Lyrics New Year's song - New Year's Eve This is a special holiday. New Year - Holiday Special New Year Holiday Special

The new year is a special holiday, the approach of which is beginning to feel in early December. There is some special atmosphere of a fairy tale, something unexpected and amazing: New Year's surprises and gifts, the realization of the dream ... The delicious beauty of the Christmas tree creates a joyful mood for the next year. Adults and children are waiting for this holiday.

For teachers and pupils of the Kamensky Children's School of Art, the New Year's matinees began on December 20 for last year in the actual hall of the Leninsky school, where the concert of students of the branch of the Kamensky school of arts took place, who plunged listeners to the world of festive magic. The view was organized by teachers of the Art School. The role of the lead was the ideological inspirer and screenwriter of the festive event K.A. Pavlova, teacher of the vocal group and piano.
And on December 23, the theatrical representation of the "New Year's Fairy Tale" was held in Kamenskaya Dshi, which teachers of the art school were shown for his pupils. Yu.P. Safontova and K.A. Pavlova their creative ideas helped to carry out interesting fabulous heroes: Boy Vasya, the role of which Yulia Petrovna, Piano, Kimair, Snow Maiden - Karina Andreevna, Vocal Group teacher and Piano, Postcard - L.V. Adamovich, teacher in the Bayana class, New Year - N.A. Lyryan, teacher in domra. All of them brightly and talentedly performed their roles, creating an atmosphere of festive fun. The dwarf from the soul hanged himself with fabulous characters, and also received gifts from Santa Claus, the role of which was talented by L.L. Shinkevich, teacher in the class of balalaika. The grandfather-wizard together with his granddaughter was amused by boys and girls with merry games, contests, rounds. It did not cost, of course, without prizes, gifts, gifts for sweet tables.
"New Year's Fairy Tale" succeeded! Happy participants of the event diverged home, holding bags with gifts in their hands, who prepared the school of arts for them. In working with children, the main thing is to give them joy and faith in a miracle. And then everything that dreams of, will definitely happen.
Any New Year program needs tremendous preliminary preparation. This is not only rehearsals and learning text, but also the development of the script, the selection of costumes, decoration design and record musical accompaniment. By the way, about musical accompaniment. Selection of music, recording phonograms - a process requiring material costs and mass masses. And in this help, our school never refuses I.V. Petrash, who copes with his work at a high professional level, soul is sick for business and always believes in his success, for which she has special words of appreciation. I also want to thank all the arts school workers for an active life position, the desire to look for new forms of work with school pupils, for their talent, inspiration and optimism, for bringing an invaluable contribution to the development of culture, spiritual education and education of young generation in the best Traditions of domestic art.

Larisa Shevchenko,
Director of the Kamensky Children's School of Art.
Photo by author.

New Year's Eve is a special holiday,
Say the old year "Goodbye"!
For some, he was both cheerful and cheerful,
And someone brought sadness.
Alone presented love and good luck,
And another whim of fate.
Old year and bad, and good,
So it was not in vain, he was still.

Let the new year as a new hit
To us in all the doors will knock
And it will be the most best holiday.
Let the new year as a new hit
From the house in the house flies, flies
Everything is very simple Happy New Year with new happiness!

New Year's Eve, raise glasses
For relatives and for the best friends.
And we always wish we not much, not enough
And happy cloudless days.
And 12 blows of the Kremlin Quararants
Sound like 12 hits
The whole country will hear them with such long-awaited
These songs are understandable without words. New Year "s eve of is a Holiday Special,
Year Old Say "Goodbye!"
For Someone and He Was Cheerful and Hearty
And someone brought sadness.
The Old Year and The Bad and Good,

Let The New Year As a New Hit
Let The New Year As a New Hit
From House to House Flies, Flies

New Year "s eve, raise their glasses
For Family and Best Friends.
And we do not always want a lot, not a little
A Happy Cloudless Days.
These Songs Are Clear Without Words.

New Year is a special holiday. The determined stage ended, the results are summed up and the next tasks are put. For someone, 2010 was a solid disappointment, for someone a springboard for a new life. The closer the fight of the chimes, the less I want to think about the bad, we are all
if they have questions how, with whom and, most importantly, what to celebrate the new year 2011!
According to the eastern calendar, the next year will be the year of the metal white rabbit (cat). The year corresponds to such colors as white, gold, yellow. Element is a metal that is inherent in such a characteristic as shine.

How to deserve the location of the White Rabbit, in what to celebrate the coming 2011 year than to decorate the apartment and what should be on the holiday table - current New Year Tips.

What promises the year of the White Rabbit?

According to the Chinese calendar, the coming 2011 will be the year of the white rabbit (hare or cat). After 2010 - a restless tiger - a calmer period will come. The prolific rabbit promises a year under the sign of the family, hospitality, non-conflict and home heat. This is the right time for those who think about the child, and marriages entered into the year of the rabbit promise to be particularly successful and happy.

The rabbit is very smart, the versatile is developed, and the next 2011 will patronize talented people, especially from the sphere of science and art, as well as all those who are sincerely devoted to their profession. Rabbit is a big diplomat, so over the next year, try not to show perseverance and aggression in affairs. If you want to like the rabbit, learn to bypass sharp corners, be positively configured and friendly, and if someone needs your help or advice, you will definitely respond, kindness per year of the rabbit will pay for a hundredfold.

Rabbit is an open sign, and the coming 2011 has to communicate, numerous meetings, trips and negotiations. The rabbit does not like privacy, but friendly sites and joint travel is what will charge you throughout 2011. To deserve the location of the White Rabbit, the new year is better to meet at home or in the company of close friends.

But rabbit is inherent not only positive qualities. He is timid, so you may be difficult to make responsible decisions. Rabbit Pedantic and loves order in everything - in affairs, things and thoughts. In the year of the rabbit, it is better to keep all your plans in the secret so that no one can prevent their execution.

And remember, the coming 2011 - the period is not so much actions, how much thought about the future, the ideal time in order to lay the foundation of the next accomplishments.

What to celebrate the new year 2011 white rabbit

Element of the coming 2011 White Rabbit - Metal. Therefore, the perfect New Year's outfit should be metallic colors and include many brilliant and metallized accessories (beads, earrings, belt, rings). Rivets, chains, sequins, beads are welcome on clothes.

For the New Year makeup, the shadows in the black and gray-white range are suitable - to create a smoke-effect, powder, lipstick and blush should be with sparkles.

In addition, the year of the rabbit can be found in white, beige, gray, black or brown outfit, which would correspond to one of the possible colors of the rabbit. Of course, if you do not have a bunny masquerade suit at hand ...

Festive table at a white rabbit year meeting

Rabbit - Vegetarian. Therefore, on the New Year's table there must be more vegetables, fruits and especially greenery - dill, parsley, salad, basil, and so on. The rabbit loves cabbage - therefore, to lose it, prepare a cake with a cabbage or a cabbage salad. Do not forget about sauer cabbage.

The Chinese will lure a white rabbit with apples and millet - no one bothers and we follow them to a centuries-old example

Since the elements of 2011 white rabbit - metal, for the New Year's design of the apartment, use metal decorations: candlesticks, candelabra, vases. Hanging glass toys with metallized spraying, traditional "rain" and brilliant tinsel, and wipes wrapped with foil are also suitable for the Christmas tree. On the festive table, stop the features of a white rabbit, and under the Christmas tree put a bunch of carrots. White rabbit must be appreciated!

Soon, soon the new year!
What does he bring to all of us?
Maybe a fairy tale maybe
Scooter, car,
Dress from dior, hairpin,
Children - Festive Christmas Tree!
Dad - a new salary,
Grandfather - discount for rent
Mama, a new ring,
Grandma - Cool stove,
So that we are baked pies,
In the guests most often called.
In front of the whole family big
Toast I will say this now:
Glad always, believe me, I,
If the family is next!
And I will say without too much to flatter
We are cool when we are together!

We wish you in the New Year
Success, prosperity,
So that the whole year was performed
All your wishes.

New Year is a special holiday. He came to us from the depths of centuries and still remains the most beloved and long-awaited celebration. Miracles occur on New Year's Eve, dreams are carried out and hopefulness. It is on this day that we forget all the old insults, sorrow and failure and remember only pleasant with a clean heart. Probably, the new year is the only holiday, which is in the forces of which to combine all close people.

However, the reason to have fun only then turns into a real holiday when appropriate preparations are made. And if so, it is useful to start preparing for the meeting of Santa Claus in advance, without postponing everything in a long box and leaving for the last day. So if you decided to celebrate this day, gathering family and friends at home, it is necessary to spend it so that he is remembered for the whole next year.

the 1st of December. Before building a schedule of cases, it is necessary to decide how you want to meet the New Year, where and most importantly, with whom. Of course, a welcoming mistress should meet with open arms of any guest, even uninvited, but it is still better to play all the possible options so that later I did not have to squeeze a smile and positive emotions.

December 2nd. Today you need to spend maximum effort and reflect on our plan. Since today the day off, you do not need to hurry to hurry, you can select at least an hour in order to distribute everything. Think, in which room will stand the table, how do you decorate it, how to put guests, etc. Maybe someone and considers the insanity to "displease" invited a month before their arrival, but it can help you at the right moment not to get lost and meet them in full "combat" readiness.

December 3. It came a turn to think about gifts. Since in the New Year to give gifts to many, it is better to stop their gaze on inexpensive souvenirs. Guests also do not need to give expensive gifts. So you can put them in an awkward position not just for the evening, but for a whole year!

December 4th. All homemade and "insane" duties would be good to distribute between relatives. Ask them to help you. However, if the husband stubbornly looks at the TV or says that he works, laying the solitaire on the computer, and the son immediately appeared a lot of lessons, do not insist. Do not try to make them - just spoil the mood. Command the parade will have to command itself.

5th of December. From today, we have a rule in the next 3 weeks to spend on at least a few minutes a day. Exactly so much time is required to stop and think: "What can I do for your own pleasure? How can I please yourself?"

At first, all sorts of nonsense will be in mind: they say, nothing but immediate a trip to Bahamas will not decorate my life. However, the true joys should not necessarily be expensive: it is quite possible, much more pleasure you get if I get up for a minute because of the computer table and go for half an hour to walk. By this, you will not only delight yourself and relax, but also raise your New Year's mood.

December 6. Make a Christmas menu. Remember, the organization of the holiday requires not so much money as fiction and creative spirit. The mood of the holiday remains in memory, and not a rich table, which in our time will not surprise anyone. It is better to think over the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday, the goal with which you are satisfied with it: Would you like to please your child, merge the family, lay some traditions ...

It would not hurt to draw up a list of products needed for the preparation of Christmas dishes.

December 7th. When you decided on a meal, you might think about another treat. In general, to the selection of alcohol on the festive table, it is necessary to treat marginal attention. Do not harm the red dry wines of famous firms that you trust. As for vodka, it is definitely dangerous to health, especially female. Well, of course, no new year will cost without champagne, drunk under the battle of the chimes!

December 8. Unlike products that can be spoiled, alcohol can be bought today. Especially, the sooner you will do it, the less likely to meet with the problem "Sorry, but this wine just ended."

9th December. If you want to please your children and play with her husband in Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, everyone needs to discuss well, think about speech and costumes. Guests are also almost never refused of such pleasure, and therefore for them you can stock masks, stupid caps, noses and mustache. People with great pleasure rolling into this business to meet the main night of the year. Moreover, in this form dance is much more fun. I suggest today to do this particular problem.

You can, of course, go along the path of least resistance: "hire" Santa Claus, but agree - in the first case there will be much more pleasant memories!

December 10th. New Year holidays are getting closer, time remains less and less, gifts are growing ... because today is a day off - take advantage of the moment and spend shopping. Buy all gifts on the list, you can not all, but only a part. Do not worry if something is wrong on store shelves. There is still time.

December 11th. Once in many families there was a tradition to prepare homemade toys for the Christmas tree. Now it is already rare. And perhaps, it is still possible to ask the older family members, as it was done earlier, and in one beautiful New Year's Eve to stun guests with an extraordinary Christmas tree - with fish from egg shell, gold chains, stars from foil and straw, gingerbread houses and Hut on curious legs? In addition, for children, this day can become not only a fun, but also a whole holiday.

12 December. It's time to think about the festive outfit. It is believed that the new year needs to be met in something new. However, it is not necessary to buy an expensive evening dress and shoes. You can limit yourself to any accessory or decoration.

December 13th. If nevertheless, nothing of your wardrobe is combined with such an event, you can buy it today in search of a more suitable outfit. If you want something original, you can try to find a carnival costume (or rent it). For the sake of such a case, you can take risk from work early, not forgetting to warn your chief.

December 14th. What do we have with you on schedule today? Maybe it is worth buying a part of "uncorrecting" products from the list?

December 15th. In the new year you want a special friendly relationship. Talk to loved ones, friends, familiar, forget the hell, do not have them in the New Year. Why not do it right today?

December 16th. Agree, a cheerful and unusual holiday is better than boring and standard feast. How to arrange just such an evening, you ask? It's time to turn on your smell. One of the best ways to make a holiday unusual - add draws and contests to it. My girlfriend played one day her husband so. She said that he should urgently fly on a business trip to her on December 31 and cannot be discarded, because It depends on its work. And he also climbed into a red bag instead and asked her friends to "deliver" her to his spouse ... until now, they remember this story. Still, in every adult, even the most pragmatic, cheerful, funny and a mischievous child, who is just waiting for the opportunity to shake.

December 17th. We should not forget about toast. For guests not bored at the table and did not drink on the third time "for love and happiness," I suggest thinking about the words about the words of wishes that you would like to pronounce about each of the family and loved ones around you. If nothing climbs in the head, you can search them on the Internet or consult on the forums. By the way, do not forget about Internet friends!

December 18. What new year without salute, slappers, Bengal lights? That's exactly what! I suggest today to be a little pyrotechnics.

December 19th. Remember the saying: "With old debts in the New Year do not enter"? Now you know what you can do today.

20th of December. It is also worth thinking about distant relatives. Send a greeting card The only and hot beloved aunt in Samara will not be much difficult. And how nice to know what you remember about you and care!

21 December. There is a tradition to make a watches on the New Year's Eve desire. It will not be understood in such a minute, so it's worth a pretty thought in advance to think that you would like to wish yourself in the coming year.

December 22. Think about an alternative time. When all the fun will be trimming, sitting at the table will become shortness, it is worthwhile to entertain the guests something else. You can buy interesting filmcomes, and even better to search for old videos, filmed in the New Year, at the birthday of relatives, etc., and see them with friends. Believe, without nostalgia and good smiles, this watch will not pass.

December 23. The best day for buying green beauties! Choosing the Christmas tree, you must definitely relate its size with the dimensions of the room that it will decorate. If you prefer artificial, bought last year, is a day off today.

December 24th. Woke up with a cheerful mood? Forward - dress up a Christmas tree! Someone prefers to create this miracle later, someone earlier, and I believe that a week before the new year is the most: after all, during this time, she will not have time to get bored and coping his eyes and will create a pre-holiday mood. An ideal for Christmas tree will be a bright, well-ventilated part of the room remote from heat sources. Do not use candles and Bengal lights for decorating the Christmas tree - the danger of fire is too large. But the toys made with their own hands will look breathtaking.

December 25th. We have already done most of the job, but it is too early to relax. For the New Year to feel not only in the main hall, where you most likely put the Christmas tree, you should decorate the rest of the rooms. You can even dress a palm tree in the kitchen.

December 26th. Let's take care of musical accompaniment today. It is worth choosing not only dance, but also any light, not distracting, melody for the time of a festive dinner.

December 27th. By the way, preparing for the new year, it would not be bad to think about the point in the post-vacant days. You can, for example, buy a ticket to the theater or to a movie for a sensational film that you never managed to see the new year.

December 28th. Dedicate this evening to yourself. Accept the bath with fragrant oils. Make yourself masks, beat the body with balsams and creams. Because the coming days will be very tense.

December 29th. I propose to do general cleaning. No matter how beautifully decorated the Christmas tree, no matter how rich tables, dust on the shelves and the web in the corner will not add joy to you nor your guests. Therefore, it is worth arming a cloth, a vacuum cleaner and husband (here it is still worth the hardness) and clean the whole apartment.

December 30th. The most difficult days remain, but it is worth making the last march of the long-awaited rest. This day can be spent on the purchase of lacking products and various trifles to the table. I propose to go to bed early and accumulate more strength.

December, 31st. Probably, this day for the hosts is the hardest. Today it is necessary to have everything: to cook dishes, cover on the table, put yourself in order that it is not unavailable at all. And besides, it is necessary after all the tests to keep the "healthy mind in a healthy body" and not to lose your mood until the evening.

In addition to all this, I want to add that you should not forget about feelings. Whatever a clear your regulation and plan, remember that any rules are good if they make life better, but do not complicate it.

In the first second, after midnight, on January 1, Saturday will be replaced by Sunday. As a rule, such a transition has no particular importance. However, the change of the year for us is of particular importance, special symbolism. This unique moment encourages us to leave all your concerns and usual things to look back, summarize, appreciate what we did, and make a decision about further actions. In addition to birth days, perhaps, no other point during the year does not receive this kind of attention. Celebrate him love everything.

To survive

Why does the beginning of the new year have such a special symbolism? And why his celebration is so common worldwide, or at least where there is calendars? Behavior This is, of course, is associated with something inner in the human consciousness, something deeply meaningful and important, considering how much energy and resources we invest in a holiday, how much effort we apply to make this moment special, removing many prohibitions. For what? It may be that the symbolism that we attach this moment is associated with one of the most powerful motivations - the desire of humanity to survive.

The reason for the holiday is obvious, because we celebrate birthdays and the new year every 365 days to give a chronological assessment of our lives using a measurement unit - year. Hurrah! Finally, another year ended, and we are still alive! It's time to raise glasses and drink for those who survived, and remember those who did not live in this date to this date.

This holiday allows you to sum up some results, judge how to live better, longer and better. This is a natural desire to have at least an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat awaits us ahead, because the future, without forecasts, looks very disturbing and foggy. Not knowing what awaits us, we cannot prepare for these events to protect themselves. We accept major decisions, give yourself a lot of promises: to quit smoking, play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and start saving. It is not so important, whether we will be able to restrain the promise next year, the moment of awareness is important that a person is able to control the situation, which means that even in difficult days will be able to maintain composure.

Scientifically proven

Research of the psychologist Richard Waysman, held in 2007, made it possible to establish that for many of us words of the song of the U2 group are relevant: "Nothing changes on the day of the new year." 3000 people summed up the results on New Year's Eve, and 88% of them did not succeed in achieving their goals, although 52% were confident that they were achieved by anything. This is just a brief description of the study, but it allows you to make some suggestions on how to make your life better.

It is interesting to note that people, giving themselves to themselves in New Year's Eve, want, as a rule, that the treatment is the best, new friends - loyal, and debts were repaid. So it was throughout our history. Therefore, by the new year, people seek to have time to do all the most important. Babylonians return debts. Jews hope for forgiveness. Scots go to visit the neighbors to wish them success in the coming year. What are all these social deeds relate to survival? Everything is simple. We are social animals. We evolved to depend on others, and for our health and safety. Enter with others as you would like to come with you. It turns out that this principle is an excellent survival strategy, relevant and now.

More prayer

Many people are determined to pray more. It makes sense from the point of view of survival too. Almighty force is able to make life more secure, if you pray more. Jews pray at the beginning of their new year to be able to enter their name in the "Book of Life" next year. And although death is inevitable, throughout the history, people dealt with the fear of death, affiliated with religions, which promise a happy and serene end, a calm afterlife. Pray more, and death will no longer seem so terrible.

Rituals to attract good luck

There are hundreds of rituals associated with New Year's holidays aimed at monitoring their fate. The Dutch, for which the form of a circle is a symbol of success, donuts eating on New Year's Eve. The Greeks bake a special Vassilopitta - a cake with a coin inside, which gives good luck to the coming year to someone who finds it in their piece. Fireworks on New Year's Eve in China, like the Millennium Back, is a way of expulsing evil spirits. The Japanese, conducting the celebration of Bonenkai (New Year), say goodbye to the problems of last year and are prepared for a better life in the new year. Disagreements and misunderstanding between people should be settled, resentment must be postponed. In the ritual of the New Year's celebration of the house is cleaned, bad vibrations are eliminated, the place is released for the best events.


The new year is the moment when you can consider our weaknesses, to understand what you need to do so that the thoughts about the unknown future do not disturb us. Interestingly, different cultures use most often the same holiday - the new year, for such actions. All this is dictated by the main fundamental desire of mankind - to survive, even despite being unfavorable circumstances.

Let's summarize

So, how to calm yourself and distract from the thought of imminent death? Suitable donuts, special cakes with coins, fireworks and a glass of champagne with a constant toast: "To survive!".