Will they add a pension to the military in the year. In detail about the retirement allowance of the military

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 are the latest news: is it possible that the government will again deceive elderly people? pensions for payment, so after the excitement of this issue, the government promised all pensioners a strange increase in February 2017, but the question was also said that the indexation will take place in two stages, what are these stages and how this will affect the pension no one knows, but let's hope that pensioners will not be deceived.

As a result, the fears of people of retirement age were fully confirmed. It all started in February 2016, when the size of the indexation of pensions turned out to be somewhat lower than the citizens expected. This was followed by assurances from the authorities that the September indexation will cover all losses. However, this did not happen for the reason that the second indexation this year was noted, replacing it with the five thousandth lump sum payment in January 2017. This decision caused heated debate in society, as the lion's share of retirees came to the conclusion that they will ultimately lose because of this change. The decision of the authorities to abolish the indexation of pensions for working pensioners stands apart. Looking into the future, after all that has happened, is very problematic.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 latest news: Cheated pensioners

Medvedev explained that all the talk about the alleged lack of money for social benefits in the federal budget has no basis. Medvedev said that seven trillion rubles were allocated for the payment of pensions in 2017 and that payments will be indexed by 5.8% in the first quarter. He said that this year the indexation task has also been completed, as real pensions have increased. “The money for these purposes has been planned, there is money. This payment of five thousand, in fact, means the second part of the indexation. What to expect from the second indexation, the prime minister did not specify;

And for a part of pensioners, let's not forget about them, this may be the most vulnerable part of pensioners who have a small pension, these five thousand - more than they would receive from indexation. Thus, we have completed the indexing tasks of the current year. All the talk that pensions will no longer be indexed, or that something will be underpaid - all this is nonsense! We will pay everything, everything that is due, "the prime minister said.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 latest news: What will happen with the increase?

Today, we can talk about pensions in our country, looking into the future, from the position that in 2017 the usual process of their indexation will return, canceled in September of this year due to the crisis and replaced by a one-time January payment in the amount of five thousand rubles. This circumstance encourages pensioners, who are accustomed to feeling significant support from the state several times during the year. However, the coming year will also make adjustments to this point. The fact is that the size of the increase will vary and has not yet been precisely established, but it is already known that it will be slightly smaller than usual.

Millions of pensioners in Russia are expecting a pension increase from February 1, 2017. Typically, the increase since February has been equal to last year's inflation rate. So, for example, in 2015 the indexation from February was 11.4 percent. But in 2016, the pension was not raised to the inflation rate, raising only 4 percent.

It is necessary to speak with great caution about further manipulations with the pension provision of Russian citizens, since there are no concrete plans yet. The government frankly admits that it is necessary to wait until the end of the current year in order to be able to assess the country's economic opportunities in social terms. It is currently known that on February 1, 2017, the insurance pensions of non-working pensioners will be indexed taking into account the consumer price growth index for 2016.

Regarding the indexation of state security pensions, including social pensions, it can be stated that they will grow on April 1, 2017, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum over the past year. It is interesting to point out that at this point in time the confrontation between Golodets and Siluanov is seen as very acute. The first advocates the recalculation of pensions in Russia by indexing up to 9%, the second refers to the lack of funds. However, in fact, no one disputes the forecast about the increase and recalculation in January and February 2017. In one of these months, pensions for the disabled and old age should increase due to inflation by 5-6%.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 latest news: promises and reality

The press has repeatedly discussed information that before the start of the financial and economic crisis, the government planned to significantly increase the size of pension payments to retired servicemen (a 20% increase was discussed), but practice has shown that today it is simply impossible to do this.

The Prime Minister of the country calls on the population to save money and asks to wait until the end of 1917 (what exactly will happen at this moment is not specified), but for now the issues of pension provision for citizens leave much to be desired and he understands this. According to official statistics, Russia occupies rather low places in the "retirement" rating of the world, leaving elderly citizens practically to "fend for themselves", so there is something to strive for.

Discussing the increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2017, the latest news about which is of interest to dozens of residents of the country, one cannot but say that members of the government are discussing the possibility of canceling the insurance pension (although the reform on its introduction was adopted only two years ago).

Thanks to some estates in the functioning of the pension system, it became possible to increase pension payments in the event that a person continues to work even after reaching retirement age (in the case of military servicemen, this happens quite often), because he is credited with pension points, which are subsequently transferred to the corresponding monetary coefficient , increasing the final amount of payments.

Given the fact that during the crisis such an innovation has become quite rolled up for the country, the question arose about its cancellation, however, no one gives exact information about whether the insurance part of the pensions of military pensioners in 2017 will remain and whether this innovation will affect other categories of pensioners. Today, every soldier who continues to work in his specialty has the right to receive an "additional" (civil) pension.

To register it, it is necessary to go through the procedure of appropriate registration in the pension insurance system, each participant of which receives a card and a personal account number, and send the received data to the personnel department so that they begin to make monthly insurance contributions, and the system participant, accordingly, begins to receive pension points ...

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 latest news: Will there actually be indexation

Indexation of payments to pensioners is one of the most pressing social issues that worries all Russians and is a subject of manipulation among politicians. Considering the significant level of inflation in modern Russia, which “eats up” a significant part of citizens' savings, the issue of adjusting them is becoming more and more urgent. At the same time, the indexation of the size of pensions in 2017 may negatively affect the budget of our country, which is what holds it back.

All this makes the revision of the level of payments one of the key issues, over which debate is constantly being conducted between blocs and parties. The Social Bloc, headed by Deputy Prime Minister O. Golodets, is in favor of indexing. It requires additional indexation of payments up to 8.9%. However, this bloc is opposed by an impressive force in the person of ministers A. Siluanov and A. Ulyukaev, who oppose the amendment of charges to the inflation rate, citing a lack of funds.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 latest news: How will the increase in pensions

From the latest news, one way or another related to the pension provision of Russians, one should highlight the aspect that two State Duma committees at once made recommendations to the government on the need to return the annual indexation of pensions suspended until 2019 for those pensioners who continue their official labor activity. On this occasion, in particular, the committees of the Duma on labor and economic policy expressed their opinion.

More specifically, the first wrote about this in the conclusion on the draft budget of the Pension Fund for 2017-2019, the second - in the conclusion on the draft federal budget for the next three years (both documents were published in the Duma base of draft laws). The Economic Policy Committee stood up for working pensioners whose salaries do not exceed 12 thousand rubles (this is even less than the average old-age pension in Russia, which in 2016 is about 13 thousand rubles).

In addition, the deputies recommended that the government carefully consider the possibility of raising pensions by the amount of inflation, as it is provided for those citizens who no longer work. "The budgetary and tax policy should be involved in the process of improving the quality of human capital, taking into account the interests of socially unprotected segments of the population," the committee said.

In turn, the Labor Committee calls on the authorities to return the annual indexation of pensions to all working pensioners who receive insurance pensions. The deputies motivate their recommendation "by the current socio-economic situation in the country." The Russian government abandoned the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners in September 2016, replacing the standard procedure with an innovation in the form of a one-time payment, which will take place in January 2017. Its size is five thousand rubles. And if at first domestic pensioners were delighted with the lump sum, then, having calculated, they realized that the indexation process brings them a much more materially beneficial effect

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 latest news: Pensions increase and no decrease

The government adopted Law No. 4468-1, Article 43 of which established a reduction factor of 54% for persons receiving the so-called "military pension". This concerned employees who served in the army, as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the FSB and others, the list of which is fully presented in the law.

Since the beginning of 2012, the monetary allowance for the military, which is the basis for calculating pensions, has been increased. Implementing plans for military pensions in practice turned out to be an overwhelming task, since the budget did not find enough funds for these purposes.

He obliged, starting from 01.01.2013, to annually increase the size of the military pension by 2% or more. This was done by adjusting the value of the reduction factor, which will eventually come to a value of 100%. As expected initially by 2035.

In continuation of the topic, in 2015 the law No. 367-FZ followed, which was adopted by the State Duma on December 2, 2015.

Its Article 1 reported on the suspension of Article 43, part two of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I until 01/01/2017, and also on the establishment of a reduction coefficient from 02/01/2016 at the level of 69.45%. As long as it is, it is expected to increase in 2017.

In the spring, head of state Vladimir Putin ordered to prepare a document increasing the length of service for law enforcement officials. According to the developed bill, the lower limit of retirement will be increased - from twenty to twenty-five years. At the same time, we are not talking about indexing. Most likely, military pensions will not be recalculated from October 1, 2017.

Raising the retirement age of military personnel

The power structures have prepared a bill according to which, in order to receive a military pension, a person must have at least 25 years of experience. If the initiative is approved, the changes will affect the federal law of February 12, 1993, which regulates the provision of pensions to the military and their families. According to the latest news, the increase in the lower threshold will allow the federal budget to save several hundred billion rubles annually.

Work on the document began in the spring, by order of the head of state, Vladimir Putin. At the end of May, the draft law was ready. However, taking into account the nuances, there is still a number of consultations related to social and financial and economic support before the State Duma starts considering the document. It is expected that the adoption of the law will take place next year, after the presidential elections in the country.

Also, the authors of the bill have not yet announced how the procedure for increasing the lower threshold for retirement will be carried out, whether there will be a transition period. At the moment, only one thing is known: the changes, if adopted, will not affect those servicemen whose contract expiration date coincides with twenty years of service. Everyone else will have to serve an additional five years.

Will there be an increase to the military pension?

The issue of raising the lower threshold has been discussed for a long time. Back in 2013, it was proposed to carry out the procedure in two stages:

  1. Until 2019 - an increase of 25% of the pension for those military men whose experience is more than 20 years, but who continue to serve.
  2. From January 1, 2019 - to establish the lower threshold for the right to receive a military pension, 25 years.

This initiative was rejected due to insufficient funds in the federal budget for payments during the transition period.

Two years later, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov returned to this issue. Then the Ministry of Finance proposed increasing the service life to thirty years, but this option was rejected. In addition, the unstable economic situation in the country forced the ministry to refuse to increase payments to this category of pensioners.

While work is underway, it is not known whether the next indexation of military pensions will take place this year. Earlier, in addition to an increase in the amount of inflation, pensions were indexed by an additional 2%. However, this year, most likely, these payments will be suspended. In any case, at the moment, the corresponding government decree on the annual increase in this category of recipients has not been published.

"Double" military pension

Security officials who, after retirement, continue to work, have the right to receive a "civil" pension. Payments are made by the Penfond in the same way as other recipients: the age must be at least 55 and 60 years (for women and men, respectively), the minimum work experience is 8 years (in 2017. With an annual increase of one year, by 2024 it will be 15 years).

Average pension in 2016:

Important! Indexation of monetary allowances has not been carried out over the past five years.

Meanwhile, VTsIOM data indicate that the majority of Russians want to end their labor relations and go on a well-deserved rest at 56.8 years.

Today's world is so unpredictable that many citizens of our country are seriously worried about what the future might hold for them. And this is not without reason, because for many segments of the population, government assistance is vital in order to simply survive. For example, military pensioners, who have experienced from their own experience what the economic crisis in the country is: prices rise along with payments for utilities, and pensions clearly do not keep pace with inflation, which directly affects the living standards of the most vulnerable segments of the population.

About pensions of military pensioners

In our country, a huge amount of money is spent annually on providing security structures, while, despite the fact that the pensions of military pensioners slightly exceed the size of pensions of other state employees: doctors, teachers, educators, the level of these pensions is still insufficient. If the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 was fulfilled, then annually the level of payments to military pensioners should have increased by the amount of inflation + 2%... Thus, it was calculated to reach the level of the usual salary of a military man. But in practice, fulfilling this promise turned out to be much more difficult than in words.

Will there be an increase in military pensions in 2017

Based on official information, in particular on the statements of Deputy Minister of Finance L. Gornin regarding military pensions, one can affirmatively answer the question regarding the increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2017. But at the same time, this increase should rather be called, because military pensions will be increased from February 1, 2017 by only 4%, which roughly corresponds to the inflation rate for the next 2017. Also, according to the Deputy Minister of Finance, after this "increase" the average level of pensions of military pensioners throughout the country will be almost 24.5 thousand rubles.

Lump sum 2017

As for the year in the amount of 5,000 rubles, as you know, initially it was not planned to pay military pensioners, but after the intervention of the President of the Russian Federation in this issue, it was decided to assign this one-time payment to all categories of military pensioners. Thus, in January 2017, all military pensioners, without exception, will have to receive 5 thousand. rubles lump sum.

How is life for military pensioners of Russia

The general standard of living of military pensioners in Russia certainly needs the best. And the fact that military pensioners will be able to receive in 2017 only a 4% supplement to their pension will please very few people. However, it is worth remembering that servicemen in our country retire after 20 years of work, that is, many security officials become pensioners by the age of forty. And after retirement, they continue their active labor activity, at the same time

08.01.2017 Some of the questions can be answered already today, but in general, the situation is developing according to such an ambiguous scenario, which requires maximum concentration from the authorities. In such conditions, they try not to run far ahead, but get off with comments only for the next two or three months. It is in this perspective that they look with the confidence that can reassure pensioners and ultimately not leave them deceived.

Pensions for military pensioners: news today about indexation in 2017

A huge stratum among pensioners is military pensioners, who, like others, want to know the details about the upcoming changes in terms of indexation, or reduction of pension provision. If you rely on fresh comments from the authorities, it becomes clear that in 2017 military pensions will be well indexed. In this sense, the economic crisis should not affect the financial situation of this category of pensioners.

However, it is not necessary to talk with confidence about the parameters of the upcoming indexations. The fact is that the events of recent months make it clear that predicting something specific is an incredibly difficult task. Patriotism, duty to the Motherland, honor of an officer are positive concepts, but being determines consciousness. Any former military man in our times is worried about the question: "Will the military pension be increased from January 1, 2017?" After all, not all went to the reserve in the rank of general, having managed to put together a solid fortune and eternal business. Many of those who honestly risked their lives, lost their health, did not engage in corruption and openly selling weapons to militants. It is difficult for those who have fallen from the world of the army into civilian reality, which is confirmed by objective points.

The nearest projected increase was expected in October 2016 and it should have been four percent. Now it is clear that it will definitely be in 2017. The most deplorable forecast is 2 percent. After all, this figure is laid down by law. If we take into account the rapid inflation, then even a 7-8 percent increase will not be a good makeweight. At the same time, military pensioners should not forget about the lump sum payment to their pension, which will occur in January next year and will affect all pensioners, not just the military.

Speaking more specifically about military pensioners, their pensions are indexed, but they are not increasing too actively. Generally speaking, pensions for former employees of law enforcement agencies and the military in the Russian Federation can hardly be called low: the average size of a military pension in 2016 was about 21,000 rubles. At the same time, the average pension payment in the country for civilian pensioners, as recorded in August 2016, amounted to 12,423 rubles, and in 2017 it is expected to be about 13,700.

Latest news on pensions in Russia in 2017: Monthly supplement to military pension in 2017 doubled

The amount of the supplement to the military pension will almost double from February 1, 2017. The corresponding Decree was signed by Vladimir Putin on December 21, 2016. In addition to military pensioners, the recipients of the surcharge also include persons who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, drug control, fire service, the penal system and the National Guard.

A year ago, on December 9, 2015, Presidential Decree No. 610 "On monthly supplements to pensions for certain categories of pensioners" was issued. The additional payment was established for a number of former military personnel and employees of federal services in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

We are talking about citizens who receive a pension in accordance with the Federal Law of February 12, 1993 "On Pension Provisions for Persons Who Did Military Service, Service in Internal Affairs Bodies, State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system and their families. "

On December 21, 2016, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 698 "On Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 610 of December 9, 2015" On the monthly supplement to pensions for certain categories of pensioners "was signed.

The head of state clarified the list of categories of citizens who receive a monthly supplement to their pension, and also increased the amount of this supplement.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017: the latest news from the State Duma. The first change is a legal formality caused by the formation of the Russian Guard in 2016. No new category of co-pay recipients is being introduced. Since the troops of the National Guard were created on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and withdrawn from the staff of the internal affairs bodies, then, as when changing the surname, there was a need to make the appropriate amendments to the necessary documents. This is exactly what happened: the employees of the Russian Guard were attributed to the recipients of the surcharge.

The second change - an increase in the size of the copay - is a pleasant surprise. Especially considering the government's policy of saving on pensioners. It is clear that with such rejection of pensioners on the part of government officials (it must be admitted - mutual), it is impossible to increase the pension provision of Russians. This was done by the president, albeit for a narrow country-wide category of pensioners - former military personnel and security officials.

Monthly surcharge for military pensioners went to increase

According to Putin's Decree of December 21, 2016, the monthly supplement to pensions for military pensioners will increase to 4,900 rubles from February 1, 2017. Almost twice as compared to the additional payment of 2,500 rubles established a year ago.

At the same time, the president also increased the amount of the supplement to the military pension from February 1, 2016 to 3,700 rubles. This means that pensioners will be recalculated: they will pay an additional RUB 1,200 per month from February to December 2016 to the 2,500 rubles already received.

Such is the New Year's gift from the head of state to military pensioners. To be precise - not so much a gift as the return of debts.

For the fifth year now, Presidential Decree No. 604 of May 7, 2012 “On further improvement of military service in the Russian Federation” has not been fully implemented. Then Vladimir Putin ordered that military pensions should be increased annually by at least 2 percent above the inflation rate.

However, in all subsequent years, this presidential decree was not fully implemented even once. As a result, according to the calculations of the State Duma Defense Committee, the underestimation of military pensions was: in 2013 - 0.25 percent; in 2014 - 7.26 percent; in 2015 - 7.4 percent; in 2016 - 3.8 percent; in 2017, under-indexing is expected to be within 2 percent.http: //ttfinance.ru/news.php? id \u003d 24862