Fantasy men. Typical male fantasy

Sexy fantasies tell a lot about a person - about his preferences, features of character and behavior. It is difficult to find two men with the same ideal ideal ideas.

Every person, as you know, your attitude to love, to sex and everything is connected with this. Despite the fact that many women are simply confident in the primitiveness of male views on sex and sexual fantasies, perhaps it is difficult to find two men with the same idea of \u200b\u200bperfect sex.

And, by the way, sexual fantasies tell a lot about a person - about his preferences, characteristics of character and behavior. As you know, women and men differ very largely, and sexual fantasies are usually far from the same. An ordinary man has up to six sexiest fantasies per hour, from the fleece admiration for a pair of passing legs to the speculative presentation of the moment of sexual contact with a woman. Sometimes he uses fantasies to excite for masturbation or sexual intercourse.

Types of fantasy

Psychologists separate men's sexual fantasies into two categories.
The first, the so-called "daylight dreams" is imaginary short-term, short-term. They arise when a man misses or he has free time. Such fantasies often "come" during a trip to the subway or even expectations in the receptionist. Most often, they are inspired by some fleeting impressions.

The second group of male sexual dreams is "masturbation fantasies." They are brighter and strong, more speaking of the personality of man and his sexuality. These are those fantasies that enhance and bring the orgasma discharge and sophia In a man. With their help, sexual excitement is often enhanced.

So, what are the most desirable and widespread fantasies on the topic of sex own a strong floor?

1. Threesome sex: he, she and he

Sex two men with a woman ranks first in the rated men's dreams. As experts explain, such a fantasy is very deep psychological roots, and it is not surprising that this particular plot is a favorite theme of pornography.
The main thing that hinders any man in sex is the idea that the woman will not have sex "just so," they need to be able to "settle." This stereotype, often not having anything to do with real life, is very "slowing down" male sexuality. And with the help of such a fancy, a woman from the image of the "impregnable rock" is translated into the discharge of the cloth. That is, having sex with two men, it becomes more "carnal", and this is how it is generally accepted, improves the intimate life of a man.

Therefore, if a woman has been suddenly known that her partner fantasies exactly about such sex - in other words, he has difficulties in inclination of a woman to sex, as it is too idealizes his partner, which means that it is not inclined to behave in Beds are restrained - Psychologists recommend the following advice:

To overcome, not worth it, of course, to invite to the "third" best friend or neighbor in the staircase. Just a woman must be tried to become liberated, not to clamp, and the man will be easier.

2. also threesome, but in another scenario: he, she and she

Sex with two women is a fantasy, which is in the second place in the prevalence. They say such fantasies are inherent in strong, active, self-confident men. According to the men themselves, if two women agree to sex with him, it means they appreciate it, he has some sexual supersoul, powerful character. That is, it is for them - the supersamers, a superman as psychologically and physiologically.
If a man is only fantasized, then for a woman who is near him is a big plus. After all, he could not blame the thought in virtual reality, but in reality to find himself quite tangible girlfriends ... but if it does not, it means that something he holds back.

Tips of the psychologist:

Such men are usually extremely jealous;
- A man with such fantasies can be confident and sexually hardy;
- In bed with him, a woman may receive a huge pleasure.

3. Woman demonstrating his genitals

For most men, this fantasy ranks third among dreams for sexual topics. And no wonder, because even for an experienced men, female genitals are often a complete mystery. But then how "the girls are arranged," worries boys since childhood.
But few of the women demonstrate to the man their charms, and in vain! After all, this not only excites, but also stimulates sexuality.

Is a man who wants to consider you "more in detail", is that a woman can delight? Yes, he cares about his partner and wants her to be completely satisfied! Therefore, feel free to show him your genitals, because if it is a "forbidden fruit" for a man, it is unlikely that your intimate life is rich and active.

4. Sex with an unfamiliar woman

This fantasy is in fourth place in the list of men's sex sicks. As a rule, this is understood by sex before dating, immediately after acquaintance, and even instead of dating, sometimes, in general reminding rape. By the way, the first series of pornographic postcards, issued by mass circulation, was on this topic. A man usually imagines that when he attacks a woman, then she first confused, outraged, but as he pierces her with his mighty member, she is still excited and then comes to orgasm.

Yes, such a man is confident in herself, but it often does not pay much attention to pre-caress! Why is that? It has long been known that the main female claim for intimate life with a man is an insufficient prelude. 90% of men know this, but still "saccute"! Why?

The fact is that men's sexual fantasies are formed in adolescence, when Testosterone rages in the bodies of young men. And, it is quite natural that with such a rustling of hormones, young people are unnecessary to fantasize that they will caress the woman half an hour. Well, if the adolescent age was long, and false sex fantasies securely secured in consciousness (and we use sex in accordance with them), then, becoming an adult, the man's preliminary caress of women is somehow not particularly and thinks.

The Council of the psychologist:

If the woman somehow learned that her men prevailed the fantasy of this kind, then she had to try to diversify their sexy games and play his favorite feces.

5. "Immediate sex"

According to psychologists, it is extremely "harmful men's fantasy", which is very preventing intimate life if it is fixed and passes into reality.

The Council of the psychologist:

If a partner caresses a woman exactly five minutes, she must ask him, maybe he fantasies sex with a stranger? Is it confident in himself? If so, why does he then want a partner to remain disappointed?
This is one of the ways to explain that fast sex does not mean quality. By the way, it's not bad once to "play" the same with him in rape (about 15% of men are in their fantasies, as they cruelly mastering a woman, causing her pain and humiliating it; at the same time, about 37% of men would not mind ... You yourself feel the strong hand of Mrs. - there are already women and cards in hand, or rather, weekests ...) so that the fantasy finally has implemented, and after that it is already slow, sensual sex.

6. Peeping

That's why (or by whom) is a separate topic. However, about 70% of men would not mind to high at something piquant.
Often a man dreams to be sprinkled for a woman exercising hygienic procedures. In general, everything related to "unintentional", but sexual female movements, insanely excites a man. Why, for example, almost no one dreams of sexual proximity to the stripper? Because, if a woman does something on purpose, knowing what is observed behind her, it becomes uninteresting for men.

A significant part of men also love to watch a masturbating woman. This fantasy again reflects curiosity, but not to the structure of genital organs, but to how the female mechanism is satisfied. Many men understand that female sensuality is very different from the male that it is much more complicated. Still, a female body for a man is always a mystery.

Therefore, look at the masturbating woman - this is for many men the way to satisfy your curiosity and find out how best to delight partner. In addition, masturbation in front of a man is a symbol of confidence in relationships. After all, 90% of women are easier to give a man than to show him how the process of masturbation is happening!

The Council of the psychologist:

If a man peeps for a woman in the bathroom, although they have been living together for half a year, she does not need to panic or call the "ambulance". It is also not necessary to think that her partner pervert. Just he is insanely sad, that in childhood could not satisfy his interest in what he was doing in the bathroom older sister? And therefore, after years, she crashes missed.
Well, if a man asks a woman to agrees in his eyes, so he just wants to know how much she loves him and appreciates his desire!
However, if this woman is still for some reason, but still unpleasant, then it's time for her to think about the following: maybe the connection with this person is just a fleeting episode in her life, and she does not feel so psychologically confidently to show himself He is the most intimate and intimate, what is her in life?

7. Sex in the place where you can "catch"

This is how psychologists say, exhibitionist fantasy. It is connected not so much with sex as with the desire to slip, challenge the public, express a social protest against all sorts of restrictions.

This fantasy is especially characteristic of adolescents or young people, although in mature men she meets too. As a rule, this is a demonstration of its sexual strength, the ability to lean the woman to sex in any, even inconvenient place.

Another. As psychologists found out, 80% of men, it turns out, want to play ... in their own porn movie. Such a huge percentage of wishes indicates, first of all, for exhibitionism, rooted in our society. Well, and even on the fact that many having sex, you can safely bind the camera and arrange a novice film mechanic session.

The Council of the psychologist:

It is possible that such a man although he considers himself a very attractive "macho", in fact, did not know too sexually. And of course, the sex itself is important for him, and the possibility of experiencing sharp feelings once again. Spontaneous sex, where it will have - this is, of course, it is original, but is there a partner about feelings and desires, women, if he is truly often and with persistence, is trying to master it either on the staircase, or in a public park, or in the cinema toilet ?

8. Lesbian themes

Everything is clear: a lot of naked girls who are just tangled without such a fighter ...
In the meantime, it is not, they help each other in every reasonable ways.

About the friendly party with two dozen naked participants and participants fantasies approximately half of men. However, they are solved on such everything only about two percent, and even under the age of 25 years. So, what would the child be treated ...

10. Sex in the office of own chief

Such a fantasy generally has little attitude towards sex. Often a man dreaming of sex in the office of the chef with his secretary or wife, for example, dreams of railing over his boss. As a rule, such a man believes that his chief does not appreciate and does not like. It is necessary to somehow become "higher" if you can't exceed the head of the status and in the hierarchy!

11. Sex with virgin

Common fantasy (and not only among young people). First, for a man it is a way to assert. Well, and, secondly, many believe that virgins have a special, narrow vagina, which delivers incredible pleasure.

The Council of the psychologist:

If a man with persistence of the maniac implements this fantasy (and not just to dreams), it, in the opinion of specialists, often suggests that he has a small sexual body (because he needs a partner with a narrow vagina) or a small sexual experience. This man seeks to be the first to assert, although it forgets that the "first" does not mean "the best."
Well, and the question of whether such a "dreamer" need, each woman needs to solve himself.

12. Sex with a man

It is believed that approximately 7% of men secretly dream of semo-sex. Moreover, according to specialists, it does not mean that such men are gays. Perhaps they are bisexual. But this also does not mean anything, because it is most likely to fulfill its fantasy. The homophobic moods in society are too strong.

Normal or pathology?

Men are often concerned about their fantasies in which violence is present. But, according to experts, these fantasies are quite normal if they do not develop in an obsessive idea. Mentally imagine something - does not mean to do or get to do it. Dreams can not be mixed with reality.

At the sadistic facade of fantasy is completely different. A man wants to say that he imposes his victim's victim not because he is cruel, but because of the desire to deliver her pleasure that she cannot get another way. Sadistic and masochist fantasies express deep duality regarding men to women. On the one hand, they want women, and, on the other, they are angry that women have such power over them.
A gross mistake in the understanding of the fantasy is that they are considered depressed desires. In this case, some strong sex representatives hide their fantasies, while others are looking for opportunities to implement them in real life. However, there are also such that without any feeling of guilt regularly resort to their help to excite. And this, psychologists approve, quite normal.

According to experts, sexual fantasies from a mature man helps him from depression, protect themselves from the depression of everyday life. It is akin to how, for example, a person rides in winter in the bus, but at the same time recalls his holiday in the south.
However, there is one limit here: if the man implemented a fantasy, the second time he won't want it - because in real life, people often want completely different sex than they imagine.

Men: silent or talk?

Sometimes experts give a man the Council so that he expressed its desire to the subject, and not in the form of a request. If possible, he needs to find an erotic excerpt in a book or a film that is represented what he wanted. Then you need to read or show it your partner. And see how interested in her listened or seen before asking. Then it is better to apply to her with a request. Some specialists advise men with great care to discuss sexual fantasies with their partners, no matter how well they know them or trust them.

Often, the attitude of a woman to the fantasy of a man is determined by its age. If a woman is thirty, then, perhaps a fantastic story of a husband about how a group of sexually insatiable Amazons makes him satisfy their tribe daily, leads it to strong arousal. If the woman is young, then such a "crazy" fantasy of a man will not insult her for a joke: how could he even think about sex with someone else except her?!

How to treat male sexy fantasies?

According to psychologists, if a person wants to realize his fantasies, it is, in general, not bad. Therefore, if a woman sees that a man really wants to try something, he has constant thoughts about it, it is better to ask him about it. And then really playing a scene from his secret dreams. Fantasy, assure psychologists, you need to play - it will make sex more intense, bright and long.

Although many women prefer not to talk about it directly, but do it "in the process" of sex, trying to hint and caress to smoothly bring their partner to what he himself wants.

Well, if the man is unloved, then the woman is already the most herself to think about whether it is necessary to ask him about his sexual fantasies and faders - suddenly they do not like her?

Somehow, I and my good acquaintance drank tea, chatted about different nonsense, and, it is not clear why, the conversation suddenly changed the direction. "Do you have a good photographer?" - suddenly asked the buddy. "No, - suspecting something wrong, I lied. - What? " "Well, would make a beautiful erotic photo session ..." "And then what?" - My eyes narrowed slightly. "I just put you in the folder" - Kivok in the side of the laptop ... "Yeah, right now, in the folder I have not lying!" And we looked around, at the same time remembering the killed dialogue of Richard Gira and Beauty Julia Roberts: "You sat on my fax." - "Oh, I still didn't sit on this ..."

Where dreams lead

He started from chats and forums, continued with private conversations: one, another, the tenth girlfriend, a friend, no longer under the cup of tea, and under a glass-other Chardon, I asked the same question: "Tell me about your coolest sexual imagination." At first, the conversation, as a rule, was not glued, but time and chardonon did their job: after a couple of weeks, the rating of the most common erotic female fantasies was ready.


Hot, unrestrained, spontaneous sex somewhere in an unusual place - on the beach, in elevator, fitting room, on a football field, in a cinema, train coupe, on a park bench, backseat cars, in an abandoned house, restaurant toilet ... when passion She covers a hot wave, and adrenaline rolls. Unpredictability of the situation, the fear of being caught by surprise is that it turns out, most of the most beautiful sex representatives turn out.

Tip: You can safely share a dream with a partner: a similar fantasy is obsessed with 90% of men! Of course, you should not realize it in front of the people, but the night beach, the desktop in the office, the balcony, the sv train - wonderfully diversify sex life.

A mysterious stranger

For example, a night bar in a small town, in which you turned out to be by chance, twilight, pleasant music. He comes from behind and gently but powerfully carries you to the dance, you feel a crazy attraction to each other, in the near hotel you gave him for a long time, sensually and furious. And after the unrestrained night of love, he dissolves even before the first rays of the sun touches your age.

Tip: You can embody this fantasy with your man. Agree to meet in some cafe or bar. We like yourself as if you see for the first time: Flirt, laugh, tease each other, and then go to the hotel and give away to each other, as if in the first and last time. Wake up before the beloved and "dissolve", leaving only the brand of spirits.

Before dawn slave

Almost norhenthanina: "It was by the sea, where the openwork foam ..." Do you remember? It all started with a grenade, "and then gave himself a thunderstorm, the lady slept to the sunrise ..." Around this topic there are many variations of unconditional subordination by male strength, from innocent games in obedient slaves and secretaries to the imitation of rape.

Fastened with handcuffs, tied to the bed, clothes are rudely broken - thoughts about wild, passionate, animal sex are given a much larger number of women than it was possible to present.

Tip: Do not hesitate to talk about fantasy to your MCH. 99% out of 100, that he himself had a similar idea for more than once, but he was afraid to embody her, believing that he could insult your tender feelings.

Three in the boat

No, it is not at all necessary that it was a boat, yacht or an "Aurora" cruiser. An indispensable condition is one thing: partners should be three - two magnificent pumped, tanned, courageous handsome, one and passionate long sex. What? There is no good much. You caress four hands, kiss two mouths, well, and the rest also two times more, respectively. In addition, the idea that you are completely absorbed by two male, incredibly turns out and liberates at the same time.

Tip: This is one of those fantasies about which it is worth telling her husband last, especially if he is jealous. But there is a way out: look with your favorite sex shop and buy a couple of toys. Then ask you to tie your eyes and let him do everything with you that he wants. The blind eyes disorient you in space, and toys partially replace the missing third.

... and here is clubs

... Brad Pitt, Al Pacino, Andrei Arshavin, Johnny Depp, David Beckham, etc. (Underline whatever applicable). Star handsome with a gorgeous body and sensual smile, not to mention a word, slightly touches your lips lips, presses against the wall and slowly unbutton the blouse. It goes out, and you do it standing. Or sitting, or in the chair of the dentist. Or did you happen to be in the male toilet during the Oscar's presentation ceremony, and here suddenly enraged George Clooney, who did not receive the feigned figurines for the best male role. Kiss, blouse, curtain ...

Tip:no, well, telling about Brad Pitta with her husband is definitely not worth it. But the dreams of this kind - evidence that you clearly lack something in sex. An alternative is simple: either find the necessary words and try with a real person, and not fictional playboat, or continue to be afraid and experience dissatisfaction.


Should live. If possible, fun, vividly, diverse, not clinging, without changing itself in the framework of conventions and imaginary decency. Improtected fantasy will give a feeling of novelty and will be returned to the former passion.

Anna Sedova


How fast are you frank with your partner, how often do you talk to him about sex? But one day persuading the guy to reveal his male fantasies, and sharing his sexual dreams in response, you could refresh your sex life and feel more beloved and loving.

5 ways to help him open

Want to understand that your man really wants to get in bed? We will tell you how to learn men's fantasies and withdraw a young man on a frank conversation.

1. Calm the man

Create such a "comfort zone" for a guy, which will show him that you will not worry or condemn it for candid or unusual fantasies. You do not need to go too far, manage it expectations, explain that you can hardly fulfill all his sexy dreams, but such intimate revelations will help you grow even more.

2. Find out if he has fantasy about you

3. Offer options

To learn real men's fantasies, offer your young man to play the game with many questions like: "What would the outfit start you faster: a nurse costume, schoolgirls, stewardess or waitresses?" Believe me, the guy will like such entertainment, and he, without even suspecting your mercenary motifs, will help to identify his sexual preferences. But after such bright questions, be prepared to fulfill at least one of his desires in bed.

4. Give some examples.

It is possible to start such a frank conversation, you will need "assistance". Start discussing the erotic scene from the film, books or remember the once-heard gossip about someone's sexual life. Having made such a thin eyeliner, a little later you can ask: "Have you ever fantasized about it?"

5. Thank him for frankness.

Men are completely difficult to share their sexual fantasies, especially with women. Therefore, you follow a frank conversation. Tell me that after he opened you, you began to love it even more. In addition, any sincere conversations are available to you, since you have no need to hide something from each other.

Top 10 Male desires in bed Of course, all people have different sexual needs and preferences. But interviewing many men, sexologists revealed several most common male desires. Do you want to become his goldfish? Read and choose than to please it. 1. He wants a girl who is able to arouse yes, women usually need more time to get out. And although a loving man is ready to take you by the hand and lead to the country of desire to step by step, he would prefer that you could independently come to the mood when the bodies seek towards each other (I would like to feel desirable, and Do not start every time in persuasion). 2. He wants sex to be merry this in the movie Intimate meetings pass without a bitch and zadorinka. In life, everything is not so smooth. There are awkward moments, some kind of pose turned out to be uncomfortable, foreheads collided ... so what? At such moments it is important to be able to laugh and move on. Games for a desire or joking bet, in which the loser performs the sexual attachment of the winner, will also become a good idea. 3. He wants you to hint that you need to wish it to be able to read it in your eyes. But, alas, it is rare quality. Therefore, he prefers you to suggest. Most at the same time will not crave for your instruction to sound like an order (this is already, sorry for an amateur). Therefore, your wishes are better to broadcast the story that it turns out well. 4. He wants to look "Once again, when we made love, my girl led me to the mirror so that we could see ourselves in the process. It seemed very sexy to me, but I was even stronger than me as much as she herself was lit. " - T., 21. 5. He wants you to be relaxed "Women are often afraid to fully reveal in relations, so as not to destroy the image of a" good girl "and that their young man does not think about them, but a man wants to see yours Ovlotye side, he just sometimes shy to ask you about it, because it is afraid to offend. " What exactly is he waiting for? Yes, almost everything that will show him how much you love sex and want to do this with him. The initiative also serves a good service. 6. He wants to experience something in the style of "Wow, what was it?" Want to be special for him? Invent something that he will be with delight to remember the whole day. Then he will never forget it. Do not stand up something from the repertoire of sports masters in acrobatics. Just be unexpected: for example, the unusual technique of oral sex. 7. He wants a variety of any changes to the usual scenario (whatever you change: speed, power pressing or position) will make an act more interesting and more pleasant. A variety holds a man in an excited state, as he does not know what to expect. Therefore, do not forget to alternate the nature of your movements and do not hesitate to offer to switch to a new posture or method. 8. Does he want a sudden sex returning in the evening with giving? Offer him to roll in the nearest fishing line and make love in the car. Guest in the village of friends, holding a husband on the Senov. And at home there is a place spontaneous seduction. 9. Does he want to possess you the best way to wake in his man a sexy beast? Zaeta is in the style of "Take me, I'm all yours." "He wants to show the primitive and animal passion with you, but you should know that you also want it. Passionately kiss your man, and then remove and say that if he wants more, then let him come and take. " 10. Sometimes he wants to do anything on the other hand, sometimes a man prefers just to lie on his back and enjoy the girlfriend to please him. This is also a very common male fantasy.

After the individual surveys of many women in different cities of the United States, this list of fantasies and the whims of females, which were lustful male flesh were obtained.

1. "Put me on the elevator"

I like, "says Christie," when he picks up me, kisses, then presses against the wall, and we do it standing. He feels the full power of me. I'm going crazy when I think about it.

2. Be with me "gentle"

I am surprised at how few girls want to feel rude in bed. I get sincere pleasure when my man is behind the hair behind my hair and pulls my head back, I love to feel the victim of the rapist ... Lilian. 23 years old.

3. I want to be a captive, and no one connected me before. I like the idea when a man in the role of a pirate. I am ready to surrender to him, trusting only his irrepressible desire ... Jane. 25 years.

4. I want romantics and poetry, when the whole bed is covered with rose petals, and the candles flicker around the mysteriously. It's so mysterious and drives me crazy ... Stephanie. 22.

5. Understand me slowly.

I dream about when my boyfriend will slowly undress me, exposing my tanned body to be seeded with his eyes in a rush of passion. I feel how he worries at the same time, I hear the beat of his heart ... He must tell me what feels at every stage of this action. Catherine. 25 years.

6. In a crowded place.

I want the elevator in which we are going together, suddenly stopped. And everything happened in the cockpit. I burn with passion, thinking about it ... Judith. 23 years old.

7. Arrest me.

Some girls dream of a man in a police form.
... I would like my boyfriend to be dressed as a police officer. So that he put on me handcuffed, searched, and then we had tough love ... Helen. 25 years.

8.Arge me with lips.

I like when a man makes me a massage, and then kisses my whole body, teasing me. I plunge into the waves of bliss. And after all, we must be happy.
Until the next night, I will come back ... Christine. 28 years.

9. We lack the third in bed. This is my biggest fantasy that I am afraid to tell my boyfriend. I want to see how he will hug it and kiss. This spectacle will drive me crazy ... Felicia. 24 years.

10. I love to obey. I like it when a man feels the master in bed when he tells me what exactly he wants. He must dominate, and my happiness is to be his slave. Rachel. 22.

11. Lay me as a cake.

I indulge in dreams like my man puts on me whipped cream and chocolate cream and licks me as dessert. Angelina. 19 years.

12. Rushing me like a tuzier warmer.

Almost every woman sometimes fantasy appears that the man rustually threw her to bed and threw clothes from her.

13. The higher love, the lower ...
Most men are ready for fantasies, but they stop them only one thing: will it like this to a girl. Many guys dream about it during the most frank scenes, representing a girl like a chocolate layer in strawberry ice cream.

14. Long and troubling kisses.
Girls dream of a man for a long time and passionately kissing her on his lips. The trouble is that some guys forget to do it ...

And now, when you have these secret information, think about how to use them ...;

Based on foreign sources