How to measure temperature in newborns. Types of measuring devices for body temperature. Traditional mercury thermometer

Babies are born with an immature thermoregulatory system. This means that they cannot control it through rapid breathing or increased sweating, as we adults do. This is especially true for premature babies.
Newborns easily overheat in a stuffy room and overly warm clothing, and also freeze easily if the air baths are too cool. In these conditions, mothers are interested in how to measure the temperature of the baby and interpret it. Many questions arise: how can a small child do this carefully? When is a fever a sign of infection, and when is it the result of overheating? We will talk about this.

Where can the temperature be measured?

- The traditional method is to measure in the armpit. It is actively used in older children, who can already be explained what the procedure is for, as well as to those who have not yet turned over and are not sitting, for example, a one-month-old baby.

- A thermometer in the ass (rectally or in the rectum) is placed in babies using an electronic thermometer. To do this, its tip must first be moistened with petroleum jelly, and then be sure to disinfect.

During the procedure, the baby is placed on one side and the knees are lightly pressed against the tummy. The thermometer is inserted no further than 1.5–2 cm. The rectal mucosa is very vulnerable, so the manipulation must be carried out carefully.

- You can put the device in your mouth. It is important that the child does not try to chew or chew on it. To do this, it is better to offer the baby a thermometer-pacifier.

- You can also measure the temperature in the ear. This is done only with an ear thermometer. Other devices will not work for this. To place the tip of the thermometer in the ear, you need to pull the lobe slightly back and slightly up.

Choosing a thermometer

The assortment of pharmacies is rich in such devices. Some of them are more accurate, others are easier to use. It is easiest to measure the temperature of a sleeping child, because for the correct result it is important that the measuring device is in close contact with the skin for some time.

Mercury thermometer

It is considered the most accurate, as it has the smallest measurement error - only 0.1 degrees. How to measure the temperature of an infant with a mercury thermometer? Take the baby in your arms, gently put the thermometer's nose into the armpit and cover the crumbs with the handle. You need to keep it for at least 5 minutes, preferably 7-10. To keep the baby calm at this time, you can give him a breast if he is breastfed.

This method also has its drawbacks:

- Mercury thermometers are easy to beat, and this is difficult to prevent if the baby has already grown up and is spinning in his hands. Mercury vapor is toxic, especially to children and pets.

- Due to its fragility, the thermometer cannot be inserted into the bottom or mouth. In this case, there is a high probability of injuring the child with glass fragments.

Electronic thermometer

The most common and safest option. Moms love it for the fact that it does not fight, it can be used rectally, and in the mouth and armpit. For babies, models are produced in the form of pacifiers. But they are only suitable for those crumbs that suck on the nipples.

How to measure the temperature of a newborn with an electronic thermometer? Turn it on by clicking on the button and insert it under the mouse. Be sure to lubricate the nose with petroleum jelly before using it in the rectum. If it is convenient for you to change the temperature of the baby in this way, then start a separate thermometer "for the priests".

Of the minuses, a large measurement error can be noted - up to 1 degree. Compared to a mercury device, this is a lot, almost 10 times. Also, during operation, the batteries run out, which also affects the measurement accuracy.

Infrared device

It is he who is proposed to be used as an ear thermometer. This is done very quickly, in about 5 seconds, so it can be used even by the most restless children.

A non-contact infrared thermometer works in a similar way. He is brought to the forehead of a feverish child. Some mothers even manage to measure the temperature of the formula with it.

Compared to other devices, this one has a relatively high cost, while it is not as accurate as mercury.

Disposable device

It is a test strip that is applied to the skin, under the tongue and gives a result within 1 minute. The strips are not very accurate, but may be useful in a travel medicine cabinet.


Having measured the temperature of the crumbs, compare it with the norm. For each of the measurement sites, it has its own.

- The normal range when measured in the armpit is 36.3 to 37.3 ⁰C.
- In the rectum, it is slightly higher - from 37 to 38 ⁰С.
- In the mouth, the norm will be 37–37.2 ⁰С.
- In the ear 37.6–38 ⁰С.

A rise in temperature is usually a sign of infection, but not always. Physiologically, it rises after crying, eating, active games, and it is also slightly higher in the evening than in the morning. With fever, children can respond to overheating, stress, or endocrinological abnormalities. If there are no external signs of the disease, the child eats well, is active, sleeps enough and is awake, but at the same time he has a fever, he needs to be monitored.

Usually, doctors advise not to knock down the temperature if it does not exceed 38.5 ⁰С. However, this does not apply to babies under 3 months old, babies with malformations of the cardiac, nervous or pulmonary systems, as well as those who have once had seizures against a background of high temperature.

Daria Romashko, pediatrician.

In this article, you will read information on how to measure the temperature of an infant, what devices can be used to measure the temperature of a newborn or infant, how to correctly measure the readings on a thermometer for an infant or baby, as well as much more.

An elevated body temperature in a newborn baby is often the first cause for concern for young parents. However, this condition in infants is considered the norm, since after birth, many organs have not yet fully formed. Therefore, it takes a certain time until the child's body is fully formed and adapts to the environment.

When to measure the temperature of a baby

If the baby eats normally and sleeps calmly, then the normal body limit of up to 37 ºС is considered the norm, since they have not yet fully developed the thermoregulation system. Do not worry about this, over time it will normalize in an infant to standard indicators.

In such cases, you should not give the baby antipyretic pills, otherwise the indicator may drop to 35 ºС. Therefore, parents should know what body temperature is most optimal for their baby. Unfortunately, medical staff do not always inform young mothers about this, and this is very important.

Nowadays, there are many ways to measure body degrees of a month-old baby.

Types of thermometers for measuring body temperature:

  • electronic;
  • mercury;
  • disposable;
  • infrared.

Fever in infants is a protective and natural response to illness. It is recommended to knock it down only if it reaches 38 ºС and above.

Parents should worry if the baby has:

  • rapid breathing;
  • rapid pulse.

How to correctly measure the temperature of a baby

Many parents are wondering how to correctly measure the temperature of a baby? Everything is very simple, just follow the following rules:

  • lay the child on the back and put the tip of the thermometer in the armpit fold;
  • before the procedure, wipe the skin and remove small particles of dirt and sweat;
  • hold the baby's hand so that the tip of the thermometer is in full contact with his body;
  • keep the thermometer up to 7 or 10 minutes.

For these purposes, it is best to use a mercury thermometer. To monitor the health of the baby, it is enough to measure the body readings once a day. If necessary, 2 times a day, morning and evening. It should also be remembered that by the evening in infants, the body index rises.

If the baby cries, screams and strains, then his temperature also rises. To get more accurate data, it is recommended to measure it when he is at rest or asleep. So you can measure it without the hassle and harm of the baby.

You cannot check the temperature of the baby:

  • During feeding;
  • When the baby is screaming or crying.

Are you wondering how it starts? We will tell you in detail about its manifestations. You also need to know about, because it can be quite dangerous.

If you do not know whether to buy a massage ball for newborns, just follow the link and we will show you how you can use the ball to make a useful massage for your baby.

Where to measure the temperature of a newborn

There are several ways to measure the temperature of a baby rectally. Which one is most optimal for you you choose yourself:

  • put the baby on its side, and pull the legs to the body;
  • the baby lies on the stomach of one of the parents on the lap or on the bed;
  • the child lies on the back, with the legs raised to the top.

For rectal measurements, be sure to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with baby cream or other means, such as petroleum jelly, before the procedure. It is not recommended to use an ordinary mercury thermometer for this purpose. Carefully and accurately guide the thermometer into the anus for a maximum of 2 cm and leave for 3 minutes. So that the child does not get injured from sudden movements, it is advisable to carry out the procedure when he is sleeping or in a calm state.

Where to measure the temperature of a newborn:

  • in the groin fold;
  • rectally (through the rectum);
  • through the ear;
  • in the mouth.

Only electronic devices should be used to measure readings through the ear. Pull the earlobe back and then slightly lift it up so that the auditory canal is straightened, and the eardrum is visible. Gently guide the tip of the thermometer into the ear for 3 minutes.

What is the best thermometer to measure the temperature of an infant

Measuring the temperature for a baby is a very unpleasant procedure that can be stressful for him. Therefore, you should not measure it several times a day. The most practical and convenient way to measure baby's degrees is with an electronic thermometer.

Electronic thermometers are also in the form of a pacifier, with the help of which it is convenient to measure the readings of an infant in the mouth. The only drawback is that it is impossible to measure degrees in the groin fold with an electronic thermometer. In addition, their batteries need to be changed frequently.

Disposable thermometers are easy to use on the road. It is enough to apply it to the baby's skin or put it under the tongue and leave it for no more than 1 minute.

There is another way how to measure the temperature of a child in a non-contact way using an infrared thermometer. To do this, it is enough to bring the thermometer to the baby's ear or to the skin. However, it does not give accurate data, but it allows you to measure it in 5 seconds and without harming the baby.

The temperature regime of the newborn is unstable and requires regular monitoring. Up to three months of age, minor jumps are the norm. Significant fluctuations occur due to illness, reactions to external factors, therefore, for accurate indicators, it is important to correctly measure the temperature of the baby.


What determines the body temperature of a baby

The temperature range of a newborn baby can fluctuate depending on factors of influence and internal processes. The optimal deviations are no more than one and a half to two degrees.

Temperature fluctuations can be influenced by:

  • time of day (in the evening, increases are possible, in the morning - vice versa);
  • excessive physical activity;
  • cry;
  • teething;
  • infection (viral / bacterial);
  • graft;
  • emotional component.

The child needs to measure the temperature in a calm state. During a meal or during a period of overexcitation, the indicators are more than normal.

What are the optimal thermometer readings

The stability of temperature indicators is established at the age of two to three months. The measurement results differ depending on the method of the procedure, as the body parts have different temperatures.

Types of thermometers (thermometers)

To measure temperature indicators, several types of thermometers are used:

  • mercury;
  • electronic;
  • infrared;
  • thermometer pacifier;
  • disposable.

Mercury thermometer

A mercury thermometer measures the temperature classically - in the armpit. Measurement in the rectum is also possible.

Of the positive characteristics noted:

  • versatility;
  • measurement accuracy (0.1 degree error);
  • the convenience of the distribution scale.

Cons of a mercury thermometer:

  • the presence of mercury, a hazardous component;
  • glass shell requiring careful use;
  • long measurement time - 5 - 7 minutes, which is not easy for a fidget baby.


An electronic thermometer measures the temperature rectally, also in the armpit, in the mouth and in the ear. This is a modern device for rapid temperature measurement, suitable for a small child.

The advantages of the device:

  • measurement time - three minutes;
  • easy to use;
  • safe;
  • sound signal of the end of measurement.

Among the shortcomings, only one was noted - the inaccuracy of the indicators reaches one degree.

Infrared thermometer

There are two types of infrared thermometer:

  • ear;
  • contactless.

Auricular detects body temperature in a couple of seconds. Good to use when baby is sleeping. Non-contact detects degrees without direct contact. He immediately gives the result when he is brought to the forehead or temples.

The only drawback of any model of an infrared thermometer is the high price.

Pacifier thermometer

Outwardly, it is no different from a dummy. A special electronic dial shows temperature readings.

Positive characteristics:

  • because it looks like a dummy, it does not scare the baby;
  • the measurement takes no more than four minutes.

The pacifier thermometer turned out to be inconvenient for parents who do not give their baby a pacifier.


A disposable thermometer is a strip that is applied to the skin or placed under the tongue. He is not very accurate in his measurements. It is fully justified on the road, while traveling.

The next video from "Medtekhnika +" tells about the types of thermometers.

Methods for measuring body temperature in a child

There are several ways to measure body temperature in children of different ages.

There are four of them as standard:

  1. Axillary. Measured in the armpit or groin fold with a conventional mercury thermometer, you can also use an electronic one.
  2. Oral. In this case, the thermometer is placed in the mouth. It is better to use an electronic thermometer (pacifier thermometer).
  3. Tympanic. A method for measuring the temperature in a child's ear.
  4. Rectal. The thermometer is inserted into the rectum.

For children of an early age - up to a year - the device and the method of measurement are chosen according to practicality. In order to measure the temperature of a baby, a nipple thermometer is well suited. If the baby does not take the pacifier, an infrared apparatus is purchased.

In the armpit

Measure the temperature in the armpit correctly as follows:

  1. The child is seated in their arms or laid on their back (if they are not yet able to sit).
  2. The thermometer is placed under the arm so that the tip touches the body, free from clothes.
  3. Wait for a sound signal (electronic) or seven minutes (mercury).

In the rectum

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. The baby is placed on its back, the legs are raised and slightly bent at the knees.
  2. The tip of the device is smeared with cream or petroleum jelly.
  3. A thermometer is introduced into the rectum no more than one and a half to two centimeters.
  4. Take out the thermometer also carefully.

When measuring rectally, always disinfect the thermometer.

In the ear

For this method, only a special apparatus is suitable.

The sequence is as follows:

  1. The child is placed on a side and tried to straighten the ear canal.
  2. The thermometer probe is placed in the ear canal.
  3. Carefully remove the apparatus from the ear.

The body of an adult is very different from that of a child. Babies are just beginning to master the processes of thermoregulation. And they still cannot monitor the change in their body temperature on their own. The child will quickly overheat if the mom has put too many clothes on her son, and just as easily overcooled. It must be remembered that the baby's body temperature during the period of active wakefulness is higher than during sleep.

A normal indicator for newborns can be considered from 36.3 degrees Celsius to 37.7. What is fever? This is an indicator that the body is producing antibodies that can destroy viruses and disease-causing bacteria. The child's body temperature must be measured every day in order to record the slightest deviation from the norm in time. A slight increase with a calm baby's behavior and excellent appetite should not cause concern for parents.


How to measure temperature for babies? To deal with the question, you need to know what such devices are. There are four The first to consider is the most accurate mercury meter. Its significant drawback is that it takes a lot of time to accurately determine body temperature and contains mercury. It is very fragile, you need to constantly monitor the receipt of indicators during the procedure.


The most convenient way is to use an electronic thermometer. It is absolutely safe for the baby, the duration of the reading is only 3 minutes, and at the end of the procedure, the device beeps. Do not forget that you have to deal with a restless infant. Therefore, it is worth thinking about an unusual thermometer in the form of a dummy, but this type of meter gives a large error. It works on batteries, if they are not replaced in time, at the right time it may not provide any help to a loving mother at all.


The infrared thermometer is a completely new invention. It is non-contact or in-ear. It is not recognized as a high-precision device, but it is convenient for measuring the temperature of milk or baby porridge. When using an ear thermometer, the required indicator will be known in five seconds. But such devices are expensive.


The next type does not have high accuracy, but it is indispensable on the road. This is a disposable thermometer. It consists of strips that are applied to the baby's skin or placed under the tongue. Readings can be taken after 60 seconds.

Not all mothers know how to measure the temperature of a baby correctly. This is especially difficult for novice parents, which is why the following lines are dedicated to such people.

The first way

Where to measure the temperature of a baby? In the mouth, armpit, ear and rectally. Thermometer in the baby's armpit - the classic way First, you need to sit the baby on your lap. Then you should place the thermometer under your armpit, and while the right amount of time passes, you can tell him a fairy tale, sing a song, just chat. After 7 minutes or after a beep, the procedure can be ended. If the child still does not know how to sit, before starting to measure the temperature, he must be laid on the back.

other methods

The next method is effective, but less pleasant for the child. This is a measurement of the temperature in the rectum. Put the baby on the back, gently bend the legs at the knees. Carefully insert the thermometer two centimeters into the rectum, after applying any emollient cream to the end of the thermometer. After such a procedure, disinfection of the measuring device is required. You can also measure the temperature in the baby's ear canal. All measurements should be taken only when the little child is calm. Note that during feeding, the baby's temperature will be higher than usual.

Normal indicators

If mothers have figured out how to measure the temperature of babies, it's time to tell what temperature is considered normal for a newborn. In the armpit, it will be from 36.3 to 37.3 degrees Celsius, in the mouth - 37.1, and in the rectum it will be from 37.6 to 38 degrees.

We measure the temperature

And how to measure the temperature of a baby with a mercury thermometer? This matter should be treated carefully. The danger is that mercury is such a metal, the fumes of which have a negative effect on the human body, especially the child. The thermometer has a glass body, which requires very careful handling. It is used when measuring in the rectum and armpit.

How to measure the temperature of a baby with an electronic thermometer? All young mothers should know the answer to this question. This type of thermometer is safe and convenient. When the measurement is over, the thermometer will beep. But the minus is that it can give erroneous information with an error of one degree. Within three minutes, information about the baby's body temperature will be available to his parents.

The nipple thermometer is the most original of all types of measuring instruments. It is fun for the baby and easy to use. Similar to a regular pacifier, made of baby-safe materials, it measures temperature in 4 minutes. If parents do not want to teach their baby to nipple, such a thermometer will not work.

How to measure the temperature of babies with an infrared thermometer? This is one of the most modern thermometers. It is enough just to attach it to the temples or forehead of the baby, as almost instantly you can read the indications that the mother needs. But there is one caveat: not all parents can afford to buy it.

Mom's opinion

We figured out how to measure the temperature of babies. Now let's summarize and highlight the opinion of moms.

Many have tried different thermometers, and each of them has long given its preference. Young people do not refuse pacifiers and can even afford to purchase such an unusual thermometer. Such parents say that this is the most convenient and stylish type of thermometer, in addition, during the usual sucking movements of the baby, an indicator is displayed on the electronic board. Mothers, accustomed to saving and distributing every penny, vote with both hands for an ordinary mercury thermometer, calling it the most accurate and classic: "Our grandmothers also used such thermometers." Many parents use an electronic thermometer. However, how many people, so many opinions.

Body temperature is the most important indicator of the state of the body. A characteristic feature of newborns and babies in the first year of life is the imperfection of the heat exchange system. In other words, the child's body cannot yet independently control and maintain a constant body temperature, which directly depends on environmental factors. What it is and how to measure it correctly, we will tell you in this article.

Which thermometer to choose?

Today, medical device manufacturers offer many varieties of thermometers.
The most familiar for most mothers is a mercury thermometer, which does not lose its relevance due to its high measurement accuracy, ease of use, ease of processing and low cost.

The big disadvantage of a mercury thermometer is the fragile glass body and the toxic properties of mercury. In this regard, mercury thermometers are prohibited for use in Western Europe. Another disadvantage is the duration of the measurement, which is especially important when measuring body temperature in children.

Electronic thermometers are gaining in popularity due to their safety and high accuracy. They are easy to use and take less time to measure temperature: from 10 seconds to 2 - 3 minutes. The end of the measurement is indicated by a sound signal, and the result is displayed on the screen. Often, an electronic thermometer comes with soft interchangeable tips for different measurement methods and ease of disinfection.

One of the modifications of electronic thermometers is a nipple thermometer, which is a silicone or latex nipple with a built-in sensor. Such a thermometer is safe, convenient, accurate and can be a good helper for a baby mother. Not without drawbacks: for the most part, thermometer nipples cannot be disassembled, which creates difficulties in processing; the service life of such a thermometer depends on the battery, which does not change in most models, and is approximately from 1 to 3 years.

With proper handling, there is no difference in accuracy and reliability between electronic and mercury thermometers!

Thermoindicators or thermotests are thermosensitive films. The advantages of this method include the speed of measurement - about 10 - 15 seconds and ease of use: a disposable strip is applied to any open area of ​​the body, for example, to the forehead or wrist. They are convenient on the road when used by active babies. The main disadvantage is inaccuracy: thermal tests indicate only increased temperatures, without giving certain numbers (N - normal, F - increased). There are also models that determine the approximate temperature in increments of 1 ° (36, 37, 38, 39, 40). Typically they are used to quickly take a large number of measurements, for example, for medical examinations.

Infrared thermometers are a relatively new type of thermometer that allows you to measure body temperature without contacting the skin. These include ear and forehead thermometers. The main advantage of this method is hygiene and speed of thermometry, which lasts only a few seconds! In terms of accuracy, such thermometers are inferior to electronic and mercury. Due to the high cost, the use of infrared thermometers is mainly limited to medical institutions.

Preparing for measurement

Measurements should be taken with a calm state or in sleep. Prolonged crying or feeding a baby can affect the true reading of the thermometer.

Before any measurement, the thermometer tip must be disinfected with alcohol or another safe antiseptic solution (eg furacilin). Do not use hydrogen peroxide or aggressive chlorine-containing substances for processing! Do not wash the thermometer with hot water, this may cause malfunction and cracks in the case.

When using a mercury thermometer, it is necessary to carefully inspect the flask to exclude damage to the glass body. Make sure that the level of the mercury column does not exceed 35 ° C, otherwise you need to shake the thermometer several times.

Where and how to measure the temperature of the baby?

Traditionally, the temperature is measured in the armpit. It. the so-called axillary method. This measurement can be carried out with both a mercury and an electronic thermometer.
Dry the armpit area with a clean towel. The thermometer is installed in the armpit so that the tip is located at the deepest point of the armpit and is in close contact with the skin on all sides. The child's hand is gently pressed against the body. For the most accurate measurement, the mercury thermometer must be kept for at least 5 - 7 minutes. Then the thermometer is carefully removed and the readings are monitored by the level of the mercury column. At the end of the measurement, the thermometer must be processed, placed in a protective case and removed to a place inaccessible to the child.

When using an electronic thermometer, it is recommended to hold it under the armpit until the beep stops. The measurement result will be displayed on the screen.
Indicators of normal body temperature in the armpit are 36 - 37 ° C.

Similarly, the temperature in the groin fold is measured. To do this, the child's leg is slightly bent at the hip joint and a thermometer is installed in the formed skin fold.

To measure body temperature in the elbow bend, you need to place the tip of the thermometer there, bend the child's arm and gently press it.

Rectal body temperature measurement

Rectal measurement - determination of body temperature in the rectum. Is sufficiently accurate and informative. Normally, the body temperature measured rectally fluctuates between 36.9-37.4 ° C.

The tip of the thermometer is abundantly lubricated with petroleum jelly. Place the baby on the back to measure. With one hand, you need to raise the legs, slightly bending them at the knees, with the other hand, carefully and gently insert the thermometer into the anus to a depth of 1.5 - 2 centimeters. Hold the thermometer in this position for 3 minutes, or until the end of the beep. Then slowly remove the thermometer. After each use, the thermometer must be thoroughly disinfected.

Oral measurement

Temperature measurement in the oral cavity is carried out only with an electronic thermometer. Never use a mercury thermometer!
After thoroughly processing the thermometer, insert the tip of the thermometer under the tongue, closer to the base of the tongue, pressing slightly against the bottom. The mouth should be tightly closed. The measurement takes about 3 minutes on average. After the beep, carefully remove the thermometer. The body temperature of healthy babies, measured orally, is 36.6-37.2 ° C.

If the measurement is carried out with a nipple-thermometer, it is necessary to make sure that the baby does not pull it out on his own, as this will affect the measurement data.

Temperature measurement in the ear canal is carried out using a special non-contact infrared thermometer, the tip of which is directed to the eardrum. To do this, one hand pulls the earlobe a little, with the other very carefully insert the tip of the thermometer. The measurement time is about 20 seconds.
Do not use conventional thermometers to measure temperature in the ear canal!

Increased or not?

According to Dr. Komarovsky E.O., a body temperature of up to 37.4 ° C is a variant of the norm for children of the first year of life! What are the reasons for the rise in temperature?
The reasons for the increase in body temperature in children at this age can be:
Overheating, excessive wrapping, increased air temperature, direct sunlight
Prolonged sucking on a breast or bottle
Increased physical activity
Prolonged crying or screaming
Violation of the drinking regime and fluid deficiency.