Minutes of parenting meetings in the middle group. Parents' meeting in the middle group. the topic of the meeting "We have grown up"

Objectives: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling the prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old; to acquaint parents with the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year; update the personal data of the families of pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; to intensify work on the development of children's speech.

Form of carrying out: travel meeting.

Participants: educators, parents, speech therapist, music director.

The plan of the

1. Introductory part.

2. Congratulations to the parents on the start of the school year. Delivery of letters of thanks.

3. A video letter from the pupils of the group.

4. Acquaintance with new families, educators, narrow specialists.

5. Election of a new composition of the parent committee.

6. Pedagogical general education "Child 4 - 5 years old."

7. Speech therapist.

8. Features of the educational process in the middle group.

9. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year. Approval of a plan of joint activities.

10. Completion of the questionnaire by the parents.

11. Game mini-program.

12. The final part.

Event progress

I. Preparatory phase

1. Making a poster with a picture of a ship sailing to the Land of Knowledge; design of exhibitions (children's drawings, photo collage "Summer is red!") or the creation of a photo newspaper "Goodbye Summer" (parents bring summer family photos, children's drawings).

2. Preparation of letters of thanks to families who took an active part in preparing the group for the beginning of the school year; a draft plan of joint activities for the new academic year; extracts from the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year (section "Interaction with the family"); badges (by the number of parents).

3. Invitation of a speech therapist.

4. Preliminary survey of parents (Appendix 1).

5. Design information sheets with the names of joint pedagogical and creative projects that will be implemented in the new academic year.

6. Development of a draft decision of the parent meeting.

7. Registration of the invitation:

II. Organizational stage

Parents come in, sit down arbitrarily. Everyone is given a badge, a felt-tip pen and asked to write their name and patronymic, as well as a hint for other parents (for example, Olya Ch's mother).

Music is played, helping to relieve fatigue, setting up for teamwork. The tables are arranged in a semicircle. On the central wall there is an image of a ship sailing to the island, exhibitions, a poster with the theme of the collection.

Parents study the content of the parent meeting program and the materials of the presented exhibitions.

III. Introductory part

Solemn music sounds.

Educator... Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy saloon! Today is our holiday. Try to guess which one. Our famous travelers are four years old, they have moved to the middle group of a kindergarten! Let's pass on your wishes to them.

Exercise "Wish"

Parents stand in a circle, the teacher starts up a tambourine in a circle.

You roll, funny tambourine,

Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.

Who has a cheerful tambourine

That wish will tell us.

Parents' wishes can be recorded on a tape recorder or video camera, so that children can listen to / watch them.

Educator. So the summer has come to an end. And how you spent it, we will now find out with the help of exercises ...

Option 1. Exercise "How We Spent the Summer"

- Stand up those who went with their child to the forest ... (fishing).

- Stand up those who swam in the sea (swam with the child, sunbathed on the beach).

- ... whose children have burned their backs from sunburn.

- ... who read books to children.

- ... who bought a ball (or any other item for physical activity) for their child.

- ... whose children helped their parents in the country (in the garden).

- ... whose child has learned something new, etc.

Option 2... Exercise "How did I see my child in the summer?"

- He is attentive: he helped me carry my bag from the dacha.

- He is affectionate: willingly kisses, hugs me; pity animals: she feeds chickens and a goat from her grandmother.

- He is observant: he will always notice when a flower opens, the sun sets or a cloud appears.

- He's funny: he loves to sing, never whimpers over trifles.

- He is hardworking: he can water the garden for a long time, he does the job to the end.

- He is my favorite: I love everyone and I really want everyone to love him.

Option 3. Comic game "Cap"

Previously, the musical director records small fragments from popular pop and children's songs on the topic “How we spent our summer”.

Educator... Now we will find out what our parents are thinking after their summer vacation. When the cap stops over one of the parents, we will all hear (includes a musical fragment) what this person is thinking or dreaming about.

Yes, I see you spent your summer pleasantly and profitably for the children. So you are wonderful parents!

And who of you this summer made a sea voyage on a motor ship, boat, yacht? Do you want to go on a cruise right now?

So, today we - children, teachers and parents - are embarking on a cruise on the Ocean of Knowledge (pointing to the poster), which will last more than one year, and the final destination of our journey is, of course, School.

To set off on such a long voyage, we need a reliable, equipped and beautiful swimming facility. This is our kindergarten and our group (subject-developing environment, without it the full-fledged all-round development of our children is impossible). Who helped to qualitatively prepare our group for the new academic year?

IV. Congratulations to the parents on the start of the school year.

Handing letters of thanks

Parents are awarded letters of thanks for their help in carrying out repair work and preparing the group for the beginning of the school year. Parents congratulate the teachers and pupils of the group and give them gifts - books, toys, stationery.

Educator. Our ship is almost ready to sail (music from the cartoon "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" sounds). What is it called?

V. Video letter from the group's pupils

Children talk about the name of the group, why such a name was invented, show the symbol of the group, created with their own hands together with the teacher.

Educator. This is the name our children came up with. Remember the words of the great captain Vrungel: "As you name the yacht, so it will float." I think we have everything in order with the title and the journey will go smoothly and without incident.

Attention: news of the day! Our friendly wardroom has been replenished with newcomers. Let's get to know them.

Vi. Acquaintance with new families, educators, narrow specialists

Option 1... Parents themselves briefly talk about their family.

Option 2. The teacher gives a brief description of the family based on the information received from the parents during the preliminary conversation.

Option 3... An acquaintance game.

Educator. And how can you go sailing without a reliable team ?! I propose to choose the parent committee of the group, which will deal with the organization of all our joint projects together with the educators.

Vii. Election of the new composition of the parent committee

The work of the parent committee of the group is regulated by the document "Regulations on the parent committee of a municipal preschool educational institution".

Parents should be briefly reminded of its functions.

An alternative to the parenting committee of the group can be an initiative group, which is a replaceable composition of the parenting committee of the group. An initiative group can have the same tasks and rights as a parent committee. Only the organization and content of the work of the initiative group will change.

Parents' committee elections can be conducted in an unconventional way. Parents are given leaflets with a table.

The first columns list the positions and functions of the representatives of the parent committee of the group, and in the right vertical - numbers from 1 to 3.

Parents are invited to enter candidates (three people for each position). A parent who wants to engage in a particular activity can enter their name. Possible positions for committee representatives:

Chairman of the parent committee (he is a representative from the group to the parent committee of the preschool educational institution or the council of the preschool educational institution);

Deputy Chairman of the Parents' Committee (his right hand);

Parent meeting secretary;

A group of parents responsible for the implementation of measures to strengthen the material, technical and visual and didactic base of the group, improvement and creation of normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in it;

Attention sector (responsible for purchasing gifts for birthday people, for the New Year, organizing "sweet evenings", etc.);

Sports sector (carrying out and equipping events aimed at strengthening and preserving the health of pupils);

Cultural sector (attracting parents to participate in educational, cultural and mass work with pupils outside of developmental classes, as well as during vacations);

Public relations (development and strengthening of relations between the parents of pupils with the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution and other organizations of culture, education, sports);

Editorial board;

Note. The chairman of the parent meeting is elected for one year; secretary - at each parent meeting from among those present.

Output. Understanding, good relations, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important in any team. The conditions for harmonious relations between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents are the ability to yield to each other, mutual tolerance.

VIII. Pedagogical general education "Child 4-5 years old"

Educator. The ship is ready to sail. Full speed ahead! No ... there is something else we are missing! Of course, life-saving equipment - pedagogical knowledge. Do you know, dear parents, the peculiarities of our main travelers? What are children aged 4-5 years old?

Each child develops in a different way, each has its own path and pace of development. But still, there is something in common that allows us to characterize children, their age characteristics. Let's compose a general age portrait of a 4-5-year-old child, highlighting the indicators of different aspects of his development. (A description of age characteristics can be found in the educational program according to which the preschool institution operates).

The age of 4 - 5 years is rightly called the middle preschool. Closer to the age of five, children begin to show features characteristic of older preschoolers: a certain arbitrariness of mental processes, an increase in cognitive interests and independence, attempts to explain the phenomena of life around them that are of interest to them. Curiosity, the need for independence and activity, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and behavior. These features, for example, make it easier for a child of the fifth year of life to master the norms of the native language and the functions of speech.

At the same time, instability of mood, attention, emotional vulnerability, concreteness and imagery of thinking, passion for play and play situations bring children of the fifth year of life closer to younger preschoolers. And the expanding opportunities for the upbringing and education of children at this age stage cannot be realized without knowledge and consideration of this duality of development. (V.V. Gerbova.)

Parents are given one of the memos (at the choice of the educator) (Appendix 2).

Educator. It is very important in education to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. They are due to the type of nervous system. I.P. Pavlov identified four main types of the nervous system (depending on the body's response to external stimuli): phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, melancholic.

Parents for independent study are offered a temperament determination test and a reminder "Temperament of your baby" (Appendix 7).

IX. Speech therapist

The question of inviting a speech therapist to a parent meeting is relevant at this age. By the age of five, sound production in children should be completely normalized. Parents should be aware of this and conduct special games and exercises at home. If at the age of five the child has serious deviations in speech development, it is necessary to continue training in specialized speech groups.

The teacher introduces a speech therapist; a speech therapist reports on the peculiarities of speech development of children of middle preschool age (Appendix 3), gives advice and recommendations, names the days for individual consultations with parents.

X. Features of the educational process in the middle group

1. The teacher's message

The teacher tells parents about the daily routine, educational programs, according to which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of upbringing and learning (can be issued in the form of a memo), about the main activities and types of children's activities (schedule of classes), about additional education (free and paid circles).

2. Feedback from parents

Parents ask questions of interest to them, make suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are given a memo "Rules for Parents" (Appendix 4).

XI. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year. Approval of a plan of joint activities

Parents are invited to randomly divide into several mini-groups. Each group is given the text of an extract from the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year (section "Interaction with the family"). Attention is drawn to information sheets with the names of joint projects that will be carried out during the year.

The task of the parents: to get acquainted with the content of the events, to propose from the group the theme of the parent meeting, interesting projects, contests, excursions, educational, cultural, sports events that they would like to conduct with their children during the year.

XII. Parents filling out the questionnaire

Parents fill out a family questionnaire, where they make all the changes that have occurred during the current period (changes in names, addresses, phone numbers, place of work, etc.). Parents receive a printed list of the preschool educational institution administration and educators (full name, position, contact numbers, time of consultations).

XIII. Game mini-program

Educator... On the way, various dangers await us: we can be attacked by pirates, we can run into underwater reefs. After all, we don't have a pilot card! Usually, on holidays, King Neptune comes to the shore from the depths of the sea. He is very fond of songs, dances, all kinds of entertainment. Now, if he came to our holiday, I think he would agree to help us easily overcome the path to a wonderful country. (A march sounds.) Hear this music? It was Neptune himself who came to us! Let's meet him with friendly applause!

Neptune (parent) and pupils of the group come out (sit next to their parents).


The herald brought me the message:

Today you have a holiday here.

I was in a hurry, in a hurry to sail as soon as possible.

Greetings, people, lord of the seas!

I was with you a year ago

And, of course, I'm very glad

That they are waiting for me here again.

What kind of holiday are you having here?

Educator... King Neptune, we say goodbye to summer. Yesterday all our guys were just kids, but today they look much more mature, because they have become pupils of the middle group. And on this occasion, I announce the beginning of a journey to the Land of Knowledge (fanfare and applause sound). But we cannot do without your help, King Neptune.

Neptune... What kind of help do you need?

Educator... We do not want to run into the reefs and are afraid of an attack by pirates.

Neptune... Well, this is nonsense! I will detain all the pirates and lead you through the reefs. But only the brave, strong, dexterous, quick-witted, attentive and active can go sailing.

Educator.King Neptune, we want to take all the guys on a journey, let's conduct tests.

Option 1. Games, relay races.

Option 2. General songs and dances.

Option 3. Tasks for children and parents.

XIV. Final part

1. Summing up

Educator. The journey to the Land of Knowledge continues. We wish you success, interesting discoveries, fun games and real friends! Only forward!

We invite everyone to a tea party.

2. Chatting over a cup of tea

Parents bring cookies, marmalade, sweets, etc. to tea. During tea drinking, parents tell how the summer went, what they did with their children, and remember funny stories.

At the stage of summing up the results of the first parent meeting, the time of the next one is announced.

3. Reflection

Parents are given paper silhouettes of the ship and are invited to write on them what they think about the meeting. Parent meeting solution option

1. Establish a schedule for group parenting meetings - once a quarter. The start time of the parent meeting is 17.30.

2. To elect ... (full name) as the chairman of the parent group of the group.

3. To approve the parent committee in the following composition: (full name of members of the parent committee, their phones).

4. Set a date for a meeting of the parent committee to draw up a group work plan for the first quarter.

5. Take note of the content of the leaflets "Child 4 - 5 years old", "The level of speech development".

6. Accept the parenting rules.

7. Teachers and parents to interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - to create favorable conditions for the education of children in the existing team.

Appendix 1. Materials for the questionnaire

Family questionnaire

1. Surname, name, patronymic of the child.

2. Date of birth of the child.

3. The number of children in the family.

4. Information about mom:

a) surname, name, patronymic;

5. Information about dad:

a) surname, name, patronymic;

b) education (higher, secondary, etc.);

c) place of work, position, work telephone number;

d) hobbies and opportunities to assist in group activities.

6. The address where the family lives.

7. The number of family members living at this address.

8. Housing conditions.

9. Average family financial income.

10. Special information about the child (physical disabilities: hearing, vision, impaired activity of the genitourinary system, etc.).

11. Home phone number (other contact numbers).

Parents questionnaire

Dear ... (names, patronymics of parents)!

Your sincere answers to the questionnaire will help us in organizing interesting meetings, exciting work with children.

Thank you in advance for the timely completed questionnaire.

1. What parenting meetings, meetings, excursions do you propose to hold this year?

2. Do you consider it possible for the whole family to attend meetings and other events?

b) no (why?).

3. What should we consider when inviting you to a meeting, class, conversation?

4. What are your busiest days and hours of the week?

5. Your advice and suggestions for organizing and conducting meetings.

6. What help can you provide in their preparation?

7. Do you agree to take part in the exhibition and the presentation of your hobbies? Which ones?

8. Who will represent?

9. What can your family take part in?

a) in the presentation of the experience of family education;

b) in the show of family activities;

c) in an exhibition of handicrafts, applications from natural materials;

d) in the implementation of educational projects;

e) your own version (write).

10. What help do you need?

11. Your questions and suggestions.

Appendix 2. Notes for parents

Option 1. Child 4 - 5 years old

The source of broadening the horizons of the child, the development of his ideas about the world is observation.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that his experience is as varied as possible. Walk with your child around the city, go on excursions. Consider the real cognitive interests of children! Boys, for example, are more likely to be interested in the details of a car than in the household.

From the age of four, the child's horizons expand not only in the course of practical observation and experimentation, which dominated in early preschool age, but also through storytelling. Spend enough time with informative conversations with your children. Start reading them not only fiction, but also educational literature. Thanks to your stories, watching educational TV programs, videos, the child breaks away from the world “here and now”. He is actively interested in animals that he saw only on TV or in a picture, he listens to stories about the ocean and the desert, about other countries and the people who live in them, etc. Children also listen with pleasure to stories from the lives of parents or other people ...

A four-year-old often asks the question "why?" He becomes interested in the internal connections of phenomena, and above all in cause-effect relationships. Of course, only the most illustrative and uncomplicated examples of such dependencies are still available for understanding it.

When answering a child's question, do not indulge in lengthy and overly scientific explanations. Try to formulate your thought as succinctly as possible. Sometimes it is enough just to talk about the connection of one phenomenon with another. For example, to the question where the lightning came from, it is enough to answer: "The clouds collided with each other", without introducing the concept of static electricity. But the explanation must always be scientifically correct and contain reliable information.

Children try to build their first conclusions. For example, a four-year-old baby stands on the couch and alternately throws a cube, a ball, a bear cub on the floor. Then he himself jumps off the couch and asks the question: "So is it that everything will fall down if you let him go?"

Listen carefully to all children's reasoning and do not rush to make your own adjustments to them. At this age, it is not the correctness of the conclusion that is important, but the very desire of the baby to reason and think.

Show respect for his intellectual work. Jokes and a mocking critical tone when discussing a child's thoughts are unacceptable.

In some children, quiet speech "for oneself", the so-called drumming along the course of activity, pronounced at a young age, is still preserved. This helps the little one to organize and plan their activities. Children should not be forbidden to quietly articulate their actions during work.

Along with an interest in the real causal relationships of phenomena, a four-year-old child acquires the ability to perceive and imagine various worlds on the basis of a verbal description, for example, the princess's castle, the princess herself and the prince, events, wizards, etc. Playing in an everyday situation - going to the store, visiting the doctor, preparing dinner for the family - reproduces the experience of the child and uses his memory and reproductive, reproductive imagination, while playing the magic plot requires the active work of a productive, creative imagination. These two types of play do not replace each other.

Read and tell stories to the children. Take your time to show illustrations (especially those of low artistic quality). Let everyone imagine Little Red Riding Hood in their own way. Let children's imaginations work.

In fairy tales, reference ideas about good and evil are given. Such ideas become the basis for the formation of the child's ability to assess their own actions. Good and bad characters should be clearly distinguished in fairy tales.

Children of this age love to dress up and dress up. Provide them with as many different clothes as possible: gloves, fans, beads, bracelets and other items that can be used to play the "magic world". Some children enjoy introducing themselves as entertainers, singing with a microphone and dancing.

Emotional reactions at this age become more stable and balanced. The child is not so quickly and dramatically tired, becomes more mentally resilient (which is also associated with increasing physical endurance). In general, a four-year-old is a cheerful person who is mostly in a good mood.

The peer becomes interesting as a playmate. The child suffers if no one wants to play with him. The formation of the social status of each child is largely determined by what assessments the educators will give him. For example, children do not want to play with a girl who is constantly scolded for eating slowly, although this circumstance has nothing to do with her abilities as a play partner.

Negative assessments can be given only to the child's actions, and not to himself and only face to face, and not in front of everyone.

Children play in small groups of two to five people. Sometimes these groups become permanent in composition. Thus, the first friends appear - those with whom the child develops best understanding.

Adult participation in children's play is beneficial when the following conditions are met:

Children themselves invite an adult to play or voluntarily agree to his participation;

The plot and course of the game, as well as the role that the adult will play, is determined by the children themselves;

The character of the role is also determined by the children: “You will be a daughter. You don't want to eat soup. And I will scold you! ”;

It is unacceptable to dictate to children how and what they should play, to impose their plots on them.

The developmental potential of play lies precisely in the fact that it is the only independent activity organized by children. In their role-playing games, children love to build a house. Give them the opportunity, using furniture and fabrics, to create houses, shelters, caves.

Four-year-olds love travel and adventure. Take them for walks outside the courtyard and the familiar playground. During warmer months, you can arrange small hikes and picnics. Expand your child's experience with feasible excursions. Take him to see buildings of unusual architecture, monuments, beautiful corners of nature. Come out, if possible, to a river or pond, observe the life of its inhabitants. Expand children's understanding of adult work. Conduct excursions to a construction site, to a store, a hairdresser, to Sberbank, to the post office, etc.

By the age of five, many begin to take an active interest in letters and numbers. Do not artificially hinder the child's development process, but you should not set the task of teaching him to read as soon as possible. Reading activities should be consistent with the pace of memorization and the degree of interest of the baby in such activities.

Option 2. Features of the development of children in the fifth year of life

The child is already four years old.

Make sure that:

Growth became 102 cm and increased by 4 - 5 cm;

The weight became 16 kg and increased by 1 - 2 kg.

Now, in order not to harm the baby in his development, it is necessary to identify "vulnerable places" in his body at this age stage and take this into account.

The child's body has changed proportions, posture is being actively formed, gait, habitual postures when sitting, standing, etc. are formed. But the strength of the muscles supporting the skeleton is insufficient, their fatigue is great and threatens with various deviations in posture. And the latter, in turn, can lead to disruptions in the activities of various organs and systems.

Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the child's posture, especially while working at the table (it is necessary not only to show, but also to tell how to sit correctly).

Health Skills

By the age of five, the child can, to one degree or another, independently take care of all exposed parts of the body. He is learning how to work his body. He already knows how to independently wash his hands, rinse his mouth, wash, change clothes.

But it is still difficult for him, and he is still studying:

Brush your teeth;

Comb your hair;


And it is not so much the number of independently performed procedures that is important as the quality of execution.

Changes in the minds of children

There is a rapid flowering of fantasy and imagination. It is in the fifth year of life that children begin to tell stories that they participated in some incredible events, that dad dragged mom by the hair, although there was nothing like this. And you can't call it a lie. This is very annoying for the child. Such fantasies are not lies in the literal sense of the word, if only because they do not bring any tangible benefit to the child. They do not help him to avoid punishment, do not allow him to get a treat or a toy. This event is of a different order. It would be more correct to call such a phenomenon fictions. The sources of such fantasies can be very different. For example, it may be a vivid dream that the child took for reality. It may be the desire to raise your authority among peers. It may also be the desire to cope with some fears.

Therefore, the only correct form of reaction to such inventions is a calm and sufficiently interested attitude to the child's stories. But in no case should a child be caught in a lie.

In the fifth year of life, children have a high cognitive interest. Children of this age are able to get acquainted with objects that go beyond their experience and perception.

It is very important to understand that when a child accumulates such ideas, he does not just increase the amount of knowledge, but he develops an attitude towards those new areas of life that he is introduced to: sympathy for dolphins and distrustful attitude towards sharks, etc.

However, you should definitely keep in mind the following circumstances. Children are very sensitive to the sincerity of your attitude to this or that subject or phenomenon. If, deep down, you do not like animals, you will never be able to convince children otherwise. At the very beginning of the journey into the unknown, it is not necessary to acquaint children with something that does not cause sympathy for you.

If this year we will not be able to instill in children the ability to mentally go beyond the limits of their experience and be interested in the wider world around them, then later it will be difficult to do this, since it is precisely children of five who actively perceive everything that surrounds them. And this activity can focus on quarrels with peers, comparing the property status of his family and other families.

And one more circumstance. When introducing children to new phenomena this year, you should limit yourself to objects that exist physically. For example, you should not touch such invisible areas as social relations. Of course, if a child asks a question, it is necessary to answer it, but as simple and understandable as possible for the child.

Children try to build their first conclusions. Listen carefully to all the child's reasoning and do not rush to make your own adjustments to them. At this age, it is not the correctness of the conclusion that is important, but the support of the child's very desire to reason and think. Show respect for his intellectual work. Jokes and a mocking critical tone when discussing a child's thoughts are unacceptable.

After four years of age, the child's thinking becomes verbal. If the child's thought process constantly gravitated towards pouring out into objective practical activity, now it proceeds mainly in the mind.

The ability to classify is improved.

The child is actively mastering counting operations within the first ten.

Most children begin to take an interest in abstract symbols - letters and numbers. Sign-symbolic function begins to develop.

At this age, the child manifests a fundamentally new ability to sympathize with fictional characters, heroes of fairy tales. The inner life of another person becomes available to children.

By the age of four, the child's speech is already basically formed as a means of communication and becomes a means of expressing his thoughts and reasoning.

The peer becomes interesting as a playmate. The child suffers if no one wants to play with him. Children play in small groups of two to five people. Sometimes these groups become permanent in composition.

Appendix 3. The level of speech development in children 4-5 years old

Four years

1. The vocabulary reaches 2000 words.

2. In active speech, words of the second degree of generalization appear (dishes - tea and dining rooms, cars - trucks and cars, people - men and women, etc.).

3. Vocabulary is enriched by adverbs denoting spatial and temporal signs.

4. Word-creation appears, which indicates the beginning of the assimilation of word-formation models.

5. In speech there are fewer and fewer mistakes in inflection of the main parts of speech.

6. For many children, sound production has returned to normal, in some children there is a mixture of whistling and hissing, as well as the absence of vibrants P, P,

7. A coherent speech has not yet developed, inconsistency is allowed in stories about events from one's own life; retelling of a well-known fairy tale is possible.

8. A well-developed involuntary memory at this age allows you to memorize a large number of poems.

Five years

1. A qualitative leap in mastering a coherent speech: children are able to compose a story from a picture, retell the text in the necessary temporal and logical sequence.

2. Internal speech begins to form - a curtailed, abbreviated form of speech, with the help of which the planning of future activities takes place.

3. Vocabulary has been significantly enriched, children use words of the second degree of generalization.

4. Errors are possible when constructing complex sentences.

5. Sound reproduction is completely normalized.

6. The ability to extract sound from a word appears, that is, the skills of sound analysis of words are formed, the sound shell of a word has ceased to be transparent, imperceptible for perception.

7. Children are able to change the volume of the voice arbitrarily, they are able to reproduce various intonations.

Appendix 4. Rules for parents

1. Bring your child to kindergarten:

In clean, tidy and comfortable clothes and shoes, with the necessary set of changeable underwear, with neatly combed hair and short-cut nails;

Healthy (notify the teacher about all cases of the child's discomfort).

2. Sick patients and children with suspected disease identified during the morning filter are not admitted to kindergarten.

3. Inform the kindergarten administration about the absence of the child due to illness during the first two hours on the day of illness.

4. After an illness or absence from kindergarten for more than three days, present the head nurse with a certificate of the child's health from the district pediatrician.

5. Personally hand over and collect the child from the provider. Write an application addressed to the head of the preschool educational institution, if you entrust the right to take the child to relatives or children over 16 years old.

6. On the eve of the alleged absence of the child in kindergarten for family reasons (vacation, summer period, spa treatment, etc.), leave a statement to the head of the preschool educational institution.

7. Pay the payment for the maintenance of the child in the preschool educational institution no later than the 15th day of each month. Timely submit documents confirming the benefits for paying for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten.

8. Follow ethical standards in dealing with children and kindergarten staff.

Bring valuables and toys to kindergarten.

It is prohibited:

Come to kindergarten drunk;

Smoking on the territory of the kindergarten;

Bring animals.

Appendix 5. Features of the organization of classes for children 4-5 years old

Taking into account the psychological characteristics of children 4-5 years old, the teacher spends physical education minutes in the classroom, uses play material, includes play situations aimed at relieving stress, switching the attention of children from one type of activity to another.

In classes on the development of speech and familiarization with the outside world, it is very important:

Enrich the vocabulary of children;

Develop observation and curiosity;

Improve communication skills (polite and cultural) with peers and adults;

Develop aesthetic perception, understanding of the content of works of art;

To teach logically and consistently build a description, ask questions;

To improve the sound culture of speech, to achieve a clear pronunciation of sounds and words, the correct setting of stress;

Learn to respond with short and detailed sentences;

Teach the correct agreement of words in a sentence.

In the classroom to familiarize yourself with the world around you, special

attention is paid to:

Careful attitude to nature, things created by human labor;

Formation of love for the native land.

In the process of developing speech, it is necessary to use coloring books. Painting objects should be done by shading (frequent or rare) in a given direction: lying lines (horizontal), standing lines (vertical), oblique ("like rain") - this contributes to the development of fine coordination of the hand.

For mental development, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and logical thinking is of great importance.

In modeling lessons, it is necessary to develop the ability to roll plasticine in circular movements, flatten, connect in the form of a ring, pinch the edges of the form; learn to sculpt objects from several parts, correctly arrange the parts. This contributes, on the one hand, to the formation of fine coordination of hand movements, on the other hand, to the development of spatial imagination.

It is very important in fine arts classes not only to develop a taste for the best works of art, but also to teach the combination of colors and shades to create an expressive image, paint over drawings (with paints, gouache, pencils), rhythmically apply strokes, strokes, without going beyond the contour; teach how to correctly convey the location of parts in the drawing when depicting complex objects (top, bottom, left, right), depict round, oval, rectangular and triangular shapes; learn to draw pattern elements (strokes, dots, straight lines, rings, arcs, etc.). All this is aimed at the development of spatial imagination and the muscles of the hand.

Physical culture classes are aimed at strengthening the health of children, the formation of correct posture, the development and improvement of motor skills and abilities. They are taught to walk and run, coordinating the movements of their arms and legs, crawl, crawl, vigorously push off and land correctly in jumps, navigate in space.

In musical and rhythmic lessons, children learn to move in accordance with the nature of the music at a moderate and fast pace, independently change movements in accordance with the two- and three-part form of music, perform such dance movements as a straight gallop, "spring", jumps, stepping off toes feet on the heel, whirling one by one and in pairs, moving in pairs in a circle in dances and round dances; learn to perform movements with objects, expressively convey game images. They develop an interest in making music.

By the end of the year, children in their fifth year of life are able to:

Answer questions about the content of the reading;

Learn by heart small poems, nursery rhymes;

Answer the question “how much is there?”;

Compare two groups of items using a score (more, less);

Compare five objects of different lengths, widths, heights, laying them out in ascending order of length, width, height;

Indicate and name a circle, square, rectangle, triangle;

Distinguish and name the parts of the day;

Determine the direction of movement from yourself: right, left, forward, backward, up, down;

Distinguish between right and left hand;

Correctly convey the shape, structure of objects in the drawing;

Depict several objects in one drawing, placing them on one line, on the entire sheet, linking them with a single content;

Climb on the gymnastic wall without skipping the rails, climb from one span to another, crawl in different ways;

Take the correct starting position in standing jumping, land softly, jump 70 cm long from standing;

Catch the ball with the hands from a distance of 1.5 m;

Take the correct starting position when throwing, throw objects in different ways with the right and left hand;

Hit the ball on the ground (floor) at least five times in a row;

Maintain balance in a limited support area;

Find your way in space, find the left and right sides.

Appendix 6. Memo for parents "What you need to know about your child"

1. The state of health and physical development of the child.

2. Formation of motor skills.

3. Does the child know how to orientate and observe correctly?

4. Does the child have a developed imagination?

5. Does the child know how to concentrate his attention?

6. Does the child have a good memory?

7. Does the child know how to express their thoughts?

8. How does the child's thinking develop?

9. What is the child interested in?

10. How is the child's emotional development going?

11. How does the child's relationship with the people around him develop?

12. The child's attitude to material values.

13. Does the child love animals?

14. The attitude of the child to himself.

15. Is the child active?

16. What are the spiritual needs of the child?

17. Formation of personality.

Appendix 7. How to determine the temperament of a child?

Temperament test

A child is born with an inherited temperament. Finding out what kind of temperament your child has, you will be able to communicate with him without conflict and stress.

Draw a horizontal axis on the sheet and write the word "isolation" at the left end of it, and the word "sociability" at the right end; put the zero point in the center and mark on the axis the place that the child, in your opinion, occupies (taking into account the fact that the children are really closed at the left end of the axis, and very open and sociable at the right end, and the center is a statistical norm) ...

Then draw a vertical line through the center of the horizontal axis. Write at the bottom of it the words "emotional stability", and at the top the word "neuroticism" and put on this axis a point corresponding to your ideas about the peace of mind of the child (taking into account that below are calm, emotionally stable, and at the top - children with increased nervousness and unstable emotions). Now it remains to draw perpendiculars from the points on the axes to their intersection and determine which type your child belongs to. The point of intersection of the perpendiculars, which is in the upper left sector, indicates a choleric temperament; its hit in the upper right sector - about the melancholy; if she was in the lower left sector, this indicates a phlegmatic type; and in the lower right - about the sanguine.

Try to evaluate the child not at the moment, but as a whole from the moment of his birth. This definition is rather schematic and roughly defines the type of temperament. Note that there are mixed types.

Memo "Temperament of your baby"

Sanguine. A life-lover and an optimist, willingly takes risks and makes compromises, is businesslike and collected, fits well with peers, quickly adapts in an unfamiliar place, and instantly assimilates new information. He loves outdoor games, is very curious. Falls asleep quickly and always wakes up in a good mood. He tolerates punishments easily, quickly forgets about them. His lively speech is replete with superlative words and is accompanied by impulsive gestures. This is generally the most "convenient" temperament for education. However, being carried away by any business, the baby cannot correctly calculate the strength, quickly gets tired and often changes annoying activities. When raising a sanguine person, teach him patience and perseverance and make sure that his optimism and cheerfulness do not develop into frivolity and fickleness.

Choleric. This is a tireless, fearless, cocky child. Often gets excited and gets into conflicts. Often he experiences fear and anger, takes unforeseen situations with hostility. He takes comments calmly, but resists physical punishment. He prefers noisy games, self-indulgence, constantly needs spectators and new impressions. He grasps new information on the fly and immediately forgets. Speaks loudly and quickly. It is easy to get used to the new environment. But he falls asleep with difficulty, and you never predict in what mood you will wake up.

Try to reduce the speed of his flutter through life by organizing stops and pauses; help to choose a hobby, then the fountain of his violent energy will be used for cognitive purposes. Keep your child busy with calm games that improve attention and observation; teach him to think about decisions, calculate strength, always be restrained and persistent.

Phlegmatic person. He is very calm, slow, thorough, restrained, even low-emotional, does not like to take risks. This child loves quiet games. He is not a leader among peers. Learns new information slowly, but forever. Long adapts to innovations, does not like changes. But he falls asleep quickly, sleeps well, but wakes up slowly and walks sluggish for a long time. Try to develop curiosity and initiative in the baby; speed up his tortoise pace (any speed and agility games will help you with this). Show him an example of pronounced, emotional behavior: actively rejoice and be upset yourself, he will definitely take it from you.

Melancholic. He is timid, withdrawn and indecisive, worried about trifles, very suspicious and sentimental. He assimilates new information with difficulty, gets distracted all the time and gets tired quickly. Moves uncertainly, speaks softly, but expressively. As a rule, it gives out a reaction inadequate to the strength of the stimulus. She sleeps for a long time, falls asleep quickly, gets up easily in the morning. It is very hard to get used to new places and therefore does not like to go to kindergarten and school. The melancholic needs to learn independence and courage. He cannot be ordered, categorical appeals and negative assessments are unacceptable. With such a baby, it is necessary to discuss what he saw and heard, focusing on the positive aspects.

Parents' meeting "The journey in the footsteps of knowledge continues, or Only forward!"

The meeting is held at the beginning of the school year, where parents are congratulated on the beginning of the school year, they are introduced to new families, as well as narrow specialists. Parents are introduced to the peculiarities of children 4-5 years old, the speech development of children of middle preschool age and the peculiarities of the educational process in the middle group, new joint projects.
Parents' meeting is accompanied by a presentation
Purpose: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling the prospects for interaction for the new academic year; raising the culture of parents.
Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old; to acquaint parents with the tasks and features of educational work; update the personal data of the families of pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; to intensify work on the development of children's speech.
Form of conducting: meeting - travel.
Participants: educators, parents, educational psychologist, speech therapist

The plan of the

1. Introductory part.
2. Congratulations to the parents on the start of the school year. Delivery of letters of thanks.
3. Meeting new families.
4. Election of a new composition of the parent committee.
5. Acquaintance with narrow specialists.
6. Speech by a psychologist.
Topic: Features of children 4-5 years old.
7. Speech therapist.
Topic: Features of speech development in children of middle preschool age.
8. Features of the educational process in the middle group.
9. Speech of Art. educator.
Topic: New joint projects.
10 Parents completing the questionnaire.
11. The final part.

Parents' meeting

1. Calm music sounds.
Educator. Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy company! Today is our holiday. Try to guess which one. Our famous travelers are 4 years old, they have moved to the middle group of a kindergarten! Let's pass on our wishes to our children.
Exercise "Wish"
Parents stand in a circle, the teacher starts up a tambourine in a circle.
You roll, funny tambourine,
Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.
Who has a cheerful tambourine
That wish will tell us.
The wishes of the parents can be recorded on a tape recorder or video camera, so that they can be listened to and seen by children.
Educator. Well, now the summer has passed. And how you did it, we will now find out with the help of exercises ...
1. Exercise "How We Spent the Summer"
- stand up those who went with their child to the forest ... (fishing);
- get up those swam in the sea (swam with the child, sunbathed on the beach);
- whose children have burned their backs from sunburn;
- who read books to children;

Who bought a ball (or any other item for physical activity) for their child;
- whose children helped their parents in the country (in the garden);
- whose child has learned something new.
2. Exercise "How did you see your child in the summer?"
- he is attentive: he helped me carry my bag from the dacha;
- he is affectionate: willingly kisses, hugs me; pity animals: feeds chickens and a goat from her grandmother;
- he is observant: he will always notice when a flower blooms, the sun sets or a cloud appears;
- he is cheerful: he loves to sing, never whimpers over trifles;
- he is hardworking: he can water the garden for a long time, does the job to the end;
- he is my favorite: I love him and really want everyone to love him.
Educator. So, today we - teachers and parents - are embarking on a cruise in the footsteps of Knowledge (pointing to the poster), which will last more than one year, and the final destination of our journey is, of course, School.
To embark on such a long journey, we need reliable equipment and a beautiful, reliable vehicle. This is our kindergarten and our group (subject-developing environment, without it the full-fledged all-round development of our children is impossible). Who helped to qualitatively prepare our group for the new academic year?
And today we want to express our gratitude to you and present you with letters of thanks.

2. Congratulations to the parents on the start of the school year.
Handing letters of thanks
Attention: news of the day! Our friendly company has been replenished with newcomers. Let's get to know them.

3. Meeting new families.
Parents themselves briefly talk about their family.
Educator. And how can you go on a trip without a reliable team ?! I propose to choose a parenting committee of the group, which will deal with the organization of all our joint projects together with the educators.
4. Election of a new parent committee
if you wish, we leave the parent committee as it was:
- chairman of the parent committee (he is a representative from the group to the parent committee of the preschool educational institution);
- Deputy Chairman of the Parents' Committee (his right hand);
- the secretary of the parents' meeting;
Output. Understanding, good relations, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important in any team. The conditions for harmonious relations between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents are the ability to yield to each other, mutual tolerance.

5. Acquaintance with narrow specialists
And now let's get acquainted with the teachers who conduct educational activities with our children (slide show).

6. Speech by a teacher-psychologist
Educator... And now our footprints are ready to travel. No… there is something else we are missing! Of course, spam-pedagogical knowledge. Do you know, dear parents, the peculiarities of our main travelers? What are children aged 4-5?
Now a teacher-psychologist will tell us about this.

7. Speech teacher-speech therapist
Educator: And a speech therapist will tell us about the peculiarities of speech development in children of middle preschool age (gives advice and recommendations, names days for individual consultations with parents).
And now we want to dwell on the educational processes of preschoolers.
The main directions: physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic.

8. Features of the educational process in the middle group.
Taking into account the psychological characteristics of children 4-5 years old, the teacher uses play material, physical education minutes, includes play situations aimed at relieving stress, switching the attention of children from one type of activity to another.
The educational field of communication allows:
enrich the vocabulary of children;
develop observation and curiosity;
improve communication skills (polite and cultural) with peers and adults;
develop aesthetic perception, understanding of the content of works of art;
to teach logically and consistently build a description, ask questions;
improve the sound culture of speech, achieve a clear pronunciation of sounds and words, the correct setting of stress;
teach to respond with short and detailed sentences;
teach the correct agreement of words in a sentence.
The educational area of \u200b\u200bknowledge focuses on:
respect for nature, things created by human labor;
the formation of love for the native land.
In the process of developing speech, the development of fine motor skills of the hands is of great importance; it is necessary to use coloring books. Painting objects should be done by shading (frequent or rare) in a given direction: lying lines (horizontal), standing lines (vertical), oblique ("like rain") - this contributes to the development of fine hand coordination.
For mental development, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and logical thinking is of great importance.
In educational activities in molding, the ability to roll plasticine in a circular motion, flatten, connect in the form of a ring, pinch the edges of the form is formed; learn to sculpt objects from several parts, correctly arrange the parts. This contributes, on the one hand, to the formation of fine coordination of hand movements, on the other hand, to the development of spatial imagination.
It is very important in educational activities in the visual arts not only to develop on the best works of art, but also to teach the combination of colors and shades to create an expressive image, paint over drawings (with paints, gouache, pencils), rhythmically apply strokes, strokes, without going beyond the contour; teach how to correctly convey the location of parts in the drawing when depicting complex objects (top, bottom, left, right), depict round, oval, rectangular and triangular shapes; learn to draw pattern elements (strokes, points, straight lines, rings, arcs). All this is aimed at the development of spatial imagination and the muscles of the hand.
Educational activities in physical culture are aimed at strengthening the health of children, the formation of correct posture, the development and improvement of motor skills and abilities. They are taught to walk and run, coordinating the movements of their arms and legs, crawl, crawl, vigorously push off and land correctly in jumps, navigate in space.
In musical and rhythmic lessons, children learn to move in accordance with the nature of the music at a moderate and fast pace, independently change movements in accordance with the two and three-part forms of music, perform such dance movements as a straight gallop, "spring", jumps, stepping off the toe on the heel, whirling one by one and in pairs, moving in pairs in a circle in dances and round dances; learn to perform movements with objects, expressively convey game images. They develop an interest in making music.

9. The word is given to the senior educator.
New joint projects.

10. The final part
Educator. The journey in the footsteps of Knowledge continues. We wish you success, interesting discoveries, fun games and real friends! Only forward!
We invite everyone to a tea party.

Parents are given paper silhouettes of children's footprints and are invited to write wishes on them.

Maria Kardopolova
Parents' meeting in the middle group.

"To new knowledge in the new academic year!"

Objectives: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling the prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old; to acquaint parents with the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; to intensify work on the development of children's speech through role-playing games.

Form of carrying out: parental "get-togethers".

Carrying out plan:

1. Introductory part.

2. Congratulations to the parents on the start of the school year.

3. Pedagogical general education "Child 4-5 years old".

4. Features of the educational process in the middle group.

5. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the MDOU for the new academic year. "Role-playing game as a comprehensive development of children."

6. Briefly about different things.

Meeting progress:

Educator. Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! Today is our holiday. Try to guess which one. Our children are four or five years old, they have moved to the middle group of kindergarten! I congratulate you and invite you to play a little.

Exercise "We wish this year."

Parents stand in a circle, the teacher puts a ball in a circle.

One, two, three, four, five

We start to play

Pass the ball

Wish us a wish.

Exercise "Was it a good summer?"

Stand up those who walked with your child into the forest. (fishing).

Stand up those who swam in the sea (swam with the child, sunbathed on the beach).

Whose children have burned backs from sunburn.

Who read books to children.

Who bought a ball (or any other item for physical activity) for their child.

Whose children helped their parents in the country (in the garden).

Whose child has learned something new, etc.

And which of you this summer made a sea voyage on a motor ship, boat, yacht?

So, today we also embark on a cruise on the Ocean of Knowledge, which will last more than one year, and the final destination of our journey is, of course, the School.

To set off on such a long voyage, we need a reliable, equipped and beautiful swimming facility. This is our kindergarten and our group (subject-developing environment, without it the full-fledged all-round development of our children is impossible). Who helped to qualitatively prepare our group for the new academic year?

Handing letters of thanks

Pedagogical general education "Child 4-5 years old"

Educator. The ship is ready to sail. Full speed ahead! Not. something else we are missing! Of course, life-saving equipment - pedagogical knowledge. Do you know, dear parents, the peculiarities of our main travelers? What are children aged 4-5?

Each child develops in different ways, each has its own path and pace of development. But still, there is something in common that allows us to characterize children, their age characteristics. We will compose a general age portrait of a 4-5 year old child, highlighting the indicators of different sides of his development

The age of 4-5 years is rightly called secondary preschool. Closer to the age of five, children begin to show features characteristic of older preschoolers: a certain arbitrariness of mental processes, an increase in cognitive interests and independence, attempts to explain the phenomena of life around them that are of interest to them. Curiosity, the need for independence and activity, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and behavior. These features, for example, make it easier for a child of the fifth year of life to master the norms of the native language and the functions of speech.

At the same time, instability of mood, attention, emotional vulnerability, concreteness and imagery of thinking, enthusiasm for play and play situations bring children of the fifth year of life closer to younger preschoolers. And the expanding opportunities for the upbringing and education of children at this age stage cannot be realized without knowledge and consideration of this duality of development.

Educator. It is very important in education to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Features of the educational process in the middle group. )