Sauna treatments for skin. The best sauna treatments for the whole body and hair. The main secrets of using masks for a bath

Correctly selected cosmetic procedures in the sauna will turn your visit into an impromptu spa salon. Various masks for face, body and hair, as well as scrubs will enhance the beneficial properties of bath procedures. Natural cosmetics or special bath cosmetics are well suited for this. This also includes the selected compositions of essential oils. Folk remedies based on medicinal herbs, milk and honey are also used.

The basic cosmetic set for the sauna includes:

  • cleansers (face, hair, body skin);
  • face and body scrubs;
  • nourishing masks for face and hair;
  • moisturizers for the skin.

Do not use shampoos and gels used every day for pre-washing. Such funds form the thinnest film on the skin surface, which disrupts the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Aromatherapy is also part of the healing and relaxing procedures in the sauna.

What to do before visiting the sauna

To maximize the benefits of home spa treatments, it is important to follow their strict sequence of steps. First, you need to cleanse the skin of the face and body. It is enough to wash with warm water using a soft sponge. For the body, you can use a special massage glove.

Hair should be kept dry while in the sauna. Before taking a shower, you should put on a special hat. All hair masks are recommended to be applied after the sauna. It is important to remember that any cosmetics must be washed off before entering the steam room.

Facial treatments

After the first visit to the steam room, a scrub of equal parts salt and sour cream should be applied to well-steamed skin. It is applied with gentle, massage movements to the face and neck. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. For sensitive skin, scrubs based on apricot kernels, poppy seeds or oatmeal are recommended. After that, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.
In addition to scrubbing, nourishing, cleansing and toning masks are made between visits. They can be:

  • based on white clay (have a cleansing and soothing effect);
  • hot oil (moisturize and nourish).

Oil masks can even be one-component, for example, olive oil based. It is enough to make 1 - 2 masks, after which the skin must be rinsed with cool water. You can also use herbal decoctions: linden, chamomile, nettle.

Body treatments

For hot douches in the steam room, it is good to use decoctions of nettle and bay leaf, as well as chamomile infusion. This procedure helps to cleanse and smooth the skin. Between entering the steam room, the following procedures are suitable:

  1. Scrubbing. For the sauna, scrubs are popular, which contain salt and honey, or coffee-salt mixtures with the addition of essential oils. If the scrub is intended as an anti-cellulite treatment, citrus oils (orange or grapefruit) will do. Fermented milk products can be added to the mixture as a cleanser and moisturizer.
  2. Nourishing masks. These are phytocosmetics based on honey or wraps with seaweed.

Hair treatments

Hair treatment completes the spa treatments in the sauna. This is done last, after the last visit to the steam room. After that, it is recommended to wash your hair using firming phyto shampoos. After that, it is worth making a mask suitable for a specific type and condition of the hair. Do not use a hairdryer to dry and style your hair. Instead, it is advisable to use a warm towel, it is gently blotted hair.

What procedures are not suitable

A visit to the sauna cannot be combined with aggressive beauty treatments. These include:

  • massage with anti-cellulite creams (violates the integrity of the steamed skin, can lead to rupture of small vessels);
  • bleaching agents (cannot be used for age spots);
  • deep cleansing of the skin (using aggressive peels).

Additional loads on steamed skin lead to the appearance of cosmetic defects: acne, hematomas, red spots.


The high temperature of the sauna, combined with a cold shower or a visit to the pool afterwards, enhances the effectiveness of beauty treatments. In doing so, it is important to observe simple precautions. First of all, you can not apply any cosmetic formulations during a direct visit to the steam room. This can only be done between visits to it. It is advisable to repeat the cleansing and nourishing procedures several times.

Sauna procedures video

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Your favorite pastime will become not only pleasant, but also doubly useful if you combine a trip to the bathhouse with cosmetic procedures, face and body masks.

The recipes are not complicated, literally everything you need is at hand.

Our article will tell you how to properly combine rest and recovery, as well as the best recipes suitable for use in a bath.

The healing power of masks in the bath

For our mentality, the bath is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a real miracle - a means of rejuvenation and recovery. No wonder in the old days all ailments and ailments were expelled with the help of bath sessions.

Times change, but the already scientifically proven benefits of the bath have replaced intuitive understanding. Nowadays, few people neglect the opportunity to thoroughly steam the body, so recipes for cosmetic home remedies will be more relevant than ever. The secret is that masks and creams will be doubly effective.

The benefits of cosmetics during bath procedures:

  • toxins and toxins are removed from the body,
  • pores are maximally opened and cleaned,
  • cutaneous cellular respiration is activated,
  • the skin is smoothed as much as possible, the pores are cleansed,
  • the nutrients in the masks are absorbed faster and better,
  • the positive effect lasts a long time, at least a week,
  • noticeable rejuvenation,
  • improving the condition of problem skin.

The maximum effect of bath procedures for rejuvenating the body will be possible if the conditions for safe and healthy steaming are observed. In some cases, such sessions will be prohibited, so it will not be appropriate to risk your health.

First of all, there are medical contraindications in which humid air and high temperatures will be prohibited. We are talking about heart disease, problems with blood pressure and the endocrine system. If you experience such conditions, unfortunately, a visit to the bath is contraindicated for you. And how to make a kelp mask for the face can be found at.

Serious dermatological rashes and allergic skin reactions are also not the best companions for bathing procedures. In this case, it is best to first heal and soothe the inflamed skin, and then use the recipes below to gently cleanse the pores.

During pregnancy, you should not get carried away with bath procedures. This can raise the risk of premature birth or threaten the normal course of pregnancy.

As a last resort, you can limit your stay in a less heated room and just spend time with the company.

Terms of use

In order for the compositions to work as efficiently as possible, you should also adhere to the basic rules of visiting a bathhouse and using home cosmetics. There are also special products on sale that can be used for such purposes, but homemade mixtures will be much more useful.

The main secrets of using bath masks.

  1. It is very important to cleanse and steam the skin well so that the composition can be deeply absorbed into the layers of the dermis. To expand the pores, you can sit for 15 - 20 minutes in the steam room, and then use a scrub.
  2. It is best to use ready-made compounds, which are placed in an airtight container in advance. Ingredients for simple masks can be mixed immediately before use, but multi-component formulations are best done in advance.
  3. The exposure time of bath masks is no more than 20 minutes.
  4. You cannot use cosmetics in the steam room, as it will not be too hygienic: sweat and dirt from the skin will mix with the composition and act negatively.
  5. It is recommended to apply the mixture after all water procedures, while the time must be calculated so that after washing off the mask, you do not go outside immediately, but spend at least another half hour indoors.

A regular visit to a bath or sauna will help to cope with a variety of problems. Cleansing impurities and maximizing the expansion of pores will remove blackheads from the face and reduce the risk of inflammation in the dermis.

Homemade bath mask recipes

A double blow to inflammations and acne will help to inflict a visit to the bath in combination with the use of special masks. It is advisable to choose the composition according to the type of your skin. Despite the fact that oily skin is more prone to acne and acne, the difficulties in caring for dry skin will be much greater. A characteristic feature of such masks is the possibility of maximum, but very gentle care. The humid air of the steam room will not allow the skin to dry out or tighten, as, for example, after a shower.

Read user reviews of yeast face masks.

Take care of the growing princesses, we've made a review for you

For problem skin (acne, blackheads)

  1. Steam the oatmeal with milk, add a teaspoon of honey to the slightly cooled mixture. Apply in a thick layer, massaging the surface of the skin. Rinse off after 15 minutes.
  2. You can also get rid of freckles and age spots. To do this, mix two tablespoons of honey and the juice of one medium-sized lemon. The resulting composition whitens the skin well, softens it and restores a healthy complexion.
  3. Dry orange peels and grind on a coffee grinder. Brew the resulting powder with boiling water and insist until a gruel is formed. This mixture perfectly tones oily skin, helping to cleanse it and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Mix equal proportions of honey and propolis and apply on face for 10 - 15 minutes.

Anti-aging anti-wrinkle formulations in a sauna with sea salt and cocoa

Always looking and feeling young and beautiful is the dream of all women. At the same time, it is very difficult to get used to the thought of the inexorably running years. Homemade blends can help rejuvenate your skin and make it glow at any age.

Facial masks for rejuvenation:

  1. The simplest and most affordable ingredient is regular kefir. it is necessary to apply to the steamed skin of the face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. For overly dry skin, sour cream can be used in a similar way. The shift can be used.
  2. Honey and cinnamon is a unique duet that maximizes skin care. The proportions are taken approximately equal; it is best to make cinnamon powder yourself from suitable sticks. You can use coffee grounds or cocoa instead of cinnamon. Such formulations are suitable for everyone if there are no allergic reactions to the components.
  3. Mix liquid honey with dry dill in proportions 2: 1. The resulting mask is great for all skin types.
  4. A tablespoon of olive oil, brandy and one yolk is mixed and applied in a fairly thick layer on the face.
  5. A tablespoon of fat cottage cheese and pre-steamed dry kelp seaweed. The gruel is applied to the skin, after 15-20 minutes of the procedure, it is washed off.

For hair

In the bath, truly miracles take place, the skin is cleansed and begins to "breathe" not only on the face, but also under the hair. This creates the ideal conditions to provide them with the necessary care and nutrition.

Hair masks must also be prepared in advance, used after the steam room and then rinsed thoroughly with warm, but not hot water. An additional precaution is the use of special fabric caps to protect the hair structure when visiting the steam room.

Suitable formulations for nourishing the scalp can be selected from those already described. Thus, you do not have to prepare several mixtures, and the application process will be as simple and efficient as possible. Natural oils can also be added to mask recipes to enhance the benefits. Burdock and castor oil are especially good for such purposes.

An excellent result is given by a mixture from which it is necessary to dilute with water and apply to the hair for 20 minutes. After that, rinse the mixture well.

Effective remedy: aloe juice and honey. The resulting solution is rubbed into the scalp.
Nicotinic acid is widely used to create homemade masks, shampoos and other hair care products.

Watch the video: body peeling

DIY body recipes

When visiting a bath, you should not limit yourself only to the effect on the skin of the face. This setting provides an excellent opportunity for body care. Opened pores will help nutrients to penetrate, and all impurities and toxins, on the contrary, will leave the body.

The fair sex is most interested in the question: is it possible to get rid of cellulite by visiting a bath and a sauna. The answer is unequivocally positive, because in this case, cellular blood supply, nutrition is stimulated, and regeneration processes in the deep layers of the dermis are activated. And you can find out about recipes for masks with nicotinic acid.

The best formulations for weight loss and cellulite

  1. Salt and soda are applied in equal proportions to problem areas. The peculiarity of the application will be that the composition is best applied between two visits to the steam room. After rubbing the body with a dry mixture, it is better to go to steam, and only then rinse.
  2. Ground coffee (you can take already brewed grounds) with medium fraction sea salt. Apply also in front of the steam room, actively rubbing into the skin. The composition can include natural (for dry skin) or essential oils.
  3. Honey and salt: apply the same amount of these ingredients to the body and go steamed. The best result will be given by a gentle pat on the applied mixture and a light massage.
  4. Sour cream and salt will work as well. The tool is excellently accessible, but very effective. The salt helps to cleanse and massage the surface of the skin, while the nutrients of the dairy product are absorbed and nourish the cells from within. It is best to use a home product for these purposes.

Watch the video: bath rules

Saunas or baths in different countries correspond to traditions and are steamed in them in different ways. But if we summarize a little, it turns out that we call a sauna a steam room with dry steam, and a traditional Russian bath is a steam room with high humidity of hot air. What's more useful? What your body accepts best. Dry steam is generally easier to tolerate and a fairly high temperature can be tolerated in a steam room. But, perhaps, you like the low temperature, humid air with aromas of herbs, essential oils, and a well-steamed oak broom. Both will be useful.

What's going on in the sauna?

Sauna has long become a way for a modern person to relax, and for women it has also become an exquisite SPA procedure. Indeed, many masks and scrubs become most effective in the sauna. Under the influence of hot air, the pores on the skin expand, sweating increases. This promotes the removal of impurities, toxins, excess sebum, increases the permeability of the skin for nutrients. In addition, the top layer of keratinized cells softens and can be easily removed by mechanical cleaning. Active removal of moisture from the body contributes to weight loss. Sauna is, first of all, relaxation of body and soul, therefore it is recommended to drink herbal tea with honey during breaks between procedures, fuss and talk less. The sauna will also be useful for those who suffer from a runny nose or cough. Hot air will help warm up the body and remove phlegm. Just do not visit the sauna in the midst of illness and at elevated temperatures, because our task is to benefit, not harm.

Traditional beauty treatments for the sauna

There are already proven traditional ways to give the body pleasantly useful sensations c. Due to the fact that the steamed body is ready to part with hardened skin particles, a body scrub will be very useful. You can cook it yourself, or you can buy it ready-made. Now there are a lot of offers from cosmetic companies, and there are even special offers for baths and saunas. As a rule, such cosmetic products consist of natural ingredients with the addition of essential oils, cream, honey, coffee. You can make a coffee scrub at home. To do this, take natural ground coffee, and it is better to have a factory grind than your own. Such granules will be more uniform and of the size you need.

Brew a small amount of coffee boiling water, and when cool, add a little honey and olive oil (or any other cosmetic). In addition to mechanical exfoliation of the skin, coffee activates blood circulation, saturating each cell with nutrients and oxygen. Honey does the same. It additionally warms up the surface of the skin, dilates blood vessels, and at the same time makes the skin incredibly velvety and soft. Therefore, the tradition of lubricating the body with honey in the sauna has already taken root. A good scrub is made from sea salt. Its particles will also gently exfoliate the skin. The popular honey and salt scrub is firmly on the list of favorite and traditional sauna treatments.

If you want to bring invaluable benefits to your hair in sauna, to make them strong, shiny and silky, then apply based on castor oil. This oil is one of the most beneficial for hair growth and strengthening, but its properties are such that it only works when heated. So the sauna is the most suitable place to use this mask. Take 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil, add a teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of glycerin, apply this mixture to the hair roots, cover with a cap and towel. Little secret: castor oil is not easily washed off with water and shampoo, so stock up on a small amount of vodka or brandy, alcohol will do a great job with castor oil. But then you will not recognize your hair!

Massage and contrast shower

The most correct massage in the bath is a birch broom! Whoever went through this procedure correctly knows about its magical properties. A broom made of birch or oak branches is well steamed, and then the body is "beaten" with it. There is a simultaneous massage of the skin, increased blood circulation, and local therapy with natural and beneficial herbs (more precisely, branches). It is advisable that the procedure is carried out by an experienced person, otherwise you can get pain, shock, and disappointment instead of invaluable benefits.

Cold and hot shower, or a sharp change in temperature in the bath is also a tradition. In winter, from the steam room, you can immediately "dive" into a snowdrift, in summer - into an ice pool, which is in every self-respecting bathhouse. Shock therapy with contrast water treatments is very beneficial for the skin and immunity in general. A sharp narrowing of the capillaries strengthens their walls, increases their elasticity. The skin becomes more elastic, the aging process slows down. It's not even worth talking about hardening the body! But just do not need to start such procedures abruptly and without preparation. Anything that goes beyond reason is definitely harmful to health.

Should you be careful?

Before visiting sauna or a bath, soberly assess your state of health. If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, it is better not to go to the sauna. Do not forget that alcohol artificially increases blood pressure, so in no case go to the bathhouse after a stormy party, and do not drink alcohol while visiting the sauna. It should also be borne in mind that if your capillaries are close to the surface of the skin, then you need to limit the visit to the steam room, and exclude the use of honey in the sauna.

Honey dilates blood vessels, and you run the risk of earning a vascular network on the skin, which is then problematic to get rid of. Cover your head when going to the steam room, especially if the steam is dry. Hide your hair under a towel, it does not need to dry out. Do not be heroic, and do not compete "who will last longer in the steam room." Excessive overheating is very harmful to the body. If you have followed all the precautions and are determined to get a huge benefit from visiting the sauna, welcome and enjoy the steam!

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Since ancient times, the Slavs were treated for ailments and ailments in the bathhouse. In addition to its direct purpose, the bath serves as a medical and cosmetic room... Regular trips to the bathhouse rid the body of slagging and help the cells to improve the regeneration process. Today you will find out what procedures in the bath will help you become both beautiful and healthy.

Greetings, dear reader!

A visit to the steam room has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, activating the processes of rejuvenation and improving the appearance of a person.

The bathhouse and steam room have certain visiting rules for maximum pleasure and benefit, and not all bath procedures are suitable.

  1. The head in the steam room should be covered with a special hat or kerchief to protect the hair from drying out and subsequent fragility.
  2. All metal jewelry must be removed to avoid burns.
  3. For shoes, lightweight slates or slippers are ideal.

In order not to expose the skin to a sharp temperature drop, it is better to douse yourself with warm water before going into the steam room. It is also better to take a steam bath on the lower step of the shelf on the first run, gradually adjusting the body to the high temperatures in the steam room.

Well-being is the best indicator of how long it takes for the steam room, especially on the first visit.

As soon as the sensations become uncomfortable, it's time to leave the steam room.

Immediately upon leaving it, you need to douse yourself with water to wash off the sweat, which removes secretions and cleanses the skin.

Steam room

Each subsequent visit to the steam room is longer, the temperatures are higher. Now you can steam on the high steps of the shelf.

The steam room is a place for relaxation, you should not waste your pleasure on chatting, physical activity or beauty treatments.

All this should be left for later, but here it is necessary to allow the body to relax and calm down. This is an excellent procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating the body.

Toning Supplements

With the help of oils and herbal decoctions, the healing and tonic effect of steam can be enhanced.


Raspberry, coniferous, eucalyptus and some other decoctions are perfect.

Before using them, you need to strain and dilute them with plenty of water, and then boldly pour them over hot stones.


With oils, everything is somewhat different.

They do not water stones, but soak a small board and put them near the stones or drip a few drops directly onto the shelves.

  • Lavender, jasmine, grapefruit and fir are used for vivacity and mood.
  • Tangerine, lemon or ylang-ylang oil are ideal for relaxation, soothing and relieving stress.
  • Chamomile, cedar, mint, eucalyptus or juniper oil are needed to heal wounds and disinfect them.


With the help of diluted kvass or beer, they give the steam a bread aroma that cleans and heals the entire body.


The best bath procedure is to steam with a broom. It heals, tones and rejuvenates.

It is impossible to imagine a Russian bath in which there is no fragrant and steamed broom. First, the skin is stroked with it, then they begin to lightly pat, gradually increasing the intensity and strength of the blows.

For those who are struggling against cellulite and fat deposits, as well as just want to improve the body - a broom is the best helper.

Nettles and several types of trees are used for brooms.

  • A birch broom will help relieve muscle pain, cleanse the skin and lungs, and heal wounds.
  • You can heal oily skin, regulate pressure and nerves with the help of an oak broom.
  • Linden relieves headaches, helps in the treatment of lung diseases and stimulates the kidneys.
  • Juniper and fir branches promote blood circulation and perspiration, relieve respiratory tract diseases, and help with neuralgia.
  • Nettle can help relieve joint pain, inflammation and reduce blood pressure.

Beauty treatments in the bath

For cosmetic procedures, folk remedies will be the most ideal.

Masks and scrubs are best prepared from honey, salt, clay, kefir or sour cream, oils and berries.

Each procedure must be alternated with a steam procedure, but each time you need to enter the steam room with absolutely clean skin.

You need to start with cleansing with a scrub after the first visit to the steam room.

The procedure lasts about 15 minutes, everything is washed off under running water.

After subsequent steaming, masks should be done, first nourishing, then toning and healing.

When the trips to the steam room are completed, it is the turn of the hair.

A pre-prepared mask is applied to the scalp, then to the roots and length. After ten minutes, it is thoroughly washed off with a suitable shampoo.

In order to truly relax your body and soul, heal and rejuvenate your body, you need to go to the bath every week.

This should become a good and kind tradition for many years to come.

Bath is useful for everyone !!!

Also, my dear parents, such baths are very useful for ours, since they are the same as everyone else, and the delights of the bath are useful for the body.

The useful properties of the bath are familiar to everyone. You can make your visit to this institution more pleasant and useful with the help of additional cosmetics, through which you can cleanse the skin, improve its condition, enjoy pleasant moments of self-care and recharge with energy and positiveness for the whole week. Recipes for masks and body scrubs in a bath, as well as the rules for their preparation and use, will be discussed in this article.

Rules for the preparation and use of masks and scrubs in the bath

Correct conduct of all stages of the procedure will make it useful and effective, as well as protect your skin from unforeseen negative consequences. We will consider all the subtleties of the implementation of cosmetic procedures in the bath below:

  • All products should be prepared before visiting the bath (if possible, mix the ingredients in the room itself). If the composition of the scrub / mask is stale, then there will be no benefit from the procedure.
  • Before leaving, check for the necessary attributes for the bath: a towel, slippers, brushes, shampoo, sheet, broom, ladle, drink, soap, etc. For peeling and masks, you should take a massage glove / brush, brush or spatula to evenly apply the product.
  • The prepared compositions should be used after 2 - 3 visits to the steam room. By this time, the skin has already become steamed and through the open pores the beneficial substances will smoothly penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect. Some recipes involve the use of the product in the steam room itself.
  • Warm up the scrub / mask before applying. To do this, take her to the steam room and wait for the temperature of the prepared mixture to rise. You need to apply the mixture after leaving the steam room, otherwise it will simply drain from the skin along with sweat.
  • The steamed dermis becomes more sensitive to external stimuli, so all formulations should be applied with gentle, gentle movements. Avoid applying aggressive substances to sensitive, flaky and irritated areas of the body, and places with cuts, scrapes and wounds should not be disturbed. For peeling with a home scrub, it is better to use a massage brush or a special glove.
  • All masks and scrubs should be appropriate for your dermis type. If you experience any discomfort, immediately remove the applied product and refuse to use it in the future.
  • Rinse off the used scrub or mask with warm running water. Before going outside (especially in windy, rainy and frosty weather), apply a cream to the skin to moisturize, protect or nourish the dermis.

Recipes for scrubs and body masks in the bath

The bathhouse is a great place for cosmetic procedures. The masks and scrubs that you decide to use in this establishment should not only be effective, but also easy to prepare. We have listed these recipes for the funds below.

Bath body masks

  1. Milk-oatmeal mask with olive oil and yolk with a rejuvenating effect. Boil 120 g of herculean flakes ground into flour with boiling milk. Add homemade yolk and 20 ml of olive oil to warm oatmeal. We use a homogeneous mass according to the instructions, hold the mask for 20 minutes.
  2. Curd-carrot mixture with milk and olive oil for normal dermis. Mix 40 g / ml of homemade cottage cheese, olive oil, sour milk and juice from fresh carrots. We use the mixture according to the points listed in the instructions. Wash off after 30 minutes.
  3. Yolk-yeast mask with oil to nourish all skin types. Stir 20 ml of corn or olive oil and 15 g of brewer's yeast in homemade yolk. We use the product according to the standard, rinse off after 15 minutes.
  4. Kefir mask with a moisturizing effect. We heat homemade fatty kefir to a comfortable temperature and use it in the standard way. We keep this mask for no longer than 15 minutes.
  5. Creamy cucumber mixture with lemon juice for skin whitening. In 30 g of gruel obtained from fresh cucumber, pour 60 ml of homemade cream and 15 ml of juice obtained from ripe lemon. Apply the mask according to the instructions given in the instructions, rinse off after 20 minutes.
  6. Cucumber-oatmeal mask with sour cream for oily dermis. Mix the gruel from fresh cucumber with 60 g of homemade sour cream and 80 g of flour made from rolled oats. We use the mixture according to the points given in the instructions. We keep the mass for no longer than 20 minutes.
  7. An anti-cellulite mask with salt, water and baking soda. Add 30 g of baking soda to 30 g of fine salt, dilute the mixture with water until a mushy mass is obtained, which we apply before visiting the steam room. We keep the mask for no longer than 25 minutes.
  8. Wheat-lemon mask with honey for problem skin. We extract juice from Ѕ lemon and mix it with 40 g of flowing floral honey and 15 g of wheat bran. We use the composition according to the instructions, wash it off after 20 minutes.
  9. A honey-salt mask to increase perspiration. Everyone knows that in a bath with the help of high temperature, harmful substances are removed along with sweat, pores are cleared and blood circulation improved. You can increase sweating with the help of this tool: mix 30 g of fine salt with 30 g of melted honey. We use the mixture in the usual way (do not rub the mixture into the dermis, since this product is not a scrub), rinse off after 20 minutes.
  10. Creamy honey mask to eliminate cellulite. Pour 40 ml of homemade cream and 3 ml of ether from any citrus into 40 g of viscous flower honey. We use the mixture in accordance with the instructions, rinse off after 15 minutes.

  1. Creamy salt scrub for all skin types. Pour 130 g of chopped salt into 150 ml of homemade cream. Apply the product in a circular motion to the whole body and go to the steam room for 7 minutes. Rinse off according to the instructions.
  2. Orange scrub for normal, mixed and oily dermis. Grind the dried orange peel to the state of flour and dilute it with warm water (this recipe can be adapted for dry skin: add 30 g of olive oil or sour cream to the orange mixture). We use the resulting gruel according to the standard, rinse off after 10 minutes.
  3. Mustard honey scrub with salt and esters for all skin types (except for problem and sensitive skin). Pour 35 g of ground salt and 5 g of mustard powder into 40 g of melted honey, mix the components and pour 2 ml of orange ether into the mixture (you can replace it with your favorite oil). Apply the scrub according to the instructions, rinse off after 7 minutes.
  4. Coffee and yoghurt scrub for oily dermis. Add 40 g of ground coffee grounds to 40 g of naturally low-fat yogurt. We use the mixture taking into account the points described in the instructions. We keep the mass for 15 minutes.
  5. Sugar-olive scrub with added ester for all skin types. Pour 70 ml of olive oil into 90 g of granulated sugar, mix the ingredients and add 4 ml of any citrus ester. We use the scrub in accordance with the instructions, rinse off after 10 minutes.
  6. A honey-ester scrub for any type of dermis. To 60 g of candied flower honey, add 2 ml each of bergamot, lavender, rose and orange esters, as well as 5 ml each of coconut and olive oils. Apply the scrub in the usual way, rinse off after 15 minutes.
  7. Creamy olive scrub with lemon and oatmeal for dry, sensitive and irritated dermis. Add 60 g of ground oatmeal, 40 ml of homemade cream and 10 ml of juice obtained from ripe lemon to 60 ml of olive oil. We apply the scrub according to the points given in the instructions, keep the mixture for no longer than 10 minutes.
  8. Coffee salt scrub with honey and ether to increase perspiration. Add 40 g of fine salt and 50 g of brewed coffee grounds to 60 g of melted honey. Apply the scrub to the body with massage movements and go to the steam room (stay in it for no longer than 5 minutes). We wash off the mass using the standard method.
  9. Coffee-ester scrub with shampoo and honey to eliminate cellulite. Pour 5 ml of cypress, any citrus, bergamot and rosemary into 30 g of melted honey. Add 40 g of ground coffee grounds and 15 ml of natural (preferably vegetable) shampoo to the mixture. We use the scrub taking into account the points described in the instructions. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  10. Coffee-cinnamon scrub with olive oil for dry dermis. Pour 30 g of coffee grounds and 5 g of cinnamon powder into 30 g of melted honey. We use the scrub according to the instructions, wash it off after 7 minutes.

The choice of a care product should be approached responsibly: those ingredients that cause allergies should be excluded from the composition of the cosmetic product being created. Make home remedies based on your skin problems and skin type. Also, we do not advise you to use masks and scrubs that are used by your girlfriends who visit the bath with you: this way you risk creating problems with the dermis, which can respond with irritation, itching or redness to unknown components of the borrowed cosmetic product.

The effectiveness of the effects of masks and scrubs in the bath is doubled, so do not be lazy to prepare these caring products and be sure to follow the rules given in our article.