Shugaring during pregnancy: a description of the procedure, features of the procedure and contraindications. Where to get the sugar mass for the procedure. Is it possible to do shugaring in early pregnancy

The modern beauty industry has reached considerable heights in face and body skin care. Therefore, today, large sacrifices are not required to achieve a well-groomed appearance. You just need a desire and desire to be better. There are a huge number of skin care procedures, methods of getting rid of unwanted vegetation. The method for removing unnecessary hairs - shugaring, gained great popularity among the fairer sex. This type of depilation appeared in the services of beauty salons relatively recently, and its roots go far back in historical times.

Even the ancient Egyptians removed every unwanted hair from the body in this way, today ladies use it with great success on themselves. This is one of the favorite, common methods of vegetation removal. Indeed, during the procedure, the feeling of pain and discomfort is minimized.

Depilation salon clients often have a question: is it painful to do shugaring?

Benefits of sugar depilation

Sugaring is a method of removing unwanted body hair with sugar paste, which in addition creates a gentle exfoliation on the skin's surface. This depilation technique has won a considerable number of fans, thanks to its many advantages:

  • Security. The possibility of getting burned is reduced to zero. The sugar mass is heated for the procedure, especially to a temperature of 35 - 40 degrees. To approximate body temperature.
  • The integrity of the skin is preserved. The components of the sticky mass penetrate into the hair follicle, envelop the hair, without injuring the living cells of the epidermis. During the procedure, vegetation is pulled out and the stratum corneum is removed. This creates a gentle exfoliation.
  • Hair does not grow in. "Sweet" depilation occurs especially according to hair growth. This does not destroy, deforms the hair follicles and does not change the direction of hair growth.
  • Pain is minimal in comparison with other types of manipulations, technologies for removing unwanted vegetation.
  • Hypoallergenic. The professional caramel contains only natural products. There are no foreign impurities, no harmful fragrances. Therefore, this type of depilation is suitable for people with hypersensitive skin, allergy sufferers.

Unlike a depilator, which works on dry skin, sugar paste has a composition that penetrates the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it
  • There are few contraindications. Sugaring is performed on any skin, even with spider veins or varicose veins. It is unacceptable to carry out depilation for people with diabetes mellitus and women expecting a baby.
  • Hygiene of the procedure. All remnants of the sweet mass are washed off the body only with water. It is advisable to use mineralized water for this, which will soothe and moisturize the skin.
  • Care. Before, during and after the procedure, the skin receives comprehensive and complete care with professional products. They remove reddened areas and irritations in a matter of minutes.
  • A small portion of a paste of a certain density is applied to all areas on the body with unwanted vegetation, even the most sensitive and delicate ones.
  • High quality result. It is permissible to apply sugar caramel to the same area several times, achieving maximum smoothness. The hairs do not break off, they are extracted deeply from the bulb. After regrowth, they lose their rigidity, pigmentation, and growth rate. Therefore, the skin remains completely smooth for up to 3 weeks. After regular visits to a specialist, the vegetation on the body grows less often, and in some places it stops growing altogether.

Sugaring is performed on any skin, even with spider veins or varicose veins.

Feelings during the procedure

The degree of pain during shugaring depends on the pain threshold of a person, individual factors, the skill of the specialist, the zone from which the vegetation is removed. They also depend on the frequency of the procedure. The first experience of waxing with sugar mass can cause unbearable pain, especially on the sensitive bikini area. Each subsequent waxing with sugar will be less painful, since the growing hairs will be more brittle and pliable. After that they grow more slowly and less dense.

Pain-free shugaring is possible on areas of the body with weak sensitivity. On the legs or hands, the procedure will cause slight discomfort, and even then at the first stages of depilation.

There is a small percentage of people who find it difficult to tolerate this kind of disposal of unwanted vegetation. But this is not a reason to refuse shugaring, you need to choose the best option for anesthetizing the skin:

There is a small percentage of people who find it difficult to tolerate this kind of disposal of unwanted vegetation.

During the process of working with sugar paste, the master has a mechanical massage effect on the skin, which also minimizes pain

  • Take an analgesic you are using 30 minutes before your procedure. Aspirin is not suitable for this case, as it leads to a change in the composition of the blood - this will lead to the appearance of hematomas on the surface of the skin after manipulations. It is not recommended to use a new, previously untested drug, so as not to cause allergic reactions.
  • Tell the master about your pain threshold. He will apply a lidocaine-based cream before the procedure. Or buy it at the pharmacy and treat sensitive areas half an hour before shugaring at home. For the correct action of the drug, spread the product on the skin in an even layer, wrap it tightly with a film until it is completely absorbed. Remove the film directly in the office before the procedure, then the shugaring will be painless. The effect of the cream lasts no longer than 40 minutes. This time is enough to carry out depilation on sensitive areas of the body - deep bikini, armpits, legs.
  • Lidocaine is also used in the form of a spray, the effect of which is slightly weaker. After use, apply a plastic wrap to completely penetrate the components into the dermis. This method of pain relief is advisable in the deep bikini area.

Many people doubt whether to try this method of getting rid of unwanted vegetation, but someone has already fallen in love with it and is successfully using it at home. Feelings of discomfort are minimized due to the composition of the most sticky mass and the technology of its application:

  • the basis of the mass for shugaring is water, therefore the dermis is moisturized and softened even during the application of the sweet composition. This makes it easier to remove hairs, which minimizes pain;
  • the method of applying the paste also leads to a reduction in unpleasant feelings. After all, caramel is applied against the growth of vegetation, and breaks down in its direction. This technique does not injure the hair follicles, so the discomfort is minimal.


So that the sensations during shugaring do not spoil the impressions of the procedure, prepare for it correctly. Such measures will significantly reduce pain perception:

Most women endure the entire process without pain relief, even the first depilation session.
  • The hair length should be optimal. The best way to remove vegetation with sugar caramel is 3-5 mm long. Short hair does not stick properly, slips out of the sticky mass, and long hair creates unpleasant sensations when pulled out.
  • A week before the manipulation, intensively moisturize the skin in the areas of the proposed depilation. This will soften the dermis and the hair removal will be smoother.
  • Peel the day before shugaring. This will cleanse the pores, remove the keratinized layer of cells, which makes it difficult to remove unwanted vegetation from the body.
  • Take a hot bath one hour before your procedure. The pores will open, and hair removal will be painless, without any particular obstacles.

By following these recommendations in combination, you will not treat shugaring as another execution. You will love this type of depilation, because the result is stunning. The skin will remain smooth, radiant and silky for 3-5 weeks.

Every woman always strives to be beautiful and graceful. Expectant mothers also want to look attractive regardless of the term. But over time, normal hair removal procedures become difficult due to the growing belly and excess weight. Usually, during this period, women begin to think about whether it is possible to do shugaring during pregnancy.

Features of shugaring

Sugaring is a procedure for removing unwanted body hair. The procedure is quite painful, so you need to know if it is possible to do shugaring for pregnant women. First of all, talk to your gynecologist if this procedure is right for you. It is worth noting that even with the approval of a doctor, some beauty salons may refuse to provide you with such a service. The body of a woman during pregnancy undergoes a number of significant changes, and not all cosmetologists are ready to take risks.

There are several methods of hair removal, each with its own characteristic, but not all of them are suitable for pregnant women. For example, electrolysis and hair removal with wax are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women.

  1. Does not cause allergies.
  2. It is carried out on the basis of environmentally friendly products.
  3. Almost no pain is felt.

Despite the obvious advantages, the disadvantages cannot be avoided. Soreness of shugaring is the main reason for the unsafe procedure.

  1. A shock effect that is harmful to the emotional state of the pregnant woman and the baby.
  2. Getting minor injuries, which can later develop into more serious ones.

Not all specialists are ready to take responsibility and epilate the expectant mother. Therefore, beauty salons often refuse to perform this service. Reasons for refusal:

Early epilation

If epilation is not done for the first time and there were no problems before, then there is no reason to deny yourself this. But if a woman first decided on shugaring, then it is better not to risk it. It is not known how the body will react to such stress.

Caramel shugaring

It is this method of hair removal that is strictly prohibited for pregnant women at any time. This is due to the fact that during the procedure a woman feels severe pain and an adrenaline rush, this can adversely affect the baby and the state of the uterus.

Precautionary measures

Courageous mothers who, despite the risks, still go for this procedure, need to be prudent and prepare in advance:

The procedure itself does not take long, in several stages. To begin with, the skin is cleaned and degreased while using special preparations. After that, heated sugar paste is applied to the treated skin. It is removed from the skin using special strips. After that, the final stage is carried out - skin treatment to prevent irritation.

Intimate zone shugaring

Is it possible to do shugaring of the bikini area during pregnancy is perhaps the most common question women ask. Doctors unanimously say that it is not worth taking risks during the period of bearing a child, and they categorically prohibit this procedure. Cosmetologists, on the contrary, argue that even for a long period of time there are no risks and you can safely do shugaring of the intimate zone. According to doctors, the procedure for hair removal in any way can still harm a pregnant woman. Even shaving with a razor can be harmful, as an accidental injury can lead to infection.

But still, whether to do intimate hair removal or wait for the birth of a child, the expectant mother should decide, responsibly weighing all the pros and cons.

If a woman needs hair removal, it is better to visit a beauty salon and trust a professional. He will take into account the growth of hair, treat the skin with antiseptics and monitor the well-being of the pregnant client. Doctors believe that it is possible to do relatively harmless shugaring during pregnancy. The woman's emotional background will stabilize and her mood will improve, which will have a positive effect on the child.

The best time for shugaring during pregnancy

In the second trimester, the amount of estrogen and progesterone in the female body increases, contributing to a decrease in sensitivity. During this period, you can visit the master. In the later stages, the fixed fruit is actively forming and growing. At this time, you can safely carry out shugaring in sensitive areas.

In what cases is shugaring prohibited for pregnant women?

Under the influence of hormones, in some pregnant women, the vegetation on the skin becomes thicker and more noticeable. To get rid of excess hairs, they decide to visit a beautician. But before making an appointment with the master, you need to know something about this type of cosmetic services.

Shugaring is performed for pregnant women when:

  • This is not the first time a woman visits a beautician, and is already familiar with the process. If sugar depilation has not been previously performed, it is better not to risk it. Pregnancy is not a good time to experiment, and the reaction to pain may be the most unexpected;
  • before that, the sessions took place without difficulty;
  • the woman is in late pregnancy;
  • the gynecologist gave permission for depilation;
  • the pregnant woman is confident in her well-being and in a healthy pregnancy.

Why the master can refuse the procedure

Shugaring is not done if a pregnant woman has:

  • varicose veins;
  • infectious diseases (for example, herpes);
  • psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • diabetes;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • formations on the skin (condylomas, large moles, warts);
  • pathologies of pregnancy;
  • thyroid problems;
  • allergies.

Important! Waxing, the use of photo and electrolysis during the period of bearing a child is prohibited. Such procedures can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

The master may refuse to carry out shugaring in especially sensitive places if the pregnant woman first decided on depilation, being at an early stage. A professional is unlikely to take such a risk and will not take responsibility. Some salons even take written permission from customers.

The master will willingly work with verified visitors about the zone of sensitivity and the threshold of pain of which he is already informed. The specialist knows the skin of his client and will be able to carry out the shugaring in the least painful, attentive and careful manner.

The session is stopped when:

  • aching back pain;
  • tachycardia;
  • pulsation and tension in the uterus;
  • the occurrence of unusual pain in the navel and lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge.

Pregnant women are not given local anesthesia. If the future mother agreed to this, she should understand that the painkillers in the composition of a special cream and ointment can penetrate the bloodstream and through the placenta. This means that they can accumulate in the structures of the fetus. Therefore, with a high pain threshold, it is necessary to decide on the expediency of the procedure: what is most important for a woman is to give birth to a healthy child or remove unnecessary hairs from the body.

Precautions for sugar depilation

For the procedure to be successful and painless, you must adhere to some rules:

  • to remove hairs with sugar mass, their growth should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise the pain syndrome will be stronger. But the hairs should not be too short, as the paste will not be able to grab and pull them out. The optimal length should be 2-3 mm;
  • if the hairs are too long, and epilation needs to be done urgently, you can use the trimmer;
  • so that the skin becomes less susceptible, and the discomfort was not felt so much, a week before going to the master, the body is daily lubricated with moisturizers or lotions;
  • painful sensations during shugaring can be reduced by peeling. It should be done 2-3 days before epilation;
  • a pregnant woman needs to find out in advance if she is allergic to substances that make up the main material for hair removal;
  • when epilation, a woman, experiencing unbearable pain, should tell the master about this and immediately finish the procedure;
  • before and after the session, the skin is treated with chlorhexidine, a disinfectant;
  • a specialist may advise you to use a cold paste to depilate the bikini area. So blood circulation in the treated areas will not be impaired.

Despite the good health and the obvious absence of contraindications, a pregnant woman needs to consult a gynecologist before shugaring. He must confirm the absence of pathologies and the fact that hair removal will not harm either the expectant mother or the fetus.

Sugaring (sugar depilation) is a hair removal method using natural sugar paste. Shugaring paste is made from sugar, water, lemon juice and is similar in consistency to thick honey.

In the process of sugaring, the master applies sugar paste to the skin against the direction of hair growth with gloved hands. Then, with a sharp movement, it removes it in the direction of natural hair growth, so the hair does not break off. In addition, the shugaring paste does not stick to the skin, only to the hair, so it can be repeatedly applied to the depilation site until the hair is completely removed without the risk of damaging the skin. Sugar paste heats up easily to your body temperature, so it is impossible to get burned during the sugaring process.

Regular shugaring leads to reduced hair growth. The less frequent the hair, the faster the procedure goes and the less discomfort.

Sugar paste for sugaring is a unique 100% organic product made from sugar, lemon juice and water - nothing more. No chemical additives or dyes. It is natural, non-toxic and hypoallergenic. The high sugar content in the paste jar prevents the growth of bacteria, so the paste is very hygienic.

Shugaring paste is applied to the skin warm, so there is no risk of getting burned. Due to its plasticity and its mild effect, sugar paste does not damage the skin during depilation, which is very important when shugaring a bikini. Due to its natural composition, the sugaring paste is safe for all skin types, even sensitive ones.

After sugaring, the paste is easily removed from the skin and leaves no residue, as it is completely washed off with warm water.

One of the key benefits of sugaring is that sugar paste removes shorter hair than wax.

For best results, hair length should be 5-6 mm (10-14 days after shaving). If the hair is longer than 1 cm, then it can be cut to the desired length before the sugar depilation. This will help remove hair from the root more effectively and make the procedure less painful.

Removing hair with sugar paste is less painful than waxing or plucking hair with an electric depilator. Each person feels some discomfort in the process of depilation, because the hair is removed by the root. However, most people who use sugar depilation find this hair removal method to be virtually painless.

However, when doing shugaring for the first time, you may feel as if a patch is being ripped off your skin (especially if you have always used only a razor). But with each subsequent depilation, the hair becomes thinner from the roots, which makes the process of removing unwanted hair easier, faster and less painful. During your second shugaring procedure, the discomfort will be about 50% less. During your third sugar waxing session, you will find it virtually painless.

The most sensitive areas for depilation are the bikini area and armpits. An experienced sugaring master has special techniques for applying sugar paste, so that the depilation procedure is done for you not only quickly and efficiently, but also with minimal discomfort. Therefore, shugaring in the salon with a professional master is more effective and safe, unlike shugaring at home.

Each person has a different hair growth rate. We recommend that the length of the hair for the shugaring procedure is 5-6 mm.

Usually, the interval between the first procedures is 3-4 weeks. This interval will increase each time, even after several months of using shugaring (up to 4-6 weeks). Hair after each sugar depilation becomes thinner, lighter, less visible and thinner.

If you are doing shugaring for the first time, then the interval between the first procedures should be no more than 4 weeks. If you wait too long, the hair root will begin to thicken and the discomfort during removal will repeat like the first time.

During the sugaring procedure, sugar paste acts on the skin as a light peeling, removing dead particles. The skin after the procedure is very sensitive and there is a high probability of getting a burn when exposed to the sun. Recently depilated areas under the influence of sunlight are prone to hyperpigmentation (the appearance of age spots).

Therefore, after shugaring (including the bikini area), do not rush to the beach or solarium. Refrain from sun exposure for the next 2 days after the sugaring procedure.

Also, do not sunbathe 2 days before sugar depilation.

Using a razor after shugaring helps to thicken the hair follicle. As a result, the hair becomes thicker and harder. By removing hair from the root using shugaring, you do not give the bulb a chance to grow and thicken.

Shaving does not give as long-lasting smoothness as shugaring. With a razor, the effect will last no more than two days. Then again you will have to wait one and a half to two weeks to do the shugaring. After sugaring, you will have about two weeks of absolute smoothness of the skin. For many, this is the main argument to forget about the razor and stubble forever.

By shaving the hair off the surface of your skin, you will make your next sugaring procedure more painful. Each time after shugaring, the hair becomes thinner and less frequent, so the procedure is faster and less painful.

Regular shugaring makes the growing hairs thinner and lighter. Don't worry about hairs growing back between treatments, they will be softer and less visible with each depilation. Just wait.

A Brazilian or deep bikini involves the complete removal of pubic hair, including the area between the buttocks and the inner thighs. Bikini "classic" involves hair removal along the panty line.

Many girls, having tried to make a deep bikini once in order to wear a swimsuit in the summer, continue to make it further. Because not only is it hygienic, it just makes them feel more comfortable.

Sugaring is the most gentle way of depilation in the bikini area.

The pain threshold is different for each person, but most people find that sugar depilation is less painful than waxing (especially when removing hair on the face, armpits and bikini area). This is because sugar paste does not stick to living skin cells and, unlike wax, does not peel off the top layer of the skin.

Also, during the shugaring procedure, the discomfort is lower due to hair removal in the direction of its natural growth. The most remarkable thing about shugaring: the more you do it, the less painful sensations during the procedure, since the newly growing hair is thinner, softer and less frequent.

Each person's hair grows differently. The first hairs after shugaring will begin to appear at about 2-3 weeks, subsequently this period will increase with each procedure. If you have previously only used a razor, then several depilation procedures will be required for a long-lasting result.

Regular shugaring promotes slower and less frequent hair growth, and subsequently can lead to the fact that some hairs stop growing altogether.

After hair removal (with a razor or depilation), ingrown hairs can always appear. Most people find that after sugaring they have much less ingrown hairs than after waxing or using a razor. How does this happen? During the sugaring procedure, sugar paste is applied against hair growth, lifting the hairs, and removed in the direction of their natural growth. Hair with this method of removal does not break off, so the likelihood of ingrown hairs is minimal.

After shugaring, hair begins to emerge from the follicle in about 2-3 weeks. During this period of time, dead skin cells that have grown over the follicle can prevent hair from coming to the surface. To prevent ingrown hairs, exfoliate regularly and moisturize your skin after each cleanse - two of the most important factors in preventing ingrown hairs.

If you have previously removed hair only with a razor, it is not recommended to do shugaring for the first time during the first trimester.

If you regularly do depilation (for example, with wax), then you can switch to sugaring at any time. Sugar wax is a great alternative to other depilation methods as it is less painful.

An experienced sugaring expert knows what posture to take to help you feel comfortable when removing hair.

In any case, check with your doctor before making an appointment.

After the shugaring procedure, the skin may be slightly pink, and this is normal. Redness usually goes away completely within 24 hours. If, after a few hours after shugaring, the redness does not go away, then apply a cold compress or apply a soothing cream (without fragrances and dyes).

Do not touch the treated skin area with dirty or greasy hands, especially on the face! And be sure to follow the recommendations of the master after the procedure to avoid the appearance of unwanted irritation.

If you decide to do shugaring of the bikini area on critical days, then this is not a problem. Just change the tampon before you start depilating, hide the thread, and use alcohol-free wet wipes. And everything will be fine!

The sugar depilation procedure is safe and very hygienic. Sugar in high concentrations inhibits the growth of bacteria, therefore, the risk of bacterial growth is excluded in the sugaring paste (both on the body during depilation and in a jar). A portion of the sugar ball is used for one customer only. Sugar paste is applied with gloved hands. All consumables (gloves, sheets, etc.) are changed after each procedure.
Sugar paste is soluble in water, so after depilation it can be easily cleaned from the surface of the skin with plain water - nothing will be sticky.

How to get smooth skin where the hated hairs grow so persistently?

Sugaring is the most popular epilation method in recent years. He has a huge number of loyal fans. Still would! It is difficult to find another similar method of hair removal with relative painlessness, amazing results and such a long-lasting effect. Many girls do sugar epilation at home, but not always correctly. What is shugaring and how to do it?

Is it painful to do shugaring

Removing hair from the root is always painful. But compared to wax or an electric epilator, sugar paste works much softer. With each subsequent time, the procedure will be easier. It makes sense to endure epilation 1-3 times, gradually the hairs will become thinner, and it will be easier to leave the holes.

Whether it is painful to do shugaring also depends on the treated area. On areas with sensitive and thin skin, thick and thick hair can grow, for example, in the bikini area, armpits. These areas are the most sensitive.

Correct technique is also important. If you apply the mass slowly, tear it off quickly and according to hair growth, then the procedure will be more comfortable. It will bring less unpleasant sensations, there will be no irritation on the skin. The easiest and safest option is to trust the hands of a master.

Preparation for shugaring

The main condition without which it is impossible to carry out shugaring is the presence of hair. They need to grow to a length of 3-4 mm. Otherwise, the paste simply will not be able to capture vegetation well. If the hair is too long, then it should be cut to the desired length. One more moment - growth features... If the hairs are tightly pressed to the skin, then it is recommended to scrub the skin before shugaring.

You can buy sugar paste at the store. Professional products based on fructose and glucose are especially convenient. If it is not possible to purchase them, then you will have to cook it yourself from ordinary crystalline sugar.

How to make shugaring paste:

  1. Measure out 10 tablespoons of sugar, pour into a saucepan. Add a spoonful of water and the juice of half a lemon, put on the stove.
  2. Warm up the mass slowly so that all the crystals dissolve before boiling. Otherwise, the grains will remain and will scratch the skin.
  3. Cook the caramel over low heat until it turns amber.
  4. Put some sugar syrup in cold water. If it quickly turns into a soft ball, turn off the stove.


In addition to sugar paste, you will need talcum powder or baby powder for epilation. For disinfection, an antiseptic solution is needed, the usual Miramistin or its cheap analogue Chlorhexidine is often used.

Important! Do not epilation on areas with damaged skin, pimples or pustules. Shugaring is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. If a woman is pregnant, then you will need to consult a doctor.

How to properly do shugaring at home:

  1. Lubricate the skin with an antiseptic, dry. Powder with talcum powder for areas prone to moisture. Usually it is a bikini, armpits.
  2. Pinch off a small piece of sugar paste. If it is frozen, you need to heat it up in the microwave for a few seconds or put it in a water bath.
  3. Thoroughly knead the ball with your hands until it becomes light, pearlescent, soft.
  4. Smoothly and slowly spread the paste against hair growth, while tightening the skin.
  5. Wait a few seconds for the hairs to be firmly fixed in the mass.
  6. With a sharp movement, tear off a piece of caramel mass by the edge in the direction of hair growth.

If from the first time not all the hair is caught and removed, then a piece of paste is reapplied. This is one of the main advantages of shugaring - gentle contact with the skin, which is acceptable even for epilation during.

How often do shugaring need to be done

How often to do shugaring depends on the individual hair growth rate, as well as the treated area. Some areas will have to be epilated more often, this includes the bikini area, armpits, legs. As a rule, new hairs can appear in 2-3 weeks. Since in these places they are rough, thick and even dark, there is no need to pull with epilation.

Hair on the arms, back, face, thighs is often mixed with fluff. They are lighter and thinner, grow more slowly. These areas do not require frequent treatment. In some cases, the intervals between procedures can be up to two months. From an economic point of view, it is very profitable to choose shugaring. It will turn out quite cheaply in cost and you will not need to often resort to epilation, spend a lot of time on it.

Sugaring at home or in the salon?

Sugaring at home is cheap. But it is not always convenient and safe. It is important to work out the technique correctly, to study the rules for the procedure. No one is immune from unpleasant consequences.

These can be ingrown hairs, bruises, bruises. Particularly frightening is the infection that can be brought into the wounds. Shugaring can be done during pregnancy, but not always a woman with a tummy will be able to reach the desired parts of the body.

Benefits of a salon procedure:

  1. All hygiene and safety rules are followed.
  2. The master assesses the condition of the skin, hair, selects the correct consistency and type of paste. He knows how to properly do shugaring in a particular area.
  3. The specialist has worked out the technique, it works quickly, the procedure will take much less time than when it is carried out on its own at home.
  4. It is more convenient for the master to process hard-to-reach areas, to determine the direction of hair growth, in some areas it changes.
  5. Less soreness. It is strongly recommended for beginners to carry out the first 2-3 shugaring procedures in the salon.

It is very important to choose good place for epilation... For example, make Shugaring at the Brasilepil studio, where you can not only remove hair with high quality from any place, but also get expert advice for free. This is one of the most inexpensive places in Moscow and it is distinguished by really democratic prices and high quality of service.

We would like to thank the Brasilepil experts for their help in preparing the instructions for sugar depilation at home.