Intimate haircut and groin shaving for men. Rules for hair removal in the groin area in men

Many people are interested in this question. How to approach this topic and how to relate to it? Is it a tribute to fashion or a necessity that is caused by the desire to take care of yourself?

Why do you need groin hair

The hairline in this place acts as a sexual identifier. It is worth remembering that we all came from the animal world. The genitals secrete a huge amount of pheromones, and thanks to the hair on the groin, they can spread over a long distance and attract members of the opposite sex. Question, do i need to shave my groin, does not have a definite answer. The culture of many countries does not even tolerate this topic for discussion, believing that the cover of this part of the body should not be touched. Especially for men. Indeed, thanks to this, a kind of ethnic brutality and a desire to occupy dominant positions are emphasized.

With the changes in the world, there was a reassessment of this phenomenon. The groin area in men is fifty percent protected from the fact that an accidental infection gets there. This belief contributes to the opinion that hair in an intimate place should not be shaved. But in modern countries there are simple rules of decency that force you to prepare for sexual intercourse and "clean" interesting places on your body.

Muslim countries strictly prohibit getting rid of hair in the bikini area. Women run the risk of getting a divorce if they decide on such an operation.

Should a woman shave her groin

Since the earliest times, girls have struggled with coats of hair in places that, in their opinion, are undesirable. Why can't a girl avoid this occupation? Because she wants to be beautiful, attractive and like men.

If you focus on the aesthetic point of view, then the presence of hair in the bikini area is not welcome. There are some general rules to keep in mind when shaving. What can you do to keep your shave safe? First of all, you need to use a safety razor so that there are no various cuts and damage. Use special gels to soften the skin while shaving.

Experts say that thanks to shaving, there is no opportunity for the appearance of diaper rash, besides, microbes are less likely to reproduce.

Should a man shave his groin

There is a lot of talk about whether men should shave their intimate area. Do I need to shave my groin, cut your hair, or leave hair on? Everyone should decide for themselves. Many people consider this activity unmanly, therefore they do not attach importance to hair removal in this place.

It is worth paying attention to shaving the groin area in the summer. High temperatures, increased sweating - these are the factors that influence a positive answer to the question of whether to shave this area. But it is worth remembering that the skin remains tender only on the first day. Already literally the next, bristles begin to grow, which prickles and delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations, itching in the groin in men, or even pain in the groin can be triggered. But also, do not forget that hairy groin is not very attractive to women.

Irritation after shaving in the groin

After shaving, irritation may remain in intimate areas. How to shave properly to avoid damaging your skin? After all, an unshaven groin looks much worse than a smooth and well-groomed one.

First of all, it is worth remembering that you should only use safety razors. Unreliable shaving tools can cause not only irritation, but also the risk of ingrown hairs. During and after shaving, you need to use special products that moisturize the skin.

The preferences of women in such an intimate issue as "should men shave their groin" differ dramatically. Basically, like men. If one representative of the fair sex claims that the true beauty of the partner's intimate zone is in cleanliness and grooming, then her opponent generally casts doubt on the masculinity of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, shaving "there".

To shave or not to shave is an individual decision of every man

It's worth trying to shave at least once. Just to experience new sensations, to feel how it is, and to make your personal choice in favor of this procedure or against it. Continuing the discussion on the topic "Should I?" and, if necessary, how to shave a man's groin, you should dwell on all the pros and cons more specifically. Many women believe that if their sexual partner counts on special attention to this part of his body from the partner, then he must certainly take up the razor.

Lovers of shaved skin to a glossy level guarantee unforgettable oral caresses, during which they will not think about hair stuck in their teeth, but will easily surrender to passion and show more imagination. In addition, visually, the penis, devoid of hair, looks much larger, which gives men more self-confidence and causes pride in their male dignity.

However, there is another opinion regarding male beauty.

The subconscious of the other half of the female representatives draws the image of an ethnically brutal male, always covered with natural hair, they do not even want to hear about how to shave a man's groin. For them, the partner really loses his sex appeal without pheromones actively evaporating from the hair in the groin. A weighty argument "against" is the fragility of the effect of smooth skin, after a couple of days the growing bristles will remind both partners of themselves. To him - in the form of an itch, and she will have to feel "on herself" the unpleasant prickle of her hair growing again. Rarely will a man be able to take care of the perfectly smooth state of his intimate area as often as required, so, most likely, it will soon overgrow.

How to do this procedure correctly?

If you still decide to surprise your soul mate with your new way, you should learn more about how to properly shave a man's groin in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of folliculitis or ingrown hairs. Before starting the procedure, take a warm bath and relax your skin. If the hair is long, then it should be trimmed a little. It is recommended to shave hair only along the line of its growth. For convenience, you can use a mirror, gently pull the skin to smooth the surface, and rinse the razor more often. Remember, before shaving his groin, a man should first of all take care of a good razor and cream, both before and after shaving. You can opt for other hair removal methods, such as depilation with chemical creams and a slightly painful but effective hair removal procedure that will keep the skin smooth for longer.

According to Sigmund Freud in his theory of psychoanalysis, all actions, behavior and life of a person are based on sex and move around it, so it is very important for partners to find a mutually acceptable option. If you, as a woman, want, and your partner does not dare to take such a radical step, do not torment yourself with the thought of how to shave a man's groin, let it be a neat intimate haircut for a start.

Statistics say that a man knows everything about shaving his face, but he has absolutely no idea how to remove vegetation on his groin. According to rumors, in recent years, the number of visits to medical institutions has increased in the world due to injuries caused by carelessness during shaving of the genitals. To avoid this kind of problem, you need to stock up on the necessary amount of knowledge and properly equip the workplace, choose high-quality materials for work.

How to shave a man's groin - removing excess

If the hair in the groin is very thick, then it is not advisable to start shaving right away. Take a good sharp pair of scissors and cut them to the maximum. This stage is necessary so that the vegetation does not get stuck in the razor. When, by a happy coincidence, a trimmer was at hand, he, too, can easily cope with this task.

How to shave a man's groin - take a shower

Understand that dry shaving is not a very good idea. Water will soften the skin, wash away dirt and grease. The razor will be able to glide gently through the hair without snagging, which means it will not irritate coarse hairs along with the skin. Shaving gel should be ready. Before buying, study the composition so that there is no alcohol and, for example, a softening aloe extract. The component prevents irritation.

How to shave a man's groin - a working tool

A disposable 1-blade machine is not suitable because after it, root growth resumes the next morning. 3 or more blades are best. From an ergonomic point of view, an excellent option is a floating machine head that follows the curves of the body.

How to shave a man's groin - choosing a direction

The smoothness of the surface depends on whether you run the razor along the hair growth or against it. To do this, you should look at the hair and it will immediately become clear where it grows. Shave for height.

How to shave a man's groin - testicles

By its nature, the skin around the testicles and base of the penis is wrinkled. And in this place it is easy to injure yourself with a razor. Many bacteria multiply here and the wound can lead to infection, inflammation. Prevent unpleasant consequences, being careful: pull back folds and use only new blades. This principle also applies to preliminary haircuts (pull and cut).

How to shave a man's groin - consistency

They begin to drive the machine from the very top of the triangle, move to the penis area, move down to the testicular area. It is more convenient to visually divide them into several parts: front, side and back. Start from the front, then remove the sides and at the end go to the back. Work in any comfortable position: standing, lying down. On hard-to-reach fragments, a mirror helps out.

How to shave a man's groin - flushing a cut

Rinse with soap, rub with alcohol applied to a clean cotton swab and press a piece of toilet paper to stop bleeding. When blood spills out, they call an ambulance because deep cuts will likely require stitches. Pinch the cut until the ambulance arrives.

How to shave a man's groin - hydration

At the end of the shaving process, remember to apply a moisturizing aftershave lotion. The problem of inflamed follicles usually goes away within a few days. But, anything can happen, and then they turn to a dermatologist.

How unpleasant it is when the body is decorated with fresh wounds, and doubly unpleasant if they are in such remote places, where they are actively rubbed with underwear! Also, microtraumas provide open access for various bacteria and dirt. Actions after shaving the groin area should not be ignored in order to protect your skin from infection, infection.

Removing unwanted hair in the intimate area has long gained popularity among women and many men. But how to properly carry out the shaving procedure, so as not to injure yourself and not cause irritation on the skin, not many people know.

Why should a man shave his groin?

Many men have a stereotype that a shaved groin is the prerogative of gay boys. It is not true! Masculinity and personal hygiene are completely different things.

There are many reasons for getting rid of vegetation in intimate places:

  • Hygiene. The genitals are an excellent microflora for the development of bacteria, which is why you need to shower and wash thoroughly every day. Sweat, dirt, dead cells of the epidermis collect on the hair, which provoke the growth of bacteria. As a result, itching or rash appears and may occur. Especially in the summer, when it is already hot, the eggs sweat a lot due to the hairline. You can read more about why else here.
  • Sex life. Any partner will be pleased when everything is clean and smooth there. Sex becomes brighter with intimate hairstyles, because it is much more pleasant for a girl to bestow kisses on your intimate areas when there is no hair there.
  • Appearance. Male dignity looks much more beautiful when there is no hairiness. And so even the penis looks bigger. If the visual size still does not satisfy, you can use.

Hair Removal Methods

There are several ways to get rid of excess vegetation in intimate areas:

  • You can contact a master who will make shugaring (removes hair using special mixtures of sugar or wax).
  • Hair trimming with a trimmer. You can shave with a trimmer to make your hair shorter and then complete the procedure. And the second option is to shorten the hair in order to further continue its removal with the help of other tools. To properly shave your hair with the trimmer, you need to make short, smooth strokes towards the base of the penis. It is important to be careful because the skin on the scrotum is very delicate and thin and can be easily injured. In this area, it is better to stretch the skin with your free hand, this way it will be safer.
  • Shaving aid chemicals. The following hair removal can be done in several ways: with a machine or cream. Depilatory creams are sold in all cosmetic stores, but they have a fairly chemical composition. If you have delicate skin, then it is better to abandon this method in order to avoid irritation, redness and pain. If you decide to use such a cream, then you should know that it is applied with a special spatula (it is sold with the product) for 10-15 minutes. Then, with the same spatula, you need to remove the cream from the hair and rinse thoroughly with warm water without using soap or gel. Then the skin is gently patted with a soft towel and an emollient cream is applied. In some depilatory products, the cream is included. The disadvantage of this method is that the hairs grow back quickly, but at the same time they are thin and do not prick. And the advantage is painlessness and lack of irritation.

Step-by-step instruction

For the safety of shaving with the machine, we offer you step-by-step instructions to make everything "smooth":

  • Take the correct position. To shave as comfortably as possible, you need to be in a comfortable position. Here, everyone has their own. It is better for some to shave while sitting in the bathroom, others - while standing, the third - while lying. You need to experiment to determine which position is best for you to do this. Many men argue that standing is more comfortable, since you can turn around and put your leg aside if necessary, and it is convenient to hold the testicles while shaving the scrotum. A comfortable position will protect you from cuts.
  • Foam application. Once you are in a shaving position, apply a foam or shaving gel to your groin to soften your hair. It is advisable to choose a product that is best suited for your skin type, so that later there will be no burning sensation and pain. Leave the foam or gel to work for a minute. Then you can move on to the procedure itself.
  • Shave your groin. Now let's get down to the process itself. It is important that the machine is very sharp, preferably new. When choosing a razor for shaving hair in the groin area, it is better not to skimp, but to purchase an expensive quality item. This will greatly reduce the risk of cuts and poor shaving. You can start with the pubis or scrotum - whichever is more convenient for you. The main thing is not to be afraid if this is the first time you do it. There is nothing terrible, if you follow the instructions, then damage is excluded.

  • Over the penis.
    First, you need to machine the pubic area well with smooth movements from the bottom up. Do not press down too hard to avoid cuts. Shave is best against the direction of hair growth. Then the effect is smoother and lasts a little longer. The penis needs to be pulled down a little to tighten the skin. Then the machine will slide smoothly, removing unwanted hair. Do not forget that hair also grows on the penis, at the root. Pull the skin of the penis towards the head and shave the vegetation, moving from the bottom up. If "interesting sensations" arise in the process, that's even better. An erect penis is easier to shave.
  • On the sides. To carefully shave off unwanted hair on the sides, you need to push the penis in the opposite direction. Then hold it with your free hand and shave off your hair. Set the leg from which you are shaving to the side a little to tighten the skin. This will make it more convenient for you. It is the side area that is most comfortable to shave while standing. Remember to constantly rinse and rinse the hair out of the machine so it does not clog and shaves well. The same must be repeated on the second side. Shave against hair growth, it will be more effective, and the result will last a little longer.
  • Scrotum. The area between the scrotum and the penis, as well as the scrotum, must be shaved very carefully because the skin is delicate. Do not grab a too large area with the machine. Shaving in small portions will help you achieve a smoother result by lifting your penis up and shaving to the bottom of your scrotum. Do not forget to rinse the machine after each movement, as it quickly becomes clogged with hair. In this way, by a little bit, pulling the skin, you need to completely shave the scrotum and the area around it.
  • The washing up. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash the shaved area well under running warm water. Too hot water can cause irritation. It is not recommended to use chemicals immediately after shaving. The thing is that the blade "ruffles" the upper layer of the epidermis a little. Soaps and gels contain fragrances and dyes that can cause a burning sensation or an allergic reaction if they get on the damaged area.
  • Wipe dry. Dab gently with a soft towel. You should not rub, because after the blade the upper layer of the epidermis is slightly damaged and its additional irritation can cause discomfort and redness.
  • Reduce skin irritation. To reduce skin irritation, use an antibacterial gel or aftershave. These products usually have a cooling effect and prevent redness and irritation. After a few days, when the stubble begins to grow back, itching may occur. This is due to the fact that after the razor blade the hairs have a pointed end. To relieve the burning and itching a little, you can use emollient oil or milk. It should be applied daily after showering. Hair will become much softer, and you will not experience discomfort.

Tips for hair removal in the groin area:

In the end, I would like to note that shaving in the groin area for men is everyone's personal business. The article describes the advantages of shaving and its disadvantages (itching, irritation). Why else can be read here.

If you follow all the rules, then you can achieve smooth skin without irritation. Shaved groin sweats less and does not provoke the growth of bacteria that cause unpleasant odors. When it comes to irritations, there are now many cosmetics to help you avoid them. If you have never shaved your groin - try it, you will like it and your partner will be delighted.

For a long time, the beautiful half of humanity has been struggling with hair growth in unwanted, in their opinion, places. These are the legs, and the armpits, and the face and even the groin. What for? To be more beautiful, to please men, so that the skin is smooth and silky.

When should you shave your groin?

And yet, whether it is necessary to shave the groin - the answer to this question is ambiguous. The only time when shaving your groin is necessary is before an operation to remove an appendix or before childbirth. In all other cases, shaving the hair in the groin is not necessary, so you yourself decide this issue for yourself.

How to shave your groin?

So, from an aesthetic point of view, of course, an excessive amount of hair in the groin is undesirable. For this very reason, many girls shave their bikini line or shave all of their hair. In addition, there are a variety of intimate hairstyles that you can do yourself or in a special salon that provides such a service. If you decide to shave your intimate place yourself, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. It is best to use a safety razor to avoid cuts.
  2. The skin in an intimate place is especially delicate, use a new cassette so as not to scratch it.
  3. Regular shaving foams are not suitable for shaving intimate places, as this way you can disturb the microflora in an intimate place. Use special gels or soaps for intimate areas.

Harm of shaving intimate places?

While shaving, you can injure delicate skin by accidentally cutting yourself. This can happen if you are using a straight razor. But this happens even when you use a safety razor, but the blade has not changed for a long time and is dull. So, there is a possibility that you will scratch your skin. Another unpleasant, but rather frequent result of shaving hair is hair ingrown into the skin, which causes discomfort.

Benefits of shaving groin hair

The most obvious benefit of shaving intimate areas is, of course, the feeling that the area now looks much more "attractive". Also, from a hygiene point of view, the benefit of shaving your groin is that if there is no hair, there is no diaper rash, microbes have nowhere to multiply. In addition, the hair can retain the remains of urine - an excellent medium for the activity of bacteria and microbes.

Do men shave their groin?

Oddly enough it sounds, but lately men are increasingly shaving their groins along with the female half of humanity. Yes, this phenomenon is not so common, but it still occurs. These are mainly young guys and men who take care of their appearance. And they do not want to frighten the girl with "thickets" in an intimate place during intimacy.

So shaving your groin is a very delicate matter. Whether it is worth shaving your groin - you choose and make a decision. Check the pros and cons before deciding whether to shave your groin?