How to make eyelashes so that they are lush. How to dye eyelashes correctly: video, instructions and stylist tips

Many women are dissatisfied with the result of applying mascara to their eyelashes, considering its quality to be the culprit, but they don’t even think about the fact that getting fluffy and separated eyelashes can only be done using the right way to apply mascara. To get the desired result, you must follow some rules.

How to color eyelashes correctly:

- Don't wear mascara on oily eyelashes. Before painting, blot them with a napkin and wait until they dry. comb them with a special brush.- To add volume to eyelashes, use base for mascara. This tool strengthens the cilia and protects them from the harmful effects of mascara components.

If you have short eyelashes, then you should apply paint zigzag movements from roots to ends. Start with the bottom lashes. This method of application will give volume and elongation.

Owners of long eyelashes should choose another way: you should bring the brush to the eyelashes and blink. This method will give naturalness and exclude the possibility of the appearance of "spider legs". It should be noted that in this case, only new, not dried ink should be used.

eyelashes worth paint in two coats. You can not apply the second layer immediately, you should wait a bit until the first one dries. It should be noted that it is not advised to wait for complete drying, as there is a threat of shedding the carcass. If this happens, then the eyelashes will appear "broken".

In order to paint over the cilia in the corners of the eyes, you should turn the brush upside down and finish painting with gentle movements. It is worth remembering that in this case there should not be a lot of mascara on the brush, as this will lead to gluing. - Do not forget that the mascara should only be on the eyelashes, so if you touch the eyelid with the brush, you should wipe the mascara with cotton swab.

When the lashes are completely dry, you can comb them with an old dry mascara brush. This will give them division and volume.

Voluminous long eyelashes will never go out of fashion. Every girl dreams of having a charming look and "killing" on the spot, "shooting with her eyes." Properly tinted lashes always emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes, betraying the look of mystery and chic. Using the suggested tips, you can easily achieve the desired effect.

Makeup is a daily procedure familiar to every girl. Mascara will help to highlight the eyes, make the look more expressive and mysterious. But not everyone knows how to make up eyelashes correctly so that they look thicker, longer and more voluminous. There are special techniques and secrets of applying makeup. If you follow the instructions and use high-quality and properly selected mascara, then an excellent result is guaranteed.

Mascaras are different. Choose them based on what effect you want to achieve. There are the following types of mascara:

1. Mascara for volume will help make eyelashes fluffy, creating a kind of film on each hair. Its composition is saturated with synthetic fibers and wax. Volumetric mascara will make the look more expressive. Micro-particles create the look of fluffy lash extensions that look much thicker.

2. To make the eyelashes long, apply the appropriate mascara. This effect is achieved thanks to the microfibers of nylon, viscose and silk. The mascara has a light texture and lays down well. The lengthening tube is equipped with a brush with sparse hairs. Synthetic substances in its composition can provoke allergies.

3. In order to give the cilia a seductive curve, you can use curling mascara. This effect allows you to achieve the keratin and resins contained in it. When dried, these substances tighten the cilia. Curling mascara is usually supplied with a curved brush with hairs of different lengths.

4. Waterproof mascara will be needed in high humidity conditions. It is resistant to tears and sweat. It can only be removed with a waterproof makeup remover. As a rule, such mascara does not have any other useful properties. Hair from it will not become longer, thicker or fluffier. Therefore, makeup artists recommend that you first paint your eyelashes with lengthening or voluminous mascara, and then with waterproof.

5. Hypoallergenic mascara is suitable for women with sensitive eyes. It contains vitamins and minerals that care for the hairs, give them shine.

It is equally important when choosing a carcass to take into account the shape and design of the brush:

  • The classic brush has the same bristles that evenly distribute the paint over the cilia. It will not add volume or length to the hairs.
  • The brush with spirally arranged villi separates and coats even tough lashes well.
  • The silicone brush paints the cilia well, slightly lengthens and twists.
  • The tapered thick brush has longer bristles at the tip. Usually it is attached to the mascara, which increases volume and twists.
  • Get long eyelashes will allow a flat brush like a comb. With the help of it, the hairs are given volume and rich color.
  • The curved brush has villi of different lengths. It will help to tame naughty cilia.

With the right selection of mascara, the chance to get a good result when staining increases.

Step-by-step instruction

This instruction will tell you how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara:

1. If a woman wants to make up her eyelashes and get a beautiful bend, then one twisting mascara is indispensable. You must first curl the hairs with tongs. If they are not there, then the cilia are bent with your fingers and kept in this position for a while.

2. The bottle of mascara is opened and the brush is taken out. If there is too much mascara on it, then the excess must be removed by brushing it off the edge of the tube or with a paper towel.

3. Eyelashes begin to be painted from the upper eyelid. Particular attention should be paid to the inner corner of the eye. Then they move on to the central part. Smoothly move to the outer corner. With each stroke of the brush, you need to make sure that all eyelashes are affected. The hairs are fixed between the villi of the brush.

4. It is necessary to paint over the cilia from the roots, gradually moving towards the tips. The largest amount of mascara should remain exactly at the base of the hairs. This will create something like a wireframe. At the same time, the eyelashes are not weighed down.

5. How to make up the bottom row of eyelashes? Without dipping the brush in the mascara, pass it through the hairs once. This will help to avoid weighting the lower eyelid and the appearance of lumps.

6. Allow the product to dry. For additional separation, the cilia are combed.

7. Apply a second layer of makeup.

8. After the second layer, you need to comb the cilia again with a clean brush so that they do not stick together.

If everything was done according to the rules, then a great result is guaranteed.

In order for eye makeup to always be neat, it is important to follow certain rules:

1. In order for the mascara to fit well on the eyelashes and last as long as possible, the cream must not be allowed to get on the hairs. Therefore, before staining, it is best to degrease with a special tonic. Then the cilia are lightly powdered. And then they apply mascara. So the eyelashes will look much fluffier and thicker.

2. Eyelashes that are too straight should be twisted before coloring. This can be done in different ways. A radical method is a biowave, which has to be repeated periodically. In this case, before you make up the eyelashes, they can be straightened with your fingers. The second method involves curling the hairs with special tongs. When using them, care must be taken not to get burned. Eyelashes are lifted with tweezers and slightly clamped. Do not hold them longer than 10 seconds, so as not to burn the hairs. This will cause them to break and fall out.

3. Makeup must be created in stages. It is preferable to paint the cilia only after the shadows are applied and the face is powdered. Otherwise, paint particles can settle on the hairs, and when applying mascara, lumps form.

4. Only one layer of mascara is applied to the eyelashes on the lower eyelid so as not to unnecessarily weigh them down.

5. In order for the brush to glide better through the hairs, it is recommended to pre-wet them with a damp cloth.

6. Use ink for no longer than 4 months. After that, it is better to buy a new bottle. An old product is poorly applied, forms lumps, crumbles and looks sloppy on the eyelashes.

7. It is known that a couple of hours after makeup, the cilia can fall. In this case, it is better to update the makeup. But the paint is applied only to the tips of the cilia and in a small amount.

8. If the mascara crumbles and leaves spots on the face, it is recommended to cover the eyelids with powder. This will make it easier to remove the paint. It will be enough to wipe your eyes with a regular damp cloth.

9. If the hairs are too soft and thin, then they may not hold their shape well under a layer of mascara. To prevent lashes from sticking together, you should not use products with silicone brushes. They are able to create the effect of ugly spider legs.

10. If the eyelashes are very thick, then you should choose brushes with long bristles that can comb them well.

11. For long eyelashes, a stiff brush is perfect.

12. With overhanging eyelids, it is impossible to carefully paint over the bottom row of cilia with a thick brush. The brush should be very thin.

13. Judging by the reviews, it is better to apply colored mascara over black. If you apply it on unpainted eyelashes, then the makeup will look vulgar.

14. When creating age-related eye makeup, you should not use mascara, which will make the eyelashes more voluminous. It is better to choose a regular extension.

15. It is necessary to start painting the eyes with mascara from the middle of the century, moving towards the outer edge. Then apply makeup on the inside.

16. Mascara is distributed with light movements from the bottom up. If you do the opposite, then the eyelashes will stick together.

17. The largest amount of mascara is applied to the roots, stretching the remainder to the ends. This will help avoid sticking and lumps.

18. To be voluminous, long and fluffy, eyelashes are painted in 2 layers. In this case, before applying the second, the first should have time to dry slightly. So the hairs will appear thicker, but not stick together.

19. To twist the hairs without the use of forceps, you need to close your eyes, and pull the cilia up with a brush towards the eyelid.

Possible mistakes

With the wrong selection of mascara or non-compliance with the rules for its use, you can often get an inaccurate result in the form of glued eyelashes and unaesthetic lumps on them. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to know the most common mistakes that women make:

1. More than two layers of mascara were applied to the hairs. At the same time, the cilia become heavier, look sloppy. But the worst thing is that after a while the cosmetics will begin to crumble or spread. Dark spots remain under the eyes.

2. If you apply too much pressure with the brush, the mascara can be imprinted on the skin.

3. Dried ink was diluted. It will be easy to apply, but after a while it will crumble and cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Read about what you can dilute mascara with.

4. Mascara was applied to the hairs directly on the oil-based firming agent. In this case, the adhesion of paint to the cilia is broken. As a result, the mascara will begin to smear and will certainly leave ugly dark spots under the eyes and prints on the upper eyelid.

5. Using an eyelash curler after mascara has been applied will ruin your makeup. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the hairs, they will begin to break. The tool is recommended to be used only before applying paint.

6. Sharp and frequent opening and closing of the tube speeds up the drying process. The mascara starts to form lumps.

7. Application of damaged and expired cosmetics. A tool that has been used for more than 3 months loses its qualities. The consequence of this will be burning, irritation and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

8. Poor staining of the roots visually makes the cilia shorter.

9. To avoid the effect of sticky eyelashes, it is necessary to degrease them before coloring.

10. Reviews indicate that applying too much mascara to eyelashes leads to gluing of eyelashes.

11. Applying eyelashes with sharp, hasty movements can result in sloppy makeup and black prints on the eyelids.

12. Sloppy makeup will turn out if you apply mascara before using shadows. Eye makeup will crumble and remain on the cilia. They will lose their brightness and neatness, lumps will appear.

13. Do not keep a bottle of mascara in your purse and regularly expose to low and high temperatures. As a result, cosmetics will change their texture and begin to fall into lumps.

By knowing how to properly apply mascara on your eyelashes, you can avoid many mistakes and get a neat make-up that will emphasize the natural beauty of your eyes.

Girls put on make-up every day. Even a modest image requires a minimum of eyelashes from a woman. To give them expressiveness, you need to know how to paint eyelashes correctly. Many people believe that the main task is to choose the right luxury cosmetics. Of course, quality is of great importance, but the means must be used correctly.

There are many techniques for applying mascara, while the nuances must be observed, without which the eyelashes will stick together, and a beautiful image simply will not work. Before you start coloring the cilia, you need to decide what structure they have. In accordance with this, the type of carcass is selected. The choice of cosmetics depending on the type of cilia:

  1. It is best suited for long hairs. Used as a volume booster.
  2. If the eyelashes are sparse, then cosmetics of a moderate consistency are used. When applied, it separates the hairs, giving a beautiful volume.
  3. With soft hairs, liquid mascara with a voluminous brush is suitable. This will help avoid sticking. When using such cosmetics, the layers are applied evenly, separating the cilia.
  4. If the type is hard, then mascara with elastic villi is used. In this case, the consistency of the product should be more liquid. This helps to evenly color each hair.

To keep the product for a long time and not contribute to gluing, cream should not be allowed to get into the mascara. Before painting, the surface is disinfected with a tonic, then powdered. Thanks to this technique, eyelashes look lush and voluminous.

beautiful shape

To give a more beautiful shape, special curling tongs are used. To avoid breakage of hairs during twisting, a biowave procedure can be done in a beauty salon. It must be performed from time to time, because the effect is enough for about a month. If a special perm is performed, then before dyeing, the hairs are simply separated by fingers to prevent them from sticking together.

How to properly apply mascara on the eyelashes after using the forceps - care must be taken so that the cosmetic product does not accidentally get into the eyes. After staining with mascara, the cilia should not be separated with a sharp object. When the first layer is applied, you need to wait for it to dry. Only after that, if necessary, the following layers are superimposed. Using this trick, the girl will be able to give the eyelashes extra volume.

Applying cosmetics to the upper eyelids

There are many methods on how to properly make up without mistakes, so that the eyelashes turn out to be lush and the mascara does not crumble. The choice of method depends on personal preference:

Such tricks are suitable for the upper lashes, but not for the lower ones, the coloring of which starts from the middle of the eyelid, then moves to the outer edge, then the product is applied to the inside. Mascara is applied with gentle movements from the bottom up. If the action is performed in the opposite direction, then the cilia will stick together. How to beautifully make up eyelashes with ordinary mascara, the following tips will help:

  1. The largest amount of product is applied at the edge of the eyelid, and there should be almost no product at the ends. This will prevent lumps and sticking.
  2. To make ordinary mascara look more voluminous, the first layer is dried a little, only after that the next one is applied.
  3. To have a curling effect, the eyelids are closed, and the cilia are pulled up with a brush towards the eyelid.

When using mascara, you need to know the measure: so that there is no sticking effect and the formation of lumps, the total number of layers should not exceed three. If you need more voluminous eyelashes, then experts advise using false eyelashes.

Sometimes it is very difficult to do a clean makeup without accidentally getting smudged with mascara. If the eyelids are dirty, do not get upset and re-apply cosmetic products. After the mascara dries, the cosmetics are removed with a damp cotton swab. Excess can not be removed until they are dry, otherwise they will be smeared on the skin. And in this case, they will be much more difficult to remove.

Mascara on lower lashes

To properly make up eyelashes on the lower eyelid, you need to follow some rules. It is desirable that a separate mascara with a short thin brush be used to color the lower cilia. At the same time, the process is greatly facilitated, and there is no chance of staining the lower eyelid. Staining starts from the inner corner and moves to the outer. All movements are gentle and accurate.

Inexperienced girls do not know how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara on the lower eyelid so as not to weigh down the look. There is an opinion among stylists that the coloring of the lower cilia leads to a visual weighting of the look. In this case, you must first perform makeup with staining along the bottom line, and then without staining the lower hairs. If the girl has colored lower cilia to her face, then you should constantly use this method when applying makeup.

Very often, after applying mascara, lumps or excess product remain on the hairs. This spoils the appearance, but such a task is solved very simply. A special small comb is purchased in the store, designed to comb the hairs in front of the eyes. In cosmetic stores there is a large assortment of special combs: plastic, silicone or metal.

A product made of metal is optimal because it has maximum rigidity. To separate the cilia or remove excess mascara, the brush is moved from the bottom up. This direction is used on the upper eye line. For the bottom, the same is done, only in the other direction. It is important that combing is carried out with closed eyelids, this prevents the product from getting into the eyes.

To give expressiveness to the look, you need to follow the rules of how to beautifully make up eyelashes with mascara. If a girl is naturally thin, then a small layer of powder is applied to them before dyeing. Mascara is applied next. This secret helps to achieve expressiveness of the look, and also visually expands the section of the eyes. Makeup should always be done in stages. Eyelash tinting is done after applying shadows, powder and foundation. If the shadows are applied after the mascara, then the coloring pigments will be deposited on the surface - this will create an ugly effect.

When coloring the lower hairs, you can not apply more than one layer, so as not to weigh down the look. To make the cilia more easily stained, before applying the mascara, they are soaked with a damp cloth. The following secrets are no less important:

  1. After opening the carcass, it can not be stored for more than 4 months. If you use the product for a long time, then lumps form.
  2. If the eyelashes are long, then a few hours after applying the cosmetic product, they begin to fall. To update the make-up, the tips of the hairs are covered with a small amount of product.
  3. If after some time the mascara crumbles and leaves ugly marks on the skin, then the eyelids are covered with a small layer of powder. Thus, the excess is easily removed with an ordinary moistened cloth.

Proper make-up removal

No less important step than coloring eyelashes is make-up removal. It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with makeup on your eyes, because this contributes to brittleness and hair loss. If the dry remains of the carcass get into the eyes during sleep, this will cause swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane.

When removing makeup, it is not recommended to use soap and water. This tool is classified as alkaline. To remove makeup, use a special makeup remover. The remains of the make-up are carefully removed, while the movements should be soft and gentle so as not to stretch the skin on the face. The use of a special lotion or makeup remover milk additionally nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis.

To remove mascara, 2 cotton pads are moistened with milk, then they are applied to the cilia, hold for 10 seconds. After that, circular wiping is performed by the disks. You do not need to make sudden movements, this can contribute to the loss of cilia and the appearance of wrinkles in the eyelids.

The main types of brushes

It often doesn't matter what brand of mascara is chosen, the appearance of colored eyelashes depends on the choice of brush. Depending on the form, the effect is different. Application of various forms:

Makeup should begin with painting the lower eyelashes. They do not leave an imprint on the eyelids, then the upper ones are painted. To make the hairs look more voluminous, an arrow is drawn under the growth line with a cosmetic pencil. It is better to apply mascara in a zigzag way, starting from the roots and ending with the tips. If the hairs are tangled with each other, they should be combed with a brush. If necessary, another layer is applied.

Makeup mistakes

When mascara is applied, it is impossible for air to get inside. If a girl, when painting, quickly lowers and takes out a brush from the bottle, then the cosmetic product dries out faster from this. If a curler is used, then this is done before applying the mascara. Otherwise, the hairs will be brittle and brittle. You need to carefully monitor the expiration date, when it expires, the cosmetic product deteriorates. If you use the product after the expiration date, it becomes harmful to the eyes.

Some girls use cosmetic milk when removing mascara from their eyelashes. At the beginning, the eyelashes are moistened with water, only after that make-up removal is done with a special tool. If the mascara layer is not sufficiently removed, then the next day it will not be possible to evenly paint over the hairs. Because of this, lumps form.

Micellar water, milk or lotion is used to remove makeup. They contain special components that quickly cope with pollution, leaving the skin even, smooth and fresh. Usually such products have a pleasant smell and a formula that is suitable for all types of epidermis. With makeup, the main focus is on the eyes, because they always attract attention. Knowing how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara, you can give the look a special expressiveness and depth.

Attention, only TODAY!

Impeccable makeup application plays a fundamental role in the image of every woman. This nuance is as important as the outfit or hairstyle. As you know, the eyes are a reflection, a mirror of the soul. Therefore, they must first of all be in perfect condition. But, having no experience in visage, having done the wrong eye makeup, you can, on the contrary, spoil the image.

Naturally, many believe that every lady should have the art of coloring eyelashes on a subconscious level, moreover, from a young age. But this is not always the case. Some, having made a lot of mistakes, simply get sticky "spider legs".

To figure out how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara, let's look at a few subtle nuances that should be considered in this case.

Consider the structure of the eyelashes

For proper eye makeup, a very important point is to determine the structure of your eyelashes. So, for example, eyelashes with a soft texture respond well to a hard brush, which evenly and correctly paints, and also twists them. For owners of sparse lashes, mascara with a thick texture is suitable, which will perfectly paint the gaps between them, thereby producing the effect of splendor and volume. For hard eyelashes, mascara with a hard brush and a liquid texture is suitable, which will allow you to perfectly distribute the coloring pigment along the entire length of the hair.

In the case of long eyelashes, there are no problems with the choice of mascara at all, but in general, preference is given to options that give additional volume.

How to choose mascara

Mastering the correct technique for applying eye makeup is half the task completed on the path to perfection. Choosing the right mascara is the basis of a successful and incredibly beautiful eye makeup. When choosing this element of cosmetics for yourself, pay attention to what functions it performs first of all, namely:

  • Lengthening mascara provides a visual increase in the length of the eyelashes, lifting them and visually separating each hair. This action is achieved due to the special composition and rare design of the brush, due to which, due to the correct coverage, more mascara is fixed on the tips of the hairs, thereby lengthening the eyelashes;
  • Curling mascara is great for straight lashes that lack natural curl. With a special, included paint and a uniquely designed brush with short bristles, the eyelashes have a curling effect through special curling movements;
  • Mascara, giving volume, has a special rounded brush with short bristles. These bristles will paint very thinly and gracefully along the entire length, providing a natural look and volume to the hairs;
  • Waterproof mascara will be a great solution for the beach season. Its name already indicates that when it touches water, it does not spread, but has its original appearance for a long time;
  • Mascara for sensitive eyes is a product made on the basis of organic ingredients. Their action in case of contact with the eyes excludes any allergic reaction. Otherwise, this type of mascara, in terms of its coloring characteristics, is not inferior to any of the options described above;
  • The water-soluble version of the cosmetic is easily washed off with water and is less dangerous for sensitive eyes, but it is used with extreme caution, avoiding excessive moisture, as there is a risk of spreading;
  • Nourishing mascara, in addition to its main purpose, also performs additional functions. Thanks to the individual components in its composition, its mission is to nourish, protect, strengthen, care for, and also protect against loss and brittleness;
  • Transparent gel is designed for owners of beautiful black eyelashes. It fixes the shape, nourishes and can serve as the basis for any other mascara options, like the first layer.

Today, the abundance of varieties of carcasses can simply make your head spin. Naturally, the choice is always yours. But some manufacturers combine several versions in one version, thereby expanding the circle of their consumer.

Remember! Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of this product, since its composition will have close contact with the mucous membrane of your eyes.

How to color eyelashes

To learn how to paint eyelashes beautifully and correctly, you can watch videos on the Internet related to this topic, and then master a few basic techniques for applying mascara. But before you start coloring, you need to prepare the cilia. To do this, you need to completely clean them from the remnants of previous cosmetics (eye cream, yesterday's mascara, etc.). After that, when a suitable mascara has already been purchased, you can safely proceed to the staining process:

If you want to get the correct bend of the cilia, use special curling tweezers. It is recommended to curl the hairs in their pure form, since there is a risk of breaking them when they are already made up and dry;

  • At first, many makeup artists advise painting over the bottom row of cilia, while painting should be done very carefully, using only the edges of the brush;
  • When painting over the upper lash line, start from the middle, then the outer part, and only then the inner;
  • Holding the brush in a horizontal position, the movements should start from the roots of the hairs and end with their tips;
  • While covering, your movements should be a little zigzag, which will allow you to paint from all sides. This is to add volume to thin cilia;
  • Let the hairs dry and only then make sure you can apply another layer of mascara.

After the end of the procedure, carefully review the result of your work so that there are no soiled areas or sticky eyelashes. Wipe the soiled areas with a damp cotton pad or ear stick, and separate the stuck hairs with a needle or a special comb.

To get the right makeup, it will be useful to know a few important recommendations, namely:

  • Do you want to increase the volume and visually lengthen your eyelashes? Then, after drying the first layer, powder it a little, and apply the next portion of mascara;
  • To make the application procedure easier and more correct, blot your eyes with a damp cloth. Thanks to this maneuver, the mascara will lay down surprisingly evenly and quickly;
  • Coloring eyelashes is considered one of the final manipulations of applying makeup, so you need to paint eyelashes after the distribution of shadows, powder, blush, etc.
  • It is recommended to exclude the use of mascara after 2-3 months, because during this period it dries up and acquires lumps, and this is not very beautiful;
  • Having stained the area around the eyes, do not wait for the pollution to dry completely, immediately wipe it with a cosmetic remover;
  • In no case do not apply a lot of mascara on the lower lash line, as you risk making your look heavier and make your eyes rounder.

By following these simple tips, you can easily give your look expressiveness, depth and sexuality.

An expressive look framed by lush eyelashes is a powerful weapon in a woman's arsenal. A few strokes of the brush with mascara can complete the make-up. The history of mascara began in ancient Egypt - girls mixed soot with oils and framed their eyes with this mixture. The possibilities of the cosmetic product are extensive: you can paint eyelashes with mascara to lengthen and add volume, use it to gently emphasize the ciliary bend in everyday makeup and for a rich accent in an evening look. Mascara is one of the most popular types of cosmetics with high sales rates.

Mascara selection principles

You don't have to be a professional makeup artist to learn the basics of eye makeup. The main key to success is in the selection of carcasses. It is she who, ideally suited to a particular woman in her characteristics, will become an assistant in creating a beautiful make-up. Cosmetics manufacturing companies tirelessly release new varieties of mascara, improve its composition, add caring components to the formula, change the size and shape of the brush.

Before buying, be sure to find out the expiration date indicated on the label. By the end of this period, the product begins, when stained, it will lie down in lumps and crumble. Expired mascara is dangerous to eye health.

From the variety of beautiful tubes, it is difficult to choose the right option without understanding the characteristics of your own eyelash growth. Recommendations for choosing a mascara according to the type of eyelashes:

Having decided on the structure, you need to understand how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara and which tool to choose. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get a mini version for testing, so buying a full-fledged copy in 10 ml should not be a mistake. There are several types of mascara:

When the treasured bottle is selected, you can start staining. But before you paint your eyelashes with mascara, you need to make sure that there is no day cream left on the ciliary edge. Otherwise, at the points of contact with the cream base, the coloring matter will not dry out or will delaminate and crumble. Makeup artists recommend degreasing the lash line with light dusting to begin with. The procedure is performed very carefully, avoiding powder getting on the cornea. The advice is not suitable for owners of sensitive eyes prone to allergies.

Most girls prefer curled eyelashes, but if nature does not endow them with a natural curve, you can use special curling irons. In a couple of minutes of careful actions, they will lift, curl your eyelashes and open your eyes. The main thing is to practice in advance in the use of tweezers, so that subsequently long twisted hairs do not break off during the staining process. Curling with tongs occurs strictly before applying mascara.

A variety of bases and primers are very popular with beauties. Thanks to this base, the mascara will lay down in a smooth layer, without the formation of lumps. Bases also have nutritional properties. It is possible to use a solo primer - eyelashes with it will look very natural, but will gain length and bend.

Books have been written about the technique of applying eye makeup, but the most important secret is to “stuff” your hand (or both hands, because some girls paint their left eye with their left hand). The gradual development of an individual staining technique is a matter of time and experience. There are several most applicable methods of applying mascara:

Depending on preferences, mascara is applied in one or two layers. When creating the most natural look, one layer will be enough. For an expressive look with voluminous eyelashes or creating a cat-eye style, you need two layers. Before applying each subsequent layer, you need to let the previous one dry a little, but not completely - otherwise, as a result, the mascara will fall into lumps. For stage images, 3-4 layers are applied.

The lower eyelash row, according to the recommendations of the makeup artists, is painted in one layer. Some women should avoid applying mascara to their lower lashes as such makeup can visually. It is best to make a trial version and evaluate all its pros and cons.

5 secrets on how to color eyelashes correctly

  • you need to use mascara after, powder and shadows - it must complete the makeup process, otherwise powder particles can dust the hairs;
  • if the eyelashes stick together during staining, they can be carefully separated with a dry brush (a thoroughly washed and dried brush from a used tube will do);
  • if there is no special primer at hand, dried mascara can be used as the first layer for voluminous eyelashes. It will create the necessary adhesion to the eyelashes for the subsequent application of fresh liquid mascara;
  • to avoid sticky eyelashes, before applying mascara, you need to wipe the brush on the neck of the tube, removing the excess mass. If the composition began to dry out and lies tightly on the brush, it is necessary to wipe off the excess on a napkin;
  • if a few hours after applying makeup, the mascara slightly crumbled and lost pigment, it is not necessary to wash everything off and re-paint. You can lightly tint the edges of the eyelashes with mascara, without getting close to the roots, to restore brightness.

These are the tips gave you. I hope you understand everything, interesting, and most importantly useful. If you have any questions or wishes - write comments, we will understand. Visit our site for more!