What to make from small pieces of felt. Felt crafts for beginners. All that is needed

Felt is an excellent material for creativity and decorative items. Bright and durable, it is easy to cut, sew and hold its shape perfectly. That is why it is very popular among needlewomen. We have collected for you the best master classes on creating felt decor items. Try it, you can do it too!

"Sea" pillow

You just want to hug a comfortable felt sofa pillow! A very simple idea from Roxy Taghavian - a pillow with felt scales. You just need to cut the same circles and glue them with a glue gun to the pillowcase.
You will need: felt in several shades (from light to dark), scissors, a glue gun, a stencil in the shape of a circle and a pen.

Garland of leaves

For more experienced craftswomen, we found an idea to create an original autumn curtain from felt leaves. In a cold dank autumn, such a curtain will bring an atmosphere of comfort and warmth to your interior.
You will need: felt of autumn shades, a large branch, scissors, chalk, a needle with a wide eye, fishing line, bolts to fix the branch on the wall.

Cup holder

Very practical things can also be made from the remnants of felt. For example, here is an original felt cup holder made using the "rolls" technique. You just need to roll strips of felt in the form of rolls and glue them with a glue gun to the base.
You will need: strips of felt of various colors, scissors, a glue gun.

Storage boxes

Another useful little thing for the home is felt boxes for small things. Link to the master class.

You will need: felt, scissors, glue.

Napkin for plates

By the way, it is not necessary to use glue or threads to connect felt parts. Here's a great idea for a seamless modular rug, for example. The main thing is to get the hang of exactly cutting out squares from felt and fold them correctly. The result looks amazing!
You will need: felt, cutter and scissors.

Calendar organizer

For schoolchildren who will go to school very soon, an organizer calendar will be very useful, reminding of important events for the whole week in advance. We found the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a calendar at the Fair of Masters from the blogger LulaBooo.
You will need: felt of different colors and sizes, Velcro, thread, scissors, ruler, pencil, sewing machine.

Rug from stripes in the hallway

The fantasy world knows no boundaries. Often, when creating masterpieces, craftsmen use various materials and improvised means. One of the directions is do-it-yourself felt crafts. Craftsmen say that if one day take a warm piece of felt in his hands and make something out of it, then a person will never stop creating interesting things from this material. Colored patches encourage creativity, calm the nervous system and tune in to a positive mood.

Before diving into artistic handicrafts, you should find out what felt is and what types of material are best suited for creativity.

On a note! Felt is a dense material with unique thermal conductivity, which is produced in a non-woven way from sheep or goat wool, as well as from thin rabbit down.

Natural and / or synthetic types of material with different densities are used for the pattern of products. For novice craftsmen, it is very important to decide on crafts in order to choose the right grade of material.

There are different types of material:

  1. Acrylic felt is a fully synthetic look that is recommended for children and novice needlewomen. The smooth surface of the material allows you to make simple and light felt crafts, for example, overhead summer or autumn flowers, mobile phone cases, and various souvenirs.
  2. Wool felt is a natural material. It makes useful products that have practical application, for example, booties for babies, slippers, stylish and beautiful hats for girls.
  3. Half-woolen felt is a combined material consisting of 2/3 synthetic fibers. It is flexible, keeps its shape perfectly, but creeps out during heat treatment. It is recommended to sew children's stuffed toys and small decorative elements from such material.
  4. Bamboo felt is a more durable and rather expensive material. Viscose impurities that are part of textiles give the crafts their durability. However, for a child or a novice master, this type of felt is very difficult to process.

Everything you need for needlework

Before diving into the creative process, you need to stock up on materials and tools. In addition to felt, in artistic handicraft, the following will be useful:

  1. regular and zigzag scissors;
  2. sewing threads of various thicknesses and colors, as well as floss thread;
  3. pattern or template made of thick paper;
  4. glue and glue gun;
  5. needles, pins and other fixing devices;
  6. colored marker, pencil and ballpoint pen;
  7. decoration elements (beads, buttons, beads).

On a note! A pattern is an indispensable component for creativity, but with certain artistic inclinations and experience, you can completely do without it.

Felt owl

It is best to start with simple crafts. The idea for creativity can be drawn from fragments of Soviet cartoons. A simple option is a wise felt owl. To work, you will need several scraps of fabric of different colors and shades.

A small master class on the step-by-step creation of a felt owl:

  1. Before starting work, you should prepare paper templates for the details of the owl - this is the body, eyes, wings and beak.
  2. Having placed the template on the felt, the necessary part of the craft is cut out. The seam allowance is not taken into account, since the parts are cut immediately to size.
  3. Applying eyes, wings and beak to the front side of the body, it is necessary to achieve the most successful placement option, all elements should be fixed with pins.
  4. The next step is sewing on the details. Having stepped back from the edge of the workpiece 2-3 mm, you can neatly sew the parts with a regular seam.
  5. For experienced craftsmen, the task can be complicated: with the help of padding polyester, volume is given to the wings and beak.

The felt owl is not very difficult to perform. You can sew a loop to it and decorate the wall of your room. Having mastered the initial creative stages, you can move on.

Felt cup holder

Fragrant tea with lemon or orange will become even tastier if you put a cup with a drink on a bright lemon stand. Such a tea ensemble will look very festive and beautiful. You will need 3 colors - orange, yellow and white felt. Working tools: scissors, thread and needle. Steps for creating a citrus stand:

  1. Prepare 2 large orange and yellow circles. Cut out 2 more circles with a smaller diameter, which will imitate citrus peel, and 8 colored triangular slices of orange and lemon each.
  2. Citrus slices are carefully placed on a white blank and fixed with pins.
  3. Before sewing on the details, it is necessary to add volume to the product. As in the previous master class, this is a synthetic winterizer. Each triangle is sewn equidistant from each other.
  4. The final stage is sewing the top and bottom of the stand and aligning the edges of the craft.

This tea accessory will add freshness and creativity to the kitchen interior. A citrus stand can be a great gift for friends and family. To diversify your creativity and gain artistic experience, it is recommended that you make your own cup holder in the shape of the sun.

Fridge magnet

Today it is difficult to imagine a refrigerator without magnetic decorations. You can make a felt magnet with your own hands and add to your collection. As a basis, you can take various cartoon characters - owls, cats, elephants.

On a note! Children will be able to make felt magnets in the form of fungi, stars or other simple shapes.

The manufacturing technology is quite simple and similar to the previous crafts. The only innovation is a small magnet sewn or glued to the inside of the felt figurine.

Ideas for creativity

There are many different options for felt crafts. If you apply diligence, imagination and show your artistic taste, you can create truly real masterpieces of folk art. These can be educational crafts for children, decorations for your own wardrobe or design room decoration. Several different ideas for creative inspiration:

1. Woolen felt Easter egg. You can decorate a room with such a craft on a holiday.

2. You can update your spring wardrobe with felt crafts in the form of a rose or other flower. Such a product can harmoniously fit into an outfit as a hair accessory.

3. In the creative process, you cannot do without a needle cushion. A decorative version of felt crafts can be made in the form of a house, sun, frog or mouse.

4. It will be easy for novice needlewomen to make a decorative felt cover for a notebook, book or weekly journal. By adding a fun applique depicting Simon's cat or another cartoon character, you can please your child with an unusual craft.

What is felt? What types is it, and what tools are useful for working with felt? Let's take a deep dive into all of these questions!

Such a popular material among needlewomen as felt is a rather dense compressed woolen mass that is cut into sheets of certain sizes or rolled into rolls. Density is achieved by treating the wool with hot steam. Felt is a close relative of felt, but the more delicate wool or animal fluff is usually used to make felt.

Felt in sheets

What can you use felt for? It all depends only on your imagination! Felt toys and crafts are very popular among mothers and their babies. You can sew various decorations (brooches and pendants) from felt, decorate the covers of notebooks and photo albums with it, decorate pillows and bedspreads.

Undoubted pluses of felt:

  • has a wide range of colors;
  • produced in sheets of various thicknesses;
  • easy to sew on and stick on;
  • does not have a front and a seamy side;
  • the edges of the felt do not crumble, there is no need to bend them.

Felt classification

The first way to classify felt is its thickness. In handicraft stores you can find felt of different thicknesses: from 1 to 5 mm.

Felt of different thickness

Thinner felt is ideal for cutting small details. Appliques and felt toys with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm will be more accurate.

Thick felt is best used as a base (for example, for a bag or for a development book). It keeps its shape better.

Felt composition

Felt (as well as threads for knitting and embroidery) can have a different composition: pure-woolen, semi-woolen, artificial and synthetic. Each composition has its own characteristics and disadvantages.

Pure wool felt (90-100% virgin wool)


  • shrinks after washing
  • prone to shaggy
  • pellets may form on the surface
  • quite soft and easily wrinkled


  • ideal for making jewelry, accessories and decorative items for the interior.

Half-woolen felt (50-60% wool and 40-50% other materials: viscose, acrylic)


  • soft, therefore does not hold its shape very well
  • not suitable for creating large products


  • even, smooth texture
  • a wide variety of colors
  • great for small decorative items

Acrylic felt (100% acrylic)


  • it has a characteristic shine and a certain "slipperiness"
  • prone to looseness
  • does not tolerate high temperatures
  • thin felt has a certain transparency


  • rich color palette
  • practically does not fade
  • does not shrink and holds its shape well
  • easy to clean
  • suitable for making crafts, toys, accessories, appliques

Polyester felt (100% polyester)


  • lighter felt sheets may show through.


  • has good wear resistance, high strength and dimensional stability
  • does not fade
  • soft and dense material
  • best suited for products that will be subject to active use

Viscose felt (100% viscose)


  • may change shape due to careless cleaning or washing


  • very durable, soft, smooth and silky to the touch
  • keeps its shape well
  • suitable for toys, decorations, appliques

Which felt is better to buy?

Before buying felt, consider:

  1. What are you going to sew?
  2. What size will the product be?
  3. How well should it hold its shape?
  4. Will this product be subject to active use (frequent washing)?
  5. Will this product come in direct contact with skin or hair?

Depending on the answers, you will understand what qualities of felt will be of paramount importance to you.

Felt is usually sold in rectangular A4 or A3 sheets. Before buying, it is better to calculate exactly how many sheets you need to make a product.

Tools needed when working with felt

Materials for cutting parts

There should be several scissors: cutting or ordinary stationery with straight blades; small scissors with straight tips - for cutting small parts; curly scissors (wave, zig-zag); roller knife - for cutting thick felt.

The eyelet punch is suitable for cutting small round holes (for example, the core of flowers).

Detail from felt, cut with curly scissors

Detail from felt, cut with ordinary straight scissors

Materials for transferring patterns to material

Usually needlewomen use self-disappearing or tailor's chalk for this purpose. You can use a gel pen to cut out small pieces.

When using a disappearing marker, do not forget to BEFORE check it for "disappearing".

Small details can be easily traced with a self-disappearing marker

The detail is outlined with a bar of soap

The outline of the part is drawn with tailor's chalk.

Materials for connecting individual parts


You can sew parts with ordinary sewing thread (polyester). Depending on the thickness of the felt, the thread is used in both one and several folds.

Floss threads will also be useful. Using a floss, you can both embroider patterns on the product itself, and connect two parts "over the edge".


For manual sewing of parts, it is necessary to choose needles with a thin and sharp end. When sewing with the sewing machine, use a heavyweight fabric needle (such as a denim needle).


If you decide to glue the elements together, then the most common glue options are PVA, Moment-Kristall and textile glue.

The main condition for using any glue is accurate application. The glue should not soak the piece of felt through and through - then the stains will appear on the surface of the product.

When using Moment glue, it is applied only along the edges of the product!

Pay attention to the glue from the heat gun. This option is notable for its convenience, but you need to get used to working with it.

Using a heat gun

If you need to glue the walls of a box or an album cover, then it is better to use double-sided tape.


If your product should be voluminous, then be sure to think about a filler.

Do not use batting, cotton wool, various trimmings of fabrics. It will not work to fill the product evenly: it will turn out to be uneven and rather heavy. In addition, items filled with cotton are difficult to rinse out after washing. This material is quite hygroscopic and will draw water out of the air. This means that over time, mold may appear in such a product.

And scraps of fabric and thread used as filler can shed and stain the fabric of the product.

Simple stitches for felt

The constituent elements of felt crafts can be sewn together with almost any seam. Moreover, the seam can become both a way of joining parts and an ornament.

Seams on a felt product can be sewn either by hand or on a sewing machine.


Check out the types of decorative hand stitches that will look beautiful on felt crafts

Heart embellished with decorative seams. Author - Tatiana Maksimenko

For sewing together two identical pieces, a regular buttonhole stitch or a needle-forward stitch is most often used. But even a buttonhole seam can be turned into an original piece of jewelry.

Buttonhole options

Felt care

Of course, the method of cleaning felt crafts directly depends on the degree of pollution and the purpose of the product itself. In case of light dirt, it is enough to brush the surface with a soft brush. And large surfaces can be vacuumed with a vacuum cleaner attachment.

If strong dirt has formed on the edges of the product, then you can remove them with a damp sponge (it is allowed to add detergent foam for cleaning carpets).

Washing is allowed only in warm water (no more than 40 ° C) in a delicate cycle.

It is better not to wring out. And to dry, the product must be gently blotted with a terry towel and left on a horizontal surface.

If, despite all the precautions, the product is deformed, then you can try to straighten it with an iron: in the "steaming" mode, without touching the surface of the material.

Remember! Products with glued parts are not subject to wet cleaning and steaming!


The world of needlework has no bottom, craftswomen use everything that comes to hand for their masterpieces. If you want to master a new hobby, then get started!

Making felt crafts is a pleasure - this material is pleasant to hold in your hands, it is very easy to use. And its most important advantage is that even the most unpretentious products look bright and attractive. Once you pick up warm pieces of this material, you will no longer be able to stop. This handicraft is an excellent antidepressant, because by fingering soft, cozy shreds of juicy flowers in your hands, you involuntarily relax and tune in to a positive mood.

What is felt - a brief educational program

Before diving into a new hobby, it is worth finding out what felt is and what types of it are best suited for needlework.

Felt is a fibrous non-woven material. Traditionally it is made from wool, but modern industry produces many types of felt from natural to synthetic with different densities.

Before you run to the store for everything you need, first decide what kind of felt crafts you plan to do with your own hands, because different types of material are suitable for different purposes. The most common varieties are:

Acrylic felt... Made entirely of synthetics. The surface of this felt is slippery and shiny. You can find almost any color of acrylic felt on sale, and it is inexpensive, so, for beginners, this is the best choice. Acrylic felt makes wonderful flowers, souvenirs, key rings, cases for tablets and mobile phones.

Bamboo felt... It is made from bamboo fiber with an admixture of viscose. Such material is durable, wear-resistant, but rather expensive.

Wool Blend Felt... Consists of one third of wool and two thirds of synthetics. Soft, flexible, holds its shape well, but creeps up when washed. It is not recommended to make bulky stuffed toys out of it, but it is ideal for small decor.

Wool felt... Absolutely natural material. Very thick, tight. Not suitable for small crafts and decor. Slippers, booties, hats are usually made from it. Now many people do it themselves, having mastered it.

What you need to work with felt

In addition to felt, for crafts you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • threads (ordinary sewing threads are suitable, or bright, thick, such as floss or iris);
  • scissors - regular and zigzag;
  • needles, pins;
  • ballpoint pen or marker for marking parts;
  • glue gun;
  • decorative fittings such as buttons, beads, etc .;
  • thick paper for patterns.

Felt is a versatile material that is used to make a huge number of different home crafts, children's toys, various decorations and decorative elements. Felt is made, in most cases, from wool, sometimes it may contain a small amount of synthetic additives, the material resembles a soft felt. For the manufacture of various crafts, as a rule, semi-synthetic felt is used.

See also: DIY felt crafts.

Decorative flowers from felt

Making felt flowers is quite simple. Since this material does not crumble, there is no need for additional processing of the sections. In addition, felt retains its shape well. For work you will need:

Flower patterns;
Felt of various shades;

In order to get a pretty rose, you need to cut a strip out of the material and make one of its edges zigzag. In this case, one edge of the strip should turn out to be slightly narrower than the other. Then you should carefully roll the strip, starting from the narrow end. Now you need to fasten the rosette with threads, sewing its base several times. Such a rose will have an even more attractive appearance if a small bead is fixed on top.

The double-sided felt rose also looks very nice. Such a flower has a more realistic look, but its production takes a little longer. For a double-sided rose, circles of different colors must be cut out of felt. The circles should also be of different sizes: large, medium and small. Next, each circle should be cut in half. You need to work with each resulting semicircle separately. First, the smallest semicircle is twisted in such a way that a flower petal is obtained, a semicircle of the same size, but of a different color, is added to it. Each resulting petal is secured with a thread and a needle. Thus, it is necessary to continue working until all the prepared petals are finished.

Felt hot dish holder

Sometimes with the help of the simplest and smallest things you can make a room very nice and cozy. Especially such things are visible in the kitchen. So, you can transform the room using interesting coasters for glasses or hot plates. For the manufacture of such coasters, needlewomen often use felt.

Even beginners in this business will be able to make such dish coasters in the form of citrus fruits with their own hands. To work, you need to stock up:

A set of felt in bright colors;
Pre-prepared template;
With a needle;
Threads in the color of the fabric;
With pins.

You will need the following parts for a citrus stand:

2 large circles (one for the rind of the fruit, the other for its bottom);
1 medium circle;
8 lobules (triangles). For the lobules, you will need felt of the same shade as the first 2 circles.

Before proceeding with the connection of all the parts, they must be laid out in the correct order. A medium-length circle should be placed in the center of a large circle, and the slices should be placed on top. Fasten everything with pins and you can start sewing. All slices along the perimeter should be sewn with small stitches, while sewing all layers of the fruit. So that the threads are not visible from the back side, the resulting workpiece must be put on another large circle and secured. It remains only to trim the uneven edges a little and the craft is ready.

Felt bottle decoration

This craft in the form of a felt bottle decoration will not only decorate any festive table, but will also be a good gift for family, friends and relatives.

For work you will need:

Pre-printed and cut template-pattern;
Felt of any shades;

As a decor for such a craft, you can use all the materials at hand that will be at hand: beads, satin ribbons, sequins, beads, decorative butterflies and much more. Decorate crafts and various stitches that are easy to make on a sewing machine. First of all, you need to prepare a bottle-mannequin, on which you can try on the resulting "clothes". Ready-made pattern templates for a bottle can be downloaded on the Internet, but it is not difficult to make them yourself. All parts of the craft must be cut out according to the templates. It is better to sew them on the front side, but if you need to hide all the seams, you should increase the size of the template by about 0.5 cm, otherwise the craft will be small.

Such a craft does not have to be used only during the holidays. Decorated bottles can be placed in the kitchen where they will perform their decorative functions, raising the spirits of all residents of the house and guests.

Crafts for home made of felt do it yourself photo