Facial skin care at home. How to do it right. Proper facial skin care at a young and mature age - what are the differences? Home Facial Tips

How to properly care for your face is an important and necessary topic for every woman. The face is our calling card. No matter how we dress, no matter what hairstyle we style, always attracts in a person, first of all, his face. If it is not well-groomed, looks gray and tired, then no tricks can hide it.

You need to take care of your face always, at any age and constantly. This means - every day, and no excuses and indulgences.

Occasional care "on big holidays" will lead to premature aging of the skin and then you will have to make every effort to somehow maintain it in a decent form.

Simple daily procedures do not require much effort, only the desire and habit to take care of yourself. Every girl, woman, lady of considerable age needs to know the main rules and basic stages of caring for her face at home.

The daily facial program is the same for all ages and skin types. You individually select only the cosmetics themselves.

What is the right facial skin care

When caring for your face, you need to follow only 2 basic rules: regular care and the correct technique for applying care products to the skin.

What does regular basic care mean: it's like brushing your teeth every day, morning and evening. Also, every day you take 3-4 minutes to take care of your face after sleep and before bed. This is the first and main step to which you must accustom yourself.

Step two: Learn how to properly apply your face care products so that your skin doesn't stretch and wrinkle prematurely.

Rules for applying cosmetics

How to take care of your face at home: the minimum program

The daily facial skin care program includes several mandatory stages:

Stage 1: Cleansing the skin in the morning and in the evening

In the morning, we remove from the surface of the pollution formed overnight: dead cells of the stratum corneum, sebum and waste products of bacteria. If this is not done, then all this will be re-absorbed along with the cream that you apply in the morning. During the day, a mass of dust, dirt, and makeup residues accumulates on the skin, so in the evening the skin even more needs to be thoroughly cleansed.

How to cleanse your skin properly:

  • Before any cosmetic procedure, you need to wash your hands well and make it a rule: you need to touch the skin only with clean hands.
  • If you wear eye makeup, be sure to remove it with a special eye makeup remover. Use a cotton pad dipped in this product: sweep along the lashes and along the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Then for about 1 minute, apply a little skin cleanser to your face using circular motions with your fingertips along the massage lines. All dirt will dissolve, and you thoroughly rinse it off with water at room temperature.
  • Blot the skin with a towel or napkin, never rub or stretch it.
  • Choose the right cleansers: gels, mousses, lotions, and a variety of homemade cleansers. They have a gentle effect, penetrate well into the pores and dissolve the solid particles of cosmetics.
  • Never use soap, it dries and irritates the skin, tightens the pores, prevents them from being completely cleansed of impurities. You need to know that soap, being alkaline, disrupts the pH of the skin, destroying the natural barriers that prevent pathogenic microbes from multiplying on it.
Stage 2: Skin toning

This is the next obligatory and very important step in your daily facial care. A toner or lotion will moisturize the skin, increase its tone, equalize the pH, relieve inflammation, additionally cleanse and tighten skin pores and prepare the skin for the next stage of care.

How to do it right:

  • Using a disc moistened with tonic, wipe the skin along the massage lines.
  • If you are using a tonic spray, spray it on the surface of your skin, dab lightly with your fingertips, and then remove with a cotton pad.
Stage 3: Moisturize and protect the skin

These treatments are important for maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Without moisture, the skin dulls and wrinkles. To moisturize, you use the cream that suits your skin type.

In the morning you use a day cream and a night cream in the evening. Please note that in the morning you apply the cream on your face at least 30 minutes before going outside, and in the cold season - an hour. The night cream should be applied an hour or two before bedtime so that it has time to be well absorbed and have its beneficial effect. If you apply the cream just before bedtime, then the cream can clog the pores, and the skin will look swollen and not rested in the morning.

For very young people with good skin, the cream is not necessary, you can skip this stage and limit yourself to a simple toning, let the skin work on its own to restore itself.

The composition of creams can include various active substances that prevent the effects of adverse environmental factors: UV, dust and dirt. Water evaporates less from the surface of the skin and stays hydrated longer

How to properly moisturize your skin:

  • Place a small amount of the cream on the back of your hand and rub it lightly until it reaches body temperature. Remove the cream from the jars with a clean spatula.
  • Using your fingertips, spread the cream in small portions along the massage lines of the face. it is impossible to smear only on the bone around the orbit of the eye, on the movable eyelid and along the eyelashes in order to avoid edema.
  • Do not apply the cream in large quantities, but after 20-30 minutes, be sure to blot the skin with a paper towel to remove excess.

In addition to the main program of facial skin care, there are other important procedures that are also required, these are: masks for home care. But they are not used daily, but periodically.

  • We usually wash our face with plain tap water, it is chlorinated, so contact with the skin should be minimal. It is best used for washing with settled, filtered water; melt and structured water works well on the skin.
  • Use water at room temperature for washing, as cold water narrows the pores, which leads to a deficiency in cell nutrition, while hot water, on the contrary, expands capillaries and pores and increases sebum secretion.
  • You can practically do without water, using only a cleanser, but a cotton pad should still be slightly moistened with water or tonic.
  • Young skin (especially combination and oily) needs more thorough cleansing in the morning, as it has an increased secretion of sebum. For dry and normal skin, as well as for sensitive and mature skin, more often than not, a thorough cleansing is not required, just washing, toning and moisturizing is enough.

Choose the right cosmetics, taking into account the characteristics of your skin and do not forget that sometimes they have a more effective and more gentle effect on the skin.

In addition, watch this video on how to care for your face:

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Women's skin requires constant and close attention to itself. So, already in adolescence, the problem of acne needs to be solved through complex care, which also includes the selection of cosmetics. Women over the age of 25 need to spend even more time taking care of their skin at home. The choice of funds is great, you just need to choose the right one. We advise you to pay attention to homemade recipes for cosmetics.

Stages of daily facial skin care

From a young age, every girl should take care of her skin, let it become a habit. Maintaining natural beauty will take only a few minutes a day, the reward for the minutes spent will be young skin of the face and décolleté. The procedures mentioned below are sometimes supplemented with masks, peeling, scrubs. A child, teenager, young girl and mature woman have the right to look great!

  1. Cleaning. It happens in the morning and evening. In the morning, the skin needs to be prepared for make-up, and in the evening, cosmetics, along with keratinized scales, lard, must be washed off.
  2. Toning. Produced in the morning and before bedtime.
  3. Protection and hydration. Care should be carried out both in autumn and in winter and in summer. Protection and moisturizing treatments include applying day cream to the neck and face. The cream is selected according to the season and age principle. Summer day cream contains components that reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Food. Regeneration of the skin occurs at night. The nutrients that the night cream contains will help speed up skin regeneration.

Folk recipes are distinguished by their simplicity and availability of components. Many of these products are of natural origin. There are many time-tested recipes: there are plenty to choose from. The main selection criterion is the type of skin; it is necessary to choose a care product depending on the age of the woman.

For fat

The main disadvantage of oily skin is that it shines, in addition, the pores on it are large, as a result of which it quickly becomes dirty. Therefore, its timely cleaning is considered the basic basis. You need to clean your face in the morning and in the evening. For care, it is better to use the following products.

  • Morning remedies: In the morning, rub the skin with an ice cube, this procedure helps to tighten pores and cleanse. As an additional measure, wipe your skin with an alcohol-free lotion to keep it dry.
  • Evening remedies: In the afternoon and evening, wipe the skin with a slice of lemon or a swab dipped in lemon juice. In the evening, wash your face with a solution of lemon juice or tincture of chamomile inflorescences.

For dry and sensitive

Dry skin lacks water and nutrients, so caring for it consists in using products containing nutrients and collagen components. It is protected by a thin layer of fatty film, so you need to wash yourself with products containing a minimum amount of alkalis, it is desirable that the pH value does not exceed 0. Dry skin is sensitive to frost, sudden changes in temperature, precipitation, bright sunlight.

Bran soap

  • Prepared from a mixture of rice, oat, wheat, almond bran.
  • Before the procedure, wash your face with purified water.
  • Soak a couple tablespoons of the mixture, spread it over your face.
  • Wash with cool water after 10 minutes.

Yolk-oil mixture

  • It is a mixture of 1 yolk and 1 tsp. sunflower oil.
  • Beat the mixture until it looks like mayonnaise.
  • Spread the mixture on your face, hold for 10 minutes.
  • Wash yourself with cool water.

Black bread

  • Soak the crumb in water.
  • Apply the crumb to your face, wash with cold water after a few minutes.

For normal

Normal skin is distinguished by elasticity, an even healthy color, it does not flake off, does not shine. To make her look great all the time, you need to take care of her. It is better to wash with soft water at a temperature of 20-30 degrees with baby soap. If the water is too cold, the skin becomes flabby, you will have to use anti-aging cosmetics. To maintain a healthy looking face, use the following products:

Orange juice

  1. Squeeze out the orange juice, strain it.
  2. Smear the juice over your face and décolleté.
  3. After 2 hours, wash off, do not wipe off the water.

Lotion from a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort

  1. Brew 1 tbsp. flowers and leaves of St. John's wort in 120 grams of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour, drain.
  2. Brew 2 tablespoons. chamomile flowers in 30 grams of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drain.
  3. After the liquids have cooled, mix them with 30 grams of vodka and 10 grams of glycerin. Keep refrigerated.
  4. The lotion is applied for half an hour.

Birch sap lotion

  1. Mix half a glass of birch sap with 20 grams of alcohol or 15 grams of glycerin.
  2. Use to cleanse your face in the morning and evening.

For a problematic

Only a specialist can prescribe proper care for problem skin. Infectious diseases are often the cause of problems. If you ignore the advice of your doctor, and do not start intensive treatment, there is a risk of spreading the infection. It is undesirable for people with skin problems to sunbathe and stay in the sun for a long time until complete recovery. If doctors have identified a couperose lesion of the integument, you should heed their advice and begin complex treatment.

Comprehensive care in autumn and winter

In windy autumn and winter time, strong wind and frost contribute to the rapid loss of fluid: at least a liter of fluid per day evaporates through the skin. To reduce moisture loss, beauticians recommend applying a protective cream to your face daily.

  1. Wash with cool water using a moisturizing foam.
  2. Apply protective creams no earlier than half an hour before your winter walk.
  3. Buy protective creams that contain vitamins and glycerin.
  4. Use only pressed powder containing fat in winter.
  5. In winter, it is better to use a pasty blush.
  6. After three days, on the fourth, use a scrub to cleanse your face.
  7. Use lipstick.
  8. In sunny winter weather, the sun is dangerous.

In summer

In the summer, skin care should be given close attention: heat, sun, dry air worsen its condition. But do not immediately rush into the battle for cleanliness and whitening of the face: washing, the use of scrubs contribute to the violation of the protective film, as a result of which dehydration occurs.

  • In the morning and in the evening, wash your face with foams, gels or mousses that help preserve the hydrolipidic skin barrier.
  • Use scrub and gommage no more than once a week.
  • When inflammation and acne appear, treat your face with antibacterial agents: salicylic acid, tea tree oil.
  • Try not to use cosmetics that contain a lot of fat.
  • Use makeup that is gel or water based.
  • Use cosmetics daily that help retain moisture in your skin.
  • For the prevention of pigmentation, use special cosmetics.

Many men ignore cosmetic products, so they develop problems with their facial skin over time. Although men's skin is much rougher than women's, it also needs care, including the use of cosmetics: creams, scrubs, lotions, post-peeling, age-related products. Cosmetologists recommend the following measures:

  • Do not forget to use shaving creams, shaving foam, especially if there is irritation. Change your shaving razor regularly.
  • Buy men's cosmetics from one line of the same manufacturer, do not use women's cosmetics.
  • Do not squeeze out acne and other rashes, it is better to remove them by steaming using products containing acids.
  • It is better to entrust face cleansing and blackhead removal to professional cosmetologists.
  • Hard water can cause irritation, wash your face with soft, purified water.

For professional care

Professional facial treatment involves the use of special cosmetics. This cosmetics has its own characteristics, so it is mainly used by professionals in beauty salons. You need to be able to use professional cosmetics, before using it, you should carefully study the instructions.

  • Up to 20 years old. The main task of the girl is to monitor the cleanliness of the skin. To do this, use scrubs and exfoliators. A daytime moisturizer is used to protect the face from UV radiation.
  • Up to 25 years old. The hormonal level has already returned to normal, protection from acne is no longer required. In addition to daytime, at the age of 25, a night cream is also used, as well as an eyelid gel.
  • After 30 years, the skin begins to age, the first wrinkles are visible. In order to slow down aging, use creams, day and night, balms, lotions, and other products. At the age of 35, scrubbing should be done once a week.
  • After 45 years, deep wrinkles appear, the skin becomes dry. Cosmetics should contain a lot of nutrients to promote rapid recovery.
  • After 50 years, the skin begins to sag and age quickly. It is necessary to use cosmetics that have a nourishing, regenerating, tightening effect.

A woman's face is a kind of "showcase" of appearance. That is why it is necessary to take into account the stages of facial skin care when performing daily cosmetic procedures. After all, the face is subject to the action of external and internal conditions.

Malfunctions in the body, sleepless nights, exposure to wind or, on the contrary, the rays of the sun, all this, like a carbon copy, is reflected on the delicate skin. For this reason, caring for her should be systematic, competent and phased.

There are some basic, universal rules that apply absolutely for any type of skin (this can include the stages of applying some cosmetics). But the rest of the care needs to be tailored strictly to yourself.

We'll help you figure out what your skin needs!

Facial skin care rules

For full-fledged, and most importantly, high-quality facial skin care, you should choose all the essentials and necessary for each type of skin from the list. The grooming list is generally small and includes only a few items for your daily facial. Although at first glance this whole complex will seem to some to be numerous and difficult to implement, there is nothing complicated in it. The main thing is to outline the steps necessary for the skin of a particular woman and move in a given direction purposefully and systematically.

Observe regularity

The main law of beauty is the need for daily skin care. Fatigue, lack of time, banal laziness should not get in the way of beauty and grooming. Make-up must certainly be washed off, skin care products must be applied, peels and masks are carried out at regular intervals. This is the base. The foundation, without which the appearance of the dermis will never become well-groomed and pleasing to the eye. That is why gradual care should be practically "hammered" into the daily routine of every woman who loves herself.

Apply your care products correctly

The application of cosmetics during the day and during evening care must certainly be done along the massage lines. This will help the cosmetics to be absorbed faster and avoid dermal stretch that can occur if the fingers move incorrectly. The main massage lines are as follows:

  • from the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the corners of the lips to the earlobes;
  • from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  • from the outer corners of the eye to the inner (movements along the upper and lower eyelids);
  • from the collarbones to the chin up the center of the neck;
  • from the earlobes to the shoulders along the sides of the neck.

The main stages of facial skin care are as follows:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • moisturizing;
  • applying cream.

Home skin care involves the use of peels and masks. But these steps are considered periodic because they are not performed on a daily basis.

Skin cleansing

The first step in a complete daily facial is skin cleansing. Dust, cosmetics, sebum, toxic substances of the modern environment readily clog the pores of the face almost every minute. Of course, all the excess accumulated during the day must be removed. Otherwise, comedones (blackheads), acne, inflammation and other minor and major troubles will most likely appear on the face. For this reason, cleansing the dermis must be thorough and regular.


Observing the care sequence, the cleansing is followed by the toning process. Toners remove the remnants of cleansing cosmetics from the face and give the skin a fresh look. The tonic helps to tighten pores, cell renewal, restore acid balance and relieve inflammation.

Moisturizing the face

Find out more about the steps for facial skin care:

The cream, selected according to the type of skin, is suitable as a care product for every day. It is very important to apply the cosmetic product correctly. Then it will have the best effect. After completing the rest of the preliminary stages of basic care, you can begin to distribute the cream over the face.

A small amount of cream is squeezed into the palm of your hand. Distribute the product with careful movements. Leave the cream until completely absorbed. The remains are rubbed over the surface of the hands.

Important! There is no need to save on the amount of the product, but it is not worth too much to apply it.

Modern man is very mobile. We are constantly striving somewhere, running, walking - on the bus, up the career ladder, towards our goals. So why not start walking towards gorgeous and youthful skin? Moreover, these steps will not require any excessive efforts.

So, the step-by-step instructions for daily face care looks like this:

Step 1. Wash your hands. To touch the face with only clean hands.

Step 2. Removing eye makeup. For this purpose, a special tool (hydrophilic oil, micellar water) is suitable, which must be applied to a cotton pad and lightly move it along the eyelids, removing makeup residues.

Using your fingertips, apply the cleanser to your face and neck. After a minute, rinse with warm water.

Step 3. Moisten a cotton pad with tonic. Gently rub the skin along the massage lines.

By the way. If a tonic is used in the form of a spray, it is sprayed over the face and gently driven into the dermis with light movements of the fingertips. The product can also be distributed with a cotton pad.

Step 4. Applying moisturizer. This process is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, distributing the product along the massage lines.

Important! The day cream is applied half an hour before going out into the air (in winter - an hour) so that it has time to be absorbed. The night cream is applied about an hour before bedtime.

What water should you wash with?

Ideally, use filtered, chlorine-free water. But it is also permissible to wash with tap water. Her contact with the dermis when washing lasts no longer than a few seconds, and the tonic applied afterwards neutralizes the effect of all "unhealthy" substances.

Is it possible not to wash the skin with water at all, but to do it with micellar liquid or milk?

Yes. Can. But after such a procedure, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton pad dipped in water or tonic. This will remove any remaining cleaning agents.

How often should I wash my face?

When caring for the delicate skin of the face, one should not forget about daily washing. A complete facial skin care involves at least two washes - morning and evening. This approach will cleanse the skin after sleep or a hard day and prepare it for subsequent skincare steps.

Is it necessary to use a night cream?

The subtleties of the facial skin care process depend on the woman's age. Night cream is not necessary for very young girls. It is enough to cleanse your face and apply a toner.

Having crossed the twenty-five-year milestone, ladies are advised to perform all care procedures without exception.

Is the procedure for facial skin care different in summer and winter?

Seasonality in facial care also plays an important role. Facial treatment in summer is different from the same procedure in winter. Although the basic order of stages is usually the same. In winter, it is worth using protective equipment that protects the skin from negative weather influences. The moisturizer is applied exclusively at night. It is unacceptable to go outside immediately after applying the product.

Summer care is aimed at moisturizing the dermis. In warm weather, it is recommended to apply more often masks on a natural basis: fruit, clay, vegetable, etc.

Does everyone need to use a tonic?

Many girls doubt the advisability of using a tonic in facial care. But it is preferable to use the tonic for everyone. It is preferable to choose a product for your skin type that performs suitable functions. So, in terms of functionality, tonics are divided into moisturizing, refreshing, astringent, exfoliating and others.

The sequence of actions in skin care is a must-have condition. Three main steps - cleansing, moisturizing, toning - a woman should do every day, moving towards a well-groomed and youthful skin. Regular treatment in tandem with quality cosmetics will help you achieve stunning results.

Unfortunately, many women have only a figurative idea of \u200b\u200bskin care, choosing the wrong cosmetics, but at the same time dream that youth will not disappear over the years. To keep the skin fresh and supple for longer, it needs proper care. Cosmetologists have long been saying that it is necessary to introduce into the habit a ritual consisting of cleansing the skin of the face, toning it, as well as moisturizing, followed by nutrition. It is important for a woman to know exactly her skin type, but how exactly can it be determined? What tools should be used, in what sequence, and how to choose them correctly?

Facial care is an important part of daily care for every woman

Cosmetic arsenal: what means to care for your skin

Thanks to the correct use of the necessary cosmetics, the skin will retain its youth and elasticity for longer. There is a minimum of cosmetic products recommended by cosmetologists, which should be in the arsenal of every woman:

  • Liquid for removing cosmetics from the eye.
  • Cleanser.
  • Face tonic.
  • Daily cream.
  • Night cream.
  • Eye cream.

For facial care, it is important to use the right cosmetics.

What cosmetics to use

The earlier you develop consistent grooming habits, the better for your skin. The ritual of daily care should become an iron habit - twice a day. How do cosmetic products "work" and why do cosmetologists so strongly recommend using the entire set of essential products?

The first step is to cleanse the skin - for the whole day, the skin has collected a large amount of pollution, and it also suffers the presence of decorative cosmetics, which does not allow the pores to breathe freely. Make-up and daytime dirt should be removed with a special makeup remover milk. Its "plus" is that it rather gently removes impurities, and also leaves a thin moisturizing film on the face. In the case of sensitive skin, it will not be superfluous to purchase milk containing chamomile - it will have an anti-inflammatory effect and soothe the skin.

The toner is designed to tone the skin of narrowed pores, and it also removes the remains of dirt and dust that the milk could not remove. Also, a good tonic affects the restoration of water balance, making it more elastic and fresh.

The treatment should consist of 4 stages - cleansing, toning, nourishing and moisturizing


The purpose of a day cream is to prevent the environment from negatively affecting the skin, as well as to moisturize it.

Also, such a cream protects against the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation, prevents moisture loss, and serves as a base for daytime makeup.

The night cream revitalizes and nourishes the skin. Most effective when relaxed and warm. At night, the cream "works" and provides the skin with additional moisture. Ideal when both creams are of the same brand.

Proper facial skin care will help prolong its youth

Skin types: how to determine your skin type


Before choosing skin care products, you should know your skin type, since the wrong selection of cosmetics can only make it worse.

There are several types of skin:

  • Normal skin - this type is quite rare. Its owner practically does not face any skin problems. She has plenty of moisture and a sufficient amount of grease. Wrinkles appear quite late in life, the skin is elastic and firm.
  • Dry skin - can be a sign of a lack of vitamins, signal the need for fat or any internal disease. It is not uncommon to recognize it by its characteristic red spots, translucent vessels. Allergies to soaps and cosmetics are common. With improper care, it becomes wrinkled ahead of time, shrinks, loses its elasticity and fresh appearance. Prone to early aging.

How to determine the type of facial skin
  • Oily skin is porous, shiny, often with inflammation and acne. However, it is thanks to oily skin that active fatty lubrication occurs, moisture evaporation occurs much slower - this allows the skin to remain young for longer. But she is more prone to inflammation, the presence of acne. Most often, oily skin can be seen in adolescents and young people, over time it transforms into a combination type.
  • Combination skin (mixed skin) - Most people have this type of skin. This means that the face is divided into two zones: one part has oily skin, it is often distinguished by a noticeable shine, there are acne. The other part is dry, often dehydrated and covered with wrinkles. It is important to properly monitor this type of skin, as well as to have in your arsenal not only products for working with oily skin, but also with dry skin. Gradually, with age, the skin type becomes normal.
The most problem-free is normal skin type.

Proper care of normal skin


Normal skin is not common. If a girl is lucky to be the owner of this particular type, then it is recommended to keep it as long as possible without overdrying.


Regardless of the skin type, the general care program will always consist of several stages: Skin cleansing. Toning. Food. Moisturizing.

  • You should start the morning by washing your face with water - first of all cool, and then cold. The quality of the water should not be neglected. Cosmetologists advise to wash with melt water. Morning treatments should be done with a wash gel or moisturizing soap. After that, it is important to treat the face with an alcohol-free tonic (in extreme cases, an alcohol content of no more than 15 percent is allowed). After that, a moisturizing cream is applied.
  • Evening procedures begin by cleansing the face with special means, then washing with soap or gel. The next step is toning. After that, a layer of night cream is applied to the skin, which nourishes the skin.

Proper care for dry skin

Dry skin must be carefully looked after, as it is prone to early aging. It is important not to expose it to sunlight: not only stay in the sun as little as possible, but also use sunscreen. Cold and too hot water affects the skin badly.

  • It is recommended to wash in the morning with medium temperature water or chamomile decoction. Then - toning, after which a day cream for dry skin is used. You can apply two layers of cream if the skin is extremely dry. If you use a foundation, then you need it to be high in fat.
  • In the evening, the face should be thoroughly cleaned with milk, rubbed with a tonic, it is important that it is for dry skin and apply a night cream with patting movements. Once a week, it will not be superfluous to make a mask from cottage cheese or honey. Sometimes it does not prevent to carry out a milk course - washing with the addition of milk to the water. It is also important to eat food - it is useful to include in the diet food containing vitamin A - fish, sour cream, vegetables, fruits.

Dry skin care

Proper care for oily skin


Oily skin is difficult to care for. But she also has a "plus" in that she is the slowest aging.

You can use this "plus" only in case of serious "work" on it - proper nutrition, frequent walks in the fresh air, sometimes it is useful to sunbathe in the sun.

  • The morning begins with washing your face with soap or a special foam for washing your face. Then - toning (the amount of alcohol can be up to twenty percent). Application of the cream especially for oily skin with light strokes. Ideally, do away with powders, blush and tonal creams altogether, as they clog pores and stimulate the appearance of acne, blackheads. As a last resort, e products should be specifically for oily skin.
  • It is useful to wash your face in the evening using tar soap and cold water. Then - toning. The difference between the tonic for oily skin is that it contains agents to narrow the pores. Then a cream for oily skin is applied. If there are inflammations, lubricate them with special preparations.

How to care for oily skin

Proper care for combination skin


A big mistake for women with mixed skin is that they use the same products for their entire face, which is fundamentally wrong.

For proper care, you need to understand where which type of skin is in order to provide it with proper care.

  • It is useful to wash your face in the morning with water at room temperature. Those areas that can be attributed to the oily type should be treated with a tonic that narrows the pores. Apply a moisturizer of the appropriate skin type to the rest of the face.
  • Evening cleansing begins with a facial cleanser. Lubricate dry areas with cream, and wipe oily areas with tonic.

How to care for combination skin

Proper care for aging skin

Such skin is more prone to aging, the rapid appearance of deep wrinkles. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible the influence of external factors, such as the sun, dry air, frost, wind. The peculiarity of caring for such skin is that it retains its own moisture extremely weakly, which means that it must be regularly fed from the outside with products with a high content of nutritious and moisturizing components - collagen, plant extracts, elastin.

  • In the morning you should wash your face with water, then use an anti-aging cream.
  • In the evening, the first thing to do is to cleanse your skin well with milk, and then moisturize with a nourishing anti-aging cream.

Mask for dry and aging skin


From time to time it is necessary to visit a beautician for professional advice. With the correct use of cosmetics, the skin of the face can be kept young and fresh for a long time.

Our face is our business card. For every woman, beautiful and healthy skin has a special meaning. Facial skin care should be practiced at any age, and the sooner you start taking care of your skin, the longer your skin will look youthful, firm and elastic.

Regular skin care will help prevent unwanted blemishes such as blackheads, wrinkles, excessive dryness and sagging skin, redness and acne. Daily facial care should be as natural as brushing your teeth.

One of the most important factors for a beautiful and healthy skin is its regular and correct cleansing... During the day, a large amount of dust, carbon monoxide accumulates on the skin, sweat glands secrete various salts, urea and other waste products. On top of that, the skin has to put up with our makeup, powder, various creams and lipsticks. This is why our skin needs so much cleansing.

Every evening, no matter how tired I am, I remove makeup with a special moisturizing milk. The advantage of the milk is that it washes away makeup and impurities well, while acting in a gentle way. After washing with milk, a kind of protective film forms on the skin, due to which the skin of the face feels more hydrated. In doing so, the skin is nourished with nutrients. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to choose milk with extracts of chamomile or calendula, which have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

You can, of course, wash your face with ordinary soap, but after the soap I still have a feeling of tightness and dryness. And cosmetics are not easily washed off with ordinary soap. To remove makeup, it is best to apply the oil found in cleansers to the skin, after which the makeup will easily come off. Unrefined vegetable oil is great for removing makeup with home remedies. The oil should be applied to a cotton swab and passed over the skin of the face, not forgetting about the lips and eyebrows. After two minutes, the oil is washed off with a swab dipped in milk, tea or warm water.

Removing cosmetics, impurities and sweat alone is not enough to achieve a healthy looking skin. In addition, it is necessary to remove keratinized skin particles once or twice a week. This will make the skin look younger and more elastic. When caring for your skin, you can prepare a cleansing scrub at home. I really like the scrub made from ground coffee beans.

After drinking freshly brewed coffee, coffee grounds remain, which can be used as a facial peeling. I usually dry these leftover beans on a flat plate, then put them in a small jar. So the scrub can be stored for a long time. To prepare a scrub, a spoonful of ground coffee beans are diluted with a spoonful of sour cream or yogurt and applied to the face. Massage the skin with the resulting mixture for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After such a scrub, the skin appears moisturized and tender. By the way, the same mixture can be used for body exfoliation. Instead of sour cream, coffee beans can be diluted with cream or body lotion and applied to the skin, massaged with a washcloth, and then rinsed with warm water.

Another good remedy for facial skin care, specifically for cleansing the face, is liquid honey. It is applied in a thin layer to the face and massaged into the skin. As soon as the honey thickens, the mask can be washed off with a damp cloth or cotton swab. This procedure removes dead cells and cleanses the pores of harmful substances secreted by the sebaceous glands.

The second stage of facial skin care after cleansing is face masks. One of the most effective and easy to prepare is a cosmetic clay cleansing mask. The pharmacy offers different types of clay - white, blue, pink, green, etc. Red and white clay is great for cleansing combination and combination skin, blue, green and white - for oily skin, for dry skin - red. To prepare the mask, you need to mix the clay powder with a little warm water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. In addition to cleansing, clay masks moisturize and nourish the skin well.

After cleansing, soothe the skin well with a refreshing tonic. The toner removes the remaining oil and cleanser from the face, closes the pores, which will give the skin a smoother and healthier complexion. The toning procedure must be done 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. Wiping your face with tonic in the morning will create the perfect foundation for your makeup. The lotion will not only invigorate and refresh the skin, but also dry it a little, so that the makeup will last longer.

But if you have very dry skin, then it is better to refuse toning, because usually the composition of lotions contains alcohol, which dries out the skin even more. Instead of regular lotion for dry and sensitive skin, honey water works well. To prepare it, you need to dilute half a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Wipe your face with this water. After such face care, the skin becomes softer and more delicate.

An excellent remedy for skin care is rubbing it with an ice cube. You can freeze not just water, but a decoction of medicinal herbs. I prefer to use chamomile tea. Chamomile ice not only refreshes and invigorates, but also soothes the skin and relieves inflammation. Due to the sharp cooling of the skin, blood rushes to it, a natural glow appears, it becomes more elastic, fine wrinkles are smoothed, and dehydration is prevented.

Face care will be incomplete if not done after cleansing and toning moisturizing and nourishing treatments, therefore, a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin. Choose a cream that suits your age and skin type. For young skin, light gels and creams with a moisturizing effect are suitable. For adult skin, more saturated and nourishing creams are suitable. Apply the cream in a thin layer along the massage lines with light, tapping and stroking movements. You do not need to rub the cream with force, as this can stretch the skin, which will lead to unwanted wrinkles. If the cream is not completely absorbed, then blot the remaining cream with a napkin.

Before applying the cream, you can slightly warm it up by rubbing a small amount of the cream between your fingers. Thus, the cream will soften better and be absorbed more efficiently.

When choosing a cream, make sure it suits you. Many stores offer probes for this, you can apply a small amount of cream to the skin and observe the reaction. Once I bought an expensive cream without checking it, came home, applied it to the skin and felt an unpleasant tingling and burning sensation. It turned out that the cream does not suit my skin type at all.

In addition to creams, for more effective care of the skin of the face, and specifically its nutrition, hydration and oxygenation of the skin, it is necessary to use masks at least twice a week. To do this, it is not necessary to buy expensive products in the store, excellent masks can be prepared at home... Sometimes these homemade masks are much more effective than expensive elite drugs. Folk remedies have several benefits. Firstly, they are economical and affordable, and secondly, only fresh products without any preservatives are used in their manufacture.

Mask based egg yolk... Egg yolk is a source of beneficial substances for the skin. It contains vitamins A, D, B2, B6 and others. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 1 egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey and olive oil. Apply to face and leave for 15-20 minutes. The mask will make the skin firmer and more hydrated.

One of my favorite moisturizing masks - strawberry oatmeal mask... It not only tones and brightens the skin, but also has a wonderful scent that will lift your spirits. Mix a few strawberries with a tablespoon of oatmeal and apply on cleansed face for 5-10 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. Of course, it is better to use fresh strawberries, but they cannot be found in winter. Therefore, I buy frozen berries, they do not even need to be thawed to the end, pieces of ice in strawberries will saturate the skin with moisture even more.

Suitable for sensitive skin potato mask... After this mask, fine wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes smooth and tender. Mix the boiled potatoes with the yolk and milk. Apply the resulting gruel to your face for 20 minutes.

The cucumber mask will refresh the skin and give it elasticity. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and mix the resulting mass with a teaspoon of honey. Apply to faces for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water or a cotton swab.

Choose a mask that suits your skin type. Use only fresh ingredients to prepare it. Apply the mask with gentle, smooth movements without stretching the skin and avoiding the eye area. After applying the mask, you must use a nourishing cream.

Particularly noteworthy is the area around the eyes, where the skin is especially thin. It is here that the first wrinkles appear, which is why this skin requires care and thorough care the most. From 23-24 years old, you need to use a moisturizer. Usually, eye creams are quite expensive, but they are consumed slowly. If used correctly, the tube will last for 2-3 months. It is better to apply the cream with ring fingers, since their movements are the most smooth, from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one along the lower eyelid, and from the inner to the outer - along the upper one.

Potatoes will help get rid of puffiness of the eyelids and bags under the eyes. Grate the raw potatoes and put them over the eyes through cheesecloth. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Tea bags have a similar effect. This recipe helps me to relieve eye fatigue and get rid of dark circles under my eyes. Put the brewed and cooled tea bags on the eyes for 10 minutes. After such a mask, the skin of the eyelids looks refreshed and rested.

With proper and systematic facial skin care, it will be clean, smooth and healthy. Remember that the main steps in facial care are cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Do not forget to do nourishing masks several times a week and do not overuse makeup. No concealer will make your skin glow the way it would in its naturally healthy state.

Best regards, Natalia Maksimova.