-lag Aquamarine, lagoon, sea wave color, awaken trust and calm. These pleasant colors offer coolness, cleanliness, freshness. Thanks to the presence of a blue shade in them, they create a positive mood, and the green nuance adds them naturalness.
  • Bright blue, blue, blue-green colors - the most popular among others. Sapphire, royal blue, ultramarine, indigo - dazzling-saturated colors, energetic and cheerful, they are real blue jewels. No wonder since ancient times it was believed that blue brings good luck. He was chosen decisive, confident people. Beautiful piercing deep and bright shades of blue are never vulgar and associated exclusively with the July sky and the bright sun. The saturated color of Berlin Lazari is incredibly refreshing, the bell tick creates a playful, mischievous effect. Neon shades of cornflower, electrician give blue color speakers. They are ideal for sports and outdoor activities. Violet or green shades may be present in bright blue colors. With all its brightness, they invariably remain exquisite, but the impression is produced different.
  • The presence of a purple shade in bright blue creates an impressive, royal and a little mystical effect. The darker blue, the more magical and mysterious it seems. Juicy purple blue tones are extremely intense and can perform the role of accent colors.
  • The presence of green in bright shades of the sea wave, dolphinium, chirk, turquoise, Capri-Blue, Pagoda give blue charm. They reflect the brightness of the blue sky and the purity of the wave of stroit. These are live colors, complimentary, emphasizing the beauty of the skin. They demonstrate good taste, create an excellent mood and therefore simply indispensable in the summer wardrobe.
  • Blue color personifies loyalty and loyalty. Associated with tranquility and concentration, conservatism and dignity. The darker blue, the greater the authority in it. As the blue apparent approaches the black, it becomes more significant and influential.
  • Saturated cobalt - the color of heaven, a symbol of meditation and eternity. Prussian blue - color of solidarity. These strongly strong colors subordinate to themselves any other, located nearby. Patriotic is the color of power. Lepim - democracy.
  • Navy is used in office workers and uniforms. This color speaks of restraint, moderation, diligence and dedication. This dark shade is polholite and for sad reasons - funeral, memorable events.
  • Dark iscin-black shades, such as ink, blackberry, - blue elite. They make you remember the high standards, inspire confidence and respect.
  • Exemplary-purple shades of majestic. The presence of a purple nuance in them gives them royal dignity.

Cianometer (from Greek. Kyanós - blue and ... meter), a device intended for measuring the color of a clear day sky, a variety of colorimeter. The stripes are painted by the Berlin Azure! Cyanometer of the savory consisted of 53 strips of paper painted by the Berlin Azure in various colors: from almost black to saturated blue and further to light blue. Sosurur spent measuring the color of the sky in Geneva, Chamonix, on Mont Blanc