Land Amnesty Law. Dacha amnesty: current information and renewal terms

The process of registering land with buildings located on it simplifies dacha amnesty law... Many users of such real estate are interested in the question of when the dacha amnesty ends. Anyone who has not yet taken advantage of this opportunity is advised to read this article.

What objects are subject to simplified registration

  1. conducting non-entrepreneurial activities (LPH),
  2. construction of garages.
  • Dacha plots related to cooperatives, horticultural partnerships, issued for horticultural and horticultural activities, with ancillary buildings available here, baths, houses, summer cottages.

Terms of dacha amnesty

The time until which the amnesty lasts is different and depends on the type of real estate:

  • For individual residential buildings the term of the dacha amnesty was prolonged until 01.03.2018although it was originally planned to be completed by March 2015. In addition, in 2015 everyone was officially warned that they no longer intend to renew the law. Therefore, all over Russia at this time there were huge queues at the BTI. It is difficult to say what will happen in the current year after this date. This means that it is not worth delaying the registration until the last, because until the beginning of the spring of this year there is an opportunity to calmly register the property, regardless of whether there is a consent for the land to be put into operation or not. If you do not manage to register the property before the due date, this document will be required without fail.
  • The residential building is not the only object of free registration under the dacha amnesty. Free of charge to privatize garden, vegetable garden and country land. After the adoption of the law, no time frame was set for its validity, but since June 2014, a time limit was introduced on the free registration of land plots into ownership. The dacha land amnesty will last until before the end of 2020.

After reviewing the news of 2018, it is easy to understand that the extension of the terms of the law was due to the fact that it did not fully fulfill the task assigned to it. According to statistics, there were not so many registered objects - about a third of all those subject to registration. The state seeks to give ownership of real estate on mutually beneficial terms. On the one hand, the registration procedure is greatly simplified for future owners, and on the other hand, for the state, obtaining an additional taxable base, which allows constantly replenishing the budget.

Land dacha amnesty

The land amnesty does not apply to every plot, but to those that were issued before the operation of the Land Code, i.e. until 30.10.2001

To understand whether a site is subject to amnesty, it is necessary to carefully study the title document and clarify what rights to it are.

If this information is not in the document, then by default the land is considered issued on the basis of ownership. As an exception, cases can be noted when the law provides otherwise.

If the plot was issued on the basis of the right of perpetual use or an inheritable allotment, it is allowed to register ownership on it. However, lands withdrawn from circulation or in limited circulation are not subject to amnesty. They cannot be freely alienated or transferred to the ownership of third parties.

There are situations when there is no documentation for a land plot. This complicates the amnesty procedure. We'll have to make a certificate from the household book, which stores information about the presence of real estate in people. This document is considered to be of title to the site. If the land is not indicated in the book, but there is a desire to register it for yourself, you will have to buy the allotment at the market price.

There are frequent cases when the garden partnership is the owner of the land... To register personal rights to a site, a citizen writes an application. Collects the following documents:

  1. description of the boundaries of the allotment drawn up by the applicant,
  2. the decision of the governing council of the gardening partnership on the ownership of the plot to the applicant and confirmation of the boundaries of the plot,
  3. in some cases, when none of the members of this partnership needed a similar procedure, they may be required to provide constituent documentation (for example, a certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or a paper confirming the rights to land).

The entire package of documents is transferred to the appropriate local government structure. The term for consideration of the application is strictly defined and is 2 weeks.

Dacha amnesty for a residential building

The town planning code states that on the site received for individual housing construction, a house must be built within a certain time, not exceeding 3 floors, in which one family lives.

If such a building is erected on the land of individual housing construction or private household plots, you can register ownership of them. For this, the future owner writes a statement to Rosreestr at the address of the house. In addition to this paper, the following documents are required:

  • check (receipt) confirming payment of the state duty,
  • passport of the applicant or a power of attorney certified by a notary for the person representing him,
  • cadastral passport for the house,
  • a document proving the right to land (required when it has not yet been privatized). If such information is already present in the USRR, this information will not be needed.

Prior to spring 2018, a commissioning permit is not required. All documents must be brought to Rosreestr.

Amnesty for a country house

If you are the owner of a simple garden or country house, standing on a plot for gardening or dacha farming, no building permit is required.

therefore to register the rights to a summer residence, you need to collect a minimum list of documents:

  • A certificate proving the right to a plot of land (or about property, about inherited life-long ownership, about the right to use, not limited in time). If the land is registered in the Unified State Register, a certificate is not required.
  • Construction declaration completed by the applicant.

Note! The bodies of Rosreestr do not verify the information about the dacha indicated by the citizen in the declaration with the actual state of affairs. Those. no visiting commission is appointed and there will be no on-site inspection.

Where to get documents

In general, the applicant will need documents that will not be difficult to obtain in 2018:

  1. Cadastral plan - extract from the Unified State Register. You can get an extract on the Rosreestr website, in person or at the MFC, after paying the state fee in advance.
  2. A technical passport for a house is obtained at the BTI or MFC, the document is valid for 5 years.
  3. The declaration of the real estate object is filled in by the owner in the prescribed form.

Why people are trying to get under the dacha amnesty

If the real boundaries of the registered plot of land do not coincide with those indicated in the documents, you can become the owner of these extra meters.
Moreover, this is allowed at the legislative level. The fact is that the plots in the 90s. issued without the necessary measurements, only roughly determining their value. Therefore, now the main thing is to comply with the following conditions:

  1. so that during the surveying the rights of other users of neighboring plots are not violated,
  2. so that the size of the plot does not exceed the size approved by the city administration.

Remember! The discrepancy in the size of the land is not a reason for refusing to register property.

Citizens of Russia can be congratulated on the next extension of the dacha amnesty after March 15, 2015. Now houses in the village and summer cottages can be registered on a preferential basis for another 3 and 5 years, respectively.
Experts believe that in 2018 (2020) the terms of the dacha amnesty will be extended, as has happened more than once. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the reasons for this practice and on the very mechanism of dacha amnesty and consider these issues in detail.

What is a dacha amnesty and how to issue it?

Almost all Russians have heard about the dacha amnesty that began in 2006. Its essence is quite simple. Citizens are invited to legalize (register) their buildings and summer cottages on a preferential basis, without collecting and processing a lot of certificates and documents. In principle, a preferential order could become a daily norm, but not in our country, where the interests of the system and individual officials are always taken into account in the first place. Therefore, all dacha benefits have a clear framework and time frame.

Interestingly, registration of houses and plots is necessary not only for citizens. After all, if citizens for a quarter of a century did not consider it necessary to legalize their rights to real estate, then they are unlikely to run to register them right now, and even within a clearly defined framework.

Therefore, such amnesties are most needed by the state, since the significantly leaking state treasury needs to be replenished, including through the land tax, as well as the tax on real estate. The dacha amnesty is aimed at increasing the collection of these payments.

Therefore, if you are not going to sell or inherit the land plot you have (there are many such cases in practice), then you should think very carefully whether you should use the proposed mechanism at all. If you plan to somehow manage the fate of your site or house in the future, or you simply want to put things in order in the documents of title to your real estate, then the extension of the dacha amnesty will come in handy.

What objects are covered by the dacha amnesty?

The dacha amnesty currently applies to two types of real estate:

  • Residential buildings that are built on plots allocated for individual housing construction or maintenance of subsidiary farming without a building permit and, accordingly, without an act on the commissioning of the building;
  • Land plots that were allocated before 2001 (that is, before the introduction of the current Land Code of the Russian Federation) for the maintenance of a summer cottage or subsidiary farm, gardening, truck farming, as well as individual housing construction.

Accordingly, the term of the amnesty for houses is limited to 2018, and for land and the outbuildings located on them - 2020. So in this part everything is more or less clear. As for the detailed mechanism of dacha amnesty, then it should be dwelled on in more detail, since the procedure for registering land and buildings is different.

Amnesty for residential buildings

Registration of a residential building located on your site has a number of restrictions that you need to pay attention to. A residential building (a building intended for the residence of citizens) must be located within the boundaries of the settlement on a land plot that is allocated for construction or maintenance of subsidiary farming. Often, plots for private household plots are allocated outside settlements on agricultural land. On such sites, the construction of capital residential buildings is prohibited by law. Therefore, the amnesty does not apply to such real estate.

In the event that your house (regardless of the date of construction) meets the listed conditions, you need to contact the local branch of Rosreestr (documents can also be sent by mail - in this case, the applicant's signature on the application is notarized). However, the best option is a personal appeal, since possible roughness in the documents can be eliminated promptly even at the time of submission of the documents themselves.

To register a residential building on a preferential basis, you must pay a state fee (as of 2015 it is 200 rubles), write an application on a standard form (forms and a sample of their filling are available in each department of Rosreestr), and also have the following documents:

  • Passport of the applicant citizen;
  • A cadastral passport for a house (its registration can be combined with the registration of a house, so all the procedures are performed by the same body - in this case, you will need to write another application and draw up a technical building plan, which is performed by cadastral engineers);
  • A document of title to the site on which the house is located, while this document is required only if your rights to land in Rosreestr have not been previously registered.

If you entrust your right to register the house to another person (quite common practice), then you need to worry about the power of attorney in advance. However, if the attorney is a competent person, then there should be no problems with such questions.

After successful submission of documents within two weeks, the house you own must be registered, and the applicant must be issued a certificate of ownership of it. Usually a certificate with the submitted documents is handed in personally or sent by mail to the applicant, if the documents were also sent to Rosreestr by mail.

Amnesty for land plots

To register under a dacha amnesty a land plot allocated before 2001 and intended for individual housing construction, private household plots, truck farming or gardening, it is necessary to follow the same procedure as in relation to a residential building. It is worth remembering that the site can be granted on the basis of the right of perpetual use or inheritable ownership, or property. And even in the case when the type of right is not indicated at all in the existing documents, then the registration of the ownership of the land plot occurs automatically. At the same time, the ownership right cannot be registered in cases where the land plot is limited in circulation, or such registration is not allowed by virtue of the law.

If the listed conditions are met, in addition to writing an application and paying the state fee, you will have to prepare the following package of documents:

  • Applicant's passport;
  • A document that confirms the fact of the provision of the site (act of the authority, an extract from the household book, etc.);
  • Cadastral passport for the site (if necessary, it can be issued simultaneously with the registration of the right to land). In this case, it will be necessary to make a boundary plan, which is currently being made by cadastral engineers;

It is not uncommon for the land plot to be registered to be located on the territory of a garden partnership. In this situation, the applicant will need the following set of documents:

  • The decision of the board (head) of the partnership on the allocation of a plot;
  • Description of the boundaries of the site (this document is prepared by the applicant himself and the correctness of its preparation is also certified by the seal of the partnership and the signature of the head).

If you are the first of the participants in the partnership to carry out this procedure, then the partnership will be asked for constituent and title documents for the land belonging to it.

Registration of outbuildings at summer cottages

In the event that there are buildings on the summer cottage (garage, country house, etc., which are not intended for permanent residence), then the issue of their registration is even simpler. According to the norms of the town planning code, the construction of such objects does not require a building permit and an act of commissioning. Therefore, a cadastral passport for such a building is not needed at all. And the registration of such a building takes place simultaneously with the registration of a land plot by providing one single document - a declaration.

A declaration like this is a common description of your building. A sample of it can be found on the Internet or at the Rosreestr branch. Such a declaration is filled out independently by the applicant.

At the same time, the information that will be indicated there is not checked by any commissions, however, filling out such a document should be treated responsibly, since during the sale, donation or other transactions with land, possible inaccuracies may become the subject of disagreement with the buyer.

The phenomenon, which will be discussed in the article, is very relevant in any of the regions of Russia. In everyday life, it is called the dacha amnesty. We are talking about the procedure for transferring ownership of real estate and land plots in a lightweight version. After the corresponding "law on dacha amnesty" 93-FZ was adopted, it was extended twice already. Despite a number of existing disagreements and obstacles, the law works and enjoys considerable popularity among the population.

Some confusion of opinion can be observed at the present time. Some say that the dacha amnesty has been extended until 2018, while others say that until 2020. Let's figure it out. When will the dacha amnesty end? Should land owners be in a hurry?

The main normative act, which was approved back in 2006, has a rather long official name. The current version of the Law of the Russian Federation on dacha amnesty is called Federal Law No. 20-ФЗ dated February 28, 2015 "On Amendments to Certain Russian Federation". As we can see, the people christened it "dacha amnesty" exclusively in colloquial use.

For whom is this law adopted? Who can use it?

2. It also applies to the owners of plots belonging to cooperatives or garden partnerships. A very common situation: a gardener has a CT membership card, but does not have documents confirming the right to a plot. In this case, you can register your property by writing an application to the local administration.

3. Another category - all citizens of Russia who have a document confirming the right to a plot of land, but without specifying their ownership rights. It is thanks to the dacha amnesty that the procedure for obtaining this much-needed paper is simplified as much as possible.

Based on all the adopted amendments and modifications, Federal Law No. 20-ФЗ dated 02.28.2015 can be called a set of amendments to the original law on dacha amnesty.

What is the essence of the law?

Thanks to him, the process of registering real estate and land plots has been greatly simplified, and obtaining a certificate is now much easier and faster. In certain clauses of the law, norms were introduced according to which the dacha amnesty was extended until 2020.

Despite the urgency of the problem, the majority of fellow citizens are in no hurry to register land ownership, taking advantage of the opportunity to do it quickly and according to a simplified scheme. Despite the fact that there is not too much time left, there is no crowding. Apparently, the bulk of Russians are hoping for another extension (similar to the situation with the privatization of apartments).

Changes to the law on dacha amnesty were introduced in March 2015. Now, by the end of 2020, applicants have the opportunity to register land plots in ownership by submitting a package of documents in the minimum configuration. But one important feature should be taken into account - these amendments are related only to those who are a member of a dacha or horticultural partnership.

What benefits does a citizen receive in connection with the extension of the law?

As already mentioned, a dacha amnesty is understood as a simplified method of registering ownership of those real estate objects that are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. To obtain the necessary documents, you should make sure that the owner of the plot has a document that can confirm the right to own the land. Even if this document was issued many years ago, but at the same time in compliance with all the requirements of the legislation that existed at that time in the country, it does not have a limitation period.

The system of registration of rights, which operates today, has been operating since 1998. Certified, in accordance with all the necessary requirements, the document (in the BTI or in the self-government bodies) has the status of legal and valid. If you have this paper, some of the problems have already been solved.

And if not?

If you do not have a title document for your land plot, you need to contact your local government with an application for an extract from the business book. If the option of obtaining an extract does not work out, then all that remains is to buy the plot from the state or municipality.

That is why the extension of the dacha amnesty guarantees the observance of the rights of those owners who have previously issued documents (that is, of the old model). Their legal force is confirmed by article of the Federal Law No. 122-FZ.

Getting a new testimony - is there any point in rushing?

Some of the owners of plots and real estate have not yet taken any steps to re-register. After all, no one legally obliges the owner to obtain a new certificate. But on the other hand, if it is necessary to carry out an alienation procedure (for example, when selling or donating a land plot), the USRR will lack the necessary information about you as the owner. This situation is fraught with the impossibility of completing the transaction from the point of view of the law. And when the dacha amnesty ends, the registration procedure can become much more complicated.

However, there is always a way out. This situation can be resolved in the following way: when making a deal with an unregistered land plot, it is allowed to simultaneously register the rights to it and the transfer of these rights to another owner. It is even possible to save money on this option - after all, the state duty will be taken only for the procedure for registering a transaction.

This method of double registration has not yet found widespread use. Most often, it is resorted to by those people who trust each other - friends, relatives or good acquaintances. If strangers or organizations are involved in the transaction, immediately before the conclusion, they have every right to make sure that there are documents of title to the site. Without this, many do not risk entering into any legal relationship for fear of fraud.

Other options

Among other things, a certain category of plots is automatically registered as property. In this case, the following documents can act as title documents:

1. Those documents related to the site, in which specific rights to own it are not indicated.

2. Certificates or other acts that are granted for the right of ownership or perpetual use, inherited for life.

3. Acts for the right to use the site for an unlimited period, which are issued by the relevant services.

If you have any of the above documents, this greatly facilitates the matter. In the case of using a plot for gardening, individual housing construction, gardening or dacha farming, the registration procedure is extremely simple. In addition to providing the above document, you only need to write a statement. Both papers are submitted to the territorial authority of Rosreestr.

Do I need to land a land plot?

The question of the need to land a territory in the process of registering rights, according to the law on dacha amnesty, has been raised more than once. The obligation to do this was stipulated in the first edition of the law, but then (in 2007) it was canceled. This was done in the same interests of the applicants in order to save time, money and nerves.

However, after the abolition of the mandatory land surveying procedure, many problematic situations arose. If there are controversial points, the information reflected in the cadastral passport is formulated as "indicative" and "subject to clarification". And since the cadastral passport is the main and most important document related to a land plot, which is well understood by most buyers, not everyone will be satisfied with such a wording.

Among other things, in the event of a possible litigation, it will be very difficult to prove the real area of \u200b\u200bthe land allotment. In order to avoid complications in the future, it is still recommended to carry out the land-surveying procedure before executing the transaction, and then submit an application to the cadastral chamber with a request to clarify the boundaries of the site.

How is the process of land surveying going?

To carry out this procedure, you need to obtain the consent of the neighbors to ensure that the boundaries of your site are legally determined. In case of the absence of such an opportunity or loss of contact with the owners of adjacent plots, an alternative option is provided. According to the new rules introduced since 2008, the procedure is as follows: a request is made to the cadastral chamber with the requirement to provide the official postal addresses of neighbors, a date is set for the survey procedure with the establishment of the boundaries of the site, the cadastral engineer sends notifications about the upcoming event to the owners of adjacent sites (one month and more before the scheduled date). If they do not respond, it is allowed to carry out the survey procedure in their absence.

If the mail notification for one reason or another was not served (returned with a note that it was impossible to deliver), the procedure is as follows: the cadastral engineer without fail in the media places an official announcement about the procedure to be held in this territory. In the absence of a response from the owners of neighboring plots, it is allowed to resolve the issue of borders without their direct participation.

What awaits the owners of summer cottages?

If the site belongs to the territory and its owner has a membership card, it's time to take advantage of the dacha amnesty. After all, the presence of a certificate gives you the right only to be considered a member of a gardening partnership, but not the owner of the site. The order of action in this situation should be phased.

We should start with the privatization of land. To carry out this procedure, a package of documents should be submitted, consisting of an application, a confirmation certificate about the information specified in it, from the SNT board and a handwritten description of the parameters of the site and its location. If you are the first of the participants in a particular partnership who applied to the local government with a similar statement, then you have the right to request from the ST management the entire set of documentation for the sites - establishing and constitutive. The maximum period for consideration of the submitted documents is 14 days, then they are subject to state registration with the Rosreestr authorities.

Please note that the amendment to the law on dacha amnesty concerns members of dacha, horticultural, vegetable gardening partnerships and cooperatives. From March 1, 2015, the dacha amnesty was extended until 2020 (until its completion). During the entire mentioned period, these persons have the right to free registration of the garden plot in ownership with the submission of the minimum documentation to the local authorities, as already mentioned. In this case, the date of the applicant's membership in the cooperative does not play any role.

How to register a house under a dacha amnesty if it is inherited?

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows the transfer of real estate to inheritance - according to the law or according to the terms of the will. Before, under the dacha amnesty, the subject must accept the inheritance. This is done either in a legal way - when the heir applies to a notary, or in fact - when using property, paying tax on it, etc. According to general rules, inheritance rights come within 6 months from the date of its opening. When this formality is complied with, it is possible to register a plot or real estate in the same simplified manner under the terms of the law on dacha amnesty.

That is why this law is very popular these days, even taking into account certain inconveniences and errors. Its simplified rules have helped a lot of people get the status of the rightful owner of the site. For those who still have not decided on this, the extension of the amnesty until the end of 2020 will allow them to formalize their own rights without haste.

When will the dacha amnesty for owners of residential buildings end?

However, it should be mentioned once again that this date - 12/31/2020 - applies only to members of gardening and summer cottage associations. As for the validity period of the simplified legal mechanism designed to register ownership of residential real estate (individual residential buildings), here the dacha amnesty has been extended until 2018 (until March 1).

It is up to this date that the registration of the right to the house is possible even in the absence of a permit for commissioning. If you start the process of registering housing ownership later, the registering authority will ask you for a document authorizing the commissioning of housing. That is why the owners should hurry up, without waiting for the date when the dacha amnesty ends.

What does the concept of dacha amnesty mean by itself, for which subjects and objects it is provided for, we will understand this material. Let us also consider the terms of the program and the procedure for the person applying for it. Now about everything in order.

General concepts and legal regulation

Initially, we will consider what the dacha amnesty means. This term means a simplified process of re-registration of land and objects located on it into the personal property of citizens. Since residential buildings, garages, and other buildings can also fall under it, it can be concluded that the meaning of the term is somewhat broader than the name.

Federal Law No. 93 of June 30, 2006 is the main draft law that defines the features and timing of the amnesty.

Dates and whether the dacha amnesty was extended until 2020

Perhaps one of the most interesting questions for potential designers is still the question. Has the program been extended as previously expected until 2020? Yes, the period of validity of the dacha amnesty is indeed extended, but only garden farms purchased before 2001 are subject to privatization in this way.

The lawmakers had to extend the term for the amnestied facilities for several reasons. So, the program has been extended until 2020 due to the fact that:

  • there are a lot of non-privatized land plots left;
  • there are many buildings that are not registered by the owners;
  • the number of owners from the territory of Crimea has increased.

Now, a logical question arises, until what year is the dacha amnesty valid for residential properties on private household plots, individual housing construction sites? So, the simplified procedure for this category of objects ceased to operate on March 1, 2018. This was the final date when it was possible to carry out privatization without a cadastral and technical plan, other permits.

Attention! Since March 2018, residential buildings have been issued with a building permit and a technical plan.

Benefits of the amnesty for each of the parties

We have already discussed the fact that the dacha amnesty is being extended until 2020. What does it mean to amnesty an immovable object is also clear. Now it remains to understand why people need this and why the state should strive for it.

So, the simplified system gives people the opportunity to get rights to objects for free. They receive documents without unnecessary time and nerves. The registered site entails the possibility of sale and donation.

Attention! The title deed in the register gives the owner full rights over disposal, not just ownership. Privatized plots, buildings can be donated, inherited and sold.

Now with regard to the benefits of the state. The rules in force as of 2018 with respect to the amnestied site have been tightened. But the program still works. Why was it extended? The more privatized objects there are, the more official owners, and hence the taxes paid.

On a note! The simplification began in 2006. During the period of its validity, more than 10.5 million rights have been registered. The highest peak of activity was noted in 2009 and subsequent 2010.

Updated rules for dacha amnesty

Some provisions of the federal law on amnesty No. 93 as amended on June 30, 2006 ceased to be in effect. The current rules for the registration of a residential building, which are provided for on July 13, 2015 by Federal Law No. 218 "On State Registration of Real Estate":

  • state registration and parallel cadastral registration of the object;
  • registration of a residential building only if there is a technical plan.

The design of residential buildings requires a technical plan, you can get it if you have title papers. No permission is required to put the house into operation. But if the rights to land in the USRN have already been recorded, then when registering a house, garage or utility block, these papers will not be required.

There were also innovations in terms of privatization of summer cottages and garden plots. The cadastral passport, which is issued on the basis of the expertise of the engineer of the land cadastre, has become a mandatory document for registration. A paper is drawn up on the basis of a declaration filed by the owner.

On a note! Until 2017, the registration of dacha and garden land plots was carried out only if there was a declaration filled out personally by the user.

Cadastral plan or passport what you need

The cadastral plan cannot be obtained in 2018. Previously, this document was issued at the Cadastral Chamber. Today, a new passport has a similar effect. It is issued by the registration service (UFRS).

If there is no data about the object

In a situation where there is no data on the site in the UFRS, it will not be possible to obtain a passport. We'll have to carry out the procedure for surveying and approving the technical plan. You need to act on in the following sequence:

  1. Contacting the Land Committee with a corresponding application.
  2. Inviting a team of surveyors from the state department or using the services of specialists from private companies with licenses.
  3. Determining the boundaries of the site, conducting geodetic surveys.
  4. Development of a boundary plan based on the results of geodetic works.
  5. Approval of the plan by the Committee.
  6. Registration of a land plot in the UFS cadastre. Registration will be carried out only if there is an approved boundary plan.
  7. Obtaining a passport.

Cadastral works. Prices in 2018

The law sets limits on prices for cadastral works. It concerns only land plots. For example, in Moscow, in accordance with Law No. 156 of 2015, the following standards are in effect:

  • 450 rubles - the cost of a cadastral meter in the Moscow region;
  • the maximum is 7,000 rubles.

In a standard position, the price is formed taking into account the following factors:

  • base price;
  • the number of adjacent areas;
  • district coefficient;
  • deflator coefficient.

How to get through and get a dacha amnesty

When registering real estate, the ultimate goal of which is to register your rights, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Apply to the UFSR with an application for registration of the object.
  2. Provide a passport and documentation for the facility.
  3. Pay the state fee.
  4. Take a receipt from an employee of the structure for accepting documents.
  5. Obtaining the appropriate certificate.

A package of documents for a dacha amnesty:

Attention! A permit for commissioning is not one of the mandatory documents for a dacha amnesty. When registering a residential building, you need a building permit.

Application processing time

If all the documents necessary for the amnesty have been submitted, then the applicant will have to wait for the following deadlines:

  • 10 days the application of the applicant is processed through the registration chamber;
  • You will need to wait 12 days in case of submission of papers through the MFC.

Declaration form

Government Order No. 447 defines the form of the declaration. It must be completed by each applicant for a dacha amnesty. It contains the following information on the object:

  • place of deployment;
  • name;
  • land area;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • year of construction of the building;
  • the presence of engineering communications in the house;
  • cadastral number;
  • information about the copyright holder.

Difficulties in the registration process

Unregistered property and transactions with it cause difficulties. It is unambiguously necessary to privatize it in order to obtain property rights, and with it the rights of disposal. But difficulties can arise at this stage as well. Let's consider the most common nuance.

The real data do not coincide with the information indicated in the excretory acts. Errors are allowed by legislation, but they cannot exceed 1 unit of the maximum allowable size established for a specific category of sites. But the discrepancy between the declared and actual sizes is not a reason for refusing the amnesty.

Attention! If the boundaries have not been allocated in principle, then an increase of 10% of the declared value is allowed.


The dacha amnesty is an excellent chance for users of land plots to legalize their rights to land and the objects located on it. Without appropriate action, it is impossible to sell or otherwise alienate the property. An unlimited number of buildings can be issued under such a program.

A minimum of time, money, documents and bureaucracy is what distinguishes the dacha amnesty from the standard registration procedure. But you should not delay with this method, since the program has a limited validity period. The end date is March 1, 2020. It may, of course, be extended further, but everything tends to end. In addition, no one can predict what the simplification will mean in the 2020 version.

  • Question: If you own a land plot, but there is no new certificate of ownership. What if you need to sell the object, and you have only a document from the 90s?
    Answer: The first thing to find out about this document is the moment of ownership. If it is installed, no problem. If not, we look to see if there are any restrictions and whether the object has been withdrawn from circulation.
    Three times, without registering the allotment, it is impossible to carry out the sale, any other alienation. Thus, we immediately register the site in Rosreestr and receive a certificate of ownership. Next, a purchase and sale agreement is concluded, and information about the new owner is entered into the database, the owner of the object on the documents changes.
  • Question: Please explain the information regarding the land, which objects can be registered and which cannot.
    Answer: Title deeds contain information about ownership. If the act does not say anything, then automatically, the site is provided on the basis of property rights. If the allocation took place on the basis of permanent perpetual, lifelong ownership, then the site can be issued. Possessions excluded from circulation and those that are in limited circulation are not registered.
  • Question: If the land is owned by a garden partnership, what to do?
    Answer: It is necessary to contact the local government and provide an application, a decision of the dacha economy on the allocation of a plot to a specific user, documents of title of the partnership for an object (the administration requests one-time for all cases of registration of plots of a particular legal entity).

"Dacha amnesty" is the name of the Federal Law No. 93, which entered into force in September 2006, which allows citizens to register, in a simplified form, the ownership of land plots and real estate objects located on them. The federal law is entitled “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Issue of Simplified Formalization of Citizens' Rights to Certain Real Estate Objects”.

Real estate that can be arranged in a simplified manner

"Dacha amnesty" applies to land plots received before October 30, 2001.
  • land plots in a city, village or village allocated for individual housing construction (individual housing construction), garage construction, subsidiary farming and real estate located on them, for the construction of which a permit is not required under clause 17 of article 51 of the City Planning Code - garden, country houses , garages, baths (saunas), sheds, gazebos and similar small buildings;
  • summer cottages located in horticultural associations, dacha cooperatives, intended for gardening and gardening, as well as real estate located on them, for the construction of which a permit is not required.

However, not every real estate object can be registered for yourself. If the property is located in a nature reserve or national park, registration will be refused. In addition, it is impossible to register objects of cultural heritage, sites in the zones of power structures.

Duration of the law

The terms of the law on the "dacha amnesty" are different:

  • on buildings located on land plots for the construction of which a permit is required under clause 5 of article 51 of the City Planning Code, the law is valid until March 1, 2018. Such real estate includes, for example, a private residential building;
  • the law is indefinite for land plots for running a personal subsidiary, country house, truck farming, gardening, individual garage construction, individual housing construction, as well as real estate located on them, for which a building permit is not required - garden, country houses, baths (saunas ), garages, gazebos and similar small buildings. In other words, even after March 2018, such objects can be issued in a simplified manner.

Simplifications and, along with them, complexities in the design

Although, according to the idea, the law was supposed to make it as easy as possible to register ownership of a plot and buildings on it, but in reality there are still difficulties. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the procedure for registering real estate under the "dacha amnesty" and with the information below in order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat difficulties you may encounter.

Previously, to register a land plot (without buildings), a bunch of certificates were needed, then, in a simplified form, 2 documents are enough: a cadastral plan of the site and a document confirming the rights to the site or the fact of its receipt. The first frequent situation - many citizens do not have any documents of title to the site at all. If there are no documents of title on hand, then it is necessary to contact local authorities or organizations that transferred these plots for use to citizens. These documents include:

  • an act on the provision of a land plot;
  • “Old” certificate of title to a land plot;
  • if the site is provided to a citizen for running a personal subsidiary farm, then in this case an extract from the household book issued by the local government will be suitable for the title document;
  • another document confirming the rights to the site or the fact of its receipt.

In the absence of the above documents of title to the site, it will have to be redeemed and registered as property.