Russian folk fun and booms

Sovereign you are our Sidor Karpovich, do you have much from the birth of the years? - Seventy, grandmother, seventy, Pakhomovna!

- The sovereign is our Sidor Karpovich, when will you die?

- Wednesday, Grandma, Wednesday, Pakhomovna!

- The sovereign is our Sidor Karpovich, when will you bury you?

- On Friday, Grandma, Friday, Pakhomovna!

- The sovereign is our Sidor Karpovich, what will you remember?

- Pancakes, grandmother, pancakes, Pakhomovna!

- The sovereign is our Sidor Karpovich, what will you call after you?

- In the pan, grandmother, in the pan, Pahomovna!

- The sovereign is our Sidor Karpovich, do you have much deubs?

- Seven, Grandma, Seven, Pakhomovna!

- The sovereign is our Sidor Karpovich, what after you will eat-feed?

- By peace, grandmother, in the world, Pakhomovna!

- The sovereign is our Sidor Karpovich, walk around the world - Winter student!

- in laptops, grandmother, in laptops, Pahomovna!

- The sovereign is our Sidor Karpovich, the world walk - dogs will eat!

- with a wand, grandmother, with a stick, Pakhomovna!

- The sovereign you are our Sidor Karpovich, to walk around the world - not what is alms to put!

- in a handbag, grandmother, in a handbag, Pakhomovna!

- Where, nice, we have been equipping?

- I will not say.

- Tell me, my dear, where are you going?

- to the city on the roman.

- Pretty, take me with you!

- I will not take.

- Take my dear, with me.

- Sit down to the very edge.

- What do you have, nice, in WHO?

- I will not say.

- What, my dear, in the car?

- Apples.

- Give me, nice, apple.

- I'm not giving it.

- Dai, dear, apple.

- Take one.

- Where are we, nice, sleep with you?

- I will not say.

- Tell my dear, where you spend the night with you?

- In a large village, Popa in Pelevna.

- Goat, goat, Lubyany eyes, where have you been?

- Eck of grazing.

- And where are the horses?

- Nikolka led.

- And where is Nikolka?

- In the crate left.

- And where is the crate?

- Water took away.

- And where?

- Bulls drank.

- And where are the bulls?

- Mount Harl.

- Is the mountain where?

- Chervi drove.

- And where are hell?

- Gus turned off.

- And where are the geese?

- In Veresnyak1 gone.

- And where are the Version?

- Girls broke out.

- And where are the girls?

- Married pop up.

- And where are the husbands?

- All ended.

- Talka-Kopanya, are you kudka, daw, flew?

- on Dedina Polyanka.

- What do they do on Didna Polyanka?

- Let's write to a diploma, the girl is lying on the girl.

- Maiden, maiden, go for a water!

- Cancer fighting!

- Cancer in the swamp, shirts of rod, in a color dress; Troy Sanya with trumps, Troy with fancy.

Geese-swans flew, flew in a purely field, in the banya's field sheltered. Sparrow Firewood Colop, the cockroach Banu Topil, the mouse was wagged, the loss was poured, packed; Bela Gnit picked up, poured on the cargo; Seres Fleece jumped up, the leg was submissive, in front of the bank, she took a loss ...

Cat on SUKHARI Furnaces Thoss, Cat in the window Willowing (shawl) sews, pig in the garden of oats. Thick, chicken in boots hut sweeping; I died the hut, put a hero of the grip.

The chicken walks in the boots, dropped a feather, from a stick something nucleolo; It was paid on Ivanovo village. On Ivanov, the village of the dog on a lip dying, the bear on the chain is rummaged, Mr. on the stove arms, Mrs behind the stove of pancakes bake, crackers.

Poultry fluttered with herds, sat down with small rows, they sang - they sang, they were complaints about: who we have big on the sea? Who is less on?












- Katyushka is a beet, Marita, Marc; Anyushenka removed the glass honey poured.

- Zainka Serious, did you put you?

- Katyusha on the shop, and Marlusha to another; Anyushenka removed the pad filed.

- Zainka Serious, did you beat you?

- Katyusha, the Key, and Marjun Kochergoy; Anyyushenka deleted for the ruin picked up.

- Zainka Serious, did you spend you?

- Katyusha on the Seniets, and Marjun on the porch; Anyushenka removed per gate spent.

Shadow-Potten, above the city of the wint; On the polysce the pea pipe, Kalachi's ovens, like fire hot, fell from the stove, they fell into the pot. Drink, boyars, cook. Aunt-bug, a sausage, a shirt, thin, whitewash, oblique knob. I will go marry, on Sivka, on the Bourke, at the Solo Fair. Falink, Falket, Do not resin the raven; In Ovin Arina, a piece of canvas, the prethers are laid, but it does not want. Cap Tatarka went along the bench; Bay in the board but remember Moscow. As on Vologda wine, three money bucket, even if they, even lei, at least ourselves! Pupa, doll, did not live for a long? I was afraid of typun. And Tipong is not a judge, but the judge is a goat. Lodying children want Fleotti for Ivanov City. They write by challenge, breathe on the girl. Maiden, Maiden, Look through the Wort! On the road, the wolves were thoroughly thoughts, the Popov guys were told, Pophots, the stove broke his shoulders. Single-risen on the shovel baked; The man sang a song, sat down on the ski, ate three boxes of pancakes, three campfire of cakes, fangle bay, Calace's sunrise, Makinnitsa Sulor, Ovin Kisl, cook!

Well, the uncle rooted, the harness you are a mare, the Makarya on the sand is srazed by a mountain melancholy: it is the brand in a tusk, the pilot is a drunk-drunk, a hint head! Piggy pinch! ..

Went the colonel to take a walk, caught a bird-quail; The bird quietly drove to drink, rose, flew, fell-of disappearance, hit the ice, caught, Pop Popovich, Peter Petrovich.

Once he spoke about himself repa:

- I, turnip, with honey good!

- Look away, Bastagnia! - answered her honey. - I am good without you.

There was a turnip important, the old woman was divided into; You won't go around one day; At that turnip, half of my family and my two years ate, and the other half the other week; Cork was dulled yes the mare was supervised and the cart was unominded. That was wisdom recently morning!

It is a hail is empty, and in the city of bush; In the bush sits the old man and cooks the outbreak; And sorted to him oblique hare and asks the outlet. And ordered the elder with a non-good run, and there is enough to be enough, and put in the sinus.

The mother-in-law about the son-in-law of the Pie bit, did it makes three ointments of flour, salt da cereals for four rubles, oils and eggs for eight rubles, pork ham and the piglery annual. This cake seven patty does not demolish, and even though the seven will fit, so don't eat. And the son-in-law sat down, he ate everything in the jury. The mother-in-law sticks, the bevel at the son-in-law looks:

- Cute son-in-law, didn't you dull?

- Laskov mother-in-law, will you not add even a sieve pancakes, sieve pirogov?

- What are you, a son-in-law, did not go away?

Here the son-in-law goes dear, and the peritoneis side; To meet him passerby - asks:

- What is it for Divo? Where I experienced, I did not see anywhere!

- What is the Divo - Zyatyev Brush!

- Grandma Arina, where did you go?

- In a new village.

- Well, in a new village?

- Duck in a skirt, a spleen in Kaftan, a cow in a roger - no more expensive.

This is a hook, the fairy tale will be ahead. A Kudel, a Cindow, where you flew, sat on a hairdryer, a village of the village - Solovy Solovy? We don't have something like you: And the Kudel sings the nightingale!

Natasha, Nataska, Sweet Cutting, Honey Sweet, did not see the oven, did not see the heat. We played ducks into the twin, the cranes went to dance, put the debts to exhibit, stretch the neck.

Part of shares, there is a woman with cakes between the mountains, it sells cheap, all the cake on money. It is a bark from his own, goes barefoot: stockings of the new, heights goals, socks fell out. Young man soldered to trading, furnace pies, to carry the bazaar.

Krooshinsky, the guys now matured, leaving; They poured the flour with torment, the flour on the malt was changed, often the pivusushko cooked, a pilot brand, a brand is crumpled. They drank themselves, they themselves were properly, the walills were turned and the songs hit, they walked around the courtyards.

Not a white birch in the field risen, the peeling with the blash is considered:

- Your curls are good, your rushes are good, but not grown!

Supports for children are small funny stories. They are very often used a variety of folklore characters. They can be included in poems, fairy tales, stories, etc.

Back in ancient times, parents have read the children. And it was not in vain. After all, these funny poems entertained and having fun babies, helped calm and console the child. In addition, the kids are acquainted with the outside world, acquaintance it takes place in the form of a game, children fascinating and interesting.

Dog in the kitchen pasta bake.
Cat in the corner of Sukhai.
Cat in the window dress sews.
Chicken in boots hut sweeping.
Cockerel, Cockerel, Golden Scallop,
Oilhead head, Silkova Borodka,
What do you get up early, you sing ok
Do you not give to bed?
Many went on the water
Found a salty bag.
Brewed a cat
And called Dunyashka.
- Dunashka, Dunya,
Is the souping sweet?
- Honey sweet,
In the furnace did not happen.
In the furnace did not happen
Under the bench stood.
Cats Lizali,
Vanya did not give!
Don, Don, Don!
Caught Koshkin House.
The chicken is running with a bucket -
Fill a cat house.
Goat-cotton day-day busy:
Her - herbs pinch
She is on the river run,
She is a goat rut,
Small babies protect
So that the wolf does not stole
So that the bear does not impraish
To fox-fox
They did not bother with them.

Cones collects, sings songs
The bump suddenly fell - right by Michemka in the forehead.
Bear was angry, and nagu - Top!
Ivan Poor
Found copper boiler
Went behind the water.
Found Molod.
Molod Moldovka
Pies hit,
At the bazaar suffered.
Went a cat on Torzhok, bought a cat patties.
Went a cat on the street, bought a cat bun.
Do you eat yourself? Or Masha (child name) demolish?
I and I bite, and Masha demolish.
Teddy bear on the forest goes,
The bumps collects, sings songs.
Suddenly, the bump fell - straight upside down in the forehead.
Bear was angry, and nagu - Top!
- Chuh, Chuh, woodpecker,
Does Yakov at home?
- No House Yakov,
Go to the city:
Himself on the horse
In a new hat.
Bane Wife -
In the new Sarafan.
Kids on cats -
In new boots.
Ai, Duda, Duda, Duda!
Sits raven on oak.
He plays a pipe
In silver.
Pipe taking
Cockerel, Cockerel,
Golden scallop,
Oil head,
Snakova Borodushka,
What do you get up early,
Dlyy you sing
Do you not give to bed?
Oh, Kachi, Kachi, Kachi,
Tartacha arrived.
Sell \u200b\u200bKalachi.
Came running a boy
Grabbed Kalachishko.
I'm not a dream son,
I am not Mamkin Son,
I grew on the Christmas tree
I demolished me.
I fell on the pencil,
Became a curly boy!
Shilo Sun shirt,
There was a month for the tailor.
The breeze has taken a breeze -
Shepherds conveyed.
Creak, creaking, violin,

Buy a new shoe:
Cat Mashka,
Cat nikolashka;
The mare of Nenil,
Merin Gavrile;
Duck Anyutka,
Searen Vasutka;
Niche Nikita
Courtyard Street.
Pavushushka flew,
Ponytz drops.
- To whom are these pies?
- Birthplace vsushka.
- What are these feathers?
- Enjoy a hat.
- What is the hat?
- Grandfather to give.
We give the voyage Kashi
In a red bowl
Bread paint,
Honey caduke
Pyshki, pellets,
Chicken legs.
- Wait, doll!
Wait, Barynka!
- no time to stand
It's time for me to run,
Owl to equip.
Sovie is a wedding,
Owls in the manor:
Stern stern
Okia squinley
Came to place!
Knocking, sculpts down the street,
Thomas rides on a chicken,
Timoshka on a cat
By curve track.
- Where, Thomas, are you going?
Where will you drive?
- Food hay to mow.
- What are you hay?
- feed cows.
- What are you cows on?
- milk milk.
- Why so milk?
- feed the guys.
And Lada, Lada, Lada!
Let's go to the boas.
Sold carrots
Bought a cow.
And a cow with a cat -
Fill a little!
Due to the forest, because of the mountains
Removed Uncle Egor
To girls love,
Paws of Mazana Fed,
Mazana porridge
Spoon painted.
Fly Sokolok
Through Annushkin Caly
Dropped shoes.
- You're fancy, girlfriend,
I sit on the stove,
I see rings.
On the campaign hurried
All people rushes.
Kohl, Kolya, Nikolay,
Sit at home, do not walk,
And then girls will come
Kiss and leave
Chikichi chiki,
Rides Vanya on a stick,
And the Dunya in the cart
Clicks nuts.
Tracakan Firewood Rubil,
He went his head head.
Komar drove water
In the mud foot fading.
His flies pulled up
The stomachs were all spent.
In the garden, in the garden
A dog runs there.
Legs thin
Boca calls,
And the tail is riveted,
Name is bug.
Cat came out for a cat,
For cat Kotovich,
For Ivan Petrovich.
Have become a cat bury
To all bells call.
Ti Li-th don,
Ti Li-th don,
Caught fire a goose house
Goat jumped out
Eyes bulging.
Running chicken with a bucket
Ran to the oak
Bit her lip
Came running to the city
Out the beard.

Russian folk fun and booms

What are you doing? - Nothing.

Why are you? "You came to help."
- You ate the cake? - No, not me!

Do you want? - Want.
- Did you eat a cake? - No, not me!

And was the tasty? - Highly.

Where are you, Brother Ivan? - in the hill. -

What are you doing? - Helping Peter.

And Peter what does? - Yes, it lies on the furnace.

Hello, Phil!

Hello, ul!

- What mother sent?


Where are they?

I put them under the shop.

Oh, you, Phil, Chudak.

- And you, ul, how?

I would put them in the stove, you would come,

i would feed you.

Okay, next time I will do.

Legs, legs, where have you been?

For mushrooms in the forest went.

What are you, handles, worked?

We collected mushrooms.

And you, eyes, helped?

We were looking for and watched, all the penets looked around.

Where, Thomas, are you going? Where will you drive?

Food hay to mow.

What are you hay?

Bows feed.

What do you have a cow?

Milk milk milk.

And why milk?

Babys feed.
Kyonuk Murasonka
- Kyonuk-Muryonka, where was it? - Eck of grazing.

Where are the horses? - Over the gate left.

Where is the gate? - Fire burned.

Where is the fire? - Water flooded.

Where is the water? - Bulls drank.

Where are the bulls? - Over the mountain gone.

Where is the mountain? - Cherves drained.

Where are worms? - Ducks missed.

  • Kiyo-Murasonka, where were you? - on the mill.

  • Kiology Murasonka, what was doing there. - Mollah's flour.
- Xonish-Murasonka, that from the flour baked? - Gingerbread.

  • Kiyo-Murasonka, with whom the gickers ate? - one.

  • Do not eat alone, do not eat alone.

Wolf and Lisa
Gray wolf in a dense forest met red-made fox.

- Where have you been?

On the market.

What did you buy?


How much took?

Clee wool, risen right side,

the tail was soldered in a fight ...

- Who is Otgby?

Is it alive, cute kumanek?

Barely legs wish.

How are your fox, things?

I was on the bazaar.

What did you see there?

I thought ducks.

How many?

Seven eighth.

How much did it become?


Did you have these ducks?

I have in the stomach.
Sparrow, what are you waiting for?(A. Taraskin)

  • Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
    Bread crumbs do not peck?

  • I have long noticed crumbs,
    Yes, I'm afraid angry cat.

Shoemaker(in the processing of B. Skoderok) (Polish song)
- Was the shoemaker?

Shil boots?

- Shil!

For whom boots?

For a neighbor cat!
- Cat, what is your name? - Meow.

- Are you a mouse here? - Meow.

Meow, do you want milk? - Meow. -

And in the puppies - puppy? - FRC!
- Have we walked? - walked.

Found a piddle? - Found.

Did I give him? - Dal.

Did you take it? - took.

And where is he? - Who?

Pie. - What other pate?
Mistress and Kot.(V. Levan)

  • Why are you black, cat?

  • Lasil at night in the chimney.

  • Why are you white now?

  • From the pot of sour cream ate.

  • Why did you become gray?

  • My dog \u200b\u200bin dust fused.

  • So what color are you?

  • I don't know it myself.

Hedgehog(V. Fetisov)

  • You tell me, cute hedgehog,
    What is the hedgehog furs?

  • That he, fisk, is good,
    That you can't take your teeth.

- Hare, hare, what are you doing?

Kozhzhka ran out.

And what are you, hare, glad?

I am glad that the teeth do not hurt.
Hello, Kisa(Nastya Emelianenko)

  • Hello, Kisa! How are you?
    What did you leave from us?

  • I can not live with you,
    The tail has nowhere to put.
    We go, yawning ...
On the tail coming.
What for? (Joke)
- Why do we need ears?

In order for the fairy tale to listen.

And eyes?

Watch pictures.

Out of boots.

To play football.

So as not to chat.
What time is it now(Translation from Fr. N. Gernet and S. Hippius)
- What time is it now? - Twelve beats.

Who told us? - familiar cat.

- And where is the mouse? - in your nest.

What are you doing? - Sheet pants.

Who? - His spouse.

And who is her husband? - Baron Kukarauk.
Pit (O. Grigoriev)

  • Paval? - Paval.

  • In the pit fell? - fell.
- Are you sitting in the pit? - I sit.

Were ladder? - Waiting.

Cheese pit? - Cheese.

Like a head? - Tsev.

So alive? - Alive.

Well, I went home.
English song(in processing S. Marshak)

Frog shopping(V. Orlov)

  • Where are you going from

  • From the bazaar home
    Dear girlfriend.

  • What did you buy?

  • Total little to:
    I bought a quail,
    Kva-salt and Kva-Rotchka.

Who bought in polka dot siter? - Dad is who.

She sewed what master? - Mom - who is.

Who and the new clothes dressed up? - Masha - who is.


Ant(A. Taraskin)

  • Ant, wait, wait.
    Why hurry home?

  • Well, you don't see, dragonfly,
    The thunderstorm comes.
If I hurry home, there will be a rain pouring.
Snegike(Y. Kapacov)

  • Where are you from, Snailing, flew to our logistics?

  • From the north, I flew, delicious berries wanted.
YUCH-YUCH-YUCH, Chu-Chu-Chu, sing a song ringing.

We have blizzards, the blizzards are angry. You will not be afraid of them?

- I will not be afraid of them, let the sweat and angry.

For winter I ran a warm red housing.

Spring(O. Vysotskaya)
Well, spring, how are you? I have cleaning.

  • Why do you broke?

  • Snow mixed with a hillock.

  • Why do you strengthen the streams?

  • Get garbage from the tracks.

  • Why do you rays?

  • For cleaning too.
    Everything is a little dry -
    You will invite you to the holiday.

Coward(E. Charushin, E. Shumskaya)
A bunny asks his hedgehog:

  • What are you, Zainka, roaring?

  • I really strained
With a wild beast met,

He is green, puchaglase,

I did not see such a thing.
You tell me, river ...(V. Orlova)

  • You tell me,
    Forest river
    Why are you

  • In the morning I have to me
    Sin sin -
    Because of the bell

  • You tell me,
    Forest river
    Why are you clean

  • Clean voice
    Sin sin -
Therefore, a clean driver!

  • You tell me,
    Forest river
    Why are you
    Is there such a blue?

  • In spring
    Bathing a cynic
    Total blue

R adense frogs(Translated by S. Marshak) (Czech People's Song)
Cuma, are you to us?

To us, to you, to us, to us!

I'm jumping to the water, I can't catch.

Who, who, Kuma?

Cancer, carp and catfish.

How do you catch, do we give us?

How not to give? Of course, give!
Bull-novice(V. Viktorova)
There was a bull on the meadow. The goat met a bull.

Hello, I'm bull

In the meadow I am a beginner.

You show soon

Where is the grass of a row.

Me - e, I tell you in response, -
There is no trees.

The grass is always good if you chew slowly.
Ears(E. Moshkovskaya)
- Doctor, doctor,
How do we be?
Ears wash

Or not wash?

If washed,

How we should be:

Often wash

Or now?

Replies Doctor:

The doctor is angry:

Yezhu ... hedgehog ... daily!
Accidental(A. Vlasov)
-Why prickly hedgehog so like a Christmas tree?

Because the needle hedgehog lend from our Christmas tree.

Why is the tail of the tail stretched in full height?

In order that this protein flew like a rocket.

  • Why is the mole of my underground move everywhere?

  • Know, in light for the clock of all the nail darkness.

  • Why doesn't be bobrov either drank or ax?
-Do you need axes, teeth from beavers is sharp.

  • Why only rhino on the nose rose her horn?

  • To, ride the nose, be called a rhino.

Fox and mouse(V. Bianki)
- Mouse, mouse, why do you have a dirty nose? - Paval land.

What did you dig - Mink did.

Why did the mink do? - From you, foxes, hide. - Mouse, I drove you. - And I have a spallen in my mink.

You want to eat, get out. - I have a storage room in my mink.

Momens, a mouse, I'll ruin your mink. - And I am in your alert - and was such.

Forty and Bear(on N. Sladkov)
Bearslowly gets out of the burgogs (playing baby gets up witho. His chair)pulls, yawns, rubbing eyes, looks around. Notes Soroka, slowly goes to her.

Forty easily flies from a tree (playing the child jumps from his chair),flies to the bear, smoothly waving the wings.

Magpie (Applying the head of the side).Ay, bear, you in the morning what are you doing?

Bear (slowly leads to his head).I am ? (Stopped, thought.)Yes!

Magpie(blinking surprise).And during the day?

Bear (makes the same head moving).And in the daytime.

Magpie(bouncing in surprise).And in the evening? Bear (waving a paw).And in the evening.

Magpie(from surprise rounding eyes).And at night? Bear. And at night.

Magpie. And when do you not eat? Bear. Yes, when you come!

Magpie(Surprised waves with wings).And when will you il up? Bear(slowly breed paws to the sides).Yes never. (Heads his head negatively.)




From preschool children


It's impossible to drive it firmly(K. Ushinsky)
Whiten, smooth bunny Yellow:

  • What you have, brother, ugly, prickly dress!

  • True, - the hedgehog answers, - but my spines save me from the teeth
    dogs and wolf. Do you also serve your pretty skin?
Bunny instead answered only sighed.
Talk hare and fox

  • Need to me, oblique, talk with you!

  • I can not, Fox, sorry, you need to save yourself.

  • From whom to save yourself? Here, in the woods thick, we stand together!

  • From your, fox, teeth, from yours, fox, mustache, from the tail and fox eye. Faith no to the fox with us.

Forty and hare(N. Sladkov)
Magpie.That's you, hare, yes fox teeth!

Hare.Uh, forty, still bad ..

Magpie.I wish you, gray, yes wolf legs!

Hare.Uh, forty, small happiness ...

Magpie.Whenever you, oblique, trot claws!

Hare.Uh, forty, what can I fang and claws? My soul is still a hunger ...

Who grabs meadow? (Y. Black)

  • Horses?

  • No, not horses!
Far, far to the meadow graze ...

No, not goat!

Far, far to the meadow graze ...

That's right, cows.

Drink, children, milk

You will be healthy.

Frog (A. Berlova)
Frog slightly crying

For advice to mom Rides

I'm in the water, like a fish, sailed,
Golobastik I was

And now nowhere in the pond

I will not find my tail.

Laughed here the cake, says:

You became a frog,
You changed the tail on the paws,
You can jump with dad.
Fox.Over the clearing over the forest

Blowing the wind naughty.

This wind is very nice:

He flushed a fur fur!

Butterfly.Shining sun with heaven,

Talking the forest

And pleasant heat

Begins in the morning!

Bunny.Merry Polyanka,

Fragrant flowers!

Green Polyanka

I liked you!

Frog.Day is good? What a nonsense!

Disgusting suway!

Very bad weather:

There is no damp, nor puddle! KVA!
Egorushka(M. Pleazkovsky)
- Egor-Egor
Page through the fence
For a nail clumps,
Hanging - Bulk:

Remove from the fence
Poor Egor.
Mouse and rat(S. Mikhalkov)
Mouse.Neighbor! Did you hear a good Glevo?

After all, the cat, they say, got into the claws of the lion!

Here to relax and it's time for us!
Rat.Do not rejoice, my light,

And do not wear empty,

Kohl to claws they reach

That's right, the lion is not to be alive:

The beast is not stronger than the cat!

(English song in L. Homeland)
Leading.Chalunca-kittens lost gloves

And do not dare to go on the threshold.

Mom, Mom, sorry! We can't find
Where the gloves were played!

You will not find gloves, so know, kittens,
I will not cook the cake!

I will not cook the cake!

Leading.Baked kittens, find gloves

And to my mother run from all legs.

Mom, mom, open and let us go home!

We found gloves on the road!

Failed gloves? Gold kittens!
Get for this cake!

Meow meow, cake, meow-meow, cake,

Get for this cake!
Leading.They pulled the kittens on the legs of the gloves and ate the cake to the crumb.

  • Ah, mommy, ah! You do not scold us
    But dirty steel gloves!

  • Dirtlock-kittens! Remove gloves!
    I will put you under the castle!
Meow meow, under the castle, meow-meow, under the castle,

I will put you under the castle!

Erase kittens in the twenty gloves.

Oh, how hard it is - wash!

All three, three and three ... - Oh, mom, look!

Already detached gloves!

Wash gloves? For that, kittens,
I will let you go!

Meow meow, walk, meow-meow, take a walk,

I'll let go again!

Tetra and Lisitsa

(Russian folktale)

  • Terente, Terente, I was in the city.

  • Boo-bu, bu-boo, was, so it was.

  • Terente, Terente, I got a decree.

  • Bu-bu-bu, bu-boo, mined, so mined.

  • So that you are not sitting on the tooths.


(Based on the poem V. Orlov)
- Car-Car-Car! What theft!
Guard! Robbery! The missing!

The thief sneaked in the morning early!

Gross stole him from his pocket!

  • Stop, crow, do not shout.
    Do not shout, and rubbing,
    You can't live without cheating:
    You have no pocket.

  • How?! Well, before they did not say.
    Kar-r-Roull! KAR-R-MAN Ukr-r-Ryali!

Kitty(S. Gorodetsky)
- Why do you, chalong-kitten,
Doll in the field dragged?
Chat could have a cold
The wind is completely frozen!
The morning was looking for the whole

In his children's doll,

And you and grief little!

Do you hear what I say?

I, of course, guilty,

But believe me, I do not plow.

Doll in the nursery is boring

I played with her there and here.

Doll, eyes closing,

Everything meowed with me,

I thought: she was live

Sit down home itself!
I know you need to come up(A. Barto)

  • I know that you have to come up with
    So that there was no winter,
    So that instead of high snowdrifts

Around green hills.

  • So it is necessary to come up with
    So that there was no more winter?
    And how instead of snowdrifts

  • Will they appear with hills?

  • - I look at the glass

  • Green color,

  • And immediately winter

  • Turns into summer!

Hare. Allow me to meet

I am a wilderness of the forest,

Stand like a column, under the pine

And standing among the grass

Ears more head.

Mole.Very nice, I - Mole.

I, friends, underground resident,

Excrace I and the builder.

Land Roy, Roy, Ryu,

Corridors are building everywhere.

Bobras.We are beavers, we are loggers

In silver-brown fur coats.

From trees, branches, clay

Build durable dams.

Hedgehog. I am a hedgehog. Lost, all in needles,

I live in a hole under the Christmas tree, at least open the door, but the beasts do not go to me.

Mosquito.Let me introduce:

I am not a beast, not a bird,

Sock like a knitting needles.

I'm flying - shout

Sadu - Sile!


I am spotted bug,

If in the hands of

Pretend to pain hard

Fainting I fall.

Dragonfly.On meadow clover

Omitted like a helicopter.

Golden eyes!

Guess who I am?

Strawberry.I am a summer droplet

On a thin leg

Weave for me bodywork and lukshka,

Who loves me -

He and glad to bow down

And the name gave me

Native land.
Mushroom.Under the pine

I stand among the grass.

The leg is, but no booze,

Hat eat - no head.

Dandelion.White fluffy ball

I dare in the pure field.

Putting a light breeze

And there was a skeleton.

Blooming Sally.

I- good grass, red head,

And I will give a pool, and a seagull we will.

Frost(E. Blaginina)
- Frost brutal this year!

Anxiously for apple trees in our garden!

  • Anxiously for the bug. In her cone
    The same freezer as in the yard.

  • But most restlessly for birds -
    For our skills, check box, blue.

  • We have prepared everything for winter:
    Huzzy we bite apple trees we.

  • More Senza in Konew bring
    Poor to a dust from you can save.

  • But birds! How cold in the air they!
    Will we help the defenseless so?

  • Let's help! They need to feed, and then
    It will be easy to survive cold.

I want to be elephant(Oster)
It was very hot, and everyone was sitting on the lake.

  • I, - said Martyka, - I can be an acrobat in the circus.

  • And I, - Parrot boasted, - I can tape recorder.

  • And I can rope on the ship, - said the boa.

  • And who can you? - asked Elephant. Elephant thought-thinking and answered:

  • I can be elephant.

  • Think! - They began to laugh all. - You and so badnok. It is not interesting.

  • And so interesting, - offended elephant.
He went to the zoo and settled to work as an elephant. And it turned out that it is really interesting. Do not believe - go, look.
ladybug(K. Ushinsky)

  • Look, dad, which I am a pretty, crucible bug caught. He's head is black, the wings are red, and on the wings of the specks. Did he live? Something does not move.

  • Alive, but just attached to the dead. This is a ladybug, very useful bug. She, and even more her caterpillar exterminate many harmful tribes.

  • Look, dad, the bug woke up and got to my finger. Somehow it will be climbing.

  • And you will see. Look, as he spreads his solid hinds and dismisses real wings from under them - lungs and transparent.

  • So flew away. What is he tricky bug!

Animal dispute (K. Ushinsky)
Horse.The owner loves me anymore. I hurt him and bury him, I drive firewood from the forest, he himself goes to the city itself; He would disappear without me at all.

  • Cow.No, the owner loves me more. I feed all his family with milk.

  • Dog.And I good dereg.

  • Master.Stop arguing empty. All of you are needed, and each of you is good in its place.

Babushkin sadik (S. Georgiev)

In fact, his kindergarten Sanka has always loved. But once in the evening he declared with no one:

  • I will not walk more in the kindergarten! Never ever!

  • Why did you decide that? - Grandma was surprised.
"Yes, he is tired," Sanka simply explained. - Because I have already grown.

Great! - unexpectedly very happy grandmother. - That's right, so do not go! It was well thought up, Sanyushka!

Grandma immediately called Sankin mom and dad.

  • From tomorrow, she said she, - I do not go to work!

  • We will play a grandmother at home, "Sanka suggested.

  • Not! - shook grandmother in the air with a finger. - I will not stay at home! I will not go to my former work, but I will work in kindergarten child instead of our Sanka! Wrong in the middle group!

That's how? - scratched in the head of Sankin Dad. - I envy ... I envy heart ...

  • And Sanka? - Nothing realized Mom.

  • Sanka, we have already grew, that in the kindergarten to do, - the grandmother waved impatiently with his hand and pulled out his working red notebook. - So, so ... From the morning I am pleasing to a hide and seek with Kostik, Natasha and Lenochka!

  • Grandma, and me? - reminded himself Sanka.

  • You, Sanka, take me from the garden in the evening, - raised your eyes
    from notepad grandmother.

  • Cook dinner, - Dad reminded.

  • You will help my wife learn lessons, "Mom added.

  • So, and I, - Babushka continued, - roller skiing, game
    in snowballs ... then with Igor, they sculpt the snowman! No, two snowmen! Then paint the pictures, it is already after the walk ... then ...

  • Grandma, - Sanka timidly touched her for the elbow. - Granny!

  • But that is not all! - Grandma happily flashed with her eyes. -
    The most important thing ahead!
"Grandma, I'm afraid you can't cope ..." Sanka sighed sadly. - You know how difficult it is to make a snowman ...
Especially two ...

  • What to do? - the grandmother thought.

  • I know, "said Sanka. - I will help you a little ... only
    in the hardest thing ... Well, I'll go to kindergarten instead.
On Sundays, when they all their family on the way to the park pass by the familiar fence, Sanka is always proud of says:

You know, this is because Babushkin Sadik. Yes! And I walk here just like this
grandma helped.

What are you doing? - Nothing.

Why are you? "You came to help."

Did you eat a cake? - No, not me!

Do you want? - Want.

- Youcake ate? - No, not me!

And was the tasty? - Highly.

Where are you, Brother Ivan? - in the hill. -

What are you doing? - Helping Peter.

And Peter what does? - Yes, it lies on the furnace.

Hello, Phil!

Hello, ul!

- Whatmom sent?


Where are they?

I put them under the shop.

Oh, you, Phil, Chudak.

-And youwould, ben, how?

I would put them in the stove, you would come, I would feed you.

Okay,next time I will do.

Legs, legs, where have you been?

for mushrooms in the forest went.

What are you, handles, worked?

We collected mushrooms.

And you, eyes, helped?

We were looking for and watched, all the penets looked around.

Where, Thomas, are you going? Where will you drive? - Food hay to mow.

What are you hay? - feed cows.

What do you have a cow? - milk milk.

And why milk? - feed the guys.

Kyonuk Murasonka

Kiology Murasonka, where was it? - Eck of grazing.

Where are the horses? - Over the gate left.

Where is the gate? - Fire burned.

Where is the fire? - Water flooded.

Where is the water? - Bulls drank.

Where are the bulls? - Over the mountain gone.

Where is the mountain? - Cherves drained.

Where are worms? - Ducks missed.


Kiyo-Murasonka, where were you? - on the mill.

Kiology Murasonka, what was doing there. - Mollah's flour.

Kiyo-Murasonka, what from flour baked? - Gingerbread.

Kiyo-Murasonka, with whom the gickers ate? - one.

Do not eat alone, do not eat alone.

Wolf and Lisa

Gray wolf in a dense forest met red-made fox.

Lizaveta, hello!

How are things, toothy?

Nothing goes, the head is still a must.

Where have you been?

On the market.

What did you buy?


How much took?

Klok's wool, rimmed right side, tail soldered in a fight ...

- Whootgby?

Is it alive, cute kumanek?

Barely legs wish.

How are your fox, things?

I was on the bazaar.

What did you see there?

I thought ducks.

How many?

Seven eighth.

How much did it become?


Did you have these ducks?

I have in the stomach.
Sparrow, what are you waiting for? (A. Taraskin)

Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
Bread crumbs do not peck?

I have long noticed crumbs,
Yes, I'm afraid angry cat.

Shoemaker(in the processing of B. Skoderok) (Polish song)

Was a shoemaker?

Shil boots?

- Shil!

For whom boots?

For a neighbor cat!


Cat, what is your name? - Meow.

Are you a mouse here? - Meow.

Meow, do you want milk? - Meow. -

And in the puppies - puppy? - FRC!


- Have we walked? - walked. - Fought the patties? - Found.

Did I give him? - Dal.

Did you take it? - took.

And where is he? - Who?

Pie. - What other pate?

Mistress and Kot.(V. Levan)

Why are you black, cat?

Lasil at night in the chimney.

Why are you white now?

From the pot of sour cream ate.

Why did you become gray?

My dog \u200b\u200bin dust fused.

So what color are you?

I don't know it myself.

Hedgehog(V. Fetisov)

You tell me, cute hedgehog,
What is the hedgehog furs?

That he, fisk, is good,
That you can't take your teeth.


Hare, hare, what are you doing? - The narry ran. - And what are you, hare, glad? - I am glad that the teeth do not hurt.

Hello, Kisa(Nastya Emelianenko)

Hello, Kisa! How are you?
What did you leave from us?

I can not live with you,
The tail has nowhere to put.
We go, yawning ...

On the tail coming.

What for?


Why do we need ears?

In order for the fairy tale to listen.

And eyes?

Watch pictures.

Out of boots.

To play football.

So as not to chat.

What time is it now(Translation from Fr. N. Gernet and S. Hippius)

What time is it now? - Twelve beats.

Who told us? - familiar cat.

AND mousewhere? - in your nest.

What are you doing? - Sheet pants.

Who? - His spouse.

And who is her husband? - Baron Kukarauk.
Pit (O. Grigoriev)

Paval? - Paval.

In the pit fell? - fell.

Are you sitting in the pit? - I sit.

Were ladder? - Waiting.

Cheese pit? - Cheese.

Like a head? - Tsev.

So alive? - Alive.

Well, I went home.

English song(in processing S. Marshak)

Little girl, tell me where you were?

It was at the old grandmother at that end of the village.

What did you drink at your grandmother?

Saw with jam tea.

What did you say grandmother?

- "Thank you" and "goodbye".

Frog shopping(V. Orlov)

Where are you going from

From the bazaar home
Dear girlfriend.

What did you buy?

Total little to:














Ant(A. Taraskin)

Ant, wait, wait.

Well, you don't see, dragonfly,

If I hurry home, there will be a rain pouring.

Snegike(Y. Kapacov)

Where are you from, Snailing, flew to our logistics?

From the north, I flew, delicious berries wanted.

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We have blizzards, the blizzards are angry. You will not be afraid of them?


For winter I ran a warm red housing.

Spring(O. Vysotskaya)

Well, spring, how are you? I have cleaning.


Snow mixed with a hillock.

Why do you strengthen the streams?

Get garbage from the tracks.

Why do you rays?

For cleaning too.

Coward(E. Charushin, E. Shumskaya)

A bunny asks his hedgehog:

What are you, Zainka, roaring?

I really strained



I did not see such a thing.

You tell me, river ...(V. Orlova)

You tell me,

In the morning I have to me

You tell me,

Therefore, a clean driver!

You tell me,

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