What to do if your face skin becomes dull? Dull complexion: what are the causes of the defect

Of course, no woman will like it when her appearance is far from ideal. Why over time the skin of the face acquires a gray tint, what are the reasons and what cosmetics to use to improve it, to create the effect of a radiant face.

But, before rushing into battle with imperfections, it does not hurt to find out where they come from at all and why the skin tone is earthy.

Dull facial skin: causes

In fact, such a problem can have many origins. Basically, dull skin color is caused by addictions and a disturbed daily routine: smoking, alcohol, frequent sleep deprivation and sitting at the computer for many hours - all this does not add to the beauty of a woman's appearance.

Also, a lack of oxygen and physical activity can affect the shade of the face - the more actively the soft tissue is supplied with oxygen, the brighter it has. And this means that the gray color of the skin is caused by oxygen starvation: the dull layer of the dermis simply does not receive nutrients in the required volume.

Physical illness also affects beauty - and not in a positive way. Often, a sallow face can be a sign of a serious illness of an internal organ, circulatory system or even anemia.

In this case, you should first solve the problem and seek help from a specialist in order to identify the cause of this phenomenon and cure the ailment. It is in such situations that creams and masks will be powerless, because an ugly face tint is just a visible manifestation of an existing disease.

What to do if your face becomes dull

First of all, it is necessary to revise the daily routine. It is worth spending more time sleeping and resting, moving more, being in the fresh air. Daily walks in the park or morning jogging is an excellent and affordable tool that favorably affects not only the complexion of the face, but also the entire female figure.

If you suffer from bad habits, then there is a reason to try to give them up. Addictions do not bring any benefit to the body, but they deprive it of youth and colors, prematurely wear out internal systems and contribute to early wilting.

It is worth paying attention to your health, perhaps it makes sense to undergo a full medical examination. If you have not identified serious deviations and no treatment is required, then go in for sports and eliminate all harmful foods from your diet, replacing them with a useful alternative.

Usually, a gray complexion occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are often nervous and do not get enough sleep. For an active person who finds time for sports in their schedule, this problem is much less common.

It also does not hurt to supplement your diet with special vitamin complexes, since most often an earthy face means a deficiency of vitamins and essential trace elements. The most useful substances for female beauty are B vitamins.

Cream for dull skin

Treatment should be started in a comprehensive manner: in addition to correcting shortcomings in the menu and increasing the stay in the fresh air, it is worth acquiring cosmetics that are suitable for you.

And you can also use a variety of creams with different components to restore complexion.

Vitamin C is the best helper in the fight for beautiful skin and a healthy complexion - it allows the blood flow in the vessels of the dermis to resume its natural function. That is why for lifeless pale skin, beauticians advise using products based on orange or lemon juice.

If you set out to find a suitable cream, then pay attention to its composition - there is no need to poison dull skin and burden it with additional chemical ingredients, so you should choose organic products.

Although citrus fruits are the best component for improving complexion, other fruit acids do this task just as well - look in the list of ingredients on the package for the designation that the cream contains ANA.

How to disguise a gray face

Undoubtedly, dull skin noticeably spoils the overall appearance and can distort even the most beautiful face. To forget about this problem for a while, you can use special cosmetics - it will camouflage a gray tint and give your face a healthy look.

When choosing a foundation, pay attention only to warm shades - peach, yellowish, honey. It is these tones that perfectly drown out the earthy color of the skin, filling it with light and natural colors.

You can use a brighter blush to keep your skin looking rested and radiant, but do not use too dark shades - it is better to choose a light pink or light brick.

Well removes gray undertones from the skin of the face and a yellow concealer or golden porthole - it can be used on the cheekbones, on the bridge of the nose, in the center of the forehead and above the upper lip.

If your skin is dark enough, then a self-tanning cream or even a tanning bed can come to the rescue - only with these measures you should be careful.

In the first case, a poor-quality product can lie with ugly spots, and in the second, it is necessary to moderately mask gray skin under a tan layer, since the abundance of sunbathing also does not benefit female beauty.

Factors that worsen its condition act on the skin every day. With natural aging, the skin loses its ability to quickly recover, and blood circulation in its deep layers deteriorates. As a result, a cosmetic flaw such as a dull complexion may occur.

An even tone is achieved due to the normal lipid balance and good hydration. The loss of brightness is caused by excessive dryness and the accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the epidermis. How to get rid of a dull complexion can be found in our article.

Why does the skin grow dull?

The reasons for a dull and gray complexion are varied:

  • Biological

Some people naturally have a dull skin color. This condition is difficult to correct and requires constant cosmetic procedures. Another biological cause is aging.

  • Environmental

Airborne chemicals, dust, direct sunlight damage skin cells and cause them to thicken.

  • Lifestyle related

Lack of sleep, overwork, alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of plant fiber in the diet, physical inactivity are factors that cause an uneven complexion.

The tarnishing of the skin occurs gradually. Dehydration and a thick layer of keratinized cells of the epidermis cause the skin to thicken. Blood capillaries are not sufficiently visible through its surface. Appearance often accompanies this.

How to restore even tone

What to do in case of a dull complexion to restore its attractiveness? To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:


Water is very important for maintaining elasticity and beautiful complexion. The relief of the skin and its ability to reflect light depends on the elasticity. Moisturizing is especially important for people with dry skin. It includes using a variety of cosmetics with moisturizing ingredients and drinking enough water (8 glasses a day).


The procedure speeds up metabolic processes and the removal of decay products from tissues. Massage creams and oils are additional benefits. Massage improves blood circulation and lymph drainage, which ensures the normal delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells.


During peeling, dead cells of the epidermis are removed. This is one of the most effective methods to combat dullness. Cells can be exfoliated using masks, scrubs, and peeling mixtures for home use. In the conditions of a cosmetology clinic, professional and hardware peels are used.


Lightening can be done with home remedies or medical procedures.

The result of a course of chemical peeling at home

To restore a beautiful complexion, it is important to follow these guidelines:

  • avoid fatty and sugary foods, eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • use peeling and moisturizing when leaving;
  • increase the intake of vitamin C in its natural form or by taking vitamin complexes;
  • drink more liquid, treat the skin surface with thermal water during the day.

You need to start with proper cleansing. You need to wash yourself twice a day. Washing too often leads to overdrying. For washing, use not hot, but warm water, then rinse your face with cold water and wipe it with an ice cube. Ice can be made from herbal infusions such as chamomile. If the skin is too dry, it is predominantly used for cleansing and removing makeup.

When choosing a cleanser, you need to pay attention to the word "Exfoliant", which means that it is capable of exfoliating dead cells. If you feel dry, you should use products with intensive moisturizing, with fat content - with the indication "oil-free".

When using decorative cosmetics, it is recommended to apply a primer beforehand. This product fills in pores and bumps for a visually enhancing skin texture. For oily skin, use mineral-based matting agents, avoid creamy textures, and prefer powder or liquid foundation. It is advisable to choose cosmetics marked “non-comedogenic”. For dry skin, you should abandon powder and use liquid or creamy products.

Homemade recipes

There are many ways to improve your complexion at home:

  • for instant results, you can use apricot or banana puree as a mask;
  • make a mixture of ground mint leaves and water, apply in the morning and evening, the effect is noticeable after a week;
  • soak a few almonds in water, peel them after 12 hours, chop and mix with milk until a paste is obtained; it should be applied at night, and washed off with cool water in the morning; the effect is clearly visible after 15 days;
  • wipe the skin daily with fresh cow's milk.

To improve the effect, you can use masks for dull complexion:

Berry and citrus masks can be used once every 10-14 days, sour cream, clay and curd masks - weekly.

Comprehensive home care, including a mask, a hardware procedure and a moisturizer, will help you quickly improve your complexion and maintain the result for a long time.

Professional chemical peeling

Cosmetical tools

To choose a product that improves skin color, you need to pay attention to its packaging. Special cosmetics for this purpose are labeled "Radiance". It contains particles that reflect light and visually give radiance - pearl dust, mineral particles, mica. Examples of such tools:

  • foundation with radiance effect SPF 15 True Radiance (Clarins);
  • night cream Radiance in a Flash (Guerlen);
  • phytoplan Broccoli Wrinkle Radiance Power Ampoule (Ladykin) anti-wrinkle face serum;
  • day cream against the formation of age spots Neotone Radiance SPF 50+ (IsisPharma);
  • brightening serum Endermology Radiance Brightening Serum (LPG);
  • christina Wish Radiance Enhancing Cream and others.

Most of these cosmetics not only mask external imperfections, but also moisturize, fight wrinkles and improve overall condition.

To prevent discoloration of the face, for example, in a metropolis, it is necessary to choose products with maximum moisture for daily care, as well as to treat the skin with thermal water throughout the day. Useful components in cosmetics, the presence of which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis:

  • vitamins A, E, C (tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid);
  • wheat germ oil;
  • arbutin and other substances of plant origin.

To “mask” a dull complexion, while providing hydration, nourishment, matting, you can use a BB or CC cream. - the introduction of hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture in the skin for a long time, which leads to a smoothing of the relief and rejuvenation;

  • ozone therapy - the introduction of ozone helps to accelerate the metabolism in the dermis and renew the upper layers of the skin. The result is increased elasticity and improved skin tone.
  • Result from non-injection mesotherapy

    The raw materials are made from seaweed. Such procedures not only deeply cleanse the skin, but also saturate it with nutrients and moisture. As a result, blood circulation improves, capillaries open, the skin is renewed, its dull shade is replaced by a healthy color.

    Correction of destructive changes in the skin of the face by injecting a mesotherapeutic cocktail

    No amount of cosmetics will help if a person has a gray, dull complexion. Of course, we are not talking about professional stylists' tools that can turn any of us into a doll and which we can afford on special occasions. We are talking about the everyday makeup of ordinary people, and the gray complexion here becomes a big obstacle on the way to a beautiful appearance.

    So, a woman or a man has a gray complexion. The symptom is not the most pleasant and can speak of diseases. But now we are talking about simpler cases and what to do if the skin color is dull.

    Get a good night's sleep

    Nothing improves your appearance like healthy, restorative sleep. It is at night that our skin absorbs the nourishing ingredients from cosmetics best. Therefore, evening cleansing and applying serum and cream to it is so important. At the same time, both of these funds are obligatory, because the liquid serum perfectly delivers components to the skin, but evaporates quickly. Therefore, you should cover it with a thicker cream.

    Provide hydration

    Dull, gray, ashy skin color and dryness often go together. It is best to moisturize such skin with oil. We can use it to remove makeup, add it to our favorite creams and masks, or apply it directly to the skin. What oils are best to cope with gray skin, its lifelessness? The most valuable products are argan oil and rose oil. They are especially recommended for women of mature age, because they have a strong effect against wrinkles. Rose oil also reduces vascular changes. To get the most out of these products and bring back the color of dull skin, you should use them at least once a day, in the evening. After thorough cleansing of the face, apply 3-4 drops to the skin and massage it with fingertips, in circular movements, until the product is completely absorbed.

    Herbal compresses act very well on dull, gray skin, which improve blood circulation in the vessels. Horsetail or rosemary can be used this way.

    Correct the color

    To remove the gray, dull skin tone of the face and body, you first need to remove the dead, keratinized scales. For such purposes, you can prepare a scrub from coffee grounds and honey. We massage the face with this mass for 2-3 minutes, and then wash off with warm water. Then cover the cleansed skin with a mask of grated apple mixed with thick natural yogurt. Apple contains fruit acids that smoothen the skin and improve its color. And yogurt deeply moisturizes and soothes irritation. A mask made with these products will enhance the appearance of any skin.

    A carrot mask gives a dull complexion a healthier look. It should be used at least once a week.

    Hide the spots

    Unsightly spots, which do not add liveliness to our skin, will be lightened by a serum with vitamin C. Apply a few drops of a cosmetic product to clean skin before the cream. Systematic application of the serum will lighten stains and make them less visible. Those that do not disappear, shade with makeup. Go to a good store and ask for a primer and powder that works for your skin and is effective for hiding blemishes. Apply cosmetics with a brush, not a sponge - then it will perfectly cover the stains.

    Avoid flabbiness

    Smooth elastic skin reflects light and looks younger, pinker, the color looks less gray and dull. Therefore, you need to try to stimulate the production of collagen, which prevents flabbiness. One of the most effective ways is to massage the face and neck with a roller with needles, the so-called dermaroller. Its use is also available at home. Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly clean your face, and disinfect the roller needles by treating them with salicylic alcohol. The procedure should be performed daily for 3-5 minutes. After the massage, drive the serum into the skin, and after it has been absorbed, a nourishing cream. The epidermis, punctured by needles, intensively absorbs valuable ingredients.

    It is worth talking about a dull color of a human face when the skin no longer differs in natural dullness and freshness, but instead attracts the attention of the owner and those around him with its own grayish or pale shade, which makes the face look unhealthy and is able to visually age a person.

    A lifeless and dull complexion is one of the most common aesthetic defects in large cities. This defect informs a person that the skin cells lack oxygen, nutrients and moisture. Some people try to mask the dull complexion with decorative cosmetics, but this only aggravates the problem, as the skin becomes even more expressionless and nondescript.

    Do not despair, because there are solutions to solve this problem. Modern cosmetology has a number of products that can restore dull and tired skin to its former radiance, freshness, healthy and ruddy appearance.

    Causes of a dull complexion

    The appearance and health of the skin depends, first of all, on the state of the local blood circulation and the degree of moisture. Remember that in most cases, dull complexion is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. Factors such as fasting, lack of rest and sleep, strict dietary habits, bad habits, lack of movement and excess sunburn can adversely affect the condition of the skin on the face.

    Due to the constant lack of sleep of its owner, the skin does not have the opportunity and time for proper rest and full recovery, which can lead to a deterioration in complexion, pallor and the start of premature cellular aging of the skin.

    A limited diet leads to the fact that the skin does not receive enough vitamins, nutrients and trace elements, which are the "building blocks" for the creation of new cells.

    Frequent exposure to one position, such as while sitting at a computer, can strain and further muscle spasm and circulatory problems in the head and neck area. Soon, a similar problem will be reflected in the appearance of human skin, and the skin tone on the face will become lifeless, dull and painful.

    Frequent visits to a solarium or prolonged sunbathing can lead to a violation of the water reserve, hyperpigmentation and photoaging of the skin, loss of its elasticity and firmness. Remember, overuse of UV light makes your skin look tired, dehydrated and dull.

    In addition, the color of your own face will not please a person who does not care for the skin or does it wrong. Other topical causes of a dull complexion include:

    • Lack of oxygen, fresh air;
    • Unfavorable state of the environment;
    • Seasonal temperature drops, frosty winds and sweltering heat;
    • Dry air in office and residential premises;
    • Lack of sunlight;
    • Lack of trace elements and vitamins;
    • Seasonal vitamin deficiency;
    • The accumulation of dead cells, dust and dirt on the surface of the skin;
    • Lack of proper basic care and exfoliation, especially for oily skin;
    • Age-related changes associated with delayed skin regeneration.

    Separately, it is worth talking about the connection between bad habits and a dull complexion. A person who abuses smoking can be seen from afar - his face is covered with wrinkles, the skin is dry and lifeless, the cheeks often look sunken, and the nasolabial folds are more pronounced than those of his non-smoking peers. This is because the harmful substances in tobacco smoke can cause spasm of skin capillaries.

    Among other things, smoking increases the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood. This means that the blood supply to the skin on the face is disrupted, and its saturation with oxygen and nutrients is disrupted. That is why smoking causes changes in the skin structure - flabbiness, excessive dryness, premature aging and a dull complexion.

    In some cases, a dull complexion reflects a violation of the general state of human health. For example, grayish and dry skin, falling hair, and brittle nails may indicate hypothyroidism. Changes in skin color and condition are facilitated by:

    1. Menopause period;
    2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
    3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
    4. Long period of taking medications.

    Characteristic of a dull complexion

    During the entire life period, the skin condition changes under the influence of various factors. A dull complexion is noted in owners of combination, oily and dry skin types. Such skin is characterized by unevenness, grayish tint and embossed surface. Often, dull skin is combined with enlarged pores, dark circles under the eyes, areas of peeling and pigmentation, as well as increased sensitivity.

    A person with dull skin appears to be sick, tired, lifeless, and extremely unattractive. People with similar skin are said to have a painful complexion. Women often try to mask this defect with makeup, but such manipulations not only do not hide the problem, but also make it more pronounced than before.

    A healthy and beautiful complexion is the basis of external beauty and attractiveness of any person. If the skin is healthy, it has a pinkish tint, an even coloration, a slightly matte surface and good shape retention. Such skin is silky and smooth to the touch, it has sufficient firmness and elasticity. Such skin does not have acne, age spots, inflammation, spider veins and other defects.

    It should be understood that if you have a dull complexion, it is important to visit a dermatologist or cosmetologist as soon as possible, and, if necessary, such doctors as a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. The patient will need to undergo a biochemical blood test, as well as an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and thyroid gland - this will help determine the causes of this defect and choose methods for correcting the problem.

    Proper care for dull skin

    Returning a radiant and healthy look to your face is not an easy process, but not impossible. Start by changing your lifestyle, start taking care of your skin. General recommendations for improving the condition of dull facial skin include:

    • Regulation of the daily routine - a sufficient amount of time allotted for sleep, an increase in physical activity, time allotted for walks in the fresh air, and more;
    • Revision of your own diet, drawing up a balanced menu with the presence of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins;

    • Rejection of bad habits;
    • Correct selection of skin care products, taking into account age, skin type, the need for protection from ultraviolet radiation;
    • Having daily home care consisting of cleansing, toning and moisturizing with suitable homemade or purchased formulations;
    • Home session of applying peeling, scrub or gommage at least once a week to cleanse the skin of dead cells, dirt and sebum;
    • Applying a nourishing or moisturizing mask to the skin 1-2 times a week.

    In the difficult issue of eliminating a dull complexion, a visit to a professional cosmetologist plays an important role. For this problem, the following procedures are applied:

    • Superficial chemical peeling based on enzyme, glycolic and fruit acids;
    • Gas-liquid and ultrasonic peeling;
    • The use of professional cosmetics;

    • Ozone therapy;
    • Biorevitalization and mesotherapy;
    • Plasmolifting;
    • Fractional photothermolysis, photorejuvenation.

    Such procedures even out the tone and surface of the skin, restoring its elasticity and tone, saturating it with oxygen, moisture and nutrients. If there is muscle tension in the back of the head and neck, it is worth visiting several sessions of massage of the neck-collar zone.

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    A dull complexion is characterized by an unhealthy, lifeless appearance of the skin. It can manifest itself with age, as well as as a result of illness, poor diet and lifestyle.

    What is a dull complexion

    A dull complexion is an unhealthy appearance of the skin, in which an earthy tint, pallor and lifelessness of the integument may appear. And this sign does not always develop due to aging. It often occurs in young people who have bad habits, various pathologies, or eat poorly.

    • According to research, the most often dull complexion appears in people with sensitive or, but there may be exceptions in the form of representatives of the group with or.
    • Dullness of the skin is said to be when it loses its natural matte and fresh appearance. The integument becomes pale grayish. This is one of the most common reasons for seeking a beautician in big cities.

    Women try to mask this defect with cosmetics. As a rule, this method only aggravates the situation, since the already weakened integuments of the skin are clogged with cosmetics and lack oxygen. As a result, the skin becomes even more gray, expressionless.

    How to refresh a dull complexion, the expert will tell in this video:


    Dull skin color is divided mainly into stages:

    1. In the first stage basically just pallor appears. The defect itself is almost invisible and is easily visually eliminated with the help of foundation and powder. It manifests itself to a greater extent in the morning and disappears in the evening. Therefore, this symptom is often attributed to lack of sleep.
    2. In the second stage the dullness is more noticeable. The color becomes more intense. It is possible to disguise with cosmetics, but this approach only emphasizes the problem rather than eliminates it.
    3. In the third stage the skin becomes greenish-gray in color. It is problematic to disguise such a defect. The person looks much older than his age, lifeless, unnatural and painful. As a rule, it is at this stage that most people turn to cosmetologists and dermatologists.

    Reasons for the appearance

    There are many reasons for this phenomenon:

    • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Pathology of the heart and / or blood vessels;
    • Low-quality cosmetics;
    • Bad habits (especially);
    • and lack of sleep;
    • Excessive tanning;
    • Long stay in the cold;
    • A sedentary lifestyle and muscle cramps;
    • Active nocturnal lifestyle;
    • Bad ecological situation;
    • Frequent strict diets with significant restrictions;
    • Dramatic weight loss;
    • Lack of oxygen;
    • Low physical activity;
    • Poor nutrition
    • Other pathologies and causes.

    Everyday reasons causing this defect account for the vast majority of calls.


    The symptoms of the defect are:

    • some areas of the covers;
    • and roughness of the skin;
    • Increasing its sensitivity;
    • Change in complexion as it progresses from and to an earthy hue;
    • The patient's appearance appears tired and sickly.


    First of all, they turn to a dermatocosmetologist. He interrogates the patient, conducts a visual examination. If there is a need, then the following are also additionally assigned:

    • Endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist consultations;
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    • Other types of research, depending on what pathology may be suspected in the patient.

    Treatment and elimination methods

    This defect is eliminated in several ways:

    • Therapeutic methods, that is, lifestyle correction;
    • Cosmetics;
    • Cosmetic procedures.

    It is necessary to understand that without regular work on yourself, your habits and foundations, you will not be able to achieve positive dynamics.


    Therapeutic techniques include:

    • Regulation of the daily routine;
    • Increase in physical activity and physical activity;
    • Normalization of the work and rest regime;
    • Sleep normalization;
    • Revision of nutrition and diet;

    It is also worth making it a habit to regularly use high-quality professional products for nourishing and moisturizing the integuments. It is necessary to properly learn how to use such drugs.


    Medical treatment consists of the use of quality professional-type cosmetics. What you need to know about cosmetics? They must necessarily:

    • To be present, E, C, which are especially necessary for the skin and blood vessels that nourish this skin. Vitamin C formulations also brighten the skin.
    • Be peptides and hyaluronic acid that nourish and moisturize the skin.
    • Avoid large amounts of alcohol or other ingredients that dry the skin, such as salicylic acid. the exception is the presence of and.

    Highlighters can mask areas of redness, even out skin tone. Vitamin preparations of oral type are also used, for example, Vitrum Beauty. Doctors, if necessary, will prescribe medications that will help eliminate this defect and the pathology that caused them.

    How to improve your skin tone and complexion, see the video below:


    Physiotherapy is used in the form of cosmetic procedures offered by beauty salons:

    • Plasmolifting;
    • Gas-liquid and;

    The use of a particular procedure requires justification by a cosmetologist. Ozone therapy is considered the most effective for this defect, but sometimes it alone is not enough to solve and eliminate the problem.

    Folk remedies

    The most popular and effective methods of traditional medicine:

    • Masks made of gray or blue clay.
    • Mask based on liquid vitamins A and E, as well as chickpea flour. They are taken in a 1: 1: 2 ratio and mixed.
    • Strawberry-raspberry mask. The berries are milled and applied to the skin.


    Prevention is primarily the normalization of the rhythm of life and correction of the regimen:

    • Get enough sleep;
    • Active lifestyle;
    • Staying outdoors every day;
    • Add fruits and vegetables to the diet;
    • Eliminate harmful foods from the diet;
    • Rejection of bad habits;
    • Use only high quality cosmetics;
    • Refusal from black tea and coffee;
    • Protect your face from temperature extremes and exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
    • Daily home care;
    • Weekly skin scrubbing;
    • Avoiding stress;
    • Use of nourishing and moisturizing products.

    Daily care

    Everyday care consists of:

    • Cleansing with scrubs or serums;
    • Skin toning with tonics, thermal water;
    • Moisturizing with creams and serums.

    Once a week, apply any scrub of your choice. The main thing is that it fits your skin. Do not mindlessly buy up all the funds. Sometimes you have to try a lot of tools to figure out which one is right for you. And it should also be borne in mind that sometimes cosmetics need to be changed so that there is no addiction.

    The video below will tell you about how the expectant mother is struggling with a dull complexion and stretch marks: