Social media is quickly destroying families. Divorce over social media How social media is destroying marriage

Social media affects the strength of marriage - in the United States, more than 60% of those who filed for divorce point to Facebook as a source of negative information that led to the separation. The Gallup agency predicts that by 2020, social media will become the leading cause of divorce in the United States, Republic reports.

For the first time, they started talking about the fact that social networks lead to divorce in 2009 - the social network Facebook then existed for only 3 years. Employees of the British divorce service DivorceOnline analyzed 5 thousand applications for divorce, filed within 1 month. In 989 cases, or almost 20% of them, Facebook was mentioned as one of the reasons for the disagreement between partners. As a rule, the discovered intimate correspondence in social networks with strangers led to the dissolution of the marriage.

A larger study was conducted in 2010 in the United States. Then 81% of members of the American Academy of Divorce Lawyers confirmed that in the last 5 years the number of disputes related to behavior on social networks has increased significantly. Of all survey participants, 66% named Facebook as the main source of information leading to divorce. The academy called this process logical: the more users share personal information on social networks, the higher the likelihood that it will be used.

Virtual happiness

In 2014, American and Chilean scientists conducted a joint study on the relationship between divorce and social networks. They tested 2 hypotheses. First, the use of social media weakens marriage. The second is that people who are dissatisfied with their marriage are starting to use social networks more often.

The researchers compared Facebook penetration rates and divorce rates in 43 American states, and surveyed married Americans aged 18 to 39 about the role of social media in their lives. In the end, they came to the conclusion that the rise in Facebook penetration affects the divorce rate. One of the research models showed that with an increase in the number of users of the social network by 20%, the number of divorces grows on average by 4.3%.

A correlation was also found between how much time a person spends on social networks and how satisfied he is with his marriage. In conducting the survey, the researchers asked to rate how happy the respondents are in their marriage, using a certain scale. The results showed that people who do not use social media make their partners about 11% happier compared to those who spend more than 4 hours a day online. The hypothesis that people who are dissatisfied with their marriage use social networks more often has also been confirmed. Those who spend several hours a day in them were about 7% more dissatisfied with their marriage compared to those who do not use social networks.

The researchers also compared the responses of respondents with the same level of education and income, but with different attitudes towards Facebook. Among those who do without social networks, but think about divorce, there were 16.3% of respondents, and among those who spend a lot of time on Facebook - 31.9%.

The first hypothesis is supported by numerous studies of psychologists on addiction to social networks. Symptoms of this addiction include: neglect of personal life, constant mood swings, escapism, and others. The second hypothesis also finds its explanation in the theory of social support, which a person seeks through interaction with other people. Social media makes this search easier. But the need to communicate through them grows when a person does not find emotional support in real life.

Maxim Bondar

By the end of this year, the number of divorces due to the fault of Facebook and other popular Internet sites may reach 45-50%, and by 2020 social networks may become the main reason for divorces not only in America, but also in Europe.

According to the Gallup agency, one in three divorces last year featured a social network. This figure has been growing for the eighth year in a row - since the launch of the legendary Facebook resource. The more popular the creation of Mark Zuckerberg becomes, the more Americans are being filed for divorce.

The current situation scares not only the creators of social networks, but also numerous fighters for a happy family life.

By the end of this year, the number of divorces due to the fault of Facebook and other popular Internet sites may reach 45-50%, and by 2020 social networks may become the main reason for divorces not only in America, but also in Europe.

There are five main reasons why family life goes downhill. First, many men and women do not advertise that they are married. They put the status of single instead of married, do not post photos with the betrothed person, add friends unknown to their wife (husband) and join dating groups.

Any of these facts infuriates the soul mate, who instantly begins to think about betrayal and their own inferiority. Suspicions, naturally, gradually turn into jealousy.

So, a resident of South Dakota Al Jones divorced his wife only because she added several friends in the gym as friends, and did not put on public display a single photo with Jones. The latter attacked his wife with a shout: "You are ashamed of me! I hate you!"

This couple lived together for 7 years and had four small children, who with great difficulty survived the trial and separation from their parents. In fact, the social network broke the lives of six once-happy people.

The second reason is flirting. A written comment or a compliment received instantly arouses suspicion.

Alaska resident Paula Hammers, for example, filed for divorce after reading her husband's comments to her former classmates. The woman was especially angered by the fact that her husband was sending messages from his work computer, and from work he was constantly delayed, referring to being busy.

The third reason is personal correspondence. It is not reflected on users' pages, but husbands and wives find out about it when one of them forgets to "log out" or leaves the cell phone unattended.

So, in just one state of Florida, more than a hundred marriages collapsed last year. Moreover, in all cases, documents for divorce were submitted within a week after the wedding. The initiators were, as a rule, wives. They were horrified when they read intimate correspondence, which turned out to be nothing more than virtual sex.

Some husbands tried to make excuses that they corresponded with other women before they met their current wife. However, this did not help either. The wives felt humiliated and insulted. Many were frightened by the "dirty fantasies" of the faithful and their promiscuous sex life.

Fourth, many husbands and wives find out about the betrayals of the faithful through anonymous messages. In California, for example, a prostitute is under investigation, who, after having sex with clients, found them on social networks and began to write to their relatives.

The prosecutor's office does not know what to do with this intriguer. On the one hand, she wrote the purest truth and even to some extent opened the eyes of deceived people. On the other hand, she contributed to the destruction of large happy families. (20% of married men use the services of "night butterflies" in the United States).

There are a lot of similar scammers on social networks. Sometimes they destroy families due to elementary envy and the realization of their own inferiority. Even if the information released by them does not correspond to the truth, tension arises in family relations.

The fifth reason is the most significant and very rarely mentioned in the press. The fact is that social networks are interested in the maximum number of clicks, so information about a person (photos, groups, friends, hobbies, comments, etc.) should be as accessible as possible.

A person should have the right to sit on the site not under his own name and use someone else's photo. He should receive the right to completely hide information about himself.

In Texas, for example, there was recently a case where a man signed up for a social network, and his page automatically reflected the pages of everyone whose email addresses were in his email (received and sent). So he saw his own wife, who "sat" on the network not under her name and surname, but with her photograph. She used a fake account for correspondence with lovers, but it surfaced thanks to a new function on the resource.

The couple has already filed for divorce, and the woman convicted of treason plans to judge the Internet resource, which, in her opinion, interferes with her personal life.

It is worth noting that social networks in America spend billions of dollars on litigation. Large teams of professional attorneys try to resolve all complaints prior to trial and journalistic interference.

As a rule, such cases do not receive wide publicity.

“Social networks are a very dangerous product,” says Bill Ensday, the leader of the movement to shut down such sites. “In fact, people's personal lives are on public display. trace even their whereabouts. "

Ensday advises married people never to register on social networks. "A happy family life is a private family life," he repeats endlessly.

Many divorce experts are willing to argue that if there were no social media, there would be no less divorce.

Each new hobby of most Americans was accompanied by divorce.

"At different times, landline phones, dating columns in newspapers, mobile phones, cameras in mobile phones, video cameras, surveillance cameras and many other items have become sources of divorce in the United States," says researcher Travis Lloyd. "Any invention that allowed communication at a distance or save information has been criticized for broken marriages. "

The Internet and social networks, as a result, only combined all inventions, giving rise to a huge amount of uncontrolled pornography, virtual prostitution, the so-called "text sex" and much more, which does not contribute to the strengthening of family relations.

Consequently, popular Internet resources not only divorce people, but also marry. Moreover, there are much more weddings after dating on Facebook and other sites than divorce proceedings.

The conclusion from all of the above is the following: even when alone with oneself (that is, on a page in social networks that is maximally closed from the outside world), a person should behave as if others are closely watching him.

First of all - relatives (husbands, wives, children). After all, as the terrible statistics show, even the slightest stupidity can completely ruin the life of your whole family.

In addition, networks have become one of the main sources of news in all spheres of life, be it politics, economics or culture. However, research shows that along with positive influences, there are also negative ones.

According to a study by British sociologists, about 45% of divorces in the world are due to social networks.
So, the leader in the anti-rating is "Facebook"... If in 2011 the divorce rate due to virtual relationships was 33%, then by the end of 2012 this figure had grown to 45%. According to the respondents, the main reason for the spouses' resentment about infidelity is light senseless flirting when communicating with the opposite sex.
At the same time, the overwhelming majority of users do not expose truthful information about their marital status, which ultimately becomes a reason for flirting. Probably, no one will be delighted with the case when a profile of their half is published on the network, ready to "stir up" with someone, especially if this is the legitimate half, the parent of your offspring.
According to the respondents, the truth will always come out when the Autobot every day on the network invites “you” to meet “friends of friends”, which becomes the reason for identifying unfaithful people.
Such depressing statistics of social networks in the world.

How are things going in Uzbekistan?

Today, strengthening the sacred family ties, educating young people in the spirit of respect for the thousand-year history and values ​​of the Uzbek people, where the institutions of family and parenthood are most respected and respected, are the main priority of the state policy of the country.
Programs of the Cabinet of Ministers in this direction are adopted annually, in the implementation of which, in addition to state institutions, dozens of public organizations take part. In particular, these are the Oila (Family) Republican Scientific and Practical Center, the Women's Committee, the Mahalla Foundation, the Kamolot youth movement, the Forum of Socially Responsible Citizens and many others. The practical result of the measures taken is that over the past 5 years, the number of divorces in Uzbekistan has decreased by more than 60%. According to the State Statistics Committee, their number in 2012 was about 18 thousand.
The situation is good. After all, the numbers speak for themselves. At the same time, there is something to think about. And none of us, probably, will take risks for the sake of dubious online relationships, the peace and well-being of our family. This is how we were brought up.

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Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: divorce in Armenian.

Serious passions continue to flare up around the divorce of the People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.
Recall that it all began on October 15, 2017, when at a meeting of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, his wife Vitalina told her colleagues that her husband Armen Dzhigarkhanyan had been kidnapped by his friends and taken away in an unknown direction. As it later became known, there was no abduction. Armen Borisovich at that time was in the theater, in a closed room. He had a seizure (the actor suffers from diabetes) and he contacted friends who came and took Dzhigarkhanyan to the hospital. After this incident, the people's artist no longer wants to see his wife and filed for divorce. The divorce proceedings began on November 9, 2017, where representatives of both parties spoke at the preliminary hearing, without the presence of the spouses. And on November 27, the marriage between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was officially terminated. But the passions around this famous couple do not subside to this day.
As Armen Borisovich himself has repeatedly said in his interviews, his wife is "a thief - in two years of family life she has taken possession of everything by cunning." On this fact, a criminal case has been opened and an investigation is underway.

What does Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's wife own?

According to the database of the state registration service, the young wife of Dzhigarkhanyan, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, owns three apartments:
Three-room apartment (134.5 m2) on Molodogvardeyskaya street, next to the Kuntsevskaya metro station. The cadastral value is 30 million rubles. According to realtors, it is possible to sell an apartment for 40-60 million rubles, taking into account the renovation, the fact that the house is a new building, there is an underground parking, two insulated balconies, a good location, near the metro. The markup can also be taken for stardom, since the housing belonged to Dzhigarkhanyan.
One-room apartment (53 m2) in the village "Rublevskoe suburb" in the Krasnogorsk region. The cadastral value is 5 million rubles. According to realtors, it can cost 7-10 million rubles. (considering that this is a new building in an elite village).
An apartment (71.3 m2) in Krasnogorsk, where her parents live. But according to the documents, she

belongs to Vitalina. The cadastral value is 6 million rubles. According to realtors' estimates, it may cost 7.5-10 million rubles, since it is located almost next to Moscow, a new building.

Disagreements between the "Dzhigarkhanyan spouses": creative or financial.

As it turns out now, quarrels between the spouses have arisen more than once. So last year, there was a conflict between the spouses over the play about Mary Stuart, which Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya wanted to stage at the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, being the general director of the theater. Armen Borisovich refused his wife to stage the production, explaining that the performance did not fit the theater's repertoire. Ignoring the opinion of her husband, Vitalina nevertheless staged this performance, which made Armen Borisovich feel bad. A big quarrel broke out. Then Dzhigarkhanyan's friend managed to smooth out their conflict and reconcile the spouses.

But alas, everything happened again this year, when Vitalina decided to stage the musical performance “Marina Tsvetaeva”. Armen Borisovich, having watched the rehearsal, said: "I forbid the premiere." But Vitalina still released the play, stating that they say that the money has been invested, it cannot be canceled. Then Armen Borisovich had a health crisis, he was hospitalized.
Armen Borisovich was always tolerant of financial issues, despite the fact that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya repeatedly raised her salary and cut her husband's salary. the director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, earned about 300 thousand rubles a month.
And yet, despite the financial issues, Armen Borisovich's friends believe that the main subject of the spouses' quarrel was that she voluntarily began to stage performances at the Dzhigarkhanyan theater. For Armen Borisovich, the theater is like his child - he cares for him and of course it hurt him to see how she killed the theater with her tasteless performances.

Why did Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya run away from the country?

Immediately after the divorce, Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife, Vitalina, left for Georgia. And right there, a variety of versions began to be put forward: that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is in a position and therefore left for Georgia, according to another version, she went to her lover who lives there, and another version, which also takes place - she is hiding from investigation.
As Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself said as soon as she returned to Russia: “It seemed to me that enough time had passed. I can feel calm. I don't want to upset anyone, but I came back for a long time, missed and returned. I didn't run from anyone. I just wanted to be away from the hustle and bustle, from this scandal that erupted "
A doctor from Georgia, to whom Vitalina flew, took part in the next issue of the program "Let them talk", dedicated to this issue, and said that there was no talk of any pregnancy. According to him, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya came to Georgia to improve her health, which was undermined as a result of the unfolding scandal.

Girls on stiletto heels, men in sneakers

While some girls are literally obsessed with shoes, and most men cannot understand this passion, a survey of eDarling and Zalando showed that their tastes in choosing shoes are very similar.

Serious dating site eDarling and online store Zalando surveyed 591 men and women and found out what to wear on dates and what to take grandma to the country.

High heels - it couldn't be better!

As you can see from the graph, both men and women adore high-heeled shoes, while patent and sequined shoes are at the tail of our hit parade.
The tastes of men and women do not differ much in evaluating shoes. For example, over the knee boots are liked by men only slightly less than women.
Maybe you should invite your man for shopping next time?

“The results of the study confirm the well-known fact about the attractiveness of high-heeled shoes as a symbol of female attractiveness,” says eDarling psychologist Wiebke Neberich.

Socks and Sandals: Ladies Say No

The dream of women is a sporty man, because the overwhelming majority of women (81%) said that the ideal shoes for men are sneakers. Sandal lovers definitely lose to him. Only 15% of women dream of a chosen one in such shoes. The choice of espadrilles is not much better, only 20% of respondents approve of it. Sandals and moccasins are in the middle of the list. Their owners have a 50/50 chance to impress the ladies.
According to the survey results, choosing shoes for men who want to please ladies is an important part of preparing for a date. No need for a slap - go in sneakers!

The actress was spotted out for a walk with her lover and husband, Danny Moder, and the couple simply rejoiced in happiness illuminated on their faces.

Monday night Hollywood star Julia Roberts was spotted with her husband, cameraman Danny Moder, in New York; this is quite a rare occurrence, as the actress has rarely been published lately, preferring to spend time with her family on her ranch in New Mexico. Apparently, on this day, the couple decided to arrange a romantic evening - in the company of her husband, Roberts went to watch a comedy musical on Broadway.

While watching the show, Julia and Danny, without letting go, held each other's hands, and looked incredibly happy. On July 4, the couple celebrates their 11th wedding anniversary, but it looks as if the lovers met a month ago - Danny carefully held his wife's shoulders when they crossed the road, while the latter simply glowed with happiness to spend a few hours in the company of her beloved husband. 45-year-old "Pretty Woman" looks just fine, and may well give odds to any 25-year-old Hollywood starlet. After all, they say rightly - the beauty of a woman is in her happiness.

Julia and Danny have three children, the youngest boy Henry is 6 years old. Once on the Oprah Show, Winfrey Roberts admitted that she was very happy with her current quiet life away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood. The actress calls her ranch "Quiet, peaceful corner".
“I always say that it is simply impossible to be in a bad mood there - I don’t know if it’s because of the state or the mountains, but negative emotions simply don’t arise there,” the star says about his family nest; “Everything is simple and clear there, and thoughts like“ Why is all this happening to me? ”Never arise in my head. And people are kinder there. "

The star also revealed what prompted her to move away from Los Angeles. “In my city I can go wherever and whenever I want - in LA it’s impossible. That city is a huge show business machine, a monster that people like me feed on. I remember the days when it was enough just to put on a beautiful blouse to the premiere - and now, if you are a star and don't look great 24 hours a day, they will just laugh at you. Such a life is not for me. "

Apparently, the actress is simply tired of the bustle of the big city, of her bright starry life, and dreams of retirement in her family nest only with the closest and dearest people.

Again, Sasha began to receive links to those dating sites where I registered. Well, in general, there was little pleasant too. Well Sasha is such that we sat down and deleted all the pages of such a plan.

I just don’t understand who needs it, what kind of interest. pull out all kinds of dirt, pull people. The two will figure it out on their own, and if there is something secret, it will still come to light.

More and more Russians get divorced over social media


“As you can see, a very specific betrayal has exactly the same chances to destroy the family as the active participation of one of the spouses in the life of social networks. And this despite the fact that only 5% of a close virtual acquaintance ends with a real romance, experts say. "Note: just a romance, not a marriage."

By the way, as previously reported by IA "Amitel", most decisions on divorce are made after the New Year.

How they cheat for money on social networks or let's talk a little about Trojans

There is a banal redirection of requests to cybercriminals' websites that completely duplicate the design and layout of well-known social networks. This is a classic Trojan.

I will explain it quite simply. Having picked up a Trojan somewhere, you, without suspecting anything, go to your page (think that you are going to your page), where you enter your name and password, thus safely informing the attacker. Next, you will receive a message about the temporary freezing of the page or something like that:

Account validation.

Husband divorced my girlfriend over social media

ru, by sending materials, thereby is interested in their publication on the site and agrees to their further use by the editorial staff of the site.

All materials of the site, regardless of the form and date of posting on the site, can be used only with the consent of the site editors. Reprinting of materials from the website is impossible without the written permission of the editorial board.

Communication in social. networks leads to divorce.

After immersing themselves in these sites, people not only resume old romances, but also start new ones.

Elena Shevtsova, a leading expert of the committee, believes that she cannot judge the connection between the growing popularity of social networks and the increase in the number of divorces simply because the department does not study the reasons for divorces. “But still, it seems to me, the problems leading to divorce lie in a different plane,” she summed up.

Social media accounts for 45% of divorces

If in 2011 the divorce rate due to virtual relationships was 33%, then by the end of 2012 this figure had grown to 45%. According to the respondents, the main reason for the spouses' resentment about infidelity is light senseless flirting when communicating with the opposite sex.

At the same time, the overwhelming majority of users do not expose truthful information about their marital status, which ultimately becomes a reason for flirting.

Family problems due to social media

The more popular the creation of Mark Zuckerberg becomes, the more Americans are being filed for divorce.

There are five main reasons why family life goes downhill. First, many men and women do not advertise that they are married. They put the status of single instead of married, do not post photos with the betrothed person, add friends unknown to their wife (husband) and join dating groups.

Divorce due to social networks

Last week, a very interesting piece of news was released by the American College of Marriage Advocates. According to research by this organization, over the past five years, 81% of its members have used evidence collected on social networks in one way or another during divorce proceedings. Of course, the indicator is not very good in terms of demonstrating how high the likelihood of divorce of one particular family is due to the behavior of the spouses on the social network, but the figure still shows that the problem has long gone from the category of isolated cases.

Psychology Forum

Well, that's not the point. A year ago, I got into an accident, received a serious knee injury, and was hospitalized for 4 months. She traveled with me everywhere to the clinics, helped morally in everything. For this, a special thanks to her. While lying on sick leave, there was severe depression, could not walk, etc. Started to sit down at the PC often, * got hooked * on the online game. It even got to the point that I did not hear the words of my wife when she stood in front of me and conducted a dialogue with me (although it rather resembled a monologue).

Social media is gaining more and more power over modern relationships. And while some laugh off the phrases "what happened on Facebook remains on Facebook," others believe that showing sympathy even through virtual "likes" is a real sign of betrayal. Is it worth the increased attention to the communication of the second half on the network? What signs might indicate an impending problem? ** Friendship with "ex" ** A couple of clicks, and now once lost contacts can be renewed again. Curiosity has not been canceled, but is it worth returning to the once passed relationship? Trying to find out what happened to the ex may be misunderstood by your current partner. Think about what is more important to you: the past or the present? ** Dominance of virtual life over real ** The desire to "check mail" can take a good half of a family evening. And trying to quickly see how many likes your last photo got will easily leave the thread of conversation. This video perfectly demonstrates that sometimes family members have to make a really big effort to get the attention of the household back. Watch yourself - when do you most often want to get your hands on your phone? Why do you open the browser page even if you don't need the Internet? Maybe the computer is an attempt to avoid conflicts? If so, you should close the laptop lid and face your problems honestly. Even if the problem is gadget addiction.

** Candid statuses ** Despite the fact that Facebook often asks "What are you thinking about?", It is not at all necessary to reveal your whole soul online. Google remembers everything. It is also worth not forgetting that messages may well become public, despite the "private" settings. So, if there is a desire to discuss the latest home squabble with friends on social networks, it is better to do this in private correspondence. ** Public opinion ** Previously, parents could judge everyone and everything. Time has passed, but the habit has remained. Why involve third parties in family conflicts remains a mystery. Relationships are not always smooth, and you need to learn to deal with problems on your own. After all, negative experiences also make us mature. ** Taking care of non-existent pets ** Think about what makes up your virtual life today? How much time do you spend in front of a monitor just because you play, communicate, relax and entertain yourself with the help of a computer? Write down the number of hours you spend on your "virtual" life and think about what you can do for your family and your relationship today. Virtual life creates a lot of substitutions for real relationships, but being behind a monitor screen just creates the illusion that there is not. ** Flirting ** Comments, “likes” under the photo, random remarks in other people's conversations - over the past ten years, modern society has created many rules of virtual etiquette, which are gradually being consolidated. Is it worth or not to add strangers to your social networks? How to perceive a "like" from a nice work colleague? As a flirtation or as an act of politeness? In trying to define the line between what is permissible and what is not, common sense will prevail. After all, flirting is flirting. ** Facebook is not a substitute for communication ** If you are increasingly solving current issues with your chat and correspondence partner in social networks, you should start worrying. If you live together and at the same time do not find time to be together, then it is time to reconsider your schedule. After all, you have put in a lot of effort to start your family. It is worth fighting for it.