The head coach of the project is Alexander Brightside. Men seduction training Dating specialist. Knows how to meet and instantly establish comfortable communication with a girl in absolutely any place: cafes, metro, clubs, street dating

Dating is our life. Every day we communicate with people, we meet on the street. Whether you find yourself a girl or a guy depends on this skill. I love talking to beautiful girls. They are charging! In addition, they are smart, decent and always help me become even better in communication with girls, people. I easily start communication with youtube bloggers, celebrities, models, dancers. I call this skill communication, communication, pickup, seduction. I decided to post a photo, because on them you make a decision “Is it worth trusting this person?”


Masha sings great. Sometimes I write her the question "Masha, are you going to sing karaoke today?". After a positive response, the food is to enjoy the beautiful voice. Masha is a deep person: to consult about life, how to do the right thing.


Sweet girl from Samara. When I visit this city, I invite Dasha to roller skate. I am pleased with the openness of this girl, despite her strong relationship with a guy.


Model from Moscow. We work together for photo shoots. Once again I will say - the modesty of a girl is directly proportional to her beauty.

Valentin Petukhov

An Apple technology reviewer on YouTube with over 6 million subscribers gave me a 5 minute tutorial on how to blog. I'll make a video of our conversation soon.

Garik Sukachev

Rollerblading in Gorky Park, I saw him outside the crowd and decided to drive up. Stylish, humble and positive person.

Rustam Solntsev

Member of the Dom-2 project. Walked with a friend in the center, near the Bolshoi Theatre. I saw Rustam talking on the phone and approached. Strangely, he praised me at the end of "Handsome". I will not judge orientation ...

Mike Tyson

We stopped in Volgograd for a gas station, and Tyson met us with a positive smile. You never know where you might meet Tyson.

Alexander Nosik

Theater and film actor. In general, a positive person. When they took selfies, they changed facial expressions. In addition to humor, I consider him a very smart person.

How to build relationships? How to improve relations with your husband? Seduction of men and women's pickup training - "Hunting School" by Alisa Metelina

In the life of every woman there is a moment when she faces the problem of loneliness, tormenting her soul with questions “how to build a relationship?” or “how to improve relations with your husband?”. The answer to these questions is very difficult to find on your own, and sometimes even impossible. We are looking for advice and understanding from girlfriends and friends. But are you sure that they are competent in this matter, even if they really want to help. An alternative to this is their own many hours of reflection and conclusions, the incorrectness of which can greatly affect the subsequent life.

The way out of this situation can be women's pickup trainings, where certified psychologists specializing in gender relations help confused women find love and peace of mind.

Consider the first frequently encountered problem: how to build a relationship with a new person. At first glance, there is an opinion that only girls need to be conquered, in order to conquer a man, it is enough for a girl to feed a man and undress :) In practice, unfortunately, this is not enough. If a man is handsome, successful, self-sufficient and surrounded by female attention, then drawing his attention to himself, and even more so building a relationship with him, can be quite problematic. And it's not just about the woman's appearance. After all, you probably know a lot of examples when in a happy couple one of the spouses does not shine with beauty, and the second can be safely called the standard of perfection.

An experienced specialist in the seduction of men will help you prioritize in each individual case, find an approach to the seemingly most impregnable man. To do this, you just need to sign up for the women's training of the Alisa Metelina Hunting School.

The second common problem is relationships in a married couple. In today's world, the divorce rate is very high. And few people manage to become a truly happy family. The right strategy for building relationships will help to build relationships with your husband, rekindle a fading family hearth. The best adviser in this case can only be one who has chosen the solution of family conflicts as his profession. We conduct special trainings to resolve conflict situations at different stages: we will help to establish relations with a husband who has lost interest in you, to build relationships with a man you like.

The Hunting School of Alisa Metelina conducts trainings for women on the following topics:

  • HOW to get as much male attention as you want? Women's pickup training about seducing men on a large scale :)
  • HOW to surround yourself with the most worthy men?
  • HOW to be bright, seductive, unpredictable? Female pickup training for seductresses.
  • HOW to conquer men with just a look and a slight movement of the shoulder?
  • HOW to immediately attract attention and forever remain in memory?
  • HOW to build a relationship with the chosen man? How to improve relations with your husband. How to build strong relationships for many years.

Helpful Hints

1. If you want to improve relations with your husband, keep in constant contact with him. In any way: whether it will be a physical connection (you are lovers), or mental (you are friends), or domestic (joint care of children, joint work, and so on). You still remain the same beloved for him and still possess those qualities for which he chose you as a life partner. Re-emphasize these qualities.

2. It is important to build strong, harmonious, joyful relationships from the very beginning. And even better - start thinking about your future relationship even before they arise.

3. To seduce a man, external beauty alone is not enough. No matter how trite it sounds, but you need inner beauty, you need attractiveness, you need to learn how to attract men's attention to yourself. Do not confuse seduction and seduction.

4. Trainings for women differ from men's programs in their approach to the learning process itself. The psychology of men and women is different, despite the fact that now the behavioral models are practically mixed.

5. Two people expect something from each other, but their expectations are not satisfied and, moreover, they are opposite. How to improve relations with your husband in such circumstances? Just talk to him!

6. How to make your flirting bring results, how to fall in love ... Conquering a man does not mean being submissive to him, and does not mean making him submissive to you.

7. Women's pickup training is a workshop held specifically for women. It will allow you to improve your personal life and relationships with men.

Historically, everything that is connected with teaching dating in Russia is usually called a pickup truck.
Now we will not go into details why it happened, but we will answer the main question: how exactly do you fill your life with really beautiful girls.

Answer these questions first:

Do you want to learn how to "breed" girls?
Or do you still want your communication with women to become more
open, honest and enjoyable for both parties?

Do you want to learn how to squeeze girls?
Or do you still want to change in such a way as to become
objectively more attractive and desirable for girls, so that they
themselves wanted to have sex with you and they did not need to be persuaded to do so?

Do you want to learn how to "throw" girls correctly?
Or do you still want girls to have a good opinion of
you, respected and appreciated you?

"I've been through pickup training and I agree that many (perhaps most) of the pickup training exercises are idiotic. Their only purpose is to stupidly give courage to nerds, nerds and other notorious teenagers.

Examples of exercises (when I remember that I did them myself, it becomes disgusting):
to get to the bottom of the peasants (guards, sellers, etc.) - to wear them out with stupid claims a la “why don’t you work?”;
get to the bottom of the girls - why don't they carry condoms with them, etc.;
ask the girls to sing a song with you; get to the bottom so that she sends you or hits you;
ask a stranger for a gift, a glass of coffee, etc.;
somehow beg for a kiss on the cheek / neck / lips; well, and other insanity ...

I remember how disgusting it was, how uncomfortable. As a result, something changed inside and I became a slob. Now I'm not shy at all. But is it cool? I want to be a decent guy .. And the pickup coaches made asocial elements out of me and other participants. I would like to learn how to be an interesting conversationalist, to be able to give the necessary positive emotions, in general, to give joy to myself and girls from communication. A pickup truck is fake and rude in essence. Not for smart people."

Then maybe you need not a pickup, but something else?

You can attend pickup master classes for a very long time, take individual pickup lessons and wonder why the results do not please you.
You can find online pickup lessons and study them at home - even less sense.
You may be wondering how to become a pickup artist and even open your own pickup courses.
As my many years of experience show, this will not make you happier.
Using the pickup rules, you will learn how to “breed”, “squeeze” and “throw” girls, but we seem to have already decided that this is not what you need.
Which pickup courses are the most efficient? None. Which pickup coaching to go for? None. Pickup seduction lessons cannot be effective by definition.

My name is Thomas and I can cut your time down a lot. You don't have to learn inefficient and even destructive pickup courses. And we'll start right now!

To get started, read and feel these simple things:

The task of dating is not to "pick up the phone", as they say at pickup courses, but to impress the girl so that she wants to see you again, thinks about you and waits for your call.

The task of a date is not to "communicate without pauses", but to understand the essence of a girl and involve her in her world, showing her attractiveness.

The task of a relationship is not to have regular sex with a beautiful girl, but to make her happy every day and through this become happy yourself.

In 2007, I created the TLC project.

What is the difference between a TLC and a pickup truck?
The task of TLC is to make you such a man,
which you would wish for your daughter.

If you consider a girl a “victim”, “target”, “trophy”, and the process of communication itself is a “war” or “confrontation”, then this will never lead you to quality results with girls. It is necessary to get rid of these beliefs, and the pickup only perpetuates these ideas, offering a “new weapon” in order to win this “war” more often.

The basis of TLC is that there is no war.

We have retrained hundreds of pickup training graduates. Pickup coaches often come to us. They all have the same goal - how to get to know a girl beautifully, easily and naturally.

Below we have provided 4 reviews from the most popular pickup trainings and pickup coaching.

Review of TLC after RMES

“2 years ago I passed the basic RMS. It turned out a little and everything that “the coach said, came down to one thing - do more approaches. I "learned a bit about brute-force seduction, but I wanted to be "really efficient. On the recommendation, I got to TLC and “I am immensely glad that I took part in LifeStyle coaching.

The TLC approach is fundamentally different from RMS. If on RMS “the goal of the first date is for the girl to come on the second, and the goal of the second is to squeeze for sex so that on the third she comes ready for sex” (this is the basic model called the “three date”), then on TLC such a primitive no close. At TLC, I realized that you don’t have to wait for a second date to start positioning yourself as a lover, but you need to do this even during the acquaintance, and most importantly, “positioning yourself as a lover” is not “molesting” and “groping”, but this the correct internal states through which to arouse a girl is now much faster. At rmes, work is underway with the behavior “do the right actions and there will be a result”, at TLC, work is underway with internal states.

“TLC coaches have identified a lot of my shortcomings. For example, at RMES they said, “that the club needs to do a lot of small communications with girls and guys. While doing this, I felt like a molester and “wasted a lot of emotions. At TLC, they showed me how to hang out in a club for "fun, self-respect, and make fasts without much "emotional cost. The so-called "good fasts". At the same time, we were all taken to the “rmes” to the factories, and to the TLC to the empire. I also really “liked the fact that LifeStyle coaching included “individual sessions with a trainer.”

Review of TLC after Alex Leslie

“My acquaintance with the topic of seduction began with Leslie’s book and to my happiness, “as I now understand, I didn’t get to some pickup training, but LifeStyle coaching. But my friend got on Leslie.

As a result: I get acquainted with the girls calmly, we quickly establish mutual understanding, I immediately make a call from above and position myself as a lover. My friend: behaves like inadequate (I am ashamed to go to the club with him now), behaves like a jester with girls.

He runs around the club from one to another, paws everyone at once, and then wonders why no one wants to meet him. He was told, as they say, that you need to touch the girl right away, he freezes everyone with this. I don't care about touch at all. During dating, I usually don’t touch girls at all, and then everything goes fine. Another interesting point, on TLC I received an unequivocal answer: “if you invite a girl, you pay in the process of spending time”, and on Leslie it was driven into my friend’s head that in no case should you pay. As a result, he again freezes everyone with his “alpha male principles”, and in a week I am flying with a girl I met in a shopping center to Cyprus, and there was no question from her that I should pay. Although I paid on dates and, in theory, in Leslie Psychology, she was like a “dynamo” and should have taken me on a trip. In general, on TLC everything is somehow humane and this view of seduction seems to me much more correct.

Review of TLC after Ortega Project

“Before I got to LifeStyle, I went through the Ortega training “Project. What did I take out of there? I understood how to behave in clubs, “what to talk about and in what light to show. I learned to “PR and in principle it gave good results. But, very soon, it began to bother me that the girls were not sleeping with me, but with “the image that I create. After sex, of course, the screen “fell and nothing went on, the relationship did not start.

The moment of truth was the situation when I liked a very beautiful girl in a cafe. About 25 years old in appearance, aristocracy in gestures, a formal suit. What I've done? I approached her and, as always, began to unwind: to tell what an interesting guy I am, what countries I have been to, how my friends and I rode on a yacht. All this, of course, to please her. She listened to me for about two minutes and then looked into my eyes so carefully and said a phrase that I remembered for the rest of my life: “What are you pretending to be? Why are you telling me all this? I don't waste my time on soap bubbles." I saw the light at the moment. In fact, all this social tinsel, unwinding and pressure by status worked only on the average pretty provincial women, but this did not add happiness and I did not want to build relationships with any of them. So I decided to go study natural seduction.

I registered on the site, listened to the audio, watched the video and decided to come to live classes. In a nutshell, I became real! I became myself the way girls like me! Without "pe esok", "interests on the list" and the correct position of the fingers on the pockets (who was, he will understand). TLC made me 10 years older.”

Review of TLC after PICKUP RU

“Before I took LifeStyle coaching, I took a course. Now, I can already objectively say that the whole model of “seduction” was presented there, like a fight with a girl, like “chess, where in order to have sex with a girl, you need to” beat her. Real war! And in war, as you know, all methods are “good: manipulation, templates, and obvious deception. It didn’t “impress” me at all, although I saw guys who were very pinched “just from this.

In the speeches of the coaches, hatred towards girls was openly visible, and it seems that this was the main motivation for seducing them. To make it clear, I will give a typical dialogue from the training:
Student: Yesterday, after a date, we went to my place, for about two hours I squeezed it, and then we had sex. She refused to do blowjob, but I twisted her hands, climbed on her and finished on her face.
Coach: Yeee! Cool you dropped it!

Of course, this brought some result, I took phone numbers from girls, but it was not at all what I wanted and I went to TLC. After, TLC was just a balm for the wound. I saw an intelligent trainer who loves girls and builds the whole model of seduction on mutual pleasure. The term "lowered" was not in sight.
I clearly understood how to think and what to feel in the process of seduction, so that both the girl and I understand that we are in the same trench and that there is no war. I really liked this approach and all the tricks that I learned on TLC fit very well into the map. The number of girls has not increased, but the quality has increased very much

I understand that it may not be easy for you to realize all this. Especially if you have already read some pickup books or watched online pickup courses. Trust me, the sooner you start learning TLC's natural seduction, the better it will be for you. Don't open it for later, start by watching my TLC-Basic course, since you can do it absolutely free!

Today, we will analyze pickup trainers in terms of their professional competence.
In this regard, there is nothing clearer than a video, because. It is the video that allows you to hear the material and see the person who presents this material.
There are a lot of different movements and directions in the field of interpersonal communications in the CIS, so I will cover only those that I managed to find. This post will be updated if any of my readers give me video material for analysis and mini-reviews. All reviews refer exclusively to a specific video.

I myself have been successfully engaged in both personal growth and interpersonal communications for a long time (biography on the site). I have also been teaching for a long time at one of the leading universities in St. Petersburg and will also analyze trainers as a professional teacher. I will try to evaluate each reviewed video as objectively as possible, but you will understand who is really a master, and who, as it is fashionable to say now, is a dick from the mountain))
ps for those who are not in the subject, below is an overview of people who teach seduction in Russia. Draw your own conclusions gentlemen.

So here we go!

Lev Vozhevatov

Oleg Lukanov (ortega)

A very important part of any performance is the beginning. Here the importance is as great as in seduction.
And do not the masters of communication know about this? What we see on the video - during the performance, Oleg, somehow lost, goes on stage. Hands behind the back, shifting from foot to foot, etc. - it is clear that the person is not exactly embarrassed, he is slightly tense and as if not at ease (these are the first sensations from viewing). Then he laughed it off - but is a person professionally engaged and teaching people -
can afford such a beginning, knowing full well that in the first seconds the main perception about the coach is formed?
In general, Ortega is a smart guy, I'm sure that he won't get lost with a girl. What pleasantly surprised me was that Oleg felt participation during the performance, he sincerely wants his students to become masters. You can see that he is a sincere guy. But his model of seduction is effective within the narrow confines of communication. I did not notice a powerful male core here.

What does he say: correct but standard public stuff. Excessive water is poured in places, and often about the club. The basis here is chips, contexts, etc., and not seduction by oneself, by one's personality traits. A model that works under certain conditions.

How to sayT: the pace of speech is the same, very rarely highlights important parts. In general, you can listen, but I didn’t feel much emotion. Sometimes I felt like I was at a lecture, but, damn it, this is not some kind of history of political doctrines!

Vladimir Kozlov (Chilli red)

Much has been written about this man on the Internet. I will only say one thing - this is a mixture of a showman and a PR person. A person feels very confident on stage, but this confidence sometimes hurts the eye. It is important to understand that jokes, a smile from ear to ear, jokes, stories are all cool, but it should be APPROPRIATE.
In the above video (with Ortega) I was simply killed by his presentation of his own partner and comrade - it was possible to imagine Ortega brightly and beautifully, instead it was somehow crumpled and ridiculous. At the same time, including 0:33 of the first video, we can see how Vladimir remembered his childhood. More precisely, childhood crawled out (well, this is never a mature male non-verbal). This suggests that for Chil it's all a game. Cool and fun. I feel sorry for the students, because For them, this is much more important. As a PR man, Vladimir is very talented. This cannot be taken away from him.

What does he say: Didn't provide much information.

As he says: Chil's style - sometimes it's normal, then suddenly it's somehow ridiculous to turn around and smile at the whole room.

Maxim Krasochkin

This comrade is already in the age category of a mature man (at least on the first impression). On saw - a certain presentation of a certain training. Drives normally, but as usual. Personally, I expected something more, because. he was positioned as a bright and strong man. Like one of the leaders. But the leadership is still far away.
It can be seen that he understands what he is saying, he is adequate, but there is no fire, for him it is all like work, a routine. And a person who gives such knowledge should burn with his work.

What does he say: paints the rules of his training, a lot of some parts and subparagraphs. The question is, why does the student need all this? In my opinion, it was possible to give basic information and not soar the brain, if this is a presentation among potential
clients - then everything is appropriate.

As he says: here is interesting. Maxim's appearance is very charismatic, but these hands, periodically dangling and constant swaying of the body, never improve the perception of a person. During the transmission of some material, if the lecturer sways, then the feeling that he is unsure of what he is saying. I also noticed some childishness (in places Chilly Reda recalled) in the movements (classically - at 7:44). That is, in some places it seems that this is a cool kid in adulthood. But an internally accomplished man should teach seduction. And it should be felt right away.
As a person quite adequate, I would not be surprised if very interesting.

ps people responsible in the army for discipline behave differently)

Nikolai Vorobyov - Shaman

Here, unlike the comrades described above, real masculine maturity is felt. A complete understanding of what he says, and the absence of any clips and jambs. BUT. From a teaching point of view, responding to questions impulsively is not good. The coach should not take it out on the student, spread rot, tease, etc. In RMS, it's ubiquitous. The coach is first and foremost an assistant. Although I understand the Shaman, when a large group and a couple of dummies disrupt the lesson, it is very difficult to endure. He himself used to sin in this matter and broke down. But sometimes you can) This video is one
from isolated bright spots in the black ocean of monstrous learning in the RMES.

What does he say: simple things everyone needs to know.

As he says: impulsively, in raised tones, turning into a scream, but in this context it is appropriate.

Anton Matorin - Tonych.

I did not find the training, but there is some kind of interview.

From this video, you can easily understand that Anton Matorin is a rather peculiar comrade in terms of life. He feels great in dialogues about high and spacious. When there was a quite simple question about straight people - he answered in the style of "all this being is empty" somehow indistinctly, after which I remembered Boris Grebenshchikov
with all its meaningful phrases and allusions. This video clearly shows the difference between Krasochkin and Matorin, the first is based on practical experience, the second floats in high matters. Both of them lack elements of each other, ideally it was a powerful thinking researching practitioner. That's what I call high
seduction coach level. As a person, it is clear that Matorin is quite an open person, although there were glimpses of a slight, not evil cynicism. From the video, it seems to me that Tonych is probably good as a coach, but not in the framework of seduction.

What says: answers to questions, speaks interestingly (especially about Polonsky and the like).

As he says: a calm dialogue with periodic jerks from the host, everything is relaxed and relaxed.

Oleg Cold .. sorry - Hot

Oleg Goryacho very hotly looks like Oleg Lukanov. The similarity in appearance and in the manner of communication and in the conduct of the training. Holds well during training.
One feels that he is a kind-hearted guy, but he is not a researcher, he just lives at his own level (an interesting life, from his point of view) and talks about it. But teaching (changing) people and telling some of your feelings are two completely different things. I won’t be surprised if Oleg has rich parents, because It seems that his childhood was cloudless.

What do you say t: to be honest, during this video piece there is sheer nonsense and I feel sorry for the students. I would already at the beginning (set a goal for yourself, it flattens you and this develops confidence - comrades apupenno) would fill up the presenters with never simple questions on all of the above, but unfortunately Oleg’s audience is apparently rather weak in this regard.

As he says: normal, but standard. He just talks sweetly and calmly. What was a seminar, what was not. Although the timbre of the voice of Hot, I confess to you is excellent, unlike the quality of the video that he posted.
Training in the standard narrative mode, there are no sensations after watching.


This fellow is from a team of people involved in the promotion of Western techniques in Russia. Initially, the idea is just idiotic. Even an ignorant person, including the brain, understands that the mentalities in Los Angeles and in St. Petersburg are different. And the girls are different too. And the laws are different too. But I overcame myself and still finished watching ... Excuse me for my French, but I haven’t heard such garbage for a long time (and I’m not even talking about all sorts of terms and shmety sets). A couple - "to learn what the sun is in a deeper informative sense", "all these topics of social interaction are of value to other people", "if you ask a person for $100 it is comparable to the approach of the average man on this planet". Until I came to my senses after this video, I lost at least a kilogram. And it's bad for me to lose weight)

Seriously, the first one - a man chewing gum and trying to ridiculously imitate fast food guys from various American videos - immediately disgusts me. And it's not even the hair color. Although the guy seems to be not stupid, the presentation and material are absolutely mediocre, and within the framework of a mediocre idea, attempts to grow peaches in Siberia (I hope you understand this metaphor) look at least flawed.

What does he say: a set of chaotic American terms and a couple of common truths.


The video is quite funny - a certain Thomas is the hero of the "Instructions for Use" program. A very cute boy. Cute. What is negatively striking is the standard shirt by which in St. Petersburg, for example, a pickup artist can be identified per kilometer. When Thomas began to show his skills as a host (quite confident, by the way), I myself was almost embarrassed by how ridiculous it looked.
Confused speech, high tempo, rapid blinking - all this was not hidden by a simulated and practiced smile. I understand that the camera, I understand that there are a lot of duplicates - well, then the question arises - why was it so mediocrely filmed?
Further. I’m never a jock either (there is my photo a little lower in the LiveJournal), but damn it, Anatoly (Thomas) is somehow completely neglected in this regard, I wouldn’t wear such shirts in his place being in such a light weight category.

What he says: the most banal things. within the framework of a short story, they are appropriate and adequate.

As he says: nice, but I doubt that this person can really teach how to charm girls.


Very interesting idea! At one time, Badboy used such a thing when he stood against the backdrop of beautiful nature and talked about the confrontation of the social. frames and restrictions. According to this video, I will say that there is a bias - well, it’s somehow hard to perceive the details of intergender relationships from a person in a turban)) Also, from the minuses, foreign terms that make it difficult to understand. It’s not clear to me - why give a foreign categorical-conceptual apparatus if you have your own? Well, of course, the chick, this is a masterpiece)) Immediately anchor to "Drinking juice in my quarter"

what does he say: the right literate things.

as he says: inconsistent in places, but overall good.

Maxim Sirbu (bezpaniki)

You ask where I get these videos?)) In the internet) If you rummage around you can find a lot of interesting things))
By video. A very reasonable friend. The only thing is that on the video it's just a reworked NLP, but we all know that NLP has only an indirect meaning for seduction. Then I looked closely and understood everything - a video was posted - November 19, 2007. He talks like he usually does. Neither bad nor good - usually. Particularly without emotion.

what does he say: the right things in terms of nlp.

as he says: standard, like without a spark.

My name is Maxim Krasochkin, I have been doing seduction training for a long time. And very often I come across one typical mistake, the most important mistake men make when seducing women. Although what does the seduction have to do with communication in general. A mistake, let's call it like this - "the wrong focus of attention." What is the focus of attention? Which one is correct? It sounds abstruse, in fact, everything is simple, I explain on my fingers.

Usually, when a man wants to please a girl, tries to seduce her, he gives her gifts, shows increased attention to her, tries to please, anticipate desires, and makes pleasant surprises. Picks up the keys to her heart. And everything seems to be correct, everything is fine, and some people even succeed. But the trick is that this communication is built on the wrong base, fragile. The base should be such that a man at the beginning should make himself comfortable.

Rule number 0 - make yourself feel good.

Then questions will disappear - if a guy invites a girl: "Let's go somewhere." She says, "Yes, let's go." “Where do you want to?” The girl does not know where to go, she does not want to invent. She doesn't really care where she goes. If only there was a man who knows where he wants to go. A man who knows what he needs from life.

To explain these things, we can dip a little into history. Consider humanity over the past 100,000 years. Of course, in recent years, a hundred years, humanity has changed a lot, and even 10-20 years ago the world was very different. And then it will change even faster. But, nevertheless, the laws according to which a person, society exists, were formed even then, back in cave time, for many thousands of years. They are active and working right now, we may or may not know about them, we may not think about them, but this does not change anything.

What kind of man did a woman need then 100,000 years ago? She needed someone to provide for her and her baby. It will ensure its safety and security during the period of bearing a child and during the first years of his life. When she will not be able to work, when she herself will not be able to get food. For this period, a woman needs a man, of course, she needs to tie him up, and a woman learns to read the emotions of men and manage them. Years of serious purposeful training, all daughters-mothers, twisting in front of the mirror, chatting with girlfriends, and most importantly, watching and trying, I pouted, dad bought a doll. Bingo. All in order for him to provide for her and the child. They say that a woman chooses a man who looks like her father, even if such a training ground is known from birth. She needs a strong man, some kind of smart, preferably rich. A woman needs a man endowed with some external attributes. The fact is that external attributes come and go, for someone they disappear, for someone they appear. And a woman is focused on some kind of internal component, which in fact does not depend on money, does not depend on physical strength, does not depend on the ability to talk. There is such a thing as spirit, will, charisma, character, different people call the same thing with different words. A woman is looking for a man who has this same spirit. On what grounds - this is a topic for a separate discussion. She is looking for this inner component, and if she is, or the woman thinks that she is, then she understands that everything will be all right. True, they do not always realize this.

What is a spirit? What kind of men have spirit? Can it be developed? And How? To begin with, I will define the concept of the word "spirit". For me, the following definition is correct. “Spirit means having your own goals and moving towards them.” Every word is important. Each has great meaning. Who has? See definition. Develop? Can. How? Think and Do.

Then the woman fits into the channel of this man and feels very comfortable. A man goes through life fulfilling his goals, she provides for him, she surrenders to his stream ...

We go further ... How does such a man behave? He has his goals and moves to achieve them. Pushkin said: "The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us." This is a consequence of this rule, if a man is not so obsessed with a woman, but is passionate about his work, the easier it is, the more a woman likes him. It's like an instinct, she has this mechanism hidden in the depths, in the subcortex. Famous scientists or rock musicians, probably, this is not the best example, there are fans who follow them almost on their heels, and are very attached to these people. This is a mechanism that nature has built in, which evolution has built in.

A man endowed with will is attractive to a woman. And if a man shifts his focus of attention from a woman to himself, then seduction will go much easier.

How does this manifest itself in everyday life? You go on a date not where she wants, but where you are taking her. Wherever you feel comfortable. If you want to go to a movie. Lead the girl. If you like a certain club, then take her to that club. Even if this is a rock club and the smoke is yoke there, but when you go there, you feel that you have come to your home. If you like it there, then the girl will like it too, because you will feel harmonious and comfortable. If she hasn't been to this place, it will be new to her. She will feel safe next to you, and you will score extra points yourself.

One of the biggest lessons in my life. My father told me this, he had a clinical death and after that he lay at home, he called me and said the following words: “Maxim, always do those things in life that you like very much and don’t exchange for others!”. In my life I try to do those things that I really like, I try to follow the advice of my father and believe me, if you fall into this stream, it is very difficult and very easy to get there at the same time. But, if you are in it, then the women in your life are just a consequence. A consequence of how you live, a consequence of what you love.

If you are doing something and you can’t help talking about it, if your work is interesting to you, then you will be listened to with great pleasure, no matter what you do. I met people who talked about finances, not necessarily about them, but about some stupid, in my opinion, not interesting things, but I listened to them excitedly and did not want to break away or leave.

It is very important that this inner fire burns in you, and the inner fire just ignites if you shift the focus of attention to yourself, if you do what you like, if you fulfill your goals in life. Then there will be as many women in your life as you need, as many as you can, as many as you want. Sorority becomes just a part of your life, it's something you pick up just by traveling down the road. The road called life.

The second mistake of a man when communicating / seducing a woman.
"A man invests, not gives."

Let's imagine a situation. Young woman. Guy. They meet. The guy shows some attention to the girl, perhaps he gives gifts, perhaps he spends some kind of joint leisure time with her, maybe he even financially participates in this leisure. Buys movie or theater tickets, closes a restaurant account, dresses well, smells good, and doesn't even let you get bored. His contribution to this girl is a good mood. He tries to be funny, talks about funny topics, knows a lot of stories. Everything seems to be fine and then the time "H" comes.

There is some kind of incident that brings our young man out of a state of peace of mind. It can be anything. For example, sms from some freak whom she called “my old acquaintance / friend”, or she didn’t go to hang out with him, but went with her girlfriends, or she was sad and didn’t show him proper attention ... Once again, it could be everything , anything, but here's another example, suddenly some type appeared, and she talked to him too kindly or ..., but what's the difference, what matters is that it became uncomfortable. What caused it doesn't really matter.

It seems to me that the fact is that the deep reason for the withdrawal from the harmonious state was that the guy invested attention, time, money in the girl ... He invested in her, and wanted to get something for it.

Now there will be a few definitions, a little theory, then we will put everything together.
Investment is when you invest today in order to get more tomorrow, or at least the same amount (although these are some strange investments). If you don’t get what you want, you become uncomfortable, or even very uncomfortable.
And, donation, I have here a definition from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A donation is an agreement under which one party (the donor) transfers or undertakes to transfer certain property to the other party (the donee) free of charge. An important word for free, i.e. a gift without asking for anything in return.

Let's go back to our cave age and look at the world through the eyes of a woman. What is her biological mission?
Its biological task is to give new life, preferably, of course, from the best genes, the most adapted, and for this new life to develop and in turn give new life. Accordingly, all men can be divided into two large camps. The first camp is those men from whom she is ready to have children, suitable genes that she subconsciously approved. And others, garbage, culling.

How to accurately determine which category a man belongs to? There is one very clear criterion. The criterion is called sex. This man had or didn't have sex with this woman.

Contraception appeared later, so this mechanism has not yet laid down in our subconscious. Whatever a woman says, for example, a career is important to me now, or I need to develop, so higher education comes first, “you are not a suitable option at all”, “I don’t like you”, “I’m only sixteen” ... Whatever she does . She says that she will drink pills and drink them, immediately after sex she runs to the bathroom, she has sex only after putting on six condoms on her partner (6 more for the second time) it doesn’t matter at all. But if a woman has sex with a man, then she is subconsciously ready to have children from him.

Whatever she said or did, in any other case. She says, “I really like you”, “you are smart”, “I need to check our relationship”, “I need to sort out feelings”, etc. It doesn’t matter what she says, but if there is no sex, then she is subconsciously not ready to have children from this man. This is such a clear criterion. You may not be aware of this mechanism, but it exists.

Let's return to our situation by the time "H".
Suppose a man and a girl didn’t have sex, and he invested time in her and still remained one of the huge camp of young people from whom she was not ready to have children. And when the investments burned out or began to burn, he began to take offense, fuss, began to mow. And the whole minus of the situation is that because it seems to him that his investments are going down the drain, he starts to mow even more. Starts making more mistakes. Offended. Jealous. The man begins inappropriate behavior. And not infrequently these things are invented by him. In a good way, he is nobody for this woman, and behaves as if he is the most important person in her life.

We collect.
Well, what is the way out of this situation? “Give”, not “invest”. The question here is not money, but attention and your actions. You give away what you already have so much, you give away what you do not feel sorry for. As a very rich person, you give not the last, you have this good in bulk. Good mood? Yes, I have plenty of it. It is very important to do from excess, and then neither the woman owes you anything, nor you owe her anything. This is a very important two-way connection, neither you nor she owe each other anything.

Many obligations also fall from you, for example, that you do not communicate with other girls. Some guys believe that if he started talking with one girl, then he can no longer communicate with others, otherwise how will she react? And they begin to limit themselves in behavior, to behave more decently. The right way to be like everyone else. You don't have to do that, you just have to be yourself. If you like a girl in a club where you hang out together, you need to pay attention to this other girl, it's annoying. Don't limit yourself.

I have one friend, he talked with one girl, and the man himself is not poor, and loves to pay attention very beautifully. And he had no sex with this girl. When she told him that he was very nice courting, he replied that it was just a pleasure for him to please her. “I see that you like it and I enjoy it. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't be doing it."

Accordingly, the question arises, where to get so many emotions, strengths, where to get this excess, if sometimes you don’t have enough for yourself. You can’t be funny, you don’t draw money yourself either. It's not a question of money, it's not a question of who pays for whom. The question is, are you doing it for free, or do you want something in return. The answer is actually very simple. This rule is a consequence of the first rule. Do well for yourself first. And if you feel good, then emotions will not keep you waiting. And anticipating the question about money. If they are good, if they are not, it happens. If you give more than you want, then this is probably bad.

As a result, you become independent of a woman, and this is like a red rag on a bull. Give from excess.

The third mistake of a man when communicating / seducing a woman

Thinks a lot, does little.

If we take our ordinary life, it looks something like this: “Oh, if I do something, what will she think/say/do???”
I hear this a lot in training. I'm tired of answering these questions. The answer is as primitive as it is simple.

You come and do it.

One practical way out gives many times more information than sitting at the computer for a year, than all these long theorizing. Or this, for example, the situation, the guy dialed phone numbers at the training and does not call anyone, he is waiting for a topic with a date, and suddenly it’s not right. And suddenly it doesn't work.

Take and do, do not know what to do, take a step forward.

Even in previous topics there was such a wave, and on the forum, too, “but you really realize yourself and you have everything”. No, you have to come and take it.

If you see a girl you like today, come up and start a conversation. Maybe they'll talk to you, maybe they won't. What's the difference if you didn't make the previous 2 mistakes?