Psychological personality types of men in relations with women. Types of women. “Girls are different ...

In ordinary life, you can often hear complaints from both men and women about how difficult it is for them to understand each other. Representatives of the stronger sex often admit that they are unable to explain the feminine nature. In order to avoid conflicts, which are often the result of misunderstandings, a man should study the character of his beloved. Perhaps it will be useful for him to get to know certain types of women in order to be able to adapt to his girlfriend in the future and find real happiness in

There are several classifications, including in accordance with the ancient Indian text "Kamasutra". Vatsyayana Mallanaga (author of "Kamasutra") distributes "female roles" according to physical characteristics, desires and emotional reactions.

An interesting classification is club types of women (among them a socialite, a seasoned veteran, an inexperienced novice, an escort girl). A completely new female "breed" has emerged these days. This woman is financially independent, more interested in visiting fashion stores and cosmetics, cars than household chores, to a certain extent selfish, and a man in general can only be considered an object for sexual exploitation.

The classification according to Jung's psychology is recognized as classical, in which the following archetypes of women are considered.

1. Mother woman.

This type is asserted as a person and finds satisfaction by fully devoting himself to the upbringing of his children. More often children are more worthy objects for her than a husband. She plays a big role in a child's life, but there is also a negative point from excessive attention. She unknowingly suppresses their growing up. "Mother" more often and the husband is chosen by the infantile (husband-child).

A woman with a mother's complex, who seems to be unable to tear her child from her breast, endangers the development of his individuality. Having matured and married, he will always seek the help of his mother in solving family problems, who will always gladly come to his rescue. And in the inevitable quarrels between mother and wife, the man will try to blame his wife.

2. The woman is a heterosexual.

The term "hetera" comes from the ancient Greek word meaning a courtesan, a highly educated partner, experienced in love.

Heterosexuals can psychologically be good wives or cohabitants. "Hetera" asserts itself if she is able to live in harmony with a man. Relationships can be characterized by aspects of sexuality, but not necessarily only by them. First of all, there must be deep psychological contact between partners. She does not love sex as much as it might seem, on the contrary, she is relaxed, energetic in communication, friendly interactions, will never ask for "eternal love" and deep relationships. A man understands that a woman is too independent in behavior and can easily leave for another.

3. The Amazon woman.

A type characterized by special activity in the outside world. Nowadays, an Amazon woman can be called a special social type known as a business woman. She is happy to devote herself to her career, sacrifices many things for her. "Amazons" can be scientists, renowned doctors, occupy leadership positions. But there is a drawback: trying to be strong, energetic, they often lose touch with their feminine nature.

4. The woman-medium.

Like other types of women, this one is easily identifiable in any community. Its representatives can be psychics, mystics, palmists, etc. Usually, such women are looked at with some suspicion, since the areas to which they devote themselves are fundamentally at odds with what is visible in everyday life.

But, according to Jungian psychology, a woman-medium expresses herself when she is a mediator between a person and his subconscious level.

It is clear that heterosexuals are also characterized by all feminine qualities, they want maximum attention to themselves, they need relationships with other people, while "Amazons" and "mediums" tend to rush to society, impersonal contact is more essential for them (with the psychological world ).

Basic types of women All women are unique. Each has its own unusual features in its character. However, according to psychologists, there are only five main types of female characters in total. Based on this feature, a man should choose a woman that is right for him, reducing the risk of being disappointed and disappointing his chosen one.

The types of women can be divided into the following:

Women mothers

These women usually marry easily, with them you feel comfort and peace, and caring for their husband and children brings them joy.

Their husbands feel needed and appreciated and are often successful at work. She plays the role of a faithful companion and provides support. Usually the head of such a family is a man.

Female predators

Such women are only interested in financial solvency. She makes her choice by assessing the social state. She guides the man with all her might to climb the social ladder, assists him and knows all his affairs. She makes sure that her chosen one looks well-groomed and tidy, and believes that this will increase the chances of reaching heights. These women are always strong in character, and they are quite capable of putting forward tough decisions. Naturally, she is the leader in relationships.

Capricious women

First of all, they value attention, since her behavior resembles a child. Often older men are their chosen ones, and they become their patrons.

Such women are usually selfish and spoiled. They do not care about a husband or caring for children, but want to be the center of everyone's attention, such a woman cannot become a support. (see Kinds of Bad Girls)


Woman friend

Such a woman can easily be a friend to her partner. She will give advice, listen, try to understand and regret. The head in such a relationship is the man, and the woman is the neck. Keeping the situation under her invisible control, she creates the illusion that the man is the undisputed leader, and all decisions remain with him. She is an excellent friend, a caring mother, a great lover. She knows how to create comfort in the house, brings up children, contributes to the success of her husband, and is a very good housewife.

Photo: By Lies Thru a Lens

Types of female behavior are formed depending on age, life experience, upbringing, family scenarios, cultural traditions and other living conditions. They can be mixed or change over time. This division is very arbitrary. I just want to give as an example a certain model, in order to clearly show how female psychology works in action. So, we have before us the main types of women:
. The woman is the mother
... Predatory woman
.Woman is the boss
... Woman - companion (friend)
... Woman is a child

A woman is a mother this type is found in life very often, we can say that in our country it even predominates, especially in women aged forty and older. Outwardly, they are always pleasant, sweet and endearing persons. Often they have a plump or even very curvy figure, with very pronounced female forms.

They prefer classic clothes and, more often, take little care of their appearance. People around them appreciate such women for their responsiveness, openness. Men in them find warmth and caring, which, at times, can reach the point of absurdity. A woman - mother refers to men as a source of eternal problems and troubles, but at the same time, she cannot imagine her life without a "man" no matter what he is, she is ready to sacrifice herself and drag this "burden" to the end of her life. Her unconscious goal is to be revered, almost a martyr in the eyes of others. Which men choose this type of women and why? Firstly, these can be men who have lacked maternal warmth and care since childhood, and secondly, those who are infantile or lack independence and purposefulness, who always need a mother's breast in order to feel psychologically safe. A woman is a mother, has a huge feminine energy, which attracts men. She evokes the image of a kind mother in a man, who will always accept anyone, feed him with pies and pancakes, and even console him. But, she is practically devoid of female power, since she herself suppresses it. She is ready to completely "dissolve" in a man, but she cannot motivate or induce to be active, to achieve high goals and success. A woman like a soft pillow, with which it feels so good that you don't want to get up and do something. In family life with this type of women, men often suffer from alcoholism.

Predatory woman, this type can also often be found, but the age of women here is predominantly younger, on average 20-35 years old. These are very active and purposeful girls. For them, a man is a prey, and they are hunters. Their goal is always wealthy men who are almost always married, but these women even like this complication of the task. Predators have a bright attractive appearance, always keep an eye on their figure and emphasize their sexuality in every way.

Those around them are not unambiguous, they can be respected for their confidence and active life position, but they may not love them for their selfishness and aggressiveness. They attract men with their relaxedness and ability to behave. A predator woman treats a man as a trophy, a source of money, pleasure and opportunities, but at the same time, he is a big burden for her when it is necessary for him to pay attention, care and time. Her unconscious goal is money and power. The feminine energy of the predator is weak, but she has tremendous feminine strength, which is mainly expressed in sexuality. What kind of men like this type? There is no specific type of man who likes predators. The question here is what kind of man the predator woman liked, who became her target. And then no one can resist, anyone can be in its skillfully placed "nets". These women are always looking for already successful or potentially successful males. Therefore, they do not need to "invest" a lot in a man, but if necessary, they will motivate and guide him, but in order to then "squeeze" everything out of him to the last. In family life, such women from affectionate cats turn into aggressive tigresses. Sometimes, men, having come to their senses, run away from them themselves, leaving everything, just to "carry away their feet." Next to such women, men always strive to be "on horseback", otherwise they will lose respect and her approval. Financial problems or any difficulties that lead to trouble become fatal to family relationships with predators. In such a situation, marriage with predators will not last long, since having received everything from one man, they rush in search of the next, more successful and "strong" male.

The third type is the female boss.These are women with a tough, strong-willed, almost masculine character. They are self-sufficient and independent, any man can envy their leadership qualities. Outwardly, they also do not seek to emphasize their femininity, even if they wear female attributes (jewelry, etc.), it is only because etiquette or social status requires it. Those around them are appreciated for their great capacity for work, the ability to solve any problems.

They may even be feared. If they appear somewhere, then they will necessarily be bosses or simply manage everything. Their unconscious goal is to prove their strength and power. What kind of men choose this type of women? Of course, those who have a weaker masculinity, but they can also be very talented and gifted people (artists, musicians, scientists and philosophers), in general, those who are far from real life and aspirations to make money. Men are afraid of such women as fire, but more often they simply surrender as captives, giving themselves and their fate at her complete disposal. For these women, a man is needed as a subordinate, domestic and obedient "pet", an application to her status, which will fulfill all her requirements unquestioningly. The woman-boss achieves everything in life herself and, the man either has to accept, be on the sidelines and idolize his partner, or if he is gifted and talented, she will manage his achievements and career growth. Behind her, a man can hide like a "stone wall" and go with the flow. In family life, it may look like this: a man becomes a householder and takes care of children and the house, or he is a "boy on parcels" in the business of his domineering wife.

Now let's move on to the next type, which is called female companion (friend). This type of women can be found among any age group. They are very self-sufficient and purposeful individuals. Others appreciate them for their high moral values, versatility, good humor and flexibility of mind. Outwardly, these women are always fit, athletic and look youthful with age. They attract men not by external, but always by their internal qualities, such as: strength of character, intelligence, sense of humor, reliability. A female companion has high demands on herself and on a partner who is nearby.

They strive to build their relationships with men on the principles of openness, mutual understanding, support and equality in interests. What kind of men choose a female companion? First of all, these are young or modern type of men who are more important about the quality of relationships, interesting and productive communication, its richness, as well as a partnership that helps both grow and develop. But in this case, a man treats a woman as an equal being and will never condescend to her feminine weakness, sensitivity and emotionality. In her face, a man always wants to see a faithful friend, a good advisor. He himself is ready to be a reliable friend. But their relationship is often based on competition, who is more successful or better in some business, which can be a positive stimulus in the development of personality, career, but can be the cause of the breakdown of the relationship. Therefore, in family life, a man and a woman companion, it is always necessary to observe harmony and balance, to clearly distribute roles, then such unions can be very long-term and successful.

The last type in our classification - a woman-child. This type of women, already from the name, says a lot: their age and behavior. Age up to about 30 years old, when you can still look and act like a girl. As a rule, capricious, spoiled, infantile, but not defenseless and weak.

They attract men with their seeming naivety, almost childlike spontaneity. They evoke in men a desire to protect and help, protect and satisfy any desires. Such women unconsciously choose a "dad" for themselves, who will love, pamper, carry and solve any problems. What kind of men choose this type? These are men with large power complexes and intimophobes. It is difficult for them to build relationships with mature, experienced women, as they can see through their weaknesses. These men simply cannot provide normal family relations due to their complexes and immaturity, sexual problems. It is easier for them to act as a noble savior of a bad or defenseless girl, buying her love with money, their authority and power. Men are happy to give them expensive gifts, buy luxury cars, apartments, businesses, in general, everything so that the girl does not need anything. A girl can behave badly, create problems for herself and others, have problems in the past with alcohol or drugs, but this is not important. Men like to save her, provide, give gifts, the main condition is that she does not grow up, does not become an ordinary adult woman, and even worse, an aunt, with a blurry figure and wrinkles on her face. An alliance with a woman-child can be long enough until the girl grows up, that is, she simply becomes much older, and then such a relationship breaks up for several reasons. Firstly, a woman can become wise herself and understand that she simply does not need a relationship with such a man. Secondly, the man will again be in search of a new girl, naive and a little eccentric. And such a scenario of relationships in one man can be repeated several times.

No matter how unique we thought we were, we can all be "classified", which is what they actually do. As there is no such thing from which a Jew could not make a surname for himself, so there is no such psychological classification where we could not be attributed. If you believe smart psychological books, then even in relationships with our loved ones, we behave not like loving and beloved people, but like psychotypes. There are a limited number of these psychotypes, and all men and women, by and large, can be sorted by them. What are these psychotypes? You will find the answer in the article.

Mother woman

The psychotype "woman-mother" is a vest in which a spouse can always cry, who, as a rule, has pronounced shortcomings. Lame, oblique, womanizer, loser ... It doesn't matter - it's even better. A woman-mother will only be happy to take care of him and make decisions herself. She is ready to listen to any outpourings of the soul and forgive everything, because in the depths of her soul such a woman loves her husband more like a child than a husband.

Woman daughter

The woman daughter will clap her fluffy eyelashes and tweet about dreams, cars, the seaside and pink elephants. She looks fragile, naive and defenseless in the eyes of a man. Such a woman, in fact, never grew up - in her soul she is still a teenager with illusions and ideals inherent in this age. This psychotype is characterized by a desire to be under the care of a smarter, more decisive and strong person all the time.


Woman-woman is independent and strong. Self-realization is important for her. A woman-woman is responsible for herself and is not ready to take responsibility for her husband's actions. In a relationship, she does not lead, and is not aware, but depending on the circumstances, she can fulfill the role of a leader or recede into the background.

Father man

The father man is determined, stubborn and firmly adheres to his principles. At the same time, he has a desire to teach, patronize and protect - here he is patient and detailed. For a male father, admiration from the partner, her gratitude and respect is important.

Male son

A man-son is the hero of an anecdote in which a mother says to a young man: "Son, you are so old that your wife, not your mother, should make decisions for you." This psychotype is characterized by selfishness, dependence, infantilism. A man-son will enthusiastically talk about his failures, seeking sympathy and understanding from his wife.


He knows his own worth and goes to the set goals. Just like a woman-woman, she can act both in the role of a leader and in the role of a follower. Selects a woman who matches his idea of \u200b\u200bthe family.

Psychotypes in relationships: in search of harmony

From time immemorial, people have been looking for a way to achieve harmony in relationships. As the centuries-old history of mankind and personal experience show, it was not possible to find a way. Nevertheless, there are still landmarks. The most successful compatibility options:

  • a woman-mother and a man-son;
  • woman-daughter and man-father;
  • woman-woman and man-man.

People subconsciously strive for partners who complement them - after all, this is how they can get maximum comfort in a relationship. Difficulties may arise with equal psychotypes: "woman-mother and man-father", "woman-daughter and man-son" - here there will be a conflict of interests.

Try on different roles: sometimes be “not your psychotype”, this will bring something new to yours with your beloved. And it will be useful to remember that you love not a psychotype, but a person. And the fact that you do not fall into a successful compatibility option does not mean that your family life will not work out. It's just that in such cases, you need to work more on yourself and better try to understand each other. wishes you to find the Right Person and be truly happy.

And here we have prepared even more interesting materials for you!

Despite the fact that there are fewer psychotypes of women than psychotypes of men, girls are still characterized by diversity and various variations.

1. Party girl

She is very active, cannot sit in one place and is rarely at home. Her element is clubs, parties and noisy companies. She is always where there is fun and a lot of people.

Personally, she never has enough time for you, because there is so much to do. This type of girl is hardly suitable for a serious relationship.

Take a closer look at the girl. If she likes to sleep during the day, then most likely she sleeps after a stormy night.

2. Selfish

She considers herself to be the center of the universe, and her interests are inextricably linked to her own personality. You, your feelings and your problems pass her by without touching her in any way.

She is always right and it is useless to convince her, and who are you to contradict the Goddess?

Such a girl, living in a world of her own distorted illusions, is probably the worst option for building a relationship.

3. Too caring

This girl is worried for any reason.

If you go skiing, she worries about breaking your leg. If you are driving fast, she worries that you will crash. She might even worry when you don't put the cutlery in its place, and she doesn't forget to tell you that.

Often, this behavior is based on a desire to have complete control over your relationship, which can ultimately be very tiring.

4. Hysterical woman

This girl is annoyed by everything and everything around. She is enraged by a job that pays her too little, the music that sounds on the radio, the ex-boyfriend whom she somehow remembers.

But this is not so bad. It annoys her how you stir the tea, then, and dress, and whatnot.

Such a girl, being an energy vampire, will not calm down until she sucks all the energy out of you. And you need it?

5. Selfish

In modern society, this type of girls is found quite often, and profit is their main driving force.

It can be your material capabilities, gifts that you give her, your car, thanks to which you can be used as a cab driver.

This kind of girls is convinced that a man owes her at least, and as a maximum, because she is a magnificent woman, and a fee must be charged for such a piece of goods.

Such a girl will leave you without hesitation and without remorse if problems arise in your life and you stumble.

The moment you need moral support, your friend will hug a new hero.

6. Glamorous or beauty queen

Uncomplicated, empty, boring person who looks very awesome.

At first, you can't believe you started messing with this beauty. Your friends are jealous of you, and the guys' heads turn when she walks by.

It's pretty cool until it becomes clear to you that such a girl does not have her own opinion, and her inner world is limited by knowledge in the field of cosmetics, shopping and the Dom-2 television project.

If, in principle, you don't like talking to people, this type of girl may suit you, but it's better not to risk it.

7. Business lady

Independence is her element. To realize her goals, she does not really need a man, she achieves everything herself. The focus of her attention is completely focused on her own career, or, and a man for her is just a way to satisfy her physiological needs.

But if you are with such a young lady at the stage of her life, when the need to start a family nevertheless came to her, and you yourself are not a mistake, earning more than she does, then perhaps you will have a harmonious union.

8. Chatterbox

This girl will most likely be your first. You probably know her from an early age and started dating as a teenager. She is quite attractive, very confident, and definitely the soul of the company among her girlfriends.

At the very beginning, you do not notice any disadvantages in her, because you are so greatly amazed by her, but the trouble is, this girl never stops talking. And the longer you are with her, the more clearly this behavior starts to get on your nerves.

Soon you will get tired of her constant conversation and nagging in your ear, because it's like being in a relationship with your mom. In the end, you are for sure, because very rarely you want to connect your destiny with first love.

9. Fighting intimate friend

Chances are, you have known each other from early childhood. You probably lived on the same street, went to the same school, innocently and sincerely enjoyed each other's company, until this girl turned into an attractive Mademoiselle.

You stay friends for a while until you make love one night. And there is nothing wrong with that. After what happened, your relationship can develop according to completely different scenarios, and one of them can be periodic meetings, you know why, over a long period.

10. Student

She is young, even too smart, beautiful. She not only studies, but also moonlights, and is also an activist in her educational institution. Guys pay attention to her, and she knows about it.

How your relationship will develop is unknown, maybe everything will turn out. But in an effort to try something else, since her whole life is still ahead, you may be transferred to the category of former boyfriends.

11. Cute timid girl

She is very shy and calm with you at the very beginning of dating. You both have mutual sympathy, and you have a desire to develop your feelings.

Getting to know this type of girl and translating him into something more is a very slow process, because her isolation makes it difficult to get your relationship on a more serious track.

But gradually the friend will become more sociable and active with you, while remaining timid and shy in front of strangers, she is such a person. It's cute enough that you might be fine with her.

12. Jealous

Such a girl will torture you with questions: “What did you really mean when you said“ You look good ”to your colleague at this party? Do you like her? Are you secretly in love with her? It reminds me of what you said to my sister last week, remember? “What a beautiful car. Will you give me a ride? " You meant you wanted to go with my sister somewhere and put her in the backseat, didn't you? Didn't you do it? "

Most likely you will leave her, because such a girl can drive you crazy.

13. Gossip Girl

This girl talks too much about your relationship to her friend, friend of a friend, friend of a friend, and even this guy's sister. Often times, in these stories, you appear more as an antihero than a hero.

In addition, she discusses not only you, but all other people, and at some point it seems that all these people are more important to her than you.

You will start to miss a jealous girl who was at least focused on you.

14. Your mom's best friend

Before you could blink an eye, the girl and your mother began to get along like gangsters from the same crime syndicate.

Mom makes hints that it's time to calm down and start a family, because girls like your friend are not lying on the road. But you know very well that normal girls, in principle, have no reason to wallow on the roads.

And if your mother loves your girlfriend more than you, then this is not a reason to listen to her unconditionally.

15. Romantic

Quite a common type of girls. Such a girl is characterized by high sensitivity, she often cries after watching melodramas, and she is also very concerned about the fate of stray animals.

Such a girl is kind, knows how to empathize, and is unlikely to be capable of a sneaky act. She can make a wonderful spouse.

16. Dreamer

Such a girl has been dreaming of incinerating unearthly love for years, waiting for her prince at least in a white Bentley, who will take her with him to her fairy tale, where she will become the queen and ruler of this world.

But time passes, and the girl gradually becomes disillusioned with life, especially watching her friends start families. As a result, she remains an old maid or marries a man whom she does not love, but who loves her, which is also not the best option.

17. Uncertain

Such girls want huge and clean, they tell everyone that they are eager to build a serious relationship, and have long been ready for family life. They often ask: "Where are the normal men?"

But when a serious admirer appears, girls of this type fall into endless doubts: “Is this the right person? What if I don't really love him? "

Having cloaked themselves with such thoughts, they begin to close themselves off from men and avoid them until a normal adequate guy leaves their life for his own business. After a perfect scam, such girls again complain to their friends how much and anxiously they want great and pure love.

18. Disappointed

Girls of this type have experienced trauma or painful separation, as a result of which relationships and men in general are treated negatively.

Such girls like to throw phrases: “All men are goats”, “There are no normal men left,” “No one can be trusted”, etc. In communication, they bring all men to the same size and they themselves are afraid of the development of relations.

19. Experienced and adult

You will suddenly bump into her at some stage in your life, and she will immediately grab your attention. Her life experience, intellect and aura will have power over you.

She's completely different from all the other girls you've met up to this point - and that's part of her charm. When you are together, you do not feel that there is an age difference between you. At the same time, from time to time you think: "Eh, she would have been younger." And if you ask yourself a similar question, then it is better to put an end to the relationship.

20. The ideal girl

Ideal people do not exist, while every man has his own ideal.

But if in general terms, then the applicant for the role is beautiful, but at the same time does not emphasize all the delights of her appearance, she is smart, meek, kind and sympathetic, sincerely in love with you, and your mother is crazy about her.

Such a girl seems to you absolutely incredible, the one who suits you in everything. You have so much in common with her that communication is absolutely easy, as if by itself. She laughs at your jokes, and together you are very fun and comfortable, both in private and in public.

Sexually, you really want her, and all the time. When such a girl is next to you, the quality of your life rises. This girl is a muse for you, but not a burden. You even wonder what it was that you did to deserve this gift of fate.

1. She is not tormented by unreasonable jealousy

While healthy levels of jealousy are natural in a relationship, it is important that both partners have privacy.

A wise woman will allow a man in her life to have his freedom if he does not betray her trust.

2. She is intellectually developed

It is useless to deny the obvious thing: the first thing that attracts a woman to a man is her appearance. Many relationships are built only on physical attraction, it's not so easy to recognize a beautiful person at first sight, but how long can this last?

When conversations with a girl are boring and lacking in intrigue, you have to fill the time you spend with physical activity, but it can be quite difficult to build a long-term relationship.

A girl who is an intellectually developed and complex person who has the ability to maintain interesting discussions on meaningful topics, in the end, she will always be able to give odds to empty-headed beauties. And if she also looks good herself ...

3. She is honest and sincere

How long can you be with a beautiful but deceitful friend? If you are unable to trust your girlfriend and believe her words, you will not be able to build a long and strong relationship.

4. She makes you smile

It doesn't matter where you are. If she is next to you, you feel really happy. Next to her, you sincerely smile and sometimes behave even stupidly. Communication takes place very easily and naturally, and at the same time you feel safe and comfortable.

5. You want to be with her

Your friends tell you how much they enjoy being single, or they are tired of their girlfriends or wives. Perhaps your single friends say they don't want to give up their bachelorhood. You hear from them that they spend all their time at work, and they have no time to be distracted by women. But you don't feel it. You want to be with your girlfriend as much as possible.

6. You are the best for her

It doesn't matter if you are wearing shorts or a fashionable suit, you are cheerful or sad, she always thinks that you are the best and sexiest man in the world.

7. She is your main supporter.

No matter how life turns out, no matter what problems you face, you know that she is always on your side. She is always there.

8. She's ambitious

In addition to supporting and encouraging you to achieve your goals, goals, she has her own dreams, to which she constantly strives. A worthy girl has a vision of her future, to which she is trying to get closer.

It is with such a girl that you will be pleased to share this world. She is your accomplice in a crime, a fighting friend in your relationship and in life.

9. She is consistent and consistent

Being consistent in your behavior is a valuable trait because it allows you to understand who the girl really is.

If a friend is unpredictable or mentally unstable, it is difficult to predict how she will behave towards you in different life situations.

10. She invests in your relationship and you

You notice that she is not waiting for you to do something for her, and she herself is not against doing an act on her part that will help you in some way or make you feel good. And that's great, because the relationship is a two-way road.

Your girlfriend shouldn't be doing something supernatural.

In the end, she may pay for dinner if you forgot your wallet at home, or pick you up by car from the station when you are on a business trip.

If a girl continues to take care of you, especially if you have been together for a long time, it is unlikely that she will subsequently turn into an obnoxious shrew.

11. She knows her worth and respects other people.

In this case, we are not talking about overpricing. This refers to the self-esteem that is present in the girl, as well as the respect that she shows to others.

It doesn't matter what kind of car a girl has, what house she lives in, or what brand of clothing she wears - if she allows her to wipe her feet, or treats others with contempt, everything else does not matter.

12. She gets along with her parents

Not all people are close to their parents, and this certainly does not make such a person an outcast of society.

Still, a girl who doesn't value her or your family should be subject to some doubts, especially when considering building a long-term relationship.

13. Your values \u200b\u200bare the same

The source of building a system of values \u200b\u200bis upbringing in the family. In general terms, such values \u200b\u200binclude what we consider important (or not), what we believe in (or not), how we relate to others and to ourselves.

It doesn't matter how much you are attached to someone, sooner or later you will come to a dead end in your relationship with a girl if your values \u200b\u200bdo not align.

14. She studies and looks after herself

Whether reading a new book or watching a documentary on a topic of interest, a wise girl always strives to improve her knowledge and skills in order to live a happier life. In addition, she is cold about alcohol, smoking and does not overeat.

15. She inspires you to get better without changing who you are.

It empowers you as it strives for self-improvement and therefore encourages you to do the same.