Training contractions as often per day. How to distinguish training contractions from the real ones? When to call an ambulance

Women during pregnancy may experience different sensations caused by natural processes occurring in the body during childbearing.

When preparing the birth canal for the upcoming birth, false labor pains often appear. In the normal course of pregnancy, they are a natural phenomenon in the life of the body and do not require hospitalization.

What are practice bouts

Training contractions (another name for Braxton-Hicks training contractions) are short-term pain sensations that are not accompanied by any vaginal discharge and pass quickly. They are part of the mechanism of preparing a woman's body for childbirth.

It is believed that this is the maturation of the cervix, which must change before childbirth in order to endure the upcoming load. Normally flowing false contractions are not painful, do not bring physical discomfort. Their frequency and intensity does not increase.

Women may experience minor sensations of pain, similar to abdominal pain during intestinal spasm. In order to correctly recognize training contractions, you can use their main characteristics.

  1. When they appear, there is a feeling of compression. It can be in the upper uterine part, in the lower abdomen or in the groin.
  2. They come on suddenly, often at night, or before going to bed.
  3. Contractions are irregular.
  4. There are less than 6 within an hour.
  5. They are not painful and bring little discomfort.
  6. Tension is concentrated in one area.

Cause of false contractions

The reason for the appearance of this phenomenon has not been studied, because it depends on the subtle biochemical processes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. In young healthy women with a normally functioning endocrine system, they are observed in an inconspicuous form.

It is known that during pregnancy there should be periodic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which are designed to prepare it for childbirth. Two weeks before the expected birth, the harbingers of childbirth appear. The fetus descends down the abdomen, preparing to come out. The mucous plug comes off, and pains appear in the lower back. Along with this, cramping pains of a chaotic nature appear. All this in a complex suggests that the body is preparing for childbirth.

Read more about the harbingers of childbirth, read

Some doctors argue that the female body needs them, because when they appear, blood flow to the placenta increases.

This has a positive effect on the life of the fetus, which receives improved nutrition. Contractions gradually stretch the cervix, preparing it for childbirth.

It is believed that the early appearance of false contractions is a violation of the central nervous system.

Stress, poor environmental situation, physical activity, malnutrition - everything can cause a similar phenomenon.

Others believe that the cause of early contractions is the pathology of the cervix, which should ripen for childbirth, but this process is difficult.

Training contractions can cause the following reasons:

  • physical activity of a woman;
  • activity of the fetus in the womb;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • development of a giant fetus;
  • stress;
  • overfilled bladder;
  • dehydration;
  • neuroses;
  • orgasm;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea.

How long will practice bouts take?

Starting from the third trimester

They begin to appear in the third trimester of pregnancy. With the approach of childbirth, their frequency and duration in some women increases. Sometimes their appearance is earlier, sometimes they do not bother the woman at all.

Starting from the third trimester, the muscles of the uterus and its cervix contract, performing training exercises before childbirth. At the fortieth week, their character becomes bright and the pain is similar to the onset of childbirth. But on examination, it is clear that the cervix has not dilated, and labor has not yet begun.

How long do Braxton Hicks contractions last?

False contractions can last in different ways. This is a very individual process, depending on the personal characteristics of the body. Braxton Hicks contractions take anywhere from a minute to 4 hours. The closer to childbirth, the longer the process will be.

Stressful situations, bad habits can significantly increase the duration.

At home, you can reduce the time of their passage by taking a warm shower. Massage, relaxation, meditation are very helpful in this case. Many help improve sleep and soothing herbal preparations.

No matter how long the contractions continue, the problem of their appearance should be discussed in the gynecologist's office.

Does everyone get false contractions

Some discomfort in the form of instant pain is experienced by all pregnant women. The muscles of the uterus work throughout pregnancy, tensing and relaxing in the normal way. Nature made sure that smooth muscles perform such exercises so that the fetus can exit the birth canal at the right time.

Strong and frequent training of this kind occurs in women whose endocrine system secretes an insufficient amount of the desired hormone. It is more common in pregnant women over the age of 30. They can also appear in younger women who experience severe nervous or physical stress.

What to do when training contractions appear

Calm down and don't panic

Considering that false contractions are a temporary phenomenon, women need to follow the regimen. They should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and avoid any situations that can trigger the onset of false contractions.

When Braxton Hicks contractions appear, it is recommended to first calm down and exclude the onset of preterm labor. Applying the technique of counting, or determining the time of the contraction and the interval between them with the help of a stopwatch, will help you to distract yourself and understand what is happening in the body.

This can be done lying down, taking the most comfortable position, or walking. The choice of means for relieving severe pain should be discussed with the attending physician, having gone to the antenatal clinic.

Women at this point are advised:

  • take a warm shower;
  • put a candle that will relieve pain;
  • take a pill no-shpa, valerian tablets;
  • drink herbal tea with chamomile and mint;
  • improving the drinking regimen to avoid dehydration.

Among the popular measures to combat false contractions are simple and familiar actions.

  1. Calm walking helps to relax the spasm of the muscles of the uterus.
  2. Carrying out breathing exercises helps to increase the access of oxygen to the fetus and stop its activity.
  3. Sometimes it is enough to drink a glass of warm water or milk.

How to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor

When a pregnant woman begins to feel cramping pain in the abdomen, she must determine the rhythm of the attacks and the intervals between them. False contractions take place in different scenarios.

In young women, most often false contractions proceed irregularly.

Time intervals are very scattered. The pain can go in chaotic attacks, the interval between which will constantly increase or decrease. If the ongoing bouts of pain in the lower abdomen periodically weaken, then we are talking about Braxton Hicks training bouts.

A typical picture of labor pains is different:

Pain at the onset of labor increases from attack to attack, and the light intervals are constantly decreasing. After some time, cramping pain increases in time twice or more, and will increase until it completely merges into a single pain sensation.

Cervical contractions are much more painful than Braxton Hicks contractions. If prolonged false contractions can be stopped by injecting an antispasmodic drug, then labor cannot be removed in this way.

A pregnant woman should be aware of the warning signs of impending labor:

  • decrease in the frequency of fetal movement;
  • lower back pain;
  • watery or bloody discharge from the vagina.
  • waste of fetal waters;
  • repetition of pain more than four times a minute;
  • the appearance of strong pressure on the perineum.

When you need to see a doctor, call an ambulance

  • With a long gestation period, if intense, regular, prolonged contractions are felt, you need to call an ambulance.
  • If there is still a long wait before the birth, and the pregnancy is less than 36 weeks, but the attacks of pain have acquired vivid sensations, bloody discharge has appeared, amniotic fluid has begun to drain, then you need to go to the maternity ward.

Gynecologists will try to stop the development of severe attacks that last a long period of time and bring a lot of inconvenience. They carry out treatment in the hospital with special drugs, conduct an additional examination, and do everything to ensure that the pregnancy is resolved at the right time.

Pregnancy is the strongest stress for the female body. But every woman is ready to go through this for the sake of the birth of a treasured little ball of love.

Women in position will agree that during pregnancy changes occur in the body that affect the health of the expectant mother.

Even if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the woman will still not be able to avoid training contractions, so she should know what false contractions are and for how long they appear.

Training contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions appear in the middle of pregnancy. They are designed to prepare the birth canal for the birth of a baby.

False contractions are contractions of the muscles of the uterus in an involuntary manner. They are mandatory for a woman in order to prepare the muscles for childbirth.

Do not worry, this phenomenon does not harm the baby. But often they are confused with the threat of miscarriage.

Note! The symptoms of miscarriage and training muscle contractions are similar. But their main difference is that the signs of Braxton-Hicks contractions disappear, and the symptoms of the threat of miscarriage increase.

Table: symptoms

Criterion Description
The discomfort There is discomfort in the lower abdomen. When probing, the uterus hardens and its contours are drawn on the stomach. Feelings are similar to the period of menstrual flow.
Allocations There should be no separations. Whitish discharge is allowed. But if a woman notices bloody discharge, then this is a direct threat to the life of the future crumbs.
Pain Pain is not felt. But many note that during contractions they felt how the lower abdomen “sips” a little. But experts assure that up to 35 weeks, false contractions are not sick, but only bring discomfort to a woman.
Spasms False contractions are periodic spasmodic in nature. They appear suddenly, then gradually stop.
Duration The fight lasts from thirty seconds to one minute. She is painless. Sometimes the duration of the fight reaches two minutes.
Interval There are up to four contractions per hour. They are frequent, and it is impossible to call them regular, cyclical.

If the contractions are frequent, regular, strong and bring pain, then this is the beginning of labor or the threat of miscarriage.

It is worth remembering that training contractions do not cause severe pain. But a woman still needs to rest or change her body position. This will make it easier for contractions to flow.

If they bring severe discomfort, then it is worth using the technique of rhythmic breathing.

How long before birth do contractions start?

Each female body is individual, so it is very difficult to say exactly from which week such changes begin.

But it can be noted unambiguously that this phenomenon begins to manifest itself after the twentieth week of pregnancy.

But it is worth noting that this process sometimes proceeds absolutely without symptoms, so many women during pregnancy may not be aware that preparations for childbirth have begun in their body. But this happens very rarely.

When practice bouts start:

  1. During the first pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant for the first time, then it is more difficult for her to recognize this process.

    Experts say that Braxton-Hicks contractions appear from the sixth week of an interesting position. But the first symptoms are felt only in the second trimester.

    As mentioned earlier, each organism is individual and it is impossible to predict their exact appearance. Many expectant mothers experience this phenomenon only from 37 weeks.

    In nulliparous women, the process is more painful in most cases. If the expectant mother has already noticed uterine contractions in the later stages, then it is better for her to immediately consult a doctor.

    After all, sometimes false contractions quickly flow into labor, that is, they are harbingers of childbirth.

  2. During the second pregnancy. The second pregnancy is often easier for women, so in multiparous contractions appear closer to the end of the third trimester.

Important! If during pregnancy the expectant mother has a uterine tone, then she will not feel the harbingers of childbirth.

Causes of Braxton Hicks contractions

Often the appearance of training contractions of the muscles of the uterus provokes:

  1. Excessive activity of a pregnant girl.
  2. Excessive activity of the fetus in the womb.
  3. Insufficient amount of moisture in the female body.
  4. Full bladder.
  5. Nervous tension.
  6. Stress, anxiety, fatigue.
  7. Completion of sexual intercourse.
  8. Frequent touching and stroking of the abdomen.

If this process brings discomfort, it is worth:

  1. Control fluid intake.
  2. Reduce physical activity.
  3. Stop having sex for a while.

How to distinguish contractions from training: symptoms

False contractions are not difficult to distinguish from real ones. But it's hard to figure it out on your own.

In order to know how to determine real abbreviations from false ones, you must first find out what they are for. Training contractions are aimed at stretching the muscles of the uterus for further childbirth.

They increase blood flow to the uterus and help transport oxygen to the unborn baby.

Note! With the onset of labor, the cervix gradually opens, preparing for the birth of the baby.

With false, the cervix remains closed. This is the main criterion for determining false or real abbreviations.

It is impossible to independently determine the condition of the cervix, so a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Table: differences between false contractions and real ones

Criterion real contractions Training bouts
cyclicality Cyclic interval between contractions. The onset of labor is characterized by the fact that the marriages become more frequent, their duration increases with time. Irregular interval between contractions. If after the first contraction the second does not appear for a long time, then the female body began to prepare the muscles of the uterus for childbirth.
Pain Pain is felt. In most cases, contractions go away without pain. In rare cases, lower back pain.
Neutralization of pain Painful sensations at the beginning of labor cannot be removed on their own. This can only be done with the help of painkillers. If, after changing the position of the body, the contractions stopped, then this is a sign of the onset of training fights.

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False (training) ones may begin. In this article, we will look at the causes of training contractions and tell inexperienced women how to understand that they have begun.

What are false contractions

This is a short, painless muscle contraction.

Did you know? This phenomenon was first described by the English doctor John Braxton Hicks in 1872.

False contractions are also called training contractions, or Braxton Hicks, after their discoverer. False contractions are short-term, their duration is from 1.5 to 2 minutes. women feel like increased tone of the uterus. begins to feel them after 20 weeks. Until this time, they are not felt. The frequency of false contractions increases with the duration, but their duration does not increase and remains up to 2 minutes.

What are training sessions for?

The main task of training bouts is preparation of the uterus and cervix to activity, as the uterus must cope with the upcoming load during childbirth.

During the last month of pregnancy during training bouts, the pharynx can open up to 1 centimeter. And a multiparous pregnant woman can have a dilatation of up to 4 centimeters.

Before childbirth, training contractions help soften and shorten the cervix. In those times when they were absent, they were considered a sign that labor would soon begin.

Reasons for the appearance

False contractions are normal and do not indicate during pregnancy, but despite this, they themselves occur quite rarely. Their appearance can be triggered by external or internal factors.

There are such reasons:

  • intense physical activity, if a pregnant woman is actively engaged, work is associated with physical labor, etc.;
  • too shower or;
  • hyperactivity of the child inside the womb;
  • consumption in large quantities;
  • experiencing severe stress or nervous experiences;
  • orgasm;
  • severe fatigue;
  • , alcohol consumption;
  • full bladder;
  • absence ;
  • low consumption, dehydration.

You should not be afraid of this phenomenon, it does not cause any harm to either the mother or. It's true, and it makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Important! If you avoid these provoking factors, which can cause too frequent uterine contractions, even training ones, nothing will overshadow the appearance of the baby.

Does everyone have

Some pregnant women do not experience exercise contractions, but most do experience them. It is important to know that neither the absence nor the presence of training contractions is a sign of pathology during pregnancy. Also, their absence does not affect the duration and the process of labor.

How do they manifest

Let's look at how to recognize practice contractions:

  • a pregnant woman has a feeling that the bottom, groin or upper part of the uterus is compressing;
  • discomfort occurs only in a certain part of the abdomen, they are not felt in the back or pelvis;
  • they are irregular during this period, they appear, as a rule, from several times a day to three or four times per hour, but less than six times per hour;
  • there may be painful contractions, the pregnant woman feels discomfort;
  • do not have a clear rhythm;
  • the intensity of contractions decreases quite quickly.

Difference from labor pains

Let's take a look at what training contractions feel like and how to distinguish them from real ones.

The real ones have a number of features:

  • very painful;
  • felt all over the stomach;
  • extends to the lower back;
  • repeated at intervals of 15, 10, 5 minutes. And the farther, the interval becomes less and less;
  • their duration increases;
  • the appearance of signs of the onset of labor - departed, water broke, pulling pain at the bottom of the spine.

Important! If at least one of the above signs is present, it can be understood that these are not training contractions, but the beginning of labor.

How to relieve pain

Relieve pain from false contractions:

  • drink water;
  • take a more comfortable position;
  • take a warm shower;
  • do breathing exercises;
  • to walk outside.

Did you know? In Korea, the time a baby spends in the womb is counted as age. Therefore, Korean children, according to documents, are always a year older than their peers from other countries. Although purely physically there is no difference in age.

During the period of training spasms, the expectant mother is advised to practice proper breathing during childbirth. This process also reduces pain.

There are several types of breathing during childbirth:

  1. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale sharply through your mouth.
  2. Slow exhalation at the beginning of the contraction, and then a deep breath. After it ends, slowly repeat the exhalation and inhalation.
  3. Breathe often and superficially at the time of contraction. So you can breathe up to 3 minutes, otherwise it may begin due to lack of oxygen.

When to See a Doctor

Most likely, false cramps will become more pronounced at about 40 weeks of gestation, if they become more regular and intense, occur more often and last longer, it is quite possible that real labor begins.

False contractions in rare cases can pose a risk of gestation if they accompanied by the following events:

  • bloody (possible placental abruption);
  • watery discharge (possible discharge of water);
  • discharge consists of dense mucus (mucus plug comes out);
  • the pregnant woman had severe pain in, in the lower abdomen, in;
  • the child begins to move much less;
  • on the perineum is very strongly felt;
  • they occur more than 4 times per minute.

These symptoms should be a signal to pregnant women in order to immediately call a doctor or an ambulance. When you see your doctor, be sure to let your doctor know how Braxton Hicks feels, even if you think they happen too often and if they started early in your pregnancy.

It should be understood that it is impossible to determine exactly how long before the birth they occur from training contractions. Over time, closer to the cherished date, they will become more intense and stronger, but they are not the main harbinger of childbirth.

Training contractions are called contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which do not contribute to the opening of the cervix and do not cause childbirth. For the first time, such a phenomenon was described by the physician John Braxton Hicks towards the end of the 19th century, so the medical term contractions bears his name.

When do training contractions start during pregnancy?

Training contractions during pregnancy make themselves felt from the 21st week, while some pregnant women get to know them, as it should be on time, and some will never experience them during their entire pregnancy. This should not be considered a deviation, since neither the presence nor the absence of such contractions indicates an abnormal course of pregnancy.

Reasons for false contractions

As an athlete before a responsible competition, the uterus needs appropriate training before childbirth. If she is in a state of complete rest for all nine months, then there is a risk that she may not be able to cope with the necessary loads at the right time. The purpose of contractions is to prepare not only the uterus, but also the cervix for the birth process. However, there is no reason to panic if nothing like this happens, since it is by nature that the internal female organs “know” how to behave during childbirth.

False contractions can occur at the slightest physical exertion, so if you feel discomfort, doctors recommend resting or taking a walk in the fresh air, changing the type of activity. Abbreviations can also be caused by:

  • active movements of the fetus;
  • excessive feelings and excitement of the pregnant woman;
  • overfilled bladder;
  • strong;
  • dehydration.

Symptoms of training contractions

The onset of training contractions may feel like a slight tension in the abdomen. Often, the tone is felt only in one area of ​​​​the abdomen - on the left or right, lasts for several seconds or even minutes and passes. Outwardly, this may look like a protrusion of the head or buttocks of the child, and the entire tummy may acquire a specific “pointed” shape because of this.

It is very useful to take advantage of imaginary contractions by starting practical breathing training. Most often training contractions during pregnancy, sensations from which fluctuate in different ranges, are painless. They are recognized by the following 4 main features:

    irregularity (less than 6 contractions per hour);

    lack of rhythm and predictability (the next contraction occurs after a longer or shorter period of time);

    the contraction is concentrated in one area, localized in the groin, lower abdomen or upper uterus;

    are marked by inconvenience, but not pain, subsiding over time and disappearing completely.

However, their intensity increases with the duration of pregnancy and may cause minor pain, depending on the pain threshold of the expectant mother. Even with the smallest changes, you should consult a doctor for advice, which is not superfluous.

How to distinguish tone from training contractions?

Training contractions are really something similar to the increased tone of the uterus, known to many pregnant women. However, the differences between contractions, even false ones, and tone are obvious - during contractions, periods of tension and relaxation are felt, and the tension lasts much less. It will take it, then it will let it go.

Correct behavior during false contractions

An interesting fact is the disagreement of doctors about the causes and benefits of this natural phenomenon. Some consider them a preparation for childbirth, the latter are sure that with their help the cervix ripens, there are also supporters of the theory that this is the body's response to the hormonal changes taking place in it. But everyone agrees that Braxton Hicks training contractions provide the necessary oxygen supply to the placenta.

Timely emptying of the bladder and sufficient consumption of pure non-carbonated water will help to avoid the frequent occurrence of contractions. But if they did start, you can alleviate the condition in simple ways:

  • unhurried walking will help to relax the uterine muscles;
  • successfully relieve spasm and a warm bath or shower;
  • if the uterus is tense due to an uncomfortable position, it should be changed;
  • it is enough to drink juice or water for relief to come in a short time;
  • conducting breathing exercises will not only help to calm down the pregnant woman, but also increase the supply of oxygen to the fetus;
  • you need to try to relax by sitting in a chair and turning on melodious music, or lie down on the bed.

Training and real fights - what's the difference

The main difference between false uterine contractions and generic ones is their instability. The real ones only intensify with time and do not stop either with a change in position or after rest. Training does not gain intensity, remaining at the same painless level, and after a while they completely disappear. They are not accompanied by any discharge and do not radiate to the back. With the onset of any contractions, it is advisable to write down their duration and frequency on a piece of paper in order to find out exactly what type of contractions the body has encountered.

If started training contractions symptoms will not differ from those described above. However, there are signs that require medical attention:

  • watery discharge from the vagina (may be mixed with blood);
  • intense and increasing pain in the lower part of the lower back;
  • bleeding;
  • decrease in the frequency of fetal movements;
  • the waters have broken.

For longer periods, frequent, prolonged and regular contractions indicate the onset of labor. In all other cases, you should not worry, because false contractions provide the body with a wonderful opportunity to train before the real process.

The birth of a baby is accompanied by cramping muscle contractions of the uterus. At first, not always noticeable false sensations appear. If a pregnant woman has very painful training contractions, this is caused by a violation of the hormonal background, water balance, neurosis, uterine hypertonicity.

The uterus is an organ that is a constantly contracting muscle. Only in everyday life before pregnancy, women feel these actions during menstruation and orgasm. In the process of gestation, contractions do not stop, but with the growth of the fetus they acquire a different character and become more noticeable.

How long before birth do painful training contractions start? The expectant mother feels the first signs of contractions from the middle of the term. But the symptoms are so minor that they are ignored. For a couple of weeks before giving birth, false spasms already cause discomfort and are accompanied by pain.

Why are painful training contractions going on:

  1. too low progesterone levels;
  2. the uterus is in good shape;
  3. dehydration of the body;
  4. external pressure on the walls of the uterus;
  5. psycho-emotional state.

The less progesterone is produced, the more intense the contraction of the uterus. If this factor manifests itself ahead of time, there is a threat of premature birth. Active actions during intercourse and excessive fetal mobility are introduced into the tone of the uterus.

When a woman is emotionally tense, under stress, against the background of false contractions, this provokes severe pain. A full bladder and rectum put pressure on the uterus and cause intense training contractions.

Multiparous women are able to distinguish false symptoms from true ones. But those who become mothers for the first time perceive false spasms as the beginning of childbirth. Primiparas worry that the newborn will be born ahead of time.

But both phenomena are different. True contractions are painful and frequent, training ones are not cyclical and hardly noticeable. They are not accompanied by discharge of water and mucous plugs, as well as frequent urge to go to the toilet.


Being in active movement, the pregnant woman does not feel cramping contractions. Spasms are noticeable at rest, when a woman is sitting or lying down. To understand the nature of the grip, pay attention to the intensity and duration.

When training the uterus, the stomach tenses up, but this lasts no more than 60 seconds. Prenatal contractions are not regular, do not have an intensively growing character. If at this moment the woman changes her position or starts moving, the uterus stops contracting, and the stomach becomes soft again.

Can training contractions be painful? Yes and no, there is no definite answer, it all depends on the individuality of the organism. If a woman has a low pain threshold, every tension in the abdomen will cause pain.

Soreness with false contractions is short-lived and localized only in one area of ​​the abdomen - above, below the navel, or somewhere on the side. With labor spasms, pain captures all areas at once. In addition, the lower back begins to hurt, which is already a clear sign of the imminent appearance of the baby.

During training bouts, some pregnant women get a cork, but the clot looks different: it has a brownish tint without blood impurities. It provokes the discharge of a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse. False spasms in terms of symptoms are not in vain similar to true ones. So nature prepares the body for the upcoming action (hence the name).

How practice bouts help:

  • make the muscles of the uterus more elastic;
  • adjust the neck for the upcoming opening;
  • help the baby to take the desired position;
  • improve blood circulation.

During contractions, more nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the fetus, which ensures greater activity of the baby. Muscle contraction is a kind of exercise that allows childbirth to pass without complications.

Very painful training contractions can be the result of an incorrect position of the fetus. Contracting, the uterus tries to correct the desired position. If something interferes with this, the efforts become sensitive, which is why pain is provoked.

Self-pain relief

If painful training contractions have begun, the pregnant woman herself is able to eliminate severe discomfort. To do this, several actions are taken.

How to relieve pain during training contractions:

  1. change the position of the body;
  2. start moving;
  3. do breathing exercises;
  4. take a shower;
  5. apply elements of relaxation.

Exercises. It is changes in posture or active movements that relieve tone, and the pain will immediately subside. If a woman attends a school for mothers-to-be, they teach physical exercises that relieve spasms. False contractions are the best reason to practice.

Breath. Helps breathing exercises, the ability to come in handy in the future. The body will automatically turn on the respiratory system when labor pains begin.

Relaxation. If soreness is associated with a bad mood, depression, it is relaxation that will help the uterus to relax. Pleasant music is used, an interesting, soothing film or a fascinating book, as well as contemplation of beauty.

Hobby. Favorite dishes or desserts are allowed. Good communication with friends, going to the theater with her husband helps. Even chores around the house or preparing for childbirth, taking care of the first child (if the woman is multiparous) or pets, favorite hobbies are good distractions.

Pain Relief

If training bouts are tortured, and the pain is unbearable, the woman is prescribed drugs and recommend folk remedies. But a preliminary observing gynecologist will diagnose the determination of the factor that provoked severe pain.

Is it possible to No-shpu during training bouts? Yes, a pregnant woman is allowed to take this antispasmodic. According to the decision of the gynecologist, other drugs are individually prescribed.

What to take for very painful training contractions:

  1. painkiller;
  2. homeopathic remedies;
  3. herbal tablets;
  4. hormonal drugs.

A pregnant woman on her own can only take mild antispasmodics that are harmless to the child: No-shpu, Papaverine. Relanium, Dexamethasone. But without the permission of a doctor, you should not use drugs. Exceeding the dosage leads to death for the mother and fetus. Hormonal agents are also selected by a gynecologist.

Homeopathic remedies are often included in restorative therapy at any stage of pregnancy. Chamomilla, Sabina, Arnica are recommended. Independent use is prohibited. From herbal tablets, it is better to stop the choice on valerian.

folk therapy. Funds are selected with great care. Not all herbs are harmless during pregnancy. You should not take alcohol tinctures, it is better to have on hand herbal teas recommended by your doctor.

If during false contractions pain in the lower back appears, the symptoms are relieved by massage actions. Even light touches on the acupuncture points of the lower back will quickly relieve tension. With relaxation, the pain will also disappear. A pregnant woman will not be able to apply this method on her own, so a family member takes over the function of a traditional healer.

It is impossible to say exactly good or bad when false spasms are accompanied by painful symptoms. Ideally, there should be no pain, but if discomfort appears and passes quickly, it's okay. When very frequent training contractions began and began to acquire intensity, perhaps false contractions began to move into the stage of labor.