As a child leader, be self-confident. How to develop leadership qualities in a child? Leaders in the school

How to Raise a Leader in a Child? Modern parents dream of seeing their kids in the future successful and self-sufficient. The idea that their child will be at someone's "errand" terrifies those close to them. Not everyone can be a leader not only at home, but also among friends, at school, in the eyes of adults. Leadership should not be confused with dictatorship. How to raise a leader in a child without going too far? What mistakes are best avoided when identifying leadership qualities? For a better understanding of whether the child has the makings, you can go through.

Are you born or become a leader?

Only 40% of leadership qualities are inherent in the infant from birth, the remaining 60% depends on parenting. Whether your son or daughter will be a leader depends on the upbringing and example of those close to you. Parents are role models. If parents do not have achievements in life, then the child will not strive to be a leader. Of course, it so happens that the little leader, in spite of everyone, shows his strengths and achieves success. This is how ruthless leaders grow up with a cold heart. Feelings of compassion and mercy are alien to them.
In a family where at least one parent has achieved considerable success, it is much easier to educate a child's leadership qualities. By their own example, adults show the form of communication, norms of behavior, respect and compassion for others.

It is also worth focusing on what parents say to children. In a fit of anger, adults can drop an insulting word without attaching importance. However, for a little man, every word plays a big role in the formation of personality. If mom or dad often says: “How stupid you are…”, “Don't do this, do as I said,” and so on, such statements lead to a decrease in self-esteem. The child tries not to show himself at all, becomes shy, passive.

Praise the baby more often, encourage. Sincere belief in a positive outcome will give you more confidence.

Do you need to educate a leader?

All children are different and not everyone can be. You should not try to make a leader out of your child if he is comfortable alone or with his best friend. Analyze the behavior of the child and if you identify such qualities, then most likely, at least a leader is growing up in your family:

  • surrounded by peers is a "motor", friends listen to him and want to be close;
  • likes to be focused only on him;
  • proves his opinion, argues;
  • easily communicates with people of different ages;
  • knows his flaws and easily experiences jokes in his direction and so on.

If you have not seen such qualities in your baby, do not be discouraged. The task of parents is to raise a happy, full-fledged, self-sufficient person. You don't have to lead the crowd.

A person can succeed with the support of close friends and family. By providing moral support to children, you build self-confidence.
Confidence needs to be nurtured every day, and for boys this is the most important thing. In order for a man to grow up self-confident, purposeful, successful, at the same time compassionate and compassionate, in childhood he must be surrounded by support and correct upbringing. Boys from an early age need to learn some necessary habits to develop leadership qualities:

  • keep promises;
  • do more than the task is set;
  • bring the work to completion;
  • respect others;
  • monitor your appearance and health;
  • set new goals and achieve them.

How do you raise a leader?

First of all, take a closer look at the baby, he himself will show and tell if he has the makings of a leader. Only this does not in any way affect the attitude towards the child. If leadership qualities are "on the face", parents have the opportunity to develop them, maintaining balance and constructive criticism. It is the correct attitude to criticism that is the key to success. A baby will learn to accept criticism without resentment and shame if, in childhood, parents correctly discussed failures. After all, one situation can be presented in two ways. For example, after cleaning her daughter, mom discovers dusty corners, saying, “I didn't clean well. Until the floors shine, you won't go anywhere! ”. After such words, the girl's enthusiasm disappears, she certainly will not take the initiative. Another option: "Daughter, every time your floors are cleaner and cleaner, you just have to remove the dust from the corners and let's go have tea." This approach will awaken interest in any business, because the closest person believes in the girl.
Some parents try to educate their child for leadership through competition. Here you need to be careful not to praise the winner, but to explain that this is the fruit of his labor, that other people have other merits.
Show the growing leader the importance of the deeds done, not the words spoken. Only actions give rise to results. Teach you to calmly accept failures, to endure lessons. He is not mistaken who does nothing! In any situation, look for positive sides together, people are drawn to optimists, it is easier to communicate with them and find common interests.

It is important in early childhood to see the interests of the baby and develop them. In a business that brings pleasure, a person will achieve great success. And with the support of loved ones, faith in success will give an impetus to the development of a self-sufficient personality.

Perform daily leadership development activities:
before going out for a walk, let the kid choose a toy himself and carry it to the playground;

  • give your son or daughter an opportunity to remember the way to the store (clinic, grandmother, etc.);
  • invite the baby to be the first to approach an unfamiliar child on the playground;
  • ask the preschooler's opinion more often, get advice;
  • be tactful with children's questions, desires.

Children whose parents “make an elephant out of a fly” grow up anxious and insecure. Any failure of the toddler must be followed by another attempt.

You should not press, force to the next attempt, reassure: "Try again when you are ready."

A person being born has an individual set of qualities and skills, under the influence of the environment in the process of growing up, these qualities develop or fade. A real leader is one who knows how to set goals and achieve them, expresses an opinion based on personal feelings. Each child should choose his own friends, activities, hobbies. Someone achieves extraordinary success in business, while others feel comfortable at home with a book in their hands. You should not rely on stereotyped requirements, listen to the feelings of the baby and follow them.
The main mission of adults is to bring up a harmonious, multifaceted, happy personality. Reveal strengths and channel them in the right direction. Adhering to the golden mean, trust the child, give reasonable freedom. By observing, you yourself will understand how to raise a child as a leader. Love your kid a champion or a loser, bossy or mediocre.

How to Develop Leadership in Your Child: 9 Tips

In 1962, Chef's Day was officially designated by the Governor of Illinois and is celebrated on October 16. Many parents want to raise their child as a leader, but how to do it: we give useful tips

Not everyone has leadership qualities, and not every upbringing can develop innate inclinations. A quiet, modest and calm child who prefers solitude may not become a leader capable of leading a gang of children first, and in the future - a work collective. Redesigning a child is more expensive for yourself: you can lose both trust and mutual respect. If your baby shows interest in managing people, the number one task is to form in the child adequate self-esteem, healthy self-confidence and self-confidence, the ability to communicate and resolve conflicts, look for ways out of difficult situations and not give in to difficulties.

A person's self-esteem is associated with many factors and can change throughout life. Nevertheless, researchers have discovered many patterns that allow us to talk about the formation of a more or less stable positive self-esteem of a person in childhood. Low or too high self-esteem "overshadows" reason and interferes with making the right decisions, tied hands, contribute to the commission of rash acts at the most inopportune moment. What is adequate self-esteem? This is an attitude towards oneself that does not cause internal tension, it depends on achievements and failures, but only to the extent that it does not interfere with making decisions when difficulties arise. In fact, this is such an attitude towards oneself that gives the right to make mistakes, the strength to solve problems and protects from excessive self-confidence. A family capable of raising a child with optimal self-esteem is characterized by healthy, open communication, well-defined but flexible boundaries, and adequate self-esteem of all its members.

How to communicate with your child in order to instill in him respect for himself and others, develop his leadership qualities and support his self-esteem? From the very first days, the little personality - your baby - is worthy of your attention and respect. Listen to him and try to understand the meaning of his requests by crying. Answer him and do not ignore his emotions and attempts to communicate with you, both positive and negative. If a person's opinion is taken into account, if the world around him is positive, the child himself learns to build relationships with a plus sign. Unconditional love, independent of the child's actions, will be the basis of his self-esteem in all subsequent years.

Criticism and comparisons

It is impossible to criticize a person, many parents know, but how difficult it is under the influence of emotions not to say something offensive, not to compare with other children or even adults. Each word gradually settles in the depths of the child's soul, tying his hands and curtailing his future possibilities. Understanding and taking responsibility for each decision in relation to the child will help to resist momentary feelings. Instead of punishment, offer the child to correct the deed, the educational effect will be much stronger!

Restrictions and prohibitions

Leadership differs from tyranny in the same way that following important rules differs from permissiveness. The absence of prohibitions will not add self-confidence to the child. The contract with the child is being supplemented with restrictions gradually. At first, the prohibitions apply only to behavior hazardous to health and life (playing with electrical appliances, fighting, etc.), then their list is gradually expanding, taking into account the age development of the child.

Trust and Delegation

As you know, one is not a warrior in the field. The ability to trust and delegate tasks are important qualities of a modern leader. To prevent your child from having problems communicating with friends and colleagues in the future, let him help you. By entrusting your child with simple tasks around the house, you not only teach him cooperation, but also increase the child's self-esteem.

Humiliation and ridicule

Nobody likes to be ridiculed in public. Often childhood traumas of humiliation prevent an adult from being happy. Praise the child publicly and do not tell anyone about his mistakes and mistakes. If the baby refuses to do something on his own, remember if inappropriate criticism or ridicule was the reason for this.

Freedom of choice and decision making

Should parents make decisions? Of course, any mom and any dad will say. But which ones? And at what point does a child acquire the right to take them for himself? Many specialists in the field of psychology and pedagogy, as well as modern pediatricians, who do not recommend swaddling children, advise parents to “let go of the reins” as soon as possible in any permissible matters. Let the child choose how to dress, what to play, what to eat, which club to attend.

Praise but don't praise

An affectionate word, a word of approval, and praise work wonders ... when there are not too few, but not too many. Be objective when assessing your child's achievements. Sooner or later, he will have to face the opinion of strangers, and he must be ready for it. Quite often, during periods of crisis, children experience an exacerbated perception of themselves. If you notice that the child scolds himself, although you support him in everything, if even the slightest failure discourages him from acting, do not miss the moment and contact a psychologist. He will help you choose the right tactics of behavior.

Experience is the son of difficult mistakes

Trying to save their child from pain and disappointment, many parents begin to overprotect the child. At every step the baby hears warnings: “Don't take it, drop it! Don't jump, you will fall! " In the meantime, an effective way to learn and gain experience is to act and make mistakes.

Gosha was a real leader. Evenings in a large family turned into play performances directed by a four-year-old "commander". The whole family was moved and at the family council decided to develop "leadership qualities" in the child (who knows, perhaps this boy is the future president!)
When they had to send the child to kindergarten (the conditions changed in the family, the mother had to go to work, and it would not hurt to prepare for school), the family faced a problem: it was difficult for the child to get along in a team, he was in conflict not only with the children, but also with educators. Dad gave advice: “Well, what kind of leader are you after that! Let's change! " The grandmother was indignant: “What kind of educators! They do not understand that they are ruining a child's individuality! Urgently look for another kindergarten! Or a nanny is better! " And my mother timidly asked: “Perhaps you wanted to win, but Masha is a girl. You, as a boy, could give in! "

Do you want to know the continuation of the story? In the lower grades, Gosha tried to be the first in everything and was happy when he was set as an example. If it happened that someone else was ahead of him in something, he was terribly nervous, sometimes he even dropped the case. By adolescence, situations of “failure” have become more frequent, since the child “rides” on a live intellect only up to the sixth grade, no further. Then efficiency plays a role, the ability to achieve success. He had big problems in communication. George believed that everything around was gray mediocrity that did not give him development. As the parents were frustrated by the unsuccessful "career" of the leader, conflicts arose in the family. Among his "friends" he had only those who were able to obey him.

Traits of a true leader

First of all, let's remember what kind of person we envision as a leader? Who can we allow ourselves to lead, who will we follow without looking back if he calls? Probably, this is a person who is able to come up with something or use someone else's idea (creative thinking). This is a person who is confident in himself, able to communicate and rally a team around himself that will support his perseverance in moving towards his goal. Demanding the diligence and purposefulness of others, the leader himself is executable, able to take responsibility. And the leader has one more trait - charisma, a special attraction for people. This is probably something on the verge of image and energy, something that makes you follow a person, his emotionality and confidence.

Forming a leader from childhood

Often, excessive exactingness and the ability to manipulate the baby are passed off by parents as organizational skills, which, as we can see, is far from enough to educate a leader. The organizer must first of all know how to perform. No general was a bad soldier! No good director of a firm could help but be an executive manager.
To form only organizational qualities to the detriment of the ability to communicate correctly, "positively", constructively means to educate a tyrant, and not a leader, whom people will follow. Nobody will follow the tyrant. Only a person who, in a conversation, is capable of at least not lowering the self-esteem of the interlocutor, and better - increasing it, is able to manage people.
Parents, grandparents, being touched by the child's ability to “build everyone”, do not feel that some phrases and actions of their idol do not offend them just because this is their beloved only child. If this is said or done by the neighbor Vovka, he cannot avoid falling in the eyes of these same adults.
This suggests that if you set out to educate a leader, start with his ability to communicate, and for this, strengthening your heart, immerse your child in real collective conflicts, without which no child learns to "hide" their sharp corners. Never blame other children for your child's communication failures. Collisions of children in a team can be nothing more than a struggle for leadership. Your main phrase for a future leader should be: "Let's figure it out calmly!" The ability to communicate "positively" develops in a person almost all his life. The main thing is that the first failures do not form in the child an unwillingness to communicate, uncertainty in his strengths and capabilities. Your active participation, “debriefing” and, most importantly, your peace of mind will help the child to establish relationships in the team, especially if there are several leaders in it. Emphasize your child's qualities that set them apart from other leaders. Then he can just become a different leader. Do not overdo it! It is not advisable that your search for differences from others smoothly flows into the "bragging" of the child in front of other children.

Most often in life we \u200b\u200bmeet people who are able to captivate with only a few of their qualities. So, in any team there is:
  • an emotional leader who knows how to build friendly relationships with different people,
  • a critical leader who knows how to critically analyze a project or situation, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses,
  • an intellectual leader - knows how to generate various positive ideas,
  • leader-organizer - knows how to plan the performance of work and distribute responsibilities between the participants,
  • executing leader - knows how to clearly and in due time fulfill the duties assigned to him.

You also need to take care of the ability to empathize with other people and find the right words at the right time. This property is called empathy. She is one of the main components of the so-called emotional intelligence, which, by the way, now abroad, by the way, plays a much larger role in hiring than IQ.
Very close to communication is the ability to speak. A child of a leadership type starts talking early, loves to participate and listen to long "adult" conversations, is inclined to communicate with older ones, argues, defends his point of view, dresses smartly, willingly goes where there are many people, sings and dances without hesitation. Natural sociability provides the prerequisites for the ability to speak, but it is certainly necessary to develop this skill. Encourage your child to use speech games to find different words. A good vocabulary is a chance to develop your speaking skills. But do not forget that in addition to vocabulary, you should also pay attention to the intonation side of speech. Develop the ability to take into account the nuances of a conversation (catch emotions).
The ability to analyze one's actions gradually develops until adolescence. Even a first grader sometimes, talking about his defeats, will remember his offenders, about the traumatic situation, but he will completely “forget” to talk about what happened BEFORE he was “dropped”, hit… Unwinding the “ball” of events, like a film in in the opposite direction, we will be able to form in the child the memory, analytical skills that are so important for a leader.
Diligence, purposefulness are also developing qualities. Their formation will take place until the end of primary school, and, possibly, at an older age. If an adult decides to change and become a leader, then even he is able to cultivate these qualities in himself (there are special leadership and personal growth trainings for adults!). A child's discipline is largely shaped by the example of parents. So take a closer look at yourself. Perhaps you "need to strengthen the rear."
Efficiency is also taken over from parents: if they are not idle, are always busy with something meaningful and useful, they constantly maintain curiosity, active empathy for the events taking place, do not shy away from physical labor, are able to take responsibility and bear heavy loads, then this is becomes the content of the child's life. Parents encourage the child's developmental activities, try to guide his activities, and take an emotional part in these activities.
Real leaders are "raised" only when and where and when the child has incentives for his own growth. Leadership qualities in a child are rarely formed in families where someone from the family is a strong leader. That is why there is a saying: "Nature rests on great children." An adult leader has no time to form the necessary qualities in a child, because he is always busy. And if he is free, he “has no time” to show patience, listening to and correcting the “constructive suggestions” of his offspring. Much more often, such parents act in a familiar way - directive. In this case, the development of such a necessary quality as initiative is delayed. It's not enough to be smart and come up with new ideas. They need to be implemented! This is the leader's job.
If you yourself are a leader, then, when raising your successor, you must remember that the child must have a positive experience in implementing his ideas. Schedule a time in your journal to “build your child’s leadership skills.” In these moments, you should allow the child to speak. While doing this, encourage him to be self-possessed by discussing his proposals "at an adult level." You may have to keep more promises, but your responsibility and diligence is a colossal factor in shaping these traits in a child.
Losing ability is a good indicator of how a child reacts to failure. A true leader goes to the goal despite the obstacles and obstacles! If you feel sorry for the kid, who gets upset when the first difficulties (loss) appear, and you "succumb" to the game, preventing the appearance of a bad mood in the child, then the child's ability to analyze his mistakes is delayed. Of course, you can succumb to the game at first, until the rules are learned, while the hand is being filled. But then the child must gain experience in overcoming difficulties. Be sure to encourage your child if, despite the failure, he wants to win. Perseverance in achieving a goal is an important quality of a leader!
Forming a leader is not a give-away game (then you are raising a tyrant, not a leader) and not a constant guide to the right path (then you are forming a non-thinking, non-initiative performer). This is constant study, the search for mutual solutions, the experience of "positive" communication of the child and calmness, only calmness ...

Preventing negative trends

If you have already noticed that your baby is commanding, not at all caring about intonation, gestures, expediency, be sure to stop him. But never use the phrase that usually comes out impulsively from parents: “There is no need to command! Small yet! ". Parental impulsiveness is an undesirable trait for a future leader to follow. Take air into your lungs, release it slowly, during this time, remember that your calmness forms the restraint in the child! And say: “When they speak to me in such a tone, I don’t want to do it at all” - and turn away, making it clear that you really cannot get anything from you in such a way.
If, in a situation where a dispute arises between you or between children, the child begins to achieve his goal by screaming or fighting, make it clear that everyone has a right to their own opinion. Sometimes it is necessary to give the future leader the experience of the right argument as a means of reaching a compromise. For this, too, you must collect all your calmness. Say, "I would like to do it this way ... What do you think?" Do not encourage your child to go for it all the time. This is a bad experience for a leader. It is after this that such violent emotional reactions arise when the child meets with the need to face an opinion different from his own. The ability to agree with someone's opinion and make concessions to a more constructive idea (analysis of someone else's idea) is important for a future leader. For this, the phrase is suitable: "Let's think about it, maybe it's better to do this?"

Should you educate a leader?

As you can see, many leadership traits can be established and nurtured in childhood. But it is impossible to imagine a baby in which all leadership qualities are already visible. So, sociability and speed of reaction can be laid down by the properties of the higher nervous activity of the newborn. But the lack of proper upbringing can prevent them from developing in the right direction.
It is believed that no more than 5% of the population can become leaders, which means that if you prepare a child for leadership without the necessary prerequisites for this, you will condemn yourself to displeasure, and him - to trauma.
If the level of aspirations is too high and real achievements bring disappointment, inferiority complexes, self-doubt, constant irritation, etc. can form. On the other hand, think about the life of a leader. Will your child enjoy being in full view all the time, paying attention to everything, taking everything into account, forgetting about lunch, weekends and leave?
Therefore, you need to think about it before deciding to educate a leader “on a family council”. Is it worth deciding for the child his fate? Each of the qualities that a leader needs will be "useful" for an "ordinary" person. So, maybe you don't need to "set a goal" and form a leader. If he is destined to be a leader, then he will become one, because true abilities cannot be hidden.

How to Raise a Leader from a Child? This question most often worries ambitious parents who dream of raising leaders and businessmen from their children. Whether it is necessary to develop leadership qualities in every child, what are the characteristics of a future leader and how to successfully contribute to their development - you will learn from our article.

The opinion of psychologists

Leaders are not born, but become, as most psychologists believe. A prerequisite for the active development of leadership qualities in a child may be early inclinations, which are manifested in behavior. Pay attention to the child's activity, dedication, perseverance - and you will understand whether this is a born leader or not.

Many psychologists believe that if a child has no inclinations for leadership, then it is better not to traumatize the child's psyche, trying to make him the "master of life." This is not at all the case. Despite the fact that, according to statistics, only 5% of the population can become real leaders, parents still need to pay attention to the development of leadership qualities in a child. Why is it so important? And because even if the child in the future will not be able to lead a team, he will be able to confidently make decisions and manage his own life.

“Every child who is open to new knowledge and people, strives to be independent and overcome difficulties can become a leader.”

How do you raise a leader?

Psychologists advise:

  1. Love your child. The child should feel loved. This is the most important condition for educating a leader.
  2. Use positive pedagogical methods. Create a positive and optimistic spirit in your family. Do not repeat to the child every five minutes: "Do not", "Do not touch", "Bad", "Do not try". Such statements negatively affect the psyche and the formation of the character of the child. And the phrase "You are bad" is better to forget right away. At the same time, do not condone the actions of the baby. Indicate behavioral deficiencies using other expressions, for example: "It's okay, everything can be fixed," "Not worth it," "You are a good child, but now you have done badly."
  3. Encourage. By supporting your child in his endeavors, thereby you educate him self-confidence. Celebrate his successes and achievements. And if something doesn't work out, teach him not to get upset. Be assured that everything will work out, although not immediately.
  4. Do not hide the difficulties of life from the child.Faced with obstacles, we learn to overcome them every day. Let the child learn to boldly face difficulties and not be afraid to fight them.
  5. Support the initiative. Does the child want to perform in public or attend a club? Support him on the path to self-realization.

The student leader is a standard for classmates. Such an “informal” leader is not elected or appointed formally, he is immediately visible. He is not authorized to be responsible for any business, but he is trusted by both teachers and peers. He is a trendsetter and trendsetter of all current trends. Among the traits of a child leader, one can single out responsibility, the presence of his own reasoned opinion, the ability to protect another.

Leadership skills

Psychologists say that leaders have certain rules of conduct and quality:

  • the leader is supportive, not insistent
  • a leader inspires action, does not force
  • the leader skillfully communicates with others
  • a leader knows how to convince others
  • the leader forms his environment
  • a leader knows how to organize people for a common cause
  • a leader knows how to plan and then act.

The leader helps others to succeed, he asserts himself as.

Educational tools

A child with leadership inclinations has his own opinion on everything, often offers help, gives advice. In order not to destroy the inclinations of a leader, you need to try not to limit him to your needs and desires and to provide space for mental activity, to develop your own decisions and actions. However, the parent always remains in the role of the parent, which is also the role of the leader. How can such a contradiction be resolved correctly?

Starting to purposefully develop leadership qualities in a child, pay attention to what means you can raise a child with.

At home:

  1. Be an authority. When communicating with a child, try to be a model of behavior for your child, always argue your point of view, prohibiting something or convincing of something, offer alternative options. Take an interest in the child's position on certain issues, but be firm in your decision. A parent has a special role; he must have authority without fail. The child should listen to the parents, appreciate them. The phrase helps: "When you are an adult, you will act as you want and be responsible for it."
  2. Distribute tasks and responsibilities. The child must have a field of activity for which he is fully responsible (for example, dusting). Let him draw up a cleaning schedule himself, keep an eye on the "tools of labor", and you only sometimes check the quality of the work. As they grow up, the number of areas of activity can be increased, leaving the child to plan their content himself. The more a child is trusted, the more successful he will be to make decisions on his own. If the child asks not to interfere with the homework, but he himself does not have time to do everything on time, being distracted by computer games or TV, it is better to offer help in planning the day.
  3. Don't compete with your child.Competition "Who is in charge of the house?" does not at all contribute to the development of leadership qualities. It is better to teach the future leader about cooperation and partnership. Do not argue, but strive to make a decision together with the child.
  4. Help sisters and brothers communicate. It is not uncommon for children to compete in a family. Here it is better for parents to help their children find their own "niche" for each of them and suggest how to properly build relationships with each other. Teach children to help each other, not to compete.
  5. Looking for a compromise. Agree with the child, look for mutually acceptable solutions. Doing this will not eradicate leadership tendencies and teach your child to think critically.

At school:

By nurturing a leader today it is considered:

  • educational (participation in scientific circles and electives)
  • socio-political or civic (participation in children's and youth organizations, self-government)
  • aesthetic(passion for local history and environmental work, photography, etc.)
  • physical culture(team sports, tourism, trips to various camps, expeditions).

If you want to grow a real leader, then:

  1. Help your child feel self-confident.
  2. Treat your child with respect.
  3. Stop overly patronizing.
  4. When your child is not confident in his abilities, take risks and make an effort to build leadership.
  5. Don't get in the way of dreaming and making ambitious plans.
  6. Give yourself the opportunity to find solutions and overcome obstacles.
  7. Develop leadership skills by engaging in teamwork (sports, study, and play).
  8. Expand your child's horizons, provide an opportunity for the formation of personal interests.
  9. Teach goodwill with people.
  10. Be an example. Change your own behavior in order to show your child a true leader.

Leadership qualities can be developed in every child - there would be a desire. However, remember that calm children are just as good as their active peers. Love children for who they are.

Recently, I began to notice that my princess began to take my remarks with hostility, try to solve everything herself and be the first in everything. At first, I attributed this to another child crisis, but a psychologist friend explained that such behavior could be an expression of leadership rudiments. Here, the main thing is to be patient and choose the right approach to education, then later these qualities will serve your baby well.

Who is he - a real child leader?

By what signs, traits, demeanor can you recognize a leader among children?

  • It can be seen already at the age of three. It is he who will surrounded by other guys , they will give him the best toy and share the candy. He can occupy himself, organize the game .
  • These kids usually rulers and ringleaders , but at the same time they do not order, but into the game.
  • In cases of conflict, such guys take on the function mediator or judge .
  • Such kids sociable, diplomatic and easily makes contact.
  • With a particular style of thinking, they know how to plan and calculate options already at 3-4 years old.
  • Guys-leaders very often have fascinating hobby .
  • In case of failure, such a baby will not shed tears and throw a tantrum, but calmly and stubbornly will try to overcome the problem making conclusions for themselves and gaining experience.
  • They not touchy, friendly, not envious .
  • Little leaders tend to observant and start early be interested in behavior and human relationships.
  • At school age, these guys are usually in sight and become An "informal" leader for classmates. They are not appointed to be in charge, but it turns out that they are the ones who are trusted by their peers and teachers and it is their opinion that they listen to.
  • Among the main traits of a leader stand out responsibility, the ability to express and argue your opinion, the ability to defend the weak .

According to psychologists, there are a number of certain qualities and rules of behavior inherent in leaders.


  • Doesn't insist, but supports .
  • Skillfully contacts with others.
  • Knows how to convince others.
  • Knows how organize people for a common cause.
  • Doesn't force, but inspires action .
  • Himself shapes its environment .
  • Knows how plan and act decisively .

How to Know Your Child is a Leader - Leadership Games

The behavior of children cannot always be interpreted unambiguously. Sometimes what you considered the personal characteristics of the baby, in practice, turns out to be childish uncontrollability and.

Psychologists propose to determine with the help of socio-adaptive games, which will help to identify who is your baby leader or capricious?

Games like this will allow children to show individuality, personal leadership qualities, creativity, ability to get the attention of the group ... They show the importance and equal opportunities of everyone in the team.


For this game you will need rope. Tie the ends together. The length of the rope will depend on the number of participants. Children stand in a circle and grasp the rope with both hands so that it is inside the circle.

The task: everyone closes their eyes and, without letting go of the rope, you need to build different geometric shapes: a triangle, a square, a rhombus.
Usually, there is a pause at the beginning, and the children are inactive, and then one person begins to offer options for actions and organize the children in the game.

As practice shows the one who took over these functions is the leader.


For this game you need put the children in a circle. One presenter sits down with them. The second leader must carefully observe the course of the game.

Leading names the number and the same number of children should stand in the group.

Most often the first to rise are the most sociable and aspiring to leadership guys.


While the host speaks "Atoms" children should move randomly around the hall. As soon as the leader says, for example, "Molecules of five", the children should be grouped in accordance with the named number. Toddlers with the inclinations of a leader usually take the initiative and gather a group near them - a "molecule".


Children line up in a column one by one, and put their hands on their shoulders - it turns out a locomotive.

It is necessary to guide the locomotive along the route without speaking, showing the direction of movement with claps:

  • On the left shoulder - to the left.
  • Right - to the right.
  • One clap on both shoulders - forward.
  • Two claps on the shoulders - back.
  • Claps on the shoulders with a shot - stop.

Everyone, except the one who stands last, closed eyes ... He is a train driver. The driver, having made several turns, goes forward and becomes a carriage. By who is better at managing and judging leadership .

In addition to games, there are also special psychological tests , helping to determine the presence of leadership inclinations in children. But for their implementation, it is better to contact specialists.

7 rules of parenting a child leader - how to help you become the best?

Of course, one cannot say that leaders are born. It would be more accurate to say that are born with certain inclinations for this.
And here parents need not to yawn if they want to raise their child so that in the future he realized himself and became a successful and happy person .

I want to talk about seven basic rules that will help develop leadership qualities in children:

1. Try to encourage curiosity ... Take a closer look at what makes the baby interested, what he wants to learn, and stimulate this interest. Enroll it in a suitable circle or section, pick up the right literature, games, films. But remember that he should make the choice - you don't need to decide for him.

2. Encourage self-reliance ... Take an interest in his judgments and do not impose your opinion. Praise his efforts to do something on his own, even if he gets a little awkward. Do not rush to correct mistakes, it is better to help bring his venture to the end. And I assure you, he will do better next time.

3. One of the hallmarks of a leader is responsibility for their own actions and words. ... Therefore, encourage your child to keep their promises and keep their promises. Children who have been taught to be responsible from childhood are more likely to become successful in the future.

4. Successful people are generally very sociable. ... Do not keep children from communicating with peers and try not to get involved in their relationship unnecessarily. The ability to find compromises on your own in all kinds of situations that arise during communication will be very useful in life.

5. The most important condition for achieving success is the ability to set a goal and achieve it ... Teach your child to set a task, breaking down the achievement process into stages, to persistently move towards the intended goal. Help him as needed, but don't take on the task instead! This can teach him to always wait for help, instead of mobilizing his own strength and knowledge.

6. An important part of the parenting process is praise. ... You need to praise children - for the desire to develop and learn, for perseverance, patience, for the desire to complete the task well, but do not overdo it. For children who are used to hearing praise on any occasion, it will lose its importance.

7. Teach your toddler to deal with failure properly. : do not make a tragedy out of what happened, analyze and identify the reasons for the failure and find a new correct solution.

Parental Mistakes to Avoid When Raising a Child Leader

Often, parents, trying to do their best, only exacerbate the situation.

I want to warn and name the most common mistakes that parents make when raising their child:

  1. We overprotect our children for fear of losing them. ... Do not be afraid, let the child fall, "rip his knees" and understand that this is quite normal.
  2. Don't run to the rescue at breakneck speed ... Lightning help deprives children of the need to look for a way out of difficult situations and solve problems on their own.
  3. Despite the fact that you need to give the children the opportunity to fill their own bumps, share your experience do not be afraid to share your own mistakes that you made at their age.
  4. Your words should not be at odds with your actions. ... The task of parents is to set an example of how to become people responsible for their words and actions.
  5. Avoid over-praising ... When your beloved children notice that dad and mom are the only ones who consider them the best, they will start to doubt your objectivity. And in order to avoid the complex reality, they will begin to lie and cheat.
  6. Pampering can prevent a child from becoming a leader ... Do not be afraid to refuse the baby and say “no, not now” so that he tries to achieve what he needs himself. In addition, relationships based on material rewards kill selfless love and internal motivation in children.

Even if you think that your little one does not have a predisposition for leadership, do not give up. Let your treasure not be a boss, leader, president, but the leadership skills that you instill will be useful in any case..