Fun lessons of reading by syllables. How to teach a child to read: correct and quick ways

Teaching a child to read. We read the words. Moving from reading syllables to reading words. Reading games.

Kolya confidently reads the name on the locker in the kindergarten: "DI-A-NA". Mom is happy. And the teacher, observing this picture, asks: "What happened?" To the surprise of his mother, Kolya answers: "GLEB!"

How so? Did the child read the word and did not understand it? Yes, merging letters into syllables, and syllables into words, and understanding the meaning inherent in these symbols are two different things. And it is very difficult for a preschooler to perform two tasks - to read and understand - at the same time. That is why, after the child has mastered the number of syllables sufficient for composing words, it is necessary to purposefully engage in teaching meaningful reading. This period is sometimes long, but thanks to a variety of games and exercises with words, it can become interesting and exciting for the child.

Word strings

When a child first begins to read words, a situation may arise when the first syllables of the word are repeated (the first when reading two-syllable words, the first and second when reading three-syllable words ...). This is because repetition of what has been read contributes to better comprehension and does not allow you to forget the first syllable by the time you read the last one ("KA, SHA, KA-SHA" or "MA, SHI, MA-SHI, NA, MA-SHI-NA") -

When moving from reading fusion syllables to reading words, it can be useful to read strings of words where the end of the previous word is the beginning of the next one, for example: LI-SA-MA-KI-NO-SI-LA. When a child reads such a chain, he does not have to start by reading the first syllable every time, since this syllable was just read. Thus, it becomes easier to read, and therefore more interesting.

It can be difficult for a child to read such strings in a book because there are too many signs in their attention. To make reading easier, it is necessary to close the "excess", you can cut out a "window" in a sheet of paper and, gradually moving it along the page of the book, open the syllables you need to read. Or write syllables on cards and lay them out in pairs, as you read the chain of words, remove the first syllable and add a new second.















Insert letter

At the beginning of learning to read words, this game turns out to be very effective. You will need pictures for words of three letters (BOW, DOM, SMOKE, CAT, KIT, ROT, FOREST, MOSS, MAC, etc.). Sign the first and last letters under the pictures, leave a space instead of a vowel. Invite the child to insert the missing letter into the word (it is better to use letters from the split alphabet, since if the child writes the letter, you will not be able to use this card a second time, and such a need may arise).

The child performs something like this with the word HOUSE: "I will put A, it turns out LADY, no, this word does not fit the picture, I will put U, it turns out DUM, also does not fit! HOUSE! DO-O-OM! There should be a letter O!" Thus, in this game, the child learns to read meaningfully, understands the meaningful meaning of letters, and develops phonemic hearing.

Make a word from syllables

Pictures are not required in this game. Cut a two-syllable word into syllables, for example: RE, KA. Invite your child to collect a word from syllables, he determines the sequence himself. A child can get both CARE and RIVER. To choose the correct sequence of syllables, the child comprehends their combination.

It is interesting to do the same in the future with three-syllable words, for example: MO-LO-KO (the child may get the options: KOLOMO, KOMOLO, LOCOMO, LOMOKO, MOCOLO), or DO-RO-GI ("words" can turn out: GYRODO, GIDORO, ROGIDO, RODOGI, DOGIRO).

Picture + word

The most common word game. Often sold ready-made. In bingo mode, an adult shows the child pictures, the child takes them for himself if there is a corresponding word on his card.

Often this version of the game is found in workbooks for teaching reading. The task involves reading a word and connecting it with the corresponding picture.

Please note that in such games you do not need to read the last word, the answer is the only remaining option. This means that in the above variant of the task, the child read not three, but two words!

If you yourself will make similar or other games, keep this fact in mind: in order for the game to become more intense, there must be an extra answer option. For example, like this:

Finish the word

For this game you will need any pictures (from lotto, from magazines, postcards). The beginnings of words denoting the objects depicted on them are attached to the pictures (glued, on a paper clip). The endings of words are laid out in front of the child. You need to choose an appropriate ending. Don't forget the extra ending option!

A version of the game without pictures: the beginnings of words related to one generalizing concept (clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, birds, seasons ...) are written on the card, separately on cut cards - the endings of these words.

After correctly compiling and reading, ask the child how you can call it all in one word.

Another option for the task: choose the second of the two proposed options for the first syllable. For example: connect the syllables correctly, guess the names of the children.

Read the word by half

Exercises similar to recognizing letters and reading syllables by their halves help prevent various mistakes in writing.

The child reads a word along its upper or lower half, then finds the other half, connects and checks the correctness of the task.

To make the exercise more intense, do not forget about unnecessary answers (add one unpaired half of the word).

Make a word from letters

This exercise is in essence similar to composing words from syllables, but it can be carried out only when the child confidently vocalizes the syllables-fusion when reading, does not "slip" into letter-by-letter reading.

For the exercise, the letters of the split alphabet are used. The child needs to make up a word from the proposed set of letters prepared in advance by an adult. For example: O, M, T, C. The child, going through the options for the order of the letters, comprehending them, chooses the correct answer.

Complicated version of the exercise: folding two words at the same time. Since there are a lot of options for the order of letters, it is advisable to set words related to one generalizing concept, declare this generalization at the beginning of the exercise. For example: make up of these letters the name of two flowers - A, O, M, P, 3, K, A (ROSE, MAC).

Pick a word

All exercises of this type are based on the selection of logically related pairs / groups of words. To establish logical connections between words, a complete understanding of the words read is a necessary condition. The exercise can be filled with different content, the general form of organization is: the adult thinks through and writes words on separate cards in advance, then invites the child to read and divide the words into groups / pairs, for example:

Choose dishes and furniture (plants and animals, vegetables and fruits, edible and inedible, etc.);

What is poured into a mug and what is into a plate? (tea, borscht, cabbage soup, milk, coffee, hodgepodge, cocoa, juice ...);

Choose for each word from the first group that is suitable in meaning from the second group (spring is a stream, winter is snow, summer is heat, autumn is mushrooms; a clown is a circus, a doctor is a hospital, a seller is a store, a teacher is a school, a cook is a restaurant, etc.). etc.);

Choose for each word as many relevant ones as possible (flies - butterfly, bird, plane, time; writes - pencil, pen, student; gallops - bunny, grasshopper, girl; grows - flower, mushroom, child, etc.) ;

Choose the opposite words (fast - slow, wide - narrow, kind - evil, cold - hot, young - old ...).

Such tasks develop the logical thinking of the child. For older preschoolers, they are interesting and useful.


An isograph is a picture made with all the letters of the word that denotes this picture. The arrangement of the letters resembles the image of the object in question. When guessing the isograph, the child is guided by the image, then checks the correspondence of the set of letters to the proposed guess.


In large, lined squares, write horizontally and vertically words related to a general topic (vegetables, fruits, home, school, toys, names ...). Fill in the empty cells with any letters. The child needs to find and read the words that you "hid". If it is difficult for a child to search for words on a topic, ask them to find the words you are calling or guessing ("Find the word MERMAID", "Find the name of the hero who lives on the roof"). The task develops the meaningfulness of reading, since in addition to the words-answers, the child can see in the table also meaningless words - AMAL, LYABA, OLAB, etc.























































































It can also be difficult for children to read long words, in this case the following technique will help: divide the word into syllables, write down the last syllable, let the child read it, add the previous one, let him read two syllables, then add one syllable one by one before reading the whole word (SIT, CO-SIT, LE-CO-SIT, PY-LE-CO-SIT, VACUUM CLEANER). This method of help excludes the wrong "thinking out" of the word. Compare: if you read a word, adding one syllable at a time, starting from the beginning, the child, most likely, will not read the word to the end, but guess the end of the word (PY, PY-LE, DUST-WITH, VACUUM CLEANER? VACUUM CLEANER? VACUUM CLEANER? .. .).

Pay attention to the words that your alphabet or primer suggests for reading. Sometimes the authors, in pursuit of the number of words that can be made from the letters already presented on the pages of the manual, offer words such as POMPA, PHASE, PAZUHA, PYZH, KUSH for children to read. It may be more rational to omit these difficult words and instead of reading them, do any of the exercises above to form meaningful reading.

Teach meaningful reading. It is better to read less, but understand what you are reading about.

For the formation of meaningful reading, only the alphabet material is not enough; use a variety of additional games and exercises.

If a child, while reading words, "slips" to reading letters by letter, it is necessary to intensify work with the syllabic table, to consolidate the skill of recognizing a syllable as a reading unit.

If it is difficult for a child to determine the place of the fusion in a syllable, at first help him see the fusion syllable.

When preparing games and exercises, do not forget about the "extra" answer option, then the intensity of the exercise will be much higher.

Do not be afraid to stay longer at this stage, the delay is more than compensated for in the subsequent stages of the formation of reading skills.

Other publications related to this article:

you will find an online primer (alphabet), games with letters, games for learning to read syllables, games with words and whole sentences, reading texts. Bright, colorful pictures, a playful presentation of the material will make reading lessons for preschoolers not only useful, but also interesting.

Your kid has learned the letters, is actively adding syllables and small words. It's time to move on to more complex, but interesting tasks - reading texts. But here some difficulties await parents and teachers. It is impossible to offer a preschooler text cards without taking into account the peculiarities of age, the degree of development of the comprehension skill. How to choose reading texts for preschoolers, where to find and how to correctly print texts for reading by syllables for younger and older preschoolers, we will tell in our article.

Age features of preschoolers

Kindergartners after 5 years are very active, agile, inquisitive. They are rapidly growing up, getting smarter, developing physically and mentally.
When preparing for school, parents, teachers should pay attention to the following age characteristics of kids 4-7 years old:

  • The main need for kindergarteners is communication, games. Children ask many questions to adults, themselves, and peers. Learn by playing.
  • The leading mental function is imagination, fantasy. It helps to show creativity.
  • Emotions, impressions, positive experience are important for further development, desire to continue activities. A kindergartner 5-7 years old needs praise, support, lack of comparison with other children.
  • Cognitive processes are actively developing: attention, memory. At the age of 5-7, preschoolers can remember and analyze a large amount of information. But it should be given in dosage, trying not to overload the child's brain in one lesson.
  • Speech becomes more developed. At the age of 5, the baby speaks in complex sentences, can pick up several synonyms for one word, knows many poems, riddles, several fairy tales by heart.
  • The kindergartner wants to learn new things and learn. The kid is spurred on by curiosity, he is interested in everything new, unknown.

Consider the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers when choosing texts for reading. In this case, training sessions will be more effective.

How to work with texts

Reading poems, short stories for a preschooler is a new kind of work. The difficulty in completing the reading assignment lies in the fact that the kindergartner does not always understand the meaning of the passage. To avoid this, you need to approach the choice of material and methods of processing it correctly. Build the learning process as follows:

  1. Match the handouts to the age of the student. For kids 4-5 years old, cards from 1-3 sentences, for older preschoolers - 4-5 sentences.
  2. Pay attention to the number of words in the sentences. There should be few of them. Simple reading texts for preschoolers are easier to assimilate, but it is impossible to stay at an easy level for a long time.
  3. Move on to working with text cards after automating syllabic reading.
  4. Read chained in a group or with adults in individual work.
  5. Don't rush the child. At the stage of learning, reading comprehension is important, not the speed of reading and the amount of time spent.

Texts for children 4-5 years old

Young preschoolers need special suggestion cards. Reading by syllables for children under 5 years old is best accompanied by text with pictures. For example, coloring pages with comments. Coloring will be an additional task.

If we read syllables for the first time, the reading texts should consist of 1-2 sentences. Use small words, of 1-2 syllables. You can prepare the cards yourself, find them online and print them.

For young learners, it is important that there is a hyphen or other separator between the syllables. Choose a large, bold font for printing material for reading by syllables at 4 years old.

  • Learning to read syllables through working with text does not have to start after learning the entire alphabet. Find children from 5 years old to read and print out individual sentences from such words, which consist of the studied letters. There are many of them in Zhukova's alphabet.
  • At the age of 4 to 5 years, there is no need to offer children a whole story, a book. Large volumes scare kids, distract with colorful drawings on other pages. Print only the portion you want.
  • Play with a passage, a poem. You can read a word separately, then a phrase, then a whole syntactic unit.
  • Work according to the following algorithm. First we read, then we discuss, draw, fantasize.


After reading the texts, be sure to work through the material additionally. This is necessary for the solid assimilation of information, the formation of the skill of meaningful reading. Suggest the following types of passage assignments for the preschoolers:

  1. A short retelling.
    The kindergartner must tell what he learned, what information was the main one in the text. It is advisable to use the words read, name the names of the characters, their actions.
  2. Answer the questions.
    Speech therapist, parent ask 1-3 simple questions about the material read.
    If the baby does not respond to them, you need to read the passage together, with the adult's comments.
  3. Draw a picture.
    We play illustrators. Children come up with a plot picture based on information received from a passage, a poem. This could be homework.
  4. What happened next?
    Offer to fantasize, come up with what could happen to the characters next.

Reading texts with pictures and assignments:

Texts for children 6-7 years old

If you are preparing reading texts for children 6-7 years old, then you can print entire paragraphs. For work, choose excerpts from fairy tales, short stories. You can work with large pieces of work 2-3 lessons. Do not forget about short stories from the alphabet or ABC book.

  • Work through sentences in a chain, try to involve each student.
  • After reading the short passage for the first time, discuss the content. If you find any misunderstandings of the information, read the passage again.
  • If we read syllables individually, different reading texts for children of 7 years old should be printed on separate sheets.

Texts with tails:

Your child is about 5 years old and you want to teach him to read. The tips and tricks in the article will help you do this.

What time do children start reading syllables?

Today's requirements for a child entering first grade include various skills and abilities, including the ability to read. That is, it is assumed that by the age of 6-7 the child is already at the very least, but knows how to read.

  • It is best to start the process of actively teaching a child to read at the age of 5, when the child already understands a lot and knows the letters. Many parents show their child a letter, speak it out, show images whose names begin with this letter
  • The active and inquisitive memory of a child at this age helps him to remember everything quickly. For example, mom or dad can show the letter M or P and say that this is mom's letter, while you need to pronounce it clearly: MaMa. But this is Daddy's letter: Daddy
  • Fortunately, for teaching a child letters, they came up with a lot of various aids - from traditional cubes to magnets on boards or refrigerators. This is about letters

But what about the syllables? After all, Mama or PaPa are already syllables, and the child must realize this. So, we begin the process of actively teaching a five-year-old child reading skills.

How to teach a child to read by syllables correctly?

IMPORTANT: At the initial stage, it is better to avoid choosing words in which there are sounds that the child does not yet know how to pronounce, for example, [p], [w], [w]

It is necessary to show the child on cards or on cubes that MA-MA is made up of the letters M and A, which together give MA.

Cubes with letters are faithful helpers in learning to read.

  • M + A \u003d MA
  • M + O \u003d MO
  • M + E \u003d ME
  • M + I \u003d MI
  • M + Y \u003d MU
  • M + I \u003d MY

In doing so, you need to avoid a common mistake.

IMPORTANT: This mistake is that some parents teach the child the alphabet and at the same time, showing the letter, call it as it is called in the alphabet. In initial learning to read, letters should be named based on the sounds they give, for example, we teach the child that M is not [uh], but [M], etc.

Reading open syllables in some techniques is called reading with fusion syllables, that is, a consonant + vowel or soft sign. However, you should not teach your child all two hundred fusion syllables that are in Russian.

Let the child just get used to the fact that it is possible that the letters he knows can be put together, then the words will turn out, at first short, then, when the child is already accustomed to them and feels confident, you can move on to three-syllable and polysyllabic words, and also teach reading closed syllables. So:

  • start with open syllables
  • add fusion syllables
  • we add short simple words from syllables
  • we choose consonant sounds that are not difficult for the child, which he already knows how to pronounce clearly

How to quickly teach a child to read syllables?

  • There is no single recipe for how to quickly teach a child to read by syllables, and there cannot be. After all, each of them is individual in his perception, in his mental activity, in his ability to concentrate, and so on.
  • And parents in no way should be complex about the fact that a boy or girl from a common area or from a kindergarten group already knows how to read syllables, but your baby is not yet. You devote time to teaching him, you are not angry with the child because he or she cannot sit still, but only think how to sneak away to your toys
  • You are persistent and regularly come up with different game situations for your child, how can you read with him? If so, everything is fine. The kid will learn to read syllables and put them into words, it's so interesting

How to teach a child to read by syllables at home?

Of course, the environment in the developmental group or class that your child attends contributes to the fact that the child is more focused on his studies, that he tries to imitate the child sitting next to him, or even gets involved in the competitive process.

However, such activities are not enough and it is imperative to work with the child at home.

It is good if the parents can seat the child to study and have the patience to teach the child themselves. You can take the classic ABC book by N.S. Zhukova and gradually show how the syllables are read. This action teaches the child to discipline and to the fact that he knows that there is time to play, and there is time to practice.
But if suddenly this does not work out, then you can teach the child to read syllables in a playful way. For example, a mother cooks in the kitchen, the baby sits at the table and lays out cubes or cards. Mom leads the process: show me the letter M, and now show me the letter A. Now these letters became friends and began to play and sing MAMA together. Then let the child "make friends" and other vowels with the letter M. And so gradually he will learn the syllables.

A program to teach a child to read syllables

Open syllables are learned. Now you need to move on to more complex, not melodious, closed syllables, those that end in a consonant: CAT, ROT. And in this case, these are no longer just syllables, these are whole words!
And, again, you need to start the reading process with simple words.

The teachers have developed various methods and programs for teaching a child to read. Among them:

  • the already mentioned classic primer N.S. Zhukova
  • the methodology of O. and S. Fedinykh, based on the initial teaching of the child to first "read in the mind", then move on to "paper" reading (their book "How to teach a child to read")
  • zaitsev's cubes teaching methodology
  • the methodology of the American scientist-educator Doman with its principle of memorizing whole words
  • various computer programs and video tutorials where you need to arrange jumping and scattered letters and organize them into words, restore words by halves of letters

Games to teach a child to read by syllables

  1. You need to prepare several pictures, which depict different objects or animals. Under the pictures, you can write the beginning of a word, for example, KOSH. Separately, you need to prepare cards with syllables-endings of words so that the child picks up the desired ending, for example, KOSH-, and the child then selects - KA \u003d CAT
  2. On two sets of cards, write any long words that the child understands, for example, TURTLE; RASPBERRIES. Leave one card with the word intact. The child will see and read the word on it. On another card, close or paint over or cut out a syllable. Ask the child to restore it from memory
  3. Play caterpillar or snake. For the syllables, draw a new section. The adult begins the word and writes it down in the "snake" section (like a chineword). There is one last syllable that the child must learn and speak. The kid can finish it or (say it, and the adult will write it down and show it to the child)
  4. Play confusion. Write words by syllable on the cards. Cut the cards. Match the desired subsequent syllables to the initial syllable until the child understands that the result is a real word, and not confusion
  5. Write separate words on the pieces of paper and match them with images or the objects themselves. The kid must find a written word that relates to an image or object, for example, a ball, whirligig, boat, doll, etc. When the child has found the image, have him read the word itself.
  6. Game "Catch the letter". Write the word, leaving room for one letter. Explain to the kid that the letter wanted to run away, and his (the kid's) task is to find the letter, catch it and put it in place to make the word. For example, RUN_T. The kid should guess that the letter O wanted to run away

Exercises to teach a child to read syllables

It is better to learn syllables and reading using vowels, voiced consonants and sonorous sounds, that is, those that can be stretched, for example, LllOooosh, etc.
At a more advanced stage of learning to read and for older children, you can offer tasks:

  1. On paper, write the beginnings of words in a column, and separately on the cards for their endings, mixing the cards. For example, the piece will say SOBA-
    PES-, and on the cards - VO, - OK, - KA; - ON.
  2. On a paper with cells, encode the words by placing them horizontally and diluting them with other letters, for example,
    in a flower
    Explain to your child in advance that these will be words related to a topic, for example, tree / plants. Speak with him the words that you encrypted, and then let the child find them among the letters. For older children, a task is suitable when they themselves are looking for encrypted words, without first pronouncing.

Texts by syllables for beginners to read children

  1. Za-yats and che-re-pa-ha (fairy tale)
    By-spo-ri-whether one-click-dy za-yats and che-re-pa-ha, who is fast-re-e forest-well-po-la-well about-be-zhit. Che-re-pa-ha tro-well-las on the way, and the hare lies under the cous-tom, in-sm-and-wa-et-sya: “Come on, on, on re-pa-ha, ve equal-but I te-bya ob-go-nu ”.
    But while he was so-te-shal-Xia, che-re-pa-ha - even though she was ti-ho - o-ka-za-las at the tse-li. Bro-force-Xia for-egg for not, but late.
    Run-gat he u-mel, but did not know that, lying in place, and from che-re-pa-hi you can-get away.
  2. Che-you-re sisters
    Lived in the light of the sisters: Zi-ma, Ves-na, Le-to and O-sen.
    Zi-ma was-la se-da-i, be-la-i. Weight-on-was-la mo-lo-da-I, white-l-tsa-I, in the ze-le-n-ry-de, with go-lo-by-eyes. Le-then-the-same in the green-le-n-ry-de, for-go-re-lo-e, for-go-re-lo-e. And O-sen is evil-in-lo-sa-i, in a red sha-li.
    Posh-li Zi-ma, Ves-na and Le-to are in the guest room to O-se-no. At no-e on the table and GRU-shi, and yab-lo-ki, and sli-you, and ar-bu-zy, and dy-no, and white kA-ra-wai, and pa- bad honey.
    By-o-be-da-sisters-ry and began to blah-go-to-give O-sen.
    O-sen and go-in-rit:
    No, uh, I have to thank you. You, Zi-ma, earth-lyu-lu-go-vym o-de-i-lom at-wing-la, hide-ta-la from De-da Mo-ro-za, you, Ves-na, po le dozh-dy-mi po-li-wa-la, you, le-that, clear-no-e-sol-nysh-to-sy-la-lo, so that everything is mature.
    Sisters and glad:
    We are all ho-ro-sho in-work-di-fo, so that people co-take-whether more-g-ty u-ro-zhai.
  3. E. Moshkovskaya "Nose, wash yourself"
    Right away
    O-ba eyes!
    Shey-ka, my-sya
  4. S. Kogan "Bub-li-ki"
    Ku-pi-li two boob-li-ka
    Little lazy I-roch-ke.
    Everybody has a boob-li-ka
    There was a hole in the hole.
    Two bub-l-ka I-roch-ka
    Eat with the milk
    And let the holes-roch-ki go
    For later.

How to teach a child to read syllables? Video lessons

Video lesson number 1

Video lesson number 2

Video lesson number 3

It is necessary to teach a child to read from a very young age. A child should know that there are books, and there are many, many interesting things in books: fairy tales about princesses and monsters, and adventures, and stories about animals, and various counting rhymes, talkers.

At first, parents read to the baby, but the baby can already play with special waterproof and non-tearing books. He is pleased to hear his own voice and fiddle with a book.
Then he leafs through the books and examines the vivid pictures. The parents read to him again, and the baby monitors how everything that is read to him is shown in the picture. He remembers everything well, and then, not knowing how to read, he can already reproduce the content from the pictures, pretending to have read it on his own.
Then the parents show and tell the kid about letters, syllables, teach him to read. These are all the processes that all children go through. Someone earlier, someone later. Do not chase your toddler, do not force him to read, but teach him playfully, regularly and patiently.

Video: Learning to Read

A child who has learned to put sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences, needs to improve reading skills through systematic training. But reading is a rather laborious and monotonous activity, and many children lose interest in it. Therefore, we suggest small texts, the words in them are divided into syllables.

First read the work to the child yourself, and if it is long, you can read its beginning. This will interest the child. Then invite him to read the text. After each work, questions are given to help the child understand what he has read and comprehend the basic information he has learned from the text. After discussing the text, suggest reading it again.

Smart Bo-bik

So-nya and so-ba-ka Bo-bik gu-la-li.
So-nya play-ra-la with a doll.
So, So-nya in-be-zha-la-to-my, and the doll for-by-la.
Bo-bik went to the doll and brought it to So-no.
B. Korsunskaya

Answer the questions.
1.Who did Sonya go for a walk with?
2. Where did Sonya forget the doll?
3. Who brought the doll home?

Bird-tsa pig-la nest-do on cous-te. Our children were nest-to and removed to the ground.
- Look-di, Vasya, three birds!
Children came to the morning, and the nest was empty. It’s a pity.

Answer the questions.
1. What did the children do with the nest?
2. Why was the nest empty the next morning?
3. Did the children do well? What would you do?
4. Do you think this work is a fairy tale, story or poem?

Peti and Mi-shi had a horse. There was a dispute between them: whose horse. Began to tear each other from one another.
- Give me - my horse.
- No, you give me - the horse is not yours, but mine.
Mother came, took the horse, and the horse became nobody's.

Answer the questions.
1. Why did Petya and Misha quarrel?
2. What did mom do?
3. Did the children play horse well? Why are you so
do you think?

It is advisable to show children the genre features of poems, stories and fairy tales using the example of these works.

The genre of oral fiction, containing unusual events in the everyday sense (fantastic, miraculous or everyday) and distinguished by a special compositional and stylistic construction. In fairy tales there are fairy-tale characters, talking animals, unprecedented miracles occur.

Poem - a small piece of poetry in verse. The poems are read fluently and musically, they have rhythm, meter and rhyme.

Story - small literary form; a narrative work of a small volume with a small number of characters and the short duration of the events depicted. The story describes an incident from life, some bright event that really happened or could have happened.

In order not to discourage reading, do not force him to read uninteresting and inaccessible to his understanding texts. It happens that a child takes a book he is familiar with and reads it "by heart." Required read to your child every day poems, fairy tales, stories.

Daily reading enhances emotionality, develops culture, outlook and intelligence, helps to understand human experience.

Koldina D.N. I read it myself. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011 .-- 32 p. (Sweetie).

To learn the letters, you don't have to buy expensive manuals or lotto - you can do a lot on your own in just five minutes. The main thing is that the games are varied and like you and your child. It is very important for children to feel everything, and the letters can be folded from any available materials: counting sticks, matches, pieces of pasta, sculpt them from plasticine ...

Look for the letter! If the child likes to circle and paint over, then we write on a sheet of paper about 15 letters, similar in writing, but of different sizes and colors: A, P, H, L, D, G, or W, E, Sch, H, C, Y , or B, C, F, R, Z, Y. You can come up with a variety of tasks - circle only A, or circle all the same ones with the same color, or connect the same letters with paths, or underline some, circle others, and cross out the others in a crisscross pattern ...

Letters on cards. You can make several sets with the same cards, on each of which write one letter. You and your child take a set of cards (start literally with 2-3 letters, and first with vowels), pronounce a sound, for example, "O" and show such a card. The kid is looking for the same. Then you make a sound, and he looks for the right card himself. Then you can play "silent movie" - you round your mouth as if you want to say "Oh", and the baby guesses what sound you were going to make. Pull your lips with a tube, as if you are going to say "U", and the baby says "U" and looks for a card with this letter.

What letter does it start with? We mastered this game in three years. At first I specially highlighted the first letter (more precisely, the sound): "A-a-a-watermelon, what does it start with? And what letter does u-u-duck begin with? And w-w-w-hat?"

Guess what I said? At about three years old, we also started playing games with syllables. In order to read syllables, it is useful to be able to break any word into syllables and then assemble it into a whole. I spoke first with small pauses, then with medium ones, then with large ones: "Ma. Ma. What will happen? That's right, Mom!" Why is this game? And then, that sometimes children, who are taught to read hard, can pronounce a word by syllables, but at the same time they do not understand what kind of word they have read.

Kosh. Ka?
Ma. Shi. On?
Ka. Sha?
RU. Bash. Ka?
Av. That. Bus?

Continue the word. I say the beginning of a word, and the child guesses what's next. "Kosh?" - "Ka!" - Galya says happily.

- So-ba? - Ka!
- Before? - Mick! Road! Board!
- Ry? - Bah!
- De? - Dearie! Wood! Village!
- Ko-ro? - Wha! Cow! Crown! Box!

Objects and words

It is very important for a child to understand the difference between words and real objects that denote them. "ONION" is a word, and it does not pinch the eyes, and it is better to move away from a real onion when mom cuts it.

If the kid likes to count everything, then you can count how many letters are in the word. At first we played with the written words, and then Grishka learned to determine the length of short words by ear. When the kid understands how to play, offer to compare which word is longer: "bow" or "potato", "umbrella" or "umbrella", "snake" or "worm", "pencil" or "pencil"?

Zaitsev Cubes. I tried to teach Grishka using Zaitsev's cubes, but he was not enthusiastic about it. He was more interested in sound: Grishka was ready to open each cube to see what was knocking or ringing inside.

On the one hand, the idea of \u200b\u200bdice syllables is brilliant. On the other hand, I personally liked the blocks much more than my children - I really don't know what the secret is ... Probably, in a large group of children, the blocks work better, but at home this is not the most convenient tool. Regular lotto cards suited us better.

However, sometimes Grishka agreed to read a little bit by cubes.

Magnetic alphabet. Our magnetic letters were not hanging on the board, but on the refrigerator, and we read a couple of words almost every day. Sometimes Grisha himself put together some words and asked me to read what he had done.

Guess the whole word. I made this game for my son myself: on the left on a piece of paper I write 4-5 short words, and on the right - pictures for them, but in a different order. For example, whale, cat, house, smoke, forest, poppy, cancer, elephant, table, chair, window, stork, oak, sea, fish, water, knife, ball, ball.

Grishka reads the word, circles it and connects it with the desired picture. It was in this way that he learned to recognize the whole word and understood the essence of reading. Some people think that it is necessary to learn how to connect letters into syllables, but it seems to me that it is much more important for the child to understand the essence - these letters denote some real object!

Find pairs. We had a bunch of old lotto cards lying around at home. At first, I just signed all the words with a felt-tip pen on the back. Then I chose a dozen paired pictures from them, and we started to play like this. I put the cards with pictures down, and with letters, therefore, up. Grishka searches for identical words, reads, turns the pictures over, checking himself - and takes a couple of pictures for himself. Grishka liked this game because the mountain of cards was growing very quickly.

"That's how much I've won!" He said proudly.

Funny book. We take several sheets of paper, fold them in half and sew them into a book. Then we turn the book with the fold up and cut the pages into 3 or 4 parts. On each strip we write a word to get a phrase.

You can color the vertical parts in different colors: the subject in one color, the predicate in another, the addition in the third ... You can immediately emphasize them, like in school - the child will easily remember this, even if you do not pay special attention to it.

Notes and letters

Many children enjoy looking for prizes and treasures. First, you buy a dozen plain envelopes and put simple notes like "Look in the closet" in each envelope. You can put a prize right in the closet, or you can leave a second envelope there: "Look at your dad on the table", "Look under the chair in the kitchen."

Well, and then you need to find a simple book that the child would be interested in reading, start reading aloud - and leave it unread in a conspicuous place. Some children start reading from thin baby books. Other thin books despise and want to immediately read real ones, that is, thick ones. My brother, for example, began reading with a thick tome of Nosov's stories.

My son was bored reading the alphabet, where Nina and Inna are at the window. In many alphabets and primer books, one letter is added per lesson, but Grishka was not so important, because he knew almost all the letters. And I began to come up with short stories for him, and some that he would be interested to read - about the boys who built the hut, about the ship that sailed to Africa. I wrote these stories in block letters on an ordinary sheet of paper, and a new word appeared not earlier than Grisha had read all the previous ones. The son tried to read as soon as possible to find out what happened next.

The first reading experience is very difficult for a child, especially when he reads each word for a long time and with difficulty. Help him, support him at this stage! Many children, knowing how to put letters into words, do not read themselves because they are embarrassed by adults - they are afraid that they will be laughed at or teased ...

Whatever you teach your children, the result will not be one, but several. Suppose you are teaching a toddler to read. The first result is obvious - the kid began to read on his own. Hurrah! The second result: the child was able to change his attitude towards learning in general, for example, now he believes that learning something new is very interesting (or, conversely, that it is very boring). Third result: your relationship with your child changes. If you successfully taught him to read, but it was given at the cost of threats, shouts, scandals, then perhaps it was better not to teach - but to remain friends ...

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Carefully on the website under the name of Nikolai Zaitsev, they sell fake cubes that have nothing with the official Zaitsev cubes.
more details on the official website of N.A. Zaitsev [link-1]

We like to practice with bricks. "Guess the whole word", "continue the word" and in other proposed games you can use Zaitsev's cubes Very interesting article, I will take note. But our magnetic letters are scattered throughout the apartment.

Good and interesting advice. We will try. Mine is 3 years old. I want her to know everything

I liked the article very much!
My daughter and I had a huge school bag (I went to school with it!), Stuffed with cards with words. Some had pictures or photographs pasted on the back. It was very interesting for Nastya to guess the pictures! We learned to read at the age of 3. They often wrote her letters "from Pinocchio" or "from Vanya" (this is her favorite toy). She still keeps these letters! (And now she is 18 years old).


teaching to read. Education. Child from 3 to 7. Parenting, nutrition, daily routine, attendance at kindergarten and relationships with How I taught my child to read with the help of search engines. Learning to read at 4 years old without the alphabet. Self-Reading Books ...


Read to your child regularly and occasionally ask for the initial letter in words of 1-3 letters. When the time comes, he will either read it himself or persistently ask him to teach. I liked teaching according to Kosinova. Zhukova walked a little hard.

I taught the child consistently. The alphabet hung over the bed from birth. In the toilet on the inside of the door there is a table of syllables. All items in the house were signed: DOOR, WALL, CHAIR, TABLE. On the way to kindergarten at the age of three, a child read the first sign on the tent: "BEER". This day has become a holiday for us. The child received a chocolate bar and then it started.


Syllables are not automated. We go back a step and play lotto with different syllables, give mom the desired syllable (card) at her request, add a word from the two simple syllables just given (mom, porridge, paw). Until the syllables are read without any difficulty, we do not move on to words, only three-letter ones, and then not immediately. If you admit computer games - "Baba Yaga is learning to read" to help you.

Daughters 5 years old DO NOT know how to teach a child to read correctly. We go back one step and play lotto with different syllables, give it to mom, if requested, Learn to read without the alphabet: 13 proven methods and fun games. On the one hand, the idea of \u200b\u200bdice syllables is brilliant.


Little trains and friendly letters are really incomprehensible to children. Try the letter mood. There is a mailing list [link-1] feel free to write your email address, spam does not come. They give a download and a book describing assistants at every step of learning to read. Video here [link-2] In general, warehouse signs are very helpful. When tension is relieved (by singing), illumination comes. There in the video is. Similar to Zaitsev, only for each consonant separately.

and whose technique is paravoziki?

It is not so difficult to teach to read, it is much more difficult to make the child want to read and begin to read books. For this, it is much more useful to play "Baba Yaga is learning to read" on the computer, and educational games on "Sun" - such as correlating a written word with a picture.

Tell me which book (ABC) do you teach your child to read? Thanks. There is a lot of tension with ABCs in Khabarovsk: (I bought a book How to teach a child to read, while I am studying it, the most interesting thing is that Only Zhukova, IMHO. She has a very competent approach to ...