How to make a heel toe with knitting needles. Knitting the heel of socks. Various ways and correct execution. What yarn is better to knit socks

So, we have knitted with you an elastic band - in other words - sock cuffs, about 7-10 cm high on 48 loops. Then we knit 2-5 cm with face loops, after which we can proceed to the next stage. How to knit, starting from its straight section, we will now consider. This section is knitted on two knitting needles - the first and fourth (24 loops).

Determining the first knitting needle is easy at the end of the thread. She always stays with her tail on the first knitting needle, from the beginning of the set of loops. On the first and fourth knitting needles, we will knit a straight fabric: straight and back rows. Not in a circle, but with the front ones and constantly turning the working side towards you. How to knit the heel of the sock with knitting needles for the 38th shoe size? For this size, the heel height will be about 5 centimeters.


On the first knitting needle, we knit everything with front loops.

The last - edge - purl. We turn the product over with the wrong side towards us and removing the first loop untied, we knit the purl loops along the row, reaching the edge where the next knitting needle will be the fourth. We continue the purl row along the fourth knitting needle.

If you wish, you can knit the fourth knitting needle (12 loops) with the first knitting needle, leaving only three knitting needles in operation, for convenience. The last loop of the fourth knitting needle - the hem - we knit with the purl. We turn over the fabric, transfer it to the right knitting needle without knitting. We knit a front row of 24 loops - hem along the purl row, do not forget - purl. We knit in this way 5 cm of fabric.

Now about how to knit the heel, or rather its side parts. We divide 24 loops into three parts of 8 loops: the central and 2 parts of the side surfaces. The first 8 loops are side, the second 8 are central and the remaining 8 are side again. We combine the loops of the first and fourth knitting needles on one, for convenience.


We will knit the extreme loops of the fabric of the central part of the heel together with one loop of the side surface on each side. If the number of loops of the canvas is not divided into 3 parts without a remainder, then we add the remaining one loop to the central

parts of the heel, if there are two of them, then we distribute them one by one on each side surface. The number of loops on the side surfaces must be the same. We always remove the first loop from the knitting needle without knitting.

We turn the work to ourselves with the wrong side and again, removing the first loop untied, we knit eight loops, taking into account the removed one. We knit seven loops, and we knit the 8th of the middle part with the purl of the first of the eight loops of the side part together. We again turn the canvas to the front row, and again remove the first loop untied. Together with the removed one, we knit 7 loops, the eighth, as before, we knit with the first loop of the lateral surface of the heel together - purl. Turn the work over again, face to face,

removing the first untied one, we knit together with the removed 7 loops, we knit the eighth together with the first loop of the lateral surface of the heel. To do this, we remove one loop untied, knit the second with our face and stretch it through the removed loop. We unfold the work to the wrong side.

This repetition continues until all loops of the side surfaces of the heel have been knitted with the center part. So, you learned from our description how to knit a heel, and it turns out it's quite simple. The heel of the sock knitted in this way is formed, and we can proceed to the next stage of knitting.

Materials: 100% wool yarn, 170 m / 100 g Yarn consumption - 100 g Tools: stocking needles No. 3, stocking needles No. 2.5, knitting needle Knitting density of the front surface: 1.7 loops in cm Size: foot length 24 cm

Here we will consider the technique of knitting classic socks, when the socks are knitted on 5 knitting needles round, from top to bottom; this is the most common method due to its simplicity. In addition, these socks are comfortable to wear. We also bring to your attention knitting socks video (at the end of this page)

Before starting knitting, measure the girth of the leg at the widest point:

Knitting a sock - measuring the leg to calculate the loops

We got 23.5 cm. Determine the number of loops that need to be dialed: 23.5 x 1.7 \u003d 40, where 23.5 cm is the girth of the leg, and 1.7 is the main knit (front surface).

We collect 40 loops on the needles, dividing them equally into 4 needles. We get 10 loops. We mentally assign numbers to the knitting needles to make it easier to explain the progress of the work. Closing the circle, we knit four loops of the 1st knitting needle together with the end of the yarn remaining on the 4th knitting needle from the set of loops so that the circle around the edge closes more tightly.

Knitting of socks - a set of loops

We knit a sock with classic front and back stitches, unless otherwise indicated in the description. More details. If you use grandmother's loops when knitting in a circle, then the product may turn out to be twisted due to.

The sock is tied with grandma loops

Important: If the sock should be knitted in a circle with classic loops, then it is more convenient to knit the heel in the grandmother's way. This makes knitting easier and faster and the heel is neater.

P we temporarily leave these two-knitting needles inoperative. Loops with 1 and 2 knitting needles (20 loops in total) are transferred to one knitting needle and knit in stockings 6 cm: the heel height on average is 1/4 of the length of the foot. The heel height can also be determined as follows: the number of edge loops of the fabric should be equal to the number of loops on one needle minus one. Since one edge loop is formed in two rows, the heel height will be: (10 - 1) x 2 \u003d 18 rows, this will be about 6 cm and we make sure that they turn out to be even and moderately tightened.

Note: for a large instep of the foot, you can tie the heel a couple of rows higher and (or) decrease the loops on the wedge of the foot not in each row, but through the row.

We finish knitting heel height with the front 17th row, in the 18th, purl row, we begin reduction of loops in the shape of the heel... To do this, mentally divide the loops into 3 parts. Since 20 is not evenly divisible by 3, we get 2 “extra” loops, add them to the side parts. We get: the side parts of 7 loops, the central part of 6 loops. If you have one loop left, add it to the center part. We continue to knit the loops of the central part further, and gradually decrease the loops of the side parts, attaching them to the loops of the central part.

So, we knit the loops of the first and central parts. We knit the last loop of the central part together with the first loop of the third part of the grandmother's purl and turn the work over to the front side. Remove the first loop at the beginning of the row. On the front side, we knit the last loop of the central part together with the first loop of the side part of the grandmother’s front. We turn the work on the wrong side and remove the edging. Thus, we knit the loops of only the central part and subtract the loops from the side parts until they run out. Only the loops of the central part (6 loops) should remain on the spoke. The heel is ready.

Next, we knit the middle part of the sock, until the loops on the toe are reduced. With the knitting needle on which the loops of the central part of the heel were located, we collect loops on the front side of the sock from the edge loops - from each edge loop we pull one loop, we get 9 loops. Then knit with front loops on the next two needles. After that, with a free knitting needle, we pull out from the edge one by one loop on the other side, we also get 9 loops. Distribute the loops of the central part of the heel equally between the 1st and 2nd knitting needles: 3 loops each. Thus, we get 12 loops on the 1st and 2nd knitting needles, 10 loops on the 3rd and 4th knitting needles. If you have an odd number of stitches in the center of the heel, equalize the number of stitches on the 1st and 2nd knitting needles by attaching the “extra” stitch to the 1st or 2nd knitting needles.

Note: we knit 1 row before decrements - this is suitable for a small foot lift. If the rise is large, several rows can be knitted.

Now the extra loops from the 1st and 2nd knitting needles need to be subtracted. We make reductions with the slope of the loops to the center of the foot: on the 1st, on the 2nd knitting needle. As a result, 10 loops should remain on each spoke.

Then we knit a sock in a circle to the end of the little finger (about 15 cm) and start reduction of loops on the toe... To do this, on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles at the beginning we knit the 1st loop, knit the 2nd and 3rd loops together with the front one with a tilt to the left. On the 2nd and 4th knitting needles, we knit the two penultimate loops together with the front one with an inclination to the right, then we knit the last loop. So we do the decrease through the circle until half the number of loops (5) remains on each knitting needle, then we make the decrease in each circle. When there are 2 loops on each knitting needle, we tighten them and fasten them. The sock is ready.

Knitting baby socks perform also, only take finer yarn and knitting needles. Recommended: it is softer than pure wool, does not prick.

When knitting men's socks it is advisable to strengthen the heel and toe by adding a special one, it is called "Sock Supplement", this yarn has high wear resistance, socks will not break for a long time in problem areas.

Knitting socks video

What can keep your feet warm than knitted socks made from virgin wool or whatever material you choose? Make them yourself, it's not that hard. An irreplaceable thing in the cold season. Present the product to your family for New Year, Christmas or any other holiday to warm those who are dear to you in bad weather. Check out the instructions for beginners below, we will dwell in more detail on the most difficult moment - knitting the heel.

To work you need:

  1. choose your own yarn. The thread should be tight, not torn, the color of your choice. Choose the thread material (wool, cotton) yourself;
  2. knitting needles (5 pieces), the thickness is approximately equal to the thread;
  3. scissors.


Getting started, you need to complete a couple of preparatory steps. First, let's calculate the knitting density with which we will knit our socks. Used at work will be one of the simplest (hosiery), you can use another. To calculate, we knit a centimeter or a couple of centimeters in length, width, and then you can find out how many loops you need to dial. Or on two knitting needles of 10-15 loops along and knitting the same number of rows across, we calculate how many centimeters have turned out. Then, if we found out the number of loops in a centimeter, then we multiply this number by the required length. And if the number of centimeters, then using a light proportion we also find loops (10-15 taken initially, we multiply by the number of centimeters we need, divide the resulting number by centimeters when knitting 10-15 loops). The number of the resulting loops for our work is a multiple of four, since exactly so many knitting needles will be used, and on each it is desirable to use an even number so as not to get confused during work. If the resulting result does not meet the requirements, then it would be better to add loops so that everything fits together.

Below is a diagram of the capture and knitting of the front loop.

The diagram below shows the technique for knitting a purl loop:

Moving on to the sock itself:

Rubber. Top part.

  1. Distribute the required number of loops on 4 knitting needles. First, we knit the required amount on 2 loops, then we move the loops on 4 knitting needles equally to each. The knitting depends on the density of the elastic you want to make. In order not to stretch the upper part, we use the 2 * 2 technique (2 front, 2 purl). If you want the elastic to be more mobile and stretch, then you need a 1 * 1 method (1 front, 1 purl).
  2. At the end of the knitting of the first row, we will close the work. Knit the outermost loop on the very last, remaining knitting needle (fourth). Let's go back to the first knitting needle and knit in a circle. The width of the elastic depends on your desire (a couple of centimeters or ten).
  3. We move on to knitting the cuff of the sock. When doing this, use a hosiery knit. You can also choose the length of the cuff yourself.

Toe heel:

This part is the most subject to wear and tear, so more attention should be paid to it.

  1. To knit the heel, you need to take only the first and fourth knitting needles, we will leave the rest free (in general, you can take any two of the four that are next to each other, and do not touch the rest). We will knit the height of our heel. Connect the loops on 1 and 4 knitting needles to one and start working.

  • When knitting the heel, you can take an extra thread that doesn't stretch and knit in a double layer. So that the heel comes out tight and does not rub out very quickly, does not wear out, we will use the following knitting technique:
  • On the front part (remove the first loop (edging), knit 1 front, remove 1, knit 1 front, and so on). We use this method to the end of the row.
  • On the seamy side we knit all the loops (purl).
  • Using this pattern, we knit about 5-8 centimeters (this is the heel height).
  • Let's give the shape and volume of the work done, already the end of tying the heel. We divide the number of knitting needles by three, if their number is not evenly divisible, then we will leave more with the middle knitting needle (we had 55 loops, we left 18 on the side ones, on the middle 19). Let's start from the first side (any) and the middle part. We will knit the last loop from the second side. Thus, the loops on the side needles will gradually decrease, the shape will become voluminous.
    That is, in the first row we will knit 17 loops, and we knit 18 and 19 as one (instead of that one front). Then we will knit 15 loops and from 16 and 17 we will again make one.
  • We turn the work over and continue to knit. Doing all the same actions (we knit the last loop of the middle from the first one from the side).
  • Our heel will gradually form a volumetric shape (boxes). We decrease the loops until they end on the side knitting needles.
  • The heel formed and gradually took the shape we needed.
  • In order to move on to making the sole, we will need to add loops. We will knit them from the edge (extreme lateral) side of the resulting product.
  • The heel itself is ready, then to complete the sock, you will need to knit the length to the little finger with ordinary hosiery. After that, decrease 2 loops to the end of the product, fasten 2 or 4 remaining loops.

The heel is ready! It's not as difficult as it seemed! Good luck with your work!

With the arrival of the autumn and winter cold, thoughts of warm knitted socks appear more and more often. It's easy to buy such a product in a store, but it's more tempting to do everything yourself. Even having mastered the basic principle of knitting, they are often faced with the question of how to knit the heel of a sock. We are ready to offer you some of the most common options. Applying in practice the experience of knitting other craftswomen, you can in your free time try all types of knitting of such a part as the heel, thereby warming all family members in winter with cozy woolen products.

Step-by-step instructions with diagrams and a description of work

The heel in the toe is the place that is most prone to wear and tear. To increase the strength, add a thin elastic acrylic or cotton thread for sewing No. 30 or No. 40 to the prepared woolen or semi-woolen yarn (you can use a different color, which will only decorate the product). Increase the wear resistance of the heel - and socks will delight you with their warmth for much longer. The little leg is knitted with an elastic band so that it fits snugly around the leg.

Sometimes the elastic is made low, only on the cuff, and the leg is decorated with a pattern in the form of braids or plaits. This style is well suited for women of any age. A bright mix of different colors looks beautiful on your feet, which you can easily create from the remnants of yarn accumulated from previous work. This will not only save the budget, but also a pleasure, because any family member will be happy to wear such funny new clothes.

Workshop on knitting straight heel socks

To knit a straight classic heel, you need 5 stocking needles, four of which form a square, and the fifth is a working one, on which a set of loops occurs. Having tied the leg with the cuff of the required length, proceed to the most difficult stage. Having mastered the skills of knitting in a straight line, it will be easier for you to learn how to work according to other patterns.

  • To knit the wall of the heel, using knitting needles # 1 and # 4, you need to knit the fabric - the required number of rows of satin stitches with front loops. There should be two fewer of them than the dialed loops (the sum on two needles is 28, the rows should be 26).
  • In order to correctly knit the lower part, you need to count the number of loops, divide in multiples of three. If the number n is divisible, then the middle part will be larger (11 + 12 + 11).
  • The middle part is knitted with satin stitch: front side - front side, purl side - purl side. The side loops with each row should be reduced, as the outer loops are knitted together.
  • The execution of the lower part is as follows: 1st - knitted with the front, in the middle part, the last loop is knitted together with the crossing front, the work is unrolled; The 2nd purl begins with the extreme loop being removed as purl, the middle is knitted with the purl, the extreme with the next also purl, turn over; 3rd - knits according to the scheme, like the 1st. Then the scheme is repeated until only the middle part remains after assembly.

The method of knitting socks on knitting needles with a boomerang heel

Having knitted the shin in a circle on four knitting needles, you can proceed to the heel like "Boomerang". It is slightly shorter than the traditional one. For the heel, you need another extra spoke. Double stitches are not knitted.

  • According to the "Boomerang" scheme, the heel is knitted only with the front ones. If the shin is knitted with an elastic band, then before starting the rounding you need to go to the surface, making a decrease along the entire row by 2 loops.
  • Divide the total number of loops into three equal parts, or add 1-2 extra loops to the central part, which turned out to be in the remainder after division.
  • 1st is knitted with all facial.
  • 2nd - Turning knit over, do double stitch once. It is important that both the loop and the thread are tight so that large holes will not form. To do this, insert the knitting needle into the loop and grab the thread located in front of it. Remove together by pulling the thread tightly back. Knit purl. After completing the row, you need to turn the work over.
  • 3rd - stretch a double loop. Further, all are facial. Double loop. Turn over.
  • 4th - we repeat like the 2nd. Further according to the scheme, until the loops remain only on the middle part.

Method of knitting a stepped heel at the toe

The stepped heel is knitted in the same way as in previous cases, using the first and fourth knitting needles, leaving the second and third needles temporarily aside.

  • For the back wall of the loop from the first and fourth knitting needles, throw on one and knit with the front stitch.
  • With a reinforced knit, we begin to create a stepped heel in several stages.
  • 1st - facial. We remove one loop as a purl, pull the thread back, knit a front loop. Turn over.
  • 2nd - purl. Turn over.
  • 3rd - alternation of one front loop, remove one purl.
  • 4th - purl. Then repeat from the first to the fourth row.
  • The second step is knitted as follows: the last dialed loop of the edge and the first set aside are knitted together with the front broach. Turning the knitting needles with a thread, remove the first loop as purl, then knit purl. Continue in this way until all the loops of the first and second steps are connected at the seam.

Double knit heel knitting

You can increase the wear resistance of knitted socks not only by adding additional thread, but by putting into practice a special method of knitting a double heel, increasing its thickness.

  • As in all cases, knit the back wall in reverse and straight rows with a satin stitch. Once you've got the height you want, stop on the front row and start shaping the cup.
  • Divide all the loops into three parts equally or more on the center.
  • On the seamy side: left loop, middle, last from the center, sewn together with the first loop on the right side. Turn over.
  • Front row: middle, hem and last loops are knitted together with the side one, which is next to it. After each row, the work must be turned over.
  • By knitting all the side loops, you will close the formed cup. Then you can start tying the instep wedge and foot.

Video tutorials for beginners on knitting heel socks with knitting needles

It is not easy to take the first steps in knitting. Having detailed instructions at hand, it is not always easy to understand everything, it is impossible to knit a beautiful thing the first time, with even rows of loops. Having stuffed your hand a little on simpler things that fit in a straight, even fabric, try to start a complicated program. Learn from the video how to knit different heels of the sock. Let the next step be warm socks for the smallest member of the family. You will knit them quickly, thanks to the size, you will acquire skills, and, most importantly, you will keep the baby's feet warm.

The initial course of video tutorials, which are offered by craftswomen with experience in knitting from the first loop to the last knot, will significantly help those who have only recently become acquainted with knitting needles. Unhurried movements, accessible, detailed explanation will dot the "I" with questions, if before that some moment of tying the heel was not clear. Working on socks made of wool or other soft warm yarn for a baby will only bring pleasure and benefit, and at the next stage, try to knit socks using different methods, which you learned about from a useful video.

How to form a heel when knitting socks with knitting needles

How to tie a heel on socks for kids

By learning to knit wool socks, you can protect your whole family from the cold in winter. We will explain how to knit socks with knitting needles. Having mastered the recommendations for beginners step by step, you can move on to more serious things. You will not be confused by jacquard patterns, patchwork style, knitted ornaments and braids on socks.

p.s In the last article, we looked at how to crochet socks

You can create knitted socks with patterns for women, men and children - it will not be difficult for you.

How to knit 5-knitting socks for beginners

We'll show you how to knit 5-knitting socks for beginners. With this knitting technique, products are obtained without seams. We knit the socks in a spiral so that they fit perfectly to the leg. The process starts from the top of the toe towards the toe, knitting must be done in a circular fashion. Loops are typed on four of the prepared knitting needles, while the fifth is working.

To calculate the number of required loops, you need to take into account the circumference of the leg. You need two such circles:

  • in the instep area, measured from the heel to the slope rise;
  • legs near the foot, measured above the bone, this is where the leg is thinnest.

Both of these dimensions must be added and the resulting value divided by two, getting the average size of the circle. If the circumference in the rise was 31 centimeters, and in the thin part of the leg - 21 cm, then their sum is 52 cm, and its half is 26 cm. The set of loops is calculated precisely from this size. The number of loops obtained by calculating must be rounded to a multiple of four so that there are no problems with working on four knitting needles.

Having typed the required number of loops, we divide them equally between the four knitting needles, we begin to form an elastic band with a circular knitting method. Its size usually leaves 5-6 cm, if you wish, you can reduce it. Next, by knitting, 7-8 centimeters are knitted to the beginning of the heel.

It is necessary to knit the heel of the sock on the needles from half the number of loops, the rest remain on those knitting needles that are not currently being used. On two of the knitting needles, a 5.5 - 6 cm fabric is knitted in the front way, which is the height of the heel. Its size is associated with the rise of a particular leg, it can be made smaller, but after the 35th size it is the same size.

Now you need to provide the heel with the necessary shape, make it down, dividing the loops into three equal parts. If the number of loops is not divisible by three, that is, there are excess loops, they must be connected to the central heel. The stitches in the center can be continued to work, and the stitches that form the sides of the heel are connected to the stitches in the center.

The descent of the loops should start from the wrong side and end from the front side. Two thirds of all loops are knitted with purl, after which two loops are knitted together with a purl loop - the last of the central loops and the initial one from the third part. Then the knitting unfolds and continues on the front heel side. During the turn, the initial of the loops is removed without knitting.

Knitting continues with the front ones, and the last loop from among the central ones with the initial loop from the first part is knitted together by the broaching method (the first of the loops is removed, the second is knitted like a front loop, after which the removed loop is thrown onto the previously knitted one). Then the knitting turns again, the initial loop is removed without knitting it, and everything is repeated.

Knitting must be continued until the side loops are closed. Next, loops on the lateral heel part are typed, in each even row one of the loops is typed, and one more loop is additionally made, therefore, three loops are typed on two rows. This is followed by the transition to a circular knitting method.

The loops left on the knitting needles are taken to work, loops are again recruited from the sides of the heel and from its center part. The initial row is knitted with face-type loops, then in each even of the circular rows, starting from the tip of the first knitting needle, the 3rd and 2nd loops are knitted with the front-type loops, and on the 4th knitting needles the 2nd and 3rd of the loops knit together by broaching. This allows the heel to fit better to the foot.

Decreases are repeated until the number of loops is equal to the primary one, which was dialed at the very beginning of the work. The foot is knitted around the circumference of the viscous facial type to the beginning of the thumb or to the tip of the little finger. Next, the toe is knitted. The loops are reduced like this: in an even row, the 3rd and 2nd loops from the ends of the first and third knitting needles are knitted together using the front type of loops, and on the 2nd and 4th knitting needles, the second and third loops can be knitted together using the broaching method. When only half of all stitches remain, these deletions begin in all rows until the last four stitches remain. It remains to pull them off with a thread and tie. Now you have an idea how to knit socks.

How to knit socks on two needles for beginners

Having learned how to knit socks of a simple model using five knitting needles, now let's see how to knit socks on two knitting needles. In this case, you can also use the circular type of knitting needles. In this way, you can knit beautiful socks with knitting needles, the patterns allow you to get patterns of various complexity. Some people worry that this knitting technique leaves a seam on the toe. But it is enough to complete it beautifully, to connect the edges correctly, so that this seam is not noticeable either by sight or by touch.

Video examples of knitting on five knitting needles

Knitting socks with five knitting needles for beginners. Women's sock with an elastic band is knitted on short needles, the size of which is 3.5. For knitting, you need to dial 48 loops, which are evenly distributed at the rate of 12 loops for each knitting needle.

Video lesson:

Socks for beginners. Knit on five needles from the cuff to the toe. Knitting needles # 2 were used. The yarn is per 100 grams of 250 meters. The fiber is half woolen and half acrylic. Socks are designed for sizes 35 - 37. The length of the sock is approximately 20 cm. This is the classic way to create socks.

Video lesson:

The simplest classic, seamless, grandmother's socks, knitted on five needles. Designed for the leg of a two-year-old child with a foot length of 14-15 centimeters. Used needles number 2 - 2.5, yarn produced by "Pekhorka" "Derevenskaya", it contains 100% wool. There are 250 meters of thread per 100 grams. It does not hurt to have remnants of the same wool in other colors to create jewelry. 10 loops are typed on each of the knitting needles.

Video lesson:

Children's socks, knitted. Since the sock is small, you can knit on three knitting needles, and 10 loops are typed on each. The work begins with knitting the elastic band 1: 1.

Video lesson:

Knitted socks for beginners. The yarn should be the same thickness as the knitting needles. If you take a thread thicker than knitting needles, the sock will turn out denser, and from a thread thinner than knitting needles, the knitting will turn out to be less dense. The socks will be tied in two strands. The yarn has a length of 200 meters per 100 grams. For the toe and heel area, synthetic thread is used in addition to woolen thread. You can use nylon or synthetic wool. The needles are used with a diameter of 2.5 mm.

Video lesson:

Video examples of knitting on two needles

Warm socks without seams for foot sizes 37-38 will require 60 grams of yarn, half wool and half acrylic. In a skein - 240 meters per 100 grams. You can use knitting needles with a diameter of 3.5 or 4 mm. The work starts from the front, then the fabric of the sole is knitted and at the end - the heel. The socks are knitted on two needles.

Video lesson:

Plain socks, knitted on two needles. It is easier to knit on two knitting needles, although it turns out a sock with a seam. Knitting needles No. 3.5 and yarn were used, in which there are 240 meters per 100 grams. 50 loops are typed - 48 for the sock itself and two edge loops.

Video lesson:

The socks on two needles are knitted from semi-wool, which will require about 100 grams. Knitting needles used number 2. Designed socks for 37th foot size, but if you want, you can increase the size. A seam forms on the inside of the sock.

Video lesson:

A simplified method for knitting socks using two knitting needles. This is twice as fast as five knitting needles. To determine the number of stitches, it is better to knit a pattern of 10 or 20 stitches. After knitting the elastic, you can go to knitting with the front satin stitch.

Video lesson:

A simple way to make knitted socks on two needles. Many people find it inconvenient to work with five knitting needles, but socks that do not have a seam can be knitted using only two knitting needles. It is advisable to use multi-colored yarn, enough leftovers. Knitting needles used No. 3.5.

Video lesson: