Aesthetics of expensive and cheap cosmetics. What is the real difference between cheap and expensive products, besides the price

If you decide to buy a metal detector and join this most interesting hobby - searching for coins and treasures, then you have probably already broken your head trying to figure out which metal detector is the best and whether it is worth paying 25-30 thousand rubles (and this is not much), if possible take a detector for only 12,000 rubles. What is the difference between expensive and other, cheaper models of metal detectors? Why, for example, does it cost 28,000 rubles, and - only 12 thousand, what is such an overpayment for? Let's figure it out.

The price of a metal detector is formed depending on the number of functions it is equipped with. The equipment of the device also plays a role, now it has become fashionable to produce models of detectors under the Pro brand, when in appearance and performance it looks like an old brand device, but slightly improved, and even rich in equipment (added additional search coils, headphones, pinpoint or something else ). This is also a plus for the price. All simple metal detectors: minelab t34, garret ace 150 and 250, fisher f2-f4 are equipped with mono coils, which are slightly cheaper than more functional DDs. Everything is aimed at reducing the price as much as possible, this is how you can attract novice treasure hunters, a certain percentage of whom will become avid diggers, which means that over time they are guaranteed to buy a more sophisticated metal detector, for example, for 60,000 rubles. So most start with inexpensive models, but the nth part goes further and upgrades. But what can I say, almost everyone who started detecting with a cheap metal detector and continues to dig, eventually buys a detector that every digging season dreams of. Is not it? If you changed the device, write in the comments what you changed to what. Well, why did they take this particular model, if not a secret))

Next - the bells and whistles of the detector, that is, those very functions. What is there in expensive models that are not in cheap ones? Expensive devices are stuffed to the very limit, there are not only "ordinary functions", but also advanced ones:

  • Automatic adjustment to the ground (the device itself determines the type of soil and adjusts itself in such a way as to hit as deep as possible. This function is not very cool, it is put on advanced level models.
  • Detuning from electrical interference (you never know will walk under the wires) The function is also not particularly in demand, however, when you need it, you will think that it is not in vain.
  • Several operating frequencies (for example, minelab 705 can operate at 3 frequencies, but a simple minelab t34 can operate at only one, just like its inexpensive ones from other manufacturers). For each frequency, you need a search coil of this frequency, for example, minelab 505 and 705 can operate at a high frequency of 18.75 kHz, this is for small purposes, so the coil must be taken with this frequency. It perfectly detects small coins, for example, Soviet pennies or scales. If you have few small finds, then with such a coil their number will increase.

    My comrades took one coil for two for both terras 705 - at 18.75 kHz DD (high frequency), until they collected the information, they probably didn’t have time to feel the difference. I think that during this season I will collect a lot of useful information for you, in particular about metal detectors of the X Terra series, after all, whatever one may say, these devices are very popular, combining a low price and excellent quality, decent functionality. You are all familiar with the grater 705, the device is really good. With it, there are much more finds than, for example, with ICQ 250 or Fisher f4, that is, the difference between 705 and entry-level metal detectors is simply huge. It makes sense to overpay 2 times.

    Cool professional-level metal detectors are already multi-frequency, operate at 28 frequencies, which allows you to simultaneously strike both large and small targets, as well as excellently identify them. Coils for such metal detectors also operate in a wide frequency range, they are also multi-frequency. An example of such a metal detector is a cool, powerful one, tested by time and by diggers. Lots of positive feedback. However, it is already being replaced by the revolutionary E-Trek. In fact, it has already arrived. Trucks lift a lot of treasures and coins.

  • Sound identification - cool models have more tones or even polyphony, which allows you to more accurately determine the type of find. For simple detectors - a maximum of 3 tones.
  • Pinpointer is a function of centering an object, even the simplest devices do not have it, for example, ICQ 150, while the 250 model has it. If you have at least some experience in digging coins, then you probably don’t use a pinpointer, but why, when it’s enough to wave the device over the target a couple of times. Or maybe you just have - a useful thing
  • Number of settings - if inexpensive models have several search programs, standard programs (coins, jewelry, relics, etc.), then expensive detectors have extensive options for customizing the metal detector "for themselves", and this is much cooler than standard search programs. Cooler detectors generally have dual target identification, for example, the Whites Spectrum - there is a graphic display and VDI numbers, target size identification and whatnot.

    Even if you compare models of the same manufacturer, but in a different price category, you can already see the difference. Here, for example, this is how the display looks like (similar to ICQ 250 and minelab t34).

    As you can see, a minimum of buttons and generally any settings. Budget device for that and budget. And this is what the electronic control unit looks like in a more advanced device -.

    The difference is obvious, the screen is even larger, because on a small one it simply would not contain the amount of information that more advanced devices can give out. More settings, more knobs and buttons, which means you can set up the device for a more efficient search, customize it for yourself, the way you need. And therefore the price is different, the fisher f2 costs about 10,000 rubles, and the fisher f5 - already 19,000 rubles, the difference is 2 times, but the efficiency is really greater. And an even cooler metal detector looks like this - and the display and equipment are even better. In the photo below -. It costs already 35,000 rubles. 2 times more))

    Metal detectors are evolving, developing, forcing us - avid treasure hunters to save money for cooler devices. After all, every year places are more and more knocked out and it is already difficult to find anything with a budget metal detector in such places. What remains is either to upgrade equipment, or to climb into even more impassable wilderness in search of an untouched place. In such places there will be many finds even with 250 ICQ)) But ... if you take a device there for 60,000 rubles, you can knock everything out without a trace, because as experienced people say, if you follow the owners of asec with a "cool" device, you can find more the same or even more. Still, no matter how sad it is to admit, but budget metal detectors miss a lot of finds. So be aware.

  • Depth of detection - cool models have much more, inexpensive models have a depth of 20 Soviet kopecks, for example, no more than 20 cm. For expensive ones - up to 50 cm, on average 28-33 cm. The depth of cheap metal detectors can be increased by installing a cool search coil, for example, . The depth will become really greater and a cheap metal detector will be able to compete with expensive models in depth. For example, ICQ 250 with an awkward coil searches at the same depth as minelab 705, although the difference in the cost of devices is more than 2 times. As an option to upgrade a cheap metal detector, when there is not enough money for a new powerful device, it is to buy a cooler search coil, the owners of popular aseks do just that - they install coils with a signal amplifier from Nel and dig deep. However, this is not the most important thing, not the depth.
  • The quality of discrimination is the most important factor responsible for the price of a metal detector. It is he who dictates the price of the device. A high-quality discriminator allows you not to miss targets, to identify them correctly even in cases where a piece of ferrous metal or rusty iron lies next to the coin. A cool discriminator will allow you to search even in very littered areas, where it is simply impossible to search with a conventional detector. And if you also put a small sniper coil for garbage places, then there will be finds in any way. Why do you think the Minelab E-track metal detector costs 60,000 rubles. It is precisely because it is very good in depth, and most importantly - it has a revolutionary discriminator that already works on a dual principle - identification by metal inductance has been added. So the chance to correctly determine what is under the coil increases significantly. It turns out that with a cool detector you will dig less, and there will be more finds.
  • Of course, beginners do not take a steam bath, but take an inexpensive device for the time being and dig everything in order to fill their hands, increase their experience in digging, and understand what objects sound like. After about 1-2 search seasons, they realize that they have outgrown their first device and now they need a professional metal detector, with which there will be many more finds. And if you immediately buy a professional-level metal detector, then it’s not a fact that you will learn how to work with it, whether you have enough patience to master a complex device and, in general, whether you like treasure hunting. After all, digging is not only about lifting treasures, it's tons of earth dug out by hand, sweat, it's really difficult, especially at first. If you have ever dug a hole half a meter deep or more, you will understand me, but what if you dig 5 such holes for 1 kopeck? Your back and arms will hurt. Yes, and digging vodka corks for the hundredth time - not every newcomer can stand the nerves. After all, finds, especially valuable ones, do not appear immediately. Many treasure hunters never wait for them, realizing that treasure hunting is not their hobby. Well, if you have passed the first stage and you liked it, then you can already buy a professional detector to increase the efficiency of your search. Good luck in the fields))

    The spring season of 2013 is coming soon, think about whether you are ready for detecting, have you scouted new detecting places using old maps during the winter time, have you bought a metal detector that you wanted, or at least a cool search coil? The time to dig will begin soon))

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    It is believed that cheap cosmetics cannot be compared with the expensive ones and are not able to have the desired effect. Is this really so, and is there any point in overpaying?

    We are in site decided to check it out. Naturally, the question of how expensive and cheap cosmetics affect the skin was not even raised. We just wanted to see if it was possible to get beautiful makeup without spending a lot of money.


    Cheap cosmetics (left), : The tonal base is applied like a cream, the texture is very loose, does not even out the skin and also tightens it. The powder is also applied unevenly and makes the skin on the face orange, despite the fact that the right tone is chosen.

    Foundation - 350 rubles, powder - 200 rubles.

    Expensive cosmetics (on the right): The tonal foundation lays down evenly and hides all skin imperfections. The same goes for powder.

    Foundation - 3500 rubles, powder - 2590 rubles.


    Cheap cosmetics (left): The texture of the shadows is quite dense. They lay down well, do not gather and do not crumble. The eyeliner has a comfortable brush, it applies well. The mascara is a bit clumpy, but not bad overall.

    Eye shadow - 355 rubles, eyeliner - 150 rubles, mascara - 345 rubles.

    Expensive cosmetics (on the right): The texture of the shadows is also quite dense and does not crumble. Eyeliner feels the same as the previous one. Mascara without lumps, lays down very well.

    Eye shadow - 3150 rubles, eyeliner - 1800 rubles, mascara - 2200 rubles.


    Cheap cosmetics (left): The lipstick is mother-of-pearl, has a specific smell. But overall it looks good.

    Lipstick - 100 rubles.

    Expensive cosmetics (on the right): Matte, with a pleasant smell. A little difficult to apply due to the fact that it is quite thick and dry.

    Lipstick - 1330 rubles.

    And here are the finished images.

    From this angle, the eyes, made up with expensive and cheap cosmetics, seem to be impossible to distinguish. In our opinion, the first make-up loses a lot to the second one, mainly due to the loose foundation, because of which the whole make-up seems a little “dirty”.

    But we decided not to stop there and arranged a few more tests for cosmetics. To begin with, we sent our model under a drizzle, and then asked to eat an apple to test the durability of lipstick.

    Section: Useful

    In this article, we will look at the difference between an expensive and a cheap HDMI cable and decide whether to buy an expensive HDMI cable.
    Today, the price range of HDMI cables is quite wide. The cost of one cable starts from 100-something rubles and reaches several thousand. There are different opinions from many people about the value of buying an expensive HDMI cable.

    One willing to prove this questioned theory is Zsolt Malota, who has owned an audiovisual installation company since 1995. Using a series of expensive devices, Malota has obtained several results that shed some light on this issue.
    The tests themselves cover concepts such as image brightness and color space. Malota wanted to prove that four different priced HDMI cables would output the same picture regardless of the price or implied quality. Achieving this result can be considered a significant feat, since it requires expensive equipment.

    Tools and tests


    Universal cable supplied with Toshiba BDX1200Y
    Universal HDMI cable 2 meters ($12)
    Cable Cabac 5 meters (~ 20$)
    Audio Dimension cable 5 meters (~ 200$)

    Plasma TV Samsung PS50C7000

    Despite the good measurement tools, the display did not have much effect on the results. Melota only sought to prove that all cables would lead to the same results, rather than the quality of an individual cable playing any role.

    Simply put, a spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light, while a colorimeter determines the amount of apparent color saturation. When used together, these devices can prove whether the colors on the display are reproduced accurately. Given the fact that color space is a TV's primary function when displaying images, these tests should provide enough data to compare display over HDMI cables that are of different quality and price ranges.


    The images below show the results of two main tests: CIE Gamma and RGB Balance. The CIE gamut on the left of the picture shows where the three primary colors and three secondary colors are located on the color spectrum.
    The RGB balance chart shows that the three primary colors have almost equal values. Ideally, we want the tops of all colored columns to line up and have the same height.

    As you can see, there is no significant difference between the cheapest and most expensive HDMI cables in terms of color space. There are some minor changes, but they are all within the acceptable range.

    Other criteria to consider:

    Each HDMI cable has a limited maximum length to avoid signal distortion.

    Other major differences between HDMI cables come down to which category of cable is tested. In this case, all supported 1080p resolution transmission, meaning they were categorized as HDMI 1.3 or HDMI 1.4. When buying a cable, the actual price and manufacturer are irrelevant, but it should be noted that each HDMI cable has a limited maximum length to avoid signal distortion. Trying to increase the length of the cable can be a bad idea. Your best bet is to spend the extra money on two cables and a repeater to maintain signal quality.
    From this article, it becomes clear that there is no point in buying an expensive HDMI cable. It's smart to spend extra money on a longer cable if you're running it through walls or ceilings, but if you're paying extra for gold-plated cable contacts, you're putting hard-earned cash into the walls of your home. Therefore, the price of an HDMI cable should depend on its length, and not on the gold-plated contacts and the manufacturer.

    Cosmetologists say that cheap cosmetics spoil the skin, so if you care about your health, it is better to avoid using them at all costs. True or not, let the professionals figure it out. We are just interested in the aesthetic side of the issue - is it possible to make a beautiful make-up with the help of affordable cosmetics, and will the difference be visible in comparison with the road?

    wuzzup invites you to get acquainted with the results of a very curious experiment conducted by the model Dilyara Faizullina.


    Cheap cosmetics (left),: The foundation is applied like a cream, the texture is very loose, does not even out the skin and also tightens it. The powder is also applied unevenly and makes the skin on the face orange, despite the fact that the right tone is chosen.

    Foundation - 350 rubles, powder - 200 rubles.

    Expensive cosmetics (right): Foundation lays down evenly and hides all skin imperfections. The same goes for powder.

    Foundation - 3500 rubles, powder - 2590 rubles.


    Cheap cosmetics (left): The texture of the shadow is quite dense. They lay down well, do not gather and do not crumble. The eyeliner has a comfortable brush, it applies well. The mascara is a bit clumpy, but not bad overall.

    Eye shadow - 355 rubles, eyeliner - 150 rubles, mascara - 345 rubles.

    Expensive cosmetics (right): The texture of the shadow is also quite dense and does not crumble. Eyeliner feels the same as the previous one. Mascara without lumps, lays down very well.

    Eye shadow - 3150 rubles, eyeliner - 1800 rubles, mascara - 2200 rubles.


    Cheap cosmetics (left): The lipstick is mother-of-pearl, has a specific smell. But overall it looks good.

    Lipstick - 100 rubles.

    Expensive cosmetics (right): Matte, with a pleasant smell. A little difficult to apply due to the fact that it is quite thick and dry.

    Lipstick - 1330 rubles.

    And here are the finished images.

    From this angle, the eyes, made up with expensive and cheap cosmetics, seem to be impossible to distinguish. In our opinion, the first make-up loses a lot to the second one, mainly due to the loose foundation, because of which the whole make-up seems a little “dirty”.

    But we decided not to stop there and arranged a few more tests for cosmetics. To begin with, we sent our model under a drizzle, and then asked to eat an apple to test the durability of lipstick.

    After the rain

    Cheap cosmetics (left): Even though the mascara was claimed to be waterproof on the packaging, unfortunately it didn't pass the test and leaked. The lining was also smeared. The tone as a whole has not changed, because initially it was not visible.

    Expensive cosmetics (right): Waterproof mascara passed this test with dignity and retained its durability, as did the eyeliner. Shadows, unlike cheap ones, strongly gathered on the folds of the eyelids. The skin began to shine a little.

    After eating an apple

    Cheap cosmetics (left): There is practically no trace of lipstick left.

    Expensive cosmetics (right): Lipstick rubbed off a little in the center, but remained on the lips.


    1. Cheap cosmetics are not always visually inferior to expensive ones.

    2. Still, it is better to choose a foundation of more expensive brands.

    3. In the photographs, the differences are minimal, so if you need some kind of cosmetics to create an image at a photo shoot, you can get by with a cheap one.

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    for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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    For the experiment, we took 2 products of different companies, quality and, most importantly, different price categories, the manufacturers of which promise the same effect. Tested products under the same conditions and got unexpected results.

    1. Washing powder

    We took 2 identical white T-shirts and stained them with ketchup, wine, foundation, grass and lipstick. To remove these terrible stains, we took 2 stain remover powders and set them to wash at 40 degrees.

    Result: the result will be interesting. Both powders did not cope with the stain from wine and foundation at all. And they didn't do well with the grass stain. Expensive powder still did not wash off lipstick. However, after washing with an expensive powder, the clothes seemed softer.

    2. Hand soap

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to get rid of bacteria. We decided to take the average time (10 seconds) so that the difference in the “work” of expensive and cheap soap could be seen.

    We applied a gel on our hands that mimics bacteria on the skin and let it dry for a few hours. Such a gel glows in ultraviolet light and dries quickly. It is used to train doctors in hospitals. Glowing areas are dirty areas, and dark areas are clean areas.

    Result: It turned out that expensive and cheap soap wash off bacteria in the same way. However, expensive soap is more pleasant to use, and hands are softer after it.

    3. Toothbrush

    In order to make the plaque on the teeth clearly visible, we used a substance that stains the plaque in a bright pink color. And the test of expensive and cheap toothbrushes was carried out with a difference of 1 day.

    Result: if you compare the visible result, then both brushes clean the same way. But if you believe dentists, then an expensive brush with soft bristles should clean better between the teeth, not harm the enamel and gums, unlike a cheap one.

    By the way, an expensive brush, most likely, will have to be changed more often. Fine bristles lose their shape faster than stiff bristles. The photo shows two brushes after two weeks of use.

    4. Nail polish remover

    Result: that expensive, that cheap nail remover removes any varnish well. However, it takes more cheap means, you have to moisten the cotton pad more often and rub the nail harder. Expensive liquid removes varnish instantly.

    5. Mattifying wipes

    Expensive and cheap matting wipes were used in the middle of the day on different days.

    Result: the effect after use was the same, and the oily sheen began to appear only after 2 hours.

    6. Strips for depilation

    Result: both large and small hairs, expensive and cheap strips clean the same way. Feelings after removal are also the same - everything is just as unpleasant. However, the burning sensation after using an expensive strip passes faster and the skin calms down faster.

    7. Antiperspirant

    But this is a really unusual result. For the purity of the experiment, we used expensive and cheap antiperspirants on different armpits before training.

    Result: A cheap antiperspirant did a better job of removing sweat marks than an expensive one. And there was no smell in both cases. However, despite the fact that the expensive product left traces, it contains substances that do not irritate the skin and do not cause allergies.

    8. Hair Styling Spray

    cheap spray for styling turned out to be very sticky, with a pungent odor. Hair after it is wet, you have to wait a few minutes until it dries. Styling with a cheap fixative is kept for 5 hours. After that, the fixation disappears. Curls lose their shape, and the head looks dirty.

    expensive spray has a dry spray, without a strong smell, and the hair does not stick together when applied. In addition, it adds volume and keeps it even under the hat. This arrangement lasted 6 hours. Subsequently, the hair becomes soft and looks like nothing has been done to them.

    9. Foam for removing makeup

    cheap foam turned out to be more soapy, washed off makeup well, but longer than expensive. Eyelashes after washing became fluffy and mascara was applied evenly.