Russian folk nursery rhymes and jokes

You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, are you many years old? ”“ Seventy, grandmother, seventy, Pakhomovna!

- Sovereign you are our Sidor Karpovich, when are you going to die?

- On Wednesday, grandmother, on Wednesday, Pakhomovna!

- Sovereign you are our Sidor Karpovich, when will they bury you?

- On Friday, grandmother, on Friday, Pakhomovna!

- Sovereign you are our Sidor Karpovich, how will you be remembered?

- Pancakes, grandma, pancakes, Pakhomovna!

- Sovereign you are our Sidor Karpovich, what will he call after you?

- In the pan, grandmother, in the pan, Pakhomovna!

- You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, how many children do you have?

- Seven, grandmother, seven, Pakhomovna!

- Sovereign you are our Sidor Karpovich, what will you give to drink and feed after you?

- All over the world, grandmother, around the world, Pakhomovna!

- You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, walking around the world is a cold winter!

- In little shoes, grandmother, in little shoes, Pakhomovna!

- You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, walking around the world - the dogs will eat!

- With a stick, grandmother, with a stick, Pakhomovna!

- You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, to walk around the world - there is nothing to put alms on!

- In her purse, grandmother, in her purse, Pakhomovna!

- Where, dear, are you gearing up?

- I will not say.

- Tell me, my dear, where are you gearing up?

- To the city for a fair.

- Darling, take me with you!

- I won’t take it.

- Take, my dear, me with you.

- Sit on the very edge.

- What do you have, dear, in the cart?

- I will not say.

- What, my dear, in the cart?

- Apples.

- Give me, darling, an apple.

- I'm not giving it.

- Give, dear, apple.

- Take one.

- Where are we, dear, sleeping with you?

- I will not say.

- Tell me, my dear, where are we sleeping with you?

- In a big village, with a priest in a pelevna.

- Goat, goat, bast eyes, where have you been?

- She grazed the horses.

- And where are the horses?

- Nikolka took him away.

- And where is Nikolka?

- I went into the cage.

- And where is the cage?

- It blew away with water.

- And where is the water?

- The bulls drank.

- And where are the bulls?

- We went up the hill.

- And where is the mountain?

- The worms are gone.

- And where are the worms?

- The geese pecked out.

- Where are the geese?

- We went to Veresnyak1.

- And where is the Veresnyak?

- The girls broke it.

- And where are the girls?

- We got married.

- And where are the husbands?

- They tried everything on.

- Jackdaw digger, where are you, jackdaw, did you fly?

- To the grandfather's clearing.

- What are they doing in the grandfather's meadow?

“They write a letter, they’ll look at the girl.

- Maid, maid, go for some water!

- I'm afraid of Cancer!

- Cancer in the swamp, shirts pounding, in a colored dress; Troy sleighs with trump cards, Troy with fancies.

Geese-swans flew, flew into the open field, in the field the bathhouse reached. A sparrow chopped wood, a cockroach stoked a bath, a mouse wore a little water, a louse steamed, squinted; the white nit picked it up and threw it down on the mat; the gray flea jumped up, broke its leg, carried the louse into the front of the can ...

The cat on the stove is pounding crackers, the cat is sewing a fly (scarf) in the window, a pig in the garden is pounding oats, a chicken in boots is sweeping the hut; she swept out the hut, put the little head under the sill.

A hen in boots walks, dropped a feather, a nucleolus out of a feather; it rolled off to Ivanovo village. In the Ivanovo village, the little dog barks on its head, the bear on the chain breaks, the gentleman puts on his shoes on the stove, the lady bakes pancakes at the stove, crunches crackers.

Birds flew in flocks, sat down in small rows, they sang - sang, piteously lament: who is the biggest on the sea? Who is on blue something less? At the sea, the eagle is the king, at the sea, the eagle is the queen, his darling quail, the Russian merchant goose, the gray duck, the little sparrow, the clerk, wild geese noblemen, the eagle owl is the nobleman at the sea, the crane is transported by the sea: long legs, a short dress! The crane walks along the bank, transports people, does not wet the dress in color; the ticks are blackish, the robins are stupid, the titmouses of the young women, the withers of the red girls; a small bird titmouse senushko cannot mow, it lets a cattle feed on feed; the lark sings, hears the red spring, hears the warm summer: the mother-rye began to rush to the ear of the ear, the cattle went to the forest; a lousy crow, a false cover, in the summer a crow over the mustaches, in the winter a crow on the road, overwhelms every trace, calls every one a brother; his wife forties living room, wants to walk a pinch, walk with money for money, open the gate with a ruble, notice it with half a dollar, truth will not sit down without a roll, will not drink without vodka.

A bunny is lying under a bush; the hunters will look after him, they will catch the small beast. The bunny jumped to his feet:

- You hunters, go - look at my tail!

- Zainka gray, where have you been?

- I was, I visited the fir-tree garden, in the sleeping-room barn.

- Whom did you see?

- I saw, I saw three good girls, three beauties are good; Anyushenka is black-browed, black-eyed is the best.

- Zainka gray, did they call you?

- They called, called, called: Katyusha for an hour, Maryusha for a day; Anyushenka removed for a week called.

- Zainka gray, were you fed?

- Katyusha with pancakes, Maryusha with pies; Anyushenka removed the porridge with butter and brought it up.

- Zayinka gray, did you drink?

- Katyushka with beer, Maryusha with wine; Anyushenka removed the glass of honey and poured it.

- Zainka gray, did they put you down?

- Katyusha to the bench, and Maryusha to another; Anyushenka removed the pillow and handed it over.

- Zainka gray, didn't they beat you?

- Katyusha with a stick, and Maryusha with a poker; Anyushenka struck by the ears.

- Zainka gray, did they see you off?

- Katyusha is on the Senets, and Maryusha is on the porch; Anyushenka drove out of the gate.

Shadow-sweat, wattle above the city; there is a pea pipe on the policeman, on the stove the rolls, like fire, fell from the stove, hit the pot. Eat, boyars, cook cabbage soup. Aunt goddess, sew a shirt, thin, little white, slanting knob. I’m going to marry, on a sivka, on a cloak, on a salt mare. Filly, filly, don't rip off the barn; in the barn, Arina weaves linen, puts some crossings, but doesn’t poke them. The Tatar hat went to the shops; hit the board and remember Moscow. It's like a bucket of wine in Vologda, at least drink it, at least pour it, at least pump yourself! A chrysalis, chrysalis, didn’t live long for cha? I was scared of the pip. And the pip is not a judge, but the judge is a bum. Lodygin's children want to fly away for Ivanov city. They write on literacy, breathe on the girl. Maid, maid, go on the water! On the road, the wolves threshed peas, the priest's guys told the priest, the priest broke off his shoulders from the stove. Som-peresem on the shoulder blade is baked; The peasant sang a song, sat down on a skit, ate three boxes of pancakes, three bonfires of pies, a roundabout, a roll call, a mackinch rip, a jelly barn, a soup ladle!

Well, Uncle Kornilo, harness you a mare, at Makarya's sand, dismiss the grief: there is a mug in a tueska, a mug is drunk, drunk, a drunken head was merry! Drink the mug! ..

The colonel went for a walk, caught a quail bird; The quail bird wanted to drink, got up and flew, fell and disappeared, fell under the ice, caught the priest, the priest-priest, Pyotr Petrovich.

Once the turnip spoke about herself:

- I, turnip, good with honey!

- Go away, bouncer! - answered her honey. - I'm good without you.

There was an important turnip, every old woman was amazed; you can't go around one day; on that turnip, half my family and I ate for a whole week, and the other half for another week; They piled the crust on, and the mare nibbled, and the cart was broken off. This is what wisdom was recently uttered!

The city is empty, and in the city there is a bush; an old man sits in a bush and cooks a broth; and a scythe hare ran up to him and asks for a rat. And the elder ordered the legless to run, and to grab the one without hands, and put the naked in his bosom.

The mother-in-law baked a pie about her son-in-law, made and mixed three octal flour, salt and cereals for four rubles, butter and eggs for eight rubles, a pork ham and a one-year pig. Seven people can't eat this pie, and even if they pick it up, they can't eat a dozen. And the son-in-law sat down and ate everything in a squat. The mother-in-law walks along the floor, the bevel looks at her son-in-law:

- Dear son-in-law, have you been overpowered?

- Affectionate mother-in-law, will you add at least a sieve of pancakes, a sieve of pies?

- What didn't you, son-in-law, tore apart?

Here the son-in-law is on the way, and the peritoneum is on the side; a passer-by to meet him - asks:

- What is this miracle? Where I've been, I've never seen!

- What a miracle - son-in-law's peritoneum!

- Grandma Arina, where did you go?

- To a new village.

- Well, what's in the new village?

- A duck in a skirt, a drake in a caftan, a cow in a mat - it is not more expensive.

This is a saying, the tale will be ahead. Tow, tow, where did you fly, sat on a bush, sat on a bush - sang like a nightingale? It's not the same with us as yours: the tow sings like a nightingale!

Natasha, Natasha, sweet kulazhka, sweet honey, I have not been in the oven, I have not seen the heat. The ducks began to play their pipes, the cranes went to dance, to show their debts, to stretch their necks.

Between the valleys, between the mountains sits a woman with pies, sells inexpensively, all for the money pie. She has been selling for a century, she walks barefoot: the stockings are new, the heels are bare, the socks have fallen out. The young woman ordered to trade in pies, oven pies, to take them to the market.

The Kuroshinsky guys have now made a fortune, got rich; they took flour from the bargaining, exchanged flour for malt, often brewed beer, drunk mash, drunk mash. They drank and feasted, they drained everything themselves, sewed their purses and wove pestles, wandered through the yards.

Not a white birch tree staggers in the field, a mangy with a bald one is considered:

- Your curls are good, your Rus are good, but they have not grown!

Jokes for children are small funny stories. They often use a variety of folklore characters. They can be included in poems, fairy tales, stories, etc.

Even in ancient times, parents read jokes to children. And this was not done in vain. After all, these funny rhymes entertained and amused the kids, helped to calm and comfort the child. In addition, jokes introduce kids to the world around them, this acquaintance takes place in the form of a game, it is exciting and interesting for children.

The dog bakes pies in the kitchen.
The cat in the corner is crunching crackers.
The cat in the window sews a dress.
A hen in boots sweeps the hut.
Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,
Butter head, silk beard,
That you get up early, sing loudly,
Don't you let the kids sleep?
The man went on the water,
Found a bag of malt.
Made a fist
And he called Dunyashka.
- Dunyashka, Dunyashka,
Is the pussy sweet?
- Sweet honey,
I have not been in the oven.
I have not been in the oven,
She stood under the bench.
The chickens were pecking.
The cats licked
Vanya was not allowed!
Don, don, don!
The cat's house caught fire.
A chicken with a bucket is running -
Fill the cat's house.
Goat-hassle day-day busy:
She - to nibble herbs,
She - to run to the river,
She - to guard the goat,
Protect small children
So that the wolf does not steal,
So that the bear does not lift
So that the fox-fox
I didn't take them with me.

He collects cones, sings songs
The lump suddenly fell - right on the bear's forehead.
The bear got angry, and with his foot - top!
Poor Ivan
Found a copper boiler
I went for some water.
Found a young woman.
Well done, young
I baked pirogov,
I carried it to the market.
The cat went to market, bought the cat a pie.
The cat went to the street, the cat bought a bun.
Should I eat it myself? Or Mashenka (child's name) to take it down?
I'll bite myself, and I'll take Masha.
A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,
He collects cones, sings songs.
Suddenly a lump fell - right on the bear's forehead.
The bear got angry, and with his foot - top!
- Chukh, chukh, woodpecker,
Is Jacob at home?
- There is no Jacob's house,
He left for the city:
Himself on a horse
In a brand new hat.
Wife on a ram -
In a new sundress.
Children on cats -
In new boots.
Ay, dudu, dudu, dudu!
A raven is sitting on an oak tree.
He plays the trumpet
Chiseled pipe,
Gold plated.
Cockerel, cockerel,
Golden scallop,
Butter head,
Shchelkov beard,
That you get up early
Sing loudly
Don't you let the kids sleep?
Oh, swing, swing, swing,
The traders arrived.
They sold rolls.
A boy came running
I grabbed the kalachishko.
I am not a son of a father
I'm not mom's son
I grew up on a tree
The wind blew me away.
I fell on a tree stump
Became a curly-haired boy!
Shilo the sun shirts,
There was also a month for the tailor.
The breeze took a new thing -
I gave it to the shepherds.
Creak, creak, violinist,

Buy a new shoe:
Cat Masha,
Cat Nikolashka;
Filly Nenila,
Merina Gavrila;
Duck Anyutka,
Drake Vasyutka;
Kochetu Nikita,
Chicken Snail.
Pavushka flew
I dropped the feathers.
- Who is this feather?
- Dear Vovushka.
- What are the feathers to him?
- Push the hat.
- What is the hat for?
- To give to grandfather.
Let's give Vova porridge
In a red bowl
Bread edge,
Honey tub
Donuts, cakes,
Chicken legs.
- Wait, doll!
Wait, lady!
- There is no time to stand,
It's time for me to run
Equip the owl.
The owl has a wedding
The owl in the estate:
Fly mosquito.
Hazel-grouse cuckoo,
Tap dance girlfriend.
Sparrow brother-in-law
Eyes screwed up
Crow bride
Sat down in place!
Knocking, strumming down the street
Thomas rides a chicken
Timoshka on a cat
On a curved track.
- Where, Foma, are you going?
Where are you driving?
- I'm going to mow hay.
- What do you need hay for?
- Feed the cows.
- What do you want cows for?
- Milk.
- Why milk?
- To feed the children.
And frets, frets, frets!
Let's go backwards.
Sold a carrot
We bought a ladybug.
And a cow with a cat -
Milking a little!
Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Uncle Yegor drove out,
For girls to love
They fed greasy porridge,
Greased porridge,
Painted spoon.
The falcon was flying
Through Annushkin dvorok,
I dropped my boot.
- Give, give, girl,
Coloring beauty!
I'm sitting on the stove
I see the rings.
I'm in a hurry to the gazebo
I will laugh at all people.
Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,
Stay at home, don't walk
Otherwise the girls will come
Kiss and leave
Vanya is riding on a stick,
And Dunya is in the cart
Nut clicks.
The cockroach chopped wood,
Cut off his own head.
The mosquito carried water,
My feet got stuck in the mud.
His flies tore out,
The bellies were all ripped open.
Whether in the garden, in the garden
There is a dog running.
The legs are thin
Side calls
And the tail is a squiggle,
Her name is Bug.
And-ta-ta, and-ta-ta,
A cat married a cat,
For the cat kotovich,
For Ivan Petrovich.
They began to bury the cat,
Ring all the bells.
Ti-li-l don,
Ti-li-l don,
Goat house caught fire
The goat jumped out
Her eyes bulged.
A chicken with a bucket is running
I ran to the oak tree
I bit my lip
I ran to the city
She singed her beard.

Russian folk nursery rhymes and jokes

What are you doing? - Nothing.

Why are you? - I came to help you.
- Did you eat the pie? - No, not me!

Do you want more? - Want.
- Did you eat the pie? - No, not me!

Was it tasty? - Very.

Where are you, brother Ivan? - In the upper room. -

What are you doing? - I help Peter.

And what is Peter doing? - Yes, it lies on the stove.

Hello, Filya!

Hello Ulya!

- What did mom send?


Where are they?

I put them under the bench.

Oh, you, Filya, you are an eccentric.

- Would you, Ulya, how?

I would put them in the stove, you would come,

I would feed you.

Okay, next time I will.

Legs, legs, where have you been?

We went to the forest for mushrooms.

What did you pens work for?

We collected mushrooms.

Did you, little eyes, help?

We searched and looked, looked at all the stumps.

Where are you going, Thomas? Where are you driving?

I'm going to mow hay.

What do you need hay for?

Feed the cows.

What do you want cows for?


Why milk?

To feed the children.
Little Kitty
- Little kitty, where have you been? - She grazed the horses.

Where are the horses? - We went out the gate.

Where is the gate? - The fire burned.

Where is the fire? - Water flooded.

Where is the water? - The bulls drank.

Where are the bulls? - We went over the mountain.

Where is the mountain? - The worms exuded.

Where are the worms? - The ducks ate it.

  • Little kitty, where have you been? - At the mill.

  • Little kitty, what was she doing there? - I ground the flour.
-Myrysonka kitty, what made of flour baked? - Gingerbread.

  • Little kitty-murysonka, with whom did you eat gingerbread? - One.

  • Don't eat alone, don't eat alone.

Wolf and fox
A gray wolf in a dense forest met a red fox.

- Where have you been?

On the market.

What did you buy?


How much did they take?

A tuft of wool, ripped off the right side,

the tail was bitten off in a fight ...

- Who chewed it off?

Is dear kumanek alive?

I barely dragged my legs away.

How are you, fox, doing?

I was at the bazaar.

What did you see there?

I counted ducks.

How much was it?

Seven to eighth.

How much has become?


Where are these ducks?

In my stomach.
Sparrow, what are you waiting for?(A. Taraskin)

  • Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
    Can't you peck bread crumbs?

  • I noticed crumbs a long time ago
    Yes, I'm afraid of an angry cat.

Shoemaker(arranged by B. Zakhoder) (Polish song)
- Was there a shoemaker?

Sewing boots?

- Shil!

Who are the boots for?

For the neighbor's cat!
Cat(G. Sapgir)
- Cat, what is your name? - Meow.

-Are you keeping the mouse here? - Meow.

Meow, would you like some milk? - Meow. -

And in buddies - a puppy? - Frr!
- We went with you? - Come on.

Did you find the pie? - Found.

Did I give it to you? - Gave.

Did you take it? - I took it.

Where is he? - Who?

Pie. - What other pie?
Mistress and cat(V. Levanovsky)

  • Why are you black, cat?

  • I climbed into the chimney at night.

  • Why are you white now?

  • I ate sour cream from the pot.

  • Why did you turn gray?

  • The dog was throwing me in the dust.

  • So what color are you?

  • I don’t know it myself.

Hedgehog(V. Fetisov)

  • Tell me, dear hedgehog,
    Why is hedgehog fur good?

  • So, he, fox, is good,
    That you can't take it with your teeth.

Hare(G. Sapgir)
- Hare, hare, what are you doing?

I'm gnawing the stump.

And what are you, hare, happy about?

I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.
Hello kitty(Nastya Emelianenko)

  • Hello kitty! How are you?
    Why did you leave us?

  • I can't live with you
    There is nowhere to put the ponytail.
    Walk, yawn ...
Step on the tail.
What for? (Joke)
- What do we need ears for?

In order to listen to fairy tales.

And the eyes?

See pictures.

Put on your boots.

To play football.

So as not to chat.
What time is it now(translated from French by N. Gernet and S. Gippius)
- What time is it now? - Twelve beats.

Who told us? - A familiar cat.

- Where is the mouse? - In your nest.

What are you doing? - She sews pants.

To whom? - To my spouse.

And who is her husband? - Baron Kukarekuk.
Pit(O. Grigoriev)

  • Did you dig a hole? - Digging.

  • Did you fall into the pit? - Fell.
- Are you sitting in the pit? - Sitting.

Are you waiting for the stairs? - I'm waiting.

Cheese pit? - Cheese.

Like a head? - The whole.

So alive? - Alive.

Well, I went home.
English song(edited by S. Marshak)

Lyagushkin's purchases(V. Orlov)

  • Where are you coming from
    A frog frog?

  • Home from the bazaar
    Dear girlfriend.

  • What did you buy?

  • A little bit of everything:
    I bought a qua-empty
    Qua-salt and qua-rotoshku.

New thing
Who bought the polka dot chintz? - Dad is who.

What kind of craftswoman sewed? - Mom - that's who.

Who dressed up for the new thing? - Masha is who.

Bear(G. Vieru)

Ant(A. Taraskin)

  • Ant, wait, wait.
    Why are you in a hurry to go home?

  • What don't you see, dragonfly,
    A thunderstorm is coming.
If I'm in a hurry to go home, it will rain torrential.
Snegirek(Y. Kapotov)

  • Where are you from, bullfighter, flew to our forest?

  • I flew in from the north, wanted delicious berries.
Yuch-yuch-yuch, chu-chu-chu, I sing a loud song.

We have blizzards, blizzards are angry. Will you not be afraid of them?

-I will not be afraid of them, let them sweep and get angry.

I have saved a warm red jacket for the winter.

Spring(O. Vysotskaya)
Well, spring, how are you? I'm cleaning.

  • What do you need a broom for?

  • Sweep the snow from the hillock.

  • Why do you need streams?

  • Wash off the debris from the tracks.

  • What are the rays for?

  • For cleaning too.
    I'll dry everything a little -
    I will invite you to the holiday.

Coward(E. Charushin, E. Shumskaya)
The hedgehog asks the bunny:

  • What are you, zayinka, howling?

  • I was very scared
I met a wild beast,

He is green, goggle-eyed,

I have never seen such people.
You tell me, little river ...(V. Orlova)

  • You tell me,
    Forest river,
    Why are you
    Such a ringing one?

  • In the morning above me
    The titmouse sings -
    That is why the sonorous
    Some water!

  • You tell me,
    Forest river,
    Why are you clean

  • In a clear voice
    The titmouse sings -
That's why pure Vodichka is!

  • You tell me,
    Forest river,
    Why are you
    Is that blue?

  • In the fontanelle
    The titmouse is swimming
    That's why the blue
    Some water!

R frog conversation(translated by S. Marshak) (Czech folk song)
Kuma, are you here?

To us, to you, To us, to us!

I jump to the water, I want to catch.

Someone, godfather?

Cancer, carp and catfish.

How will you catch, will you give us?

How not to give? Of course I will!
Rookie goby(V. Viktorova)
The goby went out onto the meadow. The goat was met by a goby.

Hello, I'm a bull,

I'm new to the meadow.

You show me soon

Where the weed is tastier here.

Me-e, - I will tell you in response, -
Grass is not tasteless.

Weed is always good if you chew slowly.
Ears(E. Moshkovskaya)
- Doctor, doctor,
How are we to be?
Ears wash

Or not wash?

If you wash,

How should we be:

Wash frequently

Or less often?

The doctor answers:

The doctor replies angrily:

Why Much(A. Vlasov)
-Why does the spiny hedgehog look like a herringbone?

Because the hedgehog borrowed the needles from our tree.

Why is the tail stretched out to its full height behind the squirrel?

In order for this squirrel to fly like a rocket.

  • Why is the mole digging its underground passage everywhere?

  • Know, in the world for a mole, darkness is the nicest.

  • Why do beavers have neither saws nor axes?
-They don't need axes, beavers have sharp teeth.

  • Why does only a rhinoceros grow its horn on its nose?

  • To decorate the nose with a horn, be called a rhinoceros.

Fox and Mouse(V. Bianchi)
- Mouse, mouse, why is your nose dirty? - I dug the earth.

Why did you dig? - I did mink.

Why did you make a mink? - Hide from you, fox. - Mouse, I'll lie in wait for you. - And I have a sleeping room in my burrow.

If you want to eat, you will get out. - I have a pantry in my burrow.

Mouse, mouse, I'll ruin your hole. - And I am from you in the back - and I was like that.

Magpie and bear(according to N. Sladkov)
Bear slowly crawls out of the den (the playing child gets up withoyour chair), stretches, yawns, rubs his eyes, looks around. Notices Soroka, slowly walks towards her.

Magpie easily flies off the tree (the child at play jumps off his chair), flies towards the Bear, smoothly flapping its wings.

Magpie (tilting his head to one side). Ay, Bear, what are you doing in the morning?

Bear (slowly moves his head to the sides). I something ? (Stopped, thoughtful.) Yes, I eat!

Magpie(blinking in surprise). And in the afternoon?

Bear (makes the same head movements). And I eat during the day.

Magpie(jumping up in surprise). And in the evening? Bear (waving his paw). And I eat in the evening.

Magpie(widening his eyes in surprise). And at night? Bear. And I eat at night.

Magpie. When won't you eat? Bear. Yes, when I'm full!

Magpie(flaps her wings in surprise). And when are you full? Bear(slowly spreads his paws to the sides). Never. (Shakes her head negatively.)






Wrongly cut, but tightly sewn(K. Ushinsky)
White, sleek bunny hedgehog:

  • What an ugly, prickly dress you have, brother!

  • True, - the hedgehog answers, - but my thorns save me from teeth
    dogs and wolf. Does your pretty skin serve you the same way?
The bunny only sighed instead of answering.
A conversation between a hare and a fox

  • I need to, scythe, talk to you!

  • I can't, fox, I'm sorry, I need to save myself.

  • From whom to save yourself? Here, in the dense forest, you and I stand together!

  • From yours, fox, teeth, from yours, fox, whiskers, tail and fox eyes. We have no faith in the fox.

Magpie and hare(N. Sladkov)
Magpie. I wish you, Hare, but fox teeth!

Hare. Uh, Soroka, it's still bad ..

Magpie. If only you, Gray, have wolf legs!

Hare. Uh, Magpie, little happiness ...

Magpie. If only you, scythe, lynx claws!

Hare. Uh, Magpie, what are my fangs and claws? My soul is still a hare ...

Who grazes in the meadow? (Y. Chernykh)

  • Horses?

  • No, not horses!
Far, far away in the meadow, graze ...

No, not goats!

Far, far away in the meadow, graze ...

That's right, cows.

Drink, children, milk

You will be healthy.

Frog (A. Berlova)
The frog almost cries

Rides for advice from mom

I swam in the water like a fish,
I was a tadpole

Now nowhere in the pond

I won't find my tail.

Kvakushka laughed here, says:

You became a frog
You changed your tail to paws,
You can jump with your dad.
Chanterelle. Over the clearing, over the forest

The wind is blowing naughty.

This wind is very sweet:

He fluffed my fur!

Butterfly. The sun is shining from heaven

The forest talks

And pleasant heat

Starts in the morning!

Bunny. Merry meadow

Fragrant flowers!

Green meadow,

I liked you!

Frog. Is the day good? What nonsense!

Disgusting dryness!

Very bad weather:

There is no dampness or puddles! Kwa!
Yegorushka(M. Plyatskovsky)
- Yegorushka-Yegor
Climbed over the fence
Caught on a nail,
Hanging - wailing:

Remove from the fence
Poor Egor.
Mouse and rat(S. Mikhalkov)
Mouse. Neighbor! Have you heard the good rumor?

After all, the Cat, they say, fell into the claws of a lion!

Here's to rest and it's time for us!
Rat. Don't be happy my light

And do not hope in an empty way,

If it reaches their claws,

That, it is true, Leo will not be alive:

There is no beast stronger than the Cat!

(English song translated by L. Rodina)
Leading. Playful kittens have lost their gloves

And they dare not go to the threshold.

Mom, mom, I'm sorry! We cannot find
Where did the gloves go!

You will not find gloves, so you know, kittens,
I won't bake a pie!

I won't bake a pie!

Leading. The kittens were scared, they found gloves

And they run to mom as fast as they can.

Mom, mom, open up and let us go home!

We found gloves on the road!

Did you find the gloves? Golden kittens!
Get a pie for it!

Meow meow, pie, meow meow, pie,

Get a pie for it!
Leading. They pulled the kittens on the paws of the gloves And ate the cake to the crumb.

  • Ay, mommy, ay! Don't scold us
    But the gloves became dirty!

  • Dirty kitties! Take off your gloves!
    I'll lock you up!
Meow meow, under the castle, meow meow, under the castle,

I'll lock you up!

Kittens are washed in a glove trough.

Oh, how difficult it is to wash!

All three, three and three ... - Oh, mom, look!

The gloves were already washed off!

Have you washed your gloves? For this, kittens,
I'll let you go for a walk!

Meow meow, take a walk, meow meow, take a walk,

Let me go for a walk again!

Black grouse and fox

(Russian folktale)

  • Terenty, Terenty, I was in the city.

  • Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo, it was, it was.

  • Terenty, Terenty, I got the decree.

  • Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo, got it, so got it.

  • So that you do not sit on the black grouse trees.


(Based on the poem by V. Orlov)
- Kar-kar-kar! What a theft!
Guard! Robbery! The missing!

The thief sneaked in early in the morning!

He stole a penny from his pocket!

  • Stop, crow, don't scream.
    Do not shout, but shut up,
    You cannot live without deception:
    You don't have a pocket.

  • How?! Well, they didn't say it before.
    Kar-r-raul! Kar-r-man ukr-r-rali!

Kitten(S. Gorodetsky)
- Why are you, mischievous kitten,
Have you stolen the doll in the field?
A child could catch a cold
Frozen in the wind!
I was looking for a whole morning

In the child's doll,

And grief is not enough for you!

Do you hear what I say?

I am, of course, to blame

But believe me that I am not a cheat.

The doll in the nursery is boring

I played with her here and there.

Doll, closing its eyes,

Everybody meowed with me

I thought: she's alive

She will come running home herself!
I know what to come up with(A. Barto)

  • I know what to think of
    So that there is no more winter
    So that instead of tall snowdrifts

Hills were green all around.

  • So what do you need to come up with
    So that there is no more winter?
    And what about instead of snowdrifts

  • Will hills appear with grass?

  • - I look into glass

  • Green colour,

  • And immediately winter

  • Turns into summer!

Acquaintance Hare.
Hare... Let me introduce you

I am a forest animal

I stand like a post under a pine tree

And I stand among the grass

The ears are larger than the head.

Mole. Very nice, I am a Mole.

I, friends, an underground inhabitant,

I am an excavator and a builder.

I dig the earth, I dig, I dig,

I build corridors everywhere.

Beavers. We are beavers, we are loggers

In silver-brown fur coats.

From trees, branches, clay

We build strong dams.

Hedgehog. I am a hedgehog. Touchy, covered in pins and needles,

I live in a hole under the tree, Although the doors are wide open, But animals do not come to me.

Mosquito. Let me introduce:

I am not a beast, not a bird,

The sock is like a knitting needle.

I fly - I scream

I sit down - I am silent!


I am a spotted insect

If I fall into my hands,

I will pretend to be sick,

I will faint.

Dragonfly. On meadow clover

I'll go down like a helicopter.

Golden eyes!

Guess who am I?

Strawberries. I am a drop of summer

On a thin leg

Weave boxes and baskets for me,

Who loves me -

He is glad to bow,

And she gave me a name

Native little land.
Mushroom. Under the pine tree by the path

I am standing among the grass.

There is a leg, but there is no boot,

There is a hat - there is no head.

Dandelion. White fluffy ball

I show off in a clean field.

A light breeze blew

And the stalk remained.

Blooming Sally.

I AM- good grass, red head,

I'll give honey and brew some tea.

freezing(E. Blaginina)
- The frosts are severe this year!

Worry about the apple trees in our garden!

  • Worry about the bug. In her kennel
    The same frost as in the yard.

  • But most of all worried about the birds -
    For our sparrows, jackdaws, tits.

  • We have everything ready for winter:
    We will wrap the apple trees with horns.

  • We will bring more senets to the kennel,
    We will save the poor mongrel from the cold.

  • But birds! How cold is the air for them!
    Will we help such defenseless ones?

  • We will help you! They need to be fed, and then
    It will be easy for them to survive the cold.

I want to be an elephant(G. Oster)
It was very hot and everyone was sitting by the lake.

  • I, - said the monkey, - can be an acrobat in a circus.

  • And I, - the parrot boasted, - can do it with a tape recorder.

  • And I can rope on the ship, - said the boa constrictor.

  • Who can you? - asked the baby elephant. The baby elephant thought and thought and answered:

  • I can be a baby elephant.

  • Just think! - everyone began to laugh. - You are already a baby elephant. It is not interesting.

  • And here it is interesting, - the elephant was offended.
He went to the zoo and got a job as a baby elephant. And it turned out to be really interesting. If you don't believe it, go and have a look.
ladybug(K. Ushinsky)

  • Look, dad, what a pretty, round bug I caught. Its head is black, its wings are red, and there are specks on its wings. Is he alive? Something doesn't move.

  • Alive, but only pretended to be dead. This is a ladybug, a very useful bug. She, and even more her caterpillar, exterminate many harmful aphids.

  • Look, dad, the bug woke up and climbed on my finger. Somewhere he will climb further.

  • But you will see. See how it spreads its hard elytra and spreads its real wings from under them - light and transparent.

  • So he flew away. What a cunning bug he is!

Animal dispute (K. Ushinsky)
Horse. The owner loves me more. I plow for him and drag a harrow, bring firewood from the forest, he himself rides me to town; he would have disappeared completely without me.

  • Cow. No, the owner loves more than me. I feed his whole family with milk.

  • Dog. And I guard his good.

  • Master. Stop arguing in an empty way. I need all of you, and each of you is good in his place.

Babushkin kindergarten(S. Georgiev)

In fact, Sanka always loved his kindergarten. But one evening, for no reason at all, he said:

  • I won't go to kindergarten anymore! Never ever!

  • Why did you decide so? - the grandmother was surprised.
- Yes, tired, - Sanka simply explained. - Because I have already grown up.

Wonderful! - the grandmother was unexpectedly very happy. - That's right, don't go! You thought of it well, Sanyushka!

The grandmother immediately called the Sankins' mom and dad.

  • From tomorrow, she told them, I don’t go to work!

  • My grandmother and I will play at home, - suggested Sanka.

  • Not! - the grandmother shook her finger in the air. - I'm not staying at home! I will not go to my old job, but I will work in a kindergarten as a child instead of our Sanka! Enroll in the middle group!

How is it? - Sankin's dad scratched his head. - I envy ... with all my heart I envy ...

  • And Sanka? - Mom did not understand anything.

  • Sanka has already grown up with us, what should he do in the kindergarten, ”the grandmother waved her hand impatiently and pulled out her working red notebook. - So, so ... From the very morning I will play enough hide and seek with Kostya, Natasha and Lenochka!

  • Grandma, and me? - Sanka reminded of himself.

  • You, Sanka, will take me from the kindergarten in the evening, - she raised her eyes
    from a notebook grandma.

  • Prepare dinner, ”Dad said.

  • You can help Zhenya learn her lessons, - added my mother.

  • So, and I, - continued the grandmother, - roller coaster, game
    into snowballs ... Then we make a snowman with Igor! No, two snowmen! Then we paint the pictures, this is after the walk ... Then ...

  • Grandma, - Sanka timidly touched her elbow. - Granny!

  • But that's not all! - Grandmother's eyes flashed with joy. -
    The most important thing is ahead!
- Grandma, I'm afraid you won't be able to cope ... - Sanka sighed sadly. - You know how difficult it is to make a snowman ...
Moreover, two ...

  • What to do? - the grandmother thought.

  • I know, - said Sanka. - I'll help you a little ... Only
    in the most difficult ... Okay, I'll go to the kindergarten instead of you.
On Sundays, when the whole family on the way to the park pass the familiar fence, Sanka always proudly says:

You know, this is grandma's kindergarten. Yes! And this is the only way I go here,
I help my grandmother.

What are you doing? - Nothing.

Why are you? - I came to help you.

Did you eat the pie? - No, not me!

Do you want more? - Want.

- You Did you eat the cake? - No, not me!

Was it tasty? - Very.

Where are you, brother Ivan? - In the upper room. -

What are you doing? - I help Peter.

And what is Peter doing? - Yes, it lies on the stove.

Hello, Filya!

Hello Ulya!

- What did mom send?


Where are they?

I put them under the bench.

Oh, you, Filya, you are an eccentric.

-And you would, Ulya, how?

I would put them in the stove, you would come, I would feed you.

Okay, next time I will.

Legs, legs, where have you been?

we went to the forest for mushrooms.

What did you pens work for?

We collected mushrooms.

Did you, little eyes, help?

We searched and looked, looked at all the stumps.

Where are you going, Thomas? Where are you driving? - I'm going to mow hay.

What do you need hay for? - Feed the cows.

What do you want cows for? - Milk.

Why milk? - To feed the children.

Little Kitty

Where have you been? - She grazed the horses.

Where are the horses? - We went out the gate.

Where is the gate? - The fire burned.

Where is the fire? - Water flooded.

Where is the water? - The bulls drank.

Where are the bulls? - We went over the mountain.

Where is the mountain? - The worms exuded.

Where are the worms? - The ducks ate it.


Little kitty, where have you been? - At the mill.

Little kitty, what was she doing there? - I ground the flour.

Little mury-sonka, what made of flour baked? - Gingerbread.

Little kitty-murysonka, with whom did you eat gingerbread? - One.

Don't eat alone, don't eat alone.

Wolf and fox

A gray wolf in a dense forest met a red fox.

Lizaveta, hello!

How are you, Toothy?

Nothing is going on, the head is still intact.

Where have you been?

On the market.

What did you buy?


How much did they take?

A tuft of wool, stripped off the right side, gnawed off the tail in a fight ...

- Who bit off?

Is dear kumanek alive?

I barely dragged my legs away.

How are you, fox, doing?

I was at the bazaar.

What did you see there?

I counted ducks.

How much was it?

Seven to eighth.

How much has become?


Where are these ducks?

In my stomach.
Sparrow, what are you waiting for? (A. Taraskin)

Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
Can't you peck bread crumbs?

I noticed crumbs a long time ago
Yes, I'm afraid of an angry cat.

Shoemaker(arranged by B. Zakhoder) (Polish song)

Was there a shoemaker?

Sewing boots?

- Shil!

Who are the boots for?

For the neighbor's cat!

Cat(G. Sapgir)

Cat, what's your name? - Meow.

Are you keeping the mouse here? - Meow.

Meow, would you like some milk? - Meow. -

And in buddies - a puppy? - Frr!


- We went with you? - Come on. - Did you find the pie? - Found.

Did I give it to you? - Gave.

Did you take it? - I took it.

Where is he? - Who?

Pie. - What other pie?

Mistress and cat(V. Levanovsky)

Why are you black, cat?

I climbed into the chimney at night.

Why are you white now?

I ate sour cream from the pot.

Why did you turn gray?

The dog was throwing me in the dust.

So what color are you?

I don’t know it myself.

Hedgehog(V. Fetisov)

Tell me, dear hedgehog,
Why is hedgehog fur good?

So, he, fox, is good,
That you can't take it with your teeth.

Hare(G. Sapgir)

Hare, hare, what are you doing? - I'm gnawing the stump. - What are you, hare, happy about? - I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.

Hello kitty(Nastya Emelianenko)

Hello kitty! How are you?
Why did you leave us?

I can't live with you
There is nowhere to put the ponytail.
Walk, yawn ...

Step on the tail.

What for?


What do we need ears for?

In order to listen to fairy tales.

And the eyes?

See pictures.

Put on your boots.

To play football.

So as not to chat.

What time is it now(translated from French by N. Gernet and S. Gippius)

What time is it now? - Twelve beats.

Who told us? - A familiar cat.

A mouse where? - In your nest.

What are you doing? - She sews pants.

To whom? - To my spouse.

And who is her husband? - Baron Kukarekuk.
Pit (O. Grigoriev)

Did you dig a hole? - Digging.

Did you fall into the pit? - Fell.

Are you sitting in the pit? - Sitting.

Are you waiting for the stairs? - I'm waiting.

Cheese pit? - Cheese.

Like a head? - The whole.

So alive? - Alive.

Well, I went home.

English song(edited by S. Marshak)

Little girl tell me where have you been?

I was with an old grandmother at the other end of the village.

What did you drink at your grandmother's?

I drank tea with jam.

What did you say to grandma?

- "Thank you" and "goodbye".

Lyagushkin's purchases(V. Orlov)

Where are you coming from
A frog frog?

Home from the bazaar
Dear girlfriend.

What did you buy?

A little bit of everything:
I bought a qua-empty
Qua-salt and qua-rotoshku.

New thing

Who bought polka dot chintz? - Dad is who.

What kind of craftswoman sewed? - Mom - that's who.

Who and dressed up a new thing? - Masha is who.

Bear(G. Vieru)

Where are you going, bear?

To look after the tree in the city.

Why do you need it?

It's time to celebrate the New Year.

Where will you put it?

I'll take it to my house, to my dwelling.

Why didn't you cut it down in the forest?

It's a pity, I'd better bring it.

Ant(A. Taraskin)

Ant, wait, wait.
Why are you in a hurry to go home?

What don't you see, dragonfly,
A thunderstorm is coming.

If I'm in a hurry to go home, it will rain torrential.

Snegirek(Y. Kapotov)

Where are you from, bullfighter, flew to our forest?

I flew in from the north, wanted delicious berries.

Yuch- yuch-yuch, chu-chu-chu, I sing a song loudly.

We have blizzards, blizzards are angry. Will you not be afraid of them?

I will not be afraid of them, let them sweep and get angry.

I have saved a warm red jacket for the winter.

Spring(O. Vysotskaya)

Well, spring, how are you? I'm cleaning.

What do you need a broom for?

Sweep the snow from the hillock.

Why do you need streams?

Wash off the debris from the tracks.

What are the rays for?

For cleaning too.
I'll dry everything a little -
I will invite you to the holiday.

Coward(E. Charushin, E. Shumskaya)

The hedgehog asks the bunny:

What are you, zayinka, howling?

I was very scared

I met a wild beast,

He is green, goggle-eyed,

I have never seen such people.

You tell me, little river ...(V. Orlova)

You tell me,
Forest river,
Why are you
Such a ringing one?

In the morning above me
The titmouse sings -
That is why the sonorous
Some water!

You tell me,
Forest river,
Why are you clean

That's why pure Vodichka is!

You tell me,
Forest river,
Why are you
Is that blue?

In the first years of life, the child gets acquainted with one of the most interesting genres of children's folklore - jokes. Jokes are somewhat akin to nursery rhymes, but, unlike them, they no longer have an applied, but an independent meaning.

Jokes are not associated with specific actions or games, they are intended primarily for the entertainment of the kid, and their popular name is "fun". A joke, according to V. I. Dal's definition, is “a short funny storyteller, an anecdote,” it is a small poetic tale with a vivid dynamic plot.

As a rule, the focus is on one event, or events are rapidly changing, which allows you to keep the attention of a small listener. The rhythmic organization of the joke serves the same purpose: paired rhymes, semantic and sound repetitions, a distinct rhythm, onomatopoeia.

These small rhymed stories further expand the child's ideas about the world around him, awaken his fantasy and imagination.


Petya is a red comb,

On the path he went

And I found a pretty penny

I bought myself some boots

And the chicken - earrings!

Ay, frets-frets-frets,

The bear drew water

A whole trough,

I wanted to wash myself!

You must, you must be clean

Walk clean through the woods!

Cow cow,

She gets up to the sun

Chews grass in a pole,

Carries the milk home!

For girls and boys -

Pour into cups for everyone:

"Drink, drink, drink,

And pour some more! "


Lived lonely

I rode, I rode,

I was waiting for the guests

I cooked porridge,

I treated the guests!

Dora, dora, at Fedora's

Birds were painting fences

Feathers, tails,

And they asked to visit:

"Chiv-chiv, kvosti,

Let Fyodor go and visit! "


The frog baked pies

With a sweet filling

I treated the pig

And zainke in a pie

I put the curd in!

Where-where, where-where,

The hens shout: "Trouble!

The cockerel fell

Broke my wing-leg!

Help, help,

Petya hurts, treat! "

Clap-clap, tra-ta-ta,

The cat kicked out the cat

I stamped my foot

The door slammed behind him!

Fables are shape-shifters

A special kind of jokes is considered to be upside-down fables.- songs or rhymes, in which the real connections of objects and phenomena are deliberately displaced, violated. At the center of the fable is an obviously impossible situation, behind which, however, the correct state of affairs is easily guessed, because the shape-shifter plays up the simplest, well-known phenomena. “Any fable will come in handy in three years,” says a popular proverb. Why can it be useful, what is the value of this genre? K. Chukovsky answers this question in detail: "In such verses, the wrong coordination of things only contributes to the assertion of the correct one, and through such fiction we affirm children in their realistic view of the world." It was Chukovsky who introduced the term "shape-shifter" and thoroughly researched this genre.

He argues that fables are designed not only to entertain, amuse kids, they are created "to stimulate the mental powers of the child," and also "to educate the child in humor." “The favorite intellectual work of three and four-year-old children is to expose fables, to confront them with real facts,” Chukovsky rightly notes. The methods of folk fiction have also passed into the author's children's literature: in abundance we will meet shape-shifters in the tales of K. Chukovsky, in the verses of S. Marshak, in "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by P. P. Ershov, all children's paradoxical play poetry of the 20th century grows out of the shape-shifter ...

An angry cat barks loudly

The master's house is guarded by:

Wait, she won't let you in!

If you do not listen, it will bite!

Snowing! It's so hot!

Birds are coming from the south!

Everything around is white-white -

Summer is red!

The horse rode with horns,

The goat was floating on the pavement,

By leaps and bounds

The worm was walking with a beard!

Two caring lamas -

Lama-dad, lama-mom, -

Throwing the kids in the morning

They hid in a hole to the mouse!

African crocodile

I sailed into the White Sea,

He began to live at the bottom of the sea,

I built myself a house there!

What kind of geese ran

Are your ears and tails between your legs?

Who is chasing them?

Maybe horses by car?

Not! They run out of fear

What the turtle will catch up!

Timoshka on a spoon

Was driving along the path

Met Egor

Drove to the fence!

Thanks Timoshka,

Good motor at the spoon!

Spring has come to us again

With sledges, skates!

I brought a spruce from the forest,

Candles with lights!

Tell you interest?

An elephant climbed a tree

I made a nest from twigs

Lulls the kids!

Look, look!

Vanya is riding a trough!

And then the guys

On a leaky tub!

And behind them a hedgehog with a cat

Drive everyone with a whip!

Hedgehog flapped his wings

And fluttered like a butterfly.

A hare sitting on a fence

Loudly, loudly laughed!