Why are fish scales added to cosmetics? Fish scales and mucus: what is added to cosmetics bull semen in hair dye

Have you ever wondered what the perfumes and eau de toilette you use are made of? Perfumes sometimes contain quite shocking ingredients.

Used vegetable oil

Scientists from the laboratories of various cosmetic companies have found that with certain processing, a certain substance can be obtained from used vegetable oil, which has an active cosmetic effect. This effect consists in the regeneration of skin cells and its moderate rejuvenation. Now many of the cosmetic companies use this cheap component in the manufacture of their products, for which they conclude contracts with fast food chains and cafes.

Pepper extract

Who would have thought that ordinary hot pepper, used in cooking spicy dishes and gas sprays to scare off hooligans, can be used for cosmetic purposes? Its active ingredient, capsaicin, which is responsible for the unpleasant burning sensation when pepper comes into contact with the skin, is used in the manufacture of lipstick. If you feel a slight tingling sensation when applying it to your lips, then the bitter pepper, which gave the lipstick its component, is most likely to blame. It is desirable to keep such lipstick away from the eyes.

chicken bone marrow

This non-romantic component is just one of a long line of similar animal elements. The bone marrow contains a large amount of glucosamine, an organic substance that stimulates the production of new skin cells and improves the structure of existing ones. Another useful component of bone marrow is anti-inflammatory, so it is often used in the production of moisturizers / skin softeners and face creams.

fish scales

In the list of cosmetics you use, are there any that promise “shine” and “shimmer”? Or maybe improving the reflective effect or something like that? Hairspray, nails, lipstick? With a high probability, to achieve these striking effects, substances from the composition of fish scales are used, which give cosmetic products a “pearl” effect. The most common source for these substances is herring, which is therefore considered the most common commercial fish used not only for food.

cochineal powder

Most likely, cochineal powder will not be explicitly listed in the list of ingredients of your lipstick, but it may well be, for example, carmine or carminic acid. The presence of cochineal is especially high in products that have a pronounced red color, such as lipsticks. To prepare this component of the bugs, cochineal is first scalded, then dried and ground into a fine powder, from which the red pigment is extracted, and it is already added to many cosmetics, as well as juices, jellies and even sweets.

white ambergris

It sounds very noble, but in fact it is a gray or dark powder extracted from the digestive system of whales, actually dried bile. Despite its origin, the smell of ambergris is quite pleasant, even sweetish, which leads to its frequent use in the perfume industry. True, now synthetic substitutes are used more often instead of ambergris, but it is still found in some cosmetic lines.

Happy New World

now everything is clear. what is lying on the floor did not fall out of the woman's hands. and crawled through the open door. Vladimir anti 1

Only 4 .

Which is more harmful: chips or corn nachos?

Danil Shachinov 2 Source: www.spletnik.ru

It depends on what kind of chips and depending on what nachos are with. In the bottom line, nachos are less harmful because they are more often baked in the oven than fried in oil. In addition, cornmeal has slightly less fast carbohydrates and slightly more protein. But the usual way of eating with a fat topping of sour cream, cheese and hot peppers makes them completely unhealthy.

Artem Manulchenko 3

Only 1 .

How old do you think red lipstick is. For what occasion do you use it: at the university or for the evening. How to pick it up?

Guest 1

Let's say, many red lipstick does not go at all. Regardless of age. It's just not the same type. This is determined by experimentation) To find out whether it suits you or not, do not rush to buy lipstick - borrow it from your mother, girlfriend or experiment with testers in a cosmetics store.
Much depends on the size of the lips. On small and medium lips, it does not look so catchy, so you can paint them bolder. But if the lips are large, then such lipstick should be used very, very carefully, or not used at all, so as not to look vulgar. Let's assume it suits you.
But with regard to age, too, it is impossible to say unequivocally.
Of course, very young girls of school age should not use it. It's not just about red lipstick, but that on a young, almost childish face, bright coloring generally looks stupid and inappropriate, regardless of color.
BUT! Many girls already at the age of 14-15 look very mature, much older than their age. More than once I have come across the fact that my aunt is just walking, but they tell me that she is still a schoolgirl. And if she wants to emphasize this, then on such a precocious adult face, probably, red lipstick will not be perceived strangely. If you do not wear a birth certificate around your neck, of course XD (there is no passport yet :))
It happens that at the age of 25 a girl looks like a girl, young and fresh.
It's up to someone as lucky))) In any case, bright red lipstick is intended for the evening, for going out.
But not for the morning, afternoon, educational institution and outings. Bonnie Blue 46

Only 1 .

Why are fish scales added to lipstick?

manmarensa 6

Fish scales are one of the most unpleasant ingredients that are added to cosmetics. Fish scales have been added to cosmetics since ancient times to add shine. Of course, the scales are processed in a special way so that there is no smell left, they are crushed and added to lipstick and shadows. Perhaps the natural component is better and safer than chemical substitutes.

Beauty has its price, doesn't it? Which of us does not say about himself that he is ready for anything to be beautiful? Cleopatra, for example, bathed in donkey milk. But are you ready to put on cosmetics that contain snail mucus, excrement, semen and fish scales?

We bring you information about seven disgusting ingredients that you did not even suspect were present in your cosmetics. There are substances like guanine, which is obtained from fish scales, or E120, which is actually a dye obtained from beetles. Of course, the use of cosmetic products containing these components is safe and strictly controlled. However, some of us may find this disgusting.

1. Fish scales.

In cosmetics, it is used to make glosses, nail polishes, and eye shadows. If you see the inscriptions “guanine” or “pearl essence” in the composition of a cosmetic product, it is highly likely that they come from fish scales.

2. Snail slime.

Face cream with snail mucus - sounds terrible, but it has special properties. Snail mucus can reduce the visibility of scars, acne blemishes, and stretch marks. In addition, it stimulates increased production of elastin and collagen in the skin.

3. Beetles.

Many of them are considered pests, however, not in cosmetics. The shell of some beetles contains a red dye, which is used in the manufacture of lipsticks and varnishes. It is this particular color that you can find in the composition called E120.

4. Bird droppings.

At the thought that such an ingredient could be found in nail polish, we feel disgust. However, celebrities such as Victoria Beckham struggle with the help of bird experiments with wrinkles and acne, and in Japan such products are considered the "elixir of beauty."

5. Bee venom.

Bee venom is considered a natural alternative to Botox. It is very often added to creams, balms and face serums.

6. Placenta.

Among the most famous modern procedures designed to provide us with eternal youth, the use of placental components deserves serious attention. She, as you know, is distinguished by the ability to give good results in such a case. Disgusting? But Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez do not think so.

7. Sperm.

Scientists have discovered that sperm prolongs the life of cells and, therefore, began to add it to anti-aging cosmetics.

Did you know about it?

Top 5 Unexpected Ingredients in Modern Beauty Products

Women sacrifice a lot in order to look attractive. However, not everyone knows what is actually part of many modern cosmetics. Among cosmetics manufacturers, it is not customary to advertise the strangest and most unusual, from a philistine point of view, cosmetic ingredients. The time has passed for cosmetic companies to be fond of components of synthetic origin. Today, there is an increasing interest in natural ingredients. In addition to the well-known fruit and herbal extracts, cosmetics from a cosmetic bag sometimes contain very surprising ingredients.

1. Fish scales

Among the cosmetics you use, is there one whose manufacturer promises incredible “shimmer” and “shine”? Or maybe there are products with a high degree of reflective effect? It doesn't matter if it's lipstick, lip gloss, shampoo, hairspray or nail polish. With a high degree of probability, manufacturers use fish scales to achieve the promised radiance. On the labels, this unexpected ingredient is often disguised under the beautiful name of natural pearl extract. The substance guanine, obtained from fish scales to give cosmetic components shine, has nothing to do with pearls. This ingredient is obtained from the scales of dead fish, infused in alcohol. The source of guanine is mainly herring, as it is the most common commercial fish.

2. Shark liver oil

Commonly found in the following cosmetics: moisturizing cosmetics, sunscreen, lipstick, eye shadow, bath oils. Shark liver oil (squalene) has a number of benefits used by cosmetics manufacturers to create color cosmetics as well as body care products. The substance is easily absorbed into the skin, leaves no residue, improves the appearance of the epidermis. Due to its nutritional properties, squalene is considered a versatile ingredient for making any cosmetics, but it is most often found in facial moisturizers. Most well-known cosmetic brands in the past few years have begun to abandon the use of squalene in the production of cosmetics, since hunting for sharks is prohibited in many countries.

3. Cholesterol

It acts as a component of many face creams and decorative cosmetics with a moisturizing effect. A substance that clogs arteries and causes heart disease is one of the most popular ingredients in cosmetics. Although doctors insist that cholesterol is dangerous for the human body, cosmetics manufacturers do not agree with this statement, since in the only case cholesterol is really useful. The emollient and moisturizing properties of the substance help, when applied externally, to retain moisture in the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Many of the well-known brands of cosmetics do not even hide the fact that their products contain cholesterol. Anyway, trying to preserve youth and beauty, women agree to rub anything into the skin.

4 Cochineal Insect

The ingredients that give color cosmetics their bright red color are actually derived from a type of insect. Cochineal dye (carmine), whose name can be found in the composition of cosmetics, is a red dye made from dry shield aphids. This unusual component has been used by cosmetics manufacturers for a long time.

5. Chili Pepper Extract

It's hard to imagine, but hot peppers, traditionally used to spice up dishes, are also used today for cosmetic purposes. Capsacin, a substance found in chili peppers, is responsible for the pungent taste of the plant and is used in the lipstick making process, which promises lip plumping effects. If you apply this lipstick on your lips, you will feel a barely perceptible tingling caused by the content of hot pepper.

Stay always beautiful and young! Let all the unusual ingredients of modern cosmetics, in addition to surprise, bring pleasure and joy to your life from the resulting cosmetic effect aimed at improving your appearance!

When I first heard that fish scales are used to make lipstick and lip gloss, I didn’t believe it. But, after googling the information, I realized that this is the pure truth!

It turns out that this fish waste has long been used in cosmetics. Scale extract has a unique pearly luster, so it is used as a pearl pigment - guanine.

Although guanine is actually made from waste, you should not be afraid of it. It is an environmentally friendly harmless pigment. It was part of most Soviet lipsticks and eyeshadows. And the technology for the production of guanine was officially approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Fisheries No. 101 dated March 15, 1979.

However, nowadays guanine is used quite rarely, because its production is very costly. From 100 kilograms of scales, only 1 kilogram of pigment is obtained, and the process lasts 7.5 days!

Now scale extract is being replaced everywhere with new synthetic pigments, for example, bismuth oxychloride. Guanine, on the other hand, is used only in organic cosmetics and in some elite types of lipstick, lip gloss or eye shadow.

And what do you think, what cosmetics is better to use: modern synthetic, or natural, based on fish scales?