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The human body is affected by a large number of factors. One of them is the relative humidity of the air - affects the constant body temperature and mood. In summer periods of time, the body suffers from the lack of moisture: the air is drained, the intensive evaporation has a negative impact on a person, often it becomes bad, sleepily.

The problem was solved by air humidifiers - devices based on moisture emission into the atmosphere in order to increase the relative humidity of the air in your home. How to make your own hands? Let's figure out!

Before proceeding directly to work, it is worth understanding the device of the humidifier. The functionality of this instrument is to evaporate the water that you pour into the humidifier. To date, 3 types of air humidifiers were invented.

In fact, create this device at home is not at all difficult. Having a little knowledge in stock, everyone will be able to afford a humidifier of the air, spending the minimum of strength, time and money!

Bottle option

This type of moisturizer is easy to assemble, it does not require the knowledge of the device, the only condition is the presence of a central heating battery that is not closed into the wall. What do we need to create this moisturizer? Several elements:

  • central heating battery;
  • one and a half liter or two-liter bottle;
  • scotch;
  • long march, approximately meter;
  • dense, nervous fabric or rope.

This version of the self-made humidifier does not require electricity, easy to create and stands the minimum amount of money!

Instruction. We use scissors - cut in a bottle of a rectangle with a width of about 6 cm and about 11 cm long. We take a piece of fabric and cut off two identical strips from it.

We suspend with the help of strips a bottle so that the hole is from above, and the bottle cover was turned to the battery. In order to avoid mistakes, we fix the design of the scotch. Next, we need march - we fold it several times, making it a rectangle with a length of about a meter and a width of 10 cm.

We put one end of gauze into the bottle hole, the second wind the battery pipe. Pour water - our moisturizer is ready!

It will be less efficient to moisturize the air than others, since it does not have elements that heat the water.

But you can use your imagination when creating a moisturizer - all the details of the decor, what you just want! What do we need? Several useful details:

Instruction.To begin with, we will prepare a decorative container. It can serve as a basket for bread and a wicker picnic basket.

It is best to work with materials that are not afraid of water. Plue the container with all the necessary parts. I advise you to use stones - they are perfectly combined with water.

Next, we place the water tank without fluid into the decorative capacity. It is advisable to glue them to each other. After lining the bottom of the water tank - use sand, stones, figurines, just let your imagination! Do not forget: stones and other elements except sand should be fixed with glue.

After the whole design is ready and glue, you can boldly pour water and enjoy the fresh air in the room!

I note that the drying time of the adhesive depends on the glue itself. We advise you to use superclauses - it is not afraid of water and grasps in a couple of minutes.

Option of the humidifier from the ceramisit

Such a humidifier will be infrequently visiting anyone. Not every day, a para-triple of kilograms of claymps may appear at hand. In fact, this air humidifier is great for home. It is easy to do at home, but it will take details that do not always have at hand. So, what do we need for the manufacture? Next elements:

Instruction. To begin with, it is necessary to connect two garbage baskets that have small sizes. This can be done using household or plastic fasteners. This construction is the future body for the humidifier. It should be durable.

Next should be similarly combining two large garbage baskets, but the two connected garbage buckets must be inside. To fill the ceramisit in the bottom of the upper large bucket, we do the hole.

Ceramzit is worth taking under the size of the "holes" of the garbage bucket - it is important that it does not pour out from the holes. Pompe from aquarium put on the bottom of the 12-liter bucket, spend the tubes from it to the very top.

Install the design of 4 garbage baskets on the pump, we fall asleep clamzit. On the tubes water will return to the top. The last detail is a computer cooler, mounted above the hole in the bottom of the top garbage bucket. It will spread steam throughout the room.

Despite the cost of making, this device perfectly moisturizes your home in fairly fast terms. You just have only not to forget to pour water!

Option of the humidifier from the bottle and cooler

The humidifier of the air on a cold pair is worth a lot of money. You can create its analogue using a computer cooler and a declined bottle of water. The price of such analogue is about 3 thousand rubles, which is many times less than the cost of this humidifier. Note that this humidifier is simply even at home. What do we need? Several details:

Also be careful when you turn on the network to the network - we advise you to locate the humidifier so that it is not located next to the sockets. Safety rules will never prevent!

These options for air humidifiers will help without excess costs to make air in your home fresh and pleasant!

Russian "Kulibins" - the Bashkin people and make an air humidifier with their own hands for them. Especially since the principle of operation of the device is simple. Consider the most popular options for making a moisturizing device for home and try our detailed instructions for each of the proposed methods.

These devices evaporate water, flooded inward, and then the resulting pairs are served along with air to the room. You can even "draw" the following picture: a pelvis with water and a towel lowered into it. This simplest humidifier can also be used in everyday life, however, it is inffective, since it moisturizes the air only in close proximity to itself.

Modern aggregates work somewhat differently. The devices on a cold pair spray moisture using the fan and shallow mesh, steam use the principle of operation of the iron (the heating element, immersed in water, evaporates it and "ejects" the resulting pairs outside), ultrasound convert water into a water cloud with a piezoelectric element generating high-frequency oscillations.

Using these simple knowledge, you can make such a design yourself.

Bottle option

For the manufacture of a "bottle" of the humidifier you will need:

  • central heating battery (not closed in the wall)
  • one and a half or two-liter plastic water bottle (naturally empty)
  • wide Scotch
  • durable long piece of fabric or rope
  • gauze about a meter

This homemade device completely does not consume electricity, easy to assemble, does not leave on the items standing in the room, salt laid, as it usually occurs with the popular ultrasonic instruments. But the most important thing is that it does not require any financial investments, well, unless you have to buy tape, gauze and drink a bow to mineral water.

The cheapest air humidifier is made from a conventional bottle and a piece of gauze.

Instructions for manufacture

  1. With the help of scissors cut the hole in a plastic bottle 10-12 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. The slot should be located on the side.
  2. Sut off the piece of fabric and the OOT of it two long strips of the same size. Hang the bottle for eatesthemes to the pipe from the "harmonic" in such a way that the cutting hole is at the top
  3. For greater strength and reliability of the design, fasten the place of connection of the bottle and ribbon scotch
  4. We take gauze and fold it several times. There should be a rectangle with a length of 1 meter and a width of about 10 cm.
  5. One end of gauze is lowered into the hole of the bottle, and the second turn around the pipe. You can even strengthen the moisturizing effect by taking two pieces of gauze and building two wicks.
  6. With the help of a second bottle, pour water into the hole.

How to make a humidifier from the old bucket and clay

Ceramzite can absorb moisture, and allocate it.

Ceramzite device

You will need:

  • four cavins for garbage (two smaller, two more)
  • lithra bucket for twelve
  • aquarium pump
  • computer cooler diameter 140 mm
  • household hair dryer
  • plastic ties

Instructions for manufacture

  1. We connect two baskets of small size. They are connected along the rims using a household hair dryer, but if suddenly it is not, then you can do with plastic fasteners. There should be a body of a future device, hollow inside.
  2. Two large baskets are connected, only you need to pre-put the body from small baskets inside you. As a result, you have a two-layer unit in your hands, according to its form and purpose, resembling a thermos consisting of four plastic buckets.
  3. The bottom of the top large basket must be trimmed with a knife or simply cut through it in it a hole for filling the clay. Keramzit needs to take this size so that it can not "lean" through the holes of the baskets.
  4. Aquarium pump is placed on the bottom of the twelve-tight bucket, and the tubes from it are carried out to the very top of the design. A plastic ring with holes is located "on the top of the future of the humidifier - from these moisture holes will be drained down the cerazytu back to the bucket.
  5. At the top you need to install a computer cooler, which will bent of air into the clay walls, saturated with moisture, and then through the holes in the baskets it will "drive out" outward.

Computer cooler is installed on the top of the design. It will catch the air to the moistened cerazy

The principle of operation of the design of garbage baskets is based on "work" of clay, so it is worth paying more attention to this "ingredient". Select the granules carefully, and before falling asleep to the device necessarily rinse the entire grainsite with warm water.

Humidifier from a bottle and cooler

The humidifier on a cold pair stands in the store of 1500-3000 thousand rubles. But his price can fall a hundred times right in your eyes. To observe this incredible spectacle, you will need one bottle of water (preferably decoyl), one computer cooler and scotch.

Manufacturing technology

  1. Cut the top from the bottle with the neck in such a way that the cooler can be installed in the resulting hole.
  2. Secure the fan on the bottle using the tape. You can take any dense cardboard, make a slot in it slightly less than the cooler body and attach to the bottle of the same scotch - it will be more reliable.
  3. Turn on the fan to the network.

These simple manufacturers for moisturizing will be useful to you. Let not even in the urban apartment, but in the country. Air everywhere and should always be comfortable.

Winter season is an active period of use of heating devices. Convectors, oil radiators, batteries are overpowering the air indoors. People in the conditions of heat are hard to breathe hard, they are quickly tired, they are frightened three times more often than those who are constantly in the house with the necessary levels of humidity. The air humidifier will help with dry air indoors. The design of it resembles a decorative bottle, the size is small, for convenience when using experts put a solid five. The market presents 6-7 varieties of products in this category, each of which will now be mentioned.

The main characteristics of moisturizing elements

Domestic batteries in winter are constantly hot. This leads to the cut of the air in the apartment. Saving the situation helps the owners homemade, purchased humidifiers.

The design is simple, having such characteristics:

  • inside the device there is one flask, a holistic design has 3-4 subsections;
  • is made of heat-resistant plastic, ceramic component, stainless steel;
  • evaporates moisture gradually, distributing it all over the room;
  • the capacity of 200 milliliters of water is the smallest, 2 liters of fluid - a large, stationary container;
  • has filters, replacing additions is necessary once every 4 months - a parameter for large installation of the partition of humidifiers;
  • made in the form of animal figures, simple flasks, stationary, rectangular containers;
  • has reliable fasteners;
  • suitable sub-bucket, battery, oil heating system;
  • does not overheat when regularly finding near the hot battery.

Manufacturers offer customers an air humidifier for heating radiator from ceramics in the form of a flask. There are copyright options, specially painted in original drawings.

The factory design of this type can accommodates 200-400 milliliters of water, it is necessary to pour it after opening the upper port of the system. If there are 3-4 flasks inside the container, the effect of freshness is saved for 2-3 hours longer. Water for moisturizing consumers make aromatic - drop into the tank of a couple of droplets of essential, floral oil.

Method of operation of the device

The air humidifier on the battery has durable fasteners capable of keen on one of the ribs of the heating apparatus. Stationary, two-liter containers are attached to the heater body on the bolts.

Establish, apply the addition to maintain the normal level of moisture in The room is followed:

  • consider the fastening system of the acquired installation;
  • draw a humidifier to the battery according to the instructions;
  • open a lid of a small filter, pour water;
  • close the system using the present cover, leave for work.

When the instrument is put on the heating battery, the device is set, its effectiveness is manifested due to these reactions:

  • the heating system is heated, becomes hot;
  • humidifier hanging on the battery slowly heats up;
  • the water inside the flask begins to boil;
  • from the nose-distributor of the installation by uniform portions, steam regularly comes out.

When the presented installation inside has 3-4 columns, water is distributed to uniform portions, small, which allows it three times faster to heat up, give steam to moisten the room space. One standard ceramic humidifier will be effective for an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. Measuring the size of the room, the consumer will be determined. How many colums to put him.

Hungry flask for moisture is a good designer solution for the house. Couples from within the design will not go hot, the probability of burning exactly thus reaches the zero mark. The design is constructed so that the water from it will not be poured on their own.

Make a humidifier personnel

After performing the processes presented, the consumer should leave the design to perform the tasks set by it. When liquids remain a little, the person will have to update the supply of water. Such a humidifier will be unsafe for homes where there are small children. To avoid spilling fluid, the moment of exposure to the skin of the hot steam, the user should buy the design of the presented sample in the store.

the easiest air humidifier do it yourself

More detailed on the available brands

As already mentioned, the batteries are overcame air in apartments, country houses, offices daily. This reduces the productivity of people's work, harms their health.

To improve the situation is the possibility, daily applying devices designed to increase humidity, such brands:

Top di Martino. - Italian devices having a size of 24x13.5 cm.

Chip. - Produced in Italy, size 22x7.5 cm.

A series of domestic ceramics "Cat" - is calculated on 330 milliliters of water, size 12x12.

Ceramic model "Cat"

Uni Vario. - radiator evaporators having a replaceable filter, measuring 60x29.

A series of domestic ceramic products "Vasilka" - the parameters are the same as the "cat".

model "Vasilka"

The cost of ceramics is 300-400 rubles. If the humidifier was painted exclusively - the price of 1000-1500 units of the national currency. Facilities from food plastic are not more than 300 rubles, large radiator evaporators with replaceable filters from one thousand.

Additional advantages of application

Humidifiers on the battery at a favorable value justify the expectations of customers in quality, performance, appearance, in terms of ease of use. Ceramic, metal, plastic, large oil devices hold the normal balance of humidity indoors.

The functional unit of the presented sample, having a simple design, will serve as a consumer until its destruction - the ceramics is divided if it falls. To avoid breakdowns, a person is worth choosing durable, thick fastening bolts, perform the process of adaptation under the battery over all valid parameters. Installation is performed in 5-10 minutes. When the heating season is over, a person has the ability to take an addition, hide it into the closet, to use re-in the cold period of the year.

Ceramic humidifiers are less durable compared to metal, they won in aesthetic parameters. The flasks made of heat-resistant plastic are selected twice as much as metal, ceramic structures. Large, oily evaporator plants are attached to the wall, above the heating system. The productive operation of the pair distributors does not depend on the heating system used in a particular room.

On 10 square meters of space, one humidifier is required so that steam can be evenly dispened throughout the room. It is better not to engage in independent design of these devices. The efficiency of homemade additions is inferior to shopping, aesthetic parameters are terrible, children can quickly cope with such an addition on the batteries.

Ceramic, plastic, metal figures, flasks do not require connecting to a stationary electrical network, are economical. Follow the amount of water inside the container will have to be regularly. Liquid changes per minute, adding aromatic oils so that the air becomes fresh, permissible. Buying a device for moisturizing this type, the consumer should pay attention to the parameters of its quality in the store to pick up the goods without defects.

The humidifier is useful in summer, and in winter. Fans, air conditioners, heaters and hot batteries make microclimate in the house dry and uncomfortable. First of all, children and mature family members are suffering, who are more often sick. An adult person is also hard to carry drought, so many are solved on the purchase of an expensive apparatus, which can be made with their own hands.

Elementary option

The budget fixture will require a minimum of investments. It will take a plastic bottle of water or a carbonated drink with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. Plus bandages, two pieces of fabric, scissors and tape. Capacity to slip clean water to remove foreign smells, and tightly spin the lid. Up to cut a hole with a matchbox or lighter. Hang a bottle on the battery using pieces of fabric, and fix with a tape so that it does not turn over, and the water has not been on the floor.

Fill the container with liquid, cut off two strips of bandage or gauze about a meter or a little more. One end of the flap to omit into the water, the second wrap around the battery. Cuts should be viewed in the opposite sides, because the more square they capture, the fresh will be in the room. Such a humidifier works with hot batteries or an open window. Instead of a bottle, which looks not very attractive, use ceramic vases or other containers. They perform a decorative function and simultaneously support the desired level of humidity in the room.

Ceramzite fixture

The design consists of 4 buckets for garbage: 2 large and 2 small, aquarium pumps and a cooler from the old computer. The filler uses large clay, which should not be filled out of tanks. It will also be necessary and the usual plastic bucket of 12-15 liters, and the construction hairdryer or screed will help to make the parts of each other.

One small bucket to put on the second to connect "necks". Glue and place in the container of larger size, which fasten the same way. Make a hole in the upper sheath through which it is necessary to fall asleep clamzit. Little buckets remain empty. This is necessary to circulate air inside the design and filler.

In a plastic bucket for water, put a homemade moisturizer and put aquarium pump. Tubes fasten up the construction so that the water is evenly distributed across the entire filler. In the bottom of the top bucket make a cooler hole, which will provide air circulation and evaporation of the liquid. It remains to fill the tank with water, connect to the network and keep away from small children and animals.

Important: Ceramzit before use you need to rinse thoroughly and disinfected, because the quality of air and the health of family members depends on its purity.

Compact device

If a small humidifier is required for an office or a small room, you can accommodate a container from under children's napkins and a half-liter plastic bottle for these needs. The device will work on the network, so you should be stocking AC / DC adapter and switch, wire, fan from the old computer and aluminum plates. Filter uses, scissors for working with metal, files and drill, scissors and soldering iron.

Preparation of corps
In the upper lid of the box cut a hole, leaving small sides along the edges. They make a couple of cuts with a thickness of about 6 mm, for this you can use the knife. They are needed for fixing aluminum plates.

It should be determined which side the filter and a bottle will be installed. If next to the left panel, then it is made from 10 small holes in order to get a kind of colander. From the bottom of the container retreats 5-6 cm, because to work in it you need to pour water. The edges of the holes are sprawling to make them smooth and remove the crumb.

Top panel and water tank
The aluminum plate is used to make the top panel, so it must be appropriate in order not to fall into the container. Left cut hole for a bottle. The container will stand the neck down, and should not slip into the box. The second hole is made for the fan, plus a small cutout for switch. Recommended to make the right measurements, and draw circles on the plate so as not to cut more than necessary.

Install the finished cover onto the container and pour hot glue to fix the panel in place and smell extra holes. The fan is screwed from the inside to the plate, solder the wires to it: negative to the negative power supply, and positive to the positive connector. Connect the device with switch and install the fork, securing the result with hot glue or tape.

It remains to cut from the neck of the bottle of four identical teeth. Cut a piece of filter and glue the wall with holes. Cover the container with a fan panel, fill the bottle with water and quickly flip over so that the fluid does not have time to pour into the container. The half-liter tank is enough for 8-9 hours of continuous operation of the humidifier. Adapter Connect to the network and press the switch.

Ultrasonic option

A plastic bucket of paint is suitable as a housing, which is carefully laundered from the remnants of the filler. The function of the spray and fastening system for the fan is performed by pipe diameters of 50 mm. The length of the nozzle is 10-15 cm. The fan takes from the old computer along with the power supply. The device is attached to one of the segments using an adhesive gun.

Inside the bucket placed the float, which makes foam and disposable cup. In this design, an ultrasound emitter will be located, which is also sold under the title Made Made of Fog. In the foam cut the hole so that the cup is placed in it. Capacity to shift the nail in two places. Holes should be small so that the water go inside with small portions.

Emitter put in a glass and lower the float in a bucket filled with water. In the lid, make two holes for the pipe, plus one small to bring out the fog predel. Include a fan that must blow inside the bucket, not the opposite. Just a few minutes from the second pipe will go cold couples, which will moisturize the room.

Important: working with electrical devices, you should wear rubber gloves and slippers or boots to prevent accidents. All curtain parts of the wires are closed with a tape. Homemade humidifier must be kept away from children.

Decorative device

In a wicker basket from under bread or cosmetics to put an enameled bowl or other dishes that are not afraid of water. Fill the space between the walls of the first and second accessory by large stones, and empties fall asleep with fine pebbles or sand. Basket outside Pleasure seashells and other decorations. Fill a bowl with water and put a decorative humidifier next to the open window or a running fan.

Simple models from the primary means will cost inexpensively, and their manufacture does not take much time. Complete options require certain investments, but even they cost cheaper than the factory humidifier.

Video: how to make a mini air conditioner at home

Air humidifiers operate according to various principles, but in all cases their design is quite simple. This material is for those who intend to produce homemade air humidifier at home with their own hands.

  • Bottle design;
  • "Cold" evaporator with a fan;
  • Ultrasonic humidifiers;

The design of the air humidifier from the plastic bottle is based on the old method, allowing to increase the humidity of the air with a wet towel hanging on a hot heating radiator. This method does not require significant costs. For the manufacture need tape, gauze and durable fabric.

Production of a moisturizer from plastic bottle

The above shows the scheme of the simplest humidifier. From the side of the empty bottle, a rectangular hole is 10 cm long and a width of no more than 5 cm. From the fabric, 2 strips are cut off, on which the bottle is suspended to the feed pipe of heating near the battery itself. At the same time, the slot should be orienting upwards, and so that the bottle does not spin in the loops, it fixes it with scotch. Next, 2 canvases of gauze are taken and it makes up several times that the bandwidth is not more than 10 cm and up to 1 m long. Next, one end of the band is immersed through the slot into the bottle, and the other is wound on the pipe on the right side. The second strip is in the same way immersed and wind the pipe on the left side, as shown in the picture:

Through the opening capacity is filled with water. Thanks to the wetting phenomenon, march will become wet completely, and the heat from the pipe will evaporate this moisture into the room space.

Devices of "Cold" evaporation

To build these moisturizers, you will need to purchase a fan, power supply and plastic container. Next, a simple design is collected in the figure.

For a regular bucket, it is necessary to cut the lid from any girlfriend: plastic, plywood, textolite, and so on. In the lid, 2 holes are performed, one - under the size of the fan, the other - under the diameter of the tube, which will serve as an air distributor. For this purpose, the corrugation from the tap siphon is consolidated. The work of the humidifier lies in the fact that the flow of air injected by the fan will gradually evaporate the water located in the bucket. The productivity of the device cannot be called high, therefore it will be effective in a small room. If the bucket is filled with ice, then it will be a good humidifier - air conditioning. More productive devices operating on a similar principle are shown below.

The difference from the previous device is that here the air flow evaporates moisture from the surface of wet wipes that are simultaneously filter. These humidifiers will require a slightly more labor cost, since it is necessary to organize the passage of flow through wet filters. To do this, inside the tank can be placed a frame for fastening the filter elements or hang them directly to the lid. For this, it makes special slots, as shown in the video.

Ultrasound humidifiers

Make a similar humidifier can be made of fogging. It uses a ultrasonic membrane principle to release a water vapor. It can be purchased in free sale with the power supply.

The device cannot be immersed deep into the water, so it is placed on the bottom of the plastic cup with a water hole. The cup itself is sitting in the nest carved in the foam float. As a capacity, take the same bucket or plastic container, the fan and output tube are installed in its cover, as in the previous form of humidifiers.

As a result, a full-fledged ultrasonic humidifier is obtained. The most expensive details of the device are a fog generator and a cooler with food, but they will cost the most cheaper than the simplest factory appliance. Below is a video for the manufacture.

Air washers

Performing this is the most time-consuming machine to make it, you need to spend a lot of time. The complexity here represents a node, rotating the drums collected from optical disks or old records.

You will need the same container with a fan, a small motor and drive system for the axes of the drums. Due to the complexity in the manufacture of homemade sinks are not so popular. Although, according to the reviews, devices of this type are superbly moisturized air.

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